Home Prevention Hydrogen peroxide mouth rinse

Hydrogen peroxide mouth rinse

If you need to eliminate bad smell from the mouth, leftover food after eating or symptoms of dental and gum disease, rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide - affordable and effective procedure, which will help cope with these tasks. Hydrogen peroxide dissolves tiny particles of dirt and draws them to the surface, destroying harmful bacteria. Cleans hard-to-reach areas of the sides or back sides teeth, whitens them.

This effective remedy, but precautions must be taken when using it. How to prepare a solution of hydrogen peroxide for rinsing your mouth? How often should I rinse my mouth with this product? What are the contraindications?

Properties of hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a clear, odorless liquid. Available in different forms:

  1. Perhydrol is a concentrated solution at a concentration of 31%, included in ointments against age spots and post-acne;
  2. Hydroperite is a combination of hydrogen peroxide and urea, available in tablets, used for rinsing the mouth (the tablets are first dissolved in water);
  3. Hydrogen peroxide - a diluted solution at a concentration of 3%, is used to disinfect wounds, rinse the mouth and throat.

Hydrogen peroxide is a universal remedy. It is successfully used in dentistry, cosmetology (products containing peroxide lighten hair), dermatology, peroxide also helps with infectious diseases(ARVI and others), diseases of the ENT organs, metabolic disorders, neurological diseases, dentistry.

Hydrogen peroxide in higher concentrations is usually used for household purposes (bleaching things, cleaning premises). The solution is mixed with cleaning agents. Treating the room with this method provides a good disinfecting effect.

You should not rinse your mouth or take hydrogen peroxide at a concentration higher than 3% orally!

If you use hydrogen peroxide solution as a mouthwash, it will have the following effects:

  1. Antiseptic. In dentistry, doctors prescribe peroxide to heal gums and mucous membranes. But too high a concentration will harm the gums and oral mucosa.
  2. It disinfects wounds well.
  3. Whitens. Use peroxide to clean any stains on your teeth. The solution is capable of oxidizing foreign substances that accumulate on the enamel. Included in many whitening products.
  4. Dries it out.

Interacting with the damaged surface being treated, it foams. Starts chemical process, the peroxide breaks down and oxygen is released. The blood clots quickly. This property promotes softening and exfoliation of dead areas, suppuration, and blood clots.

Without systemic care, infection of the gums and soft tissues in the oral cavity occurs. Bacteria in the mouth cause caries, periodontal disease, and provoke the formation of gumboil. The solution creates conditions on the skin that are unfavorable for the development of infection. Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent means for disinfection, wound treatment, teeth whitening and additional oral hygiene.

Indications for use

Hydrogen peroxide mouth rinses may help with the following:

  1. For stomatitis;
  2. Chronic periodontitis;
  3. Gingivitis;
  4. Periodontal disease;
  5. Darkening of tooth enamel;
  6. Bleeding gums;
  7. Fungal infections of the gums and mucous membranes;
  8. To eliminate unpleasant odor (halitosis);
  9. Teeth whitening;
  10. To destroy germs;
  11. Preventing infections and caries.


Hydrogen peroxide is considered remedy, but is capable of destroying tissue. If your teeth are too sensitive, painful sensations guaranteed. If hydrogen peroxide is used regularly and haphazardly, it will destroy tooth enamel.

Can't rinse oral cavity hydrogen peroxide in the following cases:

  1. At an advanced stage of periodontitis, which is accompanied by increased bleeding of the gums;
  2. If there are a lot of fillings on the surface of the teeth;
  3. For caries;
  4. If the integrity of the tooth enamel is damaged (too weak and thin);
  5. Having hypersensitivity to bleaching agents;
  6. During pregnancy;
  7. During lactation;
  8. Not suitable for children under 12 years of age;
  9. During a course of antibiotics.

The solution should be spat out after rinsing and should not be swallowed. Too much of the product, if ingested, can cause a burn to the digestive tract, nausea, and vomiting.

How to apply it correctly?


  1. Take 100 ml of warm water into a glass and add a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide.
  2. First, carefully brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with water so that the peroxide does not react with the remnants of other chemicals.
  3. A solution of water and peroxide is taken into the mouth and rinsed. If you have periodontal disease, the solution may fizz on the mucous membranes and gums. If there is stomatitis, the ulcers can burn. If the sensations do not stop after a few seconds, stop rinsing.
  4. The solution is spat out and the mouth is rinsed with water.

Let's look at ways to use hydrogen peroxide to whiten teeth, eliminate germs and other oral problems in hard-to-reach places:

  1. You can brush your teeth with peroxide, but only with heavy plaque. Hydrogen peroxide, tooth powder, and chamomile decoction are mixed in equal proportions. If your gums are prone to bleeding, you should not brush your teeth with peroxide.
  2. Peroxide and baking soda are used to whiten teeth. The components are mixed in equal proportions, add a little eucalyptus oil. Apply the product to toothbrush or a cotton pad, brush your teeth, rinse your mouth well with water.
  3. Dissolve two tablets of hydroperite in 100 ml of water, rinse your mouth, focusing Special attention gums. Repeat the procedure three times a day.
  4. Mix toothpaste (it is better to use a paste with an anti-periodontal effect) with three drops of hydrogen peroxide. Brush your teeth. It is better to use a brush with inserts to massage the gums.
  5. Another toothpaste recipe: 3 grams baking soda mix with a couple of drops of lemon juice and 20 drops of hydrogen peroxide. The mixture is used to brush your teeth, but do not rinse your mouth. After the procedure, you should not eat for another 15 minutes.
  6. Pure peroxide is used to remove plaque from a specific area of ​​the tooth. Cotton swab dipped in the product, applied to an individual tooth, then the oral cavity is rinsed and the teeth are brushed with toothpaste.

Precautionary measures

The following precautions must be observed when using hydrogen peroxide:

  1. If peroxide (especially with a concentration of more than 3%) gets into the eyes, redness, irritation, and pain will appear. You need to rinse your eyes thoroughly clean water and go to the doctor.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide should be stored out of the reach of children. The consequences of getting the drug into the stomach (especially at high concentrations) are unpredictable and can be fatal.
  3. Do not use peroxide as a mouth rinse in pure form. It should always be diluted with water in the correct proportions.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide that is too concentrated can cause burns on the skin.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide should only be mixed with clean drinking water, not chlorinated.
  6. When using hydrogen peroxide, you should take vitamin C, preferably in its natural form (found in fruits, vegetables, natural juices without additives).
  7. Hydrogen peroxide is stored in a dark and dry place. This way it retains its properties longer.

Proper use of hydrogen peroxide, compliance with precautions and proportions in preparing mouthwash will help restore the health of your gums and teeth.

Hydrogen peroxide and soda - video

Rinsing your mouth is a very important and responsible hygienic act, which, believe me, will count someday.

This is a fairly simple procedure, but it must always take place in. After brushing your teeth with a brush or floss, there should be a mandatory and thorough rinse of the mouth, from which no one should distract you.

And if Brushing your teeth twice a day is enough, then it is necessary to rinse your mouth after every meal, especially sweet ones. By the way, acidic foods also require thorough rinsing afterward, since An acidic environment softens tooth enamel.

The effectiveness of mouth rinse can be increased by use. These include natural remedies, which have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. Thyme, horsetail, St. John's wort, chamomile, calamus root, sage– decoctions of these herbs, acting in a similar way on gum tissue, eliminate putrid smell from the mouth and prevent the possibility of its occurrence. Such a procedure can also reduce unbearable pain, after which it becomes possible to get to the dentist in full health and sanity. A similar property is inherent in the usual weak solution of table salt; half a teaspoon in half a glass of warm water is enough.

Having determined the composition in the oral cavity, perform several vigorous rinsing movements of the lips and cheeks, after which you can part with the solution.

There are also special rinsing liquids available in pharmacies. Any thoughtful dentist can choose the optimal rinse for you.

Mouth rinses cannot replace dental treatment, but long-term regular rinsing will prevent your teeth from becoming so bad that they need a dentist with a drill or pliers in hand.

IN healing procedures when treating gums, they must be included various techniques mouth rinses, which differ from the usual “civilian” version. Here, the rinse liquid should be kept in the mouth for a longer period, because the medicine must have time to fully produce its healing reactions. With this treatment, rinsing is also carried out using decoctions of medicinal herbs; Antimicrobial agents are also used, in particular, chlorhexidine solution.

However, rinses cannot cross the limit of their effectiveness. These procedures will not help in eliminating plaque and tartar; here is a direct route to the dentist. He is able to eliminate these oral imperfections, but he will not be able to rinse your mouth for you.

Dental elixirs have also been developed for rinsing., which include antiseptics, astringents and deodorizing ingredients. There are both refreshing and hygienic elixirs, as well as therapeutic and prophylactic ones, which are used for healing various diseases oral cavity.

Anti-carious elixirs contain fluorine and calcium ions, which strengthen the enamel and protect it from destruction. And tin fluoride additionally reduces the sensitivity of teeth to sour foods and temperature changes.

In order to create more powerful therapeutic and prophylactic effects, biologically added to dental elixirs active agents, since it has been proven that natural antioxidants, including beta-carotene, vitamins E, A, C, some amino acids and trace elements, have a significant effect on the adequate renewal of oral tissues, and also increase the resistance of tooth enamel and tissues to various types of oral diseases mouth

Morning rinse, is designed to wash away the colony of microorganisms that have multiplied overnight, since during this period less saliva is produced, which protects our mouth from the effects of bacteria.

In the evening, rinsing removes the acidic bacterial film that has appeared during the day due to food intake.

It is quite effective to rinse your mouth with celandine infusion, To prepare it, brew a teaspoon of raw material with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. The throat, mouth and teeth should be rinsed with this infusion twice a day. You just can’t swallow celandine.

A similar effect can be achieved using garlic water. A crushed clove of garlic is brewed with a glass of boiling water, left for a quarter of an hour, strained, and then proceeds to rinsing all organs of the mouth at a temperature of 40°C. Celandine and garlic can be alternated.

Quite a lot of people praise urine, but you still need to get used to this matter.

A decoction of oak bark is also used, for which half a teaspoon of powder is boiled for a couple of minutes in a glass of water and left to infuse for a quarter of an hour. Among other things, the product can help with loose, bleeding gums.

Many people have encountered the problem of bad breath. In any case, this unpleasant odor is already a problem that is worth thinking about solving. Let's look at why this problem occurs and how to deal with it. There are two main reasons for the appearance unpleasant odors in the oral cavity. The first is improper oral care, and the second is caused by stomach diseases. Inadequate oral care means that a person does not know how to properly brush his teeth and does not take other measures that cleanse the mouth of various microbes and food debris. You can combat this problem thanks to frequent cleaning teeth, flossing and mouth rinsing. The article will discuss how to rinse your mouth. There are many substances that can be used to rinse your mouth. This can be soda, hydrogen peroxide, and special chemicals, and also oil.

Baking soda rinse

Baking soda is often used as a treatment aid for toothache. Baking soda is a great helper: it helps reduce inflammatory processes, kills all harmful bacteria and microorganisms, and also reduces pain.

So, how to rinse your mouth with soda? You can only rinse your mouth with a soda solution. How to prepare such a solution? Most often, a glass of warm water is taken. The temperature is equal to the human body temperature, that is, thirty-six degrees Celsius. Next, take half to two-thirds of a teaspoon of soda and pour it into the water. This is all thoroughly stirred so that the soda dissolves. Then you can start rinsing yourself. But before any rinsing, be sure to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with clean water. This is done to ensure that there are no food residues left in the mouth from which germs can form. After cleaning, you can start rinsing your mouth with a soda solution. Usually this rinsing is done after eating.

Hydrogen peroxide rinse

You can also rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide. The procedure for rinsing your mouth is very similar to rinsing with soda. A rinse solution is also prepared. We need to take a three percent hydrogen peroxide solution. After this, prepare the rinsing solution. Mix hydrogen peroxide with water in a one to one ratio. You need to rinse your mouth for several minutes. If you have periodontal disease, the solution will foam and sting, but this is not so important since the unpleasant odor will disappear along with the periodontal disease.

Other types of rinsing

Chlorhexidine is also used as a mouth rinse. It is an antiviral, antimicrobial and disinfectant. It is used in many areas of medicine and is produced in various forms. In dentistry, it is used to prevent caries and inflammation after tooth extraction. How to rinse your mouth with chlorhexidine - use it two to three times a day. Place chlorhexidine in your mouth and rinse for a minute. After this, you can’t eat anything until three o’clock.

You can also rinse your mouth with oil. Used vegetable oil. Rinse time should last up to 14 minutes. Then you need to spit out the oil and rinse your mouth with water. And you should never swallow this used oil.

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