Home Prevention Smoking is a bad habit. habit is an established way of behavior, the implementation of which in certain situations acquires the character of a need for a person

Smoking is a bad habit. habit is an established way of behavior, the implementation of which in certain situations acquires the character of a need for a person

Social studies test Human needs for 6th grade students. The test contains 2 options of 8 tasks each and is intended to test knowledge on the topic of Man in the social dimension.

1 option

A person’s perceived need for what is necessary for his life is

1) desire
2) self-awareness
3) need
4) consciousness

2. You have four sentence endings. One option is incorrect. Find him.
The spiritual world of man

1) is formed independently of society
2) embodies his spiritual needs
3) unique
4) this is the world of his thoughts and feelings

The content of human thinking consists of judgments, inferences, __________.

1) feelings
2) concepts
3) conclusions
4) needs


1) B free time Galina loves to chat with her friends.
2) Sergey loves chocolate ice cream.
3) The doctor recommended Nikolai exercises to improve his posture.
4) Vsevolod loves to read.

5. Find in the list below the needs of a person that confirm his relationship with other representatives of the natural world. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) in self-knowledge
2) in labor
3) in water
4) on vacation
5) in the approval of others


1) Emotions determine a person’s mood at one time or another.
2) People can express their feelings in different ways.
3) The needs for communication and work are classified as biological needs person.

7. Read three sentences and indicate the one that contains an assessment. Write down the number under which this sentence is indicated.
1) Among the feelings, a special place belongs to the so-called higher feelings.
2) These include moral, aesthetic and intellectual feelings.
3) Aesthetic feelings embody the joy of communicating with nature and works of art.

8. Fill in the blank in the diagram.

Option 2

1. Select the most accurate term from those suggested below.
The established way of behavior of a person in a certain situation is

1) need
2) ability
3) activity
4) habit

2. You have four sentence endings. One option is wrong. Find him.
Human needs

1) individual
2) do not depend on the life of society
3) change throughout life
4) are divided into biological, social, spiritual

3. Complete the list by choosing a term from those suggested below.
The needs associated with human survival are called biological, physiological or

1) spiritual
2) social
3) individual
4) material

4. What situation illustrates social needs person?

1) Natalya has many friends.
2) Mikhail goes in for sports.
3) In her free time, Anna spends her free time drawing.
4) Igor loves lemonade.

5. Find in the list below human needs that demonstrate his kinship with other members of the natural world. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) in knowledge
2) in food
3) in continuation of the family
4) in knowledge
5) in a dream

6. Choose the correct statements. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Emotions and feelings have no differences.
2) Needs force a person to act.
3) People's feelings are varied and individual.

7. Read three sentences and indicate the one that contains an assessment. Write down the numbers under which these sentences are indicated.

1) Thoughts are the most important component of the spiritual world.
2) The ability to think distinguishes humans from animals.
3) Thinking about a problem and finding its solution is not an easy task.

8. Fill in the blank in the diagram.

Answers to the social studies test Human needs
1 option
Option 2

HABIT- an established way of behavior, the implementation of which in certain situations acquires the character of a need for a person.

BAD HABITS– smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs. They lead to personality degradation, accelerate the aging process and shorten life expectancy, and contribute to the emergence and spread of various diseases.

CAUSES leading to the development of bad habits. In childhood and adolescence it is

  • The desire to be “like everyone else” is a company factor.
  • Personal factors: lack of self-confidence, the presence of inferiority complexes, the desire to take a leading position.
  • Social factors: economic instability, difficult family situation.

WHAT IS THE DANGER? acquiring bad habits. In addition to harm to health, acquired bad habits make a person socially dependent. The constant desire to smoke, drink, or inject drugs forces you to look for remedies. Crimes - thefts, murders, prostitution - are often based on alcohol or drug addiction.

Classes FC and SPORTS have a great HELP IN PREVENTION bad habits. Regular and versatile activities remove inferiority complexes from a young man and give him self-confidence, which allows him to actively resist bad habits, immoral and immoral lifestyle, help to successfully solve problems of self-education.

The concept of a healthy lifestyle includes optimal physical activity (exercise physical exercise and sports). Motor activity is a person’s natural need for movement. Unlike bad habits, the dependence on which is artificial.

Smoking – has bad influence to the central nervous system, and through it to other organs. Along with tobacco smoke, toxic substances enter the body - ammonia, nicotine, etc. With prolonged smoking, chronic nicotine poisoning occurs, which gradually destroys the body. There have been cases where smoking caused people to develop acute poisoning. Smoking has an extremely harmful effect on children's body. In children school age There is a decrease in memory, attention, headache, dizziness, and increased fatigue. Smoking can lead to serious illnesses: hypertension, angina, lameness, gangrene of the extremities.

Alcohol weakens the body, destroys the nervous system, leads to diseases of the heart, liver, stomach and other organs. Under the influence of alcohol, the fragility of blood vessels increases, and they rupture, especially during periods of excitement and physical stress.

Drugs are insidious in that when they are used systematically, there is a need for a constant increase in doses, which cause poisoning of the body with disruption of physical and mental activity.

A person’s conscious attitude towards his own health should become the norm of behavior and the main distinctive feature modern young man.

1. What is meant by physical performance? The influence of physical exercise on its increase.

2. Safety requirements when conducting excursions.

A bad habit is a way of behavior fixed in an individual that is aggressive towards the individual or society. Bad habits are common actions that people repeat over and over again, despite the fact that they are not useful and even harmful. Bad habits seriously worsen a person’s health (physical and mental).

Smoking is one of the most harmful habits. Smoking is social problem society, both for its smoking and non-smoking parts. For the first, the problem is to quit smoking, for the second, to avoid the influence of a smoking society and not to “get infected” with their habit, and also to maintain your health from smoking products, since the substances included in the smoke exhaled by smokers are not much safer than if a person I myself smoked and ingested nicotine and much else that is included in a lit cigarette.

History of tobacco Tobacco as a representative of wild flora was known in ancient times in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Its leaves were burned at the stake, and their smoke had an intoxicating effect on people. This is evidenced by historians and writers, for example, Herodotus. During archaeological excavations, some smoking devices were found, in particular pipes, the age of which dates back three thousand years. Smoking is mentioned in ancient Chinese chronicles. As it was established relatively recently, the Egyptian pharaohs also smoked. Professor Chaklin in his book “The Journey for the Mystery Continues” writes that several years ago the mummy of Ramses2 was sent from Cairo to Paris “for treatment.” French experts discovered colonies of fungi and other plant remains of unknown origin on its surface. Macroscopic analysis showed it was tobacco. However, until the Middle Ages AD, smoking was most likely only part of religious rituals.

Smelling, chewing, sucking... The word tobacco is of Arabic origin, Tabbaq - medicinal herbs. The first to use tobacco were North American Indians, mainly shamans and healers. They ate tobacco, drank its juice, and even gave tobacco enemas. Conquistadors brought tobacco to Europe.

Tobacco smoking is the most common form of use psychoactive substances. Psychoactive substances are substances that artificially cause excitability of the brain. Such activity has a harmful effect on health, first of all, the functioning of thought and memory deteriorates, and attention is weakened. Active substance contained in tobacco is called nicotine. Nicotine is a stimulant. Nicotine kills: 0.00001 g. – sparrow 0.004 – 0.005 g. - horse 0, gr. – frog 0.01 – 0.08 g. - person

Nicotine is a drug! Nicotine, in fact, being a drug, quickly enslaves a person and accustoms him to himself. It has a kind of tonic effect, and when the body does not receive the next portion tobacco smoke, then a painful feeling, a decline in mood, and depression sets in. The tonic effect is due to the direct effect of nicotine on the central nervous system. In this case, over time, an increasing dose of nicotine is required. This leads to an increase in cigarette smoking.

CAUTION: NICOTINE! A drop of nicotine is known to kill a horse. The mortality rate among people who smoke 20 cigarettes a day is 15 times higher than among non-smokers. In France, two young men smoked 60 cigarettes on a dare and both died from poisoning. Smoking 1-9 cigarettes a day shortens life by 4.6 years; cigarettes – for 6.3 years, over 40 cigarettes – for 8.4 years. Over 30 years of smoking 1 pack a day, a person smokes 1600 kg of tobacco, 800 grams of nicotine enters his body. Nicotine reaches the brain 7 seconds after the first puff.

Reasons that encourage teenagers to smoke 1st place - they start smoking under the motivating, pushing psychological influence of their fellow smokers. 2nd place - curiosity, interest, sense of novelty. 3rd place - the desire to seem like an adult. A cigarette in the hands, according to the smoker, is a symbol of independence, independence, masculinity.

Cigarette - as it is Every second more cigarettes are smoked on earth. About 40 substances contained in tobacco smoke cause cancer. Passive smokers are twice as likely to develop cancer as those who are not smoked.

Cigarette - as it is When smoking 20 grams of tobacco, 1 gram of tobacco tar is formed. Tobacco tar is deposited on the smoker's teeth and they turn black and emit a specific bad smell, which is felt when talking with a smoker. A smoker's blood is enriched not so much with oxygen as with carbon monoxide. This is why a person who has smoked several cigarettes in a row or is in a smoky room develops oxygen starvation, appears headache, dizziness, nausea, pallor.

Cigarette - as it is The effect of nicotine decreases visual acuity, deteriorates light perception, sense of smell, and sense of taste. The temperature of smoldering tobacco is 300 degrees, and during a puff - up to a thousand. Changes in the temperature of inhaled smoke and atmospheric air have a destructive effect on the body. ……..

Tobacco smoke contains more than 30 toxic substances: Nicotine Carbon dioxide Carbon monoxide mg. Hydrocyanic acid Ammonia mg. Resinous substances Organic acids Phenol mg. Acetone mcg. Radioactive polonium nK. Hydrogen cyanide mcg.

INFLUENCE OF TOBACCO SMOKE ON MOTOR ACTIVITY ON THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM ON THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Hand trembling. Decrease in muscle strength by %. Deterioration in coordination by 2-5%. Reduced accuracy of reactions to a moving object. Reduced speed of performing certain types of movements. Vasoconstriction, spasms. Increased blood pressure. Increased blood clotting, blood clots. Myocardial infarction (3 times higher than in non-smokers). Angina pectoris (5 times more common). Acute violation cerebral circulation. Inflammation of the vocal cords. Impaired blood oxygenation. Bronchitis. Lungs' cancer. Tuberculosis. Asthma.

Smokers annually emit 720 tons of hydrocyanic acid, tons of ammonia, tons of nicotine, tons of tar, and more than tons of carbon monoxide into the atmosphere.

Nicotine in the first short phase dilates the blood vessels of the brain, creates a deceptive improvement in mental activity, and then sharply narrows them, poisoning the brain cells. Smokers become nervous, absent-minded, and rude. They develop nervous diseases - neuralgia, neuritis...

Here are some diseases most characteristic of smoking - In the bronchi - chronic bronchitis of a smoker; -The mucous membrane of the esophagus is thinned, highly vulnerable; -In the stomach - chronic gastritis smoker or ulcer; -The mucous membrane of the large intestine is also changed, its motility is impaired; -Small arteries, arteriopes – highly excitable and prone to spasms; -Heart – pulse quickens, increases blood pressure, the load on the heart increases, the nutrition of the heart muscle is disrupted; -Disturbed work of sweat and sebaceous glands skin; - Hair becomes thinner, splits and falls out; -And others.

The effect of tobacco on the lungs Those who smoke a lot develop lung cancer twenty times more often than non-smokers. Therefore, we can safely say that lung cancer mainly develops due to smoking. Lung cancer often turns out to be so advanced that it is impossible to save the patient even at the cost of removing the entire lung. There are many works in medical science that show the harm of smoking. Scientists took thousands of people close to each other in age, occupation, and living conditions. The only difference is whether they smoke or not. It turned out that among non-smokers, lung cancer occurs 12 times per hundred thousand people. Among those who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, 112, and among those who smoke two packs, 284. It has also been proven that tobacco tar, experimentally injected into the lungs or skin of animals, causes cancer in all cases.

Lungs and trachea Irritation, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the pharynx, nasopharynx, trachea, bronchi, and pulmonary alveoli Chronic bronchitis of a smoker, emphysema, Cancer of the lip, larynx, trachea and lungs, Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the pharynx, trachea, bronchi; Tuberculosis is 95% more likely to occur

Oral cavity Tooth decay (48% more common), Cancer of the lip, tongue, Loss taste sensations, Inflammatory processes in the gums the tongue becomes dirty - gray coating. Teeth turn yellow and crack tooth enamel, bad breath, nausea and heartburn appear.

Brain First – arousal nervous processes, then sudden braking, which leads to an increase in the number of cigarettes, deterioration of blood circulation in the brain: headaches, memory impairment, fatigue, weakening of normal perception colloquial speech Amblyopia is complete or partial blindness.

Smoking and teenagers The number of underachieving students turned out to be in those classes where smoking schoolchildren were identified. A smoking teenager noticeably lags behind his peers not only mentally, but also physical development, Insufficient saturation of the blood with oxygen, metabolic disorders, in particular the absorption of vitamin C, leads to sharp decline muscle strength, impaired performance, The vast majority of smokers are people who are not strong-willed enough.

The cardiovascular system Smoking causes premature wear and tear of the heart, blood vessels, as well as other vital organs. One cigarette smoked increases your heart rate by twenty beats per minute, raises your blood pressure by several tens of millimeters, and lowers your skin temperature. These changes last for about thirty minutes. Thus, during the day, the heart constantly receives additional stress, which over time leads to disease. When you inhale tobacco smoke, the blood vessels narrow, and the blood flow through them slows down, and in some cases even stops for a moment. A slowdown in blood flow in the vessels of the heart is manifested by coronary insufficiency, that is, an attack of pain in the heart area. Therefore, smoking tends to intensify or cause attacks of coronary insufficiency. For many patients, these attacks immediately disappear as soon as they stop smoking. The World Health Organization, studying the role of tobacco, found that smokers die from coronary thrombosis four years earlier than non-smokers. In people with vascular disease, smoking causes their sharp spasm, as a result of which any treatment will be useless if the patient continues to smoke.

The effect of smoking on circulatory system person. Smoking increases blood pressure: blood vessels constrict, forcing the heart to contract an extra 20 to 25 thousand times a day, causing the heart to expand and become damaged. Smoking increases the level of cholesterol in the blood, which leads to the formation of blood clots, and this leads to diseases such as atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, obliterating endarteritis, etc.

Gangrene of the legs. At atherosclerotic diseases the risk of tissue necrosis and limb amputation increases. Obliterating endarteritis - lesion blood vessels lower limbs. The essence of the disease is the narrowing and fusion of the lumen of the artery, then the nutrition of the tissues is disrupted and their numbness and necrosis (gangrene).

The effect of smoking on digestive system. Long-term smoking is one of the reasons intestinal diseases. Nicotine increases release gastric juice, what causes aching pain in the stomach, nausea and vomiting. These signs may be a manifestation of gastritis, stomach ulcers, which occur much more often in smokers than in non-smokers.

The effect of smoking on the human nervous system. Nicotine reaches the brain 7 seconds after the first puff. Headaches, dizziness appear, memory weakens. The components of tobacco do not relax, but simply “slow down” the brain centers. Having become accustomed to a cigarette, a person can no longer relax without it. It turns out to be a vicious circle: both the occurrence and cessation of stress depend on smoking.

The effect of smoking on reproductive system. Especially great harm nicotine brings women. A woman’s eggs live for more than 30 years and therefore accumulate carcinogens, Pb210 and Po210, they cause mutations that cause physical abnormalities and deformities, since a smoking woman carries a constantly operating reactor within herself.

Children of women who smoke are often born premature and with low birth weight. Smoking women, as a rule, they age early, their skin becomes yellow on their fingers, on their face it very quickly thins out, becomes flabby, forming deep wrinkles. Their voice becomes hoarse, their behavior becomes less feminine.

The effect of smoking on human skin. Smoking causes constriction of blood vessels in the deeper layers of the skin, which reduces blood flow, depleting its oxygen content and important nutrients. Smoking destroys collagen and elastic fibers, which give the skin firmness and elasticity. In addition, facial expressions while smoking, such as pursing your lips when inhaling, lead to additional wrinkles.

This is what a “smoker” looks like: What an unsightly appearance a smoker has: Grayish or yellow skin, flabby, “smoky” hoarse voice, unpleasant odor from the mouth, yellow-brown teeth, severe shortness of breath - in general, it’s understandable, hair is dull, brittle, falling out, dry hands , with yellow fingers from nicotine, with swollen veins,

“Don’t drink wine, don’t sadden your heart with tobacco - and you will live as long as Titian lived” - 99 years (I.P. Pavlov) The mortality rate for smokers is 50% higher than for non-smokers.

Passive smoking is the forced inhalation by non-smokers of tobacco smoke produced by other people while smoking. Secondary smoke, which a smoker exhales, pollutes the air with nicotine, carbon monoxide, ammonia, tar, benzopyrene, radioactive substances and other harmful components. Researchers on passive smoking have concluded that in a poorly ventilated room, a non-smoker inhales the same amount of smoke in 1 hour as a smoker gets from one cigarette. Passively inhaled tobacco smoke is a strong irritant to the lungs, which can lead to diseases of the pulmonary system. Tobacco smoke from passive smoking is especially harmful for patients with angina pectoris. Passive smoking causes agitation and irritability in non-smokers; it affects the psyche, impairs attention, and reduces the ability to perceive knowledge. Tobacco smoke reduces the amount of negatively charged ions in the air, which helps improve body tone and performance. Passively inhaled tobacco smoke is a strong irritant to the lungs, which can lead to diseases of the pulmonary system. Tobacco smoke from passive smoking is especially harmful for patients with angina pectoris. Passive smoking causes agitation and irritability in non-smokers; it affects the psyche, impairs attention, and reduces the ability to perceive knowledge. Tobacco smoke reduces the amount of negatively charged ions in the air, which helps improve body tone and performance. Passive smoking.

AFTER YOU QUIT SMOKING... 20 minutes after your last cigarette arterial pressure will decrease to normal, heart function will be restored, blood supply to the palms and soles will improve. after 8 minutes - the oxygen content in the blood is normalized after 2 days - the ability to sense taste and smell will increase in a week - the complexion will improve, the unpleasant odor from the skin and hair will disappear, when exhaling in a month - it will clearly become easier to breathe, fatigue, headache will disappear, especially in the mornings, the cough will stop bothering you in six months - the pulse will become less frequent, sports results will improve - you will start running and swimming faster, you will feel the desire physical activity after 1 year – risk of development coronary disease heart rate compared to smokers will decrease by half after 5 years - the likelihood of dying from lung cancer will sharply decrease compared to those who smoke a pack a day.

THIS IS INTERESTING!!! In Russia, during the reign of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, those caught smoking for the first time were punished with 60 blows of sticks on the feet, the second time - by cutting off the nose or ears. Under Alexei Mikhailovich, the son of Mikhail Fedorovich, “everyone who was found with Bogomerian potion was ordered to be tortured and beaten on a goat with a whip until they admit where the potion came from.” Tobacco merchants were ordered to “flog and exile to distant cities.”


A habit is an established way of behavior, the implementation of which acquires the character of a need for a person. A bad habit is a way of behavior fixed in a person that is aggressive towards the person himself or towards society. Bad habits are most often classified as: various shapes deviations from healthy image life

Class Total in the class Smokers Of which 7 “A” 32 3 1 2 1 9, 3 7 “B” 33 6 2 4 2 18, 18 7 “B” 29 6 2 4 0 20, 6 8 “A” 23 11 3 8 9 47. 8 8 “B” 28 1 1 0 3. 5 8 “B” 27 5 1 0 18.5 Girls 4 Boys Try it sometimes % of smokers

Smoking calms the nerves and relieves stress. In fact, tobacco tar, nicotine and smoke do not relax, but simply “slow down” the most important areas of the central nervous system. nervous system and the person convinces himself that he cannot relax without a cigarette; since “inhibition” is taken to mean the cessation of stress. Smoking people don't get fat. There are a lot of fat people smoking around us. A cigarette can dull the feeling of hunger, but at the same time you can get gastritis and peptic ulcer. In the cold, a cigarette warms you up. The poisons of tobacco smoke constrict blood vessels, increase the pulse and increase blood pressure. Systematically “warming up” in this way, a person earns diseases of the cardiovascular system.

“Light” cigarettes are not as harmful as regular ones. Doctors say that from “light” cigarettes the alveoli and small bronchi develop. Smokers more often resort to smoking “light” cigarettes. There are smokers in the world and nothing - they live. Smokers often suffer from stomach ulcers, chronic bronchitis, stroke, lung cancer, disease of life support organs. Quitting smoking is impossible. It's difficult, but it's possible. Nicotine addiction- it's a disease. And you can get rid of it with the help of specialists and the effort of your own willpower.

Toxic substance First aid Chewing Give drink drinking water(tea, fruit drink...). But not gum with nicotine milk! Smoking tobacco 1. Give drinking water (tea, fruit juice...) 2. Induce vomiting 3. Contact ambulance. Tobacco 1. Give drinking water without soda. No milk! 2. Induce vomiting. lean your body forward. 3. Contact an ambulance. Tobacco for cigarettes 1. Drink a drink without soda. 2. Induce vomiting. 3. Consult a doctor.

Game period. Smokers. Non-smokers. 10 min. They start spitting. Easily bear the load. +10 min. They begin to sweat, the skin turns red, and there is shortness of breath. They can easily bear the load, there is no shortness of breath. +10 min. They get tired, play sluggishly, miss goals. start walking. Slight redness of the facial skin, can easily bear the load. +10 min. They ask for a replacement or leave the race. Sweat slightly.

Degree of load. Non-smokers Heart rate Smokers Heart rate Moderate (dribbling the ball on the spot, throwing from the spot) 1. 90 beats. /min. 2. 100 beats. /min. 3. 108 beats /min. 1. 100 beats /min. 2. 115 beats /min. 3. 130 beats /min. High intensity load (educational game) 1. 110 beats. /min. 2. 116 beats /min. 3. 120 beats. /min. 1. 140 beats /min 2. 150 beats. /min 3. 156 beats. /min High intensity load (competition) 1. 120 beats. /min 2. 146 beats. /min 3. 150 beats. /min 1. More than 160 beats. /min 2. Left the race 3. Left the race.

Summer. Evening. City. A park. A backpack hangs behind his back. You are in your jacket pocket, looking for only three rubles, a cigarette to buy and smoke, smoke. . To get away from problems, to find the Truth in yourself, to lose part of your mind. . Maybe you'll faint, draw some smoke into your lungs, and smoke, smoke. . . Cigarettes or hookah, Are you a man, monkeys? You are the last idiot, Since glitches make you sick. Throw away the poop and spit in its wake! Say hello to Aibolit! :)

About smoking for a long time Everyone understands only one thing: What diseases are to you. They will become best friends! If you smoke, there will be soot in your lungs. And you won’t grow at all, Don’t even try! You will become stooped and decrepit, your teeth will turn black. You will be in poor health, your heart will get sick. If you tar the pack and swallow the smoke like that, You won’t be able to cope with the problem in class! I advise friends to play sports, It’s better for you to part with a cigarette forever!

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