Home Coated tongue Anti-crisis management – ​​areas of action. Crisis management and its principles

Anti-crisis management – ​​areas of action. Crisis management and its principles

Crisis (from the Greek krisis - turning point, decision) - a sharp turning point, severe transition state. The state of crisis is atypical and temporary. In an economic sense, a crisis can be for an enterprise, stock exchange or bank, or for individual business organizations, finance, credit, currency, or for the economy of an industry, region or country as a whole.

The financial crisis manifests itself in chronic budget deficits and inflation.

The monetary crisis was caused by a massive withdrawal of deposits, a reduction in bank credit, and the desire of the population to have cash and valuables. A stock market crisis is a massive sell-off and depreciation valuable papers on the exchange. The crisis in production is manifested in a fall in output, rising unemployment, and a reduction in investment.

A crisis can be local in nature, for example, delays in the supply of components, disruption of the planned production schedule, a power outage, etc. An accident in a workshop (on a highway) is also an element of a crisis situation.

All these examples characterize the crisis as a disease, the consequence of which can be one of three scenarios:

Return to previous state.

Transition to another favorable state.

Termination of activities.

A distinctive feature of a crisis is the acceleration of events, the emergence of a state of panic and excitement, and the emergence of atypical situations. These circumstances give reason to talk about management in crisis conditions as a special field of activity - “crisis management”.

Imagine yourself driving a car that only has to move on a straight and level road. You will soon develop driving skills, and you will know exactly the consequences of your management actions. But if you suddenly find yourself on a section of the road that goes sharply downward, it turns out that all your skills are no good. The consequences of the same driver control actions on a flat road and on a slope differ significantly. A similar situation arises in entrepreneurship. The established principles and mechanisms of enterprise management during a period of stable development require adjustment during the onset of a crisis.

Crisis management is distinguished by its focus on an unexpected problem that needs to be solved, eliminating the unfavorable situation and at the same time eliminating the need for crisis management, therefore optimal solutions crisis management ensure its overcoming in a minimum time and at a minimum cost.

In general, the problems facing the enterprise can be divided into resource, consumer, personnel, technological, and organizational.

In terms of causes, a crisis situation can be divided into internal and external crisis. The internal crisis is associated with the state of the enterprise, and the external crisis is associated with the position of the enterprise in the market.

The nature of the crisis situation is determined by stages with detailing of individual elements. At the first, largest stage, a crisis internal situation can be classified by two parameters: time reserve (urgency of action), the amount of financial reserves (possibility of debt compensation).

Based on the magnitude of these parameters, three typical situations can be distinguished: A, B and C. Situation A is the most unfavorable (without time reserve and financial reserves). Situation C is the most favorable (there is time and financial reserves). Situation B is intermediate between A and C.

Situation A requires radical measures, since the enterprise is under threat of destruction.

Short-term management actions are needed with external

financial support to compensate for delays in salary payments. The enterprise price in this situation is low; The main asset that can be used as collateral for a loan is a plot of land.

Situation B - the company has debt with no prospect of repayment, but there is the possibility of selling part of the equipment or know-how. In this case, it is advisable to attract a short-term loan and develop a medium-term action program.

Situation C - the enterprise compensates for the threatening deterioration of the economic situation with a promising business plan.

Detailing the nature of the crisis situation is due to the introduction of 7-10 parameters, which at a qualitative level reveal the state of the enterprise:

profit development;

power usage;

production flexibility;

cost planning;

personnel qualifications;

use of personnel qualifications;



The value of the indicators is determined by one of 3 parameters:

below the average;

above average.

Basic rules for a crisis manager:

availability of an action plan;

absolute consistency in actions;

maintaining principles;

discipline at work;

communication skills;

efficiency of decisions;

regular monitoring and discussion;

communication of results;

maintaining contacts with interested companies;

trust among management.

Typical crisis management solutions:

asset valuation;

assessment of the state of the enterprise;

development of options for financial support of the enterprise;

development of options for enterprise reorganization;

assessment of the enterprise’s impact on the state of the region’s economy.

Management activities of a crisis manager include the following:

Analysis of the state of the economy, the level of development of productive forces, labor motivation, entrepreneurial potential, income distribution, social guarantees, environmental situation.

Analysis international experience solutions to such problems.

Determination of target areas of development in the areas of economics, ecology, sociology, culture, politics, management, worldview, their ranking, parity.

Selection of criteria for assessing operating options (economic, political, social) in achieving goals.

Construction of mathematical dependencies, conditions, relationships for the functioning model.

Identification of resource availability.

Development of operating scenarios. Definition of stages and intermediate results.

Conducting professional examination.

Organization of support (economic, social, legal, managerial).

Change in management composition.

Centralization of financial control.

Daily liquidity assessment.

Expanding employee autonomy.

Changing market behavior.

Changing the wage system.

Reducing the depth of the production cycle.

Bank support for an enterprise can be realized through the provision of a loan secured by land, property, and authorized capital. The bank has the right to buy out the company's debts. Economic support for a crisis enterprise is accompanied by the appointment of bank representatives to key management positions, including the crisis manager. This is one of the measures to reduce the risk of loan loss.

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Many companies in our country are not located in the most in better shape because of the crisis, therefore they need to carry out diagnostics and implement management methods in the new current situation, this is what anti-crisis management does. A crisis can be caused by both small conflicts within a company and catastrophic failures that can lead to the complete liquidation of a problematic organization.

Anti-crisis management - basics

The worst thing is that some of the financial organizations that stand over the abyss do not recognize the catastrophe looming over them. And a lack of understanding of how to reorganize business operations and improve the management system ultimately leads companies to complete economic collapse. In other words, unable to overcome the crisis situation and provide further financing for its activities, the company becomes bankrupt.

Anti-crisis regulation provides special technologies and algorithms that will help transform business and revive it in a crisis situation, which is provoked by a number of external and internal factors. All measures of organizational, economic and regulatory influence are aimed at supporting companies, preventing bankruptcy and liquidation. Anti-crisis management reflects the relationships within the company that develop during the process of its revival or liquidation.

Some people have the impression that crisis management works precisely according to the scheme of destruction rather than restoration, but this is far from the case. This definition is interpreted much more broadly and includes a package of preventive measures that are used in relatively successful companies to prevent the appearance of the most minimal signs of financial failure. Thus, crisis management must be understood as a system that monitors and analyzes possible crisis situations, and also deals with planning, organizing and implementing measures that help maintain all the basic characteristics of the company at the desired level.

Comprehensive anti-crisis measures are closely related to corporate and strategic management; they also include diagnostics of the company’s performance, quality, safety, financial, innovation management, etc. general characteristics of these activities is to restore the pre-crisis economic state of the company, and to achieve this goal, both organizational and legal methods and means, as well as financial and economic ones, are applicable.

The main goal pursued by all anti-crisis management actions is to carry out structural reorganization based on market needs.

And this goal can only be achieved by applying the following rules:

    enable debtors who fulfill their obligations to continue their work;

    develop security measures that will help avoid bankruptcy during economic instability;

    develop a system for business resuscitation;

    develop systems for the rehabilitation of companies without bringing it to closure through the settlement of financial debts.

From the above list it can be understood that crisis management is a tool with a protective function, aimed at supporting companies that have at least a minimal chance of recovery.

Based on today's difficult economic situation in our country, searching for unfavorable trends in the work of firms and identifying signs of possible future bankruptcy have great importance. The anti-crisis approach to the performance of the company is used not only in the event of a financial crisis in the organization, but also to carry out control, which will make it possible to identify the first bad signs in the process of work. Thus, the use of crisis management will not only help the company get out of the crisis, but also circumvent such situations through constant checks and diagnostics of the state of the company and the environment in which it operates. This is how you can prevent the development of crisis situations without waiting for the company to end up in a debt hole.

When launching a crisis management system, we can confidently say that the set of measures will include preliminary diagnostics and elimination of crisis situations using various tactical and strategic methods. Such a set of measures will allow us to find the most optimal solution for managing financial flows and leading the company out of the crisis. Most often, the onset of a financial crisis is directly related to the wrong actions of managers, so a manager is often brought in to analyze the wrong steps and select anti-crisis management measures to eliminate them.

So, the main tasks pursued by the process of diagnosing a crisis situation or the state of bankruptcy of a company:

    conducting an analysis of the financial condition of the company and making forecasts for its subsequent existence;

    search for reasons and various factors that provoked and contributed to the formation of a crisis situation;

    exploring the inner external environment in the organization with a subsequent development forecast with the same work schedule;

    searching for unfavorable signs that can lead to financial instability, even early stage as long as they remain invisible to the naked eye.

The basic principles of managing a company that is on the verge of bankruptcy include::

    prompt identification of unfavorable signs in the process of the company's work that have an impact on Negative influence on its financial development;

    a quick reaction when such factors are detected before the moment comes when they grow and lead to a chain reaction of the emergence of new and new negative phenomena;

    adequate assessment of the company’s financial condition at the moment and determination of the scale of the threat. If you neglect the implementation of this point, then all the efforts and methods of the anti-crisis method may simply not work and lead to complete destruction.

Who can work as an anti-crisis manager

Such a new type of activity as crisis management requires its employees to have certain basic professional skills and personal characteristics.

It can be said that a crisis manager is someone who not only has the makings of a leader with a tough character, but also has special training and is familiar with the features of the operating system of enterprises at different stages of financial development (pre-crisis, during the onset of the crisis) and knows the work of each stage to eliminate crisis symptoms. He must have a perfect understanding of the goals of his work, control the work of employees, be able to stimulate them at the right time and organize implementation various methods struggle to avoid possible bankruptcy.

Ideally, an anti-crisis manager should have broad knowledge in the field crisis management and professional competence, which would not only help the company get out of the financial crisis, but also restore the level that the company occupied before the onset of signs of bankruptcy. If this task is no longer possible, then anti-crisis manager automatically transfers to the position of arbitration manager in the company and his competence will already be strictly limited by normative and legal documentation, because in this case the work will be carried out in a legal (judicial) format.

In order to plunge deeper into the essence of the profession, you need to know one thing: for a successful career as an anti-crisis manager, you need such a huge store of knowledge that the majority of economists, lawyers and managers can only envy. Because this is not just a list of knowledge from each industry, but their interrelation and correct relationship with each other. Thus, an anti-crisis manager must be able to freely navigate issues of social, economic and organizational formats, while not forgetting about economic prudence and an analytical assessment of the situation at the entrusted facility.

However, even the set of skills presented above, combined with maximum organization and entrepreneurship, does not guarantee the development of a successful career as a crisis manager. Each company is individual and so are financial crises, so a special approach to each case will be required. The main task of an anti-crisis manager is to understand the essence of his work and the tasks assigned to him to perform in this particular case.

Let's look at what the crisis manager's reaction should be to different stages development of the crisis. Entrepreneurs divide the crisis of any company into four stages (phases): preliminary, acute, chronic and resolving. It is interesting that these names are similar to terms in medicine and this is not surprising, since the onset of a crisis in any financial organization can be compared to its illness. And its effect is almost similar to the course of an unpleasant illness that is accompanied painful symptoms until the stage of its complete recovery or complete collapse (bankruptcy). A qualified anti-crisis manager must deal with the symptoms of a crisis even before the onset of an “acute situation” before it becomes chronic.

The onset of the preliminary phase of a crisis situation is characterized by the presence of deviations in the work of a company or enterprise, which is a warning signal about the onset of a crisis. If this moment is missed and the required actions are not taken, then the phase of an acute crisis can come so quickly and sharply that all the work of the anti-crisis manager will be reduced to counting debts and liquidating the company at the legal level.

If failures (even the most minor ones) are detected in the company’s work, the crisis manager must try to resolve and stabilize themfunctioning of the enterprise. On initial stage it's easy to do. The main thing is to find the sources of imbalance and try to close them using a series of operational methods stabilizing the financial condition of the organization. He must minimize possible losses by looking for suitable options to improve the situation in the company’s work and then plan and introduce a specially selected list of anti-crisis measures, and then analyze the moments when a negative situation arises.

If the preliminary phase of the crisis went unnoticed, then the second acute phase begins, which is characterized by the emergence of serious financial problems. In this case, it is almost impossible to change the situation, so in order to cure you will have to undergo a painful course of treatment and hope for a possible recovery of the business. But even with favorable outcome It is worth considering that the company will no longer be able to return the lost funds. If the damage is caused with a huge blow, then the further outcome of the company depends entirely on the professionalism of the anti-crisis manager. If he managed to react in the preliminary phase and take appropriate measures, then during the onset of the acute crisis phase the most important goal is to control all the events that occur in the company, and at this stage there can be many of them, each with its own dynamics.

The anti-crisis manager must keep the situation in his hands by various actions of an operational nature, to carry out changes in the structure of the company, getting rid of every unprofitable event, while simultaneously attracting additional capital.

The onset of the chronic phase of the crisis is characterized by stabilization of the financial condition. If in the second phase an acute deterioration is noticed, then when the third phase begins, you can see the prospects for victory of the crisis, view the consequences and assess the extent of the damage caused. A competent manager, having brought the company out of a difficult situation, can help it full recovery, organizing measures to get rid of ballasts and adding a positive attitude to employees. This stage can be called rest after a hard battle, when there is time to analyze your work. The only disadvantage of this phase is its tendency to infinity. And the anti-crisis manager should try with all his might to reduce this time period by moving the company into the crisis resolution phase.

At the last stage, the business completely overcomes the crisis and work is restored. the main taskcrisis manager to find the most optimal way to solve the crisis and turn around the resulting extreme situation to stabilize financial and economic activities. It is the achievement of this final phase that is considered the main goal of any anti-crisis manager.

So, successful crisis management is to organize measures to prevent any negative changes in the company's work. But do not forget that the crisis does not come from one side, it is cyclical and will invariably lead to a number of adverse consequences. That is why it is better to identify the problem at the very initial stage, because dealing with the crisis is very difficult, and often simply impossible.

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Modern business is a harsh reality where the fittest survive. Every day hundreds, if not thousands, of companies find themselves on the verge of bankruptcy or takeover. In such realities, only a competent specialist - a crisis manager - can save a “drowning” organization. Therefore, it is not surprising that in Hard time directors are ready to spend any amount of money just to get such an employee on their staff.

Naturally, such demand has led to the fact that today many ambitious people want to master this particular profession. However, is it really capable of giving them the financial independence they dream of? To understand this, let's understand all the intricacies of this profession.

This profession has come to modern business relatively recently. This is due to the rapid development of economics as a science in the 21st century. It was the generalization of theories and laws about money that allowed qualified specialists to take on the competent management of financial flows in various types of organizations.

As for the profession itself, a crisis manager is a person who can bring a company out of an unprofitable state. He is often hired in situations where a company is on the verge of bankruptcy or begins to slide into a financial abyss.

Who needs a crisis manager?

The services of a crisis manager are relevant not only in difficult times for a company. By taking up the task of improving the company, such a person is able to bring it to the top of sales, thereby increasing its income. Therefore, abroad, the position of crisis manager is available in many large organizations, in order not only to improve the production process, but also to predict possible risks.

In Russia, unfortunately, you rarely see this. Here, the help of this specialist is resorted to only in cases where the business is already on the verge of collapse. Most likely, this is due to the inexperience of Russian entrepreneurs, who often ignore the experience of Western partners.

Moreover, most often, a crisis manager is hired by investors who are disappointed in their investments. Such a move is needed not only to restore income stability, but also to assess future risks. And if such a specialist decides that their investment is at risk, then they are more likely to trust him than the CEO.

How to become a crisis manager?

Today, many economic universities offer their applicants a specialty in crisis management. Having received a bachelor's degree, a person can calmly begin to fulfill his duties. But the cost of training in this area is often several times higher than for other economic professions.

However, established professionals recommend that beginners not worry about this. After all, you can become a crisis manager even without a specialist diploma. The main thing is that a person has higher education and was well versed in economic and legal laws. Such a statement is due to the fact that in this area a person’s skills come first, and only then his education.

Primary Skills

A crisis manager is a specialist working in the economic field. Therefore, he must be well versed in financial theories and strategies. After all, this is the only way to see the gaps in the company’s reporting and find a way to close them.

In addition, the manager must understand legal acts and laws. Otherwise, how can he avoid dangerous deals and contracts based on the opponent’s legal illiteracy? Naturally, he does not need to memorize the entire legal code, because that is what lawyers are for. But he must know the basic concepts.

The crisis manager must also understand the structure of the company. After all, this is the only way to set up the competent work of departments, as well as keep track of which of them is doing the most slacking. This is especially important in large organizations where a separate division or team is responsible for each operation.

Personal qualities

Now let's talk about what kind of person a crisis manager should be. Training is only half the journey, because you still need to establish yourself as a reliable specialist. And without certain data, this simply cannot be achieved.

Probably everyone has heard the saying “The end justifies the means.” So, for a crisis manager, this saying is a life credo. After all, his task is to bring the company out of bankruptcy by any means necessary. For example, if her employees are performing poorly or there are too many of them, then the specialist must fire them, regardless of their pleas or personal problems. Therefore, a good crisis manager is a cold-blooded and unshakable person.

Another important personal quality is observation. Without it, a specialist will not be able to grasp the information that is necessary to build the right strategy. By the way, experienced crisis managers claim that they are able to find all the company’s shortcomings within 2-3 weeks.

Features of the profession

Many people believe that the main advantage is the salary they receive and the contract of this specialist can quickly dispel this myth. After all, today many businessmen tie the earnings of a crisis manager to the results of his work. That is, if a specialist brought the company out of the crisis, then he will receive a good bonus, if not, then his work will be in vain.

Naturally, experienced managers know how to avoid such legal traps, but newcomers often fall into them. In addition, a big disadvantage is the low demand in the labor market. More precisely, complete absence proposals for specialists with little work experience. Therefore, at first you will have to take on any order, regardless of its complexity and level of payment.

Crisis situations can be managed, and this is confirmed not only by the experience of some famous companies, such as Johnson & Johnson, British Airways, Renault, but also the existence of a special area, a rapidly growing area of ​​PR practice, - crisis management.

Crisis management is an art of mastery difficult situation, eliminating a greater degree of risk and uncertainty, allowing you to subjugate most unwanted processes to your will and take control of what is happening. Otherwise, this is the answer to the question of how to keep your head in place when everyone around you is losing it.

Crisis management is used both in extreme circumstances associated with natural disasters and accidents, and to regulate problems in the business world. Its basic principles can be formulated as follows: compassion, openness, truthfulness, timeliness, prevention. One of the key ideas is crisis prediction and prevention. To do this, a particular company must carefully monitor and analyze many factors of its living environment, identifying those that pose a potential threat to its profit, image, and competitiveness.

Crisis management is rarely taught in business schools. And in order to identify their danger zones, problems, vulnerabilities, in order to draw up a special plan in case of a crisis and teach management how to behave in a crisis situation, many Western companies appeal to the help of PR services, which determine the company’s corporate policy and its strategy based on taking into account the entire range of external and internal influences.

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