Home Stomatitis What is different about the Scottish Sheepdog? Collie (Scottish Sheepdog)

What is different about the Scottish Sheepdog? Collie (Scottish Sheepdog)

Both varieties of the breed - the smooth-haired and the long-haired collie - feel great in the family, but the greatest happiness for them is complete freedom among the fields and meadows.

Have you decided to get a Scottish Shepherd? This is a great choice - she will a wonderful companion, companion and assistant in life.

The long-haired collie is usually considered Scottish breed. In fact, her ancestors were brought to Scotland from Iceland more than four centuries ago. But it was in Scotland that it got its name, as it protected herds of local sheep with black faces and legs, called “coolley”.

The Scottish Sheepdog (collie) should not be confused with - This different breeds dogs.

The long-haired collie is, to a certain extent, an improved version of the original working collie of the Scottish Shepherds, from which this breed has been selected in the last hundred years.

Nowadays, it is rarely used to protect the herd; now it has become companion dog. Many dogs could still prove themselves to be sufficient working dogs if given the chance. The main thing is that For all its beauty, the collie is also a working dog.

It is noteworthy that Queen Victoria of England kept a long-haired collie in 1860 at his Scottish residence Balmoral. IN war time they were used as orderlies and messengers, later they became beautiful guides for people with disabilities. But the breed came to Russia only in the 20th century.

The popularity of collies is associated with numerous film adaptations of the adventures of a dog of this breed named Lassie.

Description of the breed

FCI standard No. 156 dated November 22, 2012 (long-haired variety).
FCI standard No. 296 dated October 28, 2009 (smooth-haired variety).
Group 1 “Shepherd and cattle dogs.”
Section 1 “Shepherd dogs”.

  • the height at the withers of a male is allowed from 56-61 cm, for females - 51-56 cm;
  • The weight of males reaches 20-29 kg, and females - 18-25 kg.

Standard breed description:

  • harmonious body balance;
  • elongated muzzle;
  • wide-set eyes, kind look;
  • powerful lower jaw, scissor bite;
  • paws are oval with soft pads.

A collie's nose is always black.

The Scottish Shepherd has excellent hearing. When concentrating, the ears rise and stick out funny, calmly laid back gently.

Smooth-haired variety

Two types of wool - two varieties

The long-haired collie has dense silky coat, which is formed by 2–3 years of age, very tight with , thanks to her dog does not freeze in winter and does not overheat in summer. The thick collar gives her an aristocratic look, and her voluminous fringes make her figure round like a soft teddy bear.

The Shorthaired Collie is a much less common species, more low-maintenance unlike its long-haired relative. He performs well at exhibitions and has many awards. Ideal for living in a city apartment. The owner of a beautiful stance, which is emphasized by smooth fur, with graceful movements.

Acceptable color:

sable(red with white breast);
tricolor(predominantly black, as well as red and white);
blue merle(predominantly blue-gray with black spots, as well as white and red).

White markings are characteristic and highly desirable in any color.

Colour: marbled blue (blue merle)

Disqualifying signs:

crease of the tail;
jaw defect;
testicular abnormality;

Character and abilities

Thanks to their ancestors, collies are very active, playful, They cannot be kept on a chain; they must be allowed to run around without a leash.. A collie dog requires frequent walking.

Scottish Shepherds (collies) love their owners, they are very attached to them and are very loyal. They treat strangers with caution, while looking at the owner’s reaction. They behave calmly and kindly without obvious signs aggression.

They are easy to teach, even a child can handle it, they are very obedient. The collie is an excellent nanny; the dog will keep an eye on the children and will not let them run away in different directions..

The Collie is suitable for both beginners and experienced dog owners.

The shepherd dog perceives a person’s family as its pack, therefore it is an excellent companion to people and accompanies them throughout its life, it will be a pleasant companion for pensioners, families, teenagers, gets along easily with other animals at home, even cats.

Gets along well in a city apartment. In this case, the shepherd needs to be shown “who’s boss” gain trust through the consistency of your teams, learning in the form of a game. With such a pet you can engage in almost any sport, both physical and mental stress is extremely important.

Due to an unstable nervous system from an early age You need to accustom your dog to noise, street, and transport.

But what to do with wool so that during the molting period the house does not turn into an abode of furry balls? Typically, collies as well sheds fur during stress, illness, after childbirth.

The animal's fur needs to be looked after carefully. no cutting, no trimming, but they comb it out (daily), making sure that the wool does not roll into tangles. If the fur is very dirty, you can safely use a vacuum cleaner with the narrowest nozzle. Just first get your dog used to its buzzing.

Three conditions for good wool - long walks, proper nutrition, regular brushing.

You can feed your collie:

Or canned food;
natural products.

When feeding natural food You can’t give potatoes, eggs, river fish, baked goods. The basis of the diet is fresh, lean meat - beef, rabbit, turkey. Worth including in your diet offal, sea ​​fish, porridge with added vitamins.

Advantages and disadvantages

Main advantages:

  • love for people, devotion, cheerful disposition;
  • ability to learn commands, training;
  • lack of aggression.


  • requires full walking and activity;
  • unfriendly with strangers.

Buying a puppy

It is advisable to purchase the breed from a reputable nursery because it susceptible genetic diseases , it is not easy for a non-professional to distinguish a purebred puppy. The price of a puppy varies from 6 to 120 thousand rubles depending on the breed qualities, pedigree of the parents, color, gender, level of the nursery, etc.

Collie will be true friend, companion, nanny for children. Very active, obedient and intelligent dog will bring a lot of positive emotions, diligent behavior will endear the owner, even a child can cope with it. The naturally healthy breed requires special attention to your fur, with proper care this will not cause problems.

Buying such a dog is a serious step to restructuring your lifestyle towards sports, so evaluate your strengths and enjoy one of the beautiful breeds in the world.

Additionally, check out a detailed video about the collie dog breed:

Dimensions:Weight 25 - 35 kg, height 55 - 65 cm
Character:Friendly, playful, active, smart
Where used:Companion, guide, search
Lives:10 – 14 years
Color:Tricolor, sable, marbled blue

Graceful friendly collie is a favorite of many. From a simple shepherdess she turned into a pet of royalty. The Scottish dog can be an affectionate, loyal friend and a formidable protector.

Origin story

Name the exact date no one can predict the appearance of the first representative of this breed. According to one version, the collie dog is a descendant of the oldest Celtic breed. Another says that these animals were brought to Scotland in the seventeenth century from Iceland. And the third hypothesis connects their appearance in Europe with the Roman conquerors.

What is known for sure is why dogs came to be called “collies.” According to their original purpose, they were shepherds, protecting flocks of sheep from predators. It is from the Scottish sheep “colley” that the name of the sheepdogs from Scotland comes from the same name. However, the collie breed became famous only in the nineteenth century, when it was noticed by Queen Victoria. After the appearance of these dogs at court, attention to them increased many times over.

Breed characteristics

According to dog breeders, the Scottish Shepherd is a very calm, friendly animal. If you add to this a noble appearance and beautiful color, you will get the perfect pet. Many appreciate these beauties for their wonderful character, lively mind, and active, cheerful disposition.

Appearance and standards

The very first standard for this breed was established back in 1981. The Scottish dog is distinguished by a harmonious, strong physique and light, graceful movements. These dogs have the so-called dry type of constitution, a narrow long head with almond-shaped eyes. The ears are small, triangular, erect, and the tail is saber-shaped.

The description of the standard contains an indication of two varieties of the breed: long-haired and short-haired. Regardless of coat length, the following colors are allowed:

  • sable;
  • marble blue;
  • tricolor.

Any color can be diluted with white markings. The preferred option involves a white collar, white socks on the paws and a white tip of the tail.


The collie puppy is an incredibly cute creature. Healthy babies are active, playful, and inquisitive. Separated from their mother, they really need care and affection. In order to raise a strong, smart, beautiful dog, it is necessary to devote a lot of time to raising her with early age.

Important for a collie puppy good nutrition, active walks and a good attitude. It should be remembered that character and basic skills are laid in a small four-legged friend aged from one month to six months. It is during this period that you need to pay special attention to it.


The Scottish Shepherd is considered one of the calmest, most patient and friendly breeds. Their intelligent, noble appearance, intelligent, kind look and easy-going nature contribute to their popularity among dog breeders. They are not prone to aggression and are good with other pets.

This dog is very loyal to its owners. He is a wonderful companion, an excellent family dog ​​and a good nanny for small children. Despite its very friendly disposition, the Scottish Shepherd is not timid and can stand up for itself and its owner.

Content Features

The character and natural characteristics of this dog allow it to be kept calmly even at home. She gets along well with children and other animals in the house, without causing much trouble to anyone. Scottish beauties are neat and clean, do not have the characteristic dog smell and excessive drooling.

Dog care

Proper care for any pet includes proper nutrition, long active walks, and regular checks of the condition of the ears, eyes, teeth, and claws. The ears require careful examination because hair grows in them. If it is not removed in time, it can clog the ear canals.

Collie is long-haired, despite thick hair and dense undercoat, does not require frequent washing. Their coat has the special property of not retaining dirt, so it always looks clean. It is believed that the wool of representatives of this breed has healing properties. Various products are made from it, including socks, mittens, scarves, and sweaters. Daily brushing not only takes care of the condition and appearance of the pet, but also benefits people.

Due to their lean build and low heat loss, these shepherds consume less food than many of their counterparts. It is enough to feed an adult twice a day. Collie puppies feed from three to six times, depending on their age.

Training and use

In the description of the breed, attention is always drawn to the good mental abilities and excellent trainability of its representatives. They have excellent sense of smell, excellent hearing, vision, and amazing memory. If we also take into account their calm, good-natured character, we get an ideal specimen for training. Collies are active, hardy, can easily tolerate heat and cold, and are not afraid of rain and snow.

All these qualities make it possible to widely use dogs to help humans. They make excellent companions, guards, guides, and police bloodhounds.


At proper care, timely prevention of diseases, regular veterinarian examinations, four-legged pets feel good and look healthy. According to the description of the owners, the breed is quite different good health, however, owners should pay attention to a few things.

Dogs of this breed are prone to the following types of diseases.

After the famous film “Lassie”, Scottish Shepherds became especially popular. The breed gets along well with children and, despite the herding genes, will be able to protect the owner. The appearance of the collie is deceiving and behind the cunning fox face hides a serious working breed.

Breed characteristics

History of Scottish Sheepdogs

The collie gets its name from the Dutch word for "helpful." The dog was used in Scotland as a sheep herder. Light and intelligent animals quickly coped with a herd of large cattle and were useful on the farm. The herding instinct is no worse developed in modern collies, and they are used to breed new breeds. The group includes more than twenty different breeds that were derived from the Shetland Sheepdog and native dogs. Among the varieties known throughout the world are: Sheltie, Cumberland Sheepdog, Smithfield, English Sheepdog, Bearded Collie, etc.

Description of the shepherd dog

The light breed, with thin paws and an elongated muzzle, is hardy and tolerates long journeys well. The dog is attached to its owner and perceives his entire family as a pack that needs to be taken care of. The dog will not let the children wander off during a walk, but will closely monitor everyone. The breed is suitable as a guide dog for people with limited opportunity, because he has a strong psyche and easily learns any commands. The active and light animal tolerates temperature changes well and is suitable for keeping in an open enclosure. According to research by the famous dog handler and writer Stanley Coren, the breeds included in the collie group are among the top twenty. The Border Collie takes first place among all in intelligence and devotion.

Breed standard (appearance)

The dog of this breed is found in two types: short-haired and long-haired. Each has its own exterior features.

  • Head. Triangular in shape with an elongated muzzle, the transition from the forehead to the nose is smoothed.
  • Eyes. Almond-shaped from light brown to black.
  • Ears. High-ranking, regular triangular shape. The tips of the ears should hang forward ⅓. But puppies' ears are delicate, and if you constantly stroke the dog's head, the ears will stand up and put them in correct form it will be hard.
  • Tail. Straight saber-shaped, the tip is raised upward. According to the standard, the tail should not curl into a ring.
  • Wool. Dense coat with fluffy and soft undercoat. The long-haired breed has long, soft-to-touch fur and a fox-like tail. The paws have a characteristic fringe. The smooth coat has a thick, hard coat and a dense undercoat. The coat fits tightly to the body and reliably protects the dog from humidity, cold wind, and heat.
  • Colors. There are three color types of long-haired collies: sable, tri-color and blue merle. Sable color can range from fiery red to light sand. Tricolors have black and red markings on the head and paws, less often on the body. The blue merle or merle color is distinguished by its noble silver color with dark spots, black or gray. According to their exterior, merle dogs should have red spots on their paws and head, but their absence is not considered a deviation from the norm. All three colors of the longhaired breed have a chic white collar, which can be whole or broken in one place, a tassel at the end of the tail and white socks on the paws. On hind legs V White color Only the very tips are colored, the front ones are highly colored, almost up to the elbow.
  • Paws. Thin, tall, almost straight. The gait is calm with sweeping movements.
  • Back. Straight, no sagging.
  • Height at withers. For males from 56 to 61 cm, for females from 51 to 56 cm.
  • Weight of an adult dog. From 19 to 34 kg, depending on the gender and appearance of the dog.
  • Bite. Standard scissor. But because anatomical features muzzle bites the enemy with his front teeth. This helped the dog pull cattle out of a hole or hole without biting them.

Collie character

The breed includes several varieties of dogs that share common characteristics:

  • the shepherd is attached to its owner, but by the age of one and a half years the cables try to dominate, so toughness of character is required in education;
  • The shepherd instinct is in the animal’s blood, so the dog does not tolerate it when its family disperses in different directions. He will run vigorously and gather the whole family while picking mushrooms, walking in the forest or park;
  • treat other animals in the house well. He will not chase strange cats on the street, only in the most extreme cases, when he gets bored;
  • long-haired dogs are less active and do not like long games; short-haired dogs, on the contrary, prefer to run and jump endlessly;
  • the breed is not suitable for keeping on a chain, since the breed needs to run at least 3 km per day;
  • loves water and has a desire to swim in open waters in summer;
  • the dog takes children well and will play with them various games, steadfastly endures being grabbed by her fluffy tail or hugging her long muzzle;
  • The dog is smart and remembers commands well; the breed often takes part in circus performances and is suitable as a guide dog. A good choice for beginners;
  • have a keen sense of smell and are used to find people under rubble;
  • the dog has good endurance and is suitable as a companion for older people;
  • Be wary of strangers and will monitor the owner’s attitude towards another person. If the owner shows complacency, the dog calms down and even allows himself to be petted;
  • A vindictive breed, it remembers its offenders and can bite on the sly after some time.

A collie will be a great friend for your child and will brighten up the days of an elderly person, but the dog needs a daily walk without a leash. The average size and light forms allow you to keep a dog, but before buying a puppy you should take into account the animal’s thick undercoat. During shedding, dog hair will be everywhere, including the bed. Therefore, the breed is not suitable for lovers of ideal cleanliness in the house and people with a tendency to allergies.

Caring for a Scottish Sheepdog

A dog with thick and long hair requires special care:

  1. Once every two days, the animal’s fur is combed with a special metal brush. During shedding, your dog needs to be brushed several times a day. A smooth-haired dog is also combed with a special metal comb; a brush with natural bristles will not comb the soft undercoat.
  2. The fringe on the front legs, fluffy pants and the tail of a long-haired dog constantly collects burrs, string seeds, and small sticks during walks. After each walk, the paws and tail are cleaned.
  3. In the summer, ticks can get into the animal’s thick fur, so before going for a walk, the animal is treated with a special spray.
  4. Once a month for a dog, since the dog is active during walks and can damage its toes.
  5. Once a year, the wool is washed with a special mild shampoo. Long-haired dogs are additionally rinsed with a special detangling balm.
  6. Eyes and ears are wiped once every three days. Any antiseptics are used for treatment.

Immediately after the puppy arrives in the house, a place for a bed is selected. The rug should not be too soft or hard. When lying on a hard surface, the dog develops calluses on the elbows, which can fester and hurt.

Separately select a place for bowls for food and water. The bowls are placed on a special stand so that the dog does not have to bend down and wipe the floor near the bowls with a white collar every time.

Diseases and their prevention

The Collie was bred for herding and the dog has good immunity to various viral diseases. Up to 6 months, the puppy is vaccinated against hepatitis, distemper and enteritis. Additionally, a rabies vaccination is given annually.

The long-haired breed is susceptible to various skin diseases:

  • allergic reaction to food, most often manifested by chicken, some types of cereals and vegetables;
  • staphylococcal skin infection. The animal's ears are the first to suffer. As a preventative measure, constant care of the dog is necessary;
  • dermatitis in the background too high temperature in the apartment. Treat using ointments: Ranosan, Baksinova, Diclorex

It is necessary to vaccinate your dog once a year. The date of vaccination and the drugs used are recorded in the veterinary passport.

Collie training

Collies are easy to train, and even an inexperienced amateur can teach a puppy basic commands: Sit, Come to me, Fu. But immediately after the puppy appears in the house, a nickname is chosen for him. It is better to name a dog with a sonorous and common nickname. The puppy learns its name during play and feeding. When the dog begins to respond to its name, it is necessary to praise it. Collies are an emotional breed and any command executed should be encouraged by your violent reaction.

After the puppy learns basic commands and remembers his name well, he is enrolled in OKD. During the main course, an experienced dog handler will show you how to properly teach a dog to walk next to its owner and perform other basic commands.

Attention! A strict metal collar is not suitable for training the breed. It will damage the dog's chic white collar.

It will be useful:

    The puppy has a good appetite, but is prone to overeating. It is important to control the dosage of food. It is easier to feed the animal with ready-made dry food, which contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. According to owner reviews, the following food brands are suitable for Collie: Vet Life Dog Hypoallergenic Egg & Rice, Vet Life Dog UltraHypo, medium adult sensitive skin.

    A dog's regular diet should include the following foods:

    • sea ​​fish;
    • lean meat: beef, veal, rabbit, turkey;
    • offal and cartilage;
    • cereals: buckwheat, rice, rolled oats;
    • eggs;
    • fermented milk products: cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream.

    Can't be given to a dog potato, onion, chicken, fatty meats.

    The serving size depends on the age of the dog:

    • from 1 to 3 months - serving no more than 200 ml. Up to 5 feedings per day with a 3-hour break. Complementary feeding should begin with formula milk and thin porridge. By three months they switch to porridge cooked in low-fat meat broth. Every day one feeding is replaced with cottage cheese, kefir;
    • from 3 to 6 months - 3-4 feedings per day, 350-450 ml. Meat products and eggs are added to the diet;
    • from 6 months to 1 year - the puppy is gradually transferred to two meals a day. Offal and cartilage are added to the diet.

    For dogs on natural and mixed food, vitamins and minerals are added to the diet: Zoovit Balance, Brewer's yeast from Excel.


    Collie photo

    The photo shows the sable color of the collie, with a predominant orange color. This color was used in the filming of the film Lassie.

    Marbled dogs look truly aristocratic. Dogs are sleeker and smaller in size.

    A smooth-haired dog is much more active than its long-haired relative. The dog looks stocky and larger.

The Border Collie is a fairly popular breed of herding dog in our country and among foreign dog breeders, bred in the UK. Research conducted by specialists from a British university has proven that the border collie is the most clever dog among all breeds known today.

History of the origin of the breed

The first mention of the breed is just under 500 years old. It is generally accepted that the name of the breed was obtained due to the habitat represented by the border between the territories of England and Scotland. However, it is currently quite difficult to establish for certain the origin of the breed. The main version is based on the opinion that the ancestors of the Border crossed with local shepherd dogs, but were brought over by the Vikings.

This is interesting! Thanks to their very beautiful and thick coat, as well as their elongated, pretty muzzle, border collies had a very noble and aesthetic appearance, and were greatly liked by Queen Victoria.

The first full description of the breed dates back to the very beginning of the nineteenth century. The animals took part in a kind of herding competition, the purpose of which was to select dogs with excellent working qualities, regardless of their external characteristics. Nevertheless, the exterior of the Broder Collie is quite interesting - the animal is extremely charming and cute, not too large. In 1976, the breed was recognized by the English Club, and twelve years later the Border Cauley was included in the FCI list.

Description, appearance of the border collie

The Border Collie is a very graceful dog, characterized by a well-proportioned build and a strong and strong frame. The height of males varies between 47.5-55.0 cm, and the height of females is 45.0-52.5 cm with a weight of 13.5 to 22.5 kg.

The coat can be of medium length or short. In both cases, there is a well-developed and very dense undercoat, which serves as excellent protection for the animal in unfavorable conditions. climatic conditions. Standard coloring is characterized by a predominance of white color.

Breed standards

In accordance with the FCI classification, the following standards are established for the Border Collie breed:

  • a fairly wide skull with a not too pronounced occipital protuberance;
  • equal length of the skull and the front part of the muzzle, strong and tapering towards the nose;
  • there is a well-defined transition in the area from the frontal zone to the muzzle;
  • a nose with well-defined nostrils may be black, brown or slate in color;
  • eyes are widely spaced, most often brown, oval in shape and moderate in size;
  • ears are medium-sized, widely spaced, erect or semi-erect;
  • there must be strong teeth and well-developed jaws with an even and fairly beautiful scissor bite;
  • a strong and muscular neck has a slight curve and widens towards the shoulder blades;
  • body of athletic build, with well-springed ribs;
  • region chest deep and slightly wide;
  • the lumbar region is deep and muscular, not at all toned;
  • the back line has a smooth slope towards a slightly sloping, relatively long and wide, muscular croup;
  • the tail is set low, with good hair, without casting over the back area;
  • The forelimbs are characterized by a parallel arrangement and the presence of a strong, but not heavy skeleton;
  • wide and fairly muscular hind legs have a graceful curve at the caudal base;
  • The thigh area is long, deep and muscular, with good curvature knee joints and firmly set, powerful, low-set hocks;
  • paws are oval-shaped, with deep pads, with short and strong claws.

The movements are free, but soft, with a slight lifting of the paws, which creates the impression of a “sneaking” gait.

The topcoat hair is quite thick, with average hardness. There is a well-defined soft and very dense undercoat. An animal with a semi-long coat has a clearly defined mane, “panties” and a “fox tail”.

The coat does not have a distinct odor and does not shed much during the molting process.. In the area of ​​the muzzle, ears, parts of the front and hind limbs, the coat must be short and extremely smooth.

Border Collie Personality

The Border Collie is a very fast and extremely energetic dog. The breed is characterized by receptivity, intelligence and insight, and requires constant physical and mental stress. He is wary of strangers, but in the family he is obedient, responsible and sensitive to everyone around him.

Training a young dog should begin at about eight months. The animal is extremely devoted to its owner, very smart and easy to train from a fairly early age. Shows no shyness or unmotivated aggression. Has excellent instincts.


If the Border Collie is provided with good care, a nutritious and balanced diet, and required level physical activity, starting from a very early age, then average duration The life of a pet is thirteen years, and sometimes more.

The breed is completely unpretentious in care. Such a four-legged pet will not cause trouble even for novice dog breeders.

Standard measures when keeping this breed at home include proper coat care, periodic bathing of the pet, trimming claws and other hygiene procedures, as well as creating an optimal diet.

Care and hygiene

Puppies need to be walked several times during the day, which will allow the animal not only to actively spend accumulated energy, but also help to accustom the four-legged pet to the daily toilet.

As necessary, it is necessary to carefully clean the eyes and ears, accustoming the animal to these procedures from a very early age. Ear cleaning should be done very carefully, using a soft cloth and hygienic lotions.. Grooming in the form of combing is performed two to three times a week.

This event removes dead hair and stimulates the growth of new coat. For bathing, special conditioning shampoos are used, which must be selected correctly depending on the type of coat.

Diet – what to feed a border collie

Providing adequate nutrition for the border collie is an important stage in keeping the breed at home. The diet must contain a sufficient amount of nutrients, as well as the optimal amount of vitamins and minerals for the growth and development of the animal. You cannot limit your dog's access to fresh and clean water, especially if used for feeding. Daily food should consist of approximately 50% meat, fish and offal.

This is interesting! Feeding dogs of this breed is no different specific features, but should focus on motor activity animal and its age.

Formula-fed puppies must be provided with special milk formulas. A good result is achieved by using a homemade mixture consisting of eggs, sugar and milk with the addition of special vitamin and mineral complexes.

An adult animal needs to be fed a couple of times a day, which minimizes the risk of developing pathology of the digestive system. It should be remembered that proper digestion of the Border Collie directly depends on providing the pet with adequate nutrition. physical activity, as well as regular physical activity.

Diseases and breed defects

The breed is characterized by endurance and very good health. However, along with other breeds, border collies are also susceptible to some specific diseases unique to them, which can be presented:

  • congenital deafness;
  • ocular abnormalities, including retinal atrophy;
  • osteochondritis dissecans;
  • increased susceptibility to drugs from the group of anesthetics;
  • cancer diseases.

In order to maintain the health of a four-legged pet, the owner is obliged to provide the pet with regular veterinary examinations, as well as timely vaccinations against the most common diseases.

A special feature of the Border Collie breed is the genetic ability to perform the work of a shepherd, therefore animals sold by professional breeders are completely devoid of aggressiveness. Animals lacking independence or intelligence are culled.

World and national championships make it possible to actively identify animals suitable for use in further selection and breeding, so all serious breeders are interested in participating in such events.

Where to buy, what to look for

It is best to purchase a Border puppy from single-breed nurseries. An animal born in our country is in no way inferior in quality and all breed characteristics puppies from foreign breeders.

IN last years The breed is usually classified as universal, so when choosing a puppy, you must be guided by the further purpose of the animal. You can purchase lively and active puppies as a companion dog and family friend.

Important! To participate in shows and exhibition events, it is advisable to buy a calmer animal with the most impressive exterior.

Border Collie dog price

The cost of a puppy depends on many factors, but the determining ones are the titles and regalia of the animal’s parents, its class, and the status of the kennel.

Pet-class puppies will not be able to participate in exhibitions and are not used for procreation, which is due to the presence of certain defects that do not affect the health of the animal.

The average cost of such a puppy starts from 15 thousand rubles. An animal belonging to the “breeding class” is most often purchased for the purpose of procreation. In any average nursery, puppies of this breed of breeding class cost at least 18-25 thousand rubles.

“Show class” puppies are especially highly valued. It is these animals that constantly participate in exhibitions and belong to the category of standard breed representatives. Purchasing a puppy of this class can cost a hefty sum, because the cost starts from 30-35 thousand rubles.

The Collie (Scottish Shepherd) is very smart and quick-witted; it can be trained in any direction without difficulty, has natural intelligence and can make decisions independently, for which it is valued at work. Country of origin: Great Britain.

Despite its name, the collie is not entirely of Scottish origin. It was brought to this country as a ready-made breed and here it only received further development and improvement. It is believed that her ancestors were English Sheepdogs, the British Greyhound and the Irish Setter.

The origin of the collie is a mystery, with at least two opposing versions. Some researchers say that the ancestors of the Scottish Shepherd were brought to Northern Europe by Roman legionnaires. Others argue that by that time Britain already had its own herding dogs. Most likely, the breed was formed due to the connection between the aborigines and the dogs of the conquerors.

The breed is very old and has more than 500 summer story. Until the mid-19th century, the collie was virtually unknown in the world, but Queen Victoria's trip to Scotland changed the fate of the breed. Fascinated by the intelligence and nobility of the Scottish Shepherd, the queen returned from a trip with several puppies, whose appearance at the residence, naturally, did not go unnoticed.

Outstanding mental abilities and incredible working qualities soon made the collie very popular not only in England, but throughout the world. The breed was officially recognized in 1914, at the same time dog breeders began active selection, which was aimed at improving the exterior while maintaining working qualities.

Appearance and character

The large dog is very harmoniously built. The constitution is strong and dry.

  • The coat is long with a thick undercoat. The muzzle is elongated, gradually tapering towards the nose. The jaws are well developed and have a scissor bite. The eyes are almond-shaped and medium in size. Small ears, never fully erect, their tips should droop slightly. The neck is long, the back is level, and the croup is slightly lowered.
  • The muscles are visible and well developed. The limbs are dry and long. Thanks to his natural intelligence and incredible abilities Collies have a well-deserved reputation for training as one of the smartest dogs in the world. This breed is distinguished by its loyalty, friendliness and affectionate disposition.

In a new place, the Scottish Shepherd most often finds it difficult to adapt, so frequent moves or travel in most cases are not advisable for them. A dog must be taught to behave well from childhood; as an adult, it is less trainable and already has its own character. Collies love to bark, with or without a reason, this also needs to be taken into account when raising them.

Purpose of the breed and training

Thanks to the collie's natural abilities, she is not only an excellent shepherd, for which she was bred, but she can also be a rescuer and a guide. In many countries it is used as a service and guard dog. In urban environments, collies have proven themselves to be excellent companion dogs and faithful companions.

Collies are very energetic and prefer an active pastime, but are not at all opposed to a measured walk next to their owner. The flexible and friendly collie is very devoted to the family. But you need to keep in mind that these dogs are very sensitive, and as a result of rudeness or an indifferent attitude they can become cowardly or embittered.

It is worth remembering that a collie puppy is not a toy. The dog does not accept rough treatment and swearing. The best parenting methods are based on affection and fairness. The owner should be an example for the pet, a calm and confident person. There is no need to be overly polite with this dog; it is better to show persistence in the training process.

Don't be afraid to punish your puppy. If your pet has done something wrong, immediately let him know that he shouldn’t do that.

Remember - no violence. You need to influence the animal with confidence and voice (not screaming). After punishment, try to create a situation where the collie can be praised.

Play with your puppy as often as possible. The most important period in the development of a Scottish Shepherd lasts from a month to three. At this time, you need to establish a connection with the animal as best as possible, because this will largely determine your future relationships for the rest of your life. In any case, playing with a collie is a real pleasure.

During this period - 1-3 months, the puppy learns about the world. Therefore, try to take more walks together with your dog. It is better to choose quieter places, where the collie can be let off the leash without danger.

Between 3 and 6 months, a Scottish Shepherd puppy begins to acquire individual personality traits. At this time, problems associated with its development may appear. Therefore, treat the dog with understanding. If you see that your pet is afraid of something, leave this training point for later. As a rule, a dog with good heredity soon returns to normal.

As already mentioned, a collie should be punished immediately after an offense, and no matter how many months the pet is. For example, if the puppy begins to put his paws on you, you can lightly press his paw to return to its original position. Any situation that the Scottish Shepherd does that is unpleasant for you should be associated with some kind of unpleasant sensation. This method of training leads to the fact that in the future the dog will do what brings him satisfaction.

In principle, the dog itself needs to determine the boundaries that cannot be crossed. And if you show the collie these boundaries, then you are not only teaching the dog, but also showing yourself as an experienced teacher, and, therefore, a leader. Usually, punishing a pet is limited to the voice, but in some cases it is allowed to lightly spank the dog on the rump. The animal will remember this lesson forever.

If your Scottish Shepherd puppy shows his teeth and growls, brace yourself. The main thing here is not to show that you are afraid. Do not move away from the puppy, turn him over on his back and press him to the floor until the dog calms down. Thanks to this method, the dog will feel the confident hand of the owner even without punishment.

Now let's figure out what to do if your collie puppy bites you. In this case, it is allowed to lightly hit the dog on the lower jaw. The dog will not be hurt, the blow will cause the mouth to slam shut and the teeth to clatter against each other. And it is precisely the unpleasant clanging that will serve the dog good lesson for the future.

The collie will feel great both in an apartment and in a private house, the main thing for her is attention, company and constant walks. They love children very much, treat them with special care and are always happy to play. They are friendly to other animals in the house. Despite the fact that collies have long and thick hair, caring for them is not labor-intensive. It is advisable to comb the dog with a special comb once a week. During the molting period, remove the undercoat with a slicker brush. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the hair behind the ears, on the neck, dewlap and on the hips.

Collies feel great in an apartment, but will also be happy in a private house with a large yard. The main thing is that the family is always nearby and pays a lot of attention to the dog. Grooming is minimal. It needs to be brushed once a week. They bathe as needed, more often during the molting period, at which time the dog needs to be combed vigorously, 3-4 times a week. When ears become dirty, wipe them with a damp cotton swab. Sometimes the claws have to be trimmed.


Collie is a strong and healthy breed. However, a number of diseases typical for them are noted: retinal atrophy, entropion and congenital deafness.

Life expectancy is 13-15 years.

What to feed your collie

You can feed your Scottish Sheepdog using any of two schemes: natural food or wet, dry food. When choosing the second option, you should know that it will be difficult to switch the dog to another food in the future. If the food is natural, the diet should be well-balanced and complete.

Of course, every person strives to find the ideal diet solution from an economic and nutritional point of view. Knowledge of foods that should not be given to a Scottish Shepherd will help you with this. It is not recommended to give the animal the following products:

  • raw river fish;
  • raw pork and lard;
  • fried potatoes;
  • flour products;
  • pearl barley;
  • tubular bones;
  • peas.

Exclude these products from your planned diet, and it will be easier for you to create a menu for your collie. And don't forget about food additives with vitamins and minerals.

Where to buy a collie puppy, pet price

Collie is not a common human companion that can be seen on the street. But this does not mean that few people are interested in the breed, and finding a collie puppy will cause serious difficulties. In fact, buying a collie is quite simple. In addition to specialized receivers, many breeders are involved in breeding Scottish Sheepdogs. And, if you need a pet, and not a famous representative of the breed, the search is unlikely to last long.

The price of a collie depends on the status of the puppy's parents. If you dream of attending exhibitions with your Scottish Shepherd, then you need to buy a dog with a pedigree; the price of such puppies starts from 15,000 rubles. pet without a name will cost 7-10 tr. If you're lucky, you might get a purebred puppy for free. For example, if the breeder cannot sell the entire litter, then you may well get an older puppy for a nominal fee.

You can feed your Scottish Shepherd with any of two schemes: natural food or wet and dry food. When choosing the second option, you should know that switching to another food in the future will be difficult. If the food is natural, the diet should be well-balanced and complete.


Photos of Collie (Scottish Sheepdog):

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