Home Hygiene Should I sterilize my cat? Veterinarians know the ideal age for sterilizing cats. Can a 7-year-old cat be sterilized?

Should I sterilize my cat? Veterinarians know the ideal age for sterilizing cats. Can a 7-year-old cat be sterilized?

Many cat lovers know that in order to solve problems with the increase in the number of stray animals in all more or less developed countries of the world, governments actively support the idea of ​​animals that do not have breeding value.

Veterinarians practice surgical removal testes, as the simplest and cheapest method, allowing you to reliably suppress sexual function animal. But is the procedure safe for all pets? How justified, for example, is castration of a cat at 7 years old?

Veterinary specialists themselves are quite unanimous on this issue: many of them believe that Without an objective need, it is no longer worth depriving an animal at this age. Simply put, unless there is a really good reason, the cat’s “bells” can be left alone. Moreover, there is really little point in the procedure in such cases.

Why is this so? The problem is that a seven-year-old cat is a fully formed, formed personality, possessing a set of habits, many of which may seem somewhat... annoying to a person. Take, for example, the penchant for territory. At this age, this is a completely forgivable habit, since the cat is already accustomed to conquering a certain territory from its relatives and at the same time attracting the attention of females.

Castration, contrary to popular belief, will not eliminate this habit. It is not a consequence of the presence of sex hormones in the animal’s blood. - “just” an instinct that exists in the brain of every cat. True, its intensity manifests itself differently in everyone. Again, the secretions of a sterilized cat do not smell as intense, so from this point of view there are still benefits from castration.

Some professional breeders may be aware that castration significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer. But in this case, you can ignore this pleasant nuance. The fact is that optimal age deprivation, when cancer can actually be prevented - about six months (until the onset of puberty).

Seven-year-old pets are at risk of organ cancer genitourinary system approximately the same both in the presence and absence of testes.

Of course, you can gain a certain percentage by sterilizing your pet even at an older age, but there is no particular point in this. So why are “veterans” castrated?

The procedure is carried out if there are any significant veterinary indications:

  • Sterilization is indicated for chronic cystitis and prostate disease.
  • A similar situation - chronic inflammation testes and their appendages may leave the veterinarian with no choice.
  • In some cases, castration also helps improve the pet's condition.
  • Finally, if a cat has been diagnosed with cancerous pathologies of the urinary system, then, most likely, it will still be impossible to do without sterilization.

Often, “patriarchs” are castrated, whom the owners no longer want to allow for breeding, but are forced to keep in the same house with cats. Finally, “fighting” cats that constantly come home with lacerations and biting wounds they received in fights over cats may also need sterilization.

Features of castration

There are no specific features of surgical castration, but you should always remember some physiological characteristics old cats:

  • At the stage of preparation for surgery, blood and urine tests are required. Their results will help determine the condition of the animal’s lungs, heart, and kidneys.
  • In cases where the above studies do not provide accurate data, it is recommended to conduct an ultrasound and chest x-ray, as well as abdominal cavities. These techniques will help to more accurately determine the condition of all vital organs of the pet.

As for the actual conduct of the operation, the procedure itself has some distinctive features No. It is only important to remember that the tissues of the genital organs at this age are already quite dense and rigid, which imposes special requirements for the application of a ligature. The knot must be tightened so that it is guaranteed not to come apart.

If there is any doubt, you can additionally apply a suture. Since the healing process of the operated area can take two weeks or more, it is very important to prevent the process of licking the wound. To do this, it is recommended to use it immediately.

Feline vasectomy

If you need your elderly cat to no longer be able to father new kittens, and it is undesirable to carry out “full” castration, a vasectomy will help solve this problem. Without going into anatomical details, this is the name of the procedure ligation of the vas deferens.

As a result, sperm can no longer exit the penis during sexual intercourse, and therefore the cat remains, as it were, sterile. The testes remain intact, and as a result there will be no complications from the consequences. In particular, older pets are very prone to problems after castration, and even adjusting the diet often does not help to cope with this.

In addition, a vasectomy is an extremely reliable way to prevent the birth of new kittens. Unlike “classical” surgical castration, it does not affect the pet’s health in any way, which is especially valuable if it is necessary to infertize an old cat. Please note that the presence of testes implies continued release of testosterone. It means that the animal will continue to behave exactly the same as before “castration”. Let us note, in fairness, that even in the case of surgical excision of the testes, the results will be exactly the same.

Please also note that ligation of the vas deferens does not have an immediate effect. Even after surgery, a cat can be successful within a few weeks.

So before allowing him into a sorority, it is advisable to take your pet to the veterinarian. He will take a sample of the animal's sperm and evaluate the spermatogram. If the analysis shows that there are no longer living sperm in the secretion, then your pet will no longer be able to continue the family line.

The cat is not even a year old, but she has entered puberty, is showing signs of estrus (restless meowing, arching her back), and is ready to give you offspring! If this is not your plan, think about how to avoid having offspring.

Find out the opinions of professionals about when you can start sterilization, as well as compelling arguments in favor of this veterinary procedure.

Sterilize a cat at home

What is the optimal age for sterilization of cats, and why surgery is necessary

A cat's life follows its own laws. The cat does not find a place for itself, literally climbs the wall, screams and rushes into the street to find the cat! And in rare moments of calm, he climbs onto his owners’ laps and restlessly demands affection. What to do with her: maybe give her an anti-sex pill, as the neighbor advised? Or solve the problem radically and sterilize the cat? But she’s still very little!

Veterinarians are confident that sterilization of cats is necessary, and at what age depends on the development of the individual. In most cats, the body is fully formed by 8-12 months, so it’s time to do this surgery. The permitted age starts at 6 months, however veterinarians believe that this may have a negative impact on health.

As for adult representatives of the cat family, ovariectomy is also indicated for them. But the older the tailed patient is, the more carefully the doctors check her health.

veterinarians at the clinic

Sterilization of a cat: at what age can it be done?

So, your furry pet’s call of nature is so strong that the light is no longer pleasant to you. You study the price list for veterinary services and see that both sterilization and castration of cats are offered. What's the difference? It turns out that the term itself is general in nature. Let's figure it out!

In everyday life, sterilization is usually called resection of the ovaries, which does not correspond to the medical interpretation of the word.

So, you are trying to find out at what age cats are spayed. The first year of a kitten's life is 15 years human life, and subsequent years - 12 years. This means that the 12-year-old fluffy beauty, by our standards, has crossed the retirement line, and she is already 64 years old! The veterinarian will definitely order an examination:

  • Analysis of urine;
  • blood analysis;

A similar diagnostic complex is indicated for veterinarian patients from 5 years of age, since only healthy individuals are allowed to undergo castration. And the older the animal, the higher the risk of various pathologies.

At what age is cat sterilization available at the veterinary clinic? Sometimes veterinarians get down to business, even if the animal is only six months old. This is done on the basis of an examination that reveals early sexual development. But experts warn that as a result, the growth and development of the entire cat’s body may slow down, so the client must take responsibility for his decision.

VIDEO: Optimal age of sterilization and other nuances

Neutering cats: age and consequences

Surgery is performed in several ways. Let's list them in the table.

The older the animal, the weaker its body, the worse it will tolerate anesthesia. Therefore, to the question “sterilization of a cat: at what age is it better to do it?” experts answer that doing it after 7-8 years is quite risky. For an accurate answer, an examination is needed that will allow you to assess the risks.

What happens if the owners, citing their humane beliefs, refuse to castrate the cat? Here are some inexorable statistics:

  • females who underwent surgery at a young age are 50% less likely to suffer from mammary tumors;
  • castration before the first heat reduces the risk of breast cancer to a negligible percentage (0.5%);
  • a cat that has undergone castration after several heats has a fairly high chance of getting a tumor (up to 26%).

This surgical intervention reduces the likelihood of getting sick and prolongs your pet's life.

Cost of sterilization

Does the price of sterilizing a cat depend on age? Considering that the price of the procedure Vet clinic lays down anesthesia, recovery from anesthesia, immunomodulating drugs and, if necessary, resuscitation, it can be assumed that for older individuals the amount may increase. As you can see, timely use of aibolit is beneficial both for the cat’s health and for your wallet.

The price of castration at home, which is offered by the VetCom veterinary clinic, varies from budget option(3500 rub.) to VIP option (9300 rub.)

Now you know about sterilizing a cat and at what age it is better to do this procedure. In your hands is the health, peace, and happy life of the cat you once took into your home!

From the age of 7-8 years, cats can be considered “elderly”, since by this time they begin to develop chronic diseases, A average duration life - 12-15 years. Castration of a cat at 7 years of age is in most cases possible and does not lead to unpleasant consequences, but a thorough diagnosis should first be carried out.

First, the doctor puts the animal into a state. The hair on the scrotum is shaved off and the skin is treated with an antiseptic. A small incision is then made through which the surgeon gains access to the testes. Further, the operation differs depending on the technique:

  • The seminiferous tubules, which supply the testes with blood, are ligated. But the testes themselves are not touched. They atrophy on their own due to lack of blood and will resolve.
  • The testes are tied with a ligature as high as possible inguinal ring. Then the testes are cut off with scissors. This method gives results much faster.

Remember the main thing: only healthy animals can be castrated. Or, if the cat is chronically ill with something, in its most stable condition. No matter how simple castration may seem at first glance, you need to remember that this is a surgical intervention under general anesthesia, that is, a serious test even for a completely healthy body.

Includes the following steps:

  • Solve the issue with . A vaccinated cat needs to be castrated! Try to choose a time for surgery not immediately after vaccination, since the immune system must “come to its senses”, wait at least a month.
  • It is necessary to carry out. If less than a month has passed since the last anthelmintic, then you don’t have to worry, but if more, you’ll have to give an anthelmintic drug unscheduled. Caniquantel or any other will do.
  • Take tests: general and biochemistry, urine. Purebred animals need to undergo heart and kidney examinations. It is necessary to exclude infections of the kidneys and lungs, inflammatory processes.
  • Before surgery, the cat should not be allowed to eat for 12 hours. Don’t be afraid, this is a predator, so the cat tolerates significant breaks between “lunches” normally (in nature, hunting can be unsuccessful). Fasting is necessary to prevent your pet from vomiting during surgery.
  • Prepare everything you need for transportation: a warm blanket, napkins in case of “toilet troubles,” a veterinary passport. If it is cool outside, the animal may freeze, since under anesthesia the body temperature decreases greatly.

Read also: Why does a cat want a cat after castration - behavioral characteristics before and after

After operation

Place the cat to “get some sleep” on a bedding or mattress on the floor, where no one will disturb him, and not near a radiator. Let one of the family members be at home, as it is necessary to monitor the animal’s well-being.

The cat should wake up in 1-3 hours, but the next day he may still walk with a “drunk” gait, not respond to his name, stumble, and not notice obstacles on the way. This is normal, you can sound the alarm only if your breathing is uneven, intermittent. Keep an eye on this.

Place the litter box close to the cat, as it may be difficult for him to get to the toilet after anesthesia. 2-3 hours after anesthesia, the cat may want to drink, and after 5-6 hours it may want to eat. Therefore, a bowl of food and water should also be placed next to the animal.

Possible complications during anesthesia

During the introduction of an animal into a state of anesthesia, the following complications may occur:

  • Malignant hyperthermia. The drugs can block the activity of the thermoregulatory center in the hypothalamus. In this case, there is a possibility of an uncontrolled increase in temperature, which can lead to the destruction of proteins throughout the body.
  • During anesthesia, breathing slows down greatly. The respiratory center is located in medulla oblongata and usually continues to work under anesthesia. But with an overdose of drugs, a complete stop of respiratory activity is possible.
  • Many drugs inhibit the activity of the heart. This can lead to blood stagnation, poor circulation, oxygen starvation, the formation of multiple edema.
  • For normal functioning, many organs require a certain level of blood pressure in the vessels. With an excessively strong decrease, systemic failure of all body systems develops.

Read also: Why does a cat yell after castration: we talk in detail about important things

Contraindications for surgery under anesthesia

Any operation that involves surgery cannot be done without anesthesia. Putting the body under anesthesia often leaves behind a lot of discomfort. There are situations when anesthesia is contraindicated. In addition, the optimal age for castration is 7-12 months of age, but not 7 years.

To find out whether surgery under anesthesia is contraindicated for a cat or not, you need to undergo examinations of the whole body and find out whether the patient has any diseases. First of all, the heart is checked using an ECG and urine is also taken for analysis.

If during the examination the patient is diagnosed with any disease or inflammatory process, the veterinarian may prescribe additional tests to more accurately determine the state of the body. If a contraindication is confirmed, the operation is canceled or performed without anesthesia.

Reasons for cancellation surgical intervention can be:

  • Respiratory tract diseases.
  • Various viral infections.

appeared at your home little kitty. And the question immediately arose - should she be sterilized and how to do it correctly in order to preserve her health as much as possible and give her a long and happy life. Let's look at the most frequently asked questions from cat owners before sterilization.

Sterilize or let her give birth at least once?

If you want to babysit kittens, you can give the cat the opportunity to give birth, but this will not be beneficial for her health.

When should a cat be spayed?

Spaying a cat before her first heat reduces the risk of developing mammary tumors by up to 99.7%. A cat's first heat usually occurs between 6 and 8 one month old. That is, it is better to sterilize a cat at 6-7 months.

What if we missed the start of the first heat?

You can sterilize your cat later. To do this, you need to wait until it ends and carry out sterilization in proestrus, that is, 1 week after estrus. Prevention of mammary gland tumors, in this case, will be less in percentage terms: after the first estrus, prevention of breast cancer is 70%, after the second - 30%, and after the third, there is no prevention at all. But in this way we also prevent other pathologies, for example, the development of inflammation of the uterus.

What to do if the heat has stopped, less than a month has passed and a new heat has begun?

This condition called nymphomania and indicates hormonal imbalance in organism. In this situation, sterilization can be carried out without waiting for proestrus, that is, during estrus or a short lull between estrus.

Our cat is already several years old, and has never been in heat or bleeding from the loop?

Cats go into heat without bleeding, and you can tell that your animal is in heat only by its characteristic behavior: purrs, arches its back, raises its tail. Bloody discharge from the loop they talk about inflammatory process uterus (for example, pyometra, hematometra) and require urgent attention to a veterinary clinic.

What needs to be done before sterilization?

  • the cat must be in mandatory vaccinated (see article vaccination), this will reduce the risk of contracting a viral infection.
  • It is recommended to undergo a cardiac examination (ECHO heart screening), since a significant number of cats have congenital cardiac pathologies, which do not always give severe symptoms, but may cause complications during anesthesia or during postoperative period. There are also breeds at risk for cardiac diseases, which includes, for example, Maine Coon, British, Scottish, Abyssinian, Sphynx. In these breeds, cardiac pathologies are very common, and ECHO heart screening is mandatory for them.

What will a cardiological examination give us?

ECHO heart screening will allow us to suspect cardiac pathology at an early stage and begin to prevent it further development, or timely therapy. Also, thanks to this study, we can minimize the risk of complications both during anesthesia and in the postoperative period. The most common complication in patients with cardiac pathologies is cardiogenic pulmonary edema, an urgent condition that can result in the death of the pet.

We want to sterilize the cat, but we don’t know whether to remove everything or just the ovaries?

In our clinic we exclusively perform ovariohysterectomy, that is, we remove both the uterus and ovaries, as this allows us to avoid postoperative complications. Namely, by leaving the uterus, an ineffective organ, in the body, we expose the cat to the risk of a repeated, more complex and risky operation to remove the inflamed uterus - pyometra.

Which incision is better, straight or side?

In our clinic we perform laparotomy, that is, an incision along the white line of the abdomen. This has a number of advantages:

  • An incision along the linea alba of the abdomen does not lead to muscle injury, since it passes through the aponeurosis, the junction of the abdominal muscles, this incision heals better and hurts less.
  • Access is more convenient and the operation is more controlled.
  • It is also possible to remove both the ovaries and the uterus completely, which will not lead to subsequent complications.

We want to sterilize our cat, but we are very afraid of anesthesia and cannot sit at home with her for several days?

At Vysota VC, cats are sterilized using combined anesthesia regimens: we use intravenous hypnotic short acting, after which the animal wakes up in a short period of time (1-2 hours after stopping the drug administration), and epidural anesthesia. Thanks to this combination of drugs, the animal completely recovers from anesthesia in as soon as possible and does not experience post-anesthetic intoxication. It is also mandatory that the animal is placed in a surgical hospital for several hours to minimize the risks associated with the state of recovery from anesthesia. Thanks to the sterile operating theaters at Vysota, antibiotic therapy is not carried out after sterilization, and a long stay at home with the animal is not required.

What is a cosmetic stitch?

At VC Height, if desired, an intradermal cosmetic suture is applied, which does not require postoperative treatment, suture material It resolves on its own and heals within 4-6 days. That is, when applying a cosmetic suture, the only inconvenience for your pet is the need to wear a post-operative protective blanket within 4-6 days.

We thought about it and decided to sterilize our pet. What do we need to do for this?

You need to: sign up for surgery in advance, and come with a hungry animal, 6-8 hours of a fasting diet.

Is it necessary to make an appointment for surgery?

Pre-registration for surgery allows you to properly plan the surgeon's operating day and eliminates unpleasant emotions as a result of long waits in line.

The cat is one of the most beloved pets, which in the human mind is associated with the comfort and warmth of the hearth, which is why there is rarely a cat in the house. In order for a furry pet to feel comfortable enough, a caring owner must provide her with good nutrition, plenty of drinking, proper care of her claws and fur, as well as the opportunity to comfortably satisfy her natural needs, that is, take care of the cat’s litter box.

However, there is another need that is of no small importance for the animal - the desire to procreate. Therefore, if the animal is not intended for breeding, a problem arises related to the inevitability of its sterilization. At what age can a cat be spayed?

What is the rationale for sterilizing a cat?

    First of all, this procedure will forever relieve the owners of the problems associated with the appearance of unwanted offspring: in conditions modern city kittens are very difficult to place good hands, and throwing them out into the street is completely unacceptable.

    Forcibly keeping a cat at home at the moment when she wants to go in search of a mating partner leads to the development of severe nervous stress.

    Forced abstinence from sexual intercourse is contrary to the physiology of an adult animal.

Possible consequences

The consequence of stress associated with the lack of mating may be the development of:

  • Mastitis.
  • Urinary tract infections.
  • Tumors of the uterus.
  • Ovarian cysts.
  • Oncology of the mammary glands.
  • Tumors of the uterus (up to malignant).
  • Diseases urinary system leading to difficulty urinating.
  • Mental abnormalities in behavior.
  • Inappropriate habits.

Existing methods of sterilizing cats

The essence of sterilization is that it deprives the animal of the ability to reproduce. Exists following methods sterilization of cats: surgical, medicinal and radiation.

Surgical methods of sterilization


    The most effective and reliable method is ovariohysterectomy - an operation during which not only the ovaries, but also the uterus are removed. Veterinarians call this method castration of females, since after it regular estrus completely stops.

    Such sterilization of cats (the consequences of which are to completely relieve the operated animal from the risk of developing a large number of severe and very dangerous diseases removed organs) will relieve animal owners from many problems.

    This operation is performed on all cats that are already capable of reproducing: both young (after the first heat) and fairly old animals; both those who have already given birth and those who have one or another disease of the uterus.


    Less radical, but no less effective in terms of prevention unwanted pregnancy The method is oophorectomy - an operation to remove only the ovaries (the uterus is left). Domestic veterinarians call this particular operation the actual sterilization of females.

    As a result of the cessation of the production of sex hormones, the hormonal levels in the animal’s body change, resulting in the cessation of estrus. This method eliminates the risk of ovarian diseases for the cat, but the possibility of many serious illnesses the uterus remains.

    The operation to remove the ovaries is performed only on young cats that have not yet been in heat and there are no pathologies in the uterine cavity.

    Uterus removal

    There are often cases when an animal with the ovaries removed has to undergo another operation, this time to remove the uterus. That is why experienced veterinarians advise animal owners not to sterilize, but to completely castrate their pets, so as not to torture the animal later.

    Dressing fallopian tubes

    Tubal ligation surgery (or tubal occlusion) is aimed at creating infertility despite the preserved activity of the ovaries. In relation to cats this method is practically not used because it is practically meaningless.

    Tubal ligation does not stop estrus, does not eliminate the cat's desire to find a mating partner, does not correct it aggressive behavior, the desire to put marks everywhere, and also maintains the risk of developing dangerous diseases of the uterus and ovaries.

    It is completely useless to perform a tubal ligation on a cat under five months old, since in the rapidly growing body of a young animal, the threads (which were used to tie the tubes) can dissolve, as a result of which the activity of the fallopian tubes can be restored.

Non-surgical methods for stopping sexual desire

    Sterilization using medical supplies - a method known for its dangerous consequences for animal health. The action of hormones contained in drugs that suppress the sexual “hunt” of animals many times increases the risks of developing both benign and malignant tumors ovaries, uterus and mammary glands.

    Often, animal owners, having become convinced of the ineffectiveness of such drugs, still go to the clinic to sterilize their pets, but by this time the health of their pets has already been undermined, and the need to undergo surgery is caused by medical indications.

    Radiation (chemical) sterilization- a method consisting of radiation exposure ovaries. The danger level of this method remains under big question. A number of veterinarians consider it relatively safe if the dose of radiation for each individual animal is calculated correctly.

    Most experts do not exclude the possibility of an attack negative consequences for the cat’s health in the future, since this is fraught with cell degeneration internal organs, exposed to radiation.

    How is the operation performed?

    All surgical methods sterilization (removal of the uterus and ovaries, removal of some ovaries and tubal ligation) are abdominal surgery, performed under general anesthesia, lasting 35-40 minutes. The animal does not feel pain.

    Sutures (internal or external) are applied both with threads and with metal staples. The location and length of the incision depend on the sterilization method; the width of the seam ranges from 1 to 5 cm.

    Caring for a cat after sterilization

    In order for your cat to recover quickly after surgery, the following rules must be followed:

    • It is necessary to provide her with a hard, comfortable bed.
    • Do not disturb her sleep in the first few hours after surgery.
    • It is advisable to stay close to the pet recovering from anesthesia, at least for several hours.
    • Cover the cat recovering from anesthesia with a warm blanket, as at this moment its body temperature will drop significantly.
    • Put a special bandage on your cat to prevent stitches from licking.
    • Regularly (morning and evening) treat the seam with ointment prescribed by your veterinarian.
    • If non-absorbable material was used during the operation, after 10 days you will have to go to the clinic to have the stitches removed.
    • Be prepared for the fact that the very next day some cats may independently visit the litter box and move actively, although in most cases they most often lie in the place designated for them.

    At what age should a cat be spayed?

    When can a cat be spayed? This question (as well as the question of when to vaccinate a kitten) often worries caring cat owners.

    There is no clear answer to this question. IN Lately It has become fashionable to carry out early sterilization of kittens at almost two months of age. Proponents of this approach argue that at this age animals are not so sensitive to pain and their recovery after surgery is faster.

    Opponents of early sterilization are convinced that this haste in the future will lead to improper formation and development of internal organs.

    The most common point of view is:

    • The most optimal time To carry out sterilization, the age of 6-8 months is considered (during this period the animal reaches puberty).
    • It is necessary to carry out the operation before the onset of the first heat.
    • If estrus does begin, it is necessary to protect the animal from pregnancy.
    • It is forbidden to perform surgery during estrus: it is fraught with risk dangerous complications. It is best to sterilize your cat a week later.

    Is it possible to sterilize an adult cat?

    Many pet owners who did not sterilize their pets on time and fear for their health often ask: “When should I sterilize a cat that is no longer a kitten?” Is it possible to sterilize animals that have already given birth, as well as older animals?

    In principle, cats can be sterilized at any age. You just need to understand that the risk of developing many diseases in cats that have already been sterilized mature age, is many times higher than the same indicator in those animals that were operated on on time.

    If the owner decides to sterilize adult cat, he must carefully select a doctor and prepare for the fact that post-operative care it will take more time.

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