Home Prevention We celebrated a housewarming party. "Japanese" youth housewarming party

We celebrated a housewarming party. "Japanese" youth housewarming party

We came for a housewarming party

View YOUR possessions -

Accept honest people!

Here are the mansions, so are the mansions,

Everything you need for the soul:

Kitchen, bathroom with toilet,

Well, and the rooms at the same time -

If you want, stop, or if you want, dance!

Even if you roll on them sideways

With a turn and a jump -

Who can't ban

Is it luxurious for you to live here?

So that the doors don't break

And the floors didn’t dry out,

I washed the bath, cooked the stove,

So that the apartment is warm.

Come on, good mistress,

Fill our glasses.

A cup of good wine

Let's drink, brothers, we'll reach the bottom.

Scene “Brownie Nafanya”

Guests say that there are no houses without a brownie and ask the owners if they have met their brownie.

One of the guests slowly dresses up as a Brownie (we'll need an old padded jacket and a hat with earflaps) and comes out with congratulations.

To please you!

I am a brownie by profession,

In the economic sense of the process, I.

He will roll like cheese in butter!

So as not to deal with rubbish,

I will tell you the rules of conduct:

Mind you, don't turn on loud music,

Don't knock your heels on the floor,

Don't come home after midnight

Don't wake up old Nathanya,

It's too much to splash around in the bathroom,

Don’t get carried away with breaking dishes!

And if you behave well, Nafanya won’t bother you! I’m actually a kind and hospitable brownie, so I brought you bread and salt!

Nafanya brings out the kalach. A key is baked in the roll. The roll is cut, and the one of the guests who gets a piece with the key (you must be warned that they bite off carefully, because the roll contains a secret) receives the title of the Most Welcome Guest in this house. And if the owner or mistress gets the key, then he (she) is henceforth appointed as the head of the family and home for life.

Nafanya: Well, master and hostess, will you obey me and be friends with me? The owners answer.

Nafanya: Then I propose to treat Nafanya with a glass to become related! And if you treat me well, I’ll share with you folk “Feng Shui” secrets.

Feng Shui from Nafani

Nafanya introduces the owners to folk signs concerning prosperity and happiness in the home, providing them with your comments.

■ Hold the broom only with the broom up, so as not to “sweep up” wealth (it’s better to buy a vacuum cleaner and not tempt fate!).

■ The matryoshka is a talisman against uninvited guests, the evil eye, illness and family quarrels (and the tumbler is a talisman, guess for yourself against what!).

■ You cannot eat or drink from dishes with cracks and chips; you cannot keep such dishes in the house (this is generally unsightly).

■ A fur skin attracts good luck and wealth (husband, buy your wife a new fur skin, preferably from mink!).

■ It’s good to keep money under the tablecloth (now I’ll know where your money is!).

■ You can’t put a drunk bottle on the table (we finish it and go for the next one)!

A toast is raised to the brownie and friendship with him. Guests suggest checking whether they are strong new apartment floors. A dance break is announced.


Table game "Don't laugh"

One of those sitting at the table starts the game, the rest repeat the movements after him. For example: put your hand on your neighbor’s shoulder; then touch your neighbor’s nose, etc. The main thing is not to laugh. Whoever laughs is eliminated and sent to the penalty box. At the end of the game, the penalty boxers perform some funny task together.

The presenter says that a real man In his lifetime, as you know, he must build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. The guests count which of the men present has how many houses they have built, trees they have planted, and how many children they have. The winner is determined.

Game "Your own karaoke"

A competition is being announced for knowledge of songs about a house, an apartment and everything related to housing. Some of the guests remember the song, the rest pick it up. The winner is the one who knows the largest number of songs and sings the most soulfully.

Hint - songs about home:

“Weather Forecast” (“Weather in the House”) from the repertoire of Larisa Dolina.

« Parents' house"from the repertoire of Lev Leshchenko.

“Under the roof of your house” from the repertoire of Yuri Antonov.

“My love is on the fifth floor” from the repertoire of gr. "Secret".

“Grass near the house” from the repertoire of gr. "Earthlings."

“No one will be in the house...” from the TV movie “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”

“While everyone is at home” from the TV show of the same name.

If the company does not like to sing, you can organize a similar competition of proverbs and sayings.

Proverbs about home:

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

The hut is red in its corners, and the wife is red in pies.

Houses and walls help.

My home is my castle.

Without an owner, a house is an orphan.

In crowded but not mad!

Every home has its own skeleton in the closet.

Don’t go to someone else’s monastery with your own rules.

Cool Housewarming Script

For those who are late for a housewarming party, the owners come up with a fine. For example, they offer to choose “Uh” or “Eh.” But guests will not know what these interjections actually mean.

“Uh” - “Kiss two!”, “Eh” - “Kiss all!”.

Before all the guests take their places at the table, the hosts give them a piece of paper and invite them to write on it what they would like to give or wish to the new residents. Anything can be written on the piece of paper: “child”, “car”, “kangaroo”. Then all these “letters” are put into one hat or dish, and the new residents pull out one note at a time. They say that the “wish” they made will definitely come true before the end of the year.

How to introduce guests?

The host gives the guests a regular roll of paper. Each guest tears off as many pieces as he wants from this roll (no one knows why this is needed). When the roll has “visited” everyone, the host announces that now each guest must tell as many stories about himself as there are pieces of paper he tore off. And it would be nice if new residents appeared in these stories.

How to show guests the apartment?

There is a very interesting and fun way to “introduce” guests to the new home of the owners.

All guests get into the “train”, at the head of which, naturally, the hosts “ride”. This is how the locomotive moves around the house and stops only so that passengers can participate in contests and competitions.

Stop #1. Pond.

The host (or host) announces to the guests that they must leave coins in the “pond”. To come back here more than once. The owner calls a bucket of water a pond. Guests stand around this bucket at some distance and throw coins into it. The one who turns out to be the most accurate will receive a reward from the owner. Then the locomotive sets off again around the apartment.

Stop #2. "Related."

Guests must name relatives, distant and close. For example, grandfather, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law. Everyone says only one thing, and everyone takes turns. The last one to name any “relative position” becomes the winner.

Stop #3. "Song".

The hosts ask guests to recite children's poems or sing funny songs. Everyone who completes this task receives a small sweet gift from the new residents. Children also participate in the competition.

Stop number 4. "Crocodile".

A good old game in which one person pretends (without words) to be some object, and everyone tries to guess what it is. Everyone participates. The owner gives a prize to the best actor.

Stop No. 5. "Inverted."

The hosts give each guest in turn the task of saying the word “back to front.” For example, the owner says: “Wardrobe.” The guest immediately answers: “Faksh.” The one who turns the word over faster wins a small prize.

This is the final stop. After it, everyone sits down at the table and makes toasts.

First toast. For new residents.

The guest who makes the toast invites everyone to pay attention to the fact that the names of the new residents have a wonderful connection with each other. Even though these names may not have a single letter in common. Here you can really fantasize.

Here's an example: Konstantin and Svetlana. Konstantin – “hardness, constant”, Svetlana – light, bright. Their names are united, and their union means that the light has acquired firmness and constancy, which means it will warm and shine for a long time, warming us all with its warmth.

Toast second. "Key".

Guests are given a large paper key. Everyone should leave their signatures and wishes on it. Then this key is solemnly presented to the owners and a toast is made.

There is another unusual competition for guests and new residents. This competition will make everyone laugh.

"Target". The presenters prepare sheets in advance on which targets are drawn. The target initially looks like this: several circles are inscribed one into the other (in descending order). The circles are divided into 4 sectors. In the first (central) circle there are already the letters “S”, “P”, “R”, “L”.

The owners fill out the target like this: in the smallest circle they write the numbers from 1 to 4. It turns out that the numbers need to be placed next to the letters that have already been written. Arbitrarily.

In the next circle are the names of four animals, for example, elephant, horse, tiger and wolf.

Circle behind him are character traits: passion, generosity, greed, tenderness. And finally, sayings, proverbs, and popular expressions are written into the last circle.

It becomes interesting when the presenter begins to “decipher the readings” of the target. Based on the first circle of the target, the presenter judges what values ​​are important for the owner/hostess. Letters opposite which numbers stand represent certain concepts. “S” is family, “P” is bed, “R” is work, “L” is love. But the numbers that the person filling out will tell you what is more important to him.

The following circles are read along with the first. For example, a passionate elephant in bed, a greedy horse at work, a gentle tiger in love.

The last circle is read together with the first. For example, love - measure it seven times. This expression should characterize the one who filled out the target.

All the girls stand in a circle. Back to center. They need to be blindfolded. Music is playing and men are walking around the girls. The music stops - the girls, without running away, are caught nearby standing men. This is how pairs are formed. Each pair is given a cork. They must dance with the cork and not drop it, but also not hold it with their hands. The music has stopped - the couples run as quickly as possible to the bucket that stands in the center of the room and throw corks into it. But again, corks cannot be carried in your hands.

Participants whose cork hits the intended target receive a prize and stop playing. And all the rest, less accurate shooters, continue to compete.

The host invites five couples. In each pair, one is “glued,” that is, stickers are placed on him. The second person in the pair will then have to peel off these stickers. Just not with your hands. And with teeth, lips or tongue.

Married and simply loving couples participate. Women sit on chairs in a circle. Facing the audience. Their men are blindfolded. The presenter places empty bottles in front of the chairs and says that the men need to get to their lovers without knocking over a single pin (that is, bottle). And then kiss your beloved. As soon as the gentlemen begin their journey, the ladies quietly change places. Will men guess?

Two teams of five participants are enough. The leader gives each team a “common headdress” - five hats held together with one rope.

Music plays, everyone dances. The team in which at least one participant is left without a headdress will lose.

Several teams of three people are selected. In each team, participants receive certain “positions”: light drinker (one who never has enough), shy (who holds on to the wall after the first drink) and hardy (who drinks until he can’t be carried out).

Each team does the same thing. The light drinker finishes what is in the bottle prepared by the presenter, the shy one places the bottles near the wall, and the hardy one collects these bottles in a string bag. The team that completed this task the fastest receives a prize.

One team is women, the second is men. As soon as the leader starts the game, all players must take off their clothes (whatever they want) and put them in a line. Whose line is longer wins.

Everyone sits in a circle. At the same time, everyone is on their haunches. Only the presenter can laugh. He gives the commands: “Grab the ear of your neighbor on the right,” “Touch the knee of the neighbor on the left.” Everyone who laughs is out. The saddest one wins.

Housewarming - the scenario of a new life in a new place

Housewarming! Pleasant troubles and worry about how to organize a holiday at the proper level: after all, what a housewarming, so will life in the new place. Therefore, let's not limit ourselves to the feast and think about the scenario for the housewarming holiday.

Taking into account the age of the new residents and the composition of the guests, you can select competitions and sweepstakes, but let’s start with the design. We will demonstrate comfort and prosperity another time, but today it would be appropriate to decorate it in the “just completed construction” style. Along with cheerful holiday balls, shavings (paper or real) will be scattered across the floor, and on the walls there will be a huge floor plan of the apartment on which guests can leave their wishes, and funny signs such as “jacuzzi” in the bathroom or “winter garden” on the balcony. You don’t leave any room unattended, even the toilet and dressing room.

If you are supporters of Russian traditions, then it is customary to consecrate your house before moving in. It is believed that someone else’s energy (from builders or previous residents) can negatively affect your well-being and mood. To protect the house and themselves from all evil, a priest is invited from the nearest temple. After the ceremony, you can celebrate housewarming.

Host: Now it has become fashionable to coordinate the entire furnishings in the house with the traditions of Feng Shui. This is doubly important for housewarming parties, so we prepared thoroughly today and chose the gifts with meaning. (Read our article about what gifts can be given to housewarmings.)

First of all, it is a symbol of well-being and prosperity (hands a piggy bank to the owner). He will attract money so that it flows like a river into the house and does not disappear to no one knows where.

Evil spirits are lured into the house by dirt and disorder, so secondly we give symbols of cleanliness (broom, dustpan, vacuum cleaner).

In order for the owners to want to return here, the house must be cozy (hands the owner slippers as a symbol).

The latter are symbols of the hospitable person (handing over a ladle and other utensils to the hostess).

There's a colonel in the kitchen - that ladle! To make the dishes tastier, he builds an army of dishes. And the symbol of hospitality – the corkscrew – begins every feast and it’s time to experience it!

Everyone is asked to come to the table.

The presenter hands the owners a warrant.

Issued to citizen_______(full name), female citizen_______(full name) and citizens (indicate names if they have children) to confirm the fact that they are the full and sole owners of the house at ___________(indicated).

  • spend the night in this house regularly, go to work and always return;
  • without restrictions, enjoy all the benefits of civilization provided to them (water supply, heating network, sewerage, electricity, Internet);
  • change the furniture and layout of the house in accordance with the impeccable taste of the owners.
  • ensure order in the house with the help of mops, maids, vacuum cleaners;
  • live in the house exclusively in peace and harmony;
  • Regularly organize fun events for today's guests.

After (or before) the presentation of the warrant, one of the new residents reads an oath, and the whole family says “we swear” three times.

We, the new residents of 2014, solemnly swear in front of all those present:

  • in accordance with the Charter, comply with all norms and rules of collective living;
  • make utility payments on time;
  • I consider everyone living in this apartment to be my family, and in others - good neighbors.

For the last point of the order, a drink is offered, and the guests are seated at the table.

The doorbell rings (it is not the owners who open the door), a “commission” of 2-3 well-made-up guests enters in the usual clothes of housing office workers. The question is: “Do so and so live here?” and, without waiting for an answer, they begin to look around the apartment, talking among themselves:

Not a bad apartment, 50 meters away, and the side is sunny (describes the apartment).

Yes, and the services are separate, children will have a good time here.

Here you can arrange a nursery.

After the owners objected.

And you, citizens, no scandals! What country do we live in? How many children are homeless without a roof, and you are clearly exceeding the standards here.

We have to share, it’s a mess, we can accommodate seven more here – just a family one Orphanage, take the children.

(Children appear in the apartment and unceremoniously play with the ball they brought with them).

The hosts and uninvited guests exchange documents (fake ones can be made).

Well, why are you fuming, you have such happiness, after all, the guardians are also paid an additional 5,000 rubles. for each, well, kids, did you like the apartment?

Children: No! Somehow cramped, uncomfortable, cold (other options).

Okay, we'll look at the neighbors... but we'll come back to you!

After the revelation, everyone joins the feast.

Another option is to bring in gypsies (guests in disguise) with belongings (disguised gifts), songs, dances, fortune telling, an unceremonious feast, and accommodation for the night.

A fragment of a housewarming scenario with a brownie would be appropriate for such a holiday. One of the guests clarifies whether the owners managed to get acquainted with the brownie, because there are no houses without brownies. At this time, one of the guests changes clothes, takes a broom and a loaf with a can of beer and appears in front of the owners.

Brownie: I want you to like me, let me introduce myself! A brownie by profession, I am involved in economic processes.

Anyone who wants to live in abundance should be friends with me (gives beer to the owner)! Well, owner, will you be friends with me? Let's drink beer for this...

And I prepared a new broom for the hostess. Will you get along with me or chase me with a broom? (Hands over). (The housewife explains to the brownie). Now everything is fine - let's live nicely!

To become related to me, I propose a toast: “Peace in the house is the main thing and we will have a glorious life. For this occasion, I have prepared a loaf for you - swoop in and cut it!

The loaf contains a secret, which is communicated to all guests. Whoever gets a piece of the pie with a baked key will be a welcome guest here. If the key comes across one of the owners, he is declared the head of the family.

Host: There is another ancient sign: before moving into the house, a black cat was the first to be let into the house - it was believed that he was calling happiness into the house. Where's your cat? We need to fix problems. During this time, one of the guests dresses up as a cat. You need a headband with ears and appropriate makeup.

Cat: Meow! (In terms of - Good evening!) What a joyful meeting! And the company is big, I won’t bother you at all. My stomach is no bigger than a thimble, and besides, I have fluffy fur, and I’m also trained to catch mice, and, of course, I’m toilet trained. Take me into your home - you won’t regret it later!

(New residents are given a live cat or a toy by agreement).

Cat: Good for you guys. But my kittens have been waiting for a while, so as not to be sad later, I want to invite the owner to a dance!

Host: Indeed, it’s time to check whether the floors are strong. Music sounds and dancing begins.

For latecomers

On the threshold, the latecomer is immediately puzzled by the question: “Wow or well?” “Wow” means “kiss one”, “well” means “kiss one”, your choice.

Someone at the table shows a movement (for example, touching a neighbor’s nose), and everyone along the chain duplicates the gesture with one condition: do not laugh! Troublemakers are sent to a punishment cell and, upon completion, they are given some kind of funny task.

The presenter reminds that a real man not only makes eyes at his neighbor, grows a belly and plants a liver, but also must build a house, a tree and raise a son. They determine who has how many children, houses and trees in the garden and identify the main builder.

Competition for the best performance of songs about home. For example, “Weather in the house”, “Under the roof of your house”, “Parental house”, “Grass near the house”, “No one will be in the house” from the repertoires of L. Leshchenko, L. Dolina, Yu. Antonov, the group “Earthlings” ", the film "The Irony of Fate". One starts, everyone picks up.

If you have chosen a company that does not sing, you can supplement the housewarming scenario by replacing the songs with sayings: the host says the beginning, the rest guess the continuation.

  • At home - not away: ... gone.
  • In every home in the closet...
  • The hut is not red in its corners... .
  • My home, my...
  • Houses and walls...
  • Without an owner...
  • It’s good to be away… .

Two pairs participate (how best to distribute them, see the situation). Two players are blindfolded and, pointing to the other participants, asked the question: “Where are we going to kiss?”, noting a specific part of the body (ear, nose, hand, etc.). The next question is: “How many times?” The number is shown on the fingers until the participant makes his choice. Then his eyes are untied and he fulfills his own condition, for example, to kiss the man’s knees 7 times.

The apartment is so wonderful

Live as the most friendly family.

We wish that for many, many days

Great happiness settled in her.

The housewarming scenario is not a monolithic block; you can combine any options from the proposed modules and supplement competitions (for example, “Find your key on the keychain,” “On which side of the world are the apartment windows?”). Creative inspiration and happy holiday! Read all about gifts for newlyweds here.

P>Have you purchased a new apartment and are planning to arrange it? Then be sure to think through the holiday scenario. After all, the evening according to the principle: you drank, ate, drank, ate again, your guests will remember nothing but a sore head in the morning, and neither will you. This means that, in addition to a richly laid table, the owners need to take care of interesting competitions for a housewarming party.

Housewarming contests at the table

For competitions at the table, no details will be required, and during them all your guests will be involved, and no one will be bored. In addition, such contests and housewarming wishes for hosts will help all guests get to know each other quickly, relieve the first tension that may arise during the meeting and create a warm, relaxed atmosphere. Let's think about what competitions will be useful for housewarming celebrations.

  1. "ABC"- all the assembled guests say congratulations in turn, starting with one of the letters of the alphabet. You can slightly change the conditions of the competition: let all wishes begin with the letter “n”, that is, “housewarming”.
  2. "Let's sing"- with the notes in it, he goes around the circle of guests. Each note contains a word related to the theme “housewarming”. Each of those present at the table must perform an excerpt of a song in which the specified word will be present.
  3. "Remember all"- all the guests take turns recalling a funny or simply pleasant event that happened in the new settlers’ family over the past year. The one who does not remember anything is eliminated from the competition, and the guest who names the largest number of such joyful events wins.
  4. "Dance"– if there is enough space for dancing in the apartment, then couples are invited to dance, holding an object between them.
  5. "House for the Brownie"– guests compete in the speed and cleanliness of sweeping the house with a broom. You can use tennis balls, large beads, and foam balls as litter.

The question “how to celebrate a housewarming” is asked by everyone who has changed their place of residence at least once. Of course, this is not an ordinary event, the start of a new life! I would like to note on a grand scale, of course, if you are not an intelligence resident on a mission)))

Dates for housewarming celebrations

Traditionally, housewarming is celebrated on the next weekend after moving in/moving in, when not all things are unpacked. Previously, housewarming celebrations were celebrated this way: on suitcases, trunks, the floor, etc. But if a small number of guests are invited, set the table traditionally. If there is not yet a lot of furniture in the new house and there is not enough for all the guests, it would be most logical to set the “table” (clearing) on ​​a large carpet, where each invitee will be given his own ottoman, pillow or bag.

How to invite to a housewarming party

Take the time to send invitations to everyone you want to see at your housewarming party. By mail, beautiful postcard. It is also possible by email. The main thing is to indicate in detail how to get to your new habitat.

Preparing for housewarming

The first thing you need to do before a housewarming celebration is cleaning. Agree, it won’t be comme il faut at all when guests, staggering from fatigue, step on a pile of construction debris on the way to the toilet, rub their shoulder against the whitewash, or a cobweb appears out of nowhere on a woman’s lacy hairstyle...

The housewarming style should be the most democratic - in the form of a buffet table with snacks that you can take with your hands. So don't bother with culinary delights. More sandwiches, sandwiches, canapés. But it is important that the holiday menu includes a housewarming loaf, which symbolizes the wealth and well-being of the newly moved in family. It can be decorated with branches of viburnum or rowan, as in the old days. It is placed in the center of the table.

How to greet guests

The hosts or their children greet each guest at the door and, if he does not know someone, introduce them to each other. You shouldn’t show off your new home right away; invite the guest to the table with drinks, and then give them a short tour. Subsequent guests can be guided around the home by one of the spouses or a guest who is already familiar with the premises.

In addition to this, you can also give guests a humorous map of your home right from the door. To make it more interesting for them to walk around your home, set a small table in each room with some snacks. I went in, had a look, had some refreshments...

What to give for housewarming

It is not customary to give money as a housewarming gift. But every guest must throw a coin into the far corner of the property right from the doorstep. “So that money in the house is not transferred.” Tradition is a must. Do not forget.

New residents are usually given items that will bring comfort to their new home: kitchen utensils, paintings, rugs, figurines, lamps, household appliances... The main thing is to take into account its practical value and the dimensions of the room)))

Hosts can also give guests memorable trinkets. For example, keychains with your address, magnets with shared photos...

Housewarming scenario in the form of a tour of the new home

When guests arrive, the owners give them slippers and offer them a tour of the house. The tour begins in the hallway.

Hallway. There is a tray with glasses filled with juice, beer, light wine or other drink. At the bottom of each glass is a small key. Keys for mailboxes are suitable - you will need to buy a pair of inexpensive locks, which come with several keys. Of course, the keys must first be washed with soap. Guests pick up glasses with a drink and, at a sign from the owner, begin to drink, trying to quickly fish out the key. Whoever fishes out the key faster and takes it out of his mouth wins this game. The owners give him a small symbolic prize: for example, they present him with a decorative figurine-key with the words: “This is a pass to our house - now you can come here at any time”. But after a few seconds they add: “We also wanted to give the winner mobile phone so that he would call before coming to us, but you don’t need a phone - you have your own. So call if you decide to come".

The next stage is the kitchen. The owners say that this is where they will prepare all the delicacies that guests will be invited to. But the question is whether they (the guests) can understand the taste of the products. One or two volunteers are blindfolded and alternately allowed to smell different products. The guest must guess the product by smell. This could be a slice of tangerine, pickled cucumber, shrimp, cheese, ice cream, a glass of vodka, etc. If two people participate at the same time, then they are offered different products “to smell.”

Whoever guesses everything or almost everything gets a comic prize - a very deep plate with a huge spoon to take with you the next time you are going to visit the heroes of the occasion.

Next is the bathroom. The owners say: “We always welcome guests and want you to feel comfortable. We don’t know how convenient it is for you, dear guests, toilet paper, which we buy. Let's check now". You will need two or three rolls of paper with perforations (perforations on the tear line). 2-3 people participate. They need to tear off the paper exactly along the tear line (along the notch) and put these small pieces of paper in their pockets or in their bosom - in general, hide them on themselves. Whoever runs out of rolls the fastest wins. He is entitled to a comic prize - a collection of jokes: “When you go to visit us, you can take it with you: our toilet is at your complete disposal”.

The next object is the bathroom. The bathroom probably has tiles or something else, but it must be waterproof. You can ask guests to write wishes as a keepsake with special “bathing” pencils (easily washable). How nice it will be to see good words friends and relatives while showering, but only before the first cleaning. There is no need to worry - the pencil washes off very easily.

Bedroom. Two special “pillows” have already been prepared in the bedroom. Or rather, these are just pillowcases filled with various objects. The owners ask you to rate the bedroom: “Well, how do you like our bedroom? Is it comfortable? Comfortable? Is everything there? Yes? Do you know exactly what should be in the bedroom? Will it be comfortable in the dark? Have you been here in the dark? Well, now let’s see how authoritative your opinion was.”.

Two people are invited to play the game and thereby prove that their praise can be trusted, because they understand this matter. The hosts show those same pillows, then blindfold the participants and give each one a pillow. Task: unzip the pillowcase and take out items from there, sorting them. Put in one direction those items that may be needed in the bedroom, and in the other - those that do not belong in the bedroom. This, of course, will have to be determined by touch.

The following items can be placed in pillowcases: sleep mask, night face cream, book, towel, comb, condoms, massage oil, sunscreen, tweezers, wallet, screwdriver, jar of preserves, washcloth, tube of toothpaste, small pillows, soft slippers, nightie, Evening Dress, stockings, tweezers, glue, etc. Once the items are sorted, the players' blindfolds are removed. The number of obvious errors is then counted. Whoever has the least wins, receiving a symbolic prize. For example, a small pillow-thought, which should be presented with the words: “If it gets really bad, take this pillow and come to us - we will always be glad to see you and will find somewhere to put it, but don’t count on a place in the bedroom!”.

Let's go to the nursery. “What do you think of our nursery? Will our children be comfortable here? And how do you know whether it’s convenient or inconvenient - you’ve long forgotten what it’s like to be a child. Or they haven't forgotten. Shall we check?, - with this liner the hosts invite guests to the game. If the children's room is for absolutely small child(possibly even the future), you can organize a competition to throw a pacifier the farthest directly using your mouth. Of course, you will need a lot of pacifiers, since everyone who wants to “shoot” needs to be given an individual pacifier.

If it's a nursery for older children, they probably have a Lego-type building set. Let the guests make a plan of the apartment from it - the very one they are invited to move into. So there will be a test to see how they remember everything they saw.

Living room (or dining room). This is where the table is set. Where we started is where we ended up. At the table, you should immediately raise your glasses to an interesting excursion, and after that you can perform a ritual: the hosts hand out pieces of paper and markers to the guests asking them to write something bad that could happen to their new home. Then all the pieces of paper are collected and immediately burned in a large heat-resistant bowl or in a fireplace, if there is one. Now the owners can be sure that nothing bad will happen to their new home!

Housewarming scenario in “cave style”

This version of the housewarming scenario is suitable for young people. A cave themed party is a fun and original way to celebrate a housewarming. It’s worth sending your friends invitations created in a graphic editor in advance.

The invitation should be designed in the appropriate style, using images of prehistoric animals and attributes of cave life.

Sample invitation text:

Dear friend! Having broken many spears and killed several mammoths, I built myself a new comfortable cave, located at (the address of the new home). On this occasion, I invite you to a wild party that will take place in my new home (date, time). Dress code: loincloths.


It needs to be arranged right on the floor - for this, of course, you need to spread the skins of killed mammoths. Are there none? They will be replaced by fluffy blankets, woolen blankets, air mattress, mats and lots of pillows. You need to spread it all out in a circle so that there is free space in the middle for an impromptu fire and a “table”.

We're having a feast in a cave, aren't we? This means there must be a fire. To do this, you can take a large metal tray and line it with many floating candles. Around the “fire” you can place dishes with common dishes. It is better to prepare dishes that can be conveniently eaten with a fork without a knife or simply with your hands.

A barbecue would come in very handy, because meat from a fire is the best treat for “cavemen.”

When the guests arrive, the owners will invite them to walk through the cave (apartment/house), carefully examining it for convenience for living.

After the excursion, the owner will invite everyone to the table, that is, to the floor, and will read out the document “Certificate of Acceptance of the Cave.” This document must be prepared in advance. It is better to type text in a graphics editor, using a background like tree bark. The document itself may have something like this:

Certificate of acceptance of the cave belonging to (names and surnames of owners)

The cave contains:

safe hearth – 1 pc.;
solid skin covering the entrance to the cave – 1 pc.;
rock paintings such as wallpaper - on all walls;
tools for keeping the cave area clean are available;
cold cabinet for freezing and storing mammoth meat – 1 pc.;
comfortable soft beds - depending on the number of residents;
openings in the cave allowing daylight to pass through are high-quality, glazed;
cave brownie – 1 pc.
The cave was inspected by experts from the cave commission:

Last name and first name of guests in order - place for signature opposite each last name.

After reading the document, the hosts ask the expert guests to confirm what was written by leaving their signature on the document. By the way, this document will remain as a keepsake for the owners: it can be framed and hung on the wall.

After accepting the cave, the owner will offer to “wash” this matter. This is followed by a feast and “cave” entertainment. For example, you can do cave painting: blindfold several people, give them pencils and ask them to draw a plan of the cave they inspected on the wall. On the wall, if it cannot be washed, you can hang several large sheets wallpaper or whatman paper left over from renovation. However, you can also draw on the table by laying out a large sheet of paper on it. Whoever draws the most accurate plan will receive the title of Cave Architect.

Then you can arrange “Ritual Dances”: in fact, it will be the usual game of pantomime, but to the music. You need to prepare cards in advance, on each of which one item of modern household appliances is written: washing machine, refrigerator, gas stove, microwave, TV, DVD player, iron, etc. The cards are shuffled and distributed 1-2 to each participant, including the owners. Suitable music sounds (something in the style of “primitive drums”), and the participants take turns showing with gestures and movements the object that they got. But you definitely need to do it smoothly and rhythmically, that is, in a dance. The “talking” dance lasts until someone guesses what was being said. After this, the next participant shows his ritual dance and so on.

After dancing, you can play dice - one of the most ancient games. That's why it's called that because the first dice were made from animal bones. But only this time the game will play out a little differently. You will need a cube, a block of sticky notes and a pen.

Dice game at a cave party.

Players take turns throwing the dice. Each number on the die has its own meaning:

one-piece - mammoth: the one who has the one-piece is glued to his head or body with an adhesive piece of paper for notes with a large target drawn on it;
deuce - baby mammoth: the one who gets a deuce is glued to a piece of paper with a small target;
three - hunter: the one who gets a three sticks a piece of paper with a large target on it to any participant in the game;
four - the keeper of the hearth: the keeper of the hearth is given an indulgence - she re-rolls the dice;
five - the owner of the cave: the one who got the five sticks one piece of paper with a small target on it for all other participants;
six - leader: the leader can remove one large or small target from any participant at will.
Housewarming party There is no need to draw targets in advance - they are easily and quickly depicted schematically during the game. Players roll the dice in a circle. A total of five to ten circles can be made depending on the number of players (the more players, the fewer circles).

Then the targets for each participant are counted: 2 points are awarded for each large target, 1 point for each small target. The one who scores the fewest points wins. And the loser (who scores the most points) receives the title of mammoth.

Housewarming contests and games

The most important task of the hosts of a housewarming party is to introduce all the guests to each other. Then there will be relaxedness, jokes, and sincere laughter in the company... The easiest way to do this is with the help of a simple competition that can be held without leaving the table. The owner of the house says his name and asks the neighbor on the right to repeat it and give his own. Then the next guest does the same, but adds his name to them. The last one will have the hardest time of all, but by the end of the competition everyone will remember the names of their neighbors firmly...

In general, there are a lot of such competitions. We recommend reading on our website GAMES IN A UNKNOWN COMPANY, COMPETITIONS AT A PARTY, COMPETITIONS FOR LATE PEOPLE, ALCOHOL GAMES.

Housewarming toasts

What housewarming party would be complete without speeches for the health of the owner and mistress of the house?! And, perhaps, the most popular housewarming toast is the COLLECTIVE toast.

Its principle is the same as in the method described above to introduce guests. The first guest says: “Let’s drink so that there will always be money in this hospitable house,” the second repeats and adds something of his own. For example, the children laughed. That is, for the second speaker, the toast will look like this: “Let’s drink so that in this hospitable house there will always be money and children will laugh.” Then the toast will become overgrown with wishes like a snowball)))

Individual toasts will be more specific, which means they will require more imagination from guests than in a collective toast. And such a toast will be much more expensive for the hosts than a group toast. Choose one of these in our selection FOR THE HOME OWNERS.

Hosts can find toasts for themselves in the material “HOST’S RESPONSE TOASTS”.

Housewarming traditions

Previously, before a housewarming party, the corners of a new house were coated with honey - “so that the life of the new residents would be sweet.”

On the day of moving in, the clergyman blessed the housing.

The first person to enter the house was the male owner of the house. He carried with him a pot of coals, with which he lit the stove. It is noteworthy that in pagan times the oldest in the family was allowed into the house first. It was a kind of tribute evil spirits that could live in the house. Later, this human victim was replaced by a cat or dog, which was the first to be allowed into the house. There was a tradition of letting a rooster into the house in the evening so that it would spend the night there and, with its morning crowing, expel all evil spirits from the premises forever.

At housewarmings, guests were always treated to bread and salt, and coins were placed on the stove so that well-being and prosperity would not leave the house.

They gave products ranging from lard to cereals. The second most popular items were tablecloths, kitchen utensils, blankets and pillows.

Before leaving the old house, they swept out all the garbage, and took the broom they used to sweep it with them. There, their new housing was swept out and burned. This is how our ancestors moved their brownie to a new place... You can read more in the article HOUSEHOLDING.

Housewarming these days

Over hundreds of years, a lot has changed: places for houses are chosen with an eye to cost and convenience of location, brownies are not invited or cajoled, and there is often nowhere to move the sacred fire. Many people are consecrating houses and apartments today, asking for blessings and protection from Higher Powers. Of the old, superstitious traditions, there are often those associated with letting a cat into the house and inviting relatives and friends to the housewarming party, although many no longer remember that the feast once had a special meaning. We gather simply for a joyful occasion, to have a good time.

With a cat everything is clear; there is nothing complicated in performing this ritual. But it’s worth preparing for the arrival of guests. A housewarming party is almost the only holiday at which guests will not discuss the lack of repairs. Lack of furniture, old wallpaper - these are not the reasons why you should postpone the celebration. After a general feast and wishes for happiness and prosperity, you quickly get used to the house and tune in to a positive mood. Celebrating housewarming is a kind of ritual of transition to new life, so don’t neglect it, postponing it until better times.

If you are a housewarming guest - gifts

Today, as in the old days, it is not customary to give money. But the choice of gifts for a new home is huge.
This can be kitchen utensils: pots, kettles, French presses, sets of dishes, vases for sweets, fruits and flowers, cutlery, ice and baking trays, etc.
It's difficult to find new residents who don't need some of the household appliances(the gift can be discussed in advance): blender, toaster, multicooker, yogurt maker, egg cooker, vegetable cutter, juicer, coffee grinder, coffee maker, etc.
The housewife can be delighted with decorative things: a painting, scented candles, figurine, cute photo frame, flower pots, elegant tablecloth, topiary. Gifts of this type are chosen with special care so as not to go wrong with color scheme and style orientation.
If the new residents are close people, you can give them a set of bath or kitchen towels and bed linen.
When leaving a housewarming party, you need to sincerely wish the house and the people living in it happiness and prosperity, which will definitely come true.

Housewarming, or vlazins – as it was before

Our connection with our ancestors, faith in age-old traditions and the supernatural is so strong that even technological progress cannot overcome it. To understand why superstitions are associated with housewarming, it is worth knowing how it was treated before.

The huts were erected by the entire village, and the builders were very responsible in choosing the location. For example, they laid out oak bark and after 2-3 days looked under it: if there are insects, the place for construction is not good, if there are earthworms, you can live here. They could roll loaves: if they lay down correctly, with the top up, everything would be fine. Having decided on a place, prayed and pledged a silver coin for the future house, they began to build.

With such a reverent attitude towards the start of construction, the ancestors could not help but attach importance to the move into the house. This was done in the morning, after the roosters crowed for the first time. They tried to move to a new hut on major Christian holidays. The best time to move was considered to be when the Entry of the Virgin Mary into the Temple was celebrated.

Today, when we enter the house for the first time, we launch a cat in front of us. Previously, they did the same thing, except for the cat they could let in a rooster, a barely familiar or non-Orthodox person. Only then did the eldest of the family enter the house, followed by everyone else. There is an explanation for both of these traditions. People believed that after the construction of a new house, someone in the family would die, and most likely it would be the one who entered it first. Following everyday logic, the oldest was allowed in first: he still had to die before everyone else. The role of the cat and the rooster is interpreted differently: some say that they can appease evil spirits, others say that they did this to ward off the threat of death from the head of the family. The cat was also useful because the ancestors, looking at where it would settle down, placed a bed or cradle in that place.

Before moving, they put bread and salt on the table in the old house, prayed, then asked the brownie, whom they were very afraid of and revered, to move with everyone to new house. It was believed that if you take a broom with you, the brownie will also leave, so that’s what they did. In the new hut, the owner, who traditionally carried the icon, installed it in a designated place, prayed and again spoke to the brownie, inviting him to settle.

It was considered equally important to take the sacred fire with you: the hostess scooped up the hot coals, took them out in a pot covered with a tablecloth, and then poured them into a new stove. The vessel was broken and buried, the tablecloth was also used to release the brownie - they trod it in the corners of the new hut. Instead of coals, if it was not possible to carry them away, they would definitely take a poker or grip.

The consecration of the hut by the priest was of great importance for the ancestors. Without this, the vlazins made no sense: few dared to live in an unconsecrated house. Only after the consecration and all the rituals were completed, food was prepared and guests were called to the table.

They believed that noisy fun would scare away evil spirits and attract good ones. The housewife cooked pies - to live in peace with her neighbors, and some chicken - to make money. The first thing at the table, guests and hosts drank vodka - so that the new residents could have the same clean life.

Those invited tried to bring bread and salt with them, thus attracting prosperity and well-being, as well as rye and barley grain, wool from sheep. The shops were sprinkled with grain, wool and small change were thrown into the stove - also for prosperity.

The guests gave gifts when they were already saying goodbye to the hosts - something for the home. Money was not given so that the owners did not know the need.

There were a lot of traditions associated with housewarming, so we couldn’t completely forget about them.


Prepare and send invitations to all guests in advance. They should indicate the exact address of your new home, then it will be easier for those invited to find you, and you will not have to explain the route for a long time over the phone.

If you want to host your own party, you don't have to wait until your house is in perfect shape. Moving into a new apartment that has not been renovated is not a reason to delay the housewarming party. The lack of comfort and coziness can be compensated for by a skillfully created cheerful atmosphere.

A nice housewarming table is the first step to living happily ever after in your new home. You can do without white tablecloths, crystal, china and fancy dishes. The only indispensable attribute of the table should be a large housewarming loaf - a symbol of well-being and prosperity in the house. Prepare light snacks, fruits, sweets and alcoholic drinks for guests.

Decorate the walls and doors in the apartment with comic inscriptions. There is no need to heavily decorate and decorate the house. Several cheerful flower arrangements and balloons will be quite enough.

Think through the scenario. There must be time for a feast, cheerful congratulations, dancing and gifts. Build a common storyline. For example, you can resume construction of your house throughout the evening. Start by laying the foundation, that foundation will be a bountiful table. Then build the walls brick by brick. These building blocks for your celebration will be gifts from friends. Games and competitions will be the roof of your fun. They can be dedicated to the main theme of the celebration.

It is very important that your housewarming party is fun, bright and carefree. Be sure to choose musical accompaniment for the holiday. A cheerful housewarming party is not only a feast, but also competitions in which all guests participate. The options can be very different: dancing with your eyes closed, reading tongue twisters, pantomime and others.

Relax after a hard day at work and spend evening in a cheerful, friendly company - this is the main dream of any employee. Especially on Friday. How to organize evening so that you can relax properly and not have a headache the next morning?


The first tip is banal, but effective. Download a new comedy, cook some delicious food and have a good laugh at the adventures of movie characters. While viewing the lungs, the brain and body, but endorphins are produced to the fullest. After watching, you can discuss the film with one of your friends or on the Internet, or you can just go to bed with a smile and have colorful dreams all night.

Good way have a fun evening- go to the city park. Just among the kids, fooling around and... Treat yourself to a bright, airy ride and a glass of ice cream, take a ride and experience an incomparable sensation. How long have you been to the park? Feed the swans or squirrels and get a boost of energy and Have a good mood“will never leave you again.”

Leaving an old house or apartment, walk through the rooms, remember the happiest moments that happened to you here. And then, on a small piece of paper, write down how you see your life in your new home: joyful, happy, healthy, rich, with a bunch of kids, and so on. Take the list with you and store it carefully. Everything you wrote will move to the new home with you.

Oh, this housewarming... For him, too, submit a script and some competitions, otherwise the evening will be boring, drunk and joyless. Not small script holding a housewarming party with detailed recommendations.

At the same time, it is the turn of the presenter (or toastmaster). In order for your new home to become like a full cup, and for your life to be rich and full, you need to try bread and salt. The hostess and the owner must take turns breaking off a piece of the loaf and eating it. After this procedure, you can sit down festive table.

As usual on housewarming guests bring some gifts, which are presented to the new owners with some ordinary congratulations and wishes at the entrance. This process can be organized in a more interesting way. In this case, a “bitten” caravan can be well used. This is the meaning of the procedure: from the edge of the table they begin to pass this caravan along to music, it is important that the next guest receives the loaf only when he breaks off a piece of the loaf and chews his piece to the end. The same guest on whom the music stops in the process of devouring the bread product should be the first to present his gift and give a congratulatory speech. It is necessary to transfer the caravan in this way until all the guests’ gifts are completely exhausted, and the guests are able to present them. The host of the holiday should monitor the musical accompaniment of improvisation, so that the right to present a gift does not fall to one guest several times, and to some other never.

Throughout holiday All guests need to be delighted and entertained; therefore, the following games are offered:

“We hand over the card”

The host must line up the guests, alternating guests of different genders. The guest standing in front in the line is provided with an ordinary playing card. The main task of the competition-game is to pass this card to others standing in the line, holding it in the mouth. Hands must not be used during the transfer process. This task can be somewhat complicated by tearing off a small piece from the card after each circle, thereby reducing the area of ​​“grabbing” the card with your lips. In this game, all guests can be divided into two teams and a kind of speed competition can be arranged.

“Who has it longer?”

The presenter divides all guests participating in the competition into two teams. The main task of the players is to create a string of their accessories and clothes that the guests have on. The winner of this competition will be the team whose rope turns out to be longer.

Traditional script

The following scenario can be called completely traditional. The key person in this scenario is the cat. It is preferable that its color be black. This sign has been around since ancient times. So it was traditionally believed that the brownie either himself was reincarnated into a black cat, or he solemnly “rolled” on the animal into a new home. The cat must be let in first, and after the animal has become a little more comfortable in the apartment, the owners and invited guests can come in. The owners, according to the presenter’s recommendations, should place coins in the corners of the home; they should bring wealth and good luck to this house. After all the procedures, it is better to leave these coins in these corners, unless they negatively affect the interior of the apartment.

After this ritual, you can sit down at the festive table. The gift transfer process can be organized according to the rules famous game"Alphabet". The presenter lists the letters of the alphabet to himself, and someone interrupts him. The host names the letter he stopped at, and the guest whose last name or first name begins with this letter must present his gift and say congratulations.

Also, all gifts can be placed in your new home in advance. And as the festive evening slowly progresses, the hostess and host will look for them using the “hot or cold” technique, familiar to everyone from childhood. After a new gift is found, the owners must guess whose gift it is. If the answer is not correct - forfeit.

Due to the fact that the new owners gradually need to establish life in their home, it is very good to first play a game called "Fun Shopping" . Especially for this game, it is necessary to prepare special cards in advance; on one of them the purchase is written, and on the other - the main purpose of this item.

For example, it could be the following inscriptions: on the first card a dress is written, on the second - I will iron it, or a car, and on the second - I will go, I will put a vase with flowers and admire it, and so on.

Each of the arriving guests should draw a couple of cards, one from the group with purchases, the other from the purpose of purchases. In the event that two cards coincide in their meaning, then the guest is entitled to a prize. Prizes can be any small souvenirs with original signatures or comments.

To continue the fun and laughter, you can play the following competitive games:


It is necessary to prepare in advance a full-length silhouette of a person’s figure cut out of cardboard paper (the apartment owners themselves should not know about this). In the place where the face is located, it is necessary to paste a photograph of the hostess or the owner of the new home. Next, you need to put on various items of clothing on this mannequin, ranging from underwear to outerwear, for example, a hat. These things can either be real or also be made of paper. If this is paper clothing, then it is better to pin it to this mannequin. After this, during the festive evening, the host asks whose face the guests see on the mannequin, then asks about the most general information when he got married, what he prefers in food and the like. If a guest makes a mistake, he must remove some item of clothing from the figure.

The most intimate parts of the mannequin can be covered with a fig leaf made of green paper. If you are sure that the owners will understand your humor, you can write some jokes on these green leaves.

"Don't spill a drop"

All guests must be seated at the table and forced to pass the glass around in a circle. Each guest pours a little of any drink into this container. The last one whose glass is overfilled and the liquid begins to overflow over the edges will receive a glass and toast as punishment.


The host calls four guests, two women and two men. It is better for you to decide how to distribute these guests into pairs, either by belonging to different sexes, or to one. After this, you need to blindfold a couple of participants. The presenter begins to ask them, pointing to any desired place. “Well, tell me, are we going to kiss here or not?” and at the same time pointing, for example, at the cheek (you can point at the lips, hands, eyes, and so on). The participant asks questions until the blindfolded participant answers the question in the affirmative. After this, the presenter asks the second question: “And how many times will we kiss? How much?”, and demonstrates the quantity on his fingers, changing the combination of fingers with each question, until he again receives an affirmative answer. After this, the participant's eyes are untied and he is forced to do what he has chosen. This could be, for example, eight kisses on a man's knee.


Of course, there can be a lot of different scenarios, but with any of them it is necessary to take into account the composition of the invited guests, the age of the new owners, as well as a lot of others important points that may influence the course of the event. Taking into account various features, it’s time to plan a holiday party.

To make the atmosphere truly festive, you need to decorate your new home beautifully and cheerfully. Since the main leitmotif of the event is, it is necessary maintain the style of a recently completed renovation or construction work . If the new owners don’t mind too much, you can scatter various wood shavings across the floor. As an alternative to this option, you can prepare a kind of paper shavings.

Create a huge floor plan of the new room, and place it in a visible place front door. During the evening or before leaving, guests can leave their wishes for the new residents on this large plan. Undoubtedly, this will help leave a long-lasting memory, since the owners can save this plan and periodically look at it, remembering the memorable day.

Another idea

You can bring this idea to life. Since the apartment is new, all guests most likely do not know their way around very well. Especially for these purposes you can come up with some kind of humorous pointers about what is located and where. So, for example, the first arrow at the entrance with the inscription “Balcony. 8 meters." You can come up with a wide variety of inscriptions, ranging from the most serious to the simply indecent. This directly depends on the number of guests and the wishes of the owners.

To make the mood more festive, you need to hang it in your new apartment. Garlands(not forgetting even about the toilet and bathroom, balconies, unless of course the weather interferes). Variations of garlands can be very different, both the most sophisticated and quite simple. This, of course, depends on the time available (you need to prepare them with your own hands) and your artistic and creative abilities.

Above the doors of each room hang horseshoes for luck. If suddenly there are real ones, then it will be just wonderful, but if there are no real ones, then paint and paper can again come to the rescue. It must be said that in such a variation they should look no less original, since their scale can be made larger and painted in some cheerful colors. In this form they will not go unnoticed by invited guests.

This beautiful festive picture can be completed by carpentry tools (for example, a medium-sized plane) or dishes (mugs, saucers or clay pots) specially placed in different places in the apartment.

And as the final touch in decorating the apartment of the new residents, there will be a beautifully and festively decorated and served table. The main theme of the evening, of course, is a new place to live, but at the same time there should simply be no shortage of drinks and food. In the process of setting a table, improvisation means a lot, and an ordinary cloth or paper tablecloth can turn into a starting point for amateur activities. Of course, the tablecloth should be ironed and well starched. The central transverse and longitudinal folds of the laid tablecloth should strictly fall against the table edges.

If you want to pleasantly surprise your guests, you can unusual embroidery on the tablecloth. In general, a properly laid tablecloth is the key to the elegance and solemnity of the feast.

To decorate the table you need to use fresh wildflowers or garden flowers, which must be placed in vases of 3-5 flowers each. In order for seated guests to see each other clearly, place these bouquet holders at different ends of the table.

Place a well-decorated main dish, a pepper utensil, in the middle of the table. Vinegar or mustard, a bowl of fruit.

For each guest you need to place a small dinner plate, and on top of it - a snack bar. By left side Place a special pie plate intended for bread.

On this day, it is best to arrange napkins in the form of a house (if, of course, you know how to serve napkins) or in the shape of a triangle, square, cap and place them on the snack plates on the left side. The table will always benefit from the fact that the napkins and tablecloth are of a uniform fabric. Along with cloth napkins, in the middle of the table you can place a vase with a napkin holder for paper napkins, which are best rolled into tubes.

By right side Knives are laid out from the plate, with the blade pointing them towards the plate, next to them is a spoon, and to the left is a fork, with the teeth pointing it upward. A dessert spoon is placed behind the plate, parallel to the table edge, with the convex side down, with the handle facing to the right.

Wine glasses, glasses and glasses must be placed in front of each cutlery slightly to the right of the plate according to the order in which the dishes are served.

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to put a small amount of shavings on the table so as not to forget about the reason for which the guests gathered that day.

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