Home Gums Compression garments for varicose veins: which one is better to buy? How to choose stockings according to compression class - description of products for the prevention of varicose veins and after surgery with prices. How to choose compression hosiery for legs.

Compression garments for varicose veins: which one is better to buy? How to choose stockings according to compression class - description of products for the prevention of varicose veins and after surgery with prices. How to choose compression hosiery for legs.

Varicose veins manifest as persistent dilatation and lengthening of the veins of the lower extremities, which leads to thinning vascular walls and the formation of nodes. The development of the disease is also facilitated by weakness of the venous valves, which is a congenital pathology.

Every tenth man and every third woman face similar problems. According to statistical research, this disease is most common among the population in the age range from 30 to 40 years.

The following prerequisites are distinguished:

  • Heredity- the risk of the disease is higher in people whose relatives have experienced varicose veins;
  • , as well as the use of hormonal medications can become sufficient condition for the progression of varicose veins;
  • Regularly recurring excess of normal venous pressure, which is associated with a sedentary lifestyle, static loads in an upright position and obesity.

Causes for concern include swelling of the legs at the end of the day, a feeling of heaviness in the calves after prolonged sitting or standing. If varicose veins are to blame, these symptoms usually soften or disappear while walking or sleeping.

More unpleasant manifestations will become bursting pain in the legs, a feeling of heat in the legs and cramps in the calf muscles at night. In addition, red-blue vascular crosshairs and saphenous veins. They usually get rid of this with the help.

Compression therapy

For the treatment of varicose veins today they are actively using compression jerseys. The practice of using them dates back almost a century, and even today, compression garments do not lose their relevance.

Before the transition to the production of linen using more advanced technology, they used elastic bandages, which have a number of disadvantages:

  • Correctly applying them requires skill, which takes time to acquire;
  • Violation of temperature and water balance in the skin during warm periods and during prolonged wear;
  • It is difficult to achieve the desired compression when fixing on the thigh due to the individuality of its shape in different patients.

Let's figure out which compression underwear is better to choose for varicose veins - stockings, tights, leggings or something else, how to wear it correctly and whether it helps.

The principle of positive impact

The therapeutic effect is due to the fact that when squeezing the dilated venous channels compression garments the speed of blood flow through deep vessels increases. This eliminates blood stagnation.

Moreover, when creating modern products, we take into account anatomical features limbs: the pressure of the knitwear is reduced starting from the end of the arm or leg, which is best normalizes the movement of venous blood.

If we consider this process in more detail, then It is worth pointing out such positive aspects as:

  • Stabilization of the valve apparatus;
  • Normalization of the expanded lumen of the saphenous femoral and calf veins, as well as peripheral veins;
  • Increasing the influence of muscle loads on pushing blood upward.

However, it must be remembered that underwear (stockings, tights, etc.) for varicose veins is not omnipotent and cannot eliminate the root causes venous insufficiency. It is used until the stage when only surgery can help.

Among other things, traditional treatment without carrying out it must be comprehensive. The effect can be maximized if follow the instructions of your doctor and obtain recommended creams and ointments, and also abandon those that provoke the consolidation of the disease.


Rare treatment methods have no contraindications, and medical knitwear is no exception. Some people are prohibited from such treatment at all, while others you need to wear compression garments carefully, following the instructions of a specialist:

  • Under no circumstances You should not wear such underwear if you have orthoarteritis, atherosclerosis, endarteritis and thromboangiitis(obliterating). These chronic diseases lead to a narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels and a drop in systolic pressure to a level unacceptable for wearing tight knitwear;
  • People with extremely sensitive skin should use medicinal underwear with care;
  • Do not use underwear when skin ailments inflammatory in nature, allergic reactions skin, dermatitis, bedsores, etc.;
  • Diabetics should also not use compression garments due to damage to the blood vessels in the legs;
  • For impaired circulation caused by septic phlebitis and cardiopulmonary failure Again, you should avoid wearing compression products.

There is an opinion that this type knitwear becomes the culprit of atrophy of the muscular layer of the vein walls, which leads to the inability of blood vessels to resist blood pressure without the help of shapewear. People who hold this point of view came to it due to an incorrect interpretation of the sensations that arise when wearing underwear.

To dispel any doubts, it is enough familiarize yourself with the following facts:

  • The underwear is not intended to be worn around the clock;
  • In veins experiencing compression, blood flow does not stop, but only decreases;
  • Atrophy of the muscle layer develops as a result of genetic predisposition, as well as local inflammation during venous stagnation in Vienna. And these processes, on the contrary, are leveled out with the help of linen;
  • The initial deterioration in well-being is explained not by atrophy and the development of varicose veins, but by an unstable decrease in the tone of the vein wall.


  • Compression no more than 23 mm. rt. Art. Recommended for detecting primary symptoms of varicose veins;
  • Compression ~ 33 mm. rt. Art. Used for thrombophlebitis and varicose veins of moderate severity;
  • Compression close to 45 units corresponds to severe venous insufficiency;
  • Compression of more than 50 units best helps eliminate swelling and normalize lymph outflow.
  • Types of linen and determination of optimal sizes (in centimeters):
    • Knee socks- due to the ease of wearing with trousers, they are perfect for men. Measurements: the circumference of the lower leg is measured along the widest part, under the knee, as well as the distance from the foot to the knee bend;
    • Stockings orthopedic (compression) - a convenient solution for varicose veins for pregnant women and those whose problem area is not above the knee. Measurements: in addition to the measurements used in the case of knee socks, you need to determine the hip circumference at 25 cm from the knee. The distance from this level to the foot is also measured;
    • Tights- easy to remove, but when putting it on you need to make an effort; should end exactly at the waist and fit tightly around the legs. Measurements: repeating the above, you should measure the circumference of your hips and waist;
    • Sleeves- relevant for purulent processes of soft tissues and dermatitis of the hands;
    • Gaiters- more durable than stockings and tights (they lack the part covering the fingers, which wears out quickly). Designed for those whose problem area is not so extensive.
    • Elastic bandage- the most affordable, but at the same time extremely inconvenient to handle type of product.

    What is dangerous and is it allowed to be treated? Find out before you encounter unwanted consequences.

    Do you know how to treat varicose veins veins folk remedies? We'll tell you in this one.

    How to choose

    • The degree of compression of the product must correspond to the doctor’s instructions;
    • Sutures should not protrude, otherwise irritation cannot be avoided;
    • Consider products that meet the RAL-GZ 387 standard and are manufactured only by certified companies;
    • The linen must have a mark stating that the material does not contain allergens;
    • The degree of compression is calculated not in den, but in mm. rt. Art. Incorrect indication of the value is a sign of counterfeit.

    Now you know how to choose the right compression garments for varicose veins, use the information wisely!

    How to wear

    This illustration will help you roughly evaluate the rules for putting on underwear:

    Some rules must be followed:

    • Any type of product is put on immediately after sleep, without getting out of bed;
    • This should be done carefully and slowly;
    • Having previously assembled the upper part into an accordion, you need to insert your palms into the “sock” and carefully pull it onto your foot;
    • Gradually straightening the product, you should put it on completely;
    • The tights are put on while lying down, for which the pelvis is raised as it approaches the belt.

    There are also special devices designed to help those who have difficulty putting on underwear for varicose veins.

    And in conclusion, we suggest watching a video about this treatment method:

    Medical knitwear alone is not capable of eliminating the manifestations of varicose veins.: complex therapy is required. By paying attention to all aspects of treatment, you will achieve the desired result.

    When the valves of the veins stop closing, as a result, blood circulation is disrupted. The disease can develop due to many factors: pregnancy, sedentary lifestyle, physically demanding work or due to genetics. alleviate the condition and prevent further development diseases.

    Therapeutic stockings for varicose veins create pressure of varying strength on certain areas of the leg. It is maximum at the bottom - 100%, at the knee it decreases to 70%, and at the hip area it drops to 40%. The pressure difference reduces the load on the vessels and facilitates the upward flow of blood. As a result, stagnant blood is pushed out of the veins towards the heart.

    This distribution of compression corresponds to the effect of the muscles on blood circulation during movement. Their use reduces the diameter of blood vessels, ensures the closure of venous valves and prevents reverse blood flow. As a result, by evening the legs stop swelling, pain decreases, and well-being improves.

    Properly selected stockings for varicose veins have almost no contraindications. They can be used both for prevention and treatment of the disease.

    Indications for use

    • The appearance of a vascular network.
    • Prolonged standing.
    • Pregnancy.
    • The appearance of pain when walking.
    • Fatigue, swelling, feeling of fullness.
    • Varicose veins on the legs in any and all postoperative period.

    Important: compression hosiery should only be selected by the attending physician. An incorrect size may place excessive pressure on the vessels or may not have the desired effect.


    Unlike regular underwear, the density of which is measured in DEN, orthopedic stockings for varicose veins vary in the degree of compression. It is measured in millimeters of mercury and is divided into classes:

    • 0 class: 13-15 mm Hg. Art.
    • Class 1: 18-21 mm Hg. Art.
    • Class 2: 23-32 mmHg. Art.
    • Class 3: 34-46 mmHg. Art.
    • Hospital: from 49 mm Hg. Art.

    Classes 0 and 1 are used for the development of varicose veins, with the appearance of edema, a feeling of fullness, spider veins. If veins bulge or pain or cramps occur, it is recommended to wear grade 2-3 stockings. They are prescribed by a doctor after examination and diagnosis.

    The hospital class is assigned in the postoperative period, and is selected depending on the severity of the operation performed and the duration of bed rest.

    Selection of therapeutic linen

    There are various companies on the market that produce medical knitwear. Their products are distinguished by durability, price and design. The most famous manufacturers are:

    • Relaxsan - stockings at a reasonable price, but the compression lasts no more than a month.
    • Intex is a domestic manufacturer that produces inexpensive stockings with high durability and a long-lasting healing effect.
    • ORTO - stockings that maintain compression for 4 months, but wear out on the heels.
    • Medi, Bauerfeind – products are priced above average. Stockings made by them High Quality, various designs. They long time do not rub and retain compression.
    • Leg stockings produced by Sigvaris are the most expensive. Minimal abrasion, high quality tailoring, great design. This is what distinguishes them from similar products from other manufacturers.

    Remember that price does not always indicate quality. It is better to choose specialized brands that have already proven themselves well.


    Properly fitted elastic stockings fit snugly around the legs, ending just above mid-thigh. If the laundry is small or large therapeutic effect do not wait, as the correct distribution of compression will be disrupted.

    Unlike an elastic bandage, compression stockings do not slip and look aesthetically pleasing. They come in different colors and look similar to regular knitwear.

    How to choose stockings, in particular when? For this house you need to take several measurements:

    • Girth ankle joint in the narrowest place.
    • Leg circumference below the knee, at the widest part of the shin.
    • Raise yourself 25 cm from the knee (for those taller than 30 cm) and measure your hip circumference at this point.
    • Distance from foot to knee.
    • Distance from the foot to the upper third of the thigh.

    By comparing these measurements with the markings on the package, the pharmacy consultant will choose you right size. In rare cases, it happens that orthopedic stockings cause discomfort.

    It's also possible Negative influence on the vessels. To be on the safe side, try an inexpensive model first. Once you have become comfortable with the sensations of wearing therapeutic knitwear, you can purchase more expensive underwear.

    Therapeutic knitwear for expectant mothers

    During pregnancy, due to changes hormonal levels and the pressure of the growing uterus on the vessels, progression of varicose veins is possible. Even if there are no signs of illness, doctors recommend wearing compression stockings from the first trimester.

    To make stockings for varicose veins for pregnant women, fabrics with increased breathability are used. This helps reduce discomfort during use, especially in summer. As the disease progresses, the doctor may recommend giving birth without removing orthopedic underwear.

    How to dress correctly

    Stockings are worn after waking up, before getting out of bed. To prevent wear and tear on the product, fingernails and toenails should be trimmed short. At first, wear stockings with rubber gloves. If compression class 3 or higher is assigned, then you will need a device for putting them on.

    Turn the stocking inside out, down to the toe. Insert your foot and carefully straighten the product onto your heel. Carefully slide the stocking onto your leg while turning it right side out. Having brought it to the thigh, smooth out the resulting folds.

    How long to wear stockings for varicose veins? In the postoperative period, round-the-clock use of therapeutic knitwear is recommended. For other cases, it is enough to wear it during the day and take it off at night.

    Knitwear should be washed daily with baby soap and warm water. It should be dried flat, in horizontal position. To prevent silicone strips from losing their fixing properties, avoid contact with water. They need to be cleaned with a cloth soaked in alcohol.

    To achieve maximum results in the treatment of varicose veins you need A complex approach. In addition to using therapeutic knitwear, it is necessary to take medications and follow all doctor’s prescriptions, as well as walk more.

    Considering the questions and topics that constantly arise here about compression hosiery during pregnancy, I think you will be interested in the results of our research in the process of choosing brands for an online store.

    Since there are so many brands, we conducted comparative analysis according to 2 key - consumer - criteria:

    1. Confirmed product quality
    2. Adequate price

    We omit other criteria (convenience of working with the supplier, commercial conditions, assortment), since they ultimately did not influence the choice.

    Many of you are also faced with a similar choice - which brand to use? - therefore, we hope that our research will be useful to you.

    What brands of compression tights and stockings have you studied?

    We have chosen the brands that are the most famous and widely represented in Russian stores (some are sold even in Auchan), namely (in alphabetical order): Medi (Germany), Orto (Spain), Relaxsan (Italy), Medicale line, Sigvaris (Switzerland) .

    Also, in the process of studying, we periodically came across other brands, we saved information about them. At your request, we can tell you about them.

    Assessing the quality of compression hosiery

    Having studied the “materiel parts” and visited various specialized sites and forums, as well as including simple logic, we have identified three key components of the quality of compression hosiery for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins:

    • Medical quality - the ability of tights to provide the desired therapeutic effect.
    • Performance quality - here we have combined those properties of knitwear that provide ease of use.
    • Visual quality is a purely feminine and metrosexual thing - the ability of compression tights and stockings to bring you and those around you aesthetic satisfaction.

    Medical quality

    The main sources for assessing the medical quality of the designated brands were the following:

    • Quality standards for compression hosiery with easy-to-learn text.
    • Generally recognized research by reputable authors and research centers.

    The country of production, the opinions of doctors and users on the Internet were also taken into account.



    Medical standards


    Country of Origin

    Reviews from doctors

    Customer Reviews

    Complies with RAL-GZ 387, the most common and stringent standard available for study (see Note 1)

    Made in Germany - speaks for itself

    Brand No. 1 in Germany

    Arouse the greatest recognition among the professional community of doctors (most often mentioned - Medi)

    By mentions (U) - No. 2, by positive reviews (PO) - No. 1

    Made in Switzerland - speaks for itself

    Brand No. 1 in Switzerland

    Lioveras Document O29ML09 Rev. 0


    The presence of the brand in Spain has not been detected



    In Italy among the leaders

    Quality standards for medical compression products

    Why is it important to have standards? Essentially, this is a guarantee that you: (a) will not arise undesirable consequences and (b) that you will receive the declared medical effect (pressure in mmHg and its specific distribution in the leg). There is no standard - there is no guarantee, therefore the buyer (and not the doctor advising questionable options) assumes all risks. It is logical that we, as sellers of a serious medical device, do not want to create risks for our clients.

    We discovered that there are several “professional” standards that describe the requirements for medical elastic compression stockings. At the same time, the German RAL GZ 387 is the most famous, which is confirmed by its use as the basis for a working version of the unified EU standard, the ability to freely find and study on the Internet and the fact that well-known world brands from various countries undergo constant certification for compliance with it. We have studied the standard and can note its comprehensiveness in German. Finally, we noted that it is also an important criterion for doctors when prescribing a product. By following the links you can familiarize yourself with the text of the standard and certified companies. If you find texts of other standards, send them to us.

    Performance properties

    They follow from the previous point:

    1. Germany and Switzerland are known for the quality of products produced in these countries.
    2. Compliance of compression knitwear with world-famous standards guarantees the preservation of the compression effect throughout the entire service life of the products, wear resistance thanks to high requirements to materials. According to reviews from doctors and buyers: brands with the RAL-GZ 387 standard retain compression longer than the warranty period (up to a year).
    3. Compliance with standard environmental safety Oko Tex Standard 100 guarantees the absence of allergic reactions.

    Visual quality




    Country of Origin



    Compression classes

    Preventive class, 1-4

    Preventive class, 1-4

    Preventive class, 1-3

    Preventive class, 1-3


    circular, flat





    transparent, translucent, opaque

    transparent, translucent, opaque

    transparent, translucent, opaque

    Material composition Polyamide, elastane. To create increased comfort, the fabric is treated with lanolin (in some models), a substance of natural origin used to moisturize and protect the skin. Polyamide, elastane. There are models containing cotton (cotton is added for comfort, but such models are less elastic and take longer to dry; there are models containing natural rubber to give rigidity/compression stability to knitwear, but rubber can cause allergies) polyamide, elastane. There are models with cotton content polyamide, elastane. There are models with cotton content
    Special product options Stockings for wide hips, tights models specifically for wide hips and waists (maxi panty top), tights with a low waist, tights with compression in the panties to maintain the shape of the buttocks and abdomen, tights for one leg, push-up & pull-up effects, 4 types of elastic bands for stockings Comfort BodyForm tights with compression in the panty area to maintain the shape of the buttocks and abdomen No No
    Custom production Yes Yes No No
    Serial sizes 7 12 on average 5 sizes 5
    Standard colors 10 (elegance) 6 (magic) 3 2
    Add. Seasonal colors (number of colors) 7 (mediven elegance) 4 3 No
    Decorations Swarovski rhinestones (mv elegance, plus, comfort), ornaments (mJ-1) No No
    Length of serial products 2 3 lengths for stockings, 2 lengths for tights 1 2
    Innovative technologies Clima comfort, Clima fresh, Perfect fit, Soft elastic Patented hybrid knitting mediven elegance. antibacterial component “Sanitized”
    Quality standards (RAL GZ (387), Oko-Tex Standard 100)

    RAL GZ (387), Oko-Tex Standard 100

    RAL GZ (387), Oko-Tex Standard 100
    Average price (tights 2 cl) 6,500 rub. RUB 7,800 RUB 2,100 4,200 rub.

    Conclusion on quality: it is obvious that in the category of medical knitwear the cornerstone is the medical quality of the products, therefore all brands (both here and in general) can be divided into two categories - with confirmed medical quality and with an unknown, unpredictable quality. In total, we distribute the places as follows: Medi, Sigvaris, Relaxsan, Orto.

    Adequate price

    The quality of the therapeutic effect is adequate to the problem - Foundation stone, but in Russian realities it is not the only one. Adequacy of the price is the second stone that often turns out to be underwater.

    It is well known that compression hosiery is extremely expensive. On average, it can range from 1000 to 8000 rubles.

    The price of any product is determined by two main factors - the internal value of the product and the markup.

    We found out the intrinsic value in the second point and now we understand that Medi, Sigvaris and other certified European brands should cost more than “cats in compression bags” - they serve better and longer.

    How to determine the adequacy of the price?

    The easiest way is to look at retail prices products in Europe, incl. in the countries where products are produced, and compare with Russian ones. Our hypothesis is that in old Europe, educated people with a developed consumer culture can adequately assess the value of products and will not overpay, therefore, we can assume that the price market there is well-established and balanced. Conclusion: in our opinion, prices in Russia should be 10-30% higher, depending on the sales volume of the brand in Russia.

    In practice, unfortunately, this is far from the case. Some brands cannot be found at all during the day in the trading spaces of the country of origin, and some in Russia cost so much that it even becomes embarrassing for such greed of the seller.



    Comparative analysis


    Compression tights for pregnant women, class 2 compression.

    Price in Russia

    Excess, %

    medi (Germany)

    Mediven Elegance

    Ganzoni (Switzerland)

    ? (Spain)

    Relaxsan Medicale Soft

    Obviously, high-quality compression hosiery for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins should cost 50-100 euros (depending on the type of product and trademark). Cheap analogues, costing 15-40 euros, are knitwear with an unknown medical effect, which may either be absent or, in the worst case scenario, be harmful.

    Of course, to obtain global and maximally objective conclusions, it is necessary to conduct a more thorough study or even an investigation, perhaps it will require more than a dozen days and pages. But if we take our goals, we believe that we have received enough information and signals to make a decision. IN general recommendations our Venoteka may sound like this:

    1. Buy products that are manufactured to respected standards (a surefire option is featured on Russian market German standard RAL-GZ 387).
    2. Consult your doctor about the compression class and type of product. Follow your doctor's recommendations for the brand of product if you are confident in the doctor's competence in this matter, and always ask for reasons.
    3. The best recommendation is from your friend, acquaintance or stranger, but an authoritative person who has personally tried a specific product. By the way, this could be a doctor.
    4. However, the most best experience- not a friend’s, but your own. Try different brands if possible. This way you will find the best one for you. And share your experience with Venoteka - the opinion of those who use knitwear every day is important to us. Each of us (4 people) personally tried the product we sell.
    5. When buying in a store, be careful - unfortunately, the average level of consultants in Russia is very average, and they can advise/sell a bad product simply out of ignorance. In some stores - even more unfortunately - they deliberately sell such goods. If you have a discount under a discount program in such a store, but do not want to deal with it anymore, contact us, we will definitely take your discount into account.
    6. If you prefer only offline stores, we can recommend you such as Orteka, Ladomed, Medi, the Swiss orthopedic salon - they have a range of high-quality products and enough good level service. At the same time, if it is convenient for you to order online, then when you contact our store - in addition to free delivery - we will definitely take into account the discount on your discount card from another store.
    7. Do not determine the medical parameters of knitwear yourself, with the help of friends or salespeople in stores. That's what doctors are for.
    8. Medical knitwear made using special technologies. Therefore, carefully study the operating instructions - they contain important nuances on caring for knitwear, putting it on and storing it.
    9. When choosing a brand, approach the price critically - compare it with European analogues, with the manufacturer’s recommended price, with offers from other brands and in other places of sale. A significant deviation down or up from the manufacturer's recommended price is a reason to think twice.
    10. Country of manufacture is very important. German and Swiss quality is famous all over the world, unlike, unfortunately, Russian, Chinese or Taiwanese. This is the thing for which millions of people in their right mind and sober memory overpay.
    11. Cheap can be expensive. Remember that cheap knitwear will most likely serve little and poorly. Perhaps you will be lucky and it will serve little but well. Therefore, when talking about the price of a product, always keep in mind the cost of the entire period of high-quality use of the product.

    Fair elections

    As you can tell from our catalog, we chose Medi. Having said that, we must say that Sigvaris, Venosan and other German, Swiss and certified European brands are very worthy products.

    Why did we choose Medi?

    Having decided to invest in the so-called customer-centricity of our store (free shipping, support for discounts from other stores, flexibility, etc.), it would be universal stupidity to sell something other than the best in quality and fair price.

    Medi is the most famous and proven high-quality brand in Russia and the world, for which there is great demand (and, importantly, repeated demand) and which is respected by the professional community of doctors. For us, this is risk minimization and self-confidence.

    In addition, Medi is a leader, and for us it is something of a matter of ambition - working with a leader (if you like, it's kind of like having Adidas, Mercedes or Apple in your store).

    Last but not least, Medi is always something new and unique (texture patterns, Swarovski, crazy color collections, etc.) - this is very important for a store that wants to offer the customer best product and the best service, and always be on the wave. Other brands in this regard - at least on the Russian market - are very slow and conservative, and this is always a difficulty in the modern ultrasonic world.

    I hope the information presented, our subjective assessments and recommendations will be useful to you. If you have any questions or your own notes, we will be happy to discuss them. They are important to all of us.

    Compression stockings, as well as knee socks, are a way to enable the arterial system to function properly and support the fibers of muscle tissue.

    Compression garments are therapeutic clothing and therefore, in order to purchase this therapeutic agent, you need to know how to choose them and how to care for such underwear.

    Impact of compression products on arteries

    Compression product therapy for the treatment of arterial pathology has been used since ancient times. The basis of the effect of compression hosiery on the arteries so that different parts limbs to create the necessary pressure by compressing the veins.

    The greatest compression force occurs under kneecap and tightens his ankle. This is done to move blood up the leg. This principle is based on the process of blood flow.

    When the blood flow tends upward, the pressure on the arteries of the lower extremities weakens. The upper leg area accounts for 70.0% of the total compression developed in the product, and only 30.0% for the thigh area.

    The compression of the product uses pressure to push blood out of the ankle, causing it to move upward. Stagnant blood rises through the bloodstream. Therefore, the blood flow, which is directed to the heart, returns to normal.

    Anti-varicose jersey can be worn daily and a long period time, since it has practically no contraindications for use.

    The compression that is created in the underwear is similar to the pressure of the muscles as when walking. People who use therapeutic underwear for varicose veins of the arteries of the lower extremities feel much better: there is no swelling in the legs, fatigue and pain are felt much less.

    Indications for use

    It is not possible to cure varicose veins solely by wearing anti-varicose stockings, but with the help of such underwear the condition of the body improves. To prevent varicose veins, you need to start wearing compression stockings for preventive purposes even before the disease progresses and the arteries begin to deteriorate.

    At the first signs of the disease or even before there are no symptoms of the pathology (the first signs of pain in the calf muscles), compression stockings will prevent the veins from overstraining, ensure proper blood flow and help avoid this pathology of the arteries.

    When wearing underwear, pain is relieved from the legs, toxins are removed with the help of additional effects on the blood flow, and with the support of (graduated) compression on the muscles, fatigue and heaviness in the legs are relieved.

    When exposed to such underwear, the outflow of stagnant blood from the lower extremities to the myocardium increases several times.

    Classification of compression knitwear type

    To achieve a therapeutic effect in treating varicose arteries and other vascular diseases of the legs, compression hosiery is used.

    Changes in the condition of the arteries after wearing compression therapeutic underwear:

    • The diameter of the affected arteries became smaller, which affected the functionality of the valve. The blood becomes saturated with oxygen, its viscosity disappears, which prevents the development of thrombosis;
    • Increasing the power of the pump pushing blood up the limbs;
    • Capillaries normalize their ability to absorb fluid outside the cells, which prevents swelling of the lower extremities.

    The compression is distributed according to the pressure on the veins - 100.0% pressure in the ankle and only 40.0% in the thigh.

    Without a doctor's prescription, you can only buy compression garments for preventive purposes. Therapeutic underwear is sold strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Therapeutic special knitwear is divided depending on the pressure applied.

    Compression hosiery classes:

    • Class No. 1— pressure on the arteries no more than 23.0 mm. RT. Art. This underwear is recommended for use on initial degree development of varicose veins;
    • Class No. 2— pressure on vessels up to 33.0 mm. RT. Art. Used for varicose arteries middle stage the course of the disease, as well as in the treatment of the pathology of thrombophlebitis;
    • Class No. 3- greater than 45.0 mm. RT. Art. This class of underwear is used for insufficiency of the arteries of the lower extremities in severe cases of the disease;
    • Class No. 4— compression higher than 50.0 mm. RT. Art. Used in lymph flow therapy, as well as to relieve swelling caused by pathologies in the lymph.

    The therapeutic effect of wearing therapeutic underwear

    • The surface of the sore leg feels constant compression;
    • Prevents dilation of arteries;
    • Systematic wearing of compression knitted stockings and other products leads to normal blood flow in the arteries lower limbs, which improves the supply of oxygen to the arteries;
    • By wearing anti-varicose underwear, you can avoid blood clots in the vessels of the legs.

    Material of manufactured therapeutic knitted underwear

    The materials for the production of compression therapeutic products are lycra, microfiber, as well as elastic nylon fibers and cotton threads. There are no seams in this underwear. The material for its manufacture is environmentally friendly and of excellent quality, it preserves air exchange in the body, which prevents the development of allergic reactions to it.

    With proper and careful care for such underwear, it is able to maintain its therapeutic medical properties and aesthetic appearance for 6 calendar months.

    Variety of compression products

    Compression medical underwear is:

    • Preventive type (minimum force pressure);
    • Therapeutic type (medical for inflamed arteries);
    • Hospital (use after surgery).

    Preventive compression stockings create a pressure of about 18.0 mm in the leg. rt. Art. This pressure reduces the pressure in the arteries of the extremities and brings it to standard levels. Liquid does not accumulate in the legs, which prevents swelling of the legs.

    Preventive compression stockings are recommended to be worn by people who currently do not have symptoms of varicose veins, but are at risk of this disease: work on your feet for a long time, heavy load when lifting weights, sedentary and sedentary work.

    Compression stockings and anti-varicose tights

    Compression anti-varicose stockings and tights are among the leaders in the popularity of therapeutic underwear. There are models of anti-varicose tights for women during pregnancy. Compression tights should be true to size, fit snugly on the leg and end at the waist.

    If the size is not selected correctly, the compression incorporated in them is not distributed correctly and the medical effect disappears. To achieve a therapeutic effect, tights must be worn correctly so that they evenly cover the limb.

    This will enable the compression force inherent in them to provide therapeutic effects.

    After they are put on correctly, the tights are fixed tightly on the leg and do not slip when moving. You can use gel and ointment therapy in conjunction with compression tights.

    But best effect This type of treatment will result when the ointment is applied after the underwear is removed - before bedtime. If you need to constantly moisturize skin on the limbs, then it is necessary to use a cream on a light (quickly absorbing) base.

    Compression anti-varicose socks

    Knee socks, that's medicinal products, which are suitable for both men and women.

    Compression anti-varicose underwear is a therapeutic means for both men and women.

    Women prefer to wear anti-varicose tights and stockings. Men with varicose veins are recommended to use compression knitted socks.

    Golfs are produced for various purposes: trips, active rest, for preventive purposes.

    But there are contraindications for use:

    • The disease is endarteritis;
    • Atherosclerosis;
    • Aortoarteritis;
    • Complicated atherosclerosis with trophic ulcers;
    • Necrosis of limb tissue.

    How to choose compression anti-varicose underwear

    Compression anti-varicose underwear of class No. 1 is selected independently according to size. Compression class 2 underwear for women and class No. 3 are selected in accordance with the recommendations of the treating doctor - phlebologist.

    Therapeutic compression hosiery is intended to delay the progression of varicose veins and relieve the symptoms of the disease: swelling in the limbs, pain, stagnant blood.

    All these tasks can be performed by various compression products: anti-varicose tights, anti-varicose therapeutic stockings, as well as therapeutic knee socks.

    All compression garments are made according to the standard, only the products differ in length: knee socks - no higher than the knee, stockings - length up to half the thigh, tights - end at the waist.

    It is necessary to choose compression anti-varicose underwear based on the development of the pathology. If varicose veins are located on the limbs below knee level, then the choice should be knee socks. If the pathology has spread above the knee level, then there is no difference what to choose - stockings or tights.

    The choice depends on the preferences of the fair sex.

    You must select compression garments in accordance with the labeling. Compression products are marked depending on the compression in mm. rt. Art. or in Pa (unit pascal). Ordinary nylon tights are marked in den.

    Therefore, if you are buying underwear from a non-trusted manufacturer and not from specialized places, then make sure that it is marked in Pa and not in denies.

    Incorrectly selected underwear can aggravate the pathology of varicose arteries lower extremities and bring to irreversible consequences state of blood flow in the body.

    How to choose the right size of anti-varicose compression product

    For compression products to have a therapeutic effect, they must be selected in size and fit perfectly on the lower extremities. For tights, you need to choose a size that suits your figure.

    For golf, product size selection is carried out as follows:

    • Measure the circumference of your leg below the ankle in centimeters;
    • Measure the volume of the limb under the knee in centimeters;
    • The length of the product in centimeters is from the foot to the knee.

    For stockings, size selection is carried out as follows:

    • Stockings are measured in the same way as knee socks in the first 2 points;
    • The third measurement must be taken above the knee (to the hip) by 25 - 30 centimeters (depending on the patient’s height);
    • The length of the product varies in centimeters from the foot to the third dimension of the limb.
    For tights, size selection - to all measurements that were made for stockings, add the change in waist circumference in centimeters, as well as the length of the limb from the foot to the groin of the body.

    Individual data must be selected according to the table (size tables for compression anti-varicose underwear differ depending on various manufacturers). To accurately select the size of the product, it is better to seek help from specialists.

    Compression underwear good quality It's not cheap, but it doesn't cause discomfort when used.

    Therefore, in order to get used to compression stockings or tights, it is recommended to first buy a cheaper model, and then purchase anti-varicose stockings in a higher price segment.

    How to wear compression anti-varicose underwear correctly

    The medicinal effect of therapeutic compression knitwear against varicose veins depends on the product being properly worn on the legs.

    Exists correct technique putting on anti-varicose compression garments:

    • A compression anti-varicose product is put on immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed;
    • It is necessary to put it on slowly, without unnecessary stretching and without twisting when pulling on the limbs;
    • The upper part of knitted stockings or tights must be gathered into an accordion;
    • Hands are inserted with palms inside the knitted stockings and with careful smooth movements put the product on the foot;
    • Straighten the accordion and pull it onto your ankle;
    • Tights on the hips must also be worn while lying down, slightly raising the hips when pulling the underwear on.

    Compression stockings and tights can be worn using a special device.

    Devices are available for different categories of people with pathologies of the vascular system:

    • For large people with varicose veins;
    • For bedridden patients;
    • Devices for use on the road;
    • There are also devices for properly removing compression stockings and tights.

    When putting on underwear without a device, you need to use latex gloves, as nails can damage the structure of the compression product.

    Nails on the lower extremities should be cut short and there should be no trampling or calluses.

    Caring for compression garments

    In order for the linen to last as long as possible without losing its therapeutic properties, it is necessary to carefully care for such linen.

    Rules for caring for compression tights, stockings and socks:

    • Compression garments should be washed daily;
    • When washing, do not twist the product or use a spin cycle;
    • The water temperature should be warmer than room temperature, but should not be hot;
    • Wash with shampoo or gel (liquid) soap;
    • Do not use laundry detergent or bleach;
    • The silicone rubber that supports the stockings must be protected from getting wet;
    • Do not dry in direct sunlight.

    Companies producing compression garments

    Today there is a large selection of compression garments from domestic and imported manufacturers. Famous companies are constantly developing such underwear and producing models with various therapeutic effects.

    • Valento company produces compression garments with a massage effect. Companies also introduce lace inserts and decorations into compression knitwear, a large palette of shades and colors of knitwear;
    • medi company is a leader in the development of compression hosiery and production of products (anti-varicose tights, stockings, golf). Operates in the mid-price segment;
    • Venoteks company is a manufacturer from the USA, operating in the mid-price segment. All products are certified and in accordance with the requirements for this type of product.

    In addition to the top three manufacturers of compression hosiery, there are companies that occupy a worthy place in the medical underwear market.

    The Relaxan company is an Italian company that is a leader in the production of compression garments.

    Mediven company - distinctive characteristics of the products manufactured by this company is that natural flax fibers are used in the knitwear.

    The Ergoforma brand is a company that produces a large assortment of compression stockings and tights, of different colors and different compression classes. The company operates in a lower price segment than leading manufacturers. Product quality high level, therefore, in the price-quality ratio, the brand is gaining its popularity.

    Photo gallery: Compression garment manufacturing companies

    Anti-varicose knitwear from Germany: Medi company and Bauerfeind company

    For the person who prefers products from leading manufacturers in the lingerie market medical direction, it is worth paying attention to products manufactured by German manufacturing companies Medi and Bauerfeind. The quality of the products produced is high, anti-varicose tights and stockings wash well and wear well.

    Companies produce products for travel and outdoor activities. To put on products of a class higher than class 2, you can purchase devices for both putting on and removing anti-varicose stockings and therapeutic tights. In the second and third trimester, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the selection of compression hosiery with a therapeutic effect.

    Leading manufacturers of compression stockings and tights produce special products for pregnant women.

    They differ from standard compression garments. The tights have an elastic bandage designed to support the abdomen without squeezing it.

    During pregnancy, compression tights are not always suitable, since the stomach grows and may not fit into the bandage part of the tights (they do not stretch constantly) and the woman feels discomfort when moving. During pregnancy, it is recommended to use compression stockings.

    They come in different models:

    • The model's stockings are classic;
    • On silicone rubber;
    • Supporting the stockings with a specialized belt in the form of a corset with Velcro fastener;
    • Stockings with open toes.

    When diagnosing the arterial system in the body and establishing a diagnosis of varicose veins, it is necessary to wear special compression garments for varicose veins.

    The use of underwear helps to further adjust the treatment and speed up the healing process.


    Consult a phlebologist who, depending on the presence of pathologies and the degree of the disease, will prescribe the appropriate product for you. It is worth noting that, like other compression products, they can have both therapeutic and preventive effects. So, if you feel heaviness in your stomach, you often have swelling, you are pregnant or you have varicose veins on initial stage– you will need prophylactic tights, the compression of which is from 18 to 21 millimeters of mercury. While compression tights of classes 2-4 are therapeutic, and their compression can reach over 49 millimeters of mercury.

    Buy compression tights only at the pharmacy. In this case, pay attention to the warranty period given for this product. So, if the product is of high quality, then this period should not be from six months to 10 months. In addition, a very important detail is that compression tights (as well as) should only be knitted using seamless technology.

    It is also worth noting that in medical knitwear, the elastic thread has a double braid made of natural, for example, rubber or cotton, or synthetic threads. If you are pregnant, then you should undoubtedly choose only natural materials.

    Most important characteristic any compression product and a guarantee of its safety and effectiveness is the standard, which is designated on the packaging as RAL (in some cases it may be written Quality mark RAL or RAL-GZ 387). Do not purchase tights that do not bear the mark of this standard, since it is its standards that regulate the composition and strength of the material and indicate that the product has been tested.

    Please note whether the packaging contains the inscription Oko-Tex Standard 100. This standard is no less strict than the previous one, and indicates that the products are made exclusively from materials that are environmentally fully compatible with the human body and do not contain any hazardous substances.

    Video on the topic


    How to correctly determine the size and choose compression tights, stockings, and knee socks. 5XXL – XXL 105 – and above. To select the appropriate size, we recommend using the size table below, in which the sizes of compression tights and stockings are determined depending on the ratio between height in centimeters (HEIGHT CM) and weight in kilograms (WEIGHT KG).

    Helpful advice

    Only a highly qualified doctor can prescribe medical compression stockings to a patient. Moreover, the specialist must first collect as much information as possible about his patient, get acquainted with his complaints, and assess his general health. And now we’ll talk a little about how to choose compression stockings for surgery or other types of similar products.


    • how to determine the size of compression tights

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