Home Removal The child sleeps only for 3 months. The child sleeps only in his arms, but when he wakes up: a problem or not

The child sleeps only for 3 months. The child sleeps only in his arms, but when he wakes up: a problem or not

You have your first child and you are worried about everything (is this true, is this right)? Your concerns are completely understandable. After all, your most important desire is to make sure that your baby is as comfortable as possible here, in a new world for him.

But here’s the problem: the baby just doesn’t want to sleep alone. No matter how clever you are, the child sleeps in your arms. And only so. The slightest attempts to transfer the baby to the crib fail. Is everything okay with the baby, if not to raise him to be an “egoist of the first guild”, manipulating all the household members to please his whims?

Let's figure out whether these concerns of yours are really that serious.

Features of newborn psychology

Like any human being, the baby also has psychological characteristics. After all, the psyche is a tool of Homo sapiens. Here you are for one or two weeks trying to put your baby to sleep in a crib, but the result is the same: the child sleeps only in your arms, and as soon as you put him in, he immediately wakes up.

To understand what the child is missing and how to help the newborn improve sleep, you need to know what feelings drive him at these moments.

Just put yourself in the child’s shoes and try to feel what he feels:

  1. For the previous 9 months, when he was still a fetus and lived in your tummy, you were constantly and inseparably next to him;
  2. Mom was a source of food, peace, security, safety during sleep and wakefulness;
  3. The baby all the time heard your heart beating, how you breathed, heard your voice. This became for him a symbol of joy and harmony;
  4. Birth is a difficult and traumatic situation for a newborn. Especially if the birth was difficult, with complications;
  5. Why did he go through all this - to be separated from you and lose these pleasant sensations? Now he can’t figure out where his mother is—peace and safety—and why she’s not always there.

Before you panic: the child sleeps only in his arms, what to do?! – imagine the stress level of the baby. After all, out of nowhere, everything changed dramatically.

  • Mom's tummy was noisy all the time, even while sleeping. It was dark and cramped;
  • All life processes took place in constant motion, including sleep;
  • There were the same smells and sensations. 24 hours a day.

And now everything around has become light, dry, spacious, the noises are completely different, as if muffled, sleep should be without movement, there is so much “extra” around for sight and smell.

Can you imagine how much emotional strength a baby needs to cope with all this? And in all this, it is important not to lose his mother, who is his everything, because babies do not know how to count time and realize that she will return in a couple of minutes.

And sleep is a period when the baby does not see his mother, which means she is not around. That’s why it’s so important for your baby to feel your presence.

Interesting! Scientists say that the first three months after the birth of a child is the fourth trimester of pregnancy, which evolution took away from a person in exchange for the fact that he would walk on 2 legs.

So now it’s important for the baby to get enough of you in every sense.

The easier you treat this period, the more correctly and gently you care for your baby, the faster he will calm down, get used to it and let you go while he sleeps.

Watch the online course “Happy Motherhood: Methods of Gentle Care” where you will get acquainted with the characteristics of a baby from 0 to 3 months and master the practice of bathing, swaddling, rocking, comfortable sleeping with the baby.

Features of newborn sleep

Has it become clearer why babies’ sleep can be restless, the baby often wakes up and cries?

He is forced to constantly “go to sleep” in these new conditions, where it is spacious and there is no usual “comfort zone” (as it was in his mother’s stomach), where there is a completely different position for sleeping (not upside down, not curled up).

His nervous system overloaded with impressions, and crying is the only way so far available to him to communicate with the new world and with his mother, whom now you can’t kick in the tummy. So he cries, not seeing or feeling his mommy nearby.

  1. In the first few weeks, the baby's sleep can take up to 20 hours a day, that is, almost all the time remaining after feeding, swaddling and bathing;
  2. Gradually, the time spent awake will increase and it is important not to overtire the baby during this period with new impressions or physical activity;
  3. At the same time, the time of daytime and night sleep may vary different durations: longer during the day, shorter at night or vice versa;

These parameters are always individual and there is nothing wrong with that. Over time, sleep will improve. Well, the fact that a 1-month-old baby sleeps only in his mother’s arms or in close contact with her, as you already understand, is associated by the baby with peace and security, with everything that is most beautiful and necessary for him now.

Mom's hands instead of her tummy

There is no need to take away these sensations from a child: at this age it will definitely only get worse. For him now you are the whole world and life itself!

The desire to be held in your arms during sleep is especially acute in a premature, weakened, low-weight baby, after a difficult birth, or during a period of malaise.

Know! Even if a 2-month-old baby sleeps only in your arms or on your stomach, this is absolutely normal.

  • The fact is that until 3-4 months, a child, due to the immaturity of the nervous system, does not form habits. Let him sleep in your arms or next to you, but in constant physical and emotional contact;
  • Closer to 3 months, you can gradually give the child the opportunity to sleep alone: ​​at first, just let it be a sleep not in your arms, but next to it, “under the wing” of the mother;
  • Then move away from your baby a little each time as he falls asleep.

In the meantime, he really needs his mother’s touches, kisses, her voice, the warmth of her hands, the beat of her heart, her breath, her smell.

You will begin to worry when the child, even after 3 months, continues to sleep only in his arms, not wanting to relearn (also read the article

Sleep is a natural need of the body, and this process has great value, especially for children's health. Many mothers are concerned about whether their child is getting enough rest, because it is known that lack of sleep can negatively affect his development and overall health. But at the same time, it is harmful to sleep for a large amount of time. Of course, every baby has his own physical and mental characteristics, but today there are generally accepted sleep standards for children, according to which at a certain age a child should rest the required number of hours per day. So how much do children sleep at 3 months, and how to accustom little fidgets to a routine?

As the child grows, the baby's needs change, including the need for rest. But how much should a baby sleep at three months?

Sleep standards for a 3 month old baby

At the age of 3 months, a child usually already has a daily routine with alternating sleep and wakefulness. Mom should be guided by these hours in order to stick to the schedule in the future. A three-month-old baby already falls asleep and wakes up at the same time, and at night his sleep is more sound and restful, and during the day the baby begins to rest less often.

The figures given are average values ​​and slight deviations from these parameters are allowed. The following sleep indicators are typical for an infant aged 3 months:

  • total rest time per day – 14-16 hours;
  • at night – 10-12 hours;
  • during the day – 4-5 hours. At the same time, the baby sleeps twice a day for 1-2 hours and twice for half an hour or 40 minutes.

Don't worry if your baby sleeps a little more or, conversely, less, because everyone has individual needs. The main guidelines for the mother are the health of the baby, his activity during the day and his mood.

Despite the fact that some parents believe that there is no need to adhere to any norms, and the child should sleep as much as he wants, many scientists and doctors, including Komarovsky, argue that every parent is obliged to know these norms. This is necessary in order to:

  • the newborn did not have hyperfatigue or, conversely, manifestations of hyperactivity;
  • there was no feeling of overwork;
  • the baby was not capricious during the day and was in a good mood;
  • parents knew for sure that the child rests for a sufficient number of hours, as this affects his development and general well-being.

Healthy sleep is very important for a child, since the lack of necessary rest or its untimeliness immediately affects the baby’s well-being

Sample daily routine

The child's daily routine can be determined at the discretion of his parents. The recommendations below will help you create the most appropriate schedule, taking into account the individual physical characteristics and character of the baby. As we can see from the table, the schedule is calculated based on the fact that the baby wakes up at the most comfortable time for the mother - at 8 o’clock in the morning.

What should your nap be like during the day?

A child aged 3 months rests much less than a month-old baby. During this period, on average, he spends from 40 minutes to 90 minutes on rest. Sometimes during the day he can sleep up to 2-4 hours, although in general three hours of sleep will be more than enough. This time will be enough to restore strength and, upon awakening, to experience again the world.

While the baby is sleeping during the day, mom can have time to do household chores or just relax by taking a walk in the park

How can parents tell when it's time for their children to rest during the day? You need to look at the behavior: if the child becomes less active, begins to be capricious, cry, yawn and rub his eyes with his hands, then this indicates his fatigue and desire to sleep. First of all, at this moment the parent needs to calm the child, rock him in her arms, feed him or give him a pacifier.

IN warm time year you need to spend as much time as possible outside with your child. At the same time, daytime naps during a walk are very useful for the baby. He falls asleep faster, rests fully and calmly. To sleep on fresh air It’s not at all necessary to go for a walk in the yard; if possible, you can simply take the stroller out onto the balcony and rock the baby there, and when he falls asleep, go about your business. The most important thing is to cover the stroller with a light mesh so that the baby’s sleep is not disturbed by insects, and protect him from direct sunlight.

How much sleep does a three month old baby need at night?

Every mother should know that important role Regular sleep plays a key role in a baby's proper rest, so you should always put your baby to bed at the same time.

The most suitable time to prepare for a night's sleep is considered to be from nine in the evening to half past nine. If the child goes to bed later, he will fall asleep for a long time, his sleep may be restless, and in the morning the baby may wake up in a broken state and be capricious during the day. It is for this reason that even when the baby is extremely active in the evening and does not want to go to bed at all, the mother must calm him down and put him to sleep. This usually takes about half an hour.

A three-month-old baby still needs a lot of sleep, but sleep time based on individual characteristics child and the daily routine chosen by the mother, everyone is different

It is important to know that a 3-month-old baby needs to sleep at least 10-12 hours at night. This means that the morning rise will be early - about 6-7 hours. In order for the baby to rest fully, it is necessary to support him in the room temperature regime, immediately before putting the baby to bed, ventilate the room. As Dr. Komarovsky advises, the room temperature should be no lower than 18-20 degrees, humidity – 50-70%.

Also, for a child to fall asleep quickly and have a restful sleep, a comfortable environment is necessary. He will feel safe if the environment is quiet and there are no bright lights shining in his eyes and waking him up. Many experts recommend not even turning on the lamp at night, because if the baby suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night, it will be more difficult for him to fall asleep even in low light. Mom should turn on the night light only when necessary.

You need to remember that your baby can wake up several times during the night. Sometimes he sleeps restlessly because he is hungry (more details in the article:). Other common causes are stuffiness or cold in the room, insects in the room, and extraneous noise. Once these stimuli are eliminated, the baby will go back to sleep. This way he will get used to regular long rests at night.

Reasons why a child does not want to fall asleep

At three months old, a baby already shows interest in the surrounding reality: he loves to communicate with his mother, look at objects in the room, and pick up toys hanging above the crib. If your baby has had a lot of new experiences during the day, it will be more difficult for him to fall asleep at night or during the day. In addition, there is also serious reasons, according to which the child may have difficulty falling asleep and then wake up frequently.

Does your baby sleep poorly and is capricious (more details in the article:)? Perhaps he is not feeling well. The mother needs to analyze the baby’s behavior and, if necessary, call a doctor.

Why does a child have difficulty falling asleep:

  • The microclimate in the room has a great impact on the quality of a baby's sleep. If the room is cold, hot, or has not been ventilated immediately before your baby rests, he will likely have trouble sleeping.
  • The child is not feeling well. After 3 months, as a rule, the baby stops being tormented intestinal colic, and the teeth are so early age appear extremely rarely, so the reason feeling unwell it could be anything. Your baby may act restless because he is experiencing discomfort or pain. If the mother cannot cope with the baby’s nervousness, rock him to sleep and put him to sleep, several factors need to be analyzed. First of all, remember how long the child slept last night and during the day, whether he woke up often or not, and whether the baby has a good appetite. If it is discovered that the child has a fever or the first signs of colds, you need to contact a pediatrician as soon as possible, who will diagnose accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
  • The atmosphere in the house greatly influences the quality of a child's sleep. The little family member reacts sharply to everything that happens around him. Negative emotions affect the baby’s psyche and his condition, and if love prevails in the house, peace and quiet is maintained, the baby will feel safe and quickly fall asleep.
  • The baby will not be able to sleep sweetly and for a long time if he is hungry, so before the daytime or evening sleep must definitely feed her child.

Even for an adult it is difficult to fall asleep hungry, and even more so for a baby. Therefore, it is important to monitor your child’s food needs. Besides breast-feeding calms the baby and makes him fall asleep faster

How to get your baby to sleep

Here are some tips to help moms improve their baby's sleep:

  1. No one else knows their child as well as a mother. She understands how important it is to calm the baby down and get him to sleep. To do this, you can bathe the baby in a bath with medicinal herbs, tell or read him a good story, sing lullaby song. Over time, the baby will develop the habit of not only going to bed at the same time, but also by certain actions of the mother to determine that the rest period has begun.
  2. It is necessary to create conditions for a relaxing holiday. The clothes in which the child sleeps also play an important role. He shouldn't be hot or cold. In the summer, if the window opens, you must hang a mosquito net and prevent flies and mosquitoes from flying into the house.
  3. It is necessary to adhere to the established daily routine. If sleep, feeding, and wakefulness are carried out at the same time every day, the child will get used to the schedule and will fall asleep much faster.
  4. It is not recommended to accustom a child to sleep in his mother's arms. Otherwise, he will have trouble falling asleep on his own in a crib.
  5. From an early age, a child must be taught to distinguish between day and night. He must understand that day is a time of wakefulness, when everyone is minding their own business, and night is a time of rest, when darkness sets in outside the window, silence is observed in the house, and the whole world rests.

No specialist can give a clear answer to how long a 3-month-old baby should sleep day and night (more details in the article:). Personality, activity level and other individual characteristics affect how much rest a baby gets. The main task of parents is to create everything the necessary conditions for complete rest of a little person during the daytime.

Co-sleeping between baby and mother

Sleeping together between mother and child has both advantages and disadvantages. The choice whether to sleep with the baby or not remains with the parents.

Pediatric doctors and specialists in the field baby sleep There are different points of view on the question of whether a mother can sleep with her baby, and why it is important to do so. Some say that such rest is extremely necessary, others argue that it can be harmful. There are both advantages and disadvantages of mother and baby sharing daytime and nighttime rest. We will present some of them below.

Why co-sleeping so important:

  • firstly, the baby thus gets used to his mother, gets to know her better, and develops a sense of trust in her;
  • secondly, a child feels safe next to an adult and, first of all, with a parent, he is much warmer and more comfortable;
  • thirdly, close physical contact between the baby, who is 3 months old, and the mother contributes to better production of breast milk.

Disadvantages of co-sleeping:

  • if a mother always sleeps with her baby, then he will often ask for the breast and, as a result, will begin to overeat;
  • the mother may be afraid that, having fallen asleep, she will crush the child or not notice how he falls out of bed;
  • Due to frequent feeding while sleeping together, the baby may have digestive problems and develop obesity.

For this reason, experts recommend that if you decide to put your three-month-old baby to sleep separately, teach him to fall asleep on his own. How to provide your child with healthy sleep, described above. By following the recommendations, you can teach your child to sleep at the same time, and proper rest will have a positive effect on his development and well-being.

What to do if the child sleeps only in his arms? How to wean a child from this habit? How to transfer a baby to a crib? Is it always possible for a baby to sleep in his arms? How can a baby be taught to sleep in a crib and how does sleeping in a crib affect the quality of sleep of all family members? In this article, we invite you to understand these issues.

A baby appeared in the house. A young family prepares for this bright event in advance - they buy a “dowry” - diapers, baby vests, toys, pacifiers, a stroller, and, of course, a crib. A loving mother tries to create comfort in the baby’s “nest”, so she arranges the cradle - selecting beautiful bedding, bumpers and the cutest mobile phones.

And this is the first night at home. Mom wants to put her sleeping baby in his cozy crib, but as soon as she brings the baby to her, he wakes up and starts crying. Mom calms him down, gives him breastfeeding, rocks him to sleep again and makes a second attempt. This attempt ends in the same way - only now the child cries even longer and even more intensely. Then mom calls to help dad. Dad walks around the room for a long, long time with the tired baby, rocking him. Finally, the baby fell asleep. Whispering, the parents, barely breathing, carefully try to put the child to sleep in the crib. And now, we almost succeeded! But as soon as dad removes his hand from the crib, crying is heard.

Desperate, mom invites dad to take the baby into bed with them and then a miracle happens - the baby falls asleep instantly, getting to his mother’s side.

The next day, the young parents make a new attempt to teach their child to sleep in their beautiful crib. But all the numerous shifts end in the same thing - the baby’s crying and his instant awakening after he is put in his crib.

On the third day, the mother no longer even makes attempts to put the baby in bed: “the baby doesn’t like the crib,” “no matter what I do, it’s useless.”

After some time, the crib becomes filled with clothes, some children's things, and then it ends up being put away in another room as unnecessary.

The parents concluded that the crib was apparently unsuitable. Since the baby really doesn’t want to sleep in it, we decided to wait until the baby is ready for it. Then it will be possible to make a second attempt to teach the child to sleep in a crib, and not just in the parent’s or in the arms. Common situation?

Sleeping only in your arms?

What to do in the case when the baby does not agree to sleep in a crib and sleeps only in his arms, and at what age can he start sleeping differently?

A child is born completely dependent on his mother and not at all adapted to life in this world; he still needs his mother’s help in everything. This also applies to sleep issues.

In order to help the baby fall asleep, the best thing a mother can do is to reproduce the “conditions of the uterus,” the conditions in which the baby was most recently. To do this, mom can:

  • that is, to create a slight crowding,
  • hug you, take you in your arms
  • shake

After all, before the baby was in exactly these conditions: constant movement, dim light, cramped space, noise. And it is precisely such conditions that will associatively help him calm down. Therefore, falling asleep and sleeping a child in your arms for up to 3-4 months is quite acceptable as long as the so-called fourth trimester of “gestation” continues.

The most important thing for parents in the period up to three months is to equip the baby’s sleeping place safely!

A safe place to sleep.

This is the place where the baby cannot suffocate, burying his nose in soft bed dress, where there is a sufficiently hard mattress and complete absence any extra items. After all, the crib should be associated with sleep, not with games.

A safe bed is an empty bed!

  • A crib without soft bumpers, pillows and blankets.
  • Instead of a blanket, it is better to use a sleeping bag.
  • Hard mattress
  • Lack of toys
  • Location of the crib: not near the window or radiator, but close to the parent’s.

The location of the crib is the very moment from which you need to teach your child to get used to the crib. Until the age of 6 months, a crib without a side is suitable for a baby. Thus, on the one hand, the mother and baby will have a single space, but on the other, the child will still be in his own safe territory.

How to transfer a baby to a crib?

But how can you transfer a baby to a crib if, when you transfer it from your arms, he immediately wakes up?

Up to 3-4 months, a child still needs his mother’s help when falling asleep, so falling asleep in his arms is normal at this age.

It is better to shift the baby in a diaper or in a diaper -. This way, it will be easier for the baby not to feel the temperature difference between the arm and the crib.

Use when falling asleep

By the time you finish, try to keep your movements as smooth and calm as possible, close to a static position so that it is easier for the baby to get used to the static position of the crib.

Do not transfer the baby from your arms right away, wait until the breathing becomes deeper

At the moment of sleep, stay close to the baby and the crib, shush, quietly sing a song, touch your baby. This is important because the presence of a mother is very calming.

Gradually help your baby learn to fall asleep on his own

A certain distance from the mother when the baby is sleeping in the crib is one of the reasons for restless sleep in the crib, and if you let the baby feel his mother’s presence, his sleep will be more peaceful.

Starting from 5-6 months of the baby, you can reduce your assistance. One of the main aspects of sleep training is sleeping in a crib. In order for a child to sleep peacefully in a crib, after mom or dad puts him there, he must see and “be aware” of the place in which he finds himself. In this case, waking up will not cause anxiety (“Where am I?”), and the child will have much more opportunities to fall asleep without active mother’s help.

The baby sleeps only in his arms, because he simply does not know that he can fall asleep any other way. The task of parents is to gently and carefully give the baby a new experience of falling asleep.

The expression “The child does not like the crib” is not a correct statement. Kids in general are very conservative and “love” what is familiar and familiar to them. If a child is used to sleeping in his arms, he will love to sleep like this. If his parents helped him get used to not sleeping in his arms, but in a crib, he will love the crib, and not sleep in his arms.

The most important point in teaching a baby in a crib is the sequence of his actions. Consistency is their predictability and repetition from day to day. If parents act differently, it is much more difficult for the child to understand what they want from him.

And the most important thing in the parents’ attitude is their inner peace, which is undoubtedly transmitted to the baby, helping him to sleep peacefully.

Hello! Let's continue to examine the topic of sleep of young children and talk about How long does a 3 month old baby sleep?

Is it normal to put him to sleep with the breast, or does he need to be weaned and taught to fall asleep in other ways? Is it possible for 3 people to sleep with the breast? one month old baby lead to problems in the future and difficulty falling asleep?

So, a letter from a reader:

Lyudmila, good afternoon.

My son is now 3 months old, on guard duty, and has been sleeping with me from the very beginning. After about a month I stopped sleeping soundly during the day. He eats a little, falls asleep, but does not let go of the breast, sucks all the time like a pacifier. If you take out the nipple, then after a while he wakes up, starts looking for the breast, and cries. We go to bed only with the breast, it doesn’t work out any other way, he himself doesn’t fall asleep if he’s tired, but starts to get hysterical. At night he still lets go of the breast, and if nothing bothers him, he sleeps normally until the next day. feeding. I'm worried that he will develop the habit of sleeping only with boobs in his mouth, will it be possible to change the ritual of falling asleep later? Should I try to put him to sleep during the day differently now? Irina

If you have a small baby, then I immediately invite you to take free lessons for mothers on how to manage everything with a baby in your arms. It is in this newsletter that I share and write about babies under one year old.

Let's see if you need to worry if your baby sleeps with the breast in his mouth? Because after the webinar, where I talked about one of the sleep associations that prevent a child from sleeping, most of you decided that you need to remove your breasts urgently. This is not entirely true.

Baby's sleep at 3 months

So, the baby is 3 months old. What methods does he have to calm him down? Can he relieve the accumulated tension with words and actions? NO!

All these things are possible at an older age, but now the easiest way for a child is to suckle at the breast. While breastfeeding, the child's body produces endorphins, and the level of stress hormones decreases significantly. Therefore, it is normal for a baby to breastfeed frequently, and it is quite natural that he also falls asleep while doing so.

How does a 3 month old baby sleep?

  • At the age of 3 months the baby can be awake up to 1.5-2 hours.

If you see that he is starting to yawn, be capricious, or get nervous, then it’s time to help him relax and fall asleep. While this is all being done with the help of the mother, the nervous system is not mature and the processes of excitation prevail over inhibition. The simplest and most correct thing is to breastfeed!

  • The number of dreams during the day at 3 months is 4-5.

Most often there are 2 long sleeps of 1.5-2 hours and 2 short sleeps of 30 or 40 minutes. The child can spend a short nap under the breast, or, as the author of the letter writes, sleep without letting go of the breast from his mouth, without letting go of the mother.

  • Breastfeeding is still chaotic, the child really needs contact with his mother and is not yet ready to separate himself from you.

Moreover, you need to take into account that the more anxious you are as a mother, or you have a baby with a sensitive nature, active, easily excited - the less often he will let you go during sleep and may spend all his dreams with the breast in his mouth.

What to do? Is this really forever? Not at all! The older a child gets, the more stable his nervous system is, his confidence in you and in the world around him increases, and he is already at long dreams may let you go.

If the child is growing, and the situation with dreams is not improving, most likely there is a failure somewhere - perhaps you are trying to “run away” from him, or there is some alarming circumstance that is preventing the child from relaxing.

What can I do to make sure that the habit of breastfeeding gradually goes away?

  1. Relax and let to a small child get a feeling of security.
  1. Do not compare your child's sleep with the sleep of your neighbor's child.

Your child is unique, and it’s not a fact that your neighbors don’t have difficulties in other areas of care... Remember that there is such a joke “a child who sleeps well, eats well and is not naughty is the neighbors!”

  1. Monitor your sleep and wakefulness rhythms.

Don't let your child get overexcited and help him fall asleep. Short dreams spend time with your child and relax. Use this time for yourself. And during long sleeps, if you see that the child is fast asleep and the breast can be easily taken out of his mouth, move away from him, but leave your thing nearby.

You can make a “nest around the child,” for example, by leaving your robe or T-shirt. Mom's smell calms the baby.

If you never crawl away from a sleeping child, then he may develop anxiety when he is left without his mother, and he will immediately wake up.

If the baby sucks the breast and lets go, you can try to help him fall asleep without the breast. Hold it, rock it, walk around with it in your arms. These will be the first experiences of sleeping without a breast, and the experiences of falling asleep on your own.

Sleeping with the breast is not a problem; it is a normal part of life for a baby and a nursing mother. Difficulties arise in cases where the breast is perceived as the only means of calming and putting the child to sleep.

When a mother dissolves in the child, when she does not show her boundaries, does not change behavior in accordance with the growth and needs of the child, then the child really does not have the opportunity to learn new ways of calming, interacting, and consoling.

But at 3 months it’s too early to talk about this and it’s too early to learn to sleep without breastfeeding. While the child faces other tasks.

As the child grows, the nature of sleep changes, it becomes deeper, longer, more clearly expressed and understandable.

I talk more about the development and upbringing of a child under one year old in the course My Favorite Baby, read the description by following the link:

  • This is a course on how the rhythms of sleep, wakefulness, and feeding change in a child from birth to one year,
  • A course on what your baby expects from you as a mother,
  • How to change your behavior as your child grows.

As a result You get a harmonious picture of a calm and comfortable life with the child, taking into account his needs!

When my youngest daughter was 1 month old, I myself often turned to this knowledge, and motherhood is truly a joy - because there is no place for fear and anxiety.

Do you put him to bed with his chest? and do you have a fear that it will always be like this? Do you follow the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness?

In this article:

Many young parents, tired of their baby's frequent awakenings at night, think about what a child's sleep should be like at 3 months. It is generally accepted that at this age, children first form a routine, thanks to which an obvious ratio of hours of sleep and wakefulness appears.

How much time per day should a child sleep? All babies develop on their own individual schedule, so this question is difficult to answer. Even experts give only average numbers, since most babies have different sleep patterns.

How much should a 3 month old baby sleep?

The main tasks of a newborn baby - eat enough and sleep a lot, gaining strength. He will need them for full growth and development. Therefore, after that, the babies sleep day and night, waking up only for the next feeding and.

A 3-month-old baby, unlike a newborn, begins to behave a little differently. He develops a need to explore the world around him and communicate with his parents, which is why the baby experiences longer periods of wakefulness.

At this age, the baby does not yet realize that he is tired and wants to rest. For this reason, parents should know how much a baby sleeps at 3 months and how much sleep he should have during the day and at night.

Daytime nap

The average amount of daily time that a baby should have for rest in the third month of life is 15-17 hours. Of course, this figure depends on the individual characteristics of the baby.

The total duration of daytime sleep for a 3 month old baby is from 4.5 to 5.5 hours. The baby can fall asleep for 40-90 minutes three to five times during the day.

Night sleep

A child of 3 months should sleep from 10 to 12 hours, interrupting periodically night sleep for feeding as many times as he needs. Many children at this age wake up every 3 hours. But the most persistent ones are already beginning to withstand a 5-hour rest, usually in the first half of the night, without mother’s breast or bottle.

Both options are considered normal. If the baby is healthy, eats with appetite and looks quite cheerful, there is no need to worry.

Why does a child refuse to sleep?

A baby's sleep changes at 3 months. At this age, babies begin to become interested in everything that happens around them, as a result of which their daily routine may change. From a recent “sleepyhead”, by the age of three months a baby can turn into a fidget who sleeps poorly during the day and is capricious at night.

Sleep disturbances in infants occur due to various reasons.

If a child at 3 months begins to sleep poorly during the day and at night, the reasons may be as follows:

  • disease;
  • family situation;
  • organization of recreation;
  • failure .

If day or night sleep is ignored and there is no effect from motion sickness, the child’s well-being should be assessed.

Need to analyze:

  • whether his appetite has changed;
  • how many hours did the baby sleep last night;
  • number of awakenings.

If a 3-month-old child does not sleep well, regardless of the time of day, it is possible that he has a tummy ache from or has begun to hurt. Health problems primarily cause sleep disorders. Therefore, if a 3-month-old child sleeps restlessly at night and hardly rests during the day, you need to contact a pediatrician, who will try to find out the reason for what is happening and tell him what to do.

Some babies strive to sleep on their stomach almost from birth. Many young mothers follow the lead of their baby, believing that this position soothes stomach cramps. But experts are categorically against this approach.

The method of lying on your tummy for a few minutes during the day, but not sleeping in a similar position, solves the fight against flatulence. Of course, all children are individual, but a child should not sleep on his stomach at 3 months. This prohibition applies to all children under six months of age.

If your baby sleeps on his stomach, he may not wake up from a lack of oxygen caused by inhaling vomit or nasal congestion. This position also negatively affects the formation of his spine.

In case of frequent conflicts in the family, the baby begins to experience anxiety, which also affects his daily routine. What to do if a 3-month-old child sleeps little or poorly during the day? Perhaps think about the home atmosphere. In a family where calm and peace reign, all conditions have been created for the harmonious development of the baby.

Also, the fact that the baby does not sleep well at night is affected by the microclimate in the children's room. Heat environment, dry air, too warm bedding - all this leads to restless sleep. It is not difficult to solve this problem by creating conditions for a comfortable stay. A mother will not encounter the fact that her 3-month-old child sleeps poorly and anxiously if the room temperature is about 22°C and the humidity is more than 50%.

And another reason why your baby’s sleep suffers is a busy day or overstimulation. For example, a baby may sleep restlessly because of guests who arrived the day before or a large number of new impressions. Active knowledge of the world expends enormous resources child's body, so it’s not surprising that against this background, a child’s daytime or nighttime sleep at 3 months will be temporarily affected, no.

Additionally, the problem when failures occur in the mode appears due to the fact that the baby has confused day with night. This situation is familiar to most parents. If a child at 3 months sleeps a lot during the day and rests in the form of interrupted sleep 40 minutes at night, which means he doesn’t feel the difference between the time of day. In this case, it is important to show him this difference by adjusting the baby’s daily routine.

How to accustom a 3-month-old baby to a routine?

Of course, infants will not follow a strict daily routine, as pediatricians advise. But you need to try to put your baby to bed at least at the same time.

It is also necessary to take into account that children at this age should not stay awake for more than 2 hours. Even if it seems that a child at 3 months is still active during the day, although he is no longer sleeping for a long time, this is mistake. After two hours have passed since the previous sleep, you need to put the baby to bed by any means, otherwise difficulties will arise with this later. Such deviations from the regime lead to the child not sleeping well during the day or night.

Additionally, you should take your baby for a sufficient walk every day and wash him shortly before putting him to bed, preferably at the same time. Weather permitting, two naps outside, an evening swim and a hearty dinner eliminate the situation when the baby does not sleep well at night.

What to do if your child doesn't sleep well?

In order for your baby to fall asleep easily, the home environment should be calm and comfortable. Optimal temperature and humidity in the room, ventilation during the day, bathing and a hearty dinner no later than eight o'clock in the evening will allow a 3-month-old child to sleep as long as it takes to rest.

If you put your baby to bed later, he will most likely be more capricious and tired, and the process of falling asleep will take an indefinite amount of time. Therefore, the child’s activity should not be a priority for a young mother. By putting your baby to bed at the same time, you can avoid many sleep problems.

Children who have confused day with night need to be shown the difference in the day. A lot of light and noise indicate hours of wakefulness and short sleep; dim light and silence indicate the onset of long rest.

If your baby sleeps a lot during the day and doesn’t want to go to bed at night, you don’t need to follow his lead. Let there be more light in the room in the morning, the TV on, household members talking loudly, and in the evening, on the contrary, soothing music will be turned on, communication is conducted in a whisper, and the room is illuminated only with the help of a table lamp.

Of course, solving the problem will not be easy. It will take a lot of time and patience for a baby to stop confusing day and night. But the benefits of the achieved regime will have a positive impact on the well-being of both the baby and his parents.

Knowing the answer to the question of how much sleep a baby should sleep at 3 months is too little. It is also necessary to take into account the needs of your baby, since all children are individual. Some are born bright fidgets, others, on the contrary, are ready to sleep a lot day and night, becoming real “sleepyheads” for their mother.

How much sleep per day does a 3 month old baby need? On average, the duration of rest at this age is 14-17 hours during the day. To get closer to this figure, parents must provide their baby with a comfortable environment for relaxation and try to establish his routine. Sufficient walks in the fresh air, regular bathing, an established or calm atmosphere in the family can help with this. Under these conditions, a healthy, cheerful child of 3 months will not have problems sleeping well during the day or at night.

Useful video about how and how much sleep a child should sleep

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