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Training at the medical center named after. Almazova

Federal Center heart, blood and endocrinology named after V.A. Almazovatoday by rightconsidered one of the largestfederal scientific- medical institutions Russian Federation. The center providesspecialized, including high-tech medical care , is developing dynamically. Rboth scientific and clinical area center activities: new units are opened, and from a specialized cardiological institution it is transformed intoa leading multidisciplinary organization operating withinsystems of continuous interdisciplinary postgraduate training of scientific and medical personnel.

Federal Center for Heart, Blood and Endocrinology named after. V.A. Almazova announces a competition for admissionin the 2013-2014 academic yearon a budget basis.

1. INTERNATURE (20 places) in the following specialties:

· Genetics, Clinical laboratorydiagnostics, Neurology, Pathological anatomy, Pediatrics, Radiology, Internal Medicine, Nursing Management.

2. CLINICAL RESIDENCY (80 places) in the following specialties:

· Obstetrics and gynecology,Anesthesiology-reanimatology, Hematology, Pediatric cardiology, Pediatric surgery, Pediatric endocrinology, Diabetology,Cardiology, Clinical laboratory diagnostics, Laboratory genetics, Neonatology, Pediatrics, Radiology, Rheumatology, Radiology, X-ray endovascular diagnostics and treatment,Cardiovascular surgery, Transfusiology, Endocrinology.

3. POSTGRADUATE COURSE (72 places) in the following specialties:

· Cardiovascular surgery, Cardiology, Hematology and blood transfusion, Endocrinology, Clinical laboratory diagnostics, Radiation diagnostics and therapy, Anesthesiology and resuscitation,Obstetrics and gynecology, Pediatric surgery, Pediatrics, Rheumatology.

· Cardiology, Endocrinology, Cardiovascular surgery, Obstetrics and gynecology, Pediatrics.

This year, specialists admitted to graduate school and doctoral studies have the opportunity to work on their dissertation, while receiving a scholarship and maintaining their previous place of work.

Additional Information posted on the websitewww.almazovcentre.ru (section education).

Acceptance of documents for participation in the competition at the address: St. Petersburg, st. Akkuratova, 2, 6th floor, Scientific Fundamental Library, room 2, Educational Department.

One of the largest centers on the prevention and treatment of heart, blood and endocrinology diseases - Almazov Institute.

About the center

The center, opened in 1980, is constantly developing and growing. Only when he began his activities were they held here preventive actions on heart diseases and treatment. But today the center, one of the largest in the Russian Federation, is not only a medical center, but also a scientific, educational and, of course, research institution.

St. Petersburg: Almazov Institute - history of creation

The Institute of Cardiology was founded in 1980, although the need for this center arose in the 70s, when the mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases began to rise. The first Institute of Cardiology appeared in Moscow in 1977, and after it, regional institutes began to appear throughout the country, including in Leningrad.

The idea of ​​creating such an institute came to the professor and head of the department of faculty therapy V. A. Almazov. The cardiorheumatology dispensary was converted into an institute, renovations were made, and places for patients with 300 beds were created to treat and carry out prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

To carry out various studies, a department was created arterial hypertension and department coronary disease heart, as well as emergency cardiology and intensive care unit.

The Almazov Institute in St. Petersburg not only provided treatment, but also developed Soviet technology, and already in 1983 the first portable cardiac monitor, Inkart, was created here.

In 1987, the department of cardiac surgery was opened, which raised the center to a new level, since here they could not only treat and carry out prevention, but also perform operations to save emergency patients.

In 1991, the medical and scientific departments were merged to improve the organizational structure.

For a long time, the institute was headed by Vladimir Andreevich himself, but in 2004 his place was taken by his follower and student, academician Evgeniy Vladimirovich Shlyakhto, who to this day occupies the position general director. In addition, he is the chief cardiologist in St. Petersburg, president of the Russian Society of Cardiology, and an honorary member of the European Society of Cardiology.

Due to the need to constantly expand scientific and technical capabilities, in 2006 the Almazov Institute, which received its name in 2002, was renamed the Institute of Heart, Blood and Endocrinology.

Founder of the center - V. A. Almazov

In 1931, the future outstanding cardiologist Vladimir Andreevich Almazov was born in the village of Rusanovo in the Tver region. Studied at a rural school in primary school, then at a regional secondary school, and after graduation he entered them. I. P. Pavlova in Leningrad. At the same institute, he became head of the department in 1972, and in 1980 - director of the Research Institute of Cardiology and chairman of the Cardiological Society of St. Petersburg.

Vladimir Andreevich created the basis for the future cardiology school, which became the basis for the creation of the future Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

During his life, he wrote more than 300 scientific papers directly related to medicine, and more precisely, to the problem of arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease.

In the late 90s, he received two awards: the Biographical Center in Cambridge awarded him a medal and diploma for outstanding achievements in cardiology, and later in the Russian Federation he was awarded the title of Honored Scientist.

Research institutes

From the very beginning, the Almazov Institute not only provided medical care, but also engaged in science to advance medicine forward. Today there are 14 platforms of different medical areas. Not only scientists work here, but also center staff, from doctors to support staff. More than 64 scientific departments and laboratories have been opened:

  • Heart and Vascular Institute.
  • Institute of Hematology.
  • Institute of Perinatology and Pediatrics.

There are also independent divisions that were created in this center, for example, Research and Development Institute radiology diagnostics, which includes a magnetic resonance imaging room, “ CT scan"and Research Laboratory of Nuclear Medicine.

Various studies are currently underway, but the priority areas are the molecular genetic basis, the provision of high-tech cardiac and cardiac surgical care, as well as the provision of care to patients with arterial hypertension.


The Almazov Institute (St. Petersburg) is one of the leading medical institutions in the country, which provides specialized and high-tech care, where more than 100 thousand people receive assistance annually.

The center has a main clinical complex, which has 700 beds, as well as a treatment and rehabilitation center with 300 beds, perinatal center with 160 beds and a children's treatment and rehabilitation center with 180 beds.

In the center, medical care can be obtained under the compulsory policy. health insurance and on a paid basis. All information can be obtained by calling this center.

Residents can receive free medical care Leningrad region, as well as those who contacted the health authorities of their region to receive a referral coupon for the provision of high-tech assistance. Also, some services are provided within the framework of quotas in such areas of medicine as cardiology, endocrinology, oncology and hematology, rheumatology, neurosurgery, etc.

Paid services

Every resident of the region and resident of Russia by referral can come to the Almazov Institute. Paid services turn out to be those who were unable to obtain quotas, or in certain areas:

  • Dentistry.
  • Efferent therapy.
  • School for pregnant women.
  • Day hospital.
  • Bariatric surgery.
  • Radioisotope diagnostics.

The cost of services can be found on the official website of the center. Almazova.


According to license Federal service According to education, the Almazov Institute has the right to conduct additional, postgraduate and postgraduate education in various areas.

The center has all the necessary scientific and clinical base for training specialists in internship, clinical residency, graduate school and doctoral studies. Also here they undergo training for advanced training and retraining. Here are a few specialties in which you can qualify:

  • Obstetrics and gynecology.
  • Pediatric cardiology.
  • Laboratory genetics.
  • Neurology.
  • Pediatrics.
  • Radiology.
  • Surgery.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that some specialties require a higher education degree. medical education, and some can be entered with a secondary medical education, for example, surgery, physiotherapy or functional diagnostics.

The main direction that appeared almost immediately with the opening of the institute was cardiology. Every year the number of clinical residents is growing, as evidenced by statistics. If at first the number of student doctors did not exceed 10 people, then last years more than 150 specialists are undergoing training. Many specialists come here to get professional education, since only highly qualified specialists work here.


The Almazov Institute in 2011, when its creator would have turned 89 years old, opened its museum, which is dedicated to the life and work of the great scientist. In the museum you can learn not only about what Vladimir Andreevich was able to achieve in his long life, but also how his social and teaching life went.

All this is confirmed by many photographs and documents, scientific works, more than 1000 storage units of various data. The museum is located in the main building of the center.

Almazov Institute: address

Institute named after Almazova is located in the city of St. Petersburg at several addresses, depending on the activity involved. The Main Clinical Complex is located on Akkuratova Street, building 2, 800 meters from the Udelnaya metro station. You can also get there by bus No. 40 and No. 85.

The treatment and rehabilitation center is located at the address: Parkhomenko Avenue, building 15. You can get there either by metro, to the Ploshchad Muzhestva station and walk 1.5 km, or by minibus K50, K94. The children's treatment and rehabilitation center is located at a different address, on Kolomyazhsky Avenue, building 21, building 2.

And another building, the Neurosurgical Institute named after. Polenov, which is a branch of the Institute named after. Almazov, located at: Mayakovskogo street, building 12.

The information on the site is provided for informational purposes; treatment requires consultation with a doctor.

Admission to higher education additional education carried out only upon completion medical university. It provides for registration for training in the following final areas: residency, postgraduate study, doctoral studies.

Important! The enrollment procedure is based on the budget and contractual form of education. The number of places for applicants is strictly limited.

Students who will subsequently study in this medical institution, are selected based on the list of submitted candidates, which is compiled in accordance with a point-rating system, based on the results of preliminary knowledge testing.

Submission of documents to the Center for Medical Education named after V.A. Almazova

The registration process includes the provision of the following documents:

You need to submit documents on time, as places are limited.

  • diploma of a specialist in the specialty with an application;
  • consent to training, which is signed personally;
  • statement;
  • passport;
  • SNILS (individual personal account insurance number) ;
  • TIN (identification number).

It should be noted that the presentation of the original diploma must be done in person or through proxies. Immediately after this, consent is sent to the address specified in the application, which is issued electronically. The minimum score that allows a student to qualify for a budget place is 70.

List of specialties

The residency department provides high-quality training for young doctors according to the provided scientific and methodological programs, covering the whole range of existing medical specialties. These include:

  • obstetricians and gynecologists;
  • anesthesiologists;
  • hematologists;
  • cardiologists;
  • neurologists;
  • neurosurgeons;
  • pediatricians;
  • rheumatologists;
  • radiologists;
  • surgeons;
  • endocrinologists;
  • doctors and instructors of L.F.K. (physical therapy).

The training procedure is carried out in strict accordance with state accreditation. In addition, recently it became known that residency in Almazovo will begin to conduct new training, which is intended specifically for obstetricians and gynecologists.

What is a simulation center and its purpose

On the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center named after. V. A. Almazov" with the financial support of the Russian Ministry of Health, a special simulation center was created. Its main goal is improvement among employees medical personnel obstetric skills that influence the safe birth of newborn babies. Such a system will allow future medical specialists in this industry to avoid a huge number of different failures associated with an insufficient level of professional competence.

Conducting classes in a simulation center includes the presence of such artificial, simulating devices as:

artificial mannequins on which the procedure of childbirth is carried out in children with normal and premature development;
mannequins that allow you to practice monitoring the child’s condition based on physical and physiological parameters;
hardware devices for training skills in surgery and neurosurgery.

All of the simulators presented above allow students to bring their core skills to the highest level of automaticity, thus forming a clear algorithm of actions when providing medical care.


No training can do without information material. Therefore, this institute has its own library. It contains more than 6,000 different scientific publications on any medical topic. The books that are there will help you improve your knowledge, as well as teaching aids, reference manuals, monographs. Important feature is a subscription to scientific journals, in which articles are published on new innovative methods of treatment and prevention of patients. More than 20 people can be accommodated in the library room at the same time, where free space is provided for each.

In addition to printed publications, the library is equipped with modern computers

Currently, a huge number useful information can be easily obtained from the Internet. At the same time, the library of the medical center named after. V. A. Almazova is also no exception. She has access to high-speed Internet, where you can find any missing information by printing it directly on a nearby printer.

Every year, this library takes part in All-Russian scientific projects. Students receiving additional medical education simultaneously take part in various cultural events. Their implementation is an integral part of the educational uniform, which includes the following tasks:

  • creating a patriotic mood and a sense of duty to the country;
  • introducing young students to cultural and moral standards;
  • propaganda healthy image life and giving up bad habits;
  • prevention through medical examination.

So, in 2017, a group of leaders and students of the V. A. Almazov Institute successfully visited a number of historical museums dedicated to the Great Wars Patriotic War, and creative activity famous Russian writers and artists.

Advanced training, internship and retraining

For persons with higher or secondary medical education, this center named after. V. A. Almazova provides educational services in the following programs:

  • training;
  • retraining;
  • practical internship.

Conducting classes can be carried out in conjunction with the work schedule, without distracting people from their daily work obligations. Upon completion of the training period and passing various tests, participants are issued special documents confirming completion of an in-depth course of additional education.

Students who complete their training under the program of the scientific research institution of V. A. Almazov will become highly qualified specialist doctors in their chosen specialty. On this moment, the medical institute has created 15 departments that train a huge number of highly specialized employees in various medical areas.

Important! Students who have not yet completed basic training in higher or secondary education are given the right to undergo summer internship in medical center Almazova, acting as a junior assistant.

What do students think?

The quality of work of this medical institute can be assessed by student reviews, which are presented below.

Andrey, 32 years old

According to his friend, who came to this center for retraining, he heard many positive comments about good teachers and a competent approach to learning. He was also amazed by the artificial mannequins that look just like the real thing.

Valentina, 26 years old

An acquaintance said that when he came from there, he learned a lot of new things. Great amount various pathologies have been studied both in theory and in practice. In a regular institute there were great difficulties with this.

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