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Ok google what does the name Alena mean. Pendant with the name Alena made of gold: photo

The meaning of the name Alena for a girl, girl and woman. What does the name mean today, what is its origin? Full analysis character, compatibility and fate of the name Alena, read in this article!

Full name: Alyona

Meaning: from the ancient Greek name Helene - “torch, light”

Similar names: Olena, Helen, Elen, Elena, Lean

Church name: Non-church (folk) version Elena

What does the name Daria mean?

The name Alena is of ancient Greek origin. In the past, the Greeks often called their newborn girls Helena, which means “light” or “torch.” On the territory of Ancient Rus', the word “alen” meant the pagans who lived in its eastern part. These people jealously guarded their territory, living separately. Their symbolism was a bright red fire, so it is believed that this is the meaning of this female name. Even before the Slavs adopted Christianity, Alena began to be called the pagan goddess of the Morning Dew. After baptism, the name Alena was given to newborn girls born at dawn. It is popular among female names, but it is far from the first place in the rating.

The name Alena in different languages ​​of the world

In Arabic: ألينا

In Armenian: Ալենա

In Belarusian: Alena

In Greek: Αλένα

In Georgian: ალენა

In Spanish: Alena

In Italian: Alena

In Chinese: 阿蓮娜

In Ukrainian: Alena

In French: Alena

Characteristics and astrology of the name Alena

Favorable day: Sunday

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Patron Planet: Sun

Talisman stone: chrysolite

Color: red

Plant: lavender

Animal: lioness

What does the name Alena mean for a girl, girl and woman?

As a girl, Alena is wise beyond her years, calm and reasonable. She is quiet and level-headed. With all her heart she believes in Santa Claus and magic, loves to read fairy tales and take part in all morning performances in kindergarten and events in primary school. The girl loves teddy bears and dolls. She often puts them to bed, reads to them at night, or sings them a lullaby.

In the company of peers she is friendly and sweet, so she is always surrounded by friends, both girls and boys. But he chooses his girlfriends carefully, despite his young age. She loves to communicate with those girls who seem unusual and interesting to her.

Alena is flirtatious and playful, she does not like to be discouraged and sad. She has a stubborn and strong character, the manifestation of which is often mistaken for disobedience. She is tenacious and persistent in getting what she wants. This applies to both positive and negative desires.

As a teenager, Alena loves justice and does not accept the infringement of her rights. The years spent in high school are fun and carefree. The same thing is observed with the student period in life. Without making much effort in her studies, Alena manages to pass all her tests with “good” and “excellent” marks.

Childish perseverance now took the form of integrity and a thirst for justice. Alena does not accept lies and flattery and quickly recognizes these qualities in people at the first meeting. Likes to chat different topics and if he is well versed in one of them, he will definitely show his knowledge to others.

Alena devotes a lot of time to her many friends and loves to wander around the city with them in search of adventures. He doesn’t show much interest in guys, considering them only as friends with whom he can play football, joke, and laugh. He is friends only with those in whom he sees directness and sincerity. She will begin to look at the opposite sex later than her friends.

As a woman, Alena is charming, sexy and attractive. Men like her, they give her gifts, trying to achieve the attention and affection of such a desirable person. She accepts courtship, gifts and flowers, but does not promise anything to her suitor. Likes to keep his distance.

Alena's direct and firm character can lead her to an early, but happy marriage, because in a relationship with her beloved, she does not like intrigue and showdowns, but simply wants to be close to him. After marriage, he is completely immersed in family life and farming.

Alena loves to take a leadership position and subjugate people. But not with close relatives. She is kind, sweet, sincere and caring with them. She will come to the aid of any of them, regardless of whether they are from her side or from her husband’s. Appreciates family values, traditions and bonds. A woman is hardworking, can do quality work and have a good rest.

Character and fate of the name Alena

  • hard work
  • emotionality
  • intuitiveness
  • unselfishness

Intuition practically does not let Alena down and in her actions she is often guided by it. Family and friends love to spend time with her because she is hospitable and friendly. If any of them have serious problem, a woman can put aside her plans and selflessly help someone in need.

Alena likes to spend her weekends at home, organizing general cleaning and exhausting carpets, washing and washing every corner of your apartment. But this is only if she is married and has children. Before marriage, a woman does not like to do household chores. If the spouse is kind, understanding and loving, then Alena completely devotes herself to him, pleasing her beloved in his desires.

  • incredulity
  • conflict
  • isolation
  • excessive talkativeness

Despite the apparent belligerence of her character, inside the woman is vulnerable and sensitive. Sometimes in the company of strangers she becomes withdrawn and closed, unable to open up. At these moments she is very wary and perceives everything with some apprehension.

Although Alena is liked by the opposite sex, there is a category of men who are annoyed by this woman. Especially her inattentiveness and inability to pay attention to small details. Alena often encounters this attitude at work. They are also irritated by her excessive talkativeness and curiosity. This category of men may be among close relatives.

Alena's fate

Alena, due to her character, can get married early and live with one man all her life, completely dedicating herself to her family. She tends to take care of loved ones, pushing aside her own needs and desires. She loves children, so she can decide to have a large family.

Throughout her life, Alena will skillfully realize herself, both in the family and at work. She can become a businesswoman without forgetting about her children. Free time from work will be spent with children. This is the woman who manages to do everything. Earning a lot, she does not exalt herself over her husband; he is the main breadwinner for her and the head of the family.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Design, philosophy and economics are areas of business that attract Alena. Having chosen one thing, a woman is completely “immersed” in the topic and becomes a master of this field of knowledge, constantly improves and engages in self-education. It is important for her to become a good specialist.

Alena prefers that her work is not associated with a strict schedule and time frame. If her work is limited to something, she cannot fully realize herself. That's why the woman is engaged entrepreneurial activity to create your own work schedule.

Such a free routine labor activity Alena needs it so that she has time for her family - her beloved husband and children. Mobility and love of freedom are what she wants from her profession. He does not choose to work in a factory or any large enterprise. She can work there remotely, so as not to spend a lot of time at work, but to be useful while sitting at home.

Marriage and family

Only a generous, open and kind gentleman can melt Alena’s heart. Novels begin quickly and can be passionate. If the attraction between partners is irresistible, people decide to live together and tie the knot. Such a desire arises in Alena and her companion at the same time.

At first family life she can be irritable and capricious, despite the fact that most of the time she is very caring and reverent. Because of this, quarrels and misunderstandings may arise between spouses. But if the husband is wise enough, he will be able to find an approach to the woman and minimize the negative.

Alena can take a leading position in the family if her husband is too soft and pliable. But with a strong and strong-willed man, she happily gives up the dominant position. A woman triples her family life in order to avoid monotony and boredom. He organizes any joint holidays on a grand scale so that the children will remember them. She is an example of a loving wife and caring mother.

Sex and love

Alena is the conqueror of men's hearts. She is sexy, attractive, erotic. In terms of sex, she has many ideas and fantasies, for the embodiment of which she, being temperamental and playful, chooses a partner similar to herself. Her irrepressible energy demands that it be spent to the end.

IN love relationships Alena prefers freedom, to be trusted, and she trusted in return. Does not like supervision and persecution. If she lives with a man under the same roof, she may go away for a while (to go on a visit, on vacation) to miss her loved one, she believes that this way the relationship becomes stronger, and the sensations in sex take on a new coloring.

Independent and strong in life, Alena in an intimate sense completely submits to the will of her partner. But this happens if the man’s temperament is stronger than her character. Intuition tells a woman whether the new gentleman will suit her as a permanent lover or will not live up to her desires and fantasies.


As a child, Alena has problems with the constitution, suffers from overweight. You will be able to lose weight only from the beginning of puberty. Before this, he will actively engage in sports, but will not get much results in losing weight. Adolescence will be a period for her to lose excess weight.

Having matured, Alena looks younger than her age, but suffers from depression and nervous disorders, because she takes all the events that happen to her to heart. Worries about loved ones further aggravate her condition. nervous system. Then only a woman’s strong character and determination will help her get out of such a state and never return to it.

IN retirement age Alena suffers from illnesses genitourinary system or chronic inflammation lungs. For the treatment of these ailments elderly woman spends a lot of money, time and effort. She copes with them if she feels the support of her husband, children and close relatives.

Interests and hobbies

In her work, Alena quickly lights up and cools down just as quickly. Often, as a creative activity, he chooses an active lifestyle and constant sports. He may also become interested in computer or art graphics, drawing, theater and cinema.

There is no such hobby to which Alena would devote several years of her life. Because she is interested in everything. She learns something new, immerses herself in this activity, improves and begins to realize that she has exhausted herself. Then the woman tries something completely opposite.

For a long time and persistently, Alena can do only one thing - decorate and ennoble her family nest. This is where her energy and passion are embodied. She loves when the apartment has a homely and cozy atmosphere. The woman is constantly improving her home design.

Compatibility of the name Alena with male names

Strong, loving and trusting relationships are possible for Alena with men whose names are Hilarion, Leonty, Samuel, Timur and Ian. They will meet a woman’s expectations of what a man should be in her eyes and ideas. A particularly passionate romance is possible with Ian or Timur, who will do everything to please their beloved woman.

A good marriage, in which mutual understanding and mutual support reigns, is possible for Alena with Kirill, Miron, Semyon, Thaddeus and Yaroslav. They will all be able to treat a woman’s whims wisely and condescendingly and teach her to fully open up to her husband about what worries her. They will be stronger than her in character and temperament, so they will be able to take power in the family into their own hands and solve family problems quickly and with dignity.

Relationships can be passionate, but not long-lasting and sometimes upset Alena with Artemy, Vladimir, Daniil, Egor and Naum. Not one of them is able to come to terms with her love of freedom. They go too far in the matter of a woman’s personal space, tracking her movements, because they are jealous and do not trust.

Alena may have completely unsuccessful relationships with men named Boris, Georgy, Dmitry, Konstantin and Yakov. On their own, they can be sweet and sympathetic men, but in their relationship with Alena they turn into real tyrants. This happens simply because they are not compatible with it. They may well be happy in marriage and love, but not with Alena.

Forms of the name Alena

Other name options: Alyonka, Lena, Lenochka, Lenusha, Lenusya, Lesya, Elenya, Elya, Alya.

Name Alena on different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 阿廖娜 (Ā liào nà). Japanese: アレナ (Arena). Korean: 알레 (alle). Ukrainian: Alona. Yiddish: אַלענאַ (alena). English: Alyona (Alyona).

Origin and meaning of the name Alena

The origin of the name Alena is. The meaning of the name is Light, shining.

Character of the name

You should constantly improve yourself and develop your talents, and also: under no circumstances try to imitate other people.

Your main support is faith in yourself and Higher power, as well as love for his people.

You often experience strange and even paradoxical situations in friendship, love and marriage, until you understand that true love is not possession or sacrifice, but a reward based on strength of character, personal affection and the laws of a higher being . True love always promotes development and spiritual growth.


You strive to “embrace the immensity.” Your soul longs for everything that a person can possess. And - in the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, one might say, does not exist for you. You simply cannot refuse any offer that life makes you.

When making a decision, the wishes of others are taken into account only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. This means that you can and should force them to “go in a water sled” with you, in the direction you choose.

And here the opportunity opens up to see everything from a different angle. You need outside assistance, and above all, as a “restraining principle.” Otherwise you may want to “turn over the earth.”

But if you are forced to use other people’s opportunities, then you need to learn to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the greater your chances of keeping your soul pure and your heart healthy.


It is important for you to stand out from the crowd. However, you should not use flashy colors or flashy accessories for this. This should not be understood in the sense that bright, cheerful colors are not for you. It’s just that the general style of clothing should be correct, good taste, and respectable. Clothing should be of high quality and fit you well. An appearance that meets these criteria inspires favor and trust. These principles should be followed not only in the process of assembling your wardrobe, but also when choosing the design and furnishings for your home or office.

Numerology of the name Alena

Holders of this name number always occupy an active life position and always know clearly what they want to achieve. They are the best at navigating complex and even extreme situations. life situations, they cannot be embarrassed by dramatically changed circumstances or caught off guard by difficulties. However, “long-term” projects are not their strong point - they quickly lose interest in the matter and let go of the threads, which automatically eliminates them from the list. business people. The hobby of the “units” is the execution of assigned tasks, and the more complex and difficult the task is, the greater the likelihood that it is the “unit” who will solve it faster and better than anyone else. Men and women of the “unity” are courageous and confident in their abilities, they know how to earn money, but they are also easy to spend. Tend to make impulsive and rash decisions. In most cases, they are the life of the party and reliable friends.


Planet: Sun.
Element: Fire, warmth, dryness.
Zodiac: .
Color: Yellow, bright red, gold.
Day: Sunday.
Metal: Gold.
Mineral: Peridot, heliotrope, carbuncle, diamond (especially yellow).
Plants: Heliotrope, mistletoe, peony, ginger, laurel, cedar, lemon, wild rose, olive, almond, oak.
Animals: Lion, eagle, falcon, scarab.

The name Alena as a phrase

A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
L People
Yo (YO = O) He (O, Ob)
N Our (Ours, Yours)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Alena

What middle name suits the name Alena?

The name matches patronymics: Semenovna, Viktorovna, Petrovna, Eliseevna, Andreevna, Ruslanovna, Antonovna.

The girl grows up as a capricious and spoiled child; she skillfully manipulates her loved ones to achieve what she wants. WITH strangers Alena behaves modestly, giving the impression of a little angel, but with her relatives the girl is unrestrained and overly emotional, often throwing tantrums, showing her true character.

The girl has a genuine interest in everything beautiful, loves to do needlework and creates real masterpieces with her own hands, arousing the admiration of her parents and people from her immediate circle. Alena draws well, plays the piano and loves to spend time reading adventure literature.

Alena is doing well at school, but laziness and lack of responsibility prevent her from becoming an excellent student. She can study and perform diligently for a whole month homework in all subjects, but then the girl gets tired of it, and she stops paying attention to her studies, spending all her time on her favorite hobby.

The character of a girl named Alena, born in different time of the year:

  • Winter is persistent, used to getting her way by any means necessary. Alena tries to be the first in everything, is very demanding of her friends, resourceful, cheerful and active.
  • Spring is selfish and stubborn, looking for her own benefit in everything. She is selfish and envious, does not forgive her offenders and tries to take revenge on them at every opportunity.
  • Summer is a calculating intriguer, she is used to making decisions on her own, and does not pay attention to the advice of close people and relatives.
  • Autumn is far-sighted and smart, practical. She loves to criticize, is very picky and demanding.

The meaning of the name Alena: beautiful. The beautiful name Alena is considered a Belarusian name. There are other assumptions about the origin of the name.

The female name Alena is a folk, non-church version of the name Elena. The name presumably comes from the Greek helenos - light. Sometimes translated as “shining.”
From Slavic female name Alena means scarlet, sunny, fiery, chosen. Translated from Greek it means “torch”. From Hebrew Alena (Alona) is translated as “Oak”. The indigenous Yakuts translate the name Alena as “rain rustling on the river.” But the most beautiful interpretation of the name Alena is given in Belarus. The name Alena in ancient Belarus meant “Scarlet Flower”.

But girls, don’t be upset if you don’t particularly like the fact that the name Alena came from or could come from the name Elena. Currently, these are truly different names, and their bearers are completely different. And initially, while the name Elena received the form of the name Alena, it underwent strong changes, just like the bearer of this fairy-tale name.
In fact, the name Alena has pagan roots, ancient Russian. And the meaning is associated with the word scarlet, that is, beautiful. Since it received its form precisely in ancient Rus' on Slavic land. The name Alena is still of Old Russian - Slavic origin. In other countries of Europe and Asia this name was not available.
It is also believed that the name Alena came from ancient tribes - Alans. The Alans were very warlike, their symbol was fire and the sword. Alans lived in the Don and North Caucasus at the beginning of the first millennium. These are the ancestors of today's Ossetians. That's why Ossetia is called Alania differently. In addition, the Alans are one of the ancestors of the Spaniards and Portuguese, since they, together with the Visigoths, conquered the Iberian Peninsula in the 5th century.
The owners of this name are sociable, open, cheerful and cheerful, but in company with unfamiliar people they become withdrawn and try to stay away. In character (no matter how much the mother wants her daughter to inherit her calmness and patience), she often becomes like her father.
Alena is thrifty. Impressive, empathetic. Introvert. She is not influenced by other people. Very active and active. You cannot demand more from Alena than she can give. What attracts the owner of such a name is her openness and simplicity. She does not depict feelings, but simply and directly experiences and experiences them. It feels good, warm and calm next to her. The secret of her charm is her artlessness.

As a child, Alena loved fairy tales. Lives his own inner world. As a child, her parents often called her “sunshine.” Adult thoughts since childhood and the strength with which she endures difficulties amazes everyone, but in her soul Alena hides vulnerability, pain and worries. In the house, Alena gains leadership from early childhood, but only at home.
She is smart and does not have to cram or study a lot in order to easily understand a particular topic. Alena, subconsciously, knows what and how to do and builds the correct chain of actions.
Alena is sure that she understands people (this is the root of her optimism) and often this is true, but the internal demand to embellish everything often misleads her. Alena will cry only if she wants to; she can control her feelings quite easily (she can force herself to fall in love or fall out of love).
Alena has a synthetic type of thinking; she has the ability to see the big picture and does not bother herself with details. She is curious, like a cat, thanks to which she often gets into troubles. He loves to chat and does not know how to keep secrets; he remembers everything down to the smallest detail, especially visually. An extremely honest girl, she does not seek compromises with her conscience and strives for perfection in everything, she knows how to learn from the mistakes of others. He quickly becomes interested in new hobbies, especially creativity and handicrafts, and loves to surround himself with beautiful things. Alena - Symbol of femininity. Fearless, mysterious, changeable... to such an extent that every man can find his ideal in her.
Alen’s hobbies are the most varied. They try to do a little bit of everything, but they don’t have enough desire for anything for a long time, although they don’t have to occupy their ability.

Who could Alena be? - If her parents persuade her to take art lessons, she can become an artist, she can also perform men's work better than the men themselves and become a good mechanic, but the best option It will be possible for Alena to become an actress - in life she is always in character. Alena is able to show great flexibility of mind when it comes to achieving a goal. She is capricious, which is both her weakness and her charm.
Loves philosophy, psychology, design, archeology and economics. It is advisable to engage in mental work without taking on the financial problems of the family - this will preserve femininity.
For Alena, there is nothing worse than tight work schedules; her potential blossoms in a free and creative profession; she can very successfully realize herself in social sphere.
She is lucky, has the strongest possible temperament and is well versed in men, demanding from them the skills of a good lover and high spirituality at the same time.
Alena is a sociable and emotional person, she can be overly trusting, and sometimes she lacks a sense of humor. She is a great dreamer and an incorrigible optimist, she is incredibly sincere and witty. Perhaps, if this woman has enemies, then the most sworn of them is her own laziness. The fight against this vice can bear fruit in the form of success in your career and personal life. It cannot be said that she is the mistress of her destiny; rather, she goes with the flow, feeling the right course.
Alena loves male attention and quickly acquires a crowd of fans, but having fallen in love, she is ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of the object of passion. Gives the chosen one joy and optimism, sharing with him all the hardships of life. As a rule, this affectionate but stubborn woman with her own view of the world gets married early. And it’s not surprising, because her charm easily wins men’s hearts. Even after growing up, Alena retains the image of a young girl, attracting the attention of men. The ideal candidate for a husband would be a man who is powerful and authoritative, commands respect and is able to take care of her like a dad.

Girls named Alena are very creative personalities with a rich inner world. Every area of ​​life for her is new page, where you can realize your ideas and also show your character. The name Alena is very amorous, but she will become a wife for one person, with her the man will be happy. Family comes first, although she will not miss her chance in her career either, since the ancient Russian meaning of the name Alena is “fiery,” that is, achieving her goal.

The name Alena has different origins. The first is related to warlike tribes"Alena", who lived in Rus'. Their symbols were the sword and fire.

The other goes back to paganism, when the goddess of the dawn was called Alena. This is where the meaning “solar” comes from. And although many still believe that Alena and Elena are the same name, in reality they have nothing in common.

There is another version of the origin of the name Alena. There is a country called Ossetia, which is called Alania due to the fact that the Alan tribes used to live there. It is possible that the ties between the Slavs and Alans were close, so the girls began to be called Alenas.

Alenka in childhood and youth

Little Alyonushka is a lover of fairy tales. As a child, she not only loves to listen to them, but thanks to her unique memory, she quickly remembers them. To some extent, Alena herself creates her own fairy tale, which helps her to be a kind, sympathetic girl, sensitive to the pain of others.

  • A daughter named Alena will take a lot from her father.
  • She is by nature independent, quick-witted, and a manipulator. The latter can also manifest itself unconsciously. Therefore, before imposing or forcing her to do anything, it is better to have a good understanding of the meaning of the name Alena.

School years are some of the most pleasant days in her life. Alenka loves to study, but her parents should be attentive, as she will not bother with subjects she doesn’t like. But science and creativity (knitting, needlework) are her element.

  • Alena, whose name means " sunlight» sociable, quickly finds mutual language both with adults and children. One can say more: people themselves are drawn to her.
  • It's easy for her to be with her peers.
  • The girl knows how to carry on a conversation, as well as add “creativity” to the conversation.
  • Friendship for Alena has been valued since childhood; she can sacrifice herself, but also requires the same.
  • She is responsive and compassionate.

Marriage and love

Men in Alena are attracted to femininity, mystery, inconstancy and capriciousness. The latter is rather her advantage than a negative quality. Captivating with charm, the admirer will show all his ingenuity and generosity to fulfill his desire. The bearer of the name Alena is translated from ancient Greek as “charming,” “attractive,” “spiritualizing.” All these traits cannot leave the stronger sex indifferent to Alena.

  • The name Alena characterizes her charming, flirtatious girl who drives men crazy. Not only is she always the center of their attention, she likes it.
  • It cannot be said that the “beautiful” breaks men’s hearts, she just needs to find someone to whom she will devote her whole life. Alyonochka quickly copes with this task, besides, the girl understands the stronger sex well, so she gets married early and rarely makes mistakes.

For the owners of the name Alena, love is an ambiguous concept: in it she sees a sense of duty and pity at the same time. Therefore, Alena will marry a sensitive, responsible person.

She will like a romantic creative person, a man “dad” who will be able to protect from mistakes, at the same time will cherish him like a little princess.

Herself Alyonushka in the family tender, faithful, caring mother. The meaning of the name Alena is characterized by ardent jealousy of one’s life partner. She will not want to share him with anyone, even with work, and she herself will sacrifice everything for the sake of the family.

Work and career

Alena, whose name means “bright”, “brilliant”, in life is a leader who can realize herself in the social sphere, and also, if desired, achieve a high position. If desired... Yes, Alenka is a big lazy person and a woman of mood. She only has to fight laziness, otherwise her ability to behave in society and knowledge of high manners helps to show herself with the best side, hiding your shortcomings.

Alena Viktorovna Sidko (Russian cross-country skiing athlete)

  • Getting along with others is the main trait of her character, which makes it possible to work in different areas, which allows her to learn and also gain experience.
  • Responsibility is the main quality when fulfilling an employment agreement. For this, most employers value and value Alena. You can lose your job if you see injustice and lies.
  • A girl named Alena is stubborn, but confident in the correctness of her decisions. Therefore, he always insists on his own, but may give in for the sake of peace or to prove that he is right.

When hiring Alena, an employer can rest easy, as she will quickly get used to it and figure it out. Knowing her responsibilities and rights, she will never cross the line. A good attitude towards her and Alena will love any work assigned to her.

Hobbies and passion

Alena is very talented and inquisitive. He develops abilities for everything, but quickly cools down. Alena likes art (theater, music), handicrafts, and travel.

The meaning of her name is “scarlet”, so she sees beauty in everything, or at least wants to create beauty within herself, around her. Alyonushka herself is like an ornament for those close to her who value her.

Exploring nature, people, the world is a pleasant pastime. The sunny lady loves active holidays. If you still need to spend time near the fireplace, he will suggest playing games that develop memory and logic.

  • extraordinary,
  • creative,
  • loves something unusual, so gifts are unique,
  • and if you invite her to be a toastmaster, the bride and groom will not regret it; rather, they will remember their wedding as fun, unique and unusual.

Alenka has no problem selecting gifts with careful scrupulousness, since she believes that the recipient should not only receive the right thing, but also appreciate the giver himself. She is a pro at this, and she does it with pleasure, selflessly and always hits the target.

Relationships and friendship

In friends he values ​​openness, sincerity, and trust. Often he can show ownership, which is why he suffers. But Alyonochka knows how to draw conclusions and restore relationships.

  • She will not be able to forgive malicious deception, as well as deliberate betrayal. If necessary, he will take revenge.
  • Alena builds relationships on sincerity, understanding, and sacrifice.
  • The name Alena reveals her as a person who can be trusted, but tested.
  • She is a good dreamer who can spill the beans and embellish what she says.
  • But those around her love Alyonushka for her world of emotions, and also for the fact that she is careful about the feelings of others and her own.
  • She is touched by someone else's grief and misfortune, she can sincerely empathize and is able to help.
  • Alena will not play with feelings, and she cannot. The owner of the sunny name Alena is not given to hypocrisy. In addition, she can easily catch it, which will not lead to anything good. Alena ends relationships with insincere and vile people.


Envy is a vice that is difficult for Alena to control. It is not easy for her to rejoice at the luck of others, but this does not apply to her friends. She knows how to work on herself, so envy only harms her. It will not ruin anyone's life or interfere with it.

Physical, exhausting work is another disadvantage of Alenok. Therefore, a housewife and a hard worker can rarely be seen among sunny girls.

The secret in communicating with Alena is simple: You just have to be understanding and considerate of her feelings, and the girl will reveal her best side.

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