Home Prevention The oldest tomograph in the world. Types of tomographs: what power MRI machine is better to choose for diagnostics? Which tomograph is best for MRI?

The oldest tomograph in the world. Types of tomographs: what power MRI machine is better to choose for diagnostics? Which tomograph is best for MRI?

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is one of the most modern diagnostic methods that allows you to study almost any system of the body. The most important characteristic MRI machine - tension magnetic field, which is measured in Tesla (T). The quality of visualization directly depends on the field strength - the higher it is, the better quality images, and, accordingly, the diagnostic value of MR examination is higher.

Depending on the power of the device, there are:

    ■ low-field tomographs - 0.1 - 0.5 T (Fig. 1);
    ■ high-field tomographs - 1 - 1.5 T (Fig. 2);
    ■ ultra-high-field tomographs - 3 Tesla (Fig. 3).

Currently, all major manufacturers produce MR scanners with a field of 3 Tesla, which differ little in size and weight from standard systems with a field of 1.5 Tesla.

MR imaging safety studies have shown no adverse biological effects from magnetic fields up to 4 Tesla used in clinical practice. However, it should be remembered that the movement of electrically conductive blood creates an electrical potential, and in a magnetic field will create a small voltage through the vessel and cause an elongation of the T wave on the electrocardiogram, therefore, when studying in fields above 2 Tesla, ECG monitoring of patients is desirable. Physical studies have shown that fields above 8 Tesla cause genetic changes, charge separation in liquids, and changes in permeability cell membranes.

Unlike the main magnetic field, gradient fields (magnetic fields perpendicular to the main, main, magnetic field) are switched on at certain time intervals in accordance with the chosen technique. Rapidly switching gradients may induce electrical currents in the body and result in stimulation of peripheral nerves, causing involuntary movements or tingling in the extremities, but the effect is not dangerous. Studies have shown that the threshold for stimulation of vital organs (for example, the heart) is much higher than for peripheral nerves, and is about 200 T/s. When the threshold value [rate of change of gradients] dB/dt = 20 T/s is reached, a warning message appears on the operator console; however, since the individual threshold may differ from the theoretical value, monitoring of the patient's condition is constantly necessary in strong gradient fields.

Metals, even non-magnetic ones (titanium, aluminum), are good guides electricity and radio frequency [RF] energy will become hot. RF fields cause eddy currents in closed loops and conductors, and can also create significant stress in extended open conductors (eg, rod, wire). Length electromagnetic waves in the body is only 1/9 of the wavelength in air, and the phenomenon of resonance can occur in relatively short implants, causing their ends to heat up.

Metal objects and external devices are usually mistakenly considered safe if they are non-magnetic and labeled as "MR compatible". However, it is important to ensure that the objects being scanned within the working area of ​​the magnet are immune to induction. Patients with implants are only eligible for MR examination if the implants are both non-magnetic and small enough to generate heat during scanning. If the object is longer than half the RF wavelength, resonance may occur in the patient's body with high heat generation. Limit dimensions metal (including non-magnetic) implants are 79 cm for a field of 0.5 T and only 13 cm for 3 T.

Switching gradient fields creates strong acoustic noise during an MR examination, the value of which is proportional to the amplifier power and field strength and, according to regulatory documents, should not exceed 99 dB (for most clinical systems is about 30 dB).

based on materials from the article “Possibilities and limitations of high-field magnetic resonance imaging (1.5 and 3 Tesla)” by A.O. Kaznacheeva, National Research University information technologies, mechanics and optics, St. Petersburg, Russia (magazine “Radiation diagnostics and therapy” No. 4 (1) 2010)

read also the article “Safety of magnetic resonance imaging - current state question" V.E. Sinitsyn, Federal State Institution “Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of Roszdrav” Moscow (magazine “Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology” No. 3, 2010) [read]


Currently, MRI is a widely used method radiology diagnostics, which does not involve the use of ionizing radiation, as with X-ray examination(including CT), fluorography, etc. MRI is based on the use of radiofrequency pulses (RF pulses) in a high-intensity magnetic field. The human body is composed primarily of water, made up of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. At the center of each hydrogen atom is a small particle called a proton. Protons are very sensitive to magnetic fields. Magnetic resonance imaging scanners use a constant, strong magnetic field. After the object under study is placed in the magnetic field of the tomograph, all its protons are aligned in a certain position along the external magnetic field, like a compass needle. An MRI scanner sends a radiofrequency pulse to the part of the body being examined, causing some protons to move from their original state. After the radio frequency pulse is turned off, the protons return to their previous position, emitting the accumulated energy in the form of a radio frequency signal, reflecting its position in the body and carrying information about the microenvironment - the nature of the surrounding tissue. Just as a million pixels form an image on a monitor, radio signals from millions of protons, after complex mathematical computer processing, form a detailed image on a computer screen.

However, certain precautions must be strictly observed when performing MRI. Potential hazards for patients and staff in MRI rooms may include factors such as:

    ■ constant magnetic field generated by the tomograph magnet;
    ■ changing magnetic fields of the device (gradient fields);
    ■ RF radiation;
    ■ devices and substances included with the tomograph, such as cryogens (liquid helium) and electrical cables.

Due to the “youth” of the technique, the small (worldwide) volume of accumulated safety data, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration medicines, USA) together with the World Health Organization impose a number of restrictions on the use of MRI due to the possible negative influence of a strong magnetic field. The use of a magnetic field up to 1.5 Tesla is considered acceptable and absolutely safe, except in cases where there are contraindications for MRI (MRI scanners up to 0.5 Tesla are low-field, from 0.5 to 1.0 Tesla are mid-field, from 1.0 - 1.5 Tesla and more - high-field).

Speaking about long-term exposure to constant and alternating magnetic fields, as well as radio frequency radiation, it should be noted that there is no evidence of the existence of any long-term or irreversible effects of MRI on human health. Thus, female doctors and x-ray technicians are allowed to work during pregnancy. Monitoring of their health showed that no abnormalities were noted in their health or in their offspring.

When performing a magnetic resonance examination of women of childbearing age, it is necessary to obtain information about whether they are pregnant or not. No evidence harmful influence magnetic resonance examinations on the health of pregnant women or the fetus, but it is strongly recommended to perform MRI on pregnant women only for clear (absolute) clinical indications, when the benefit of such an examination clearly outweighs the risk (even very low).

If there are only relative indications for MRI, then doctors recommend abandoning this study in the first three months (up to 13 weeks of gestation, first trimester) of pregnancy, since this period is considered fundamental for the formation internal organs and fetal systems. During this period, both the pregnant woman and the child himself are very sensitive to the effects of teratogenic factors that can cause disruption of the process of embryogenesis. In addition, according to most doctors, during the first three months, photographs of the fetus are not clear enough due to its small size.

Moreover, during diagnostics, the tomograph itself creates a background noise and emits a certain percentage of heat, which can also potentially affect the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy. As stated above, MRI uses RF radiation. It can interact both with body tissues and with foreign bodies in it (for example, metal implants). The main result of this interaction is heating. The higher the frequency of RF radiation, the more heat will be generated, the more ions contained in the tissue, the more energy will be converted into heat.

The specific absorption rate (SAR), displayed on the device display screen, helps to evaluate the thermal effects of RF radiation. It increases with increasing field strength, RF pulse power, decreasing slice thickness, and also depends on the type of surface coil and the weight of the patient. Magnetic resonance imaging systems are protected to prevent the SAR from rising above a threshold that could result in tissue heating of more than 1°C.

During pregnancy, MRI can be used to diagnose pathology in either the woman or the fetus. In this case, MRI is prescribed based on ultrasound diagnostic data when certain pathologies in the development of the unborn child are identified. High sensitivity MRI diagnostics allows you to clarify the nature of the abnormalities and helps make an informed decision about maintaining or terminating the pregnancy. MRI becomes especially important when it is necessary to study the development of the fetal brain, diagnose malformations of cortical development associated with disruption of the organization and formation of brain convolutions, the presence of areas of heterotopia, etc. Thus, the reasons for performing MRI may be:

    ■ various pathologies of development of the unborn child;
    ■ deviations in the activity of internal organs, both of the woman herself and the unborn child;
    ■ the need to confirm the indications for artificial termination of pregnancy;
    ■ as evidence or, conversely, a refutation of a previously made diagnosis based on tests;
    ■ the inability to conduct an ultrasound due to the obesity of the pregnant woman or the inconvenient position of the fetus in the last stage of pregnancy.
Thus, in the first trimester of pregnancy (up to 13 weeks of gestation), MRI can be performed vital signs on the maternal side, since organo- and histogenesis has not yet been completed, and in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy (after 13 weeks) the study is safe for the fetus.

In Russia, there are no restrictions on MRI in the first trimester, however, the WHO Commission on Ionizing Radiation Sources does not recommend any exposure to the fetus that could in any way affect its development (despite the fact that studies have been conducted , during which children under 9 years of age were observed exposed to MRI in the first trimester intrauterine development, and no deviations in their development were found). It is important to remember that the lack of information about the negative impact of MRI on the fetus does not mean that this type of examination is completely harmful to the unborn child.

note: pregnant [ !!! ] it is prohibited to perform MRI with intravenous administration MR contrast agents (they penetrate the placental barrier). In addition, these drugs are excreted in small quantities and with breast milk, therefore, the instructions for gadolinium drugs indicate that when they are administered, breastfeeding should be stopped within 24 hours after administration of the drug, and milk secreted during this period should be expressed and poured out.

Literature: 1. article “Safety of magnetic resonance imaging - current state of the issue” by V.E. Sinitsyn, Federal State Institution “Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of Roszdrav” Moscow; Journal "Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology" Volume 4 No. 3 2010 pp. 61 - 66. 2. article "MRI diagnostics in obstetrics" Platitsin I.V. 3. materials from the site www.az-mri.com. 4. materials from the site mrt-piter.ru (MRI for pregnant women). 5. materials from the site www.omega-kiev.ua (Is MRI safe during pregnancy?).

From the article: “Obstetric aspects of acute cerebrovascular disorders during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period(literature review)” R.R. Arutamyan, E.M. Shifman, E.S. Lyashko, E.E. Tyulkina, O.V. Konysheva, N.O. Tarbaya, S.E. Flocka; Department reproductive medicine and surgery FPDO Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after. A.I. Evdokimova; Urban clinical Hospital No. 15 named after O.M. Filatova; Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology, Faculty of Advanced Training of the Medical Sciences, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow (magazine "Problems of Reproduction" No. 2, 2013):

“Ionizing radiation is not used during MRI, and no harmful effects on the developing fetus, although long-term effects have not yet been studied. Recent guidelines published by the American Society of Radiology state that pregnant women can undergo MRI if the benefit of the test is clear and the necessary information cannot be obtained through safe methods (for example, using ultrasound) and cannot wait until the patient is pregnant. MRI contrast agents readily penetrate the uteroplacental barrier. There have been no studies on the removal of contrast agents from amniotic fluid, just as their potential toxic effect on the fetus is not yet known. It is assumed that the use of contrast agents for MRI in pregnant women is justified only if the study is undoubtedly useful for making a correct diagnosis in the mother [read source].”

From the article"Diagnostics of acute disorders cerebral circulation in pregnant women, postpartum women and women in labor" Yu.D. Vasiliev, L.V. Sidelnikova, R.R. Arustamyan; City Clinical Hospital No. 15 named after. O.M. Filatova, Moscow; 2 State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after. A.I. Evdokimov" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow (magazine "Problems of Reproduction" No. 4, 2016):

“Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a modern diagnostic method that allows us to identify a number of pathologies that are very difficult to diagnose using other research methods.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, MRI is performed according to vital indications on the part of the mother, since organo- and histogenesis has not yet been completed. There is no evidence that MRI has a negative effect on the fetus or embryo. Therefore, MRI is used for research not only in pregnant women, but also for fetography, in particular, for studying the fetal brain. MRI is the method of choice in pregnancy if other non-ionizing medical imaging methods are insufficient, or if the same information as radiography or computed tomography(CT), but without the use of ionizing radiation.

In Russia there are no restrictions for MRI during pregnancy, however, the WHO Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Sources does not recommend any exposure to the fetus from the 1st to the 13th week of gestation, when any factor can in any way affect its development.

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, the study is safe for the fetus. Indications for MRI of the brain in pregnant women are: [ 1 ] stroke of various etiologies; [ 2 ] vascular diseases of the brain (anomalies in the development of blood vessels in the head and neck); [ 3 ] injuries, bruises of the brain; [ 4 ] tumors of the brain and spinal cord; [5 ] paroxysmal states, epilepsy; [ 6 ] infectious diseases of the central nervous system; [7 ] headache; [8 ] cognitive impairment; [ 9 ] pathological changes sellar region; [ 10 ] neurodegenerative diseases; [ 11 ] demyelinating diseases; [ 12 ] sinusitis.

To perform MR angiography in pregnant women, the administration of a contrast agent in most cases is not necessary, unlike CT angiography, where this is mandatory. Indications for MR angiography and MR venography in pregnant women are: [ 1 ] cerebrovascular pathology (arterial aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations, cavernomas, hemangiomas, etc.); [ 2 ] thrombosis of large arteries of the head and neck; [ 3 ] thrombosis of the venous sinuses; [ 4 ] identification of anomalies and variants of development of the vessels of the head and neck.

There are few contraindications to the use of MRI in the general population, and in pregnant women in particular. [ 1 ] Absolute contraindications: artificial driver rhythm (its function is disrupted in the electromagnetic field, which can lead to the death of the patient being examined); other electronic implants; periorbital ferromagnetic foreign bodies; intracranial ferromagnetic hemostatic clips; pacemaker conductive wires and ECG cables; severe claustrophobia. [ 2 ] Relative contraindications: I trimester of pregnancy; severe condition of the patient (an MRI may be performed when the patient is connected to life support systems).

If there are heart valves, stents, filters, the study is possible if the patient provides accompanying documents from the manufacturer, which indicate the possibility of performing an MRI with an indication of the magnetic field voltage, or an epicrisis of the department where the device was installed, which indicates the permission conducting this survey" [read source].

Today, diagnosing diseases with MRI devices is considered the most informative, although quite expensive, procedure. The operation of tomographs is based on the use of the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance. MRI machines of 3 Tesla and higher provide the creation of a super-powerful magnetic field, which allows you to obtain higher-quality images of the examined area. Does such a diagnosis harm the body?

The essence of the scanning technique

The examination does not require intervention in the body (non-invasive method), and for its implementation, equipment is used that generates a certain magnetic field strength. MRI research uses the phenomenon of magnetic waves that change the behavior of the nuclei of hydrogen atoms that make up the cells of the human body. The result of this action is photographs of the surveyed areas.

The essence of the technique is to register emitted radio signals, which in whole and healthy cells differ significantly from the emission of structures damaged by disease. After the result is processed by a computer, the doctor receives a series of images with well-visualized changes.

Modern MRI machines are capable of generating fields of varying powers, which are measured in teslas (T). The unit of measurement of magnetic intensity was named after the brilliant experimental scientist of the last century, who surprised the world with inventions in the field of electricity. Based on the intensity of the created magnetic field, the classification of tomographs is as follows:

  • for low-floor devices – 0.25-0.35 tesla;
  • for mid-field – 1.0 Tesla;
  • for high-field ones - 1.5-3.0 tesla.

The magnitude of the field strength depends on the properties of the magnet installed in the apparatus. However, it should be taken into account that superconducting magnets are more expensive than low-tension magnets. It makes no sense to use less expensive MRI devices with a power below 1 Tesla; their data will not be accurate and reliable.

What are the advantages of a 3 Tesla device compared to a low power tomograph:

  • the research will require less time;
  • the resulting images will be of higher quality due to high resolution;
  • small structures (vessels, joints, etc.) will be displayed with high accuracy.

It is important to know: regardless of the power of the equipment, a short time Having a person within the range of the magnet does not harm health. Therefore, diagnostics can be performed more than once. The appearance of unpleasant sensations is associated only with the use of contrast.

How tomographs of various powers are used

  • 1 Tl. The power of mid-field devices of this magnetic field strength is only sufficient for preliminary diagnostics. Tomographs help determine the presence of a tumor or metastases, but with low quality images without display fine structures and fabrics.
  • 1.5 Tesla Tomographs of this class can be used to assess the condition blood vessels, review of small problem areas, identifying the border of the metastasis zone. Only such tasks guarantee reliable results.
  • 2 Tl. The devices are not particularly popular because they are used to detect tumors and abnormal development organs, a power of 1.5 Tesla is sufficient. Despite good quality images and high accuracy, the details necessary for treatment are not visualized.
  • 3 Tesla. Thanks to the high-field tomographs of this group, it is possible to better identify structures that are indistinguishable when examined with low-field devices. In this case, scanning is much faster, which is important for injuries, especially of the skull.
  • Diagnostics are not performed on tomographs of 4 Tesla and more powerful; the devices are used for scientific research. MRI rooms are equipped mainly with 1.5 Tesla tomographs; for special types of scanning, 3 Tesla tomographs are used.

Important. As a result of scanning the body with MRI devices, layer-by-layer images of the selected area (slices) are obtained. The thinner the sections can be obtained, the more detailed the morphological picture of the tissues will be. The key to accurate diagnosis is a more powerful magnetic field, which shortens the procedure time.

Advantages of 3 Tesla tomographs

Despite the presence of a magnetic field in the area of ​​influence, the patient does not receive a dangerous radiation load and does not feel any particular discomfort, except for the need to lie still. To study pathologies, two types of tomographs are used – open and closed. True, the power of open complexes that provide tomography of a body area immersed in a camera is somewhat lower than the power of closed devices, which affects the quality of the resulting sections.

Study of the head area

To examine brain structures, 1.5 Tesla is often sufficient, so MRI of the brain is performed with high-field devices of minimal power. But if it is necessary to clarify the picture and obtain highly accurate results, the doctor may prescribe an MRI using a 3 Tesla machine. What information does a tomogram performed on this tomograph provide to the doctor:

  • visualization of small brain structures with higher contrast than on a 1.5 Tesla device;
  • a detailed overview of the membranes of the organ being studied, the condition of the blood vessels;
  • information about the smallest foci of neoplasms thanks to the thinnest (less than 1 m) tissue sections;
  • high-precision topography of head structures after traumatic brain injury;
  • detailed information about brain pathologies in areas adjacent to the spinal zone.

Among important advantages 3 Tesla complexes, increased quality of sections with high accuracy of the information obtained about the functioning of the brain. This can be achieved even without the use of contrast, and tomography is more informative than computer diagnostics, passes faster, does not expose the patient to x-ray radiation.

How long will the MRI procedure take? When examined on a 1.5 Tesla device, the magnetic diagnostic time will last 12-15 minutes. The duration of an MRI on a 3 Tesla tomograph will be reduced to 5 minutes.

Spine overview

For examination spinal column Magnetic resonance diagnostics with a 3 Tesla tomograph is prescribed for back injuries to detect structural anomalies and progressive pathologies. The use of high-field tomographs is important for examining small patients and people with severe injuries, when the speed of the procedure is important.

For what purposes will you need to undergo an MRI of the spine using a 3 Tesla machine:

  • detection birth defects, injury intervertebral discs;
  • diagnosing areas of narrowing of the spinal canal;
  • identifying tumors and their nature, metastases from other organs affected by cancer;
  • fixing areas with insufficient blood flow, damage to nerve structures.
  • identifying the consequences of osteochondrosis, the condition of intervertebral hernias.

Disadvantages of 3 Tesla devices

  • Some patients are intolerant of the confined space of high-field tomographs. If mild sedation is not sufficient, the study will have to be abandoned.
  • MRI equipment with field strengths above 1.5 Tesla has limited tunnel dimensions where the table with the patient is located. Therefore, particularly obese people will not be able to undergo diagnosis.
  • With high pain syndrome affecting the back and neck, the patient will not be able to remain still long time. This is especially true when using a contrast agent.

If the organ being examined allows, a person can undergo MRI diagnostics using an open (low-field) tomograph or contact alternative methods inspection. True, they do not guarantee high reliability and accuracy of the results.

Thanks to innovative technologies, today high-power devices have been created that provide higher resolution images. However, tomographs with a power of up to 7 Tesla are used quite rarely, only for detection malignant tumors, since the equipment is extremely expensive. To obtain detailed sections about the state of the examined area, high magnetic field tomographs with an intensity range of 1.5-3 tesla are sufficient.

Call us at 8-495-22-555-6-8, and we will select the most optimal research method just for you.

MAGNETOM Verio is the shortest 3 Tesla system available today, with an ultra-lightweight magnet. Your costs are initially reduced because the weight, size and high field stability minimize system installation requirements.

The MAGNETOM Verio system combines a 3 Tesla magnetic field, a 70 cm tunnel diameter and Tim (Total imaging matrix) technology to provide superior image quality, extensive diagnostic capabilities and exceptional patient comfort. In addition, this system design simplifies diagnosis in obese and claustrophobic patients, and in some cases is the only option for MR imaging. Tim technology simplifies work organization and improves patient care efficiency.

Tim technology allows you to combine up to 102 matrix coil elements combined into one array and use up to 32 independent RF channels.

3 Tesla field strength and open tunnel technology allow the examination of patients connected to life support devices, patients from departments intensive care and patients undergoing intraoperative procedures.

The MRI uses “zero helium evaporation” technology, due to which refueling is required only once every 10 years.

The shortest tunnel in its class (inner tunnel diameter 70 cm) provides maximum comfort, minimizes claustrophobia and easy access to the patient.

The industry's most powerful gradients provide the ability to perform any MR examination in thin slices (more diagnostic information) and at higher speeds (reducing the patient's breath-hold time by more than 50%). The range of diagnostic capabilities is expanding, and the time of MR scanning is being reduced.

High load capacity of the table for the possibility of conducting examinations of overweight patients (up to 250 kg).

  • Reels:
  • For body;
  • For the head;
  • For the neck;
  • For the spine;
  • Cardio/Internal Organs;
  • For mammary glands (with the possibility of taking a biopsy);
  • For the shoulder;
  • For the study of peripheral vessels.
  • For limbs.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) today is one of the most modern and informative diagnostic methods. In this case, obtaining information about the pathological process does not require any internal intervention.

The operating principle of MRI is based on the interaction of the human body and a magnetic field. Therefore, the study is non-invasive, absolutely safe and does not give any

Our clinic has installed unique equipment, the first in the history of magnetic resonance imaging ultra-high-field expert-class MR system Magnetom Verio from SIEMENS with a magnetic field strength of 3 Tesla, with a full set of high-tech MR coils: for all joints, breasts, and head without exception. and the whole body.

Unlike MR tomographs (magnetic field power 1.5T, and most tomographs have 1T or less), which are equipped in medical and diagnostic institutions in Moscow, and even more so in the regions, in the MR system installed in our clinic, SIEMENS managed to implement two seemingly incompatible ideas:

On the one hand, the largest aperture diameter (70 cm) and the shortest length of the 3T system (173 cm) reduce the discomfort associated with the examination, allow specialists to provide assistance to overweight patients (the highest table load capacity among MR systems is up to 200 kg) and With disabilities. More space in the system aperture results in fewer patients requiring sedation due to claustrophobia.

Advantages of the Magnetom Verio 3T MR system.

Shorter duration of the study.

Smaller slice thickness without loss of quality and resolution, which makes it possible to visualize anatomical structures in more detail.

High signal-to-noise ratio, which again guarantees high-quality images, even if the patient’s weight exceeds 100 kg.

Possibility of carrying out 3D programs with post-processing. If necessary, allows you to obtain additional diagnostic information thanks to visualization of the pathological process in absolutely any necessary plane with the possibility of its 3D reconstruction

Educational recording for a patient undergoing an MRI examination

The operating principle of MRI is based on the interaction of the human body and a magnetic field. Therefore, the study is non-invasive, absolutely safe and does not provide any radiation exposure.

A unique feature of the magnetic tomograph installed in the clinic is the 32-channel Tim™ (Total imaging matrix) technology, thanks to which a single virtual coil is formed. It consists of 102 integrated elements of different receiver coils to cover any anatomical zone (from 5 mm to 205 cm) with the highest signal-to-noise ratio (above 200%) and 32 independent radio frequency channels, which allows it to perform the most complex clinical tasks. Tim technology allows the flexible combination of up to four different coils, making repositioning of the patient and coils during the examination unnecessary. For example, examining the entire central nervous system takes less than 10 minutes!

Tim technology provides high speed examinations, flexibility in choosing the scanning area and diagnostic accuracy of MR imaging.

We conduct examinations of the following organs and tissues: the brain, spine and spinal cord, joints, heart and mediastinum, abdominal organs and retroperitoneal space, pelvic organs (gynecology, urology), orbits, paranasal sinuses nose

Angiography of vessels: brain, carotid and vertebral arteries, thoracic and abdominal aorta, renal arteries, arteries of the lower extremities.

Venography (phlebography) of the brain and inferior genital vein.

Magnetic resonance imaging MRI is not only a static imaging method, but also a method for studying function. For example, in our clinic it is possible to carry out dynamic recording of joint movement, for which kinematics is used. Contraction of the heart muscle is clearly visible on cine MRI.

The study of the blood supply to tissues is carried out using perfusion, and their condition using diffusion and MR spectroscopy. The listed methods have experienced a rebirth when used on equipment with a magnetic field power of 3T; with their help, it is possible to determine chemical changes in tissues, for example, in malignant tumors of the liver, breast and prostate gland. In our clinic, the range of diagnostic capabilities using diffusion and spectroscopy is constantly expanding.

We are often asked the question: what is magnetic resonance imaging, and how research on a 0.35 Tesla machine differs from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on a 3 Tesla machine.

Magnetic resonance imaging– a modern, high-tech, widespread, non-invasive diagnostic method. It is completely safe and does not require intervention in the human body.

The basis for obtaining diagnostic data in MRI is the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance: measuring the response of the nuclei of hydrogen atoms under the influence of electromagnetic waves in conditions of a constant magnetic field of high intensity. Exposure to electromagnetic pulses and strong magnetic fields is not dangerous to the human body.

The magnetic field strength of an MRI scanner is measured in Tesla (1 Tesla), a unit named after the physicist, engineer and inventor in the field of electrical and radio engineering Nikola Tesla.

All magnetic resonance imaging scanners are divided into

1. Low-floor – 0.23-0.35 Tesla;

2. Mid-field – 1 Tesla;

3. High-field – 1.5-3 Tesla.

The higher the number, the higher quality the image is obtained. Currently, studies conducted on devices of 1.5-3 Tesla are considered optimal. Low-field and mid-field MRIs are used for preliminary diagnosis of diseases and injuries.

Very often, high-field MRIs combine a large aperture diameter (70 cm) and the shortest length of a 3T system (173 cm), which provide additional advantages when conducting research

1. When you need high information content and obtaining images of impeccable quality.

  • a. In oncology to assess the extent of the tumor, determine the presence of metastases, determine surgical treatment tactics,
  • b. In cardiology for the diagnosis of vascular diseases, both arterial and venous pathologies. The possibility of 3D reconstruction of the structure of blood vessels allows you to examine the area of ​​interest from all sides.
  • c. For joint pathology MRI allows you to visualize intra-articular pathology with high accuracy, determine pathological changes around the joints, damage to internal and extra-articular elements (ligaments, tendons, menisci, etc.) as well as the condition of soft tissues.
  • d. For brain diseases allows for early stages monitor hemodynamic disorders and diagnose stroke.
  • e. For diseases of the spine pathology of nerve endings, intervertebral discs, neck vessels, vertebral arteries and veins, etc. is revealed.
  • f. MRI of the mammary glands carried out to evaluate the result of the operation. MRI is also indicated to clarify the condition of the mammary gland tissue with implants.

2. Conducting research overweight patients and with disabilities. The weight at which a patient is taken for examination on conventional tomographs is up to 90 kg. In high-floor devices, the table load capacity is up to 200 kg. A high signal-to-noise ratio allows us to guarantee high-quality images, even if the patient’s weight exceeds 100 kg.

3. Larger space in the system aperture and reduced time allow for research patients with claustrophobia. In addition, increasing the tunnel diameter makes it possible to examine patients who cannot be scanned using previously released MR scanners, e.g. those suffering from severe kyphosis, limited mobility, positional pain, children.

4. 3 Tesla field strength and open tunnel technology enable examination patients connected to life support devices, patients from intensive care units and patients undergoing intraoperative procedures.

Tomographs with a power of 5 Tesla are used for research purposes. You will not find such tomographs in medical institutions, so MRI at 5 Tesla is not performed.

Thus, it should be concluded that the strength of the magnetic field of the tomograph, measured in Tesla, is a serious indicator of the information content of magnetic resonance imaging. Therefore, it would be a good idea to agree with your doctor not only the need for an MRI, but also the power of the tomograph on which this procedure will be performed.

Like any other equipment, the “model range” of devices for magnetic resonance imaging includes tomographs with the most different characteristics from economical models that are easy to maintain, to “flagships” with advanced diagnostic capabilities. People who are far from medicine usually do not understand the characteristics medical equipment, therefore, they choose a clinic to conduct an examination based on such criteria as the cost of the procedure and its distance from home (or work).

Let's figure out which MRI device is better, what characteristics of MRI scanners you should pay attention to, and how these characteristics can be useful for timely diagnosis diseases.

Characteristics of various MRI machines

You should pay attention to the following characteristics of the tomograph:

  1. magnetic field strength, measured in Tesla;
  2. duration of examination of one area of ​​the body;
  3. type of MRI machine;
  4. service life of the device and its manufacturer.

The magnetic field strength of the tomograph and the capabilities of the device

The resolution of MRI systems is determined by the strength of the magnetic field of the device. Here we can draw an analogy with a camera. The better the camera, the clearer, brighter and more detailed the pictures you get. Everything is exactly the same with tomographs. The better the device, the more detailed the resulting images will be and the more informative the examination will be. The cost of such a device and the price of examination with such a device will be higher than with “budget” tomographs.

Let's look at the numbers.

  • Low-field tomographs: below 0.5 Tesla. Such devices make up the majority of all tomographs that clinics in Russia and the CIS countries are equipped with. They are economical and easy to use. Accordingly, the cost of examination using such devices is quite low. The information content of examinations using such tomographs is low, since the resolution of the image allows one to distinguish objects no less than 5-7 mm in size. Low-field tomographs do not allow high-quality examination of the heart, functional study brain, dynamic MR angiography. A low-field tomograph can be used to conduct an examination to exclude gross pathology. For example, for diagnosing herniated intervertebral discs or large tumors. Also, in terms of information content of brain research, low-field tomographs significantly exceed the capabilities of computed tomography.
  • Mid-field tomographs: 0.5-1 Tesla. Such tomographs are also found in medical institutions, but they have not become particularly widespread, since their cost is not much different from the cost of high-field tomographs, and the information content of the examination is not much better than that of low-field models.
  • High-field tomographs: 1-1.5 Tesla. High-field MRI is the “Gold Standard” for diagnostics in the world. Today, examinations using such devices have the best price/quality ratio. The resolution of high-field MRI allows one to distinguish objects 1-2 mm in size in images.
  • Ultra-high-field tomographs: 3 Tesla. Such devices make it possible to examine such complex anatomical structures as the brain, perform spectroscopy, tractography, and MR angiography. cerebral vessels. In fact, one study makes it possible to obtain comprehensive information not only about the structure, but also the functioning of any organ or tissue of the human body.

Duration of examination of one body area

The higher the power of the tomograph (magnetic field strength), the faster the scanning takes place. For example, high-field MRI machines with Tim technology allow scanning the entire body in one pass.

Types of MRI machines

Open and closed type tomographs have been developed and are used. A closed tomograph is a tube or capsule into which the entire patient is placed. Problems when conducting an examination in a closed tomograph can arise in patients with claustrophobia and children who are afraid to be alone in a confined space.

Open type devices are a table above which the main working part of the device is located. When the patient lies on the table, there is an open space to the right and left of him. The disadvantage of open-circuit tomographs is the weak magnetic field strength. Usually it is about.5 or 1 Tesla. Accordingly, such a device is not suitable for searching for small tumors or diagnosing minor dysfunctions of a particular organ.

A number of Russian clinics have installed tomographs for examining the patient’s extremities, in which only a person’s arm or leg is placed, and the patient sits next to the machine.

Maximum table load

Depending on the design features of the device, the examination can be performed on patients with to varying degrees obesity. There are devices for which the maximum permissible patient weight is 120 kg, and there are those in which you can examine a person weighing 200 kg.

Service life of the tomograph and its manufacturer

Now Russian-made tomographs have appeared on the medical equipment market, but according to reviews from practicing doctors the best devices MRIs are produced by companies such as Philips and Siemens.

Magnetic resonance imaging is a fairly common diagnostic procedure, which is performed in almost all hospitals in Moscow. Public hospitals have supported equipment, but even it is capable of separating healthy organs and inflamed tissue areas. Modern clinics are equipped with more innovative equipment, but many still wonder where to get an MRI in Moscow?

Taking an MRI

MRI diagnostician

Head of the department, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

A magnetic resonance imaging scan is prescribed in very rare cases in order to confirm the doctor’s intended diagnosis and to determine the location of the tumor, damage to the tissue of internal organs, brain damage after a stroke, etc. Tomography is not capable of causing pain or negatively affecting the human body. Compared to modern equipment using ultrasound, tomography shows more accurate results. Tomography can show organs from the inside in the form of sections and will not be visualized and bone tissue will not interfere.

The tomograph apparatus in most cases has the shape of a large capsule, into which the patient is placed using a movable table. Diagnostics are carried out over an hour and during this time you cannot move, but lie in a motionless position and listen to the instructions of the technologist. If a person has a fear of closed spaces, tomography can be performed using anesthesia. In this case, the patient is strictly prohibited from eating and drinking water several hours before the procedure.

The sensations during the examination are individual for everyone; during a tomography, a person may experience nausea, warmth in the part of the body where the examination is being carried out, tinnitus, anxiety, slight tingling, etc. What you definitely need to prepare yourself for is a long and grueling stay on the table, which can last up to 60 minutes. Any sensation should be monitored and communicated to the technologist.

The contrast element is a tool that has been used in magnetic resonance therapy for several years. Prior to this, the contrast was studied in detail and examined in relation to the human body, after which it was proven to be harmless and effective in providing information when scanning a particular human organ. The contrast is used intramuscularly and is prescribed to the patient during or immediately before tomography. With the use of this substance, the device shows significantly improved results and visualization of affected tissues of internal organs.

The patient will hear the preliminary results of the study immediately after the procedure, and a more detailed description of the diagnosis on the second day with confirmation of the disease in the photographs taken. After accurately identifying the disease, the patient is prescribed high-quality and effective treatment.

The tomogram also has its contraindications, which you should definitely talk about with your doctor and find out all your questions, including diet. Under no circumstances should diagnosis be ignored or delayed until for a long time, otherwise the primary symptoms may develop into serious problems with health.

Where is the best place to get an MRI?

Search best research you can look for patient reviews that will tell you not only good hospital or a clinic, but also a good specialist who understands the results of the tomogram.

The quality and most detailed results can be shown by innovative technology that has undergone numerous research and development with the best approach to to the human body. Getting an MRI in Moscow using new equipment will be a little more expensive, but it is worth remembering that a high-quality diagnosis and a correct diagnosis also depend on the specialists who perform the scan. So you shouldn’t rely only on the expensive cost of the procedure and equipment. You can find out from your attending physician about having an MRI in Moscow, where it is better and inexpensive.

Cost of examination

The price of the procedure is already included in the cost of the procedure. The equipment is expensive to maintain and requires a lot of expenses for even one diagnostic.

The cost of the study increases if anesthesia is required. This will also require the presence of an anesthesiologist and the availability of anesthesia.

MRI, the cost of diagnostics in Moscow may be the most affordable for many patients, since almost everyone can present a medical insurance policy at the nearest clinic, which significantly reduces the cost of the procedure or services provided.

MRI in Moscow, the price increases by half or even more when contrast is used during diagnostics. Contrast is an innovative and expensive drug used in magnetic resonance imaging as a means for better visualization of problem areas of tissue or internal organs.

Addresses of clinics in Moscow

Addresses of clinics with MRI equipment in Moscow:

  • Scientific Center of Rosmedtekhnologii. The center has the latest MRI equipment in Moscow and is located at Profsoyuznaya Street, house number 86.
  • Moscow Kuznetsov Center. In his practice, he uses a powerful device to scan people who are overweight or who are afraid of confined spaces. The address of the research center is: Partizanskaya street, building 41.
  • , specializing in neurosurgery. The Academy is located at the address: Moscow, 4th Tverskaya-Yamskaya street, building 16.
  • The latest modern equipment is also available in the Diagnostic medical center №1. Medical institution you need to look at the address: Miklouho-Maklaya street, house 29, building 2.

TOP best medical centers with MRI

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