Home Gums Compulsory motor insurance for disabled people of group 1. What discounts and benefits are there for compulsory insurance?

Compulsory motor insurance for disabled people of group 1. What discounts and benefits are there for compulsory insurance?

Currently on site Russian Federation There are a large number of benefit groups living there. IN in this case People with disabilities deserve special attention.

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A lot of programs have been specially developed for this segment of society, which should make the life of disabled citizens at a decent level.

Benefits for the disabled are present everywhere, including for disabled motorists.

Main aspects

Every year there are more and more car enthusiasts on the territory of the Russian Federation. In accordance with current legislation, every car must be insured.

In other words, every car owner in mandatory must take out a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. In this case, disabled people were no exception.

However, for disabled citizens in the case of purchasing and using a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, some benefits and discounts are available, which once again emphasizes their status on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Due to the fact that disabled people have social benefits, compulsory insurance for them is provided at discounts, but only if a number of conditions are met.

Necessary concepts

Before considering how the return of compulsory motor insurance to disabled people and the acquisition of a policy by these citizens is carried out, you should familiarize yourself with the basic concepts:

OSAGO Policy compulsory insurance a car that acts as insurance in the event of a traffic accident
Benefits and privileges Incentives established by the state for a certain category of the population who benefit from legally assistance from state municipal authorities is provided
Disabled person A disabled citizen of the Russian Federation who, due to health reasons, cannot provide for himself independently, which is why he needs state support and constant care
Competent authorities Management apparatuses through which the interaction of governing authorities with the population occurs
Citizen of the Russian Federation A subject of a state who is entitled to certain rights and protections provided by law

Based on these concepts, it is possible to study in more detail the essence of the issue regarding compulsory motor liability insurance for disabled people, and what rights they have disabled citizens driving without this document.

In what cases will it be necessary

Taking out an MTPL policy is mandatory for any motorist, and it doesn’t matter at all whether the citizen has health limitations or is completely healthy.

You cannot drive a vehicle without this document. As a rule, a compulsory insurance policy is required in following cases:

  • when registering a vehicle with the traffic police;
  • in the event of a traffic accident;
  • during a routine check of documents by a traffic police inspector.

In all these cases, even disabled people cannot do without a compulsory insurance policy. Due to the fact that the document becomes more expensive every year, the authorities decided to reduce the cost of the MTPL policy for disabled people, but on the condition that vehicle belongs to a disabled citizen, and he will personally be behind the wheel.

The only exceptions are disabled children, who also have the right to benefits, only their legal guardian receives it for them.

The legislative framework

Compensation for compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance for disabled children, as well as other issues related to compulsory insurance of vehicles for disabled people, are regulated by the following regulatory legal acts:

Federal Law No. 62 of May 31, 2002 “On citizenship of the Russian Federation”
Federal Law No. 178 of July 17, 1999 "On State social assistance»
Federal Law No. 195 of December 10, 1995 "About the Basics" social services population of the Russian Federation"
Federal Law No. 181 of November 24, 1995 “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”
Federal Law No. 143 of November 15, 1997 “On acts of civil status of citizens of the Russian Federation”
Federal Law No. 40 of April 25, 2002 “On compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners”

Based on these laws, as well as the amendments applied to them, compulsory motor liability insurance policies are provided for ordinary citizens and beneficiaries in the Russian Federation.

Rules for issuing a policy

The document on compulsory MTPL insurance has certain rules for execution. In this case, for disabled people they are not very different from ordinary citizens of the Russian Federation.

Let's take a closer look at how to obtain an MTPL policy:

  1. The owner of the vehicle contacts insurance company.
  2. Writes a corresponding application for issuing an MTPL policy.
  3. If necessary, the car undergoes a technical inspection.
  4. All necessary documents are attached to the application.
  5. If a citizen is disabled, he provides the appropriate identification.
  6. Next payment is made insurance policy and receiving it.

As a rule, when applying for an insurance policy for disabled people, there is a significant discount, which often reaches 50% of total amount OSAGO.

Conditions for providing compensation

Compensation under MTPL for disabled people includes some conditions that are not available to ordinary citizens in the Russian Federation, namely:

  • before applying for a policy, a disabled person must visit municipal authorities social protection and write a corresponding statement;
  • further, after consideration of the application, he is provided with contributions for social insurance, which cover up to 50% of the cost of the MTPL policy;
  • You can use the preferential insurance service only once a year for a personal car, or for the vehicle of a legal guardian, if we are talking about a disabled child;
  • a disabled person has the right to demand the entire amount provided for payment in the compulsory motor liability insurance policy if the car is seriously damaged in an accident;
  • Disabled people of groups 1 and 2 can make a request for full insurance payment no more than once every 3 years.

As a rule, when applying for compulsory motor liability insurance and its subsequent use, disabled people may encounter these conditions.

Compulsory motor liability insurance for disabled people of group 2

A compulsory insurance policy for disabled people of the second group, as a rule, is provided with a 50% discount, which allows them to significantly save on the purchase of an insurance document.

The remaining part of the funds is compensated to the insurance company at the expense of municipal social protection authorities, but only on the condition that a group 2 disabled person previously applied to the competent authority with an appropriate application for the provision of benefits.

Discounts for 3 groups

Disabled people of any group, including disabled citizens of the third category, have the right to receive a discount or compensation for half the cost of an MTPL insurance policy.

In this case, the disability group is not of particular importance; in any case, a citizen with health limitations has the right to demand compensation in the amount of half the cost of the policy, if the corresponding discount has not been previously issued.

Amount of payment benefits

When paying for an MTPL policy, disabled people, as a rule, pay the full cost of insurance depending on their driving experience and the length of the accident-free driving period.

If they previously requested support from municipal social protection authorities, then disabled people of any group, as well as legal guardians of disabled children, have the right to receive a discount of up to 50% on the insurance policy.

In the case when an application to municipal social protection authorities is made after purchasing an insurance policy, then the applicant can count on a compensation payment of up to 50% of the cost of the policy.

However, in this case, the amount of payment benefits depends on the following points:

  • driving experience of a disabled person or the legal guardian of a disabled child;
  • age of the vehicle;
  • accident-free period of use of the vehicle;
  • power of the engine installed in the car;
  • market value of the car.

Depending on these indicators, a disabled person can count on MTPL compensation of up to 50% of full cost policy.

Is it necessary for a car?

Regardless of the fact that disabled people are a preferential category of the population, purchasing a compulsory motor liability insurance policy for them is a mandatory task when using a vehicle.

Otherwise, according to the current Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a car that does not have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy cannot be driven on the country's roads.

If a violation is detected, even on the part of a disabled person, the traffic police inspector will be required to issue an appropriate fine for the lack of a compulsory insurance policy.

The civil liability insurance procedure is mandatory for all vehicle owners in Russia. A document that can confirm the presence of this type of insurance is a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

Installed executive bodies authorities of the Russian Federation. The cost of the document is determined individually for each specific case by adding various to the basic tariffs. Certain groups of people are provided with MTPL benefits for accident-free driving.

Basic conditions

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Benefits under compulsory motor liability insurance are provided in accordance with current legislation - the main provisions of liability insurance are regulated by Federal Law No. 40. Convert Special attention it is worth considering that the benefits cover no more than 50% the cost of the insurance policy. The document itself must be paid within the period established by the contract and without delay.

Depending on local laws, benefits may cover the full amount of insurance for some people. Their registration is carried out by special bodies responsible for ensuring social protection of the population.

To receive the benefit, the interested car owner must contact the relevant authorities and provide the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (or any other document with which government officials can verify the identity of the applicant);
  • statement;
  • papers that confirm the applicant’s right to use the vehicle;
  • compulsory insurance policy;
  • receipt of payment of the insurance premium under the agreement;
  • technical passport of the car.

It is worth noting that in order to receive benefits for the current year, you must submit an application and attached documents no later than the beginning of December, and after consideration of the application, compensation can be received at your place of residence

Normative base

The insurance procedure under MTPL has a number of basic rules.

Among them, the following are especially worth highlighting:

  • the insurance system can provide insurance for damage caused to the life or health of the injured person, as well as his property as a result of a road accident;
  • the formal amount of compensation is established at the level of legislative authorities;
  • Every owner who plans to drive their car on the territory of the Russian Federation must take out an appropriate insurance policy;
  • the use of vehicles for which a binding agreement has not been concluded is strictly prohibited;
  • a person’s participation in road accidents before concluding a contract under compulsory motor liability insurance automatically increases the cost of the policy, which, in turn, should motivate drivers to drive more safely in the future.

When purchasing, receiving as a gift or transferring to operational management, a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement must be drawn up for the vehicle. Insurance must be provided within 10 days from the moment of purchasing the car. We should not forget that the existence of an appropriate agreement is prerequisite for subsequent registration of the car with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

Active regulations define only a few cases and groups of vehicles for which compulsory insurance is not provided.

Among them are the following means of transportation:

  • with a maximum speed that does not exceed 20 km per hour;
  • motorcycles, tractors and construction equipment with a volume of no more than 50 cubic centimeters;
  • vehicles owned by the Russian Army or government agencies(except for transport that is used exclusively for business needs);
  • cars that were registered outside the Russian Federation and insured by specially authorized bodies of other countries;
  • owned trailers individuals, in which there are less than 8 seats;
  • vehicles on tracks.

Only one insurance policy can be purchased for one car - this also applies to the privileged category of persons. The insured person can be the owner of the car or any other person. Additional protection that can help cover losses in excess of maximum rate within the framework of compulsory motor liability insurance, issued voluntarily.

If an uninsured car is involved in a traffic accident, its driver must independently compensate for the full amount of damage caused. This rule regulated by civil law. In this case, the amount of compensation cannot be less than that, which is established by the rules of compulsory insurance.

Main features

To whom are provided

This type of benefit can be provided to pensioners and disabled people if the following conditions are met:

  • in the case of disabled people different groups the car can be used by them or their legal representatives;
  • no more than 2 drivers are allowed to drive;
  • A citizen of the Russian Federation must provide a full package of documents confirming the person’s disability or belonging to pensioners.

Funds for such payments are allocated from the federal budget. At the federal level, compensation is provided for two groups of disabled people: for persons with disabilities under the age of 18 years and for other disabled people with health and physical conditions.

It is worth noting that Federal Law No. 40 does not provide for such compensation for labor veterans. Combat veterans also receive compensation on an individual basis. Local governments must independently establish social payments and benefits for other categories.

Design scheme

Benefits under compulsory motor liability insurance in 2019 are issued upon provision in local authorities social protection of the following list of documents:

  • photocopies of all pages of the passport;
  • a certificate confirming the right to receive benefits;
  • MTPL insurance policy and document payment receipt;
  • a medical certificate with the results of an examination allowing people with disabilities to drive a car;
  • copy of PTS;
  • statement.

After submitting all documents and the corresponding application, it will be reviewed by employees of the social protection service, after which the insured person will be able to count on compensation. To obtain up-to-date information about whether it is possible to return part of the amount spent on insurance, the insured person can personally contact any branch of the insurance company or write an email.

Additional papers

Benefits under compulsory motor liability insurance for disabled people of groups 2 and 3 are issued on the basis of the following documents:

  • an application in writing (the paper can be left by the official representative of the disabled person if there is a notarized power of attorney);
  • representative's passport with copies of all main pages;
  • a certificate from the place of medical examination indicating the disability group;
  • certificate from medical institution, which confirms the need to use a special vehicle;
  • a technical certificate, which may indicate that the car belongs to a special group of vehicles in which people with disabilities can move independently;
  • conclusion on the serviceability of additional equipment, if installed in the vehicle.

What is important to remember about MTPL benefits

Compensation of insurance premiums

Local authorities may independently establish insurance compensation for various groups citizens. The main condition for this is the absence of contradictions in relation to the current federal legislation. Some coefficients can compensate for the cost of insurance, for example, bonus-malus or regional.

The following can also receive preferential compensation under the policy:

  • regular clients of the insurance organization - up to 5% ;
  • participants of special promotional campaigns;
  • persons who filled out the questionnaire without the slightest error, providing the most honest information.

Impact of odds

When insuring a car, adjustment factors may affect the final cost of the contract.

On this moment There are several similar indicators:

CT , which can affect both the increase and decrease in the cost of the policy. The territory is determined based on the place of permanent registration of the car owner. It is worth noting that on average in Russia this figure does not exceed 2.1.
KBM This coefficient directly depends on the presence or absence emergency situations during the period prior to the execution of the relevant agreement. The car owner can be assigned 1 of 15 classes. For every year of accident-free driving, the discount increases.
KO The coefficient is set if the insured person has not provided up-to-date information on the number of persons who can drive the car. In this case, the cost of the insurance policy will increase by 1.8 times. This indicator is equal to 1 if a list of drivers allowed to drive is provided.
PIC For younger people 22 years old the coefficient is set to 1.8. This is due to the inexperience of the driver.
KM Installed for cars whose power exceeds 150 horsepower. The cost of the agreement increases by 1.6 times. For drivers of vehicles with a power of up to 50 horsepower, a coefficient of 0.6 is set.
KPR Coefficient established if available. Cannot be higher than 1.16.
KP A short-term policy with a validity period of 20 days. Such a document can be issued only in cases where the owner of the car needs to issue state registration. The coefficient of such a policy is 0.2.
KN Sanctions for the insured person knowingly providing false information, which can reduce the overall cost of the agreement. In this case, the cost of the policy increases by 1.5 times.

It is worth noting that odds are automatically lost if the driver is involved in a traffic accident due to his own fault.


Before restoring benefits, you first need to know where to turn on this issue. In order for the insured person to take advantage of all available benefits, it is necessary to provide the insurance company, for example, Rosgosstrakh, with a medical certificate confirming the presence of disability.

The commission may establish disability:

  • on 1 year– for groups 2 and 3;
  • on 2 years– for 1 group;
  • before reaching adulthood - for children;
  • no statute of limitations.

In the latter case, reinstatement of the benefit is not required. It is enough to submit a package of documents every year that can confirm the costs of purchasing the policy. Before reinstating a disability benefit for a certain period, you must obtain a certificate of disability extension from the authorized commission.

To undergo the inspection procedure you must:

  • get a referral from a doctor;
  • collect documents;
  • undergo examination - this procedure can be carried out at home if the insured person finds it difficult to move without assistance.

The MTPL benefit is provided every year when a policy is concluded.

If, in the process of drawing up a contract, insurance company employees do not take into account, for whatever reason, the bonus-malus coefficient, which gives the right to a significant discount under the agreement, then the owner of the vehicle or his authorized representative must:

  • check the value of the coefficient yourself - you can do this by sending a corresponding request on the website Russian Union Motor insurers;
  • write a claim addressed to the management of the insurance company;
  • if a response to the claim is not received or it does not satisfy the requirement of the insured person, then the company’s client can file a claim with the highest courts.

The use of irrelevant coefficients when drawing up an insurance contract may result in the deprivation of the insurance company’s license to carry out the relevant activities. That is why the problem with the coefficients can be resolved directly with the authorized employees of the company.

It is worth noting that the payment of benefits and other compensation does not in any way affect the procedure for purchasing an insurance policy

Discounts for disabled people and pensioners

Preferential payments to disabled people and pensioners under compulsory motor liability insurance are regulated by Article 17 Federal Law №40.

The main provisions of the document are as follows:

  • disabled people, including children, who are owners of special vehicles can receive a discount of up to 50% from the paid insurance premium under the compulsory insurance contract:
  • local governments receive powers to pay benefits from federal executive authorities;
  • In addition to the disabled driver, 2 more persons can drive the vehicle - in this case, insurance is purchased in full and only after that the insured person can count on compensation amounting to half of the total cost of the agreement.

The policy can be issued as traditional way, by visiting the office of the institution, or by applying for an electronic policy via the Internet on the insurance company’s website.

The pros and cons of purchasing OSAGO in Euroset are considered.

OSAGO, being a mandatory state motor third party liability insurance policy, today provides motor vehicle insurance throughout Russia. Both ordinary citizens and persons with legal status can take out a policy in 2019. Against the background of general legal relations, one can highlight benefits for people with disabilities, enshrined in state laws and local administrative acts.

The legislative framework

According to the standards established by federal legislation, all vehicle owners must be insured and must have a personalized policy in their car. At the request of traffic police representatives, car owners are required to immediately present it.

In 2019, administrative districts for compulsory motor third party liability insurance set out benefits for people with disabilities in laws that clarify the procedure for obtaining privileges.

The movement of disabled people in uncomfortable urban conditions is most often carried out by car. Therefore, when applying for compulsory motor liability insurance, this category of citizens is provided with preferential conditions.

Attention! MTPL benefits for disabled people of group 1, as well as for groups 2 and 3, provide for the purchase of a policy with a 50% discount.

In different regions of Russia, the size of this benefit is different. At the same time, the peculiarity of purchasing insurance is to pay for the policy in full with the subsequent return of part of the costs.

Important points:

  • the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance can be reduced only when purchasing insurance for one car;
  • the car must be the property of the person, physical abilities which are somewhat limited;
  • All persons enrolled in insurance have the right to take advantage of the preference (no more than two people, not including the owner).

Since a disabled person does not always have the opportunity to drive his own car, his relatives can receive a discount, namely:

  • parents of a disabled child and his official representatives;
  • persons caring for incapacitated citizens with the presence of;
  • persons accompanying citizens from

The amount of compensation is determined based on the cost of the vehicle title. And it is equal to half of this amount.

Also, persons with disabilities may be provided with optional preferences, the receipt of which is possible if:

  • the beneficiary has been insured by one organization for several years;
  • the disabled person has not been involved in an accident for a long time.

For your information! Registration of insurance includes a clause where the name of a relative is indicated, who in the event of the death of the car owner will be able to receive insurance payment.

Features of granting privileges

When purchasing compulsory motor liability insurance, you should understand that its cost is individual in each case. In this case, factors that influence the possibility of a traffic accident are taken into account. These include:

  • presence of an accident;
  • driving experience;
  • age of the insured person.

After analyzing these factors, insurance agents determine the cost of insurance and enter into an agreement upon receipt of an application from beneficiaries.

For your information! A statement of desire to conclude an insurance contract must be written, since this procedure is voluntary.

You can familiarize yourself with a sample application for receiving benefits under compulsory motor liability insurance for persons with a certain disability group on our portal.

Total The papers required to obtain insurance should be divided into two packages. The first package will include papers aimed at purchasing a motor vehicle license:

Receiving compensation for damage caused by an accident will be carried out in the presence of another package of documents. It should include:

  • MTPL insurance;
  • documents confirming the availability of a car;
  • calculation by the assessment commission of the amount of damage.

The social service, after receiving documentation for insurance compensation, reviews the case within two weeks and issues its verdict in writing.

Is it possible to receive insurance compensation in cash?

In 2019, insurance compensation is provided to disabled people only in material form. This decision is justified by the fact that the cars of disabled people and people in privileged categories are equipped with special technical components, the repair of which requires special maintenance. The insurance company will be able to provide such special repairs.

Insurance compensation is carried out in the following stages:

  1. The insurer records a traffic accident.
  2. We collect documents confirming the circumstances of the damage to the car.
  3. The car is handed over to a specialist to assess its condition.
  4. The costs of restoring the car are calculated.
  5. The collected documents are provided to the insurance company to repair the damaged car.

Most often, a damaged car is sent to a repair station, where, based on the work performed, the insurer reimburses the costs.

How is it possible to obtain a compulsory MTPL policy if a family has a disabled child?

Existing laws of Russia provide benefits for compulsory motor liability insurance for children with disabilities of all groups.

Considering that a sick child will not drive a vehicle, for this reason the insurance will not be for him, but for the adult family member who owns the car. This person must buy the policy.

When collecting documentation for drawing up a contract, a medical examination will be required to confirm the child’s disability and the composition of the family where the child lives.

The amount of compensation for the purchase of compulsory motor liability insurance, as for all persons with disabilities, is 50% of set price policy. The conditions for obtaining insurance after an accident do not differ from the rules listed above.

Are there any benefits under compulsory motor insurance for labor veterans?

This category of car owners has certain benefits in some Federal Districts. Therefore, if you have a Veteran of Labor certificate, before purchasing a policy, you should consult with representatives local authorities and from the insurer.

Current questions and answers

  • Question 1. The disabled person's car was damaged during a traffic accident. How long does a car owner have the right to submit documents to receive insurance payment?
    Answer 1. The owner of a vehicle damaged in an accident can receive insurance compensation for three years. After the expiration of this period, the right to insurance payment is lost.
  • Question 2. In what cases is it permissible to receive compensation in cash?
    Answer 2. Based on Federal legislation, insurance compensation is provided in most cases in the form of car repairs. However, benefits under compulsory motor liability insurance for disabled people of group 2 (as well as for groups 1 and ) make it possible to receive a compensation payment in cash. Such payment is allowed in the following cases:
    • if the beneficiary died (monies are paid to blood relatives);
    • if the damage to the car does not give any hope of restoring it.

    In this case, compensation payment in the form of money can be made no more than once within 3 years.

  • Question 3. Is it possible in preferential category Upon receipt of compulsory motor liability insurance, should large families be included?
    Answer 3. At the Federal level, large families were not provided with benefits when purchasing compulsory motor liability insurance in previous years and this year. However, some concessions may be granted by local governments. Therefore, before concluding a contract, you should consult with local authorities, after which you should discuss this issue with the insurer in order to take advantage of the benefits (if any).

Current Russian legislation and existing rules traffic are designed to regulate the movement of motorists on the roads to ensure the safety of citizens' lives from unforeseen situations.

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Every year the regulations regulatory documents is being tightened to encourage drivers to comply with the rules and improve accident statistics.

Vehicle insurance has been a practice for many years; in our country, such an event is also considered a mandatory norm.

Who has

To eliminate the consequences of an accident, money is needed and, as a rule, the person responsible for the situation is responsible for covering the damage.

The companies from which the motorist purchased the policy cover basic insurance events. The practice of recent years obliges citizens to buy for their vehicle.

Before purchasing insurance, you should familiarize yourself with the information that regulates the opportunities for certain groups of citizens to enjoy preferential conditions.

The legislation, namely, states that special offers from insurers may apply to the category of disabled clients, but not to veterans, pensioners, members of large families and Chernobyl victims.

But local legislation federal districts reserves the right to manage benefits for citizens, so you should clarify such possibilities immediately before applying for a policy.

Let's look at all sorts of privileges for each group of clients.

Disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3

Representatives of this group of citizens are the first applicants to receive benefits when purchasing compulsory motor liability insurance for a vehicle.

To do this, the conditions put forward by him must be strictly observed - provision of the necessary documentation and compliance with existing recommendations.

Disabled persons must fulfill the following conditions:

  • The vehicle must be equipped according to medical indications;
  • drives a car both as a disabled person and as his authorized representative;
  • It is allowed to have no more than two legal representatives, that is, three people, including a disabled person, have the right to drive the car.

In order to prove your right to receive preferential conditions, you must provide documentation from a medical institution. Documents must certify the fact that the motorist has a disability group.

For disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3, benefits are provided in the form of a refund of half the cost of the compulsory motor liability insurance itself.

In this case, the motorist is obliged to independently arrange and buy insurance, and then apply for compensation to stipulated amount. Such refund is carried out at the expense of Money their federal budget.

For pensioners

Unfortunately, the federal budget and current legislation temporarily do not provide for such regulations.

For combat veterans

The draft laws hope that in the near future former combatants will also be able to take advantage of the benefits when purchasing a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

Statistics show that retired motorists invest 6.1 billion rubles for insurance, and receive 115 million rubles for insured events, because the number of accidents involving these citizens is minimal.

The state has begun to regulate this issue, so soon WWII will be able to benefit from compensation in the amount of 50% of the cost of insurance.

Labor veterans

Therefore, if you are a labor veteran, then before purchasing a policy, inquire about the regulations of local legislation, consult with the insurance company about this before directly applying for compulsory motor liability insurance.

If there is a disabled child in the family

Current Russian legislation provides for benefits for drivers whose families include children with disabilities of groups 1, 2 or 3.

It is clear that the child will not drive the vehicle independently, so an insurance policy will not be issued for him. This is done by an adult family member who owns the car. He buys the policy.

During the acquisition procedure, you must provide the necessary documentation confirming the composition of the family and the state of health of the child.

Compensation is reimbursed in the amount of half of the cost of the purchased MTPL. The conditions for the return of benefits are fulfilled under the same conditions as for disabled people, that is, the state reimburses 50% of the money spent.

Large families

The law has not yet provided for benefits for this category of citizens. But in some cases, the All-Russian Union of Automobile Insurers deals with compensation for them.

We have listed the possibilities for standard categories of beneficiaries. It is worth remembering that if the federal law does not provide benefits, then some concessions from local legislation are possible (if this does not contradict generally accepted rules).

Before applying for a policy, be sure to read the conditions for each group of citizens, and then discuss these issues with a representative of the insurance company to get all the benefits possible for your case.

What additional documents are needed?

Benefits under compulsory motor liability insurance for disabled people of group 3, as well as for groups 1 and 2, are issued by local social protection institutions.

But to confirm that you have met these parameters, you must submit a complete package of the following documentation:

  1. Statement on behalf of the disabled motorist himself.
  2. An application from a legal representative, if the first point is not fulfilled, is brought only with a notarized power of attorney.
  3. Photocopies of the completed pages of the passport, if necessary, a representative.
  4. Certificate with a medical report confirming the assignment of a disability group.
  5. Permission to drive a vehicle from a medical and social examination.
  6. A valid MTPL policy.
  7. Documentation for the car, including registration certificates, a technical certificate stating that this car is suitable for use by a disabled person, a detailed conclusion about the suitability of the car.

A similar list of documentation is required from citizens and families with disabled children. For combat veterans, a similar package of documents is provided, but there are no requirements regarding the technical adaptability of the car.

Instead of certificates from a medical institution, documents confirming membership in the category of combatants are required.

If the remaining categories want to take advantage of benefits under local legislation, they should still provide their own documents confirming their membership in these groups: for pensioners and labor veterans - special certificates, for members of large families - certificates of family composition.

Are there any benefits when applying for compulsory motor liability insurance?

Benefits under compulsory motor liability insurance for disabled people of group 2, as well as representatives of other disability groups, are received after registration of insurance, if they have provided the documents and certificates listed above.

But we note that the procedure for purchasing a policy is carried out on the basis general rules: the client contacts the selected insurer with a personal visit or using online requests, and is provided with a package of required documents.

Even in a remote format, provision of scanned copies of documentation is provided. The direct conclusion of an insurance contract is made during a personal visit to the institution.

Payment is also made in a convenient way: in cash or by bank transfer at a bank branch, through a terminal or a bank’s virtual account.

After this, the motorist receives the policy itself and its accompanying documentation (a copy of the contract, etc.).

Benefits when applying for the groups listed above are provided if you have previously applied to the relevant local government organization (for example, social security institutions).

To do this, you need to write an application according to the sample. The application must indicate the appropriate method of receiving compensation - transfer of funds to a bank card or delivery of cash.

Absolutely all motorists also have the opportunity to receive benefits directly when applying for the next MTPL policy.

To do this, you must be a regular customer of the company and not be the cause of any accidents that occur over a long period of time.

Each client is assigned a coefficient; upon first purchase it is 1, but with each year of accident-free driving it can be reduced by 0.05.

Such privileges are provided by many insurers to encourage exemplary drivers and expand the base regular customers.

How to recover

Benefits from compulsory insurance are only possible if you provide the necessary documents.

For disabled people of group 1, medical certificates are required, issued for a period of up to 2 years, for groups 2 and 3 - for 1 year, for non-disabled children - until they reach adulthood. Indefinite certificates are also accepted, but benefits are not issued.

If the validity period of the documents does not coincide with the validity period of the insurance, then sometimes it is necessary to submit further documents and restore benefits under compulsory motor liability insurance.

To do this, clients from the category of disabled people receive a referral from a doctor and collect the necessary opinions from specialists, that is, they undergo an examination.

It is noteworthy that for citizens with disabilities, a medical examination at home is possible. The benefit is issued after purchasing the policy annually.

How to find out

You can find out the amount of benefits in several ways: if you seek advice from an insurance company, or use online calculator ami. The last option is considered the most optimal and comfortable option for all clients.

It’s worth subtracting a part from it if you’ve been driving for a year without incident. Each company has its own table for calculating benefits.

The first column indicates driving experience if you have a policy - M, and in the second the coefficient - KMB, the third column - insured events.

For a motorist who buys insurance for the first time, benefits can be calculated as follows:

Beginners and unscrupulous drivers use the following coefficients:

Motorists with accident-free driving and experience have the following indicators:

If you have decided on your category, then just find an online calculator and enter the coefficient and your deadlines into it.

Car insurance under compulsory motor liability insurance is a mandatory condition for using motor vehicles. The policy protects the interests of third parties when damage is caused by the owner of the vehicle.

The cost of the policy is calculated based on the basic tariffs established by the state and a number of coefficients reflecting fundamentally important factors.

The main document regulating the relationship between the insurance company and the policyholder is.

Insurance companies themselves also offer incentives to their clients. Every motorist can receive MTPL benefits for accident-free driving. Drivers who do not cause accidents can take advantage of this offer.

If at the conclusion of the contract the coefficient was 1, then when receiving benefits the bonus-malus is reduced by 0.05. And for 10 years of approximate driving, the insurance company can offer a discount in the form of a KBM of 0.5.

To take advantage of the benefits, you should inquire in advance about their availability for your case.

Will they be saved when purchasing an expired policy?

The availability of such benefits should be checked with each insurance company you apply to.

Because the legislation does not provide for this, but practice shows the opposite, that in some cases you can retain your benefits if you purchased an expired policy.

It should be noted that insurers even offer such incentives in order to regularly expand the base of regular customers and constantly attract new motorists.

Behind recent years Legislation is actively coming to protect beneficiaries. Data from calculations show that the contributions of some groups of motorists exaggerate the amount of payments for an insured event by tens of times.

To regulate this issue and reduce the gap, benefits are provided for some drivers who belong to unprotected categories of citizens in need of financing.

The purchase of an MTPL policy is provided for by Russian law to protect the interests of citizens in the event of an insured event varying degrees on road. The cost of compulsory motor liability insurance was calculated by a special committee under the Government of the Russian Federation and varies depending on the type of vehicle, personal experience driver and transport connection. The state has developed a measure of social assistance for disabled people of all groups. A large number of benefits are provided to disabled people of group 1 and group 2, but MTPL benefits for disabled people of group 3 are also included in the list of social assistance in 2019.

General procedure for providing benefits under compulsory motor liability insurance

According to the law, having a car obliges you to carry out auto liability insurance. At the same time, every year the government considers certain benefits for pensioners and people with disabilities. This year, pensioners are provided with privileges in passing only a technical inspection, in contrast to the benefits provided to disabled people under compulsory motor liability insurance in 2019.

The existing privilege under the policy is secured by Article 17 of Federal Law No. 40. There are also conditions for its provision, which are as follows:

  • Vehicles are owned and used independently by disabled people. Moreover, its presence is prescribed by medical indications.
  • If a child is disabled, then preferential insurance applies to his representative by law.
  • The driver of the car is the guardian of a citizen with 1 group of disability.
  • A driver is a person accompanying a disabled person of the second disability group.
  • Driving a vehicle when preferential MTPL permitted to a driver with a disability group, a representative of a disabled child or other persons, but no more than two people.

Compensation for compulsory motor liability insurance for disabled people, subject to compliance with all regulatory conditions, is provided in the amount of 50% of the standard tariff rate of the policy in the form of compensation after payment of the full cost of insurance

Important! The vehicle of a disabled person must be equipped with special signs indicating that the driver or passenger belongs to a special group of people, and, if necessary, equipped with special equipment for convenience.

Algorithm for obtaining insurance

Existing benefits are issued in the territorial departments of social protection of the population. To apply for compensation payments for the current year, you must contact government agency at your place of residence until December 10.

By presenting the following documents, you can count on the compensation required by law:

  • an application drawn up on a form provided by the social protection department;
  • personal documents of a person with a disability;
  • persons related to disabled children provide custody rights;
  • ownership rights to the vehicle and its registration certificate;
  • issued and paid policy.

Submitted documents are reviewed by a special commission at the Social Security Administration, which makes a decision on the provision of payments. If the package of documents is complete and the deadlines for submitting the application are not violated, then, according to the law, the application will be considered in favor of the beneficiaries and a refund of 50% of the cost of the policy is carried out directly at the place of registration of the beneficiary in month period. The source of finance for the return of the required amount is the budget of the Federal District.

If the social security department refuses to pay compensation, the applicant is required to provide a written response with a full indication of the reason for the refusal. If, when submitting an application, the applicant complied with all legal requirements, then the refusal response can be appealed by contacting a higher organization in the region or the Ministry of Labor in Moscow. The inaction of this authority serves as a reason for filing claims in court.

A legitimate reason for refusal to refund insurance may be following reasons:

  • Expiration of the disability certificate.
  • Removal of disability group.
  • The updated diagnosis obtained through repeated MSEC does not imply the presence of a motor vehicle.

It is important to know that the deadline for filing an unpaid claim when taking out a car insurance contract is three years.

The process of obtaining legal privileges is the same for all categories, including those with MTPL benefits for disabled people of group 2

How to use the MTPL beneficiary

Mandatory auto liability insurance is aimed at creating financial protection for those involved in an accident on the road. But in order to make payments, it is important to strictly adhere to the rules of action in the event of an accident:

  • an accident that has occurred must be recorded independently before the arrival of the responsible person, and then monitored for correct recording by traffic police officers;
  • collect all necessary evidence about the circumstances of the incident;
  • draw up a vehicle inspection report with the involvement of a specialist;
  • draw up an estimate for repair work;
  • send the completed documents to the insurance company with a claim for compensation for the damage caused.

Based on the facts provided, a decision is made on the payment of costs. Typically, the vehicle is sent for repairs, paid for by insurers.

For sedentary people, a specialized car repair team may be needed due to the specifics of this vehicle.

Cash compensation under insurance is allowed in the following cases:

  • When fatal outcome beneficiary
  • If the beneficiary receives serious injuries that preclude the possibility of using the vehicle in the future.
  • If the car cannot be restored or the cost of repair exceeds the limits of payments under compulsory motor liability insurance.

For your information! The person who has the right to receive insurance payments in the event of the death of a beneficiary in an accident must be indicated when concluding a contract for compulsory motor liability insurance and purchasing the corresponding policy.

In unstable conditions life situation citizens are forced to save on many things. The state has provided the opportunity for sedentary people to save part of the funds from the insurance policy; the only thing that depends on the disabled person is the correct registration within the time limits regulated by the norms.

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