Home Prevention Water for injection as it is called. Water for injection: how much does it cost, composition of the injection mixture

Water for injection as it is called. Water for injection: how much does it cost, composition of the injection mixture

Water for injection is a special sterile liquid that has no color, taste or smell. Water is extremely important for humans, because it is what maintains the normal flow of water. metabolic processes. Therefore, for injections it is often necessary that a solution of the drug be prepared in the required dosage. This is why this water is used, standardized according to several pharmacopoeial articles (hereinafter referred to as FS). Let's figure out what it is and what it is theoretically needed for.

When is it used?

This water for injection is used either as a carrier or as a diluent in the preparation of infusion or injection solutions from:

  1. powders;
  2. dry substances for preparing injections;
  3. concentrates for preparing infusions;
  4. lyophilisates;
  5. infusion and injection solutions with inappropriate concentrations, and so on.

That is, water for injection is needed to dissolve or dilute drugs (depending on what requirements their instructions impose) before they are administered intramuscularly, intravenously or subcutaneously. The form of release of such liquid is ampoules. The shape is almost always the same, but the volume can vary.

Water for injection is not the same as saline solution. If saline solution is sodium chloride, then water for injection is distilled/ sterile water, prepared in advance in a special way.

Here is some more information about this water:

Composition and creation

Water for injection is water that has been purified from any biological or chemical impurities, including:

  • gases;
  • salt;
  • pyrogenic substances;
  • microorganisms;
  • any other form of microimpurities.

Such liquid is purified using the reverse osmosis method, that is, a special separation technology organic compounds. Also, such water can be distilled so that its composition is certainly pure. In order for it to be distilled, it is first transferred into steam and then returned back to the liquid state. All these procedures are carried out in compliance with the highest hygienic requirements, everything takes place in a special aseptic unit, where it is unacceptable to carry out any other actions not directly related to the distillation of water. That’s why this water always comes out sterile. Such application requirements are imposed by the FS, and the requirements for the use of the FS must be complied with. It is also necessary to respect the expiration date; if the expiration date is violated, the effects may be negative.


Water for injection necessarily has a number of characteristics (they are required by the FS; in addition to the FS, distilled/sterile water is standardized according to GOST), which distinguish it from any other water. Here are the parameters and requirements that must be observed:

  • pH value cannot be higher than 5.0-7.0;
  • there cannot be any amount of reducing substances, calcium, chlorides, nitrates, carbon dioxide, or heavy metals;
  • According to the Federal Law, one milliliter of water cannot contain more than one hundred microorganisms;
  • water must certainly be pyrogen-free;
  • ammonia content must be standardized;
  • antimicrobial type substances cannot be present;
  • There cannot be any additives present at all.


Instructions for use of this liquid depend on what kind of medicines it applies. The requirements are imposed precisely by the medicine that is diluted in this water, therefore it is necessary that the instructions for use that come with this particular medicine be used. The dosage that will be used to dilute these medications must be indicated there.

If we talk about the requirements common to all medicines, it is that water for injection must be used under aseptic conditions, so that there is not the slightest risk that it will not be sterile enough.


When water for injection is mixed with other drugs, it is necessary to visually monitor compatibility. If you do not do this, you may miss pharmaceutical incompatibilities.

It is important to remember that if the requirements for the drug indicate the need to use a different type of liquid, for example, a special saline solution must be used, then drinking water is unacceptable. It also cannot be used for external use; the requirements for them are also completely different.


The shelf life of such water can be up to three years. When the expiration date has expired, this water should not be consumed. It is important to remember that the expiration date is for storage at an approximate temperature of 2 to 25 ° C without freezing.

What is an intravenous infusion?
Why is calcium chloride used intravenously? Peripheral intravenous catheter - an effective tool for blood vessels

Distilled sterile water is a product medical purposes necessary for carrying out sanitary, hygienic and anti-epidemiological measures. Purified, sterile water in polymer containers is used for preparing solutions, primary processing and washing of instruments, humidifying air and dressings, toileting newborns and preparing baby food.

Vacuum packages of water are intended for single use and comply with strict sanitary standards:

  • The liquid is produced in a double polymer container, the outer packaging of which is easily removed without breaking the tightness of the vacuum packaging.
  • The polymer water container is made of hypoallergenic latex that can withstand repeated punctures with a syringe needle.
  • When opened, the internal primary package remains sterile, which eliminates the possibility of infection when using water in operating rooms and departments intensive care, maternity hospitals, intensive care units.
  • The presence of two independent ports allows you to connect a package of distilled water to the infusion system using a metal or plastic needle. The sterility of the liquid is maintained due to the presence of an internal membrane.

To comply with sanitary and hygienic measures and to prepare disinfectant solutions, distilled water in sealed containers is widely used. It is necessary to remove traces chemical solutions from tools and medical products, surfaces of incubators, endoscopic equipment. Liquid consumption is calculated depending on the number of instruments, which allows you to buy sterile distilled water in latex containers with a volume of 500, 1000, 2000 ml.

Methods for using distilled sterile water

    Water - get a worker at Academician or profitably at a sale in Technopark

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    DISTILLED WATER- Aqua destillata. Properties. Colorless transparent liquid, odorless and tasteless, pH 5.8 7.0. Release form. Available in ampoules of 10 and 20 ml. Stored under aseptic conditions, under which it is usable for no more than 24 hours. Effectiveness... Domestic veterinary drugs

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    DISTILLED WATER- (Aqua destillata; FH), water purified from impurities dissolved in it by distillation (distillation) in distillation apparatus. Colorless transparent liquid, odorless and tasteless; pH 5.8. It should not give reactions to chlorides, sulfates, calcium and... ... Veterinary encyclopedic dictionary

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Water for injections.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

ATX code- V07AB.

Pharmacological properties"type="checkbox">

Pharmacological properties

Water for injection is a means for diluting (dissolving) drugs.
Pharmacodynamic properties are determined by the characteristics of the added drug.
Not applicable. Water for injection is a means for diluting (dissolving) drugs. Pharmacological properties are determined by the characteristics of the added drug.

Indications for use

Water for injection is used for the preparation under aseptic conditions of solutions of medicinal products that are not subject to further sterilization.

Directions for use and doses

The preparation of drug solutions using water for injection is carried out under aseptic conditions. The amount of water for injection for the purpose of preparing a solution of a particular drug is determined by the instructions for its use or, depending on the situation, by the doctor.

Side effect"type="checkbox">

Side effect

Not known. Intravenous injection water for injection may lead to hemolysis when administered separately. The nature of the drug added will determine the likelihood of any unwanted effects.

Precautionary measures

Water for injection is a hypotonic solution and should not be administered separately. It is not recommended to use water for injection for intravenous administration in cases where the resulting drug solution is not approximately isotonic.
When using the solution as a diluent hypertonic solution, it is recommended to use water for injection in the amount necessary to obtain a solution close to isotonic. Hemolysis may develop with intravenous administration of large volumes of hypotonic solutions prepared using water for injection as a diluent.

special instructions"type="checkbox">

special instructions

It is prohibited to use water for injection into pure form for intravascular administration due to its low osmotic pressure and risk of hemolysis.

dangerous mechanisms"type="checkbox">

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and potentially dangerous mechanisms

The effect on the ability to drive vehicles and potentially dangerous mechanisms is determined by the properties of the dissolved or diluted drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Can be used during pregnancy and lactation.
Risk when used during pregnancy and period breastfeeding determined by the nature of the added drug.

Interaction with other drugs

Possible interactions between different drugs are determined by the properties of the drug being dissolved or diluted.
Incompatibility. Water for injection should not be mixed with any other medicinal products unless their compatibility has been established.


The development of an overdose if the proposed dosage regimen is followed is unlikely. Hemolysis may develop after intravenous administration of large volumes of hypotonic solutions using water for injection as a diluent. The clinical symptoms of an overdose will be determined by the added drug. In case of accidental overdose, treatment should be stopped and the patient's condition monitored.

LSR-00673 0/09-210809

Tradename drug: Water for injections

INN or group name: Water

Dosage form:

Solvent for preparation dosage forms for injection


Water for injections - 5ml

Description: Colorless, transparent, odorless liquid

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

Solvent, auxiliary substance

ATX code:

pharmachologic effect
Water for injection is used for the preparation of injection solutions, providing optimal conditions for compatibility and efficiency of substrates and water.

With the introduction of constantly alternating water and electrolytes, homeostasis is maintained by the kidneys.

Indications for use
As a carrier or diluent for the preparation of sterile injection solutions from powders, lyophilisates and concentrates. Used for the preparation of sterile solutions, incl. for subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous administration.

Water for injection is not used as a solvent for drugs if another solvent is specified.

Directions for use and doses
Doses and rates of administration must comply with the dosage instructions for diluted medications.

The preparation of medicinal solutions using water for injection must be carried out under sterile conditions (opening ampoules, filling syringes and containers with medicinal products).

When mixed with other drugs (infusion solutions, concentrates for preparing infusions; injection solutions, powders, dry substances for the preparation of injections) visual control for compatibility is required (pharmaceutical incompatibility may occur).

Special conditions
Water for injection cannot be directly administered intravascularly due to low osmotic pressure (risk of hemolysis).

Release form
Solvent for the preparation of dosage forms for injection. 5 ml in neutral glass ampoules. 5 ampoules in a PVC blister pack, followed by placing two ampoules along with instructions for use and a ceramic ampoule scarifier in a cardboard pack. When using ampoules with a ring or break point, do not insert a scarifier.

Storage conditions
At a temperature not higher than +30°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date
4 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies
On prescription.

Manufacturer/organization accepting complaints
LLC Firm "Ferment", 123423 Moscow, st. Nizhniye Mnevniki, 37A.
Production address: 143422 Moscow region, Krasnogorsky district, village. Petrovo-Dalnee.

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