Home Hygiene How to distinguish a cat from a cat? How to determine the gender of a newborn or a very small kitten and distinguish a cat from a female cat at an early age? How to recognize newborn male or female kittens.

How to distinguish a cat from a cat? How to determine the gender of a newborn or a very small kitten and distinguish a cat from a female cat at an early age? How to recognize newborn male or female kittens.

Many will think that nothing is simpler, because there are obvious gender differences that make it easy to determine gender.

But what if you need to find out gender in small or newborn kittens?

In this age primary signs are not as pronounced as in adults.

In this case, the following tips will help determine the gender of the kitten.

The sex of a kitten can be determined by various characteristics

Differences by gender

The primary sexual characteristics of various breeds are the most the right way, how to distinguish a cat from a female cat, even in small kittens.

Before carrying out the inspection you must:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly using unscented products. They should be warm.
  • The kitten should be petted, thereby calming it down. He must trust you.

Advice! Extend your palm, if the kitten calmly approaches and caresses, you can conduct an examination. If he behaves warily, it is better not to injure the kitten and postpone the examination.

  • The baby should be placed with his stomach on the palm of his hand or a warm diaper.

To determine sex at the age of up to three months, you can use the following methods:

  1. Conduct a tactile inspection. To do this, you need to carefully feel with two fingers, index and middle, the place where the testicles should be. A small cat will feel small peas, no more than 5 mm in diameter.
  2. In order to determine the sex of a kitten, you need to look under its tail. In a small cat, the anus and genital organ are two points located parallel. And in a cat, the urinary canal looks like a slit, and it turns out to be a kind of exclamation mark. This difference can be seen in the photo.

If there is a “colon” ​​under the tail, it is a cat, and an “exclamation mark” is a kitty.

  1. Sex can also be determined by the distance between the anus and the genital organ. In cats it is about 1 cm, in seals it is much larger. Upon reaching the age of three, this place will be taken by the testicles. In the photo this difference is clearly visible.
  2. Another sexual characteristic, how to distinguish a cat from a cat, is the presence of hair between the anus and the genitals. In cats it is quite thick in this place, but in cats it is not at all.

Determining gender by external characteristics

Another way to distinguish a cat from a cat is to carefully look at the face and body of the animal.

However, this method is suitable for avid cat lovers.

A person who determines the sex of a cat for the first time is unlikely to be able to do this accurately.

A cat differs from a cat in the following ways:

  • You can determine the sex of a cat by its face and nose. They are quite wide;
  • he has a powerful and large physique;
  • paws are thick;
  • A castrated cat can be distinguished from a female cat by its large head and thick skin.

External signs of a cat:

  • has a more graceful body, graceful curves. This is especially noticeable in short-haired breeds like the Oriental, Savannah and Cornish Rex;
  • if you try to find out the gender by the muzzle, then you need to look at its elongation: in cats it is more elongated in length rather than in width.

This can be seen in the photograph: the muzzle is narrow and elongated.

Gracefulness – main feature cats

Another external sign how to distinguish a cat from a cat - color:

  • If a kitten at birth has a tricolor or tortoiseshell coloration, then we can say with complete confidence that it is a cat. This is due to a genetic feature. For the appearance of black, white and red colors in the coat, two X chromosomes are needed. And only females have them. A cat can only appear this color if genetic disease, which happens quite rarely.
  • The color Calico also belongs to cats;
  • Only cats are red or cinnamon colored.

You can sometimes accurately determine a cat's gender by coat color.

Habits and character

It is possible to distinguish a cat from a cat by its habits no earlier than seven months.

Until this time, kittens of both sexes are playful, affectionate and their characters differ little.

At puberty, the differences become more pronounced:

  1. You can distinguish an adult cat from a female cat by its habits: it is lazier and calmer. He sleeps most of the day. Unlike a cat, a cat can be calmly picked up; most often it does not try to break free and run away. This does not mean that he is more affectionate.
  1. The sex of adults can be determined by external characteristics. Males are much larger than females. The latter are more elegant. You can also distinguish the sex by the face: in cats it is narrower and more elongated.

Determining the sex of sphinxes

There is, perhaps, no more mysterious and unusual breed than the Don Sphynx or Peterbald.

A magical cat without hair attracts the eye, forcing you to admire it.

The main differences between a Sphynx cat and a cat are behavior:

  1. Cats of this breed are more independent. Sometimes they choose only one family member and obey him without complaint, showing their love. Others may be treated indifferently.

Mythical cat behaves majestically

  1. Unlike cats, a cat will prove its superiority, trying to show who is boss in the house. Males are lazier; they accept dominance without complaint.

Knowing how to tell a male cat apart is important.

Often owners choose a pet based on this characteristic.

But it is worth remembering that the kitten must choose a person.

And then everyone will find a true friend.

A cute fluffy ball will become true friend with good care and attitude

Agree, it’s quite difficult to determine gender little kitten, especially a newborn. You have to seek help from a veterinarian or wait 10-12 weeks (2-3 months) before the gender is obvious. Learn to do it yourself at an earlier stage.

The article contains all the necessary information for the owner of the animal, supported by a photo in order to learn how to distinguish a cat from a cat. It will also be useful to learn how to properly feed a kitten at 10-12 weeks.

Do's and don'ts when trying to determine the sex of a newborn kitten for the first time

Shape of genital organs

Look at the pictures below. These are close-up photos of 3-week-old kittens. On the left is a boy, and on the right is a girl.

Still, in this matter it is preferable to look under the tail rather than in the eyes. If you see a conditional colon (“:”) under the tail, then this is definitely a cat, and if there is an inverted letter “i”, then, accordingly, a female kitten.

You need to pay attention to the shape of the genitals. In a male kitten, the shape of the genital organs resembles a point, while in girls, it resembles a vertical line.

Manifestation of the shape of the testicles in male kittens at 3 months

Part of the genital organs of a male cat are the testicles, which are located between the anus and the penis. Almost invisible at birth, they begin to appear and enlarge in fur babies at 10-12 weeks of age. The photos below will help you visually understand this issue.

Tactile palpation of the genitals of kittens

Feeling the genitals - effective method gender determination almost from birth. This method will help to tactilely determine the presence of testicles in a kitten. This is possible even for a baby a few weeks old.

To determine, you will need to carefully swipe in the indicated place with two closed fingers (index and middle). If the kitten is male, you will feel pea-shaped formations (3-5 mm in diameter) in this area.

Video on how to distinguish a cat from a cat

Coloring can tell you how to find out the gender of a kitten

Oddly enough, the color of the coat can most likely help and tell you how to distinguish a girl’s kitten from a boy’s.

Tortoiseshell (three-color color - black, white, red) is a 100% indicator that this is a female, that is, a cat. This is because these colors are carried by the X chromosome and for the appearance of tricolor, 2 X chromosomes are needed. Thus, tortoiseshell is found only in cats because females have two X chromosomes, while males have only one X chromosome. Cats cannot have three coat colors at the same time unless they have a rare genetic disorder.

Red color is a marker of male gender, so most often these are cats.

They also say you can tell the gender by the face. However, I do not believe in this method and urge you to try the 5 above first.

Non-standard folk methods

Some experts determine the sex of a kitten by...look! Indeed, a wary look is most often found in cats, and a self-confident look is most often found in cats. But this method is not informative, because anyone can come across an overly self-confident cat.
To reinforce the impression, pay attention to the wool. In male kittens, the fur grows very thickly between the anal and genital openings, but in females there is no hair between these openings.

There is also a grandmother’s method for determining the sex of kittens. Place a saucer of milk in front of the baby - if, while the kitten is lapping up the milk, its tail is raised triumphantly to the sky, this is definitely a male. If it is lowered to the floor, it is a female.

If you need to find out the gender of one cat or kitten, it is better to first look at thematic photos or videos.

What can you do

Examine the animal carefully so as not to harm it:

  • The baby is taken with the whole hand, grasping from above, fingers are closed on the chest and stomach;
  • a person should place the baby on the palm of his hand or a flat space;
  • carefully lift the tail and inspect the cat's organ.

What not to do

When visually determining the sex of an animal, it is prohibited:

  • take or pull by the tail, paws, scruff of the neck;
  • taking a newborn from a cat in an angry state;
  • tear off the baby during feeding;
  • take the baby with hands with a smell - the mother may consider him “stranger”;
  • put pressure on the genitals;
  • damage or break off remnants of the umbilical cord;
  • keep the animal for more than 1 - 2 minutes - it may freeze, since thermoregulation has not yet developed.

At what age can you determine the gender of a kitten?

Externally, it is easier to find out the sex of animals when they are 1 week old. They have not yet become completely pubescent, and visibility is better. This is especially true for breeds with long hair or thick undercoat: Persian, British and Scottish kitten.

But at this age it is easy to make mistakes. It is even more difficult to understand the sex of 2-3 week old animals: their fur grows and “blocks” their view.

It is easiest to identify kittens when they are 3 months old, as the reproductive organs are already well formed. You can confidently distinguish boys from girls at six months, when complete puberty.

Sexual characteristics in kittens

The main sexual characteristics of cats include:

  • the shape of the genital organs;
  • external signs;
  • behavioral factors.

When they appear (1 - 2 months)

The first sexual characteristics between females and males appear at 1 month. At 4–12 weeks, cats develop testicles: they descend into the scrotum from abdominal cavity.

At 3-4 months, kittens can already be distinguished by external signs - weight, shape of the muzzle, expression of the eyes. And at 6 - 8 months, in adulthood, behavioral factors appear - cats begin to come into heat, cats mark their territory.

How and why they differ

Newborn cats and male cats look alike.

The first external differences appear at 2 months:

  1. Males grow faster and gain weight, cats are smaller and more graceful.
  2. Females are more playful than males.
  3. The look and expression of the boys' faces are calm and arrogant. Girls are wary and searching.
  4. Cats have a powerful and deep chest, larger paws with large pads.
  5. Both sexes have nipples, but cats have larger nipples.

These differences can be seen both in the photo (above) and in the video.

Is it possible to determine the sex of a kitten based on other characteristics?

You can also understand what gender a baby is by external differences: face, voice and color.

In the face

You can tell a cat from a cat by its face. In males it is massive, with a wide nose, forehead and large cheekbones. They also have thicker necks. Female characteristic– refined, petite features.

Surely, you have often wondered how to find out what sex kittens are. If your cat has given birth and you decide to keep the babies so that you can sell them and give them away, you need to figure out how many boys and how many girls you have. But while the kittens are small, it is very difficult to understand. Unfortunately, the cats do not come with instructions that tell you how to determine the gender of the kitten.

When buying an animal at the market, you will also want to find out who you are taking. After all, when you bring a cat home, you will need not only to feed it and shower it with love, but also to give it a name. How many cases have there been in the history of human-cat friendship when Murok had to be urgently renamed to Murzikov, and Lucy to Lyusikov.

If with dogs, even at a young age, everything is simpler, then not every cat breeder knows how to determine the sex of a kitten 1 month old.

How to determine the sex of a kitten - basic techniques

Of course, from a scientific point of view, there is nothing complicated. Nowadays, even the sex of an embryo in the mother’s womb can be easily determined. Of course, there are similar remedies for animals. After all, cats, like people, have innate sex differences determined at the chromosomal level. That is, if a scientist does not know how to distinguish a cat from a cat, he will simply conduct a DNA test and get the desired result.

But we all understand that a family that bought/picked up an animal on the street hardly has the means to conduct complex tests.

You can also try to determine gender by looking. In cats it is more wary. They are constantly looking for something, studying. The cat almost always looks with a confident look. But in the case of children, this technique does not work. Their look, other than bewilderment and confusion, expresses nothing. So we reject this option.

How can you find out the sex of a kitten based on the simplest criterion - anatomical differences? It is known that until the age of three months, kittens are almost the same. The fact is that until this age their genitals develop and are very similar in appearance.

But it is still possible to determine the sex of a kitten if you know what its excretory and reproductive organs should look like and where they should be located.

Prepare - wash your hands with soap and carefully pick up the animal. You need to do this carefully so as not to scare him or force him to break free. We take the kitten in one hand, a gadget with a good camera in the other, and take a photo. It will be easier and more convenient to see everything on it than on a ball of fur that wants to get free as quickly as possible.

How to find out the gender of a kitten: follow the cat with a ruler

Experts know well how to distinguish a cat from a tomcat based on simple parameters. Take a look at the photo we received. On it you see two areas, this is the anus and the area where the genitals are formed. In the female there is no distance between them for an obvious reason, while in the male it is “reserved” for the testicles. Typically this area takes up one and a half or two centimeters.

So, if you want to figure out how to determine the gender of a kitten, a photo will help you do this the easiest way.

Shape of genital organs

While there is no penis or testicles, the shape of the hole through which the kittens relieve themselves will be different. In a cat it is round (anus and urethra form a colon), and for a cat it is rectangular (similar to the letter i, or an exclamation mark).

Check by touch

If you are not sure of the accuracy of the previous option, then check the floor with your hands. Between the anus and the area where the genital organ is formed, the cat will have two swellings that can be felt. Testicles are formed from these over time. But how can you determine whether it’s a cat in front of you if it’s just a baby and nothing has yet begun to form? Often this option is not suitable, because... The characteristics of growth and formation of secondary sexual characteristics are different for each individual kitten.

Starting up pet, it is important to know what gender he is. There are no problems when determining the gender of puppies, but difficulties often arise with kittens. Determining the sex of a kitten is a very common problem not only among potential animal owners, but also among sellers of animals. Still, there are several ways to differentiate between small cats and cats.

Determining the gender of a pet

Floor pet needs to be known even in his infancy. After all, it is gender that influences the choice of name for a pet and the characteristics of its maintenance and upbringing. The younger the kitten, the more difficult it is to determine its gender visually - these are anatomical features animal: in early age the differences between male and female genital organs are weakly expressed.

Determine the gender of the kitten perhaps as early as the second week of his life. The animal's fur is still short enough to clearly see its genitals. For representatives of long-haired breeds, this is the last moment when the hair is so short - it will soon grow back and the genitals will be visible only after cutting.

In a two to three week old pet, determining the sex by visual inspection is much more problematic.

The most suitable age To determine gender, 3 months are considered - the formation of the genital organs is almost complete, the differences in boys and girls are obvious and it is difficult to make a mistake.

A six-month-old pet has already fully formed organs.

Genital examination

Once a newborn pet reaches a week of age, it is already possible to determine its gender by examining the genitals using visual and tactile methods. Such an examination remains the most common and popular way to identify a pet’s gender to this day.

Before you start studying, you need to wash your hands thoroughly:

  • in warm water so that your hands are not cold;
  • with unscented soap so as not to irritate your pet’s sensitive sense of smell.

If there is a mother cat in the house, the baby can be picked up only with her consent, if the parent does not try to prevent this and does not show aggression.

If you don’t want to check whether mommy will protest or not, it’s worth isolating her somewhere while the kitten is being examined.

If the kitten is still being fed by the mother, it is better not to touch the baby with open hands so that the human smell does not remain on its body and fur coat. If a mother cat smells something other than its natural smell on her cub, she may refuse to feed him. In order not to inadvertently deprive the baby of food, before picking up the kitten, you should put on gloves.

Inspection Features

When the preparation for the procedure has been completed, you can take the small pet in your arms and get down to business. The examination process should take as little time as possible so that the kitten does not become very worried and the stress it experiences is minimal. To shorten the duration of the examination, you can take a photograph of the subcaudal region with the genitals on a smartphone and after that study them from the picture.

Having picked up the baby, you need to place him stomach down on your palm or other flat surface (you must first cover it with a warm towel). Both picking up and holding the kitten should be done as carefully and carefully as possible, gently grasping it with all your fingers. If necessary for better review You can lift your pet's tail, but under no circumstances pull.

Appearance of organs

In cats, the distance between anus and the vulva is practically absent - only 5 mm. Cat's genital organ internal type(i.e. not convex) and has a vertical, slightly oblong shape. Visually, the location of the anus and genital organ resembles Latin letter i or inverted exclamation mark.

In cats, the location of the anus and genitals is similar to the colon. The distance between the “points” is 1.5 cm. The cat’s genitals are of the external type (i.e., convex) and have a round shape. In addition, unlike cats, cats have much more hair in the undertail area around the genitals.

Feeling or palpation

In addition to a visual inspection, a tactile examination can be performed. However, it is better not to rush into this and wait for the kitten to overcome the monthly limit - veterinarians It is not recommended to carry out palpation in the first month of a pet’s life, as this procedure can harm the baby.

To determine gender through tactile examination, you need to gently feel the small area between the anus and urethra with your fingertip. If you feel some compaction in this place, it’s a cat. When the pet reaches two months of age, the developing male genital organs will become noticeable in this place.

If no dense inclusions are found between the anus and the urethra, most likely the kitten is a girl. At an early age, in male kittens, sexual characteristics are hidden in the abdominal cavity and cannot be palpated in the indicated place. To confirm the results of the first tactile examination, it is worth carrying out additional palpation.

To do this, you need to carefully run your fingertip over the kitten’s tummy:

  • if the belly is smooth, the kitten is female;
  • if small convex lumps are felt in the lower abdomen, the kitten is male.

However, this does not provide an absolute guarantee that the results are correct.

The individual anatomical features of small cats can be expressed in various compactions and bulges, therefore, even if any compaction is found in the stomach or in the sub-tail area, this does not yet prove that the kitten is a boy.

Unconventional methods

There are many unconventional methods for determining the gender of a pet. These methods do not guarantee an absolutely accurate result, but they are still quite effective.

These include determining gender based on the following characteristic features:

  • look;
  • coat color;
  • smell;
  • voice;
  • muzzle.

You can distinguish a cat from a cat by their gaze - you just need to look into the eyes of your pet. The cat looks impudently and self-confidently, and the pussy looks wary and as if it is looking for something. This method only works on adult animals - the look of newborn kittens is far from gender specific.

Another characteristic gender feature is the color of the fur coat. Both boys and girls have a certain coat color that is unique to their gender. Moreover, this is reflected even in newborn kittens.

If a kitten is tortoiseshell or, in other words, tricolor (black-white-red), then you can be 99.9% sure that it is a cat. The tricolor color is formed at the gene level and is determined by the presence of two X chromosomes.

Calico cats exist, but finding them is extremely problematic - tortoiseshell boys are born one in a million. This color in cats is due to a disease - genetic mutation. The characteristic male color is red. Cats of this color are very rare and their coat is much paler in shade.

The smell of a pet can help distinguish a cat from a cat - in boys more pronounced and quite bad smell . Another one distinctive feature- this is the voice. In cats it is usually low, but in cats, on the contrary, it is high.

Pet owners claim that boys and girls differ in the characteristic shape of their faces. Cats have rougher and tougher features, while cats have soft, feminine features.

Among experienced breeders There is an opinion that cats are more playful than cats, and males always walk with their tails raised up. But you shouldn’t focus too much on such signs.

Carrying out a DNA test

The sex of the animal can be determined through DNA analysis. The result differs from the results of a simple inspection in its absolute accuracy and the elimination of the possibility of error. But this is not often practiced, since not every owner of an animal can afford to distinguish a girl from a boy using DNA research - the cost of the procedure is very high. The result of the analysis is recorded in the pet's passport.

The long-awaited and exciting birth has come and gone, your pet has rewarded you with sweet and very similar friend at each other as babies, and immediately the question rings in your head: “How to determine the gender of a kitten?”

And doing this is not as easy as it might seem. This article contains different ways determining the sex of kittens.

Is it possible to determine the sex of newborn babies?

To start raising a kitten, it is very important to determine the gender as early as possible (preferably in infancy). So you can apply the right technique taming to the tray, scratching post and bathing, as well as selecting certain food, vitamins and giving the necessary vaccinations.

At first glance, it is almost impossible to understand exactly whether a newborn baby is a boy or a girl, due to the structural features of the body. Don’t despair and seek help from a veterinarian or a familiar felinologist!

As a rule, a cat's litter gives birth to babies of different sexes. This feature will help you almost unambiguously identify boys and girls among babies. To determine the sex, you just need to compare the kittens' genitals.

The baby’s body is still very weak, so you need to act with extreme caution:

  • gently grab the kitten by the scruff of the neck (as a mother cat does) and place it, belly down, in your palm;
  • then carefully raise the baby to eye level, so that you can easily inspect everything;
  • slowly lift your ponytail;
  • begin visual gender determination.

Photo: the example shows that the genitals of newborns are different, on the left is a boy, on the right is a girl

You should know that the genitals of newborn kittens are just beginning to form. Therefore, pay attention to the distance between the genitals and the anus: in girls it is much smaller than in boys.

When visually inspecting, be careful not to scare or harm the newborn kitten. If the baby begins to meow pitifully, his mother will become seriously worried: she will start calling her children, constantly dragging them to new shelters.

You can also observe the behavior of newborns. Usually girls are calmer, sleep a lot and eat more willingly. Boys squeak more often, looking for new adventures, climbing on their mother or crawling around the house.

Never “check” the floor too often or forcefully. Firstly, you will only become more confused in your conclusions, and secondly, such actions create a lot of stress for both the mother cat and her babies.

Try to consider the following tips:

  • do not lift kittens by the tail;
  • do not take babies away from their mother during feeding;
  • do not try to feel something in the pet’s genital area - you can damage the fragile organism;
  • It is better not to touch the kittens unnecessarily, as the foreign smell can frighten the mother cat and force her to abandon the children.

At what age can you accurately determine the sex of a kitten?

It is possible to find out absolutely exactly who the kitten is only after two months. By this time, sexual characteristics have already developed quite strongly.

Photo: at two months of age, cats and seals become different

The babies begin to lead an almost independent lifestyle, gradually moving away from their mother. The difference in behavior, look, habits and even daily routine between boys and girls will be immediately visible.

As a rule, cats are quite soft, affectionate, very active and playful. Their gaze is particularly attentive and kind. Cat girls love attention and love to be carried in your arms like princesses.

But boys grow up to be real pranksters! They will be happy to engage their brothers and sisters in games. The kitten boys are ready for pranks; mischievous lights immediately begin to play in their eyes.

If you don’t notice their approach in time, they will bite your hand, pull your hair, jump, and try to bite other pets by the ear and tail.

You can also pay attention to the color and shape of the muzzle. This method is effective and allows you to draw a certain conclusion at an early age.

Determination methods

Among modern felinologists they practice various ways determining the sex of kittens. There are both quite simple and traditional methods, and with the use of high technology.

By genitals

The simplest and most reliable way Finding out who your pet is is a simple visual assessment of the animal's genitals. The main advantage of this method is the opportunity to find out the sex of the baby as early as possible.

Girls have a vertical stripe (vulva), which from a distance resembles an inverted letter “i”. Also, the genitals of cats are located almost close to the anus. If you notice a colon under your pet's tail, it means it's a boy.

Photo: the area under the tail of cats and cats is very different

Also, small cats have small swellings in this area, the testicles. They will be formed only by two to three months. But there were cases when girls, due to the structural features of the body, had similar testicles, and in boys, the testicles were “hidden” in the abdominal cavity for up to three months.

Controversial situations often confuse owners who have encountered this for the first time and do not know exactly how to determine the sex of a kitten. At 2 months characteristic differences girls and boys are clearly outlined.

By color

Many people suggest determining the sex of an animal by its color. This method should not be underestimated or taken as a joke. In fact, by the number of colors on the fur coat and the pattern, you can easily distinguish cats from male cats.

Behind appearance wool is responsible for a certain set of genes and combination of chromosomes. Biological analysis in studies showed that only cats are tricolor.

For such a combination, two X chromosomes are needed, which only female individuals have. Very rarely, abnormal tortoiseshell (multi-colored) cats were born, but they were infertile.

Photo: only cats have tortoiseshell color

Different coat pigments are directly linked to genes and gender. Statistics have revealed that cats are most often completely red.

Photo: seals can boast of red coats

By behavior

It would seem that cats and cats are very similar to each other. They are excellent hunters, loyal companions and avid sleepers. How to determine the sex of a kitten? At 3 months you can notice slight changes in the behavior of babies.

After just a little observation of the brood, you will see that girls and boys have their own habits and behavior:

  • teenage cats try to be like adults in everything, sharpen their claws and rub their faces against various objects, marking their territory;
  • girls are more active than boys, they play with pleasure for a long time and sleep much less;
  • cats are often more sociable, they like to sleep with people, hug and kiss;
  • girls usually demonstrate their independence and relax alone;
  • beautiful pets are more clean: they lick themselves more often and require a neat bed and toilet;
  • boys behave more confidently and slightly arrogantly.

Despite the fact that the behavior of cats and seals is different, you should not rely entirely on this method.

By palpation

Sometimes it can be difficult to determine the sex of a kitten purely visually. Palpation will help to clearly resolve your doubts and will not bring any inconvenience to your pet.

Another advantage this method is the ability to determine the sex of the baby at a very early age.

Photo: palpation should be carried out as carefully as possible

Carefully take the kitten in your palm and lightly feel the area under the anus.

If you feel slight swelling, it means you have a boy. These will form testicles by two months. For female cats, the area under the tail will be smooth without protrusions.

However, sometimes the palpation method misfires. Some cats have peculiar swellings (due to the peculiar structure of the body), which can easily be confused with male genital organs. Also, in small cats, the testicles are often located in the abdominal cavity.

You can also determine the sex of your pet by the hair in the area under the tail. Take the kitten and gently run your finger over the area between the anus and the genitals. Girls in this area have practically no hair, but boys have quite thick hair.


In addition to the above methods of determining sex, there are other, less used, but still effective methods.

They are very different: there are both innovative (using high technology) and quite traditional (based on the physiology of the pet).

You can definitely determine the sex of your pet using a DNA test. Experienced specialists at the clinic will conduct an analysis and give an accurate conclusion within a week.

However, not all cities have equipment for a complex test, and the procedure is quite expensive. This method is not common, since it is possible to determine the sex of a kitten in a simpler way.

It is also worth paying attention to the difference in the development of girls and boys. Puberty begins earlier in cats (at six months) than in boys (at seven to twelve months). Therefore, using the sign you can confirm what gender your pet is.

Also, cats, as a rule, mark their territory more often and scratch things they like more often. Girls are comparatively more careful; they take care of the environment around them.

Seals have more odorous urine, which is due to the natural need to clearly mark the boundaries of their territory.

Some people manage to determine the gender of their pets by their faces. If you take a good look at these animals, you will notice that cats have smoother and more refined features, while cats, on the contrary, are a little rougher and tougher. The size of the head also varies. Girls have significantly smaller heads than boys.

Photo: from cats and female cats different shape and muzzle size

The physique of animals is also a clear indicator of their gender. Kitties have a thinner and more flexible body. The impression of extraterrestrial grace is created. But cats have a stronger, stockier body, designed for the need to defend their own territory.

However, this method has a major disadvantage. Baby kittens have almost the same body type, which makes it very difficult to determine the sex visually.

Caution when handling kittens

When examining babies, you need to be as careful as possible. The kittens' bodies are not yet strong enough, so even an accidental awkward movement or slight use of force can injure the pet.

Photo: you need to be careful when examining kittens

It is very important to consider the age of the kitten. Newborn babies should not be separated from their mother until they reach one month of age.

You need to lift the kittens carefully by the scruff of the neck (in no case by the tail!), holding it lightly. Try not to hold the baby in your arms for more than two minutes, otherwise his mother will be very worried.

If you are going to palpate, try to palpate as gently as possible. Accidentally pressing the wrong button can lead to a tragic outcome.

Determining the gender of a kitten is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. With just a little practice, you will be able to distinguish a boy from a girl even by the outline of his face.

Video: How to DETERMINE THE SEX of a newborn kitten

Video: determining the sex of a kitten

Determine the sex of a small kitten - not an easy task. This must be done to determine a name or to put a purebred pet up for sale.

You can contact veterinary clinic or learn to do it yourself.

At what age is gender determined?

Most early period When sex is determined, it’s 2 weeks of life . The pet has not yet completely pubescent, which makes it possible to examine its genitals.

This applies to long-haired breeds (Siberian, Maine Coon, etc.). Although at this stage there is a chance to make a mistake, after 1-2 weeks it is even more difficult to examine the organs: the genitals are covered with overgrown fur.

In short-haired breeds, such as the Scottish Fold, gender identity is well determined from the age of three months.

The formation of the reproductive system is completed six months after birth. At 6 months, it will not be difficult to distinguish a cat from a cat.

How to distinguish a male kitten from a cat

You can distinguish a boy from a girl based on several signs:

  • shape and location of the genitals;
  • appearance;
  • features of animal behavior.

External differences between the sexes include the following:

  • males gain weight and height faster than girls;
  • boys are naturally curious, playful, and have well-developed hunter instincts;
  • cats have a wide chest, powerful feet and large pads;
  • Both sexes have nipples, but in cats they are large and pronounced.

There are several ways to determine the sex of a kitten. The surest and simplest is to examine the baby. Before the procedure, wash and warm your hands.

What to do:

  1. Make sure that the mother is not against the owner’s actions.
  2. Gently place the kitten on its tummy on your hand.
  3. Raise the tail up and examine the distance between the urinary opening and the anus.

Important! The examination is carried out no earlier than 7 days after the kitten is born. If possible, it is worth postponing the procedure until the second week of life.

What not to do with a small pet:

  • Take it from the mother cat during feeding.
  • Take carelessly. Lift by the limbs or scruff of the neck, grab by the tail.
  • Press on the stomach.
  • Pick him up during sleep or when his mother is unfriendly.
  • Leave on palms long time. After 2 minutes, the baby should be returned to the mother. At first, children have poorly developed thermoregulation. The baby can quickly get hypothermia.

Distance between anus and genitals

In cats, the vulva is closer to the anus. The distance is approximately 5 millimeters. In cats, the distance from the anus to the urinary opening is one and a half centimeters.

Males also have more hair in the genital area, which appears starting from the second week of life.

For a better understanding, a schematic diagram of the location of organs in different sexes is presented.

Shape of genital organs

In addition to the distance, the shape of the organs will tell you the gender. The genitals of females are similar in appearance to English letter"i". The male genitals resemble a colon.

Shape of testicles in male kittens at 3 months

The testicles are part of the reproductive organ system in a male animal. In a cat, they are located between the anal area and the penis. From the moment of birth, the testicles are not visible and are formed by the 10-12th week of a cat’s life.

Tactile palpation of the genitals of kittens

The method allows you to determine the sex of a kitten in the first stages of development.

What to do:

  1. Carefully place your pet on your palm, tummy up.
  2. In the direction from the abdomen to the anus, in groin area, move your finger without pressing.

If it is a male, the testicles will be felt.

Important! Don't put pressure on your stomach reproductive organs, chest. Careless handling results in injury.


Knowledgeable owners can easily determine the gender of their pet by the color of their coat. This way you can find out the gender of even a newborn fluffy. Only females can have a tortoiseshell color.

Tortoiseshell males are extremely rare. The appearance of such a boy is the result of a genetic disorder. Such males are sterile.

The bright red color is characteristic of males. Girls are rarely born red.

Blood analysis

In veterinary clinics, they do a blood test, which accurately determines the sex of the animal.

A similar procedure may be necessary if it is not possible to clearly see the genitals due to a large amount of fur or the result is urgently needed.

The information received is entered into the animal’s passport.

Non-standard folk methods

There are several more non-standard options for determining whether a pet is male or female.

In the face

An additional external sign by which male cats are identified. It is believed that girls have soft, smooth features. Boys have angular muzzles, wide cheekbones and the bridge of their nose.

Such methods are not 100% reliable. , since the external characteristics of cats, like those of people, are passed on from parents to children. It is worth considering the characteristics and characteristics of the breed. For example, the Maine Coon has sharp, predatory facial features, regardless of gender.

By voice

Most cat lovers believe that a male differs from a female in the sound of his voice, that is, meowing. Determined by low and high tones. Males have low voices, while females, on the contrary, have high voices.

By weight

It is not possible to determine the gender of a kitten by weight category with 100% certainty.

Males and females are determined by weight in the following cases:

  • If weighing is carried out daily, the characteristics of the breed are taken into account and the rate at which the babies gain weight is monitored.
  • If weight gain has a direct bearing on the breed of the kitten. In this case, a large weight category really indicates a male.

Folk signs when determining gender

Distinguish between a cat and a female cat folk signs. They are not so reliable, but they are supported by the experience of generations.

These include:

  • Sight. It is believed that boys have a stern or arrogant look, while cats are modest and meek. The method is questionable, since there are no fewer arrogant girls than boys.
  • The amount of fur in the genital area. Males have more of it. This is true, but if you plan to sell the kitten, it is better to use proven and reliable methods.
  • Behavior. It is enough to monitor how the kitten behaves. Boys are playful, cocky, and often fight and bite. The girls are calm and shy.
  • Tail position. If you place a saucer of milk on the floor, it is believed that the boy will run towards it with his tail in the air. Girls run around with their tails down.

There are many options for determining the gender of a young cat.

However, if the owner does not have the opportunity to wait until the reproductive system is fully formed or there are difficulties in determining it, it is worth contacting a veterinary clinic, a familiar breeder or an experienced cat owner.

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