Home Orthopedics Prediction about the space age. Fragment from the book “Cosmic Legends of the East” (based on the works of H. P. Blavatsky, A. Besant and N. K. Roerich) - Earth before the Flood: disappeared continents and civilizations

Prediction about the space age. Fragment from the book “Cosmic Legends of the East” (based on the works of H. P. Blavatsky, A. Besant and N. K. Roerich) - Earth before the Flood: disappeared continents and civilizations

Look for new ways

Given the unusual conditions of the future, it will be impossible to follow the old paths. The worst thing is when people approach new conditions with old habits. Just as it is impossible to open a modern lock with a medieval key, it is impossible for people with old habits to open the door to the future.
Only a blind man can think that tomorrow is like yesterday. The confusion of the World requires the search for new paths. Humanity's striving for the unusual will give it an understanding of the New.
Distinguish between the old world and the new everywhere. Old world huddles in all parts of the world, and a new world is also being born everywhere, beyond borders and conditions. The old and new worlds differ in consciousness, but not in external signs.
Red banners are often raised by the hands of the old world, full of prejudices.Often in solitude a heart beats, full of the sparkles of the New World. Age and conditions do not matter.
Without condescension, the world divides itself before our eyes. With ineptitude, but full of daring, a new consciousness grows. Despite experience, the old thought sinks.

There are no forces that could hold back the ocean of the new world. We regret the useless waste of energy of the moribund consciousness. We smile at the daring of those who are aware of the right to expand new achievements.
Every mistake made by a person in the name of a new world turns into a flower of courage. Every embalming trick of the old world remains an island of horror. One can see numerous signs of the madness of the passing world and the courage of the emerging one.
A new world is coming. Even if much is misunderstood and distorted, new possibilities are entering, which over time will give new thinking and worldview. The emergence of a new measure of existence can save the Earth.

Concept New Age

The modern teaching of the East, Agni Yogi, puts forward the concepts necessary for the next stage of evolution. The first is cooperation or cooperation, the second is the full rights of women, the third is the study of psychic energy, the fourth is understanding the meaning of thought.Each of these gifts of evolution must be accepted in full and not abstractly.
The concept of cooperation needs to be clarified. All calculations will not help strengthen it. If there is no trust, then cooperation will turn into a poisonous jar of scorpions.
Cooperation becomes like a science of life. But to give it a scientific basis, it is necessary to recognize it in all life.
Cooperation is the harmony of humanity.
Cooperation must be accepted as the basis of Being. Only with the broadest cooperation can the true relationship between the state and people's labor be found.
Otherwise, the state's destructive debt will increase.
When cooperation becomes the basis of creation, when woman enters as the guardian of culture, when psychic energy takes its rightful position, when humanity understands the meaning of creative thought - then all life will be transformed.Knowledge and creativity will take a revealed position. Revealed in the sense that among distant centuries one can find examples of the understanding of science and art.

Salvation in Culture

Exalted is the blessed Satya Yuga. What great concept will be at the basis of this purification and transformation of life? Of course, this will be the very concept that humanity defines with the word Culture.
A new era can be built only with the signs of Culture. The rebirth of the planet is possible only through Culture. True evolution takes place only on the foundations of Knowledge and Beauty.
No evolution is possible without the accumulation of Culture. Humanity cannot flourish without knowledge of the greatness of Culture. There can be no international agreement and mutual understanding without Culture.
Where there is Culture, there is peace. We should also talk about peace - let the word itself follow people on all paths. Where there is Culture, there is a correct solution to the most difficult social problems.
Humanity has never known a higher panacea of ​​Culture, and never will know it, for in Culture is the sum of all the achievements of fiery creativity.
Thus, Culture will be pronounced as the only self-defense against decay. It is now that humanity must urgently turn to the awareness of Culture.
Knowledge, Knowledge, Knowledge - if people thought more about the fact that knowledge is salvation, then there would not be a share of that suffering.
All human misery comes from ignorance.Knowledge, we will repeat, will bring an end to the suffering of mankind.
The widespread dissemination of knowledge can regenerate the world. Knowledge can do wonders. Therefore, let's say - knowledge is higher than everything.

Roerich N.K. Elijah the prophet. 1931

Prophecies are the best way to alert humanity. (Community, 25)

The world is experiencing severe earthquakes, floods and fires, and more and more people are talking about the fact that the terrible prophecies of the Holy Scriptures and great prophets about the end of the world are being fulfilled. In this regard, the year 2012 according to the Mayan calendar and the biblical Apocalypse (Revelation of John the Theologian) are often mentioned. Modern scientists declare an ongoing change in the Earth’s magnetic poles, an upcoming “reversal of polarity” and a shift in tilt earth's axis and enormous changes in the appearance of our planet. The theme of the Apocalypse appears on the Internet and in very controversial books and films.

But only a few today seriously think about the signs of thunderstorms. Great changes are coming in the world order, and, undoubtedly, people must understand the essence of what is happening on the planet and treat it correctly.

Why are prophecies given to humanity and are they always fulfilled? How do prophecies about the end of the world compare with what actually awaits our civilization? Let's try to answer these questions.


Prophets are called seers, soothsayers, spirit seers, predictors of the future. In biblical times, prophecy was considered the highest gift of God, evidence of spiritual achievement. The prophets spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21). The Apostle Paul advises: “Pursue love; be zealous for spiritual gifts, especially to prophesy...” “...whoever prophesies speaks to people for edification, exhortation (instruction), and comfort” (1 Corinthians 14:1,3).

The Teaching of Living Ethics says the following about prophets: “A prophet is a person who has spiritual farsightedness... It would be completely ignorant to deny prophecies... If we scientifically and impartially examine randomly preserved prophecies, what will we see? We will find people who, despite their personal gain, looked into the next page of history, were horrified and warned the people...” (Illumination, III, V, paragraph 3).

The prophecies of different seers overlap. The great Leonardo da Vinci, in his explanations for the series of drawings “The Flood,” warned about huge waves threatening humanity (in the book “Leonardo’s World”).

In the 17th century, the prophet Titus Nilov wrote: “The waters of the sea will get tired of man’s tyranny and will come like a wall against him, and will wash away cities, villages, and entire countries from the face of the earth” (in the book “Russian Nostradamus”).

“Cities and villages will collapse from earthquakes and floods,” said Vanga (in the book “Great Prophecies”).

Roerich N.K. Angel the Last. 1942

E.I. had spiritual farsightedness. and N.K. Roerichs.

Many of the great artist’s paintings are prophetic. In 1942 prophetic dream Elena Ivanovna Nikolai Konstantinovich painted the painting “The Last Angel”: in a dark stormy sky, on pillars of light, a giant fiery figure of the Archangel rises with a folding scroll in his hand and a large golden key at his belt; Flames from the fires are visible on the ground.

The Teaching of Living Ethics, transmitted by the Teachers of Shambhala through the Roerichs, contains scientifically based prophecies about the fate of the Earth and humanity during the transition to the New Epoch and the New Planetary Civilization.

The Great Teachers, who foresee the destinies of the world, say: “Prophecies have long been coming from Our Community, as good signs for humanity. The paths of prophecy are varied: either inspired by individuals, or mass feelings, or manuscripts, or inscriptions left by unknown people...” (Community, 25).

Thus, the Decembrists, through Count Vorontsov, were given a warning prophecy that their plan for a coup was untimely and doomed to failure. Judging by the tragic consequences of the Decembrists' speech, this warning was ignored...

The Teachers also issued a second, even more important warning for Russia about events that could change its destiny.

In 1926, during the visit of the Roerich family to Moscow, N.K. Roerich met with the leaders of the country - Chicherin and Lunacharsky. On behalf of the Teachers of Shambhala, Roerich conveyed to them warnings about the inadmissibility of building socialism in the country by violent methods and the need to develop spirituality. But the insightful warnings of the Teachers of mankind were rejected. We know what followed in our country... So human free will once again stopped the best decisions.

Great Teachers Say: “We are ready to warn for the sake of humanity, but We cannot stop the course of events if Our advice is rejected... You can remember how We different time warned some countries and Our advice was rejected. Free will chose death and slow decay...” (Aboveground, 263).

Were warning messages not sent again from the Stronghold of Light when “wild” capitalism was emerging in Russia? We can only guess about this...

When asked whether prophecies are always fulfilled, the Teachers give the following answer: “Can prophecies remain unfulfilled? Of course they can. We have a whole repository of missed prophecies. True prophecy provides the best combination of opportunities, but they can be missed...” (Community, 25).


The Bible says: “God cannot be mocked. Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” (Galatians 6:4-9). The Bible so succinctly formulates the highest law of the Universe - the Law of Cause and Effect or the Law of Karma (“karma” translated from Sanskrit means “action”), some aspects of which I will dwell on.

E. Roerich in a letter dated June 11, 1953 explains that “all Existence is just an endless chain of causes and effects...”

Man is both a “sower” and a “reaper”. Our “seeding” - our Karma, “first of all, consists of a person’s inclinations, thoughts and motives, actions are secondary factors” (Letter from E.I. Roerich dated 5.05.34).

Roerich S.N. Crucified humanity.
Triptych. 1939-1942

There is Karma of both an individual (individual) and a family, people, country, humanity. Basic Karma is individual. Man is the creator of his own destiny, and there is nothing accidental in his life!

Man in his ignorance grumbles at God for his suffering, which he considers undeserved, but it is not God, but man himself who is to blame for all his misfortunes!

Everything that we have sinned in our past lives, we must fully atone for in our present existence - this is how the law of Karma is connected with the law of reincarnation. This is where all the suffering comes from, and seemingly undeserved torment." good man" And this person in his present incarnation must, according to the law of Karma, inevitably pay for all his sins in the past. Karma follows the soul of that person from life to life until it finds circumstances to restore balance. People say rightly: “You can’t escape fate”...

Great Cosmic Justice rewards everyone according to their deeds. This means that a person should not take revenge for the injustice done to him, that is, take retribution upon himself - this is the responsibility of the Supreme Court - the law of Karma. That is why Christ taught to love and forgive his enemies; otherwise we receive a backlash from Karma and increase the amount of evil in space.

Human law can be broken or abolished, but Cosmic law is unshakable! With his free will, a person can improve his Karma: by purifying thoughts, motives and desires, striving for self-improvement, spiritual development and service for the benefit of humanity. But a person’s free will can change Karma for the worse...

Thus, the law of Karma is directly involved in our improvement, being a powerful engine of human evolution.

According to the law of free will, the Higher Powers do not interfere in the affairs of people, but only observe and help - if the Karma of a person or country allows, or if a person or people calls for help from the Higher Powers in their prayers...

What kind of Karma was created by humanity, which fell away from the unshakable Foundations of the Universe, violating all the Higher Laws?

Can we assume that the transition to a New Age and a New Civilization will not require redemption from humanity? Because E.I. Roerich warned that cataclysms were inevitable. However, their power depends on whether humanity can awaken its consciousness and rise in spirit. “...the law of karma must be fulfilled before the sign,” say the Great Teachers (Illumination, part 1, chapter 2, 12).


Roerich N.K. Sofia –
Wisdom of God. 1931

The Age of Fire is coming, find the courage and intelligence to accept it.
(Infinity, 10)

No, we will not die - but only, from the darkness,
WE will rise, WE will rise...
into ANOTHER LIFE, from dust - into LIGHT!..
after all, there is no death, after all, there is no death...
(Elena Turkka)

The decomposition of humanity has now reached its apogee, and only Cosmic Fire can cleanse the planet from toxic fumes and accumulations of darkness - from everything that opposes the advent of the New Epoch - the Epoch of the triumph of the Spirit.

Jesus Christ declared: “I have come to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!” (Luke 12:49). Now it's time for the Fire to ignite! This process cannot be stopped by any human measures.

Living Ethics warns about the fiery reorganization of the World on the threshold of the New Epoch: “It cannot be that some element does not come forward in the Teachings. Likewise, Fire was mentioned thousands of times, but now the mention of Fire is not a repetition, for this is already a warning about the events of planetary fate. No one will say that in his heart he was already preparing for Fiery Baptism, although the most ancient Teachings warned about the imminent Age of Fire (Fiery World, Part 2, Preface).

Fire Baptism is the cleansing and transformation of our inner being. Everything imperfect must be replaced by the perfect, everything inferior must be replaced by the highest.

The exact DATES of great events are especially protected by the Forces of Light, which is why they say “keep awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour.”

“Cosmic periods are not calculated in calendar days, but are associated with human actions. The madness of individuals can reveal the timing of a cosmic catastrophe at an unexpected acceleration,” wrote E.I. Roerich (letter dated 05.24.51).

Spatial cosmic energies are already approaching the Earth to create new conditions for life in the New Era, but are we ready to accept this Fire?

Cardiovascular, oncological and mental illness, and with the arrival of new cosmic energies these diseases may become even more widespread and severe.

Therefore, the fear of death that exists in people must be replaced by the realization that one should not be afraid of death and that life does not end with death - the human spirit is indestructible and immortal.

Nowadays there is a division of humanity into two poles - Light and darkness. Everyone is free to make their final choice: which side to take? There are only two ways: either back, into darkness, or forward, to the Light! THE “END OF THE WORLD” CAN ONLY COME FOR THOSE WHO CHOOSE DARKNESS. FOR THOSE WHO STAND ON THE SIDE OF THE LIGHT, THE END OF DARKNESS WILL COME!

“When thinking about the reconstruction of the World, it is very important to direct thoughts not at the upcoming cataclysms, but at the construction of the New Epoch. It is better to think not about upcoming disasters, but about what is necessary, about what can bring the greatest good to the world” [Fiery World, part 3, item 150]. We will be able to heal the sick planet and ourselves, doing Good with every thought and feeling, deed and word, and accept the fiery energies directed towards the Earth without harm to our health.

Fire is beneficial only for a sublime consciousness and a pure heart, which means that the consciousness and heart must be cleansed of all base and vicious thoughts, feelings and desires. Otherwise, Fire may become for us not a Creative Fire, but a consuming fire!

Let us remember that in each of us there is a particle of the One Fire - our Spirit, and let us fearlessly rush towards the Fire! In the flame of heartfelt boldness let us accept the Future!

A heart burning with love has wings of fire! The World rests on such hearts and such hearts are capable of pacifying the raging elements. Let's rush towards the Light and save our common cosmic home!


The time of great changes in our civilization, the time of mass cataclysms and the third world war has always been in question. They were appointed for different times different people, and yet they have not yet arrived. And yet there are clues that allow us to say that this time is already very close and that in a few years it may come. Not centuries, not decades, but years. So, make yourself comfortable, pour some coffee/juice/something stronger and let’s get started. Enjoy reading.

Edgar Cayce. Amazing person. Or rather, not quite human. He has more than 30 thousand fulfilled predictions. He always predicted in a trance state. He usually prophesied about people's illnesses and methods of curing them. And I was not mistaken. But besides illnesses, he also talked about the future.

So, he has a prophecy that by the end of the century America will become an island state due to the explosion of Yellowstone. Casey is a highly respected prophet. And Vulcan has become increasingly active in recent years. The nation is tense and listening. When a magnitude 4 earthquake occurred in Yellowstone in May 2015, the entire US presidential administration and many richest people countries left the country and flew in different directions. Looks like they were getting ready.

Elena Roerich. She also predicted cataclysms and wars at the end of the century. It didn't come true. But she described the future in great detail, because her Teacher was the great Rigden himself, the Lord of Shambhala. He told her, and showed her, and explained. As a result, a lot of materials and recordings remained, they were published, and I will gradually tell what the future, in her opinion, awaits us all. I will say right away that this is incredibly interesting.

Mahatma Koot Hoomi. He is a Tibetan, lived in Tibet in the 19th century and, at the request of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, corresponded with two Englishmen, Sinnett and Hume. This correspondence has been published, and the original is kept in the British National Museum in London. Actually, from this correspondence the British themselves learned that Yellowstone would not be the first, but their favorite and only British islands. Koot Hoomi wrote:

“Yet geology and paleontology testify to many things that we have to say. Of course, your science is right in many generalizations, but its premises are not true, or at least erroneous. For example, she is right that during the formation of America, ancient Atlantis sank, gradually collapsing; but she is wrong neither in the epochs she gives, nor in the calculations of the duration of this descent. Last thing - future destiny your British Isles, first on the list of victims, will be destroyed by fire (underwater volcanoes) and water. France and other countries will follow suit."

So easily and gracefully the fate of the British was told to the whole world. He did not say about the timing of this event, only hinting that it would be soon.

Vanga. This amazing woman could do a lot. And she knew a lot. She didn't talk about everything. But even what was leaked to the Internet already speaks volumes. I was amazed by her prediction about Kursk. Remember?

“The famous Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga said in 1980 that “at the end of the century, in August 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will mourn it.” This prophecy caused surprise, since the Russian city of Kursk, located on the Central Russian Upland, is separated from the nearest Black Sea by more than a thousand kilometers. However, the forecast turned out to be correct. On August 12, 2000, it became clear what the blind fortuneteller had in mind. On this day, during an exercise, the nuclear submarine missile-carrying cruiser Kursk, the pride of the Russian navy, crashed. As a result, the entire crew of the submarine - 118 people - died. According to the official version, the Kursk was destroyed by a spontaneous explosion of a torpedo.”

Realizing that she really predicts something real, I studied what she says about time X. It turns out that there is a lot.

  1. The version about the volcanic nature of the cataclysms was confirmed by her. “It will cover the earth with white, but not with snow.” Most likely we are talking about volcanic ash.
  2. "Syria has not fallen yet." This was the answer. And the question was: “Will there be a third world war?” From this we can understand that after the fall of Syria, the third world war will come.
  3. Cataclysms will come after the war, when it has not yet subsided. That is, cataclysms and war are one disaster at the same time. Not different.
  4. “The 44th President of the United States will be black. And this president will be the last for the country, because then America will freeze or fall into the abyss of a major economic crisis. Perhaps it will even break up into southern and northern states.”

Nostradamus. This is where things get more interesting. Yes, he spoke about awakened volcanoes (twenty-one roaring vents), and about the complete depreciation of money as a result of the economic crisis. And about a world war in which all states will burn. And that all this will happen at the same time. But what is interesting to us about Nostradamus is that he tied all these events to one person, and tied the person to exact date. And on this ground we can stand firmly.

“The year is 1999, seventh month.

From the sky will come the great king of terror,

To resurrect the great king of Angamua

Rule happily both before and after Mars.”

So, the King of Terror... it’s unclear who. Probably someone who inspired terror with his appearance. King of Angamua is simpler. It turns out that Angamois translated from Old French means “My Angel”. That is, someone whom Nostradamus considers an Angel who descended to earth. There is even a version that Nostradamus addressed the letter to his son not to his physical son, but to this Angamua, for whom he left many clues. He considered this Angamua the savior of the world and considered it his duty to warn and help the one who would destroy all this nonsense.

It will appear in July 1999 (by the way, at the very beginning of August there was a total solar eclipse). “Resurrect” perhaps means “to initiate,” to open a memory. In short, Neo must remember that he is the chosen one))

Mars is war. Before Mars means before the war.

He will become a student of the head of the eastern Hermetic lodge (Shambhala?) and will receive from them all his knowledge and unknown technologies that will help him become a world king.

He will exist invisibly for some time, without appearing on the world stage.

And he will appear just at the time when the world war is about to begin and the volcanoes are almost waking up. And very quickly he will ascend to the pedestal of the most influential and powerful person on the planet. He will bring peace and goodness and enlightenment to superstitious humanity. And when the cataclysms and wars end, it will be King Angamua who will build a just society on our planet, where Light and Knowledge will be held in high esteem, and evil and wars will fade into oblivion. Satya Yuga.

So, in 1999, he will become the chosen one and will begin to be trained in the Eastern Hermetic Lodge. That is, he will already be an accomplished person, not a child or an old man. And he will rule the world for many years, changing it. This means that now this person is probably at least 35 years old (if he began studying in 1999 at the age of about 20) and no more than 50, since he has so much to do. A man's active age, when he can do a lot, start a new business and conquer the world, ends at about 60 years old. It is difficult to imagine that a 70-year-old elderly man will actively take power around the world into his own hands. Most likely, he will be no more than 50, because we also need to build a new world, and not just take power. This means that he will come to power no later than 15 years from now. Or just about there. From various sources it becomes clear that it is war and cataclysms that will give him power. Something will happen that when other rulers lose power, he will take it. For example, the technologies that will be provided to him in a hermetic Eastern society. By the way, Edgar Cayce said this very well:

“Before the 20th century ends, the collapse of communism will occur in the USSR, but Russia, freed from communism, will face not progress, but a very difficult crisis. However, after 2010 the former USSR will be revived, but it will be revived in a new form.

It is Russia that will lead the revived civilization of the Earth, and Siberia will become the center of this revival of the whole world. Through Russia the hope of a lasting and just peace will come to the rest of the world. Every person will live for the sake of his neighbor. And this principle of life was born precisely in Russia, but many years will pass before it crystallizes. However, it is Russia that will give this hope to the whole world.

The new Leader of Russia will be unknown to anyone for many years, but one day he will unexpectedly come into power. This will happen thanks to the power of his new completely unique technologies, which no one else will have to resist him. And then he will take all the supreme power of Russia into his own hands, and no one will be able to resist him. Subsequently, he will become the Lord of the World, will become the Law, bringing light and prosperity to everything on the planet. His intellect will allow him to master all the technologies that the entire race of people have dreamed of throughout their existence, he will create unique new machines that will allow him and his comrades to become fantastically strong and powerful almost like Gods, and his intellect will allow him and his comrades to become practically immortal.

Other people will call him, and even his descendants, who live for 600 years, nothing less than Gods.

He, his descendants, his comrades will not lack anything - neither clean fresh water, nor food, nor clothing, nor energy, nor weapons, for reliable protection all these benefits, while the rest of the world will be in chaos, poverty, hunger and even cannibalism.

God will be with him.

He will revive the Religion of Monotheism and create a culture based on goodness and justice. He himself and his new race will create centers of a new culture and a new technological civilization throughout the world. His home, and the home of his new race, will be in the south of Siberia."

Nostradamus said that the King of Angamois would come from Russia and it was from there that he would begin the transformation of the world.

But not only Casey and Nostradamus spoke about this chosen one. There were others too. For example, Muslims are waiting for the coming of the Mahdi, the prophet who will become the ruler of the world. And they say that the Mahdi has already arrived. And Christians are waiting for the coming of the Comforter, whom Christ will send in his place so that he can prepare the world for the Coming. Buddhists are waiting for Maitreya, who will wage a fleeting war against evil and win, and then begin to build a New, just world. Probably all these characters are one person, because the King will be the world’s. And it has already begun. From the dedication received by the Russian, King of Angamua, in 1999.

When will the cataclysms begin? War? Apocalypse?

When Syria falls. When the British Isles begin to sink. When the amazing human demigod Angel King begins to make himself known. It seems to me that all this will happen, plus or minus, at the same time, in one year. And pretty soon. If not even faster. And when - we'll see.

Of course, I did not avoid this issue in conversations with my Tibetan Teacher, he is wise, knows the future and explained a lot to me. Partly from his stories, partly from my own visions of the future, a cycle of stories called “The World of the Future” was compiled. I started posting them on my blog.

But I don’t want to share many details and won’t share them in open sources, because they simply won’t be understood.

The identity of the savior of the world

Nostradamus arranged his quatrains in chronological order.

And then he mixed them according to some principle.

The order has been encrypted, and people are suffering trying to understand this chronology again.

But there is a clear divide between the quatrains BEFORE the apocalypse and AFTER. This can be observed very clearly, since the essence of the coming terrible events is already visible.

One of clear signs future tense is the rising of the dead from their graves, as is also said in the Bible. Seraphim of Sarov also spoke about this event. Nostradamus also reflected this event in a quatrain.

X. 74. (10.74) 974/928

When the year turns to the great seventh,

At this time, hecatomb games will appear,

Shortly before the great thousandth century,

When the dead come out of their grave.


  1. Year of the seventh great number
  2. The beginning of the hecatomb games
  3. Just before the thousandth century
  4. The dead will come out of their graves.

The first one is more or less clear. This is the seventh year after six years of cataclysms. Great - because the first year of the New World.

I don't understand the third one. Maybe you, readers, have options?

The fourth is a separate big topic.

But the second one requires clarification.

The word “hecatomb” today serves as a symbol of certain bloody events, almost synonymous with massacres. The hecatomb is the most significant festive rite that took place in Ancient Greece to remind you not to forget the laws of the Gods. It must be said that the ritual of the Hecatomb arose in Greece by no means by chance; it was preceded by very sad events that almost ended in a universal catastrophe. And it all started with the fact that people forgot to honor the Gods and their Laws. It would seem, so what? Nothing, it’s just that at first everyone was almost killed by a terrible monster, which entered mythology under the name of the Calydonian Boar. This danger united people for some time, and in order to avoid a common danger, the people united and defeated the Beast. However, the real trouble came later, when the happy hunters began to divide the prey.

This is where the most interesting thing began: completely forgetting about the main Law of the Gods, which requires that Justice and Peace should rule on Earth, people started a War for dividing the skin of a killed Boar, and in this war all of humanity almost died. The legend says that when the Earth was overwhelmed by streams of blood, people, from the horror that gripped them, still managed to come to their senses and stop self-destruction, having felt in their own misfortune the full power of the most important Law - we must never forget about humanity and justice. At least, such forgetfulness always ended in disaster, and in order to constantly remind this indisputable fact that does not require seven spans of intelligence, the Greeks decided to organize the Hecatomb festival once a year.

That is, the Hecatomb games are celebrated after the onset of peace and harmony between people. This is a holiday about the end of troubled times. People and states will divide the world and spheres of influence (which is now increasingly happening), then the world will drown in blood, after which there will be six years of fear, and after all this will end, and people will celebrate the end.

And how bad it will all be for them is written in this quatrain:

I. 84. (1.84) 84

The darkened moon will plunge into complete darkness,

Her brother passes, rusty-colored:

Great, for a long time lurking in the darkness

It will cool [hide] the iron in the bloody disaster [rain].

This quatrain refers specifically to the six years of the Apocalypse, because it clearly describes the sky as it will become after a volcanic eruption, when millions of tons of ash pollute the stratosphere: the moon will not be visible, and the sun (brother of the moon) will become rusty in color (after the eruption of Krakatoa all painters began to paint sunsets in blood-red color, and in Paris for two years the summer temperature did not rise above 10 degrees Celsius, many people died of hunger).

The Great One is the King of Angamua, he will cool the iron, that is, he will somehow stop the wars and the bloody rain they cause. But let’s return to the last part of the previous Quatrain.

The dead will rise from their graves.

The Bible says this. Seraphim of Sarov spoke. And even Edgar Cayce described that these rebels will be like angels in white robes, will have little contact with people, will build their own cities and “will be content.” How? How will they rise? What will rise? Bones in white robes? Who will sew clothes for the bones?

Helena Roerich answered these questions very well.

She stated that:

  1. In the astral world, those who have recently passed away have formed an organization of active citizens who are not alien to the fate of people and help us as best they can, in a coherent and organized manner. There are about 10 million of them.
  2. The Shambhala Brotherhood has created a densified astral body, a “suit” in which people “from the other world” can come here and act while being visible. And speak, and they will be heard. This body also allows you to fly and pass through water and walls. And carry objects and people.
  3. These bodies will be given to these ten million creatures called “Ellas”, they will come and help those worthy to survive the cataclysms. They will build beautiful cities, where over time they will invite the best of people. Thus, the new civilization will abolish the concept of death. Therefore, King Angamua and his companions are spoken of as immortal and possessing new technologies unknown to the people of the earth. It's really new stage in the development of humanity.

Not much is known about these new bodies and their properties. But also a lot. I will write a separate post about them.

In the meantime, you need to understand that the King of Angamua is the Great One who has been hiding in the darkness for a while, and will become the savior of humanity. It is he who will be given the technology of immortality and superpowers by Shambhala. It is he who will stop the bloodshed and begin, bit by bit, to gather people worthy of building the New World in the image and likeness of the Kingdom of God, about which Christians talk so much, but which no one has been worthy of building.

This is our near future. And who will be included in this number of employees of the King of Angamua, Karma decides now, looking into human hearts.

Why is this being decided now?

There is an important law:

When hour X comes, a person falls to the level of his preparedness, and does not rise to the level of his expectations.

That is, in Time of Troubles we won't get better. We will only reveal what will already be formed in us by that time as reflexes of the soul. And these qualities are formed here and now. Then it will be impossible to form them quickly under stress. How we enter troubled times is how Karma will judge us, determining whether to help us or not.

People who came from Heaven, Ella, will be the hand of fate. And it is not they who will choose who to save and who not, but Karma, directing their attention and efforts in the right direction. Therefore, one must become a Man here and now, without postponing it until some later date, which may come any minute now.

About the personality of the King of Angamua, about the Sky People and how events will unfold in the near future, my next blog stories...

Currently, there are many predictions. Surprisingly, almost all seers prophesy the same cataclysms: destructive earthquakes, the appearance of a star-shaped object near the Earth, etc.

Andrzej's prophecy

Predictions by Andrzej (Poland), who, in a state of meditation, dictated his visions onto a tape recorder, where he talks about the consequences of the passage of a certain cosmic body near the Earth (ellipses between sentences - a pause in the tape recording):

“In recent years, our planet has been shaken by increasingly large-scale natural disasters- floods, earthquakes, I see a cosmic cataclysm and a worldwide catastrophe on Earth, which probably marks the end of the cosmic cycle. I see red and black pillars of fire and smoke, piles of stones. Destroyed cities... New York, Brazil, Tashkent were destroyed. I see the earth's crust bursting. Entire villages and towns fall into huge cracks. Manhattan disappears from the surface of the earth. In Texas, the city of Dallas lies in ruins... a dark, almost dark sky... Los Angeles disappears under water... California turns into an island... Cuba connects with the mainland... The Gulf of Mexico becomes dry land. The Bering Strait no longer exists, it connects with Chukotka...

Europe. Italy is divided into a number of islands. Sardinia is sinking into the sea... The Mediterranean Sea turns into a lake... Large areas of France are flooded... The British Isles are connected to Europe... Holland and Belgium are under water... The movement of mountain ranges in Switzerland, the city of Lausanne perishes... Huge destruction in Paris... Rome disappears from the face of the earth, the Pope dies... Berlin and Brno are in ruins... The coasts of Norway and Switzerland are flooded, the city of Malmo is under water... A significant part of Stockholm is destroyed, Lidinge Island no longer exists... The water level rises sharply... The sky is black, lightning flashes in it... Some kind of huge cosmic body sweeps near the Earth, and its surface rises up and rises... The ice at the North Pole is melting...

In the center of Europe, the earth's crust is bursting... Great destruction in the Alps, the city of Innsbruck is dying... The Vltava River is overflowing widely... The flow of the Odra (Oder) River stops, it begins to flow backward... the cities of Hamburg, Szczecin, Kolobrzeg, Travemünde, Slupsk, Gdansk are destroyed... Enormous destruction Vistula... The Mazowieckie Upland is calm, there is minor destruction in the central part of Poland... An explosion in the Urals... the surface of the Black Sea increases significantly... The flow of water from the Caspian Sea opens, at the same time its bottom rises up, and the sea ceases to exist... only small islands remain from the Japanese islands...

Murmansk and Vladivostok are dying... The Himalayas are plunging into the depths of the sea... Land appears in the middle of the Atlantic... In Australia and New Zealand there are only small tectonic shifts... Only some high-rise buildings are destroyed, in these areas of the Earth there is the least damage... this cataclysm lasts a week... in next week the water begins to recede...

Humanity is going through enormous upheavals... Famine, armed gangs, murders, epidemics. The world is gradually calming down... the technological era is becoming a thing of the past... Fundamental changes in the mentality of people... The role of draft animals is increasing... An abundance of fish... Humanity is entering new era of their development, takes the path of virtue... People have an epiphany, they turn to God, and philanthropy and goodwill come first. An era of goodness begins on Earth... Borders between states are disappearing... Humanity is creating a new world language in which all people can communicate with each other. The climate around the globe is becoming much more favorable, the average temperature is rising.”

Jose Garcia Alvarez

1. Terrible floods in many regions of the Earth and terrible drought in others.
2. Serious social unrest in several countries in South America.
3. Increased intensity of earthquakes, severe destruction. Unexpected volcanic eruptions over large areas. Darkening of the Sun and Moon.
4. Unpredictably deadly tornadoes of destructive force devastate entire areas. Man-made disasters in the nuclear and chemical industries, as well as bacteriological contamination of the area.
5. Stock market crash and frightening financial chaos.
6. A military coup that will lead to the end of Spanish democracy. Assassination of King Juan Carlos I of Bourbon of Spain.
7. Dictatorship in a row European countries, including Spain, Italy and Germany.
8. The kidnapping and death of the pope, who will be called “The Glory of Olive.” Collapse of the Catholic Church.
9. Arms race, China confronts the West.
10. The appearance of a star - comet Hercolubus in the sky of the Earth.
11. Horrible all over the globe. Fire from the sky and the disappearance of part of the atmosphere.
12. Displacement of the Earth’s rotation axis - due to the influence of the star’s gravity.
13. Lightning War between Christians, Arabs and Israelis.
14. The appearance in the sky of a huge ship, which will be called “New Jerusalem”.
15. Second coming of Jesus Christ.
16. Evacuation of people to other planets of the solar system.

Nita Johnson

“While I was praying (July 28, 1998) I had a vision. I saw a huge beast with huge jaws and sharp teeth... It was like a monstrous dark cloud that was slowly covering all of Russia. He came from the south and moved north to gain power over all of Russia. I was given a glimpse into his heart and purpose. He was on the path of conquest and destruction. His heart was filled with hatred for the Russian people. Through lust, pride, anger and hatred, force the Russian people to once again rise up against Christians and Jews to persecute and kill them. He hoped to completely destroy everything so that they would have nothing to do with God and the Light. His plan is to kindle the poison of murder and destruction in the hearts of people...

I also saw the hearts of government leaders. They didn't care about people at all. Power was the driving motive of their activities... Russian Christians and Jews have already experienced so much that it seems incomprehensible how they can go through so much more...

The Lord called “great horror and darkness.” Evil continued to move across the country. I saw hunger, great hunger. The people looked like an emaciated child dying of hunger...
Needless to say, Russia needs our prayers and sincere tears before God. Please remember that the hand of God’s mercy continues to extend to the Russian people and will save them many times over.”

Slavik's prediction

Prophecies of Slavik (Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov), (Chebarkul, Chelyabinsk region). Slavik was born into a military family in 1982 and lived a rather short life, dying at the age of 11 from cancer. Krasheninnikov's predictions are recorded from the memories of his mother. Perhaps his prophecies refer to the time before and after the cataclysm: “...instead of the army, rapid reaction brigades will be created. He called them “rapid reaction brigades”, which, before the arrival of the world ruler, will “extinguish” any, even the slightest manifestation of human discontent with their quick appearance. There will be a lot of listening and spying devices. Even on the street people will be afraid to talk.

Times will be worse than under Stalin. Almost all people will live at the prompting and guidance of demons, because they will clearly hear demons and talk to them, considering them to be higher intelligence. Ordinary, normal people there will be very little left. At first, people led by demons will laugh at ordinary people, considering them illiterate, backward and unnecessary on earth, and over time, when they realize that they have fallen into the net of the evil one, they will begin to get so angry that they will be ready to tear apart those who survived with their own hands. The survivors will be forced to hide.

Slavik said that a nuclear war is nothing compared to the impending catastrophe..."
“Slavik said that water would begin to drain from the surface of the earth, and trees and all vegetation would die. Only by the grace of God, those who are not sealed with the seal of the Antichrist will have the opportunity to grow some vegetables in the garden... Neither musicians, nor artists, nor athletes will be needed. We will need that forgotten ancient knowledge by which a person could determine where to dig to find water, and how to survive. The water will drain away, and the remaining water will deteriorate...

He also said that just as birch bark burns and curls up, so one layer of the sky will burn. The sky will take on a different look after this. When the true state of our earthly sky was revealed to Slavik, he cried all day and said: “Mommy, the sky is not blue at all, but like Saddam Hussein’s when his oil was burning”...

People will be allowed to live well for a while, but then the food will be hidden from the people underground, and famine will begin. Russia will begin to fragment. Even small republics, such as Tatarstan, will separate from each other. This will contribute to economic survival, but in the event of disasters there will be no mutual assistance, since each region will be busy with its own problems...

Slavik said that before the war our army would be destroyed, that the power outage would begin with Far East, and then little by little they will turn it off everywhere. It will be cold everywhere since the heating will not work. Gas and electricity will be turned off. There won't even be chalk and paper in schools. Children will hang out on the street. All diseases will return. There will be one disease without a name, from which there will be many corpses on the streets, and no one will bury them. Worms will crawl on them, and there will be a stench all around.

Slavik said: “Mommy, people will walk and die as they go, because they will have no strength at all”...
Slavik said that in America they would blow up two large identical houses, then blow up the Statue of Liberty from below. It will turn out like this: the statue will take a step and crumble into pieces. He said that houses in Russia will also be blown up. To my question: “Who needs this? Who will blow it up? – he said: “They will blow them up themselves”... (officially, Chechen terrorists are citizens of Russia. – Author’s note).

Slavik said that the first non-human document in our country is a voucher. The remaining documents will also be from Satan. He said that there would be “world ruler” money, which would be called “euro”. Things will go well with this money. The last state to switch to the euro will be America...

The last document will be a world passport in the form of a small, very cute gray plate. When people receive it, specially installed equipment will apply three small sixes with rays on their forehead or right hand in the form of a tattoo. At first they will not be visible, but then they, like an electronic scoreboard on the forehead and on the hand, will glow with a greenish light...

Slavik said that Satan wants to spark a war between Muslims and Christians, but God will not allow a world war between them. Muslims and Christians will have to unite because Buddhists will rise. Our country will go to war with China. First, Russia will make peace with America. There will be many Americans on the Russian borders. They will begin to import American products and goods to Russia. We will have everything American, even cinema. Russian people will then get very tired of all this, and they will be glad to see even a small Russian brand. When the Americans and the Chinese are on the brink of war, the Americans will be afraid of China at the last moment and will set it on us. The war will be such that somewhere there will be bloody battles, and somewhere they will take it without a single shot: in the evening we will fall asleep as Russians, and in the morning we will wake up as Chinese. Christian churches and Muslim mosques will be slightly altered (the roofs will be made in the Chinese style), a dragon will be placed in front of the entrance, which, instead of a bell, will gather people for worship with a dull, drawn-out sound. Those who resist will be killed or hanged.

Slavik said that the Chinese would kill our men and boys and sterilize our population. Then the Americans, for the first time in the world, will use a new psychological weapon against the Chinese, which affects only this race, and will drive them away, but the effect of that weapon will be such that even in China they will never be able to be normal again.

Slavik was especially surprised by the Israelis. He said that a war would begin in Israel, the Israelis, surrounded on all sides by Muslims, would show miracles of courage, but would still be defeated. Muslims will desecrate our Christian shrines, which will greatly anger God...

Slavik said that here, in the Urals, there is a city - as if in a cup (possibly Chelyabinsk - Author's note). During the Ural earthquake, this city will be thrown with stones, flooded with water, and not even an animal will be saved from this city, and in Moscow they will not even think of helping. “And for you, mommy,” said Slavik, “all the glassware will break, and the nearby kindergarten, which will take a long time to be repaired, will crumble” (this kindergarten was repaired for more than six years and was just recently opened)...

Sometimes high school students came to Slavik as a whole class, and he told them that Gorbachev would not be in power at all, that Raisa Maksimovna would die, and before her death everything would not be all right in her head, and Mikhail Sergeevich would be left alone, useless to anyone. Yeltsin will become very ill, but will not die, and he will be removed. Then there will be a ruler who does not belong to any party and no one knows him. The last ruler is the one who will tell the truth about Yeltsin and Gorbachev.
... there are huge voids in the ground, and as the climate warms, in some places the earth will fall into these voids, and in others it will spread out in huge layers in different directions. England will sink, and the British are evacuating to Russia, and the English government knows about it...

Slavik said that there would be a gigantic explosion in the Black Sea, since there was a small layer of water left on the sea, and under the layer of water, some organisms, such as worms, are crawling along the bottom of the sea, of which there are a lot and which emit hydrogen sulfide.
This whole underwater space will explode, and the explosion will reach upper layers atmosphere where, due to human fault, a huge amount of chemical and other waste has accumulated. It will seem as if the water, earth and sky are on fire.
The city of Odessa will be saved by breaking the fresh water pipeline. The burning city will flood fresh water, and by this many will be saved.

Slavik also said that gigantic waves would rise in the Baltic States and wash away the Baltic coastline, that huge sinkholes would form in Bashkiria to great depths, and the bottom of these sinkholes would be dry. People who find themselves in these gaps will see a piece of sky high above them, the size of a cloud, and stones falling as if from the sky. Some will put their heads under these stones, since there will be no escape from this trap.

Chelyabinsk factories will stop and become empty, only security will remain. Then these de-energized, inactive factories will begin to fall underground. All giant buildings will fall underground. The people remaining on earth will languish from hunger and thirst. The water will become thick, smelly and red, similar to the blood of a dead person, and plants will stop growing. There will be no wind or rain. All sorts of nasty things will creep up from under the ground. Very large creatures, such as worms, will crawl out of spoiled reservoirs...”

Prophet Krishna

The Indian prophet Krishna, born in 1903 in the city of Kashmir, in his prophecies “Outlines of Future Events” (1979) warns of the inevitability of the next world war, which will arise as a result of the “mad pursuit for world domination.” Krishna warns that our civilization has come to the point where the Earth will become “one big spinning urn” containing the ashes of humanity. He describes the consequences of these events as follows:

Like with your own eyes with a clear mind
I watch scene after scene
Nightmarish, pure evil on earth,
Once blooming, beautiful, blissful,
Now turned into a vile hell,
Crimson wick in the Universe...
Cities completely disappear
Or lie in ruins,
In their place the desert will shine,
Millions die of hunger, thirst, passions
Or rush about, announcing your fear,
To millions of crippled, sick, ugly
Plod and crawl, cursing every step,
Their faces are pale with agony, their eyes glow with exhaustion.
Men and women and little children,
In dirt and weakness, forgetting about sleep,
Unable to drive away the swarming flies,
Not a move, not a word to answer,
And it’s in vain to wait for them to help,
Until hope dies.
As the dust and flames of the earth settle,
A united world will rise from the ashes,
To the happiness, health and wisdom of people
The golden middle so that it grows stronger.

For a long time, humanity has passed from mouth to mouth the words of legendary seers about the coming of the last times, the End of the World, the Day of Judgment, when people will forget the meaning of their existence and will face a final choice. Looking at what is happening around us, we can assume with some confidence that these times are coming. Today, even official science admits that human civilization has reached a dead end and is on the brink of destruction. In our research, we will try, as far as possible, to remain religiously impartial, although the red line through the entire project will still run through the assumption that the Messiah is already in the world, among us. We are looking for either confirmation or denial of this unprecedented fact.

Since the project is Russian-speaking, and we, for the most part, belong to people raised in Orthodox traditions, we will first express a well-known Christian thesis regarding the Second Coming of Christ. The Orthodox Church declares that Jesus himself will return to earth, but it contradicts itself, because the son of God said:

... the Spirit of Truth will come, who will guide you into all truth: for he will not speak of himself, but will speak what he hears, and will tell you the future. He will glorify Me, because He will take from Me and tell it to you.John 16:13

We directly associate the predictions below with the coming of the One who is in this moment on earth as Judge (2015), - with Rigden Djappo, whose name in the world Igor Mikhailovich Danilov. The prophecies that have survived to this day are fully consistent with what is happening today. Of course, this connection at the stages of study is an assumption in which we increasingly confidently consider reality. Obviously, all the prophets are talking about the same spiritual world leader who will come to Earth in an era of great upheaval. They are still not enough for the mosaic to be completely formed. Wait and see.

Finally, to believe or not to believe? The right to choose remains with the individual.

1. (John, Matthew, Mark, Luke)
2. (from Islamic hadiths)
3. (Kalki, Maitreya)
4. (Maitreya)
5. (Saoshyant, Astava-ereta)
6. (about the Fire Bible)
7. (about 48 and 50 degrees and the coming of the Holy Spirit)
10. (1890)
12. ("Astrologer's Handbook", p. 227)
16. (about White Brother)
17. (about the rebellion of Gabriel)
18. (predictions of the Turkic peoples)
19. "", poem by E. Gusev
20. (Serbia)
22. Giorgio Bongiovanni
23. Mitar Tarabić
24. Monk Ranyo Nero (14th century AD)
25. Onisaburo Deguchi and Nao Deguchi (Japan 19th-20th century)
26. Yuri Ovidin
27. Bible, book of the prophet Joel
28. The udumbara flower ("heavenly flower") bloomed in the world
29. Prophecy of Saint Malachy
30. Fatima apparition of the Virgin Mary
31. Scandinavian evidence
32. Vanga’s old prediction, voiced for the first time 20 years later
33. Predictions from the book of Zoroaster
34. Predictions of Matrona of Moscow
35. Prophecies about the Comforter ( New Testament)
36. Asclepius (Egyptian prophecies)
37. Mahabharata ("Forest Book"), prophecy about Kalki Avatar and the end of the Yuga
38. Protestant Visions (David Wilkerson)

to be continued...


Gospel of John:

3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Unless a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Nicodemus said to Him: How can a man be born when he is old? Can he really enter his mother’s womb another time and be born?
Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not be surprised at what I told you: you must be born again.
The Spirit breathes where it wants, and you hear His voice, but you do not know where it comes from and where it goes: this is what happens to everyone born of the Spirit.
14:15 If you love Me, keep My commandments. AND I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Comforter, may he abide with you forever, the Spirit of Truth.
14:26 The Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you everything and remind you of everything that I have told you.
15:26 When the Comforter comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, He will testify about Me.
16:7 But I tell you the truth, it is better for you that I go; for if I do not go, the Comforter will not come to you; and if I go, I will send Him to you, and He will come and convict the world about sin and about righteousness and about judgment: about sin, because they do not believe in Me; about righteousness, that I go to My Father, and you will no longer see Me; about the judgment, that the prince of this world is condemned...
When He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth: for He will not speak from Himself, but He will speak what He hears, and He will tell you the future. He will glorify Me, because He will take from Me and tell it to you.”

Gospel of Mark:

13:4 ...tell us when these things will be, and what is the sign when all these things are to be accomplished? Answering them, Jesus began to say: Beware that no one deceives you, for many will come in My name and say that it is I; and they will deceive many.
13:24 But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds with much power and glory.

Gospel of Matthew:

24:36 Of that same day and hour no one knows, not even the heavenly angels, but only My Father alone.
24:42 Watch therefore, for you do not know at what hour your Lord will come. But you know that if the owner of the house had known at what watch the thief would come, he would have been awake and would not have allowed his house to be undermined. Therefore, you too be prepared, for at what hour you do not think The Son of Man will come .
24:48 But if that servant, being angry, says in his heart, “My master will not come soon,” and begins to beat his fellows and eat and drink with drunkards, then the master of that servant will come on a day on which he does not expect, and at an hour in which he does not think, and will cut him open and subject him to the same fate as the hypocrites; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth for him coming in the clouds with much power and glory.

Gospel of Luke:

17:20 Having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, he answered them: The kingdom of God will not come in a noticeable way, and they will not say: behold, it is here, or, behold, there. For behold, The Kingdom of God is within you .
He also said to the disciples: the days will come when you will wish to see at least one of the days of the Son of Man, and you will not see; and they will say to you: behold, here, or: behold, there; do not go and do not pursue, for as lightning flashes from one end of the sky and shines to the other end of the sky, so will the Son of Man be in his day.
But first He must suffer much and be rejected by this generation. And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be in the days of the Son of Man: they ate, they drank, they married, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all..

ISLAM. THE COMING OF IMAM MAHDI(read in more detail our sensational research “Signs of the coming of Al-Mahdi”)

The sign of the return of the Mahdi (He who leads) lies in the global invasion of the earth of Evil, the victory of the forces of Evil over the forces of Good, which at the same time requires the manifestation of the last and final Savior. If this does not happen, the result will be humanity completely consumed by darkness.

Here are the signs of the times that describes Ali B. Abi Tali:
"People will neglect prayers and the divinity bestowed upon them, legalize untruths, practice usury, accept bribes, build huge buildings, sell religion to conquer this low world, hire idiots, associate with women, destroying family ties, obey passion, and consider insignificant oaths. Generosity will be considered weakness and iniquity will be glorified. Princes will be corrupted and ministers will be oppressors, intellectuals will be traitors and the reciters of the Koran will be vicious and evil. False testimony will be openly presented and immorality will be loudly proclaimed. The promised peace will be slanderous, sinful and exaggerated. Crime will be glorified, battles will be narrowed, hearts will be at odds, contracts will be broken. Women, greedy for the riches of this low world, will be involved in the business of their husbands, the wicked voice of man will be loud and listened to. The most vile people will become leaders, libertines will be believed because of the fear of Evil, of which they will be the cause, liars will be considered truthful, and traitors worthy of trust. They will resort to singers and musical instruments, ... and women will ride horses, they will look like men, and men will become like women. People will prefer the deeds of this low world to the deeds of the Highest and will hide the hearts of wolves under the skins of lambs."

This is how modern Islam is described in the hadith that conveys to us Ibn Babuyya (Thawab ul-Aghma) :

The Apostle of God (Muhammad) said: “The time will come for my people when there will be nothing left of the Koran except its appearance, and nothing of Islam except its name, and they will call themselves by similar names, even being far from all this. Mosques will be full of people, but the Truth will not be there. In those days, the religious leaders (Fuqaha) will be mostly evil; they will spread rebellion and discord, which will return to them. But the Mahdi will come, he will restore the lost sense of holiness . First of all, he will revive Islam in its original purity and integration. He will do the same as the Prophet, destroying, as He destroyed, the rituals of the period of ignorance. He will again establish Islam. Our Kua "im (Mahdi) will repair the Mosques and reconstruct his Mecca. Kua"im will bring a new Order, a new Book, a new Legislation and a new Tradition. Other religions, also abandoned and distorted, will be restored to their original Truth and Purity by the power of the Mahdi. This is the universal initiation by the Imam of all people into the secrets of the origin and beginning of their own religions, and this knowledge is without a doubt well described by the term "Mahdi" ("leader"), so named because He is the one who will lead us into the secrets of the teaching. Thus, the awaited Imam Mahdi will prepare the earth for the Final Judgment and Resurrection. The Battle of the Mahdi will celebrate the final victory of the "believing followers" against their "enemies", and the universal and final establishment of the "religion" of the Imams. All the followers of the Mahdi, or some of them (according to various traditions) will be sent to various places on earth, where they will rule over all , even birds and wild animals will be subordinate to them. All believers who join the troops of the Mahdi will be granted special miraculous powers, the most special of which is the union of the senses with the Imam.

Mahdi- the name of the last of the 12 Imams. The first Imam was Ali, the son-in-law of Muhammad. According to traditional sources of Islam, Mahdi will come during the Last Judgment (Qiyama) to save the world. The humble presence of the Mahdi in the concept of Islam completely prevails in the matter of the Imams during the period of their disappearance until the return of the expected Savior during the Qiyamah. The sign of the return of the Mahdi ("Leader") will be the global domination of evil on earth, the victory of the forces of Evil over the forces of Good, this will require the Coming of the last and final Savior. If this does not happen, the result will be humanity completely consumed by darkness. [During the coming of the Mahdi] people will neglect prayers and the divinity bestowed upon them, legalize untruths, practice usury, accept bribes, build huge buildings, sell religion to conquer this low world, hire idiots, associate with women, destroying family ties, obey passion , and consider the oaths insignificant. Generosity will be considered weakness, and lawlessness will be glorified. Princes will be corrupted, ministers will become oppressors, intellectuals will be traitors, and the reciters of the Koran will be vicious and evil. False evidence will be presented openly, and immorality will be loudly proclaimed. Holy books will be incomprehensible, mosques in hypocrisy, minarets elongated. Crime will be glorified, battles will be narrowed, hearts will be at odds, treaties will be broken.

The Mahdi will come to restore the lost sense of holiness. First of all, he will revive Islam in its original purity. Al Mu"mani, selected pr., pp. 333-59, "Qua"im (Mahdi)"

Thus, the expected Imam Mahdi will prepare the earth for the Last Judgment and Resurrection, Qiyamah. The battle of the Mahdi will be marked by the final victory of the “believing followers” ​​(mu’minun) and the Ecumenical, final establishment of “pure religion.” He will do the same as the Prophet, destroying, as He destroyed, the rituals of the period of ignorance . He will establish Islam again. The Mahdi will repair the Mosques and reconstruct his Mecca. The Mahdi will bring a new Order, a new Book, a new Legislation and a new Tradition. Other religions, also abandoned and distorted, will be restored to their Truth and Purity by the power of the Mahdi." Ibn Babin, 129, 1/161; Ibn-Ayyash Mugtad-ab.

He will bring out the Torah and other Divine books from the caves, and will judge among the believers of the Torah according to the Torah, among the believers of the Gospel according to the Gospel, among the believers of the Koran according to the Koran. This universal initiation by the Imam of all people into the secrets of the emergence and beginning of their own religions, and this knowledge, without a doubt, is well described by the term "Mahdi" ("leading"), so named because He is the one who will lead us to the Truth." Al-Mu"mani, hut.pr., p.342, "Qua"im (Mahdi)"

According to some traditional sources, during the coming of the Mahdi, the believers will be scattered throughout various parts peace... All believers who join the troops of the Mahdi will be granted special miraculous powers, the most special of which is the union of feelings with the Imam, the Mahdi. At the time of the coming, God, may He be praised and glorified, will develop the hearing and sight of His believers in such a manner that without the presence of a messenger between the Mahdi and them, He will speak, and they will hear and be able to see Him without Him leaving the place where He is. " Al-Kulaini, al-Rawda, 2/49

For decisions that will be difficult for them to make, they will receive instructions and direction from the Imam, who will write on the palms of their hands. They will only have to watch and then follow the instructions. Al-Nu'mani, hut ave., 214

At the very beginning he will be like a poor, inglorious stranger. And Islam will be in a hopeless and helpless state, like an emaciated camel with a drooping head and a limply swinging tail. But then he will establish the Kingdom of God throughout the world. He will teach everyone proof of God's mercy - His Desire to give man Knowledge of the right life. Hadith from Abu Dawud, Najul Balagha, Khutba 141, 187 (Shia Islam)

A completely different picture appears in Shiite teaching. Here the Mahdi is not only a descendant of the Prophet and the son of his era, but the hidden long-awaited 12th Imam. He will remain hidden until the hour appointed by God and at the appointed hour he will come to earth to lead Muslims and establish a kingdom of justice and prosperity. In fact, the Mahdi is the Messiah among the Shiites. The Mahdi is not mentioned in the Qur'an. Knowledge about him is gleaned from the Sunnah...


The most famous prophecy Hinduism is, perhaps, the following: When the nobility of Dharma (dharma - morality, decency, honesty) disappears in the world, at that time Vishnu incarnates and preaches the universal and omnipotent value of a righteous life, restoring dharma.
Comforter in the Vedas it is called Kalki ( Kalki, Maitreya). When the injunctions of the Vedas and the established laws have almost lost their force and the end of the age of Kali is near, a part of that divine essence which resides in its spiritual nature in the personality of Brahma, and which is the beginning and the end, and which embraces all things, will descend to earth. She will appear in the person of Kalki, born into the family of a noble Brahmin and endowed with eight superhuman abilities. With the help of his extreme strength, he will destroy everything barbaric and thieves and defeat all those who create lawlessness. He will restore justice on earth, and the souls of those living at the end of the era of Kali will awaken and become pure as crystal. Man who undergoes such a change under the powerful influence of this time will become like a seed for future generations and will begin the birth of a race that will follow the laws of the era of Crete, the era of Purity.


Buddhism - prophecies about Matreya. Maitreya- the future great prophet, the Buddha of the coming world order. Maitreya is the only bodhisattva who is recognized by all directions of Buddhism; his coming was predicted in Buddhaghosa’s “Visuddhimagga”, Shakyamuni’s “Tripitaka”, in the early works of the Mahayana, in the “Maitreya-vyakarana”. In China He is called Mile, in Japan - Miroku, in Lamaistic mythology - Maidar, Maidari and Jampa.
In those days, brothers, the Most High, called Maitreya, will appear on earth. He will be filled with wisdom and generosity, joy, knowledge about everything in the world and will become an unsurpassed adviser, teacher for gods and people, the All-Glorious God, a Buddha, just like I am now. He will know and thoroughly study, being face to face with her, the entire universe with its worlds, its gods and evil spirits, and this world of hermits and Brahmins, rulers and peoples, just as I now see and know all this. The law, beautiful in its design, beautiful in its development, beautiful in its implementation, he will proclaim both in the soul and in the message; he will recognize the higher life in all its fullness and purity, just as I do now. He will be accompanied by thousands of people praying, just as I am now accompanied by hundreds of people praying. (Digha Nikaya. Chakkavatti-Sidhanada suttanta) .


And the all-glorious Savior will appear ( Saoshyant) and World Renewer ( Astava-ereta). He is called the Savior because he acts for the benefit of all things, and the Renewer of the World because he ensures the indestructibility of all things. He will counteract the evil of the descendants of the bipeds and resist the enmity caused by the believers...

First, an unprecedented war of nations will begin. Then brother will rise up against brother. Oceans of blood will flow. And people will cease to understand each other. They will forget the meaning of the word "Teacher". But only then will the Teacher appear and the True Teaching will be heard in all corners of the world. People will be drawn closer to this word of truth, but those who are full of darkness and ignorance will create obstacles." (Avesta, Farvardin-yasht 13.129).

VANGA (famous clairvoyant).

“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia.” “Too many sacrifices have been made,” said Vanga. “No one can stop Russia. He will sweep everything out of his way and not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the whole world.”

“All religions will fall. Only one thing will remain: the Teaching of the Great Brotherhood. Like a white flower, it will cover the Earth, and thanks to this, people will be saved. But this will not happen immediately. But this, again, according to Vanga, will be preceded by the rapprochement of the three countries. At one point, she said, China, India and Moscow will come together..."

However, for the coming period of time, the same one in which we now live, Baba Vanga’s forecast is very disappointing. According to her, “cities and villages will collapse from earthquakes and floods, natural disasters will shake the earth, bad people They will gain the upper hand, and the thieves, informers and harlots will not be counted. Vanga’s last prophecy regarding Russia: she drew a large circle with her hands. And she said:

Russia will again become a great empire, primarily an empire of the Spirit.

The anointed one in white robes will come to Earth again. The hour is near when those chosen by their hearts will feel that Christ has returned. First He will appear to Russia, and then to the whole world.

Exists ancient teaching- the teachings of the White Brotherhood. It will spread all over the world. New books will be published about him, and they will be read everywhere on Earth. It will be Fire Bible. The day will come when all religions will disappear! Only the teachings of the White Brotherhood will remain. It will cover the earth like white, and thanks to it people will be saved. A new teaching will come from Russia. She will be the first to cleanse herself. The White Brotherhood will spread throughout Russia and begin its march around the world. This will happen in 20 years, it won’t happen before. In 20 years you will reap your first harvest. 1978

A! - Thomas is unfaithful. Oh, what a great spirit this is! - I am He. We are He. We are He who is coming into the world again, as He promised. All the apostles are now on the move, they have all descended to Earth, for the time of the Holy Spirit has already come. But the highest mission fell to the Apostle Andrew. He is the preparer of the ways of Christ in the commanded land.

NOSTRADAMUS (fortune teller).

“...The birth in 1999 of a certain new force, a certain “ new teaching", designed to stop wars. However, one should not expect that this event will be very bright and noticeable; most likely, this fact can only be assessed after several years. A new teaching must come out of the country of the October upheavals (Russia). And this is where people will come from, " those who know how to win not by force of arms, but by soft words».

New group of Philosophers,
Those who despise death, gold, honors, riches,
They will not be limited to their native mountains.
In them, followers will receive support and cohesion. (Centuria 3, quatrain 67)

The word philosopher translated means “one who loves Reason,” and Reason, in turn, respects simplicity and clarity. Nostradamus spoke about a “new religious branch” precisely when he was talking about Russian events.

At 50 degrees north latitude is the city of Kyiv, Ukraine. Today I.M. lives in it. Danilov, aka Rigden Dzhappo. It was there that three sensational programs were filmed, which were popularly dubbed “an interview with the Bodhisattva” (“Frank dialogue about the most important thing”, “The meaning of life is immortality” and “Unity”).

The great empire of the Antichrist will arise in Attila, and the Zerses will descend in great and innumerable numbers, so that the coming of the Holy Spirit which will begin from 48 degrees, will cause a great migration of people fleeing the horrors of the Antichrist, who is fighting against the man of Royal blood." It is further said that this empire will last 73 years and 7 months, “and then She who has been barren for so long will sprout, starting at 50 degrees, and who will renew the entire Christian Church. But they will reject the defeated Saint with Her original Scripture.

… This Buddhist saint is believed to be the founder of one of the key movements of Tibetan Buddhism. Our time is perfectly described. This prophecy has many similarities with Islamic descriptions Imam Mahdi .
...the teachings of the victorious Buddha Shakyamuni will decline. Monasteries will be filled with married men, churches will turn into military shelters, and the main monastery halls will become slaughterhouses. The hermits will be driven from the mountains to the valleys. Great contemplatives will sow grain, meditators will become rich. Monks will have wives, and noble confessors will become robbers and robbers. Discord will rise like the wind. Discord and unrest will begin in the central regions. The sages will become military leaders, the holy confessors will go to war, and the noble nuns will begin to kill children...
People will wear various mismatched clothes. Noble confessors will dress up, nuns will show off in the mirror. To protect themselves, people will rely on weapons and mix poison into their food. Sages and teachers will teach evil. Rulers will not be able to be masters of their own minds. People will lose modesty and shame, women will lose power over the body... Every year the news [will spread] and people will begin to put on new jewelry and clothes. Commoners will begin to teach the doctrine. Women's speeches will be filled with arrogance. Liars will give blessings. Deceivers will take the place of great contemplatives. Chatterboxes and talkers will be called sages. Husbands will break their vows and be proud of it. Slaves will rule the state, and kings will turn into slaves. Cruel executioners will become leaders. Terrible sinners will be considered people's defenders. ... Ordinary people will begin to dress in noble clothes made of silk, and high confessors will wear Mongolian dresses. Fiends who kill people will wear light red clergy capes. People will begin to zealously learn the wrong spells. Trading and deception will be considered the same thing. They will begin to compose and publish various false books. The Buddha's orders will be questioned. Good customs will be forgotten, bad deeds and bad behavior will become habitual.
Thus living beings will take the wrong path. By adhering to bad deeds and behavior, they will forget all the former guardians of the faith and stop defending and serving the faith. Bad years will follow one after another with hunger and lack of food. Demons and evil spirits They will fall into terrible anger. As a result, diseases of people and livestock will multiply so much that it will be impossible to even list all their names; they will spread like wildfire. Suddenly, [the earth] will begin to shake, floods will occur, fires will break out, and hurricanes will arise. Temples, stupas and cities will collapse in an instant...

This will be the time when in India people will die of hunger, in Nepal - from contagious and other diseases, (in other countries there will be) earthquakes, contagious diseases, epidemics, famine, sinkholes, landslides, in Tibet three peaks will appear on its five peaks. impregnable fortresses. This will be the time when saints will hide in the gorges of Mon, in the dwellings of bears, two Suns will rise in the country of Kham, and a king will unexpectedly die in China. ... (There will be conflicts and wars everywhere). ... This will be a time when believers will be powerless and powerless, unbelievers who have lost their conscience will dominate, sages and learned monks will become elders, and commoners will be leaders, preaching and giving blessings. This will be the time when, defending virtue, they will hope for reward... And this will mean that the time has come to correct what has been destroyed. Then someone must appear, possessing happiness and a good destiny, and leaving thoughts of age, with great desire and conviction to correct what has been destroyed.

In the future, after fifty generations, when one hundred and one signs of bad times appear, ( great person) ... [by virtue of] good wishes [will receive] a miraculous birth and will appear from the purest Sun in the upper side. His parents will be teachers from the Tarnichi family, [he will be born] in the year of the pig (for example, 1923). He will be the owner of a great mind, great courage and wide knowledge... Due to the good wishes [uttered] in former times and the good deeds performed [in the past], from his childhood he will be imbued with great faith and veneration of the Three Jewels, temples and abodes body, speech and thought, a feeling of mercy for blind and poor living beings, reverence for the great courage and deep thoughts of the noble adherents of the “Great Vehicle”, will receive the power to perform formidable deeds, will become famous as a frantic, fierce and wrathful [defender of the faith]; he will firmly trust in the guardian spirits, heed the orders of the geniuses - the defenders and patrons of religion, and serve them with vows; he will not deviate one iota from the Lord, he will have the power of faith and ferocity [towards enemies]...

When everyone dreams of getting rid of suffering, this man [appears], who has received a blessing from me, and, overwhelmed by the desire to save people, will not spare either body or life. With great zeal he will encourage all living beings different countries to virtue. Then all respectable people will need to turn their thoughts in one direction and help this person. But all living beings at this time will be captured by the demon of false ideas, so few will trust and respect him, there will be as many of them as stars during the day. And yet one hundred and thirty thousand doing white deeds, six thousand doing deep prayer, one hundred and eight people brought up on [respect for] vows, sixteen diligent alms-givers, [yes] seven women, [in total]: twenty-three, as well as the rebirths of eight bodhisattvas - eight teachers, twenty-five believing youths, five reincarnations of dakinis, seven who received blessings from dakinis, twenty-five women from noble families who received human rebirth, will clear away all obstacles and difficulties... He will begin to accomplish the great work of restoring the destruction. When this is fulfilled, they will come Good times. ... All obstacles to the teaching of instructions and accomplishments will disappear, and it will spread widely. The lives of all saints who adhere to the teaching will be long and their deeds great. ... The generations of all black destroyers, demons and evil spirits who brought devastation will be eradicated. In short, all living beings who contribute to restoration will acquire the purest flesh and form of a god or a human being in the three kinds of living beings, and will ultimately become Buddhas. All who trust, respect and honor this person, or rejoice with him - the restorer of what was destroyed - will fall into the category of the prudent in seven births. All living beings who see with their eyes, hear with their ears, imprint in their hearts this great man, the restorer of what was destroyed, will all uproot the filth of bad deeds accumulated in 60,000 great kalpas. All those who will be with this person who is restoring what was destroyed, in proportion to their small or great respect, reverence and faith for him, will acquire higher or miraculous abilities and, in the end, will find their place of residence near me, in the lands of the highly intelligent.

The full measure of the virtues of this and the Buddhas of the three times of the ten cardinal directions cannot be enumerated for as many as 100,000 kalpas. After all, the benefits of the divine essence of teaching go beyond words.

The Lord predicts punishment for the traitors at the hands of His last chosen one:

"I raised it from the north, and he will come; From the rising of the sun he will call on My name and trample down the rulers like mud, and trample [them] like a potter’s clay.” (Isa. 41; 25)

K.N. LEONTIEV (1890)

“...The earthly world will approach its destruction when the Gospel is preached everywhere. Neither the Gospel nor the Apostles says anywhere that Christianity will be accepted into the soul by everyone with equal zeal. It is only said that it will be known everywhere; but at the same time it is said that Christ “will hardly find faith on earth at His second coming”. How can we understand this? It seems to me that the Christian peoples, possessing the highest religion on earth, will finally prevail everywhere and completely over the pagans and Muslims. Perhaps they will then, like Gambetta, consider atheism a non-exportable commodity, but useful only for internal conversion, and, of course, will allow the preaching of the Gospel as a surrogate - rational eudaimonism - (if it survives for centuries or returns again to the kingdom after a temporary expulsion from best minds). In any case, after the predominance of Christians over all pagans and Muslims, after the baptism of many of the latter, after the decline of old non-Christian beliefs among others, after the spread of a common and homogeneous civilization, the whole world will become much more monotonous than it is now. There will be a final universal confusion; Christianity itself<начнет>to quickly decline, remaining a refuge for the few “chosen ones” in whom the last Church will be embodied... It turns out this way: If Russia, having strengthened Eastern Christianity even for a long time, which is characteristic of its national genius, then spreads it greatly inland Asia, then by this very fulfillment of its main (probably the main) calling, Russia will strengthen universal confusion, increase homogeneity - and thus bring closer the age of the last cosmopolitan all-realization, followed by general destruction. First, the absolute diminishment of faith, then destruction and the Last Judgment.”


Edgar Cayce (English Edgar Cayce; born March 18, 1877, Hopkinsville, Kentucky, USA, died January 3, 1945, Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA) - American mystic, “healer” and medium. Author of thousands of verbatim answers to a wide variety of questions, ranging from diagnoses and prescriptions for patients to information about the causes of the death of civilizations. Since most of them were made by him in special condition trance, reminiscent of sleep, he received the nickname “Sleeping Prophet”.

Much in the world will change beyond recognition... The hopes of the world and its revival will come from Russia. Exactly in Russia a true and great source of freedom will arise

At the same time, from 2001 AD, a shift in the Earth’s magnetic pole will begin, associated with The Second Coming of Christ.

Regarding the physical changes that should be an omen, a signal that this is coming soon - as given by the ancients, the sun will darken and the earth will split in different places - then must be proclaimed - through the spiritual channel in the hearts, minds and souls of those who have been searching His path is that His star has appeared and will indicate [pause] the path for those who enter the holy of holies within themselves. Since God the Father, God the Teacher, God the Manager, in the minds and hearts of people, must always be in those who recognized Him; for He is as much God to man as He is manifest in his heart and in the actions of his body, man. AND for those who seek, He will appear.

Francis Saokayana and Luisa Akki ("Astrologer's Handbook", p. 227):

Pluto will enter the constellation Sagittarius around the year 2000, indicating a period of Spiritual rebirth at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. In this era, a fundamental understanding of deep spiritual value will be established between people. Religions as we know them are being completely transformed. There will be one world religion based on a direct intuitive connection between man and the Creator. New spiritual leaders will come to teach the fundamental laws that govern all life in the universe. The new world religion will combine all the highest concepts of the great religions of the past with a more comprehensive, scientific understanding of the basic forces of life.

Sage Kaka Bhujandar wrote two thousand in Tamil that:

After 1922 the great Maha Yogi will be born. This Maha Yogi will be the incarnation of the Holy Spirit and will personify all the powers of God...

Jane Dixon

The hope of the world, its revival, will come from Russia and will have no connection with what communism is. It is in Russia that the most authentic and great source of freedom will arise... It will be a completely different way of existence, based on a principle that will become the basis of a new philosophy of life.

Max Handel (USA).

Slavic civilization will be the foundation for the development of the sixth race of humanity...


Most of the prophecies were described in his book by Thomas Miles (writer, artist, ethnologist, author of ten books about American Indians). He writes that the Hopi have a secret book kept by the Elders of the tribe. The book contains more than 100 predictions, about 80 of which have already come true. Moreover, these prophecies, as well as the warning about the end of the world, were given to them 1,100 years ago by a certain mysterious deity, a Prophet and Spiritual teacher named Masso (in other sources - Maaso). Little is known about this prophet. The Hopi consider him the guardian of the Earth and the Servant of the Supreme God (Bodhisattva, like Jesus for Christians). There is also information that humanity has entered an era of great changes and by 2035, global climate changes, numerous disasters will occur on the planet, and many people will die. This will be a war of Good and Evil, the result of the consumer development of humanity, a period of purification. In these times, only those who remained “faithful to the will and covenants of the great Creator” will survive. On the eve of the beginning of the end there will appear in the sky bright Star. Moreover, the description of these events is in many ways similar to the biblical Apocalypse. Now they are waiting for a certain missing White Brother, Pagan, the one whom all the brothers on Earth are waiting for.

World War III will be a spiritual conflict against material values. Material values ​​will be destroyed by spiritual beings who will remain on earth to create a single world and a single people - the world of the Creator.

From the sunrise the Hopi will come to the land Pacana, the long-awaited True White Brother. His face has changed after many centuries of separation, but his hair remains black (a sign of “his”). By this sign the Hopi recognize him. He alone of all strangers will be able to read the tiponi (Hopi history tablets). When he returns, he will attach to the Fire Family tablet the broken corner he brings with him, and by this the Hopi will know that he is a True White Brother.

He will be in a red cloak and a red hat (an interesting association with the Red Horseman Rigden Djappo - author's note) . The pattern on his clothes will be like the pattern on the back of a horned toad (a type of lizard that lives in the desert of the southwestern United States). He has no religion other than his own(!), and he will bring tiponi with him. He will be omnipotent and no one will be able to resist him. One day he will take power over all of Turtle Island (Indian name North America). If it comes from the east, the catastrophe will be small. But if he comes from the west, do not go out onto the rooftops to watch him, for he will be merciless (Hopi houses do not have windows. Residents go out onto the rooftops to observe what is happening).

The True White Brother will be accompanied by two powerful and wise assistants (in the printed texts of the prophecy there are two assistants. But the narrator speaks of them in the plural, hinting that they are not individuals, but entire nations). One will bring with him the swastika sign - a symbol of male purity. The second assistant will bring the sign of the Celtic Cross painted in red female blood from which life comes.

When the end of the Fourth World is near, these two mighty helpers will shake the earth. First a little, for preparation, then two more times (strongly). After this, True White Brother will join them. Together with the Younger Brother (Hopi), and other peace-loving peoples, they will lay the foundation for the Fifth World. ()


According to online sources, clairvoyant Ursula Sutil was born in 1488 in Yorkshire, England. She had an ugly appearance, which earned her an unfriendly and wary attitude from those around her. I grew up as a reserved and closed girl. Since childhood, quite strange events have taken place around Ursula, which speak of her extraordinary abilities. Ursula, at the age of 24, unexpectedly for everyone around her, married a handsome and wealthy carpenter, Tobias Shipton. That is why, after her marriage, according to the then tradition, they began to call her Mother Shipton. According to some of Mother Shipton's manuscripts, the most difficult trials should befall humanity in the distant future. Far for her, but is it so far from you and me? That is why we were amazed and interested in the prediction of the Yorkshire Witch about the Rebellion of Gabriel and cataclysms.

In the darkness Gabriel will rise in heaven and earth.
The death of the old world He will blow his horn,
And the time will come for a new world to be born...

At the edge of the world, where the chestnut tree blooms,
The people will recover from their previous wounds...

The lands of the wonderful prophets, that people
Will give reason to the new human race.
And mixes with him to show
How to live, love and help.
Their children will see things clearly.
That wonderful Gift will change people's lives.
With their intelligence, beauty and kindness
The Golden Age will come to our Earth...


The heroic epic "Geser" is a unique monument of the spiritual culture of the Buryat people. Not only the Buryats, but also many other peoples of Central Asia consider this epic theirs. The epic is widespread among the Tibetans, Mongols, Tuvinians, Altaians, Kalmyks, and North Tibetan Uyghurs. Geser has become a symbol of the Central Asian community of different cultures and traditions. The epic tale of Geser remains in living folk memory to this day. If the Iliad and Odyssey, written down thousands of years ago, have ceased to be performed by storytellers and passed on from mouth to mouth, then “Geser” has come down to us in the literary and folklore tradition.

In the epic we found the following lines:

God's Son Geser decided to voluntarily help humanity and everyone suffering from evil...
God's Son Geser was a resident of heaven and descended from heaven...
God's Son Geser decided to be born on earth as a man...
Geser gathers a large squad to fight evil...


Evgeny Gusev: “Once, taking the pseudonym Diana Merkuryeva, around 2000, I wrote these poems, considering them very similar to what Nostradamus wrote. Subsequently, when I myself translated Dr. Michel’s Almanacs, I saw that there was little in common. And then I was forced to come to the conclusion that this is an independent work that will come true. The written text, suddenly, for some unknown reason, became very popular on the Internet. And this despite the fact that the poems are vague, the predictions are vague, and the characters are difficult to recognize.. "

Here are a few excerpts:

From the Holy Spirit lesson comes
And people will serve the Word of Heaven,
The prophecy will come out at the appointed time...

And if he is not spiritually reborn,
That Word from God came in vain,
And then it will be hard on earth...

The messenger from God to the planet revealed himself...

And the Church will rebel and be indignant...

The Bringer of Hope will arrive secretly,
The lady will expound the Omnipresent Law,
Outside the temple of wickedness is that Messenger from God,
Although it all looks a little like a fairy tale...

There is no peace of mind for warriors,
And suddenly, the Light appeared behind the Ladies,
Having seen the Coming in glorious destiny,
All people will begin to work within themselves...


In the twentieth century, the Lord gave the long-suffering Serbian Church and the Serbian people the elder abbot Thaddeus Vitovnitsky (Strbulovich, 1914-2003) as heavenly help and consolation - they say he was one of the most spiritual ascetics of the last century. We wrote about him in the article “Elder Thaddeus. Studying the deepest feeling,” where we cited a video interview and his wise instructive statements. And most importantly, amazing warmth, gentle, indescribable joy resonates deeply in the soul just by looking at him and hearing his quiet words.

In his prophetic statements, the elder Thaddeus (Thaddeus) also pointed out the Second Coming of God and, in connection with this, the approaching end of existence on the planet, when God can destroy everything in order to start all over again. Isn’t this what I.M. was hinting to us? Danilov in an interview with "Unity"? "To be or not to be? The last warning to humanity."

Our planet is approaching the end of its existence, The Second Coming of God is approaching when the Lord creates everything new, and it is very sad that people do not want to come to their senses...

The heart must separate from its inner desires. It is necessary to purge all earthly plans and desires from him. We need to reject everything, unite with the Lord, ask Him for help, humble ourselves - and He will cleanse us. Inner prayer is the greatest work a person can do. In it the soul is purified in order to accept the Divine fire and continuously pray in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit must come into our hearts so that the destructive wisdom of this world can no longer fill it.

The only salvation, the only way out is in internal change, in a change of heart. Peace must be established in our souls, then there will be peace around us. Keeping peace in your heart is the most important thing.

God is at the center of life. He is in our hearts, regardless of whether we honor Him or not.

Our desires are destructive. Our feelings are insatiable. Everyone is looking for something, as if they are here on earth forever. But in vain, all in vain! There's always something wrong with us. Meanwhile, the story is coming to an end; and if there were no sincere prayers of believers, then the Apocalypse and the Last Judgment would have come long ago. Over time, there will be fewer and fewer true Christians, fewer fervent prayers, and fewer and fewer opportunities to postpone the end of the world. All modern civilization is aimed at diverting a person’s attention from himself, from his heart, from true values. We worry too much about ourselves, but only a person who has completely surrendered to the will of God can become joyful and peaceful. As we free ourselves from care, the Lord gives us the feeling that He is with us.


Grigory Efimovich Rasputin (New; born January 9 (21), 1869 - died December 17 (30), 1916) - peasant of the village of Pokrovskoye, Tobolsk province. He gained worldwide fame due to the fact that he was a friend of the family of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II. In the 1900s, among certain circles of St. Petersburg society, he had a reputation as a “royal friend,” “elder,” seer and healer. The negative image of Rasputin was used in revolutionary and later Soviet propaganda; there are still many rumors about Rasputin and his influence on the fate of the Russian Empire.

A spark will flash that will bring new Word and new Law. And the new law will teach man a new life, for in new house it will not be possible to enter with old habits. And when the sun will set, then it will be revealed that the new law is the ancient law, and man was created according to this law...

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