Home Prosthetics and implantation MTPL insurance for disabled people of group 3. Established benefits under compulsory motor insurance

MTPL insurance for disabled people of group 3. Established benefits under compulsory motor insurance

Compensation for compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance for disabled people is a measure social support disabled people and at the same time the only benefit under compulsory insurance contracts for civil liability of car owners. The rules for providing compensation are determined by Article 17 of the Federal Law of April 25, 2002 No. 40-FZ “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners.”

Conditions for providing compensation

Compensation is provided to disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3, as well as disabled children.

To receive compensation, a number of conditions must be met:

  • Motor vehicles must be provided to them for medical reasons, which must be prescribed in the individual rehabilitation program (IRP) of the disabled person.
  • The car must be used by the person entitled to compensation, and it can also be used by no more than two other drivers. If we are talking about a disabled child, then the car can be used by his legal representative.

The amount of compensation for disabled people is 50% of the cost insurance policy OSAGO. Moreover, the disabled person (his legal representative) must pay for the policy himself, and only then apply for compensation.

Compensation is paid by regional authorities, who receive cash from the federal budget.

Persons entitled to it should apply for compensation in local authorities social protection population.

Documents required to process compensation.

When applying for compensation, the following documents are required:

  1. Application for compensation from the person entitled to compensation or his representative. If the application is submitted by a representative, his authority must be confirmed by a notarized power of attorney.
  2. Passport and a copy of the main pages of the passport. In case of registration of compensation by power of attorney, it is necessary to provide passports and their copies for both the person entitled to compensation and those not his representative.
  3. Certificate from the bureau medical and social examination. The certificate must indicate the disability group and the reasons for making the decision regarding disability.
  4. Help from medical organization indicating the need to use a vehicle (copy individual program rehabilitation of a disabled person).
  5. OSAGO policy.
  6. Payment document confirming payment of the MTPL insurance premium. This can be a receipt (for cash payment), a payment order (for non-cash payment), or any other document confirming the fact of payment.
  7. Registration documents for the car (documents confirming ownership of the car).
  8. A technical certificate, on the basis of which one can draw a conclusion about the possibility of using a car for the movement of a disabled person.
  9. Conclusion on the serviceability of additional equipment intended for a disabled person to drive a car independently (if such equipment is available).

Is it possible to replace repairs with cash payment?

Cases when the right to replace repairs (in the event of an accident) with the payment of monetary compensation arises are strictly regulated in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

These are the cases:

  • a car cannot be restored after an accident;
  • the cost of car repairs exceeds the established payment limit. And the limits are as follows: no more than 50 thousand rubles under the European protocol and no more than 400 thousand rubles under the compulsory motor liability insurance policy.
  • cases when it was not the car, but other property that was damaged
  • a case where the driver of a car died in an accident or was injured (severe or moderate).

Answers to common questions

Question #1: For what period can a disabled person receive MTPL compensation? Is it possible to get the last three years at once?

Answer: Unfortunately, compensation can only be received for the current year, so it is important to apply for it in time this year. There is a letter from the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection on this issue Russian Federation dated January 17, 2013 No. 13-7/56.

Question #2: How long does it take for a disabled person to apply for compensation under compulsory motor liability insurance for 2017?

Question #3: Is it possible to receive compensation if a car is used for a disabled child, but the IPR does not contain a phrase about medical indications for providing a vehicle?

Answer: Until there is a corresponding entry in the IPR, you will not be able to receive compensation. But parents of a disabled child have the right to make such an entry (get it made) in the IPR every right. On this issue, there is a Letter from the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 15, 2015 No. 13-5/B-1367, which directly states that specialists from a medical institution have the right to enter into the IPR a conclusion on the existence of medical indications for a disabled child to purchase a car at their own expense (other permitted sources).

Before we talk about what benefits under compulsory motor liability insurance are provided for by our laws, let’s understand a little about the main term. OSAGO is compulsory motor third party liability insurance. It is mandatory, not voluntary.

This definition is given in Chapter 2, Article 4 Federal Law No. 40-FZ “On compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners” dated April 25, 2002. In principle, this is a useful initiative. After all, if you are at fault for an accident, your company will compensate the victim for damages. And if they hit you, then Insurance Company the culprit.

Who is eligible for benefits?

According to the Law, the purchase of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy is mandatory. But the financial situation of drivers can be very different. Therefore, benefits are provided for people with disabilities.

Article 17 of Federal Law No. 40-FZ provides benefits for disabled people under compulsory motor liability insurance. In this case, certain conditions must be met.

  • A disabled person must have a vehicle in accordance with medical indications and use it himself.
  • If this is not possible (here we mean a disabled child), it is permissible for his legal representative to drive.
  • Together with a disabled driver (or his legal representative), a maximum of two people can use the car.

Please note that car insurance benefits cover 50% of the cost of insurance. Only the amount specified in the insurance policy will be taken into account. The insurance premium itself must be paid without delay.

It should be noted that compensation may exceed the notorious 50%. It may even be full. The decision on this is made by the authorities of each region independently.

What about other categories of citizens? For example, are benefits provided to pensioners? Unfortunately, the answer is no. The current federal legislation does not provide any relief for them.

Federal legislation does not provide benefits for OSAGO policies for other categories of citizens, however, such benefits can be established by local governments.

How to apply for a benefit

To apply for this benefit, a disabled person must contact the social security authority at their place of residence. You need to provide:

  • a photocopy of two pages of the passport (1 page and registration);
  • statement;
  • a document confirming the right to receive benefits;
  • MTPL insurance policy;
  • receipt of payment of insurance under the contract;
  • certificate issued medical institution, the right to provide special transport due to special indications of a medical examination;
  • technical passport of the vehicle.

Do not forget that in order to receive compensation for the current year, you must submit your application before December 10. Once the application has been reviewed, compensation can be received at your place of residence.

OSAGO belongs to the category mandatory types civil liability insurance for citizens who own cars. An insurance policy allows, if necessary, to cover unexpected damage caused to the health of the car owner and his passengers, as well as to the vehicle.

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Consequently, if the owner of the car gets into an accident, the resulting damage will be compensated by payments from the insurance company with which the contract was concluded. The final payment amount is specified in the agreement. In turn, the insurer, after the examination, must cover the damage not to the owner of the insurance policy, but to citizens who suffered in a road traffic accident.

Payment of MTPL compensation to disabled people

Many citizens are interested in the question of whether financial compensation disabled people when applying for compulsory motor liability insurance, and what needs to be done to obtain it. This issue is regulated by the provisions of Article 17 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Insurance...”. As a result, disabled people, including disabled children, who own cars for medical reasons are entitled to compensation.

Its size is 50% of the paid insurance premium in accordance with the terms of the insurance contract.

At the same time, in Moscow, until recently, the amount of compensation was 50% of the amount of the insurance premium, but no more 1980 rub.. Payments of compensation were made from the city budget. The basis for the payments was the order of the Moscow government dated November 3, 2004 No. 2202-RP and dated April 27, 2005 No. 699-RP. However, these regulations lost force on the basis of Moscow government decree No. 743-PP dated November 10, 2015.

Under what conditions is it paid?

Compensation is paid subject to the use of the car by a person who is entitled to receive such compensation. Two drivers can apply for payments at the same time. The main condition for providing MTPL compensation to disabled people who purchased a technical device with personal savings is the presence of medical indications for the provision of special transport.

Such conclusions are usually issued by branches of the Federal Institution “Main Bureau of ITU...”.

Another reason is the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate’s mark in the vehicle’s registration certificate (PTS) indicating that the vehicle was issued by executive authorities.

Also, disabled people are required to submit a medical certificate confirming the right to drive a car with the appropriate design parameters of a driver who has disabilities. In other words, the document must indicate the absence of contraindications to driving. The indicated requirements are provided for by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n “On approval of lists of hazardous production factors

..." and the order of the Ministry of Health dated September 29, 1989 No. 555 "On improving the system of medical examinations...". Development questions special programs

rehabilitation, including the establishment of medical indications aimed at providing appropriate vehicles, were regulated by Government Decree No. 805 of December 16, 2004 “On the procedure for organization and activities...”. The regulatory document also determined the types, timing, and scope of measures for the implementation of medical and professional rehabilitation of citizens. However, the decree became invalid in 2010. Today, the personal rehabilitation program for citizens is enshrined in the provisions of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people.” This includes rehabilitation activities that are provided to a disabled person free of charge and

When buying a car, the question often arises about the type of manual control that is indicated for people with disabilities. A similar problem can be solved by developing a personal rehabilitation program. To do this, you need to add the corresponding entry to the TSR list of the “Car using personal savings” position. Government agencies ITU may establish medical indications aimed at providing disabled people with technical devices for rehabilitation purposes. The notified body may also recommend the type of manual control.

Required documents to receive compensation

Payment of compensation is carried out by the regional departments of social protection of the population at the place of registration of citizens. The basis for providing compensation is the application of the disabled person or his legal representative.

In addition to the application, copies of the following documents must be attached:

  • Receipt for payment of the insurance premium.
  • Technical passport issued in the name of a disabled person. If the recipient of compensation is a disabled child, then you must provide a PTS in the name of his legal representative.
  • A medical certificate confirming that a driver with disabilities is allowed to drive a car with certain design characteristics.
  • Policy on compulsory insurance of civil liability of the car owner.

Details about compulsory motor liability insurance in 2019

Every citizen living in Russia is required to insure a vehicle. The document that confirms the availability of this insurance is an insurance policy. The size of standard insurance tariffs is set by the government of the Russian Federation. The amount of the insurance policy is calculated for each driver individually, by multiplying the standard rate by certain coefficients.

As stated earlier, to receive compensation, a disabled person must fulfill the following conditions:

  1. Design a technical device suitable for medical indications and operate it independently. If this is not possible, for example, if the owner of the car is a disabled child, the vehicle may be driven by his legal representative.
  2. No more than two people can use the car together with a driver who has a disability.

Separately, it should be recalled that car insurance benefits provide coverage of 50% of the insurance policy price.

Only the amount specified in the policy is taken into account.

In this case, the insurance policy must be paid without delay. There are cases when compensation exceeds the 50% figure. Full coverage is also possible. It all depends on the authorities of each individual region.

Explanations on the implementation of powers to pay compensation to disabled people

The Ministry of Social Protection of the Population regularly receives requests about the duration of the period for which a disabled person is paid compensation for insurance under a compulsory civil liability insurance contract.

By general rules The insurance contract is valid for a year. This period is established by Article 10 of the Federal Law of April 25, 2002 No. 40-FZ “On Compulsory Insurance...”. Costs associated with providing social assistance citizens are provided for by the law on the federal budget for the next year.

Based on the clarifications of the Ministry of Social Protection dated January 17, 2013 No. 13-7/56, compensation for expenses under compulsory motor liability insurance should be made in the current year.

Reimbursement for previous years is not provided.

Important information

It should be remembered that insurance not issued or issued late may become the basis for bringing the driver to administrative liability. The amount of the penalty depends on the specific circumstances, which will be discussed below.

Fine for driving a car without a license

A situation often arises when drivers leave their insurance policy at home. Such an offense is punishable by a fine. Its size is 500 rubles. (Article 12.3 of the Administrative Code). In some cases, the driver may get off with a warning.

In this case, a situation may arise when a traffic police officer insists that a forgotten policy is equivalent to expired insurance.

Simply put, he can try to collect a fine of 800 rubles from the violator. It is important to prepare for such a situation and immediately prepare evidence for a future appeal of the protocol. More detailed information on solving the issue can be found on the Internet.

If the insurance is expired From time to time, you come across drivers who drive a car while carrying an expired insurance policy. For such an offense a larger fine is provided than in the previous case. Its size is 800 rubles. A driver faces a similar fine for complete absence

insurance policy.

Almost every driver has encountered a situation where he urgently needs to get behind the wheel of someone else’s car. Naturally, there is simply no time to reissue an insurance policy.

Such an offense is punishable by a fine.

Its size is 500 rub. (Article 12.37 of the Administrative Code).

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If you drive during an unforeseen period

The driver can reduce the period of use of the vehicle by 6 months. Consequently, the cost of the policy becomes less. However, driving a car will not be possible all year round.

This method of saving is most suitable for summer residents who do not use a vehicle in the winter.

If you violate the specified terms and drive a car with an expired policy, the violator faces a fine of 500 rub.

Parking fine for lack of insurance policy

This year, the evacuation of cars to an impound lot in the absence of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy cannot be applied. Until the end of 2019, for lack of insurance, traffic police officers could impose a ban on the use of a car by removing license plates.

In 2019-2016, this type of punishment is no longer applied.

The absence of an insurance policy is grounds for imposing a fine.

Amount of insurance coverage

By law, an insurance policy requires a certain limit on payments to the injured party. Payments are made upon the occurrence of an insured event.

Size insurance coverage is 400,000 rubles, of which 240,000 rubles. accounts for compensation for harm to the life and health of victims and 160,000 rubles. goes to compensate for the damage caused to the property of the victims.

For disabled people who wish to receive compensation, it is important to remember that to receive it for the current year, you must submit an application no later than December 10. After considering the application, you need to apply for compensation to the territorial department of social protection of the population at the recipient’s place of registration. Using the above recommendations will help you avoid unpleasant situations with the traffic police and receive compensation in a timely manner.


Currently, a large number of people live on the territory of the Russian Federation benefit groups population. IN in this case People with disabilities deserve special attention.

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A lot of programs have been specially developed for this segment of society, which should make the life of disabled citizens at a decent level.

Benefits for the disabled are present everywhere, including for disabled motorists.

Main aspects

Every year there are more and more car enthusiasts on the territory of the Russian Federation. In accordance with current legislation, every car must be insured.

In other words, every car owner in mandatory must take out a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. In this case, disabled people were no exception.

However, for disabled citizens in the case of purchasing and using a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, some benefits and discounts are available, which once again emphasizes their status on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Due to the fact that disabled people have social benefits, compulsory insurance for them is provided at discounts, but only if a number of conditions are met.

Necessary concepts

Before considering how the return of compulsory motor insurance to disabled people and the acquisition of a policy by these citizens is carried out, you should familiarize yourself with the basic concepts:

OSAGO Compulsory car insurance policy, which acts as insurance in the event of a traffic accident
Benefits and privileges Incentives established by the state for a certain category of the population who benefit from legally assistance from state municipal authorities is provided
Disabled person A disabled citizen of the Russian Federation who, due to health reasons, cannot provide for himself independently, which is why he needs state support and constant care
Competent authorities Management apparatuses through which the interaction of governing authorities with the population occurs
Citizen of the Russian Federation A subject of a state who is entitled to certain rights and protections provided by law

Based on these concepts, it is possible to study in more detail the essence of the issue regarding compulsory motor liability insurance for disabled people, and what rights disabled citizens have while driving without this document.

In what cases will it be necessary

Taking out an MTPL policy is mandatory for any motorist, and it doesn’t matter at all whether the citizen has health limitations or is completely healthy.

You cannot drive a vehicle without this document. As a rule, a compulsory insurance policy is required in the following cases:

  • when registering a vehicle with the traffic police;
  • in the event of a traffic accident;
  • during a routine check of documents by a traffic police inspector.

In all these cases, even disabled people cannot do without a compulsory insurance policy. Due to the fact that the document becomes more expensive every year, the authorities decided to reduce the cost of the compulsory motor liability insurance policy for disabled people, but on the condition that the vehicle belongs to a disabled citizen, and he will personally be driving.

The only exceptions are disabled children, who also have the right to benefits, only their legal guardian receives it for them.

The legislative framework

Compensation for compulsory motor liability insurance for disabled children, as well as other issues related to compulsory insurance m of vehicles for disabled people are regulated by the following legal acts:

Federal Law No. 62 of May 31, 2002 “On citizenship of the Russian Federation”
Federal Law No. 178 of July 17, 1999 “On state social assistance”
Federal Law No. 195 of December 10, 1995 "About the Basics" social services population of the Russian Federation"
Federal Law No. 181 of November 24, 1995 “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”
Federal Law No. 143 of November 15, 1997 “On acts of civil status of citizens of the Russian Federation”
Federal Law No. 40 of April 25, 2002 “On compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners”

Based on these laws, as well as the amendments applied to them, compulsory motor liability insurance policies are provided for ordinary citizens and beneficiaries in the Russian Federation.

Rules for issuing a policy

The document on compulsory MTPL insurance has certain rules of execution. In this case, for disabled people they are not very different from ordinary citizens of the Russian Federation.

Let's take a closer look at how to obtain a compulsory motor liability insurance policy:

  1. The owner of the vehicle contacts the insurance company.
  2. Writes a corresponding application for issuing an MTPL policy.
  3. If necessary, the car undergoes a technical inspection.
  4. All necessary documents are attached to the application.
  5. If a citizen is disabled, he provides the appropriate identification.
  6. Next, the insurance policy is paid for and received.

As a rule, when applying for an insurance policy for disabled people, there is a significant discount, which often reaches 50% of total amount OSAGO.

Conditions for providing compensation

Compensation under MTPL for disabled people includes some conditions that are not available to ordinary citizens in the Russian Federation, namely:

  • before applying for a policy, a disabled person must visit the municipal social security authorities and write a corresponding application;
  • further, after consideration of the application, he is provided with contributions for social insurance, which cover up to 50% of the cost of the MTPL policy;
  • You can use the preferential insurance service only once a year for a personal car, or for the vehicle of a legal guardian, if we are talking about a disabled child;
  • a disabled person has the right to demand the entire amount provided for payment in the compulsory motor liability insurance policy if the car is seriously damaged in an accident;
  • Disabled people of groups 1 and 2 can make a request for full insurance payment no more than once every 3 years.

As a rule, when applying for compulsory motor liability insurance and its subsequent use, disabled people may encounter these conditions.

Compulsory motor liability insurance for disabled people of group 2

A compulsory insurance policy for disabled people of the second group is usually provided with a 50% discount, which allows them to significantly save on the purchase of an insurance document.

The remaining part of the funds is compensated to the insurance company at the expense of municipal social protection authorities, but only on the condition that a group 2 disabled person previously applied to the competent authority with an appropriate application for the provision of benefits.

Discounts for 3rd group

Disabled people of any group, including disabled citizens of the third category, have the right to receive a discount or compensation for half the cost of an MTPL insurance policy.

In this case, the disability group is not of particular importance; in any case, a citizen with health limitations has the right to demand compensation in the amount of half the cost of the policy, if the corresponding discount has not been previously issued.

Amount of payment benefits

When paying for an MTPL policy, disabled people usually pay full cost insurance depending on driving experience and length of accident-free driving.

If they previously requested support from municipal social protection authorities, then disabled people of any group, as well as legal guardians of disabled children, have the right to receive a discount of up to 50% on the insurance policy.

In the case when an application to municipal social protection authorities is made after purchasing an insurance policy, then in this case the applicant can count on compensation payment up to 50% of the policy cost.

However, in this case, the amount of payment benefits depends on the following points:

  • driving experience of a disabled person or the legal guardian of a disabled child;
  • age of the vehicle;
  • accident-free period of use of the vehicle;
  • power of the engine installed in the car;
  • market value of the car.

Depending on these indicators, a disabled person can count on MTPL compensation of up to 50% of the full cost of the policy.

Is it necessary for a car?

Regardless of the fact that disabled people are a preferential category of the population, purchasing a compulsory motor liability insurance policy for them is a mandatory task when using a vehicle.

Otherwise, according to the current Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a car that does not have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy cannot be driven on the country's roads.

If a violation is detected, even on the part of a disabled person, the traffic police inspector will be obliged to issue an appropriate fine for the lack of a compulsory insurance policy.

Section: News / Date: April 30, 2016 at 4:48 am / Views: 19259

For all vehicle owners in the Russian Federation, motor third-party liability insurance is mandatory. The MTPL insurance policy is a document confirming the availability of insurance.
How is the cost of an insured event calculated? Basic coefficients are taken (the value of which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation) and multiplied by special coefficients, which are calculated individually for each case of an accident.

Benefits under compulsory motor liability insurance for disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3

According to the law, there are benefits under compulsory motor liability insurance for disabled people in the amount of compensation of 50% of the cost of the insurance policy. The law applies to all disability groups, namely 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Article 17 of Federal Law No. 40-FZ provides benefits for disabled people under compulsory motor liability insurance.

MTPL insurance for disabled people

MTPL insurance for disabled people is compensated, subject to following conditions:
There must be a record in the IPR that a car is recommended to you and you can drive the vehicle;
By vehicle must be used by the disabled person himself (or his legal representative, meaning a disabled child), according to medical indications. A maximum of one other person can use the car.
Those. discounts on compulsory motor liability insurance for disabled people occur as follows: you pay the full cost of the insurance policy, and from this amount through the authorities Social Development guardianship and trusteeship you will be compensated 50% of the cost.
Compensation can exceed 50%; this is decided by the authorities of each region independently.

How to receive compensation for disabled people when applying for compulsory motor liability insurance

This issue in the Russian Federation is dealt with by the social protection authorities.
The required package of documents to receive benefits for disabled people when applying for compulsory motor liability insurance:
Statement that (- “Please return ...”), identification documents (passport);
documents on the ownership of the car;
the MTPL insurance policy itself;
a receipt for payment of the insurance premium under the contract;
Those. Passport (vehicle passport).

To receive a discount on compulsory motor insurance for disabled people for the current year, you must submit an application before December 10. After reviewing the application, compensation will be transferred to the book or received at the place of residence.

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