Home Prosthetics and implantation Atoxil instructions for use. Atoxil for children for poisoning and intestinal infections

Atoxil instructions for use. Atoxil for children for poisoning and intestinal infections

Chicken egg rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin A - 28.9%, vitamin B2 - 24.4%, choline - 50.2%, vitamin B5 - 26%, vitamin B12 - 17.3%, vitamin D - 22% , vitamin H - 40.4%, vitamin PP - 18%, phosphorus - 24%, iron - 13.9%, iodine - 13.3%, cobalt - 100%, selenium - 55.8%

What are the benefits of a chicken egg?

  • Vitamin A is responsible for normal development, reproductive function, skin and eye health, maintaining immunity.
  • Vitamin B2 participates in redox reactions, increases color sensitivity visual analyzer and dark adaptation. Insufficient intake of vitamin B2 is accompanied by a disorder skin, mucous membranes, impaired light and twilight vision.
  • Kholin is part of lecithin, plays a role in the synthesis and metabolism of phospholipids in the liver, is a source of free methyl groups, and acts as a lipotropic factor.
  • Vitamin B5 participates in protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism, cholesterol metabolism, synthesis of a number of hormones, hemoglobin, promotes the absorption of amino acids and sugars in the intestines, supports the function of the adrenal cortex. Flaw pantothenic acid may lead to damage to the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Vitamin B12 plays important role in the metabolism and transformation of amino acids. Folate and vitamin B12 are interconnected vitamins that are involved in hematopoiesis. Lack of vitamin B12 leads to the development of partial or secondary failure folate, as well as anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.
  • Vitamin D maintains homeostasis of calcium and phosphorus, carries out mineralization processes bone tissue. A lack of vitamin D leads to impaired metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the bones, increased demineralization of bone tissue, which leads to an increased risk of developing osteoporosis.
  • Vitamin H participates in the synthesis of fats, glycogen, amino acid metabolism. Insufficient consumption of this vitamin can lead to disruption of the normal condition of the skin.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Insufficient vitamin intake is accompanied by disruption of the normal condition of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, and is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, and rickets.
  • Iron is part of proteins of various functions, including enzymes. Participates in the transport of electrons and oxygen, ensures the occurrence of redox reactions and activation of peroxidation. Insufficient consumption leads to hypochromic anemia, myoglobin deficiency atony skeletal muscles, increased fatigue, myocardiopathy, atrophic gastritis.
  • Iodine participates in the functioning thyroid gland, providing the formation of hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine). Necessary for the growth and differentiation of cells of all tissues of the human body, mitochondrial respiration, regulation of transmembrane transport of sodium and hormones. Insufficient intake leads to endemic goiter with hypothyroidism and slow metabolism, arterial hypotension, stunting and mental development in children.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates metabolic enzymes fatty acids and folate metabolism.
  • Selenium- an essential element of the antioxidant defense system of the human body, has an immunomodulatory effect, participates in the regulation of the action of thyroid hormones. Deficiency leads to Kashin-Beck disease (osteoarthritis with multiple deformities of the joints, spine and limbs), Keshan disease (endemic myocardiopathy), and hereditary thrombasthenia.
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Egg– an accessible, dietary, simple, tasty, inexpensive product that is used...

A chicken egg is an affordable, dietary, simple, tasty, inexpensive product that is very popular among consumers. Scrambled eggs, omelet, croutons - all these dishes are an excellent option for breakfast or dinner. People have been using this product for food since ancient times, so it is beneficial properties well known.

Chicken eggs come in two categories: table and dietary. On sale you can find products with the appropriate markings - C and D. A chicken egg is called dietary in the first 7 days, after it is laid by a chicken, and after a week it is already called a table egg.

In modern cooking, eggs are used everywhere. They are added to baked goods, desserts, first and second courses, salads, snacks, and even some drinks. There are many recipes that contain eggs. This product can not only be boiled in the shell or fried in a frying pan. Eggs can be cooked in the microwave, baked in the oven, and boiled in boiling water without shells.

Chicken eggs are an excellent source nutrients. They contain healthy proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and microelements important for human health. Unlike other protein products, eggs are absorbed by the body by 97-98%. Eggs are included in the diet of people who monitor their health and weight. The product has a unique composition, therefore it has a positive effect on the human condition.

Chicken eggs: description

Chickens are a source of healthy meat and egg producers. They are bred in almost every corner of the globe. People started eating chicken eggs more than 2,000 years ago. Chicken eggs have an oblong shape, and depending on the age, breed, weight and diet of the bird, they can vary in size and color. The product consists of shell, protein and yolk. The color of an egg does not in any way affect its beneficial and nutritional qualities. In eggs, both the white and the yolk are equally healthy. The shell is also widely used in folk medicine and agriculture. In cooking, eggs serve both as a separate dish and as an ingredient for soups, salads, appetizers and other dishes.

Chicken eggs: composition

Eggs have a truly unique composition. They include 12 essential vitamins: A, E, D, PP, H, K, B vitamins, namely B1, B2, B4 and B9 and others. In terms of the amount of vitamin D, egg yolk is second only to fish oil. Chicken eggs contain the following micro- and macroelements: phosphorus, calcium, iron, iodine, cobalt, boron, copper, manganese, sulfur, magnesium, potassium and others. In addition, eggs are rich in essential amino acids.

Chicken egg white contains about 90% water and 10% protein. The yolk is made up of cholesterol and fat. In the total mass, the protein accounts for about 56%, the yolk is 32%, and the shell is 12%.

Egg yolk contains most of the fat, but it consists mainly of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Saturated fatty acids are contained in smaller quantities.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids include:

  • Linolenic acid – 2%;
  • Linoleic acid – 16%.

Monounsaturated fatty acids:

  • Oleic acid – 47%;
  • Palmitoleic acid – 5%.

Saturated fatty acids include:

  • Myristic acid – 1%;
  • Palmitic acid – 23%;
  • Stearic acid – 4%.

Eggs contain 96% of minerals, increased amounts of calcium, iodine, phosphorus, copper, cobalt and iron.

How many calories are in a chicken egg?

The calorie content of a chicken egg is directly related to its size. The calorie content of an average egg is approximately 70 kcal, a large egg will add approximately 80 kcal, and a very large egg will add approximately 90 kcal. So how many calories are in an egg?

Calorie content of eggs is about 150-157 kcal per 100 g. Of which: proteins - 51 kcal, fats - 103 kcal, carbohydrates - 3 kcal.

If you are buying eggs big size, then their calorie content will be higher. A pair of eggs is approximately 120-150 g.

How many calories in 1 egg? One raw egg contains about 70 kcal.

Many people are also interested in: “How many calories are in a fried egg?” The calorie content of a fried egg can reach 350 kcal, depending on the amount of oil. So, for example, if you pour 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil into a frying pan, you will get an additional 152 kcal (1 tablespoon contains 17 g of oil = 152 kcal). If you are using a non-stick pan and adding just a few drops of oil, then there is nothing to worry about. If you pour butter from the heart or make scrambled eggs in lard, then the calorie content of the finished product will be much higher.

So, how many calories are in scrambled eggs from 2 eggs? Let's do simple calculations: 2 medium-sized raw eggs are approximately 120 grams = 188-190 kcal. Add the calorie content of the oil - 1 tablespoon (17 g) = 152 kcal. In total we get 190+152=342 kcal. For those on a low-carb diet, this figure may be too high. If you want to lose weight, then it is better to eat a couple of boiled eggs with vegetables for breakfast.

Calorie content of soft-boiled egg– 95 ​​kcal (for an egg weighing 60 g).

Calorie content of hard-boiled egg– 96 kcal (for an egg weighing 60 g).

Egg white calories(23g piece) – 10 kcal.

Egg yolk calories(20 g piece) – 70 kcal.

Chicken eggs: beneficial properties

Eggs have a unique composition, which is why doctors and nutritionists often talk about their beneficial properties. Overall, it has been proven that:

  • Eating chicken eggs serves as an excellent prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Protects against cataracts and has a beneficial effect on vision;
  • Significantly reduce the risk of developing oncological diseases, including breast cancer;
  • Have a beneficial effect on digestive system, and also help cope with peptic ulcers;
  • Eggs have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, increase mental abilities and improve memory;
  • The product saturates the body with beneficial vitamins and minerals that help strengthen immune system;
  • They benefit bone tissue, since the vitamin D contained in eggs promotes the absorption of calcium, which is vital for the development of a strong skeleton;
  • Very useful for muscle growth and development, which is due to the fact that egg white is much more effective than milk protein or beef protein;
  • Eggs are an antidepressant, improve mood, have a positive effect on nervous system;
  • The product improves the condition of nails, hair and teeth;
  • They are an integral element of the diet of athletes and all people leading an active lifestyle;
  • Eggs contain folic acid, so they are useful not only for women planning a pregnancy, but also for pregnant and lactating women;
  • Eggs - useful product for men, as they improve sperm quality, which is also important when planning pregnancy;
  • Scientific studies have confirmed that eating a couple of boiled eggs for breakfast helps you lose weight.

Chicken eggs: contraindications and possible risks

The main danger that chicken eggs can pose is the possibility of becoming infected with salmonellosis. Doctors recommend rinsing eggs under warm water, washing your hands thoroughly before preparing food, and not eating raw food. Raw egg lovers risk more than others.

Excessive consumption of eggs puts a lot of stress on the kidneys.

There is an opinion that chicken eggs, namely the yolk, contain an excessive amount of fat and increase cholesterol. In connection with the existing theory, many athletes eat only proteins, fearing the fat from the yolks. However, recent studies have shown that eggs contain a substance - lecithin, which balances the level of “bad” and “good” cholesterol, which makes the product absolutely safe. Thus, it was found that eggs have no effect on increasing “bad” cholesterol, but, on the contrary, are an excellent preventative against atherosclerosis. Therefore, anyone who wants to improve their health and lose weight can eat chicken eggs without fear.

The benefits of a chicken egg are simply colossal. Both the white and the yolk are useful in their own way, and together they represent an almost ideal (from a nutritional point of view) product. Egg white is much healthier than fish, dairy or meat. It is chicken protein that is most easily absorbed by the body and brings continuous benefits. Eating eggs helps strengthen the immune system and speed up recovery from certain diseases.

The yolk is a treasure trove of vitamins and beneficial elements. It contains biotin, lecithin and choline, as well as vitamins A, B and E. In addition, it saturates the human body with phosphorus and iron. Phosphorus, in turn, has an excellent effect on the nervous system and brain function.

Boiled chicken eggs: calorie content, composition, benefits and harm

The parts of a chicken egg differ not only in composition, but also in taste. The white and yolk are often used separately in cooking. Chicken eggs are exposed various types heat treatment, and sometimes used raw. Eggs are usually boiled, fried, or baked. There are also recipes for pickled and stuffed eggs.

In fact, boiled eggs are food product, which has undergone heat treatment and is used as a separate dish or as an ingredient in main courses, appetizers, desserts, etc. Eggs serve as a filling for baked goods, as well as meatloaves, fish casseroles, etc.

Boiled eggs preserve everything healthy vitamins and minerals, so breakfast or a snack in the form of a boiled egg - great way satisfy your hunger. Doctors, nutritionists, and athletes talk about the benefits of eggs.

There are 3 main types of boiled eggs:

  • Boiled egg;
  • Hard boiled egg;
  • Boiled egg “in a bag”.

Chicken eggs can be boiled for a couple of minutes, or you can cook them for 10 minutes. It all depends on what result you want to get. During cooking, you can add salt to the water to prevent the egg from leaking if it cracks during cooking.

  • The soft-boiled egg is cooked for 2-3 minutes.
  • Egg “in a bag” – 5-6 minutes.
  • Hard-boiled egg - up to 10 minutes.

Chicken eggs can be baked in the oven along with cheese and vegetables, you can fry classic scrambled eggs, or you can make a very tasty omelet. In addition, eggnog is made from eggs; they are added to dough, cutlets, and cocktails. Eggs can even be pickled or salted. There are no limits to the flight of fancy. The product goes well with vegetables, herbs, and cheese.

How many eggs can you eat in a week?

No one doubts that eggs are a very healthy product. However, for many years there has been debate among doctors and nutritionists about how many eggs can you eat per week? Some experts say that the optimal amount is 2-3 eggs per week, others say that you can consume up to 5 eggs, and still others advise not to limit yourself at all. Who is right? According to recent studies, eggs do not raise cholesterol levels, so they can be eaten almost every day. People who already have problems with cholesterol should limit their consumption of this product.

For example, bodybuilders, when preparing for competitions, can eat up to a dozen eggs a day, in addition to other foods. In addition, there are several popular diets based on eating 2 to 4 eggs per day.

Older people tend to believe that eggs are a dangerous product and should not be eaten more than twice a week. Modern science refutes these ideas and finds new evidence that frequent use eating eggs and high cholesterol are not interconnected in any way.

A person who leads an active lifestyle and plays sports can eat as many eggs as he wants, but without overeating. It is important to remember that any, even the most healthy product, if consumed excessively, turns into poison. If the cholesterol level is no longer normal, or there are kidney and liver diseases, then it is better to give up eggs or reduce them to 2-4 eggs per week. The norm can only be determined by a doctor after an examination.

Chicken eggs are in every person’s diet, because they are rich in elements that are beneficial to our body and can be an excellent breakfast, lunch or dinner. But at the same time, their consumption in large quantities can negatively affect health, and if we are talking about losing weight, then daily norm decreases even more. Eggs are a product that is healthy as long as it is consumed correctly, but if you break even one rule, the result will not be as good as expected. To understand how and in what quantities to eat them, you need to know how much BJU is in a chicken egg, what its calorie content is and what elements it is rich in.

BZHU, calorie content of eggs

An average-sized egg weighs approximately 55-60 g and contains about 70 kilocalories. The white accounts for 60% of the total mass of the egg, the yolk accounts for 30%, and the shell accounts for 10%. BJU of raw chicken eggs is as follows:

  • Proteins - 12 grams.
  • Fat - 11 grams.
  • Carbohydrates - 1 gram.

The calorie content and nutritional value of a chicken egg may vary depending on how it is prepared. There are many methods for cooking eggs, and each of them has its own effect on the ratio of elements. For example, the BZHU of a boiled chicken egg and its calorie content are not very different from the same indicators in their raw form, but as soon as you break it into a frying pan with oil, the situation changes dramatically.

The calorie content of an egg can also be affected by what the chicken eats. If the bird had the opportunity, in addition to eating special feed, to walk over a large area and find various grains or larvae, then the egg will have a higher calorie content compared to what was obtained at a poultry farm. Eggs from domestic chickens are more valuable not only for their nutritional content, but also for their benefits to the body.

There is a myth that you should only eat white eggs, because if a brown or brown egg is a chicken egg, its nutritional value and calorie content are significantly different. In fact, the color of an egg does not in any way affect the indicators of the substances in it.

Eggs are one of the most unique foods on the planet because they are digestible human body by 98%. And even if there are cases of allergies, it does not change it nutritional value. Chicken eggs do not harm the body and are completely excreted, while at the same time saturating it with useful elements.

Chicken egg white: BJU

Chicken protein contains 87% water, 11% protein, 1% carbohydrates and 1% minerals. The BJU of a chicken egg without a yolk is much smaller. This is what makes it an incredibly valuable source of low-calorie proteins. Calorie content and nutritional value of a medium-sized chicken egg excluding yolk:

  • Kilocalories (per 100 g) - 52.
  • Proteins - 11 grams.
  • Fats - 0.
  • Carbohydrates - 0.

There are correct proportions of essential amino acids, including methionine, which the human body cannot produce. It is methionine that plays a big role in the synthesis of creatine, adrenaline, and promotes the active action of vitamins and enzymes. At the same time, if there is an insufficient amount of methionine in the body and problems are observed in the functioning of the nervous system.

BZHU yolk

Chicken yolk consists of 50% water, 32% fat, 16% protein, and 2% minerals. The yolk of a medium-sized chicken egg contains about 50-55 kilocalories; per 100 grams - 350 kilocalories.

BZHU chicken eggs without protein:

  • Proteins - 16 g.
  • Fats - 31 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 1 g.

The great value of the yolk is that it contains a whole complex of fatty acids that have a positive effect on the functioning of the entire body. But many people eat eggs according to the principle “white in the plate, yolk in the trash” due to the fact that the yolk contains a lot of cholesterol. Yes, the yolk is really rich in cholesterol, but it is also necessary for the human body. For example, if the body low level cholesterol, the liver begins to produce it itself. Moderate use Egg yolk will not harm your health. In addition, in addition to cholesterol, the yolk of a chicken egg contains many useful substances, such as lecithin, which promotes brain activity and prevents the development of sclerosis, or which activates metabolism.

Useful microelements in chicken eggs

Chicken eggs are not only a high-quality product, but also a source of a large number of useful bioregulators, minerals and proteins. What exactly does a chicken egg contain and how does eating it affect human health?

  1. Niacin, or vitamin B3, is necessary for cell nutrition and promotes the production of sex hormones.
  2. Choline, or vitamin B4, improves memory and activates the process of cleansing the liver of poisons.
  3. Vitamin D is important for maintaining phosphorus and calcium levels in the body. Eggs rank second on the list of foods rich in vitamin D, second only to fish oil.
  4. Vitamin K is necessary for normal blood clotting.
  5. Vitamin E and iron - actively fight bad mood and fatigue are essential to prevent cardiovascular disease.
  6. Vitamin A - improves immunity, has a positive effect on growth and vision.
  7. Vitamin E - counteracts the development of certain forms of cancer and makes eggs a kind of “elixir of youth”, because this vitamin preserves natural beauty and prevents the body from aging.
  8. Vitamin B12 - has a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis and is a method of prevention nervous diseases. One egg satisfies the daily requirement for vitamin B12 by 100%.

And that's just small part, because chicken eggs are rich in calcium, manganese, selenium, folacin, sodium, zinc, biotin and folic acid, it contains almost all vitamins (with the exception of vitamin C), essential amino acids.

Chicken eggs for weight loss

In the diet of a person who follows therapeutic nutrition or diets for weight loss, eggs are a must. The BJU of a chicken egg and its calorie content prove that this product is one of the lowest in calories, but at the same time nutritious in the world. Its use normalizes metabolism. Two eggs for breakfast reduce your daily diet by 400 kilocalories, while they perfectly saturate the body for the whole day.

The yolk is much higher in calories than the protein, so it is often thrown away, and along with it a whole complex of useful microelements and vitamins.

The BJU indicators of a chicken egg without a yolk fall, and the diet becomes less caloric, but in this case there is no question of nutritional value. The yolk should also be in the diet, like the white, but in smaller quantities. When losing weight, it is recommended to consume no more than two yolks per day. In this case, protein can be eaten in unlimited quantities. That is, if you eat two hard-boiled chicken eggs with tomato and cheese for breakfast, you can indulge in an egg white-based omelet with salad for dinner. The variety of ways to prepare eggs is impressive, again proving the value of this product.

How to properly boil a chicken egg

BZHU, the caloric content of a boiled egg is equal to the corresponding indicators in a raw one. And this is a big plus, since many people cannot use raw eggs, but boiled ones have much better taste, while completely retaining all the benefits for the body.

Before boiling eggs, they need to be removed from the refrigerator and left at room temperature. This is done so that when they get into boiling water they do not burst. Afterwards they should be washed - and you can cook. The cooking time depends on what kind of egg you want to get as a result: soft-boiled - 1-3 minutes, “in a bag” - 4-5 minutes, hard-boiled - 7-8 minutes. In this case, you need to expect that large eggs will take longer to cook, which means they should be pulled out last. If the eggs have been boiled for more than 10 minutes, they will be overcooked, which means that the yolk will lose its taste and become covered with a greenish coating, and the white will become rubbery.

To preserve all the fatty acids that are in the yolk, eggs need to be boiled as follows: put them in boiling water and after 1 minute turn off the gas, without removing them for another 5 minutes. As a result, the white will have time to cook, but the yolk will remain liquid.

Cooking - best way cooking eggs, which preserves them the nutritional value. When frying, egg whites do not retain their structure, and due to the use of oil, carcinogens enter the body, which damage the liver and digestive system.

Potential harm to chicken eggs. Cholesterol

Many people avoid eating eggs because of their cholesterol content. But how great is its harm to the body and whether it exists at all is a question without a definitive answer.

One egg contains a little more than 200 milligrams of this substance. Cholesterol in the blood is usually divided into two categories: “good” (increases the level and “bad” (increases the level of low-density lipoproteins, LDL). It turned out that dietary cholesterol helps to increase the level of both "bad" and "good" cholesterol. Action " bad" is associated with saturated fats, which are low in eggs, which means that there will not be a significant increase in such cholesterol after eating them.

The daily norm of cholesterol is 300 milligrams, which means one egg a day will not harm your health. But for those who are inclined to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, you should eat eggs less often - at least every other day.


If cholesterol is not such a terrible thing in a chicken egg, then the possibility of ingesting salmonella along with this product is truly terrifying. Through the shell it can enter the egg at different stages of the formation and consumption of this product. Salmonella causes real harm to the body, but there are ways to protect yourself from it:

  1. Do not eat eggs that have been cooked for less than 5 minutes.
  2. Do not wash eggs before putting them in the refrigerator, so as not to remove the protective film, without which the risk of salmonella entering the egg increases. This should be done immediately before cooking.
  3. Throw away eggs with cracked shells and do not store them in the refrigerator for long periods of time.

Allergic reaction

Cases of allergies most often occur in children. Egg white intolerance is common, but fortunately most children get over it by age five. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, nasal congestion, itching, dizziness, fainting, and in some cases, anaphylactic shock.

People with an egg white allergy should carefully study the ingredients of products, as eggs are one of the most used ingredients in many of them. Some elements are even added to vaccinations.

Eggs are a frequent guest on many people's tables. They are added to great amount dishes are eaten on their own. You can boil and fry eggs in a variety of ways. The eggs of not only birds, but also some species of reptiles, such as turtles, are considered edible. Due to the availability and taste, people prefer to feast on chicken. Quail eggs are consumed much less frequently, and duck, turkey, ostrich or goose eggs are eaten extremely rarely.

The product is common and popular, but also unique. It is absorbed in the human body almost completely (97%). The structure of eggs is such that only one part is the white, and the rest is the yolk. The latter contains proteins, fats, and cholesterol. Acquirer White color During cooking, only 10% of the protein consists of the actual protein itself, and the rest is water.

In a raw chicken egg 158 kcal
for 100 g
One medium raw egg 70 kcal
In one boiled egg 50-70 kcal
In a soft-boiled egg70 kcal
Hard-boiled egg50 kcal
In one fried egg
in vegetable oil
125 kcal
In a quail egg16-17 kcal
In a raw ostrich egg118 kcal
for 100 g

There are about 158 ​​kcal per hundred grams of product. Here it is necessary to take into account that eggs are bought and eaten individually, so you should focus on the size, method of preparation, and type. A medium egg has 70 calories, a large egg has 80, and a very large egg has 90 calories. These indicators are valid only for raw products; during cooking, the energy value changes.

A fried egg already contains 125 kcal. This applies to products that are fried using vegetable oil. If you boil it soft-boiled, then the calorie content will be less, that is, 70, and hard-boiled - 50 kcal. It should be borne in mind that the protein contains three times less calories than the yolk.

A quail egg is small in size and weight, which varies from 10 to 12 grams. Since it is possible to buy this product, which is becoming quite popular, in almost every supermarket these days, the question energy value becomes relevant. One quail egg contains 16-17 kcal.

Determined useful substances included in the product. Eggs contain minerals required by the human body, as well as amino acids and vitamins. The product owes its nutritional value and value to the following substances:

  • active provitamin A;
  • vitamin D, the concentration of which is second only to fish oil, which is known for its benefits to humans;
  • vitamins E and group B, and, along with B1 and B2, the yolk is rich in choline (B4);
  • calcium, iodine, copper, phosphorus, iron;
  • cholesterol, which does not pose a threat to health, as it is balanced by lecithin;
  • polyunsaturated fats, which, like the cholesterol contained in eggs, do not cause any harm to health.

Thus, it turns out that both cholesterol and fats that enter the body with eggs are absolutely safe. In addition, the product provides a person with approximately 96% of minerals, as well as useful vitamins.

Anyone who wants to gain slimness and adheres to dietary nutrition a person is invariably interested in the question of whether this product is compatible with the process of losing weight. In this matter, you should listen to the advice of nutritionists. Many experts recommend eating 2 to 3 eggs per week. On low-carb diets, this amount can be increased.

Including eggs in your diet can help you lose weight and support your immune system. Hard-boiled, they are found in most popular diet programs. Among them are Protasova, Atkins, by blood group, Kremlin and, of course, protein.

Are there any contraindications?

Eggs should not be eaten by those who suffer from individual intolerance to one of the components of the yolk or white, as well as cholecystitis. The product often causes allergic reactions. Even infants can start giving egg yolks from the age of seven months.

To answer this question, you need to decide whether regular table eggs or diet eggs will be eaten. The ability to read the labels allows you to distinguish both of these products from each other. In the territory Russian Federation the letter “D” is placed on a dietary egg, the shelf life of which does not exceed a week, but the “C” is placed on a table egg, which takes about 25 days to sell.

The weight of the egg is marked with the second marking symbol in ascending order with the numbers 1, 2 and 3. Selected ones, weighing from 65 to 75 g, have the letter “O” on the shell, premium ones with a weight of more than 75 g - the letter “B”. However, when purchasing a product, be sure to pay close attention to when the egg was “released.” If the product is packaged in a container, it must be opened to check its integrity.

The quality or taste of eggs, as many mistakenly believe, does not depend in any way on color. It ranges from pure white to light brown.

Quantitative norm for egg consumption

The average person, if we look at the generally accepted nutritional standard, should consume about three hundred eggs annually. This is approximately from five to six pieces per week. For people suffering from high cholesterol, this amount should be halved.

Yolks are introduced into children's diets at the age of seven months. It is permissible for two- and three-year-old children to be given two to three yolks per week; a similar number of eggs can be consumed from four to six years of age.

Speaking about the number of eggs, you need to remember that they are included in baked goods, mayonnaise and other food products, including homemade ones.

The uniqueness of eggs lies in the fact that they can be prepared in completely different ways, which invariably affects both calorie content and taste. Those on a diet are recommended to include this product in their diet exclusively soft-boiled, since it is in this form that eggs have the minimum calorie content.

Eggs are prepared according to the following recipes:

  1. Boiled soft-boiled and hard-boiled. In the first case, the eggs are boiled from 2 to 3, and in the second - from 7 to 8 minutes.
  2. Fried. Scrambled eggs are cooked in a frying pan using a small amount of vegetable oil with the addition of salt and ground black pepper. It can be fried on both sides or on one, resulting in a wonderful fried egg. If you shake the eggs well, then ordinary scrambled eggs will turn out to be scrambled.
  3. Omelette. A light and popular dish made from eggs beaten with milk. It is salted and peppered to taste and then fried in a frying pan. To make the dish tastier, add fresh bell peppers, tomatoes, cheese, and ham. The “stuffing” is selected according to your preferences.
  4. Poached. These are eggs that are boiled peeled, that is, without shells. This cooking method was invented by the French.

Finding a recipe that suits your taste is not difficult.


For proper nutrition eggs are an essential product that is recommended for both adults and young children. They are not high in calories, but have an excellent taste, and also contain vitamin E, which strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessels, as well as vitamin D and a lot of phosphorus, which have a beneficial effect on bone tissue.

Egg calorie table

There is hardly a person in the world who has not tried some egg dish. This is one of the most common food products. You can eat eggs of all types of birds and even some reptiles (turtles).

Usually people use chicken eggs, less often - quail, in very exceptional cases - goose, duck, ostrich and turkey.

Eggs are not only healthy, but also a unique product. Egg digestible human body by 97%. The third part of the egg is the yolk. It includes proteins, fats, cholesterol. The rest is occupied by protein, consisting of 90 percent from water and ten percent from protein.

Calorie content of eggs

Calorie content directly depends depending on egg size, one hundred grams of the product contains 158 kilocalories. One medium raw egg contains 70 calories. A large egg has 80 kilocalories, and a very large egg has 90 kilocalories.

The calorie content of cooked eggs varies. A fried egg contains 125 kilocalories, assuming that it is cooked in vegetable oil. The calorie content of a hard-boiled egg is 50 kilocalories, and a soft-boiled egg is 70 kcal. The yolk contains three times more calories than the white.

Calorie content of quail egg(this product is becoming quite popular and is often sold in supermarkets) - 16-17 kilocalories. Its weight is about 10 – 12 grams.

Useful material

  1. active vitamin content A,
  2. vitamin content D(for comparison, eggs are second only to fish oil in the amount of vitamin D),
  3. eggs contain vitamins B1, B2, E,
  4. The yolk contains large quantities of the vitamin choline,
  5. recorded in eggs 96% useful minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iodine, copper, iron),
  6. cholesterol contained in the yolk is harmless to health because it is balanced by lecithin,
  7. The fats contained in the yolk are polyunsaturated by nature, so they will not cause any harm to health.

Eating eggs on a diet

Many nutritionists advise eating eggs during a diet. Recommended consumption 2 – 3 boiled eggs per week. If you are on a diet, you can eat more eggs.

Eggs promote weight loss and support the functioning of the human immune system. Hard-boiled eggs are used in many popular diets: blood type diet, Protasov diet, Kremlin diet, Atkins diet.


Eggs are contraindicated if you have allergies, cholecystitis or increased intolerance to any component of the protein or yolk. Egg yolks are allowed to be consumed even by infants from the age of seven months.

How to choose the right eggs

In this matter, you need to decide what kind of eggs you need - table or diet eggs. According to the marking adopted in Russia with the letter “ D" means a dietary egg; it must be sold within seven days. Letter " WITH" refers to table eggs that must be sold within 25 days.

The second marking sign indicates the weight of the eggs: 1, 2, 3 – depending on weight, letter “ ABOUT" - selected eggs, weighing from 65 grams to 75 and " IN“—highest grade, eggs over 75 grams in weight.

When choosing eggs, look at the expiration date and release date of the eggs. Be sure to open the product container and ensure there are no cracked or broken eggs.

Eggs often vary in color (from white to light brown), but this is not does not affect their quality or taste.

Quantitative norm for egg consumption

According to generally accepted nutritional standards, the average person needs to eat 300 eggs per year. To people who suffer increased level cholesterol in the blood, it is recommended to use 2-3 eggs per week, the rest can be eaten 5-6 eggs.

Young children are introduced to the yolk from the age of seven months. To kid 2 – 3 years can be eaten from 2 to 3 yolks per week, It is recommended that a child aged 4–6 years eat 3 eggs per week.

When creating your menu, you should take into account that eggs are contained in many products: mayonnaise, baked goods and others.

Egg recipes

Eggs can be eaten in in different forms. Hard-boiled eggs are used in the diet because they are the lowest-calorie product. There are several popular and delicious dishes from this product.

  • Boiled hard boiled eggs– Boil the eggs for 7 – 8 minutes.
  • Boiled scrambled eggs– Boil the eggs for 2 – 3 minutes.
  • Fried eggs– fry the egg in a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil, add salt and ground black pepper to taste. You don’t have to turn the egg - you will get a wonderful fried egg, you can turn it over and fry it on both sides, or you can shake it in a frying pan, then you will have a scrambled egg.
  • Omelette- A popular, easy-to-prepare dish. To prepare it, beat eggs with milk, add salt and pepper and fry in a frying pan. You can add ham, tomatoes, fresh bell peppers, sausages and even cheese to the omelette. It all depends on your imagination.
  • Poached eggs- eggs boiled in water without shells. This is an original French dish that many people like.

Let's sum it up...

In terms of their composition, eggs are unique and irreplaceable product, which is recommended for use by both children and adults. They are tasty and healthy, in addition to being low in calories.

This is a storehouse of nutrients. Vitamin E strengthens our heart and blood vessels, vitamin D And phosphorus have a beneficial effect on bone tissue.

Eggs are good for pregnant women because they contain choline and lecithin, which properly develop the baby’s brain. Egg yolk contains lutein, a strong antioxidant. In addition to all that has been said, eggs are useful for people suffering from eye diseases, they are useful to eat for cataracts.

Eggs are even used in facial and hair care. They nourish the skin, fight dandruff and hair loss. There is not a single hair mask that does not contain eggs.

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