Home Tooth pain Lucky numbers for Capricorns. Capricorn character: description, distinctive features and compatibility

Lucky numbers for Capricorns. Capricorn character: description, distinctive features and compatibility

One of the winter representatives of the zodiac is Capricorn, the “ward” of the planet Saturn and a representative of the earth element. It is believed that people born under this sign are ambitious and purposeful, and incredible fortitude helps them to be so.

But this is only a general judgment. In fact, much will depend on the gender of the person, and on the time and date of birth.

General description of the sign

Capricorns are people born between December 22 and January 20. These are strong people who strive for great achievements and are often successful in their careers. They go to their goal through any obstacles and look only forward. For other people, they seem inconspicuous, because they do not seek to attract increased public attention. In fact, a fight or quarrel with a representative of this sign is unlikely to end in his defeat. Capricorn loves to win, to be a leader, and he succeeds in this brilliantly.

Negative feature of this sign is that he is able to express his thoughts out loud without choosing expressions. But usually he acts wisely and does not make enemies out of nowhere. He will agree with the interlocutor, adapt to him, but this is only an appearance, which does not mean at all that Capricorn is losing ground. He is quite capable of letting others go ahead of him, but in the end he will still be first.

Capricorns are careful and avoid pitfalls. Thanks to this, they very rarely make mistakes and stumble along the way. People under this sign are not dreamers, but absolute realists.

The following feelings and qualities are unusual for them:

  • laziness;
  • jealousy;
  • impulsiveness;
  • ​passion.

A person born under this sign considers such qualities to be a weakness, does not attach importance to them and does not welcome them in other people. Rather, he will sympathize with those who are lazy, jealous or overly emotional in love and communication. Of course, there are also romantic people, but they also look at the world soberly.

Characteristics of a Capricorn man

Most often, men of this sign are very successful. They are strong-willed and ambitious. They strive for leadership and superiority, but at the same time they are very romantic.

Sometimes it seems that they are secretive and love solitude, and are not very inclined to communicate. But this is far from true. At heart, men of this sign are quite romantic and dreamy. They love surprises, pleasant company and confidential communication. Another question is that not every man of this sign will reveal all his secrets and experiences.

There is a lot this sign will never show outwardly.. In appearance, he will be cold and indifferent, even if something extremely surprised him. This is his nature. He is a realist, and dreaming about the impossible is not in his rules. A man of this sign very rarely commits impulsive, rash actions, but if he has already decided something, it means that this decision was balanced and clearly thought out.

Love and relationships with women

For the one who allows the romantic nature of this sign to break free, he can move mountains, because Capricorn loves praise and recognition, to feel respect, to know that he is appreciated and considered the best, smartest, beautiful, etc.

Everything that is said to this sign must come from the heart. These should not be general phrases, but words specifically related to him, since this sign senses insincerity a mile away. Although, when he hears praise, he doesn’t know what to do with it, and most often he just gets embarrassed or leaves the conversation.

With age, the “sons of Saturn” often change and become easier to communicate with. This is their extraordinary feature - they only get better over the years. A man of this sign will be best husband and a father in the world, will be attentive and loving. If romantic relationship lead to marriage, then over the years the family will only become stronger.

Capricorn treats his loved ones with great respect and a sense of duty. For him to want to create a couple with a woman, she must:

  • to please all his relatives;
  • to love them, even if deep down she cannot stand them;
  • show that she is a good housewife, a caring wife and loves children very much;
  • be able to avoid putting your chosen one before a choice.

A man of this sign gets married only after he achieves success in his career, and chooses his companion very carefully. He needs a keeper of the hearth, a good mother and loving woman. If the chosen one meets these criteria, then the man will pay attention to her appearance only later. Beauty is, of course, important to him, but to a very minimal extent: he values ​​the inner qualities of a woman much more. Therefore, the potential chosen one should show all her best sides at the very beginning of the relationship.

If Capricorn’s parents don’t like a woman when they meet, then she is unlikely to become his wife. The approval of loved ones is very important for him, so the lady must show herself with the best side- how deliciously she cooks, knows how to care and love. And after receiving a marriage proposal, the girl must firmly make it clear that she is glad to see all his relatives, but they should not influence their lives in any way and interfere with advice.

Marriage and childcare

Most likely, the wife of a representative of this sign will be deprived of a lot of pleasant words and endearments. If his wife reproaches him for this, he will be very surprised, because for him this is the norm. It is very difficult for Capricorn to say compliments and pleasant words, so if his chosen one wants to hear these words every day, it is best to agree on this at the very beginning of the relationship.

Capricorn is a wonderful father. He is always the undisputed authority in the house, demanding obedience and respect between all family members. If the child obeys his father, then in return he will receive family trips to the zoo, the best holidays and all kinds of gifts. A woman should teach children to hug their father and play with him, so that the Capricorn man knows that fatherhood is not only education, but also the greatest pleasure.

He treats his grandchildren completely differently. He allows them a lot, spoils them and loves them very much.

A man of this sign is very frightened by even the thought of divorce.. But if it is completely unbearable for him to live with a woman, he can simply ignore her completely, while remaining one family with her.

If he is happily married, then with age he will love his wife a thousand times more than when he met. He will not be afraid of gray hair, wrinkles and excess weight. He will always see his beloved as a kindred spirit, no matter what she looks like.

Capricorn woman and her character

It can be very different. A representative of this sign can be the center of attention, or maybe an aloof loner who does not need company.

All Capricorn ladies have one thing in common:

  • determination;
  • ambition;
  • independence.

Many of them actively strive to career growth, and from the outside it seems that love takes last place for them. But that's not true. Women of this sign carefully choose a partner whom they can be proud of. Uninitiative mummy's boys are completely unsuitable for them. They are always in search of a protector, the head of the family, capable of taking responsibility for their decisions and achieving success.

Love and family

For a Capricorn woman, career success and financial independence are very important, but this does not mean at all that she can sacrifice her family for the sake of work. On the contrary, she will very quickly lose interest in any success if she has good house and family.

The Capricorn lady is often depressed, but she will never show it outwardly. She may have a brief period of overwhelming happiness, but if she feels unappreciated, then she Bad mood can last a long time. Her husband must understand that his wife’s balance and calmness are actually only external. Inside, she is very prone to mood swings.

Husbands of Capricorn women are faced with the following character traits of their wives:

  • pessimism;
  • worries about the future;
  • low self-esteem;
  • rejection of criticism and jokes addressed to oneself.

With someone who appreciates her and will often tell her about her value and significance, the Capricorn woman will become truly happy. With a person whom she will respect and be proud of, she will feel safe, although her pessimism will constantly paint her pictures that this could all be a deception. She needs stability and reliability, immense trust and understanding.

She loves her loved ones very much. This is the center of her universe, and she will not allow her chosen one to speak insultingly about members of her family. She will be very attentive and kind to her husband’s relatives, even if her true attitude towards them is far from ideal.

These women are very economical and practical. It is unlikely that you will see a Capricorn at a bargain sale. They do not fill their home with unnecessary things, and everything they buy is exclusively necessary things.

Relationships with husband and children

Children for a Capricorn mother are a very important step, for which she has been preparing for a long time. She takes her upbringing very seriously and tries to instill in her children kindness, participation and respect for people. Mom tries to give them better education, often works with them at home, enrolls them in sports clubs or creative activities.

With her husband, the Capricorn spouse often behaves stubbornly, trying to constantly push him to the top of Olympus. She vitally needs a man who will achieve success. She herself has been striving for self-improvement all her life and demands the same from her man. If for some reason he lags behind or does not want to do anything, then, most likely, disagreements will begin in such a family.

The Capricorn wife is a hidden leader. Even if it seems to the husband that he is the head of the family, in fact, all his decisions are controlled by his half. She skillfully presents her opinion so that her husband thinks that he decided it.

The beauty of Capricorn women

Most often, women of this sign are incredibly attractive. But they themselves rarely feel like that and are dissatisfied with their appearance.

Capricorns don't wear makeup very often. Just a minimum of light makeup on the face - and they already look stunning. As a rule, they don’t really need cosmetics, because Capricorn women are naturally endowed with beauty that lasts for many years.

Capricorns are strong-willed people who independently struggle with difficulties and help others overcome obstacles. They are very good friends, husbands and wives. No wonder Capricorn is compatible with most other zodiac signs.

Throughout their lives, Capricorns of both sexes try to move up. They constantly need to improve, and it makes absolutely no difference how low their start was. They don't need an immediate easy victory. They must achieve everything themselves, on their own.

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This constellation is under the patronage of Saturn. This explains the stubbornness, tenacity and endurance of Capricorns. Step by step, those born under this sign move towards their intended goal and ultimately achieve their goal. We’ll talk more about what the character of Capricorns is in our article.

General characteristics of the sign

Capricorns are quite reserved and self-confident. Such people will never make an impression with their appearance. They very rarely discuss their own, considering it above their own dignity. Thanks to this, they make a special impression on others.

The character of Capricorn pushes all representatives of this sign to strive to rise to the very top. This applies to both the spiritual and life components. Most Capricorns are rocks that stand up to difficult situations.

As a rule, it is Capricorns who know how to be cold-blooded and heartless. Therefore, those born under this sign are future businessmen, officials and politicians who have the ability to conclude any deals that bring benefits.

The main features of most Capricorns are modesty, moderation, lack of imagination, balance, and frugality. Such people do not follow fashion and prefer to dress the way they are comfortable. Those born under this sign like to look correct rather than interesting.

Capricorn man. Character

Stubborn. The mind is quite developed. Representatives of the strong half of humanity, born to be the most resilient and resilient people - both morally and physically.

Secretive and ambitious inside, they live only in reality. Capricorn (character description in our article) is very hardworking. Success attracts him with terrible force. Step by step, very slowly but swiftly, he conquers his goal, overcoming every obstacle with diligence, perseverance and incredible patience. Nothing and no one can stop Capricorn from following his intended path.

Even as a child, he sets a goal for himself and independently tries to strive for its implementation. The same goes for work. The character of Capricorns forces you to analyze every detail, make plans, put things in order in your thoughts, so as not to return to trifles later. This employee is valued in every area. He is an excellent industrialist and a talented statesman.

Capricorn man. Character in communication

Those born under this sign are surrounded by love and respect, but they are very difficult to get close to. Capricorns are quite reserved and are not ready to be frank. Such people are respectable and stable. A decision will never be made without first thinking through every detail. He is not characterized by risk and impulsiveness.

Often those born under this sign are shy and sensitive, but they try to carefully hide it. Their pride sometimes becomes an obstacle to communication and a cause of suffering.

Separately, it is worth talking about what the character of the Snake-Capricorn is. This nature is quite contradictory, so most of the traits inherent in Capricorn abruptly disappear under the influence of this creeping animal. Such people analyze information well, have good intuition, and often think first and then act. Capricorn Snakes are eloquent and creatively developed. They are very sexy and charming, although they rarely use these qualities.

Horoscope: Capricorn. Character of a Capricorn woman

The sense of smell and beauty of these women will never dry up. At the age of 35, men like them more than at 20. But courting such a girl is quite difficult. She's always building high wall between themselves and their fans.

Women born under the sign of Capricorn value their independence. They are amazing directors, managers, administrators and teachers.

Main character traits of Capricorn women

Their main qualities are practicality, rigor and independence. Such women, however, like Capricorn men, slowly but surely follow their goal. They spend a long time building the foundation, and then putting everything together brick by brick.

Capricorn women do not pay attention to prices; they buy whatever they like. In the eyes of others, representatives of this sign seem to be weak rivals who do not show initiative and submit to various unfavorable circumstances. But this is not so - these women prefer to silently strive for their goal, without showing anyone their true aspirations and ideas.

Character of a Capricorn child

The negative qualities of children born under the sign of Capricorn are narrow-mindedness, tediousness, inflexibility, suspicion, jealousy, melancholy and a tendency to loneliness.

The child is very timid and shy, especially when adult strangers are present. These kids are very interesting to watch. They slowly and seriously learn on their own external world. Capricorn children are very similar to little adults because, despite their age, they take life seriously. It's quite difficult to make them laugh. Such children are always tense and rarely relax, so the main task of parents is the ability to create a warm and comfortable environment for them.

You should laugh more often with a Capricorn child, tell him fairy tales and fantastic stories so that he learns to fantasize at least a little.

These children love being alone very much. Loud and crowded environments are alien to them. Therefore, you should not force your child to visit if he or she does not want to.

You should also not be afraid that the baby is not developing as well because of his love of loneliness. Such children move through life very slowly, in small steps, gradually peering and studying the world around them.

Parents will never have problems with discipline, since Capricorn children are very responsible. They love to be talked to like adults. Parents should take their children to various exhibitions and museums more often. This will give the Capricorn baby unearthly pleasure. Get close to him so that adolescence did not arise serious problems with upbringing.

with other signs

Capricorn, the character whose compatibility is discussed in our article, gets along rather poorly with Aries, Libra and Cancer. A favorable alliance will be with Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus and Pisces.

Capricorns will have mutual understanding and great love with Taurus. It’s better not to build a relationship with Gemini at all. Friendly relationships are only possible with Leo. This tandem is not suitable for love and marriage.

There will be no happy and strong marriage with Aquarius. The same applies to Sagittarius.

Capricorn is the most purposeful sign of the zodiac. He solves the assigned task consistently, without haste or unnecessary emotions, and relies primarily on his own strength. He spares no time in thinking through all the details and making an informed decision, as a result of which he achieves desired result faster than more temperamental but superficial people.

Capricorn does not succumb to the influence of others and is not dependent on the opinions of other people. He has his own opinion on everything, which he prefers to keep to himself. Capricorn can patiently endure criticism addressed to him and, without interrupting, listen to someone who gives countless arguments defending his position. Externally representative earth element remains unshakable, does not enter into conflict, but acts as he sees fit.

Character Weaknesses

Capricorn is conservative, and therefore everything new does not inspire confidence in him. We are talking about both the practical side of life and personal relationships. Capricorn finds it just as difficult to get close to others as it is, but the latter, although slowly, still achieve trusting relationships with people who are disposed towards them. Capricorn is the first individual in the entire zodiac system; he is suspicious and distrustful, and it is impossible to understand what is on his mind. He can show sympathy to another person for personal gain, while considering him almost an empty place. Capricorn's secrecy and insincerity narrow his already narrow circle of friends even more.

Capricorn is a materialist. He does not believe in intuition, high feelings, and everything that cannot be touched with his hands. Among Capricorns there are the most atheists, but this is mere statistics, and in their personal lives it is very difficult for them to find happiness. Capricorn often offends with his mistrust those who treat him with their souls, and tries to understand what material benefit this person is looking for in an alliance with him. Representatives of this zodiac sign are much more likely than other people to enter into arranged marriages and upset the people who love them with their coldness.

In personal life

In love, Capricorn is the coldest sign of the zodiac, creating an invisible barrier between itself and its partner. For personal happiness, Capricorn needs an inconspicuous and modest person with a calm temperament, who will not have the desire (or courage) to invade his personal space. A representative of the earthly element likes to be alone for a long time, so he will definitely conflict with his chosen one if he turns out to be sociable, energetic and loves active recreation, for example, like, and. Capricorn loves a calm and measured life, so he prefers love affairs with predictable and melancholic people.

IN family life Capricorns are stable, so their marriages are usually very long. Unlike representatives of many other zodiac signs, who can connect their lives with a loved one based on passionate love, Capricorn chooses not with his heart, but with his head. When choosing a life partner, he does not make hasty decisions; he gets to know his chosen one as closely as possible, so when entering into marriage, he clearly understands what he is getting into. Representatives of this zodiac sign most often create families in adulthood and live with their spouse until old age.

See Capricorn's compatibility with other zodiac signs:

Capricorn man

The representative of this zodiac sign is smart, balanced, reasonable and calculating. He loves everyday comfort, stability at work and the predictable course of events. He prefers to communicate with reliable people, because he himself does not like to let others down, and expects an appropriate attitude towards himself.

The Capricorn man is a hard worker, so he easily climbs the career ladder. He often holds the position of leader, and his subordinates do not like him for his pickiness, but nevertheless respect him. He makes no claims to anyone without merit, perceives the common cause as his own, and does everything for its success. Capricorn is not afraid of financial responsibility, is very attentive, and avoids dubious transactions. As a rule, he is legally literate and aware of all the nuances of his field of activity.

For the woman he loves, he can become a reliable shoulder, but he will not tolerate a consumerist attitude towards himself. His love unions are not based on passion, but on mutual benefit with his partner. The Capricorn man loves to combine work and personal life, so if his marriage is cemented by the family business, the relationship with his wife promises to be strong.

Capricorn Woman

A representative of the earthly element from a young age, she is wise beyond her years, responsible and judicious. She does not panic and acts confidently under any circumstances. The Capricorn woman is not fussy and consistent. She does not share her plans with anyone, so the decisions she makes and seemingly unexpected actions often have the effect of thunder among clear skies for others. However, there is no spontaneity here - everything was thought out in advance and weighed several times.

The Capricorn woman keeps her emotions under control. This is not a person who is given away by gestures, facial expressions or changes in tone in conversation. Her appearance will not give the interlocutor any information at all, so you can only judge her attitude towards herself by evaluating her actions. She also keeps her inner experiences to herself, so she can be under serious psychological stress, while her close people don’t even know about it.

In relationships with men, she behaves calmly and cautiously. Before getting close to someone, she will collect as much information as possible about him, find out how he lived before, and be sure to show interest in his financial situation, and this is not a matter of self-interest. The Capricorn woman is a completely independent person, but she will not tolerate a man next to her who wants to solve his financial or housing problems with her help. She is not susceptible to flattery and beautiful courtship, so she leaves no chance for gigolos. As a rule, for family life she chooses a person who is as similar to herself as possible and lives with him long years.

Video: CAPRICORN ♑ Zodiac sign

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j - Zodiac sign - Capricorn.

Basic properties:

Capricorn is practical and punctual, ambitious. He is often accused of being cold, but in fact he loves deeply, but has difficulty expressing his feelings. At work he achieves success in all endeavors. Capricorns are loyal, reliable, honest and simple, like the earth itself.

Properties Description
Date of: Western astrology December 22 - January 20
Indian astrology January 15 - February 12
Constellation according to the Sun January 19 - February 16
Mascot: Black cat, panther.
Symbols: Goat, ladder, tower clock.
Colors: Dark green, black, ash gray, blue, pale yellow, dark brown and all dark tones.
Stones: Ruby, onyx, garnet, Moonstone, lapis lazuli.
Metal: Lead.
Essential oils: Mint, geranium, jasmine, sage, eucalyptus, coriander, cloves, fir.
White carnations, black poppies, ivy.

Temperament and character:

The sign of fate, retribution, philosophy, the beginning of the world, the ruthlessness of time, is distantly related to instincts and uses moderation and restraint as an internal system of self-preservation. In general, Capricorns don't care about looking attractive. They rarely talk about themselves and consider it above their dignity to use charm. They do not demonstrate their merits, which is why they make a weak impression or do not make one at all. They love dim lighting in rooms. As in other signs, there is low, medium and higher types, but everyone strives to ascend to the peak of spiritual or everyday life. Not everyone has the resources to achieve them vitality- endurance, endurance, despite great stamina - the main feature of Capricorns. Some of their Capricorns are a rock, confronting difficult situations, others like Virgo are “worker bees”, never tired of searching for instant solutions or solving a problem with the tenacity of a Taurus until they find the right and final answer, until they turn lead into gold. Capricorns can be cold-blooded businessmen or politicians who know how to make deals. These are patient, fair, loving, although strict fathers who do not demonstrate their love. In Capricorns, under the calm serenity, greed and self-denial, the demon and the god, can endlessly struggle. Capricorn's disdain for charm and attractiveness is reflected in his clothing. The main motives for men and women are simplicity, moderation, balance, modesty, economy, little imagination. Usually they deviate from fashion, many simply despise the cost of clothing. They are ascetic in their youth, but then suddenly become extravagant. The only motive that forces them to pay at least some attention to clothes is ambition. They prefer to appear correct rather than arousing interest.

Love and marriage:

Similar to red wine, may improve with age as internal stiffness disappears. At first they are alien to people due to their distant connection with instincts. They resist infatuation out of fear of loss and suffering. They want a minimum of pleasure for a minimum of pain, but a mask of icy indifference can hide the most painful passions, which are suppressed in order to avoid submission to the feelings. The consequence is breakdowns of various forms. Some try to fill the inner emptiness with a thirst for power and collecting, others retreat into silence or into nervous quirks, and sometimes become physically ill in the desert of selfishness and stinginess. Others, accepting such a fate, live unhappily in solitude, as if indifference were the natural human condition, or pretend to be reconciled to fate, proclaiming their loneliness as proof of their spiritual merits, hiding dogmatism and bilious corrosiveness under a cover of false kindness. Others may be susceptible to memories of past losses and refuse to forgive betrayals. They are faithful, loyal and live inconsolable, sad and deeply vulnerable lives. Many can live alone, without love, until almost 45-50 years of age. Then they open up, submit to everything they have fought against and rejected, and give it their all. Although it may seem that Capricorn is such a "cracker", nevertheless, he is very vulnerable. In this regard, be sensitive to the issue of marriage. Here Capricorn is monogamous, because he prefers constancy. If he plays the role of a successful lover, forgetting about his wife, then only for reasons of his career. Emotionally, Capricorn should look for Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and collaboration with Scorpio is especially good. Gemini and Cancer should be avoided.

Choice of profession:

Attitude towards money:

Capricorn's money is an indicator of the success of his business. They are the main result. He knows how to draw up a planned statement of expenses and income. At work, this is a business plan, and at home, it is the reports of everyone who has anything to do with money.

Comfort preferences:

For Capricorn, even a spartan environment is cozy. He is not particularly picky about recreational conditions. It is important for him that after a good rest he can get ready for work without any time delays.

Life planning:

Capricorn always strives to have an organizer with him, where he writes down all upcoming tasks and the results of their implementation. He has his own, individual system for assessing the success of business, on which he ultimately relies.


Capricorn trusts the opinions of others most of all if it is based on specific calculations. He is proud of the results of this analysis and often does not admit that there could be an error in it. Such optimism sometimes makes your head spin and prevents you from looking at things soberly.


For people of this zodiac tradition, order and a sense of responsibility are not empty phrases. Capricorns love camellia. They like perfumes with a tobacco aroma and the smell of leather. They are also captivated by the smells of jasmine. The tart smell of moss, wood and medicinal herbs stimulates their concentration. Give them a tart-fresh perfume with a floral-fruity accent in a massive bottle and dark packaging, such as anthracite, dark blue or dark green.

Days and numbers:

    Favorable numbers: 3, 5, 7, 8 (all numbers divisible by 8), 14.

    Lucky day: Tuesday, Saturday.

    Unlucky day: Monday.

Those born from December 22 to January 2 - under the influence of Jupiter - are calm, prudent, systematic natures, acquire wealth and success, but there is a risk of going broke. Important years: 30, 57.

Those born from January 3 to January 13 - under the influence of Mars - people who reek of domestic boredom, famous bad influence on others. Important years: 16, 24, 30, 33, 57.

Those born from January 14 to January 20 - under the influence of the Sun - are efficient, strong, passionate, contradictory, and sometimes prone to despondency. Important years: 21, 30, 31, 41, 50, 57.


It resists the disease better than it seems. It can survive anyone if it does not allow it to ossify. He does not notice the first signs of illness, and when something happens, he imagines that it is fatal. Weak spots: knees, thighs above knees, bones, muscles, blood circulation, thyroid, leather. The skin should be kept extremely clean. They often suffer from excess calcium: calcium deposits - stone on the teeth, growth of lumps and bulges (extra bones) on the hands, wrists, ankles. Deafness due to sclerosis. Many people eat too monotonous food - they need vitamins and replenishment of hormonal deficiency. There may be sluggish digestion. Many people limit themselves almost all their lives, and then suddenly after 60 years they gain weight. Everyone is susceptible to colds, arthritis, vertebral scoliosis, circular blockages, deposits in veins and arteries, sclerosis, thinning of the walls of blood vessels, dermatoses, eczema, varicose veins, kidney and heart attacks. Preventive measures: carefully varied diet, little salt, sunny climate, Mountain air, absence of drafts, warm underwear and nightwear, regular massage and not staying in bed too much. The worst enemies are humidity and cold, prescriptions should be moderate, consistent, not radical, often hypochondria. For complaints, psychotherapy is desirable with an emphasis on bringing internal anxiety into harmony with apparent indifference. The condition of Capricorn depends greatly on the composition of minerals in the body, on the quality of the skin, connective tissue, superficial mucous layers and the sympathetic peripheral nervous system. This sign governs the condition of the knees, the bone structure of the body, tendons and cartilage. Most Capricorn accidents involve broken bones, contusions, bruises, sprains, dislocations, and knee injuries. From birth to age 7, Capricorns are rarely very healthy. But in the future, if there is no unfavorable location of the planets, their vitality increases, although they never have the reserve of vitality inherent in the stronger signs of the Zodiac. Nevertheless, they do not give up easily and, if they maintain a normal routine of life, they can live an active and active life. healthy life until old age. This sign belongs to long-livers, despite the fact that the Sun, which gives life, is weak in this constellation. Many Capricorns are still full of energy when their peers have already “lived” life and are confined to a wheelchair. The disease that overtook Capricorn due to the influence of Saturn becomes chronic. Capricorns tend to ruminate about their illnesses (just as they do about other things) and become isolated on them, often falling into hypochondria. Their belief in the hopelessness of their condition becomes a prophecy. Major health problems may be associated with the improper functioning of organs under the influence of Capricorn and Saturn. Blood supply may become sluggish and clearance may be limited. Then poisons and toxins are retained in the body, which affects the functioning of the stomach, ruled by the opposite sign Cancer. The formation of calcium deposits, rheumatism, arthritis and neuralgia are the troubles that Capricorn faces. This constellation also directly affects the functioning of the gallbladder and, in case of unfavorable planetary placement, can contribute to a delay in the flow of bile. This is especially true when Saturn is in the constellation Capricorn at the time of birth.


The zodiac goat, unlike its counterpart in the animal world, cannot eat everything indiscriminately with impunity. Due to the influence of Saturn, which suppresses the function of the excretory organs, liver, gall bladder, his system is not ready for attacks from fatty foods, seasonings, sauces and alcohol. Chocolate and mayonnaise are also undesirable, especially if your birthday falls in the first decade (December 22-January 1). Although his daily diet should include a sufficient amount of protein food to counteract the tendency to low temperature body and stimulate the production of antibodies, yet pieces of fatty meat processed for gourmets are unsuitable for it. It is better to take protein from lean meat, yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs and lentils. You should drink more water between meals. However, since the chlorine used in tap water destroys vitamin E, which is important for the health of Capricorn, you should drink boiled or mineral water. When Saturn is dominant or unfavorably placed in the horoscope chart, Capricorns become prey to worries and fears, causing an increase in adrenaline levels in the blood. At this time, the unawakened and drifting child of Saturn, who succumbs to this influence, suffers, mopes and is tormented, giving himself serious illnesses liver, suicidal mania and chronic illnesses in general. It may fall into a state of anxiety that is not due to serious reasons, fear of a situation that it cannot overcome. A diet high in protein, supplemented with various mineral salts and vitamins, helps to overcome the influence of Saturn. The main cellular salt of Capricorn is calcium phosphate, which, together with protein from food, helps build the skeletal system of the human body. If there is a deficiency of this salt, the protein is not retained or used and leaves the body through the kidneys. The result is kidney disease, rheumatism and acid disorders. Unused protein can cause skin rashes and boils. It also accumulates in the ears, causing deafness. Calcium phosphate is supplied to the body by cabbage, asparagus, spinach, lentils, beans, celery, almonds, cucumbers, barley, egg yolk, lean meat, unrefined wheat, strawberries, figs, blueberries and prunes. Healing herbs, harmonious to the sign, these are kupena, red beets, mullein, knotweed and quince.

The primary goal for Capricorn is to maintain mental and physical well-being and avoid depression and a negative state of mind. Most of his illnesses stem from feelings of restlessness and anxiety, even if associated with unfavorable planetary positions. Many of them can be overcome or their course can be alleviated if you overcome yourself. One of the means for this is yoga. Every Capricorn has a spiritual world hidden inside, an inner castle. Even the most inveterate materialist (there are many of them among Capricorns) can learn to close their eyes and penetrate into this solitude of the soul. The exercise below is useful for those who need a focal point and shows its effectiveness after just 3 cycles. Time 78 and 23-24 hours; the place is a quiet, well-ventilated room, free from drafts; duration 10 minutes or longer. Sit right on straight chair. Calm the mind with soft and rhythmic breathing, mentally counting the duration of the exercise: inhale 7, hold breath 1, exit 7. Repeat the cycle 10 times or more. Still sitting, place your elbows on a pillow placed on the table. With your thumbs, pinch the tragus (small lobe) of each ear so as to block the access of any sound from the outside. Close your eyes and place your index and middle fingers lightly on your eyelids. Purse your lips with your little and ring fingers. Continue to breathe normally through your nose, concentrating on the sounds heard in your closed ears.

Capricorn man:

It must be said that the Capricorn man is very difficult to understand, because he keeps a lot inside and speaks about himself only to those whom he completely trusts. Along the way, he does his planned job and is satisfied with any outcome. For a Capricorn man, the result is of course important, but he cannot imagine himself outside the process of activity. He almost always works with gusto, whether he likes his work or not. To some extent he is a masochist. If this is so, then next to him there is always a person or several people on whom the Capricorn man takes out the dissatisfaction that has accumulated in him. Up to sadism, when he takes pleasure in causing suffering to another. For example, a boss will force his subordinates to work more for a few hours or on weekends, motivating his demand with the interests of the business. But whether he will pay them for extracurricular hours or not - this question remains open. He may pay, but only for a purpose. For example, for team unity or in the interests of improving team performance. Another type of Capricorn man is the type who tends to do nothing just to keep his calm. This is the type of person who has not realized his creative inclinations. He may do nothing and demand care from others, pretending that he doesn’t care. For example, they will feed him and not even hear words of gratitude. In the worst case, he will spew out a barrage of criticisms that relate not only to this moment.

Capricorn Woman:

It is difficult for a Capricorn woman to be without work. But very often the Capricorn woman takes on household responsibilities that leave her neither time nor energy for anything else. Moreover, this activity usually results in only moral reward. Even if her husband is rich and provides for his family well, he prefers to spend the money he earns himself, giving his wife only for small expenses. He keeps her in a “black body”, jealous of every little reason. This position of a Capricorn woman is like finding a bird in a golden cage, where she is only allowed to breathe. This situation is possible in the case of an arranged marriage, when the husband is many years older than her. If the husband is not so rich or belongs to the type of unrecognized genius, then the moment of divorce comes quite quickly. The situations described above are possible because the Capricorn woman pays a lot of attention to social status and loses sight of issues of human relationships. Another situation is possible when a Capricorn woman generally underestimates marriage. In this case, she sometimes chooses the feminist positions of her worldview and strives with all her might to obtain a high social status. In this case, the family is given second place. This is the other extreme regarding Capricorn's pragmatism. Nowadays, Capricorn women are endowed with this quality to a greater extent than men.


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Compatibility horoscope: everything about the Capricorn zodiac sign - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The planet of Capricorn is gloomy Saturn. After astronomers discovered Uranus in the 19th century, it began to be considered the second patron of the sign. People of the Capricorn zodiac sign are a passionate and cold type - they are usually intellectual, very reserved and ambitious. He never forgives mistakes either to himself or to others.

He is very purposeful, always knows exactly what he wants in life. Capricorn, striving for something, is capable of sacrificing his entire life to these plans, limiting himself in everything and never ceasing to work hard for a second.

Outwardly cold, withdrawn, but, in fact, he can be very sensitive, generous, even shy. An excellent leader and talented organizer, willingly sharing the fruits of his activities with others.

Before acting, always carefully calculates everything possible options, never commits rash acts and does not make hasty decisions. He has rare endurance, strength, and is often prone to asceticism.

Despite some reticence, he easily gets along with people who usually have boundless respect for Capricorn. People of the Capricorn zodiac sign are almost always very intelligent, have an “encyclopedic mentality, and read an awful lot. Capricorns make the most highly qualified specialists in any field.

Zodiac sign Capricorn character

All Capricorns have a philosophical mindset and at the same time a well-developed instinct of self-preservation. They never emphasize their own merits and do not put themselves on display, giving people the right to figure out for themselves what is good and what is bad.

The highest type of this sign represents an intellectual, a highly educated and strong personality, capable of being a cold-blooded businessman or a shrewd politician.

People of the Capricorn zodiac sign usually consciously suppress their generosity and know how to squeeze all the juice out of the people around them. The predominant trait of their character is power and ambition.

The lowest type are “gray horses”, small, inconspicuous, but completely irreplaceable workers, without whose experience and skills any business would fall apart.

Most Capricorns grow up very quickly and clearly know what they want in life. They prefer to work alone, are correct, patient and distrustful. Jobs are rarely changed.

A small number of Capricorns, on the contrary, grow up too late and spend their entire lives depending on their parents, sometimes turning into real parasites.

Capricorns make good pharmacists, designers, administrators, geographers, philosophers, mathematicians, builders, watchmakers, lawyers, farmers, shepherds, agronomists, politicians, and architects.

They give the impression of being reserved and cold people, but, in fact, under this mask hides a subtle, sensual, and sometimes painfully passionate nature. They are often very lonely due to the fact that they are misunderstood by others.

They try to fill the emptiness inside with work, some hobby or collecting. But, in reality, they are capable of loving someone for many years, who may not even suspect it, with devoted, tender love.

People of the Capricorn zodiac sign are very loyal, unless you try to encroach on their inner freedom. There are two types of Capricorn men, representing two opposite extremes from misogyny to real promiscuity.

They often get married late and divorce reluctantly, but marriages are not always concluded for love, but more often for reasons of convenience or for the sake of convenience.

And for the sake of the soul, they can have women on the side, which, thanks to the exceptional secrecy of Capricorn, wives rarely find out about. Capricorn women are often frigid; they prefer to make a career first, but, having resigned themselves, they can turn out to be faithful and calm wives.

Capricorn first decade

From December 21 to January 2, Capricorn-Jupiterians are born. Such people of the Capricorn zodiac sign are very calm, sometimes even seem reasonable, strive for loneliness and are very freedom-loving.

Communication with such Capricorns is sometimes difficult due to their excessive secrecy - Capricorn will never share their plans with anyone. Capricorn-Jupiterians are very pedantic, strict and highly moral.

Efficiency allows them to sooner or later achieve the desired success, wealth and fame, which Capricorn never uses for selfish interests.

Capricorn second decade

From January 3 to January 13, Capricorn is influenced by Mars. People of the zodiac sign Capricorn - Martians are sometimes boring, somewhat boring, but, having become attached to someone, they become sweet, sentimental and sociable. They are very capricious and, if something happens, they will never forgive an insult.

Rare inner strength allows them to withstand any blows of fate. The tenacity of such Capricorns is amazing and deserves respect. Capricorn Martians firmly believe in their higher purpose and dedicate their entire lives to serving their ideal purpose. They don't like the unknown and expectations.

Capricorn third decade

From January 14 to 19, Capricorns are under the influence of the Sun. Such people of the Capricorn zodiac sign are distinguished by a hidden passion of nature; they are life-loving, contradictory, generous and noble. They are capable of strong feelings that they cannot express, which often makes them suffer and suffer.

Zodiac sign Capricorn health

They have an inexhaustible supply inner strength, and health, although they often do not look very strong. Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the skin. Due to the fragility of the bones, possible frequent fractures. You should eat a more varied diet, spend more time outdoors, preferably in a sunny place. It is better to be wary of dampness and hypothermia.

Zodiac sign Capricorn mascots

People of the Capricorn zodiac sign are somewhat dismissive of their own appearance, feeling contempt for spending on clothes. However, they always try to look correct and modest. Colors black, blue, gray. In general, they prefer dark, muted tones.

Capricorn's talismans may seem somewhat strange - a black cat and a devil. We don’t advise anyone to get involved with the latter, but you can pick up a black kitten. In fact, they are not as scary as is commonly believed. The metal of Capricorn is lead.

Zodiac sign Capricorn stone

Capricorn stones - garnet, onyx, ruby. Unlucky days are Thursday and Monday, successful days are Saturday and Tuesday.

Read also about the zodiac sign Capricorn:

All about Capricorns. Zodiac sign Capricorn.

* Planet of Capricorn - Saturn.

* Capricorn stone – Onyx, Malachite.

* Capricorn's mascot is a black cat.

*Colors - black, gray, brown, dark green.

* The part of the body that corresponds to the Capricorn sign is the knees.

* The most vulnerable organs, systems, parts of the body - heart, cardiovascular and nervous system, calves, ankle joints, lower legs.

* Typical diseases are allergies, colds, paralysis, neurasthenia, spasms, as well as diseases of the above parts of the body.

* Favorable climate- cold, at a more mature age - warm, hot, tropical.

* Optimal place for life - a city.

* Typical appearance of Capricorn - thin arms and legs, thinness, dark hair, dry skin.

* Capricorn celebrities - Jesus Christ, Joan of Arc, Edgar Allan Poe, Isaac Newton, Henri Matisse, Richard Nixon, Marlene Dietrich, Alexander Scriabin, Konstantin Stanislavsky, Galina Ulanova.

Capricorn. Characteristics of the zodiac sign Capricorn

Planet Capricorn

The patron saint of Capricorn is Saturn. According to ancient Roman mythology, Saturn was the father of many gods and goddesses who later reigned on Olympus, in the seas and in the underworld. And in order not to cede power to a new generation of celestials, he devoured his own children.

Those born under this sign want and can achieve success and power. But it is not for nothing that the planet Saturn in astrology is called a “supervisor”: it limits a person to the rigid framework of internal rigor and discipline, not giving a person ease and will.

Capricorns adhere to traditions and are quite reserved. Always try to think carefully about the problem and use common sense.

Element of Capricorn

Capricorn Element - Earth, therefore, like all earth signs, he is practical, firmly on the ground. Capricorn is the most business-oriented sign of the zodiac. He prefers to stay where he is and devotes his time to work.

Although Capricorns become overly mercantile over the years, they are too proud to get involved in hoarding. Supporters of tradition and restraint, they strive to be polite and friendly.

Capricorns, as a rule, confidently climb the social ladder. They move towards the goal unswervingly, because they are convinced that there is only one goal and it must be achieved by any means.

He determines his goal in life early and slowly but steadily achieves it.

Capricorns rarely change jobs; they do not pursue fame, but strive to gain true power.

The paradox is that from the outside it seems that others have advantages, but Capricorn has no chance of winning. But in the end he wins. Allows others to come forward, but comes first to the final goal against all logic. Capricorn in this sense resembles the tortoise from Aesop's fable, which decided to run a race with the hare. And although the hare ran much faster, in the end it was the tortoise that won.

Those born under this sign are happy, if they can spend the whole day at work, knowing that there are many such days ahead of them before they reach the top. But this is not a problem for them. Capricorns are ambitious and confident that they will reach the top. Those who provide them with services along this path will always be adequately rewarded. If Capricorn encounters failure, he will be able to fend off the blow, standing firmly on his feet.

Capricorn is very complex for understanding, because he keeps a lot inside and tells about himself only to those whom he completely trusts. Along the way, he does his job and is satisfied with any outcome. For Capricorn, of course, the result is important, but he cannot imagine himself outside of activity. He almost always works with gusto, whether he likes the work or not.

They are interested in art, theater, and are attracted to intellectual people. However, Capricorn will never become the soul of society and will not shine with wit.

Generally Capricorns don't care about looking attractive. They rarely talk about themselves and consider it beneath their dignity to use charm. They don't demonstrate their strengths. Capricorns' disdain for charm and attractiveness is reflected in their clothing. The main motives for Capricorns, both men and women: simplicity, moderation, poise, modesty, economy. Usually Capricorns deviate from fashion; many simply despise spending on clothes. Ascetic in youth, Capricorns become extravagant over the years. The only motive that forces them to pay any attention to clothes is ambition.

They are almost always surrounded by a melancholic aura and are as serious and stern as their patron Saturn. Capricorns have a smooth, soothing voice, which makes them seem harmless. But make no mistake: in their souls they are as hard as stone. Trampling everything in its path, Capricorn will tirelessly climb to the top. He deeply respects those who reached the top before him and strives to imitate them in everything. He respects power, success and tradition. Has an amazing ability to overcome difficulties along the way and adapt to the environment.

Capricorns can criticize thoughtlessly and harshly. But usually they are too smart to make unnecessary enemies for themselves. They are very careful, avoiding all sorts of obstacles and sharp stones. And it is not surprising that they rarely stumble and never miss their chance. It would be even more correct to say: they are waiting for their chance.

They do not like to interfere in other people's affairs, but will willingly give advice if someone asks for it. Capricorn is stingy with praise, but is always ready to patiently listen to a story about family troubles.

There are, of course, romantic Capricorns. But they don’t let their emotions blind them either. They are perspicacious and will easily detect whether a person is sincerely communicating with them or wants to achieve something through this. You can easily distinguish a real compliment from a fake one.

Capricorns rarely get married without thoroughly thinking through their decision, and they spend a long time preparing for it. Unlike Sagittarius, they love their relatives very much and diligently maintain family relationships.

They do not make public scenes and do not expose passions. But in old age they often try to make up for what they missed in their youth.

One thing to pay attention to interesting feature Capricorns: despite any ailments, they usually live to a ripe old age. But the older the body becomes, the younger they are at heart.

In childhood they often get sick, but with age their resistance to disease increases. Capricorn's sober, calculating nature gives him amazing endurance, however, he cannot always avoid doctors and hospitals: fear, uncertainty and anxiety affect him more powerfully than germs. Capricorns are often overwhelmed by pessimism and gloom.

Almost all Capricorns have sensitive skin. This manifests itself in all kinds of allergies. Stomach diseases often occur, and joints and bones are also vulnerable. The fruits of their melancholy can be headaches, kidney disease and mental disorders.

If they manage to avoid long-term illness due to a tendency to depression, then, as a rule, they live long.

Capricorn comes across as a gentle, timid and somewhat stubborn person. He seems harmless, and you may even think that this is the most suitable person to whom you can entrust all your secrets. But this is not true: he uses your weaknesses and your secrets to become stronger. He prefers behind-the-scenes maneuvers to ostentatious actions.

The main advantage of Capricorns is their desire to work and determination to succeed in everything. Their aspirations are limitless, but at the same time they act carefully, responsibly and always play fairly. That is why their victories are so sweet.

Capricorn man

Builds a wall around himself. He is timid and very strong, pleasant but ambitious. It seems that he prefers loneliness, but in reality this is not the case. He secretly dreams of subjugating the crowd, and in this sense he is a romantic, although Saturn restrains his nature. This harsh planet requires discipline, calm behavior, practical actions and serious intentions from him.

Every Capricorn harbors within them a cheerful and gentle dreamer who seeks adventure and excitement, and only a few of them can discover their hidden soul.

You can excite and impress him, but Saturn will force him not to show his feelings. Don't expect Capricorn to do anything thoughtlessly. You can never change his personality.

Capricorn can pretend that he can calmly do without compliments. In fact, he desperately needs to be told how good, handsome, smart, interesting, desirable he is. But since he rarely shows a desire to hear praise, he receives it quite rarely. Because of this, he may have harsh manners.

One can say about Capricorn that it blooms late. He improves over the years and will be better in adulthood than in his youth. Capricorns usually fall in love later than most men.

Striving for perfection, he chooses his wife very carefully. He needs a woman who will make an excellent mother. She must cook great and be a good housewife. At the same time, she should always be well dressed. It is desirable that she be smart and well-mannered. But beauty and physical compatibility are in last place in his table of ranks. He needs the feeling that he is connected with her by fate. True, if such a feeling does not arise, he will not suffer particularly. From a spiritual point of view, he demands a lot and gives little and will not give up his interests in order to please you.

Capricorns rarely marry hastily, so as not to repent later. For the most part, their marriages are strong.

This strong man with a soft heart who prefers to stay at home rather than go to parties or have fun somewhere on the side.

Since, as already mentioned, Capricorns get younger over the years, they fall in love a little later than other men, and usually get married when they have already made a career. They extremely respect family ties and often continue to live with their parents when their peers have long ago acquired a bachelor apartment. Therefore, any young woman who decides to connect her destiny with Capricorn must first of all please his parents, especially his mother. Prepare to love all of his relatives, even if you don't like them. If you fail to please his family, he will never marry you. Exceptions happen very rarely.

However, after the wedding, the newlyweds should live separately and somewhat limit communication with new relatives.

Whatever romances flare up during his late heyday, they will never replace Capricorn family hearth. He is a devoted nature and does not really understand why so many men are looking for additional entertainment.

This is a careful, neat, uncompromising person. When personalities clash, don't expect a reasonable compromise. If he makes some concession, it will only be temporary.

You'll never know what's on his mind. He knows how to hide his thoughts and moods. The verbal expression of love seems to him to be unnecessary romance. He is careful, very sensual and does not tolerate refusal of anything. His interest in the physical side of love never dwindles.

Capricorn can be called a father with a capital letter. He always sits at the head of the table, demanding respect and unquestioning obedience. In return, he will pay with affection and self-sacrifice. Such fathers often resort to physical punishment in order, as it seems to them, not to spoil the child. With his grandchildren, his behavior changes completely; he can allow them almost anything.

Capricorn has been interested in the physical side of love for much longer than other men. Although he cannot be called an ardent lover who tells you passionate speeches. But Capricorn will cover you on a rainy day, relieve you of loneliness and protect you from the blows of fate.

Capricorn woman

She will be able to flirt and charm men. Capricorn Woman passionate, but she lacks the courage to break moral prohibitions. She accepts admiration and courtship with pleasure, but will never allow herself to be completely possessed. She knows what you want, but you will never know for sure what she is thinking.

Outwardly, she usually looks calm, cold, aloof, and you will have to strain all your strength to win her hand. Her inaccessibility will crumble as soon as she becomes more confident. She likes to be loved.

But no matter what she is, she invariably has one goal - to find a man who will occupy a fairly high position. Regardless of her appearance, the Capricorn woman dreams of achieving position, prestige, or marrying her boss. She respects people who have achieved success and is ready to listen to their advice. Bows before authority and submits to it.

Capricorn's goal is security and position, no matter how this is achieved: through her own efforts or with the help of her husband. In both cases, a Capricorn woman can be easily recognized by the way she achieves success. She is calculating. She will try to lead a man in order to use him to achieve her own goals. Capricorn women often attract weak men. She likes their attention, but she won't let them become a stone in her neck.

Any man who marries such a woman should know that she seems calmer and more emotionally stable than she actually is. One of the typical traits of Capricorn is good upbringing and manners. Her manners can mislead you; nothing seems to excite her.

However, this is not so: she is also subject to mood swings. The Capricorn woman is different in that she can have very long black periods. If she feels unappreciated, she will be in a trance for days, weeks, or even months.

This woman does not accept ridicule. She is simply unable to see humor, the object of which is herself.

Rarely relaxes in romantic situations. There is a huge physical desire in her, much more than one might suspect, and it is very difficult to satisfy.

She needs financial security, your home must have a strong foundation if you want a Capricorn woman to enter it. Once she gets close to a person, she is unlikely to break up. She needs all or nothing. She is very loyal. But for this she should be loved and desired. That is why at first she is so unapproachable and cautious.

Capricorn women have amazing beauty. Rarely among them there is a person devoid of attractiveness. Nature has rewarded them with beauty, which lasts much longer than that of other women. However, Capricorn is not sure of her attractiveness. She needs to be constantly told about her beauty. Patiently help her overcome her self-doubt.

Her family should never be harmed. The man who marries her must know that he is marrying her entire family. It often happens that she supports her family herself.

In a competition of character, she is the most fearsome opponent. Be careful not to seriously offend her. She will not forget this and will not forgive. Her revenge knows no bounds.

Restrained in her youth, she becomes more and more self-confident with age. As a rule, Capricorn women get married late and approach their choice very responsibly. Such a woman will be a wonderful wife. Everything in the house will shine. She loves beauty and comfort very much.

It must be said that all Capricorns have unusual artistic talents.

She will instill in children respect for everything of quality, they will have all the best.

One of her vices is stubbornness. She will always be an independent, self-sufficient person, striving to live her own life, and will always insist on her right to communicate with whomever she wants.

She will push you to success, while she can be gentle and affectionate. To be completely happy, she must be busy all the time. Taking life seriously, she is internally convinced of her ability to achieve high goal. Takes part in public affairs with pleasure. The problem is that she is never quite sure that she has finally reached the top. She always has new goals, new tasks ahead, for the sake of which she must keep herself in shape. She will never be completely satisfied, but she will not complain or whine.

Mutual compatibility

Both have a strong will and are persistent. Compatible, but will definitely argue about money and who should make decisions. Both are jealous. There may be a connection. Marriage is less likely.

Both are homebodies and value money. Taurus has patience, and Capricorn is ready to work. The ambitions of Capricorn perfectly coincide with the determination of Taurus. Excellent marriage prospects.

Geminis are impulsive and amorous. Capricorn is leisurely and cautious. The initial attraction of contrasts cannot last long. The marriage is unsuccessful.

They are antagonists in the zodiac with all the ensuing consequences. Capricorn will be overly demanding and dominant for the impressionable Cancer. A short relationship and an unpromising marriage.

Capricorn is not a very good partner for Leo because he lacks imagination. They are not very suitable for each other physically either. Independent signs predisposed to dominance. Harmony in marriage is unlikely.

The practicality of Capricorn and the punctuality of Virgo go well together. Both are conservative. They understand each other well. An excellent basis for marriage.

Libra seems overly selfish to Capricorn. Unable to express their feelings, Capricorn looks for other partners. The connection is not trivial. The marriage is unlikely to work out.

Both are strong-willed, but Scorpio tends to be dominant. Capricorn understands that Scorpio shows possessive feelings out of love. Passionate connection, successful marriage.

Capricorn is cautious and conservative. Sagittarius is a gambler, extravagant and irresponsible. Sagittarius will be irritated watching the tight-fisted and obliging Capricorn. Not the best connection. Unsuccessful marriage.

Romance will quickly turn into routine. On the other hand, both work hard, are serious, and economical. Relationships and marriage may not be much fun, but they can be satisfying.

Capricorn has a hard time dealing with Aquarius. The freedom-loving, inventive Aquarius will not be in love with the practical Capricorn for long. A satisfying connection, but marriage will require effort.

Pisces, loving and sincere, can make Capricorn happy. These are very different people complement each other emotionally. Good prognosis for relationships and marriage.

Born under the sign of Capricorn

Joan of Arc, Woodrow Wilson, Johannes Kepler, Martin Luther King, Rudyard Kipling, Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Edgar Allan Poe, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Griboedov, Valentin Serov, Galina Ulanova.

everything about the zodiac sign Capricorn

People born under the sign of Capricorn are united by great resilience and a patient desire for a good result in everything. They are proud of their intelligence, although sometimes unfoundedly, and, if not lazy, make a lot of effort to develop intellectual abilities. Capricorns are generally the kind of people who can learn throughout their lives.

People born under this sign have difficult relationships with the outside world: they are proud and seem independent, but sometimes they suffer greatly due to the fact that they do not know how to win the sympathy of others and defend their point of view. However, Capricorns tend to be content with a narrow circle of friends, but consisting of like-minded people. In addition, they hate to depend on others, so they often prefer loneliness to the company of unfamiliar people.

Capricorns are mostly selfish, and they do not consider themselves better than others; Moreover, many Capricorns have to struggle all their lives with complexes, and at the same time with resentment towards the whole world for being underestimated.

Beneath the outwardly calm and balanced behavior of Capricorn, there is often hidden a desire for leadership and power, which he simply cannot control. It is from such people that the most cruel tyrants are made, if they are not restrained by traditions and moral standards, to which Capricorns usually remain faithful.

Capricorn men are distinguished by timidity, combined with a strong character. Such a person craves praise and recognition of his merits, but is usually embarrassed to openly ask for it. In their youth, Capricorns are more willing than their peers to obey their elders, but mature age suddenly acquire an almost teenage frivolity and rebellious spirit. Around the same period, Capricorn men also discover romance.

Capricorn women, even reaching the highest level career ladder, usually value their family most. An excellent salary and a prestigious position are not able to satisfy such a lady if she does not have an adoring husband, as well as a cozy and well-furnished home. Such women rarely think about the reasons for their actions, considering the arguments “this is how it is” and “this is how it should be” quite weighty. This may be why Capricorn women are rarely vulgar or rude; it is enough to tell them that such behavior is not approved in society so that the awkward situation will never happen again.

Edgar Allan Poe, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Isaac Newton, Igor Kurchatov, Joan of Arc, Moliere, Charles Louis de Montesquieu, Heinrich Schliemann, Albert Schweitzer, Edgar Hoover, Ferdinand Wrangel, Aristotle Socrates Onassis, Richard Nixon, Mao Zedong, Henri Matisse , Paul Cezanne, Valentin Serov, Alexander Griboedov, Marlene Dietrich, Karel Chapek, Muhammad Ali, Arkhip Kuindzhi, Osip Mandelstam, Louis Chevrolet, Raisa Gorbacheva, Tatyana Dyachenko, Lyudmila Putina, Arkady Khait, Isaac Azimov, Jerome David Salinger, Mel Gibson, John Tolkien, Vidal Sassoon, James Hadley Chase, Tatyana Shmyga, Maxim Dunaevsky, Ricky Martin, Leonid Filatov, Adriano Celentano, Carlos Castaneda, Michael Schumacher, Annie Lennox, Mikhail Boyarsky, Semyon Farada, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Elvis Presley, Georgy Deliev, Kevin Costner, Oleg Deripaska, Raymond Pauls, Sergei Zhigunov, Marilyn Manson, Nicolas Cage, David Bowie, Marina Neelova, Rod Stewart, Andrei Malakhov.

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