Home Hygiene General urine test cito. CITO urgent blood test - when is it prescribed and what is determined

General urine test cito. CITO urgent blood test - when is it prescribed and what is determined

Not uncommon when writing a referral for analysis biological fluids the specialist puts the mark “CITO/CITO”. What does this marking mean? Are there any special conditions for taking this type of test? These are the most frequently asked questions from patients.

“Cito”, translated into Russian, means “quickly”, “urgently”. In a more free translation, it can be interpreted as “without a queue.” This marking is placed in the direction if the research needs to be carried out urgently. In addition to referrals for tests, the “urgent” marking can be found on pharmacy prescriptions.

Conducting research analysis biological material with cyto markings goes outside the normal queue. The laboratory technician, receiving such an analysis in hand, puts aside all other materials and begins to study what has been received.

"Cyto" greatly reduces the time of examinations. The patient is able to pass necessary tests, get the results in hand and return to your doctor again.


  • Urgent surgery is required.
  • It is necessary to confirm the diagnosis and assess the condition of the patient/patient.
  • When children are admitted to the Pediatrics department.
  • Constant monitoring of the patient's condition during serious illnesses, after surgical intervention. In these cases, the patient's condition is unstable. Therefore, constant monitoring will allow assessing the functioning of organs and systems.
  • The patient was admitted for discharge, but the previous analysis showed a poor result. In this case, a repeat study is carried out, based on the results of which a decision will be made.
  • The patient came to the medical institution from another city/country and is unable to wait for the results of the analysis carried out in the usual manner.


Unfortunately, not all types of research on human biological material can be carried out urgently. For example, a seeding tank requires a certain period of time for bacteria to grow. It is impossible to speed it up.

But most studies can be carried out in a short time:

  • Determination of blood group and Rh factor.
  • Determination of hemoglobin level.
  • Feces on worm eggs, coprogram.
  • Detailed blood test (with formula).
  • Microscopy of smears (from the genital organs; nasopharynx).
  • Determination of hCG during pregnancy.
  • Detection of allergic reactions to drugs.

The list can be continued indefinitely, since total research, with the possibility of urgent study, exceeds 400 titles.


From the moment the biomaterial is submitted until the final result is obtained, no more than 5 hours pass. The average time to complete a study usually takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours. For example, with the usual procedure for assessing urine, the test result can only be obtained the next day.


In clinics, the cost of cytoanalysis is significantly higher than a conventional study. The increase in cost is explained by the use of expensive reagent kits used for urgent research. IN usual time, the laboratory assistant collects a certain number of identical tests (for example, urine) and uses reagents for all samples of materials.

When carrying out urgent analysis, the entire set of reagents is unpacked for only one sample. Accordingly, the cost of cyto research is mainly influenced by the wasteful consumption of chemical reagents.


It is quite natural that a patient who has received a referral marked “cyto” is interested in the rules for taking such tests. No special preparation rules or conditions are required for submitting biomaterial for research.

The "cyto" label is for the medical staff, not the patient. For example, a referral was received for a general urinalysis, with the “CITO” marking in the corner. The patient needs to visit the laboratory technician’s office and receive a sterile container for collecting urine. Then go to the toilet room and collect a portion of urine.

Give the resulting biomaterial to the laboratory assistant along with the referral. It is necessary to clarify with the medical staff how long it will take to receive the result, whether it will be handed out or sent electronically.


Pace modern life does not always allow people to find time to visit specialists and stand in queues in laboratories. Many clinics provide the service of taking samples at home, urgent examination and the ability to transfer results via emails. This service is especially suitable for pregnant women, small children, and bedridden patients.

Without a doubt, urgent research helps save people’s lives in critical situations, adjust treatment if the previous one does not produce results, and significantly reduce the loss of time for both clinic clients and doctors.

Thanks to Cito, you can quickly establish the diagnosis and etiology of the disease, as a result of which therapy can be prescribed in a timely manner.

Purpose of Cito study

There are several situations in which Cito analysis is recommended, these could be:

  • urgency in quickly diagnosing the disease in order to determine effective treatment;
  • detection of pregnancy (test for beta-chorionic gonadotropin)
  • incorrect and ineffective previous treatment;
  • if the patient has allergic reactions before the upcoming therapy in order to avoid side effects;
  • diagnosis and prevention of childhood diseases;
  • making the right decision on the use of certain drugs to treat children;
  • in case of emergency ambulance;
  • upcoming emergency surgery.

Conducting a quick laboratory analysis increases the patient's chances of recovery several times.

Cito research can be carried out in different directions; its scope is quite extensive. Includes the following tests:

  • general and extended blood tests;
  • microscopy of the urinary system;
  • immunology tests;
  • detailed urine analysis, as well as its general examination;
  • determination of blood gas components.

There are exceptions to assays that are not performed in Cito mode. For bacterial sowing, it is not possible to use urgent research; such a procedure requires at least several hours, preferably several days. The Cito mode cannot influence the speed of bacterial sowing.

What is convenience?

IN modern world with an increased pace of life, constant lack of time, urgent and rapid Cito tests become a solution to many problems with going to the hospital and standing in lines there.

Medical institutions create comfortable conditions for collecting biomaterial. In this case, the patient does not experience any discomfort or stress. In addition, often this procedure carried out not only in laboratory conditions, but can also be carried out at home, which is especially convenient for pregnant women and young children. Results can also be obtained in person, rather than at a hospital.

How is the technique carried out?

The Cito test is the same as any other laboratory procedure, but the test requires urgency, so laboratory technicians conduct it using special reagents and out of turn. The quality of the results obtained is no different from other analyzes that require additional time. Cito cost– high, this is due to the use of additional chemicals and immediate execution of the test.

Today, very often in patient forms there is such a name as CITO analysis.

A term like Cito on Latin means urgent. This means that the examination must be completed as quickly as possible. This site describes in more detail the methodology for conducting medical CITO studies. Such a study allows you to quickly perform the following actions:

  • Determine the etiology of the disease.
  • Put accurate diagnosis.
  • Prescribe timely and effective treatment.

In some cases, the test results may be in the hands of the attending physician several hours after the patient’s biomaterial has been submitted.

Key Cases for Cito Research

Below is a list of situations in which the patient is prescribed the above examination. In fact, there are several such situations. Among which:

  • The urgent need to obtain results can be caused by diseases that occur in a complex form. To make an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment, the doctor must see the test results.
  • Another case of such a study may be the ineffectiveness of the prescribed treatment.
  • Upcoming surgery.

All of the above cases require laboratory testing using Cito. The results obtained increase the patient’s chances of a speedy recovery.

As for the range of research performed, it is extensive. In particular, it includes the following categories:

Ease and speed of the procedure

Modern society, characterized by technological progress and systematic lack of time, urgent CITO analyzes are the best option to solve such a problem.

In medical institutions, for the purpose of research, biomaterials are collected in absolutely comfortable conditions. For the patient, this procedure does not cause any discomfort.

In addition, such a procedure can be performed not only in special rooms, but also at home. The results can be obtained in person without leaving your home. Therefore, this procedure is considered very comfortable and convenient.

Technique for performing urgent CITO tests

As far as the methodology for conducting such research is concerned, it is almost no different from normal procedures. But due to the fact that the analyzes are urgent, specialists resort to the use of auxiliary reagents. It should be noted that this fact does not affect the technology and quality in any way. The high cost of such analyzes is caused by the immediate execution of the service.

The medical term “CITO” is used quite often by doctors. Translated from Latin, “CITO” means “urgently,” that is, in the case when such a mark appears on the laboratory test form, the tests must be performed as quickly as possible. All this is done with one goal, to identify the causes of the disease as quickly as possible, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective methods treatment. The collection of biomaterial necessary for analysis occurs safely; the disposable systems used completely protect both the healthcare worker and the patient from possible infection. There are also force majeure circumstances when, to monitor health status, it is necessary to obtain test results in as soon as possible independently, without a doctor’s referral. On this site www. analizy-sochi.ru/srochnye_analizy_v_Sochi.ru you will receive all the information you need about urgent laboratory diagnostics and proper preparation for it.

In what cases is analysis necessary?

Quite often situations arise when patients are admitted to a hospital department in serious condition. Assistance is required immediately, but without clarifying the patient’s condition and without data on possible allergic reactions A competent specialist does not have the right to prescribe treatment for the medications used. Get quick results clinical trials biomaterials are required in the following situations:
With visible symptoms acute diseases;
If necessary, strict monitoring of the patient’s condition;
As preparatory activities before surgery.

The range of analyzes subject to urgent processing includes:
Blood test;
Tumor markers;
Microscopic examinations of the genitourinary system;
Serological markers of infections;
Determination of blood gas composition;
General urine analysis;

Convenience and comfort

IN modern society With highly developed technology and constant time pressure, “CITO” analysis is the ideal way out of the situation. Medical institutions For research, biomaterials are collected under ideal conditions, and it is quite possible to carry out this procedure, as in special treatment rooms, and at home. The results can be delivered to your place of residence, making the procedure even more convenient and comfortable.


From standard procedures The technology for conducting CITO analyzes is practically the same. But along with this, to increase the speed of individual processes, it is necessary to use additional reagents or increase their dosage. Note that the technique and quality of the reagents remain unchanged. High price Such analyzes are due only to the fact that the laboratory does not wait for a certain amount of work, but performs the service immediately, and unused reagents are then necessarily thrown away.

The medical word Cito is of Latin origin and translates as “urgent.” Medical workers They use this concept very often in their daily work. The Cito inscription on the test form means that this test must be completed as soon as possible.

What is the reason for the Cito label?

The direct indication for prescribing Cito tests is an emergency situation. When a patient is transported by ambulance to the hospital and symptoms are present, life threatening patient, but there is no definite diagnosis. Or when surgery is necessary urgently. The same applies to analyzes that are needed to assess the effectiveness of treatment for severe pathology. This is necessary to correct already prescribed therapy. Lack of control in this situation can lead to irreparable consequences ( diabetes, renal or liver failure).

A frequent study in a medical laboratory of three main hematological indicators is the number of red blood cells, leukocytes and hemoglobin in the blood. This is carried out to evaluate the results of treatment of acute or chronic inflammatory processes. Monitoring is also carried out after the transfusion of blood components or before it, for example, during surgery in the presence of blood loss and the need to urgently resolve the issue of correcting hemostasis in the patient.

Can the Cito marking be used as you wish?

At present, with high technology and a total lack of time, this question is not so rare. There are various situations. For example, when the need to take tests as soon as possible is due to geographical reasons, that is, the distance of the laboratory from the patient’s place of residence. Long-term stay of a limited group of patients without specialized assistance can also lead to a worsening of his condition ( mental illness, drug addiction). For these reasons, tests can and will be performed urgently.

Most often, patients request Cito tests simply on a whim, not wanting to waste time waiting. But this reluctance is not emergency situation, therefore such a requirement in public clinics will not be completed. The only way in this situation is paid tests.

Execution Features

The only difference between this group of studies is the timing of their implementation. The technique, quantity and quality of chemical reagents are the same as in conventional analyses. However, their high cost is due to the fact that the laboratory does not wait for a certain number of tests to perform them, but uses reagents immediately, with an extra amount chemical substances is thrown away.

It is worth knowing that not all types of analyzes can be accelerated. These include laboratory research associated with identifying the causative agent of the disease ( bacteriological culture). Accelerating the latter will lead to a false result.

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