Home Pulpitis The tooth erupted but the baby tooth did not fall out. What to do if a child’s baby tooth has not fallen out but the molar tooth is growing

The tooth erupted but the baby tooth did not fall out. What to do if a child’s baby tooth has not fallen out but the molar tooth is growing

Many parents closely monitor the development of their baby, including the appearance of the first baby teeth. This process is remembered for a long time, because during this period the child behaves restlessly, develops a fever, and scratches his gums vigorously. But all these difficulties are worth it in the end to see your child have a mouth full of teeth.

However, it is worth considering that baby teeth are considered temporary, and by a certain age they begin to loosen and fall out. So what to do with a lost baby tooth? For many inexperienced mothers, this process can raise a lot of questions, so it’s worth preparing for this in advance.

As a rule, children erupt their first teeth at 6-8 months. Milk teeth serve a child for 5-6 years. But still, it is worth considering that each baby’s body is different, and therefore the process of changing baby teeth to molars occurs differently. Also, this process depends on many reasons and features.

Attention! According to statistics, the first tooth in children falls out at the age of 5-7 years. However, sometimes situations arise when this process occurs much earlier. ×

The period of loss of primary teeth can be affected by different features– the degree of health of baby teeth, the period of their eruption, features of the development of the jaw apparatus in a child.
There is another reason on which it depends initial period the loss of the first milk teeth and their replacement by molars are features of the development of their rudiments during pregnancy, because the process of formation of the rudiments begins in the womb.
Despite the fact that the time of loss of the first teeth and their replacement with permanent ones is different for everyone, the order of loss is usually the same for everyone.

Loss of baby teeth is the replacement of temporary teeth with permanent ones. This is a process that every person goes through in childhood and in most children it occurs without any problems.

Typically, primary teeth fall out in the same order in which they germinate. Initially, there is a loosening of the first lower incisors, then after a while the upper ones begin to wobble. After this, loosening of any teeth occurs in random order. The last to become loose are the canines, premolars and molars. The formation of a full-fledged bite in children begins by the age of 13-14 years.
The tables below indicate the approximate periods of loss of certain teeth.

Names of teethFallout period (years)
Anterior lower incisors5-6
Upper anterior incisors6-7
Upper lateral incisors7-9
Lower lateral incisors8-9
Fangs upper jaw9-10
Canines lower jaw9-12
Upper premolars (first molars)10-11
Lower premolars10-12
Lower molars (second molars)11-12
Upper molars12-13

First steps in case of loss of baby teeth

Often, many parents are very worried that their children have to experience severe pain when their first baby teeth fall out. painful sensations.
The only unpleasant factor that can bother a child during this period is a loose tooth. Of course, this will not worry the child much; during this period, he will develop great curiosity and interest in the loose tooth. He will strive to constantly touch it and examine it.
What actions should parents take during this period:

  • To begin with, parents should explain to children that they should not put their hands in their mouths. Due to the fact that a child often puts his hands in his mouth, he can get an infection, which in the future can cause severe pain and inflammation;
  • It is imperative to explain to the child why tooth loss occurs, that this is normal and not at all scary;
  • If blood appears from the socket when a tooth falls out, it is not dangerous. In these cases, it is recommended that the child be given a solution with baking soda so that he rinses his mouth. Rinsing is performed until the hole is completely closed;
  • If teeth are falling out, you should not give your child painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs.

But it’s still worth turning again to the main question that worries all parents who are faced with this process for the first time: what should be done when children’s teeth fall out?

Attention! It should be remembered that the first tooth that falls out for every child is considered an important stage in its development, for this reason it is not recommended to simply throw it away. ×

Everyone has certain rituals to mark this significant event. Many doctors even recommend celebrating this day somehow, making it important and special for the child. First of all, this day should remain in his memory as a bright and joyful event; he should not associate it with pain and unpleasant sensations. This will help him to endure subsequent tooth loss much easier in the future, and he will even feel joy when another tooth begins to loosen.

Parents should pay attention to the child’s teeth and explain that this is a natural process that happens to everyone. Worth cheering funny story or reward with a gift, then this event will carry positive emotions.

What to do if blood appears during tooth loss?

Some parents immediately panic when their baby starts bleeding during the loss of a baby tooth, but this should not be done. This process is considered absolutely normal; it occurs due to the fact that there is a large amount of blood vessels. When a tooth falls out, these vessels burst, and therefore a bleeding process occurs.
To stop the bleeding, the following measures should be taken:

  1. If blood appears, the child should be given a cotton swab or piece of gauze. He must press it to the hole with blood and hold it for a while. Usually the bleeding stops quickly;
  2. It is not recommended to use hydrogen peroxide as a mouth rinse because it will only irritate the wound but also positive result will not bring;
  3. If the bleeding does not stop and simple manipulations do not help stop it, then you should go to see a dentist;
  4. In the first period after tooth loss, the child should rinse the mouth with a solution with a weak salt concentration.

Sometimes there are situations when a tooth falls out unnoticed even by the child himself, and he may accidentally swallow it. In these cases, it is worth contacting a dental specialist who will examine the hole and be able to determine whether the tooth has completely fallen out or whether part of it has broken off. If it turns out that the tooth has fallen out and the child has no complaints, then soon enough it will leave the body naturally.

Rinse weak saline solution will allow you to disinfect the oral cavity and inflammation after the loss of a baby tooth.

So where can you put a lost tooth - traditions

Of course, what to do with the first one dropped? baby tooth Everyone must choose for themselves; there are no specific requirements for this and it does not need to be taken to the dentist for disposal.

Attention! IN different families They have their own traditional customs, which they observe during the loss of the first milk teeth in children.
Some people put their lost teeth in a small box. Many leave them as a souvenir, just like a baby’s tag from the maternity hospital or other memorable symbols that are associated with the first birth of a child. Some, on the contrary, are of the opinion that the first tooth is an unnecessary thing and should be buried deep in the ground. ×

also in Lately The tradition that came to us from the West has become quite popular. You need to place the fallen tooth under a pillow or in a container or glass that is placed next to the bed. While the child is sleeping, it flies to him Tooth Fairy, takes the tooth and leaves a coin, candy, small gift or other thing in return. Before going to bed, it is advisable to tell your child about the existence of the Tooth Fairy, that she flies in just when all the children are sleeping and takes away the fallen baby teeth.
This tradition is very popular among modern children. Naturally, instead of the Tooth Fairy, you can invent any other hero from a fairy tale, the main thing is that the child believes it and is interested in this whole process. But it is worth remembering that these measures must be carried out constantly for each tooth that falls out. For parents it is simple, but for the child it will be an exciting and memorable process.
There is another tradition of giving your tooth to a mouse, because it constantly chews everything. In these cases, the child needs to be told to find a secluded and dark place, for example under the bed, under a closet or other furniture. He must throw his fallen tooth into a dark corner. After this, the child should be told that after the mouse finds a tooth, it will take it and grow a new permanent one in the place of the one that fell out. This tradition is also liked by many children and they happily perform these actions after each loss of a baby tooth.
The most important thing is that after a child’s tooth falls out, he needs to be reassured; he should not be afraid or be very nervous. You definitely need to tell him that this process happens to everyone, that soon a new molar will grow in place of the lost tooth. The child must know that permanent teeth They will remain with him for life, so they need to be regularly looked after, cleaned and protected from negative factors.

The tooth fairy is a fairy-tale character who not only helps to take care of teeth, but also takes away lost teeth, bringing coins or gifts to children. Don’t forget to put the tooth under the pillow with your baby, and replace it at night for a treasured surprise.

The baby tooth has not fallen out, but the molar is already growing - what to do?

Important! Often there are situations when children have not yet lost their milk teeth, but molars are already erupting nearby. This process is dangerous because baby teeth will interfere with the growth of permanent teeth, which can ultimately lead to the fact that the molars may grow crooked. ×

In these cases, you should consult a dentist. Not worth doing independent actions, try to loosen teeth and even more so pull them out. Instead of benefit, you can, on the contrary, harm the child, and sometimes even cause injury. The doctor has special tools with which he can pry up the interfering baby tooth and quickly remove it. The main thing is that the baby will not even feel pain, everything will go very quickly and painlessly, and most importantly it is safe for his health. After this, the indigenous ones will be able to grow normally.
The main task of parents in these situations is that they must calm the child before the appointment. It is important that the child is not afraid of the doctor, so that he understands that this is important for the health of his future teeth.
Under no circumstances should you pull out a tooth yourself using a thread and a door. Using this method, the tooth may not be pulled out, and the child may end up in severe pain. In addition, this can cause severe fear in the baby and unpleasant memories in the future. As a result, he simply does not want to go to the doctor, which will greatly worsen his dental condition. Therefore, you should not risk the health of your child, but it is better to immediately go to see an experienced pediatric dentist.
If you don’t want to go to the dentist or you can’t persuade your child to undergo this procedure, then you can use some recommendations:
  • You can let your child chew on a crust of dried bread. This will increase the loosening of baby teeth;
  • frequent consumption of hard vegetables and fruits - carrots, apples, can also cause rapid loss of baby teeth;
  • Solid food should be given to the child as often as possible, but you should not tell him why it is necessary. Otherwise, he may get scared and not want to eat these foods.

Eating solid foods will speed up the process of loosening and rapid loss of baby teeth. It is imperative to monitor loose teeth; it is important not to overlook the moment they fall out. The child himself may not notice that his tooth has fallen out and may accidentally swallow it, and this is undesirable.
The most important thing is to regularly monitor the condition of children’s baby teeth. Identify loose teeth in a timely manner. For a child, the loss of a baby tooth should be a bright and joyful event; it should leave a pleasant imprint on his memory. For this reason, it is worth preparing him for this process; at these moments he needs to be reassured, he should not be afraid, nervous, or worried. It’s worth coming up with a fairy tale, your own tradition that will interest the child and make this event exciting and joyful

If a child’s baby teeth begin to fall out and “adult” molars grow in their place, then this is a real reason for parental joy and pride. Kids themselves understand the importance of this event - if they suddenly lose a tooth, they happily bring it to mom or dad so that they can praise them and reward them with something tasty. Therefore, every parent will be concerned about the question: when will their child’s baby teeth start to fall out? What to do if they don't fall out? Is this normal or not, or maybe it is some kind of disease? In this article we will try to answer the most common questions about the relative loss and non-loss of baby teeth in children.

Questions from parents and answers to them

  • At what age should a child lose his baby teeth?

This process approximately lasts for several years – approximately six to eight years. Moreover, the first milk tooth falls out at the age of 6 years (maybe later, maybe earlier - it all depends on the physiological development of the child). And there are no criteria here, since all children are very different. Moreover, we must also take into account that from a physiological point of view, boys lose their hair much later than girls.

  • Which teeth fall out first and which ones last?

The central incisors should fall out first, followed by the upper central incisors. But, again, this is not necessary and is not a pattern. Over time, as soon as the child turns about 7-8 years old, his lateral incisors - upper and lower - fall out.

Upper molars begin to fall out between the ages of 8 and 10; at 9-11 years old - upper canines and lower canines; at 11-13 years old - lower large molars and upper large ones.

Again, do not pay attention to the order indicated here - you must understand that all these processes are individual. For example, in some children the canines are the last to fall out, and then only the central incisors.

  • If the child is already 6-7 years old, then should you panic and go to the dentist?

No, you should not panic and run to the doctor if at the age of 6 your child has not lost a single baby tooth. Not all doctors know that the period(s) of tooth loss depend solely on many factors: genetics, the place where the child lives (radiation background, environmental conditions). In addition, if a child is constantly sick, this will also affect when exactly the teeth fall out. It’s not so scary if a child’s teeth fall out later than 7 years; you need to be wary and worried if baby teeth fall out much earlier than this age. Then you should mandatory contact specialists - a pediatrician and a dentist.

If a child’s baby teeth begin to fall out before the age of 6-7, then this is a good reason to show him to a dentist. This phenomenon is not physiologically normal.

  • Why does a child's baby teeth fall out?

Here we need to turn to human anatomy. An adult has only 32 teeth - 16 of which you can see in upper jaw and 16 on the bottom. Young children have only 20 baby teeth. If a child’s permanent root tooth begins to erupt, this means that the baby tooth will soon fall out in order to make room for it.

  • Does your child experience pain when their baby teeth fall out?

No, none painful sensations The child does not experience any pain when baby teeth fall out. Initially, in children, the root of a baby tooth is resorbed (medical dental term). Then, after the tooth has nothing to hold onto in the gum, it gradually begins to loosen. After a while, the tooth falls out and the child doesn’t even notice it. Children do not experience any pain when baby teeth fall out. Where a baby tooth has fallen out, a permanent “adult” tooth will soon begin to grow.

  • Is it possible to “loose” a baby tooth on your own and try to pull it out?

No, this should not be done under any circumstances - neither by parents nor by children. Adults should explain and, if necessary, prohibit the child from touching baby teeth. Why? Because when baby teeth fall out, the gums are open, which means that the child can carry oral cavity infection - as a result, an inflammatory process develops, and serious problems with teeth. The same rule applies to the wound formed after a baby tooth has fallen out - touching it with your hands is strictly prohibited.

  • Why do a child’s permanent teeth appear crooked, while the baby teeth were straight and beautiful before? What to do in this case?

This process is due to the fact that after a baby (up to a year or a year and a half) has his baby teeth erupted, there is not a single gap between them. Accordingly, such a row of teeth will be beautiful and even. This is how it should be, this is the norm.

With age (after 2 years), the child’s jaw begins to grow (as well as other organs and all bone mass). Gradually, by the age of 6-7 years, gaps appear between the baby teeth. This is also the norm, since anatomically adult permanent teeth are much larger in size than baby teeth. If by the age of 6 years there are no gaps between the baby teeth, then the permanent teeth cannot fit into these small spaces. As a result, the child develops crooked teeth.

  • What to do if no gaps have formed between the baby teeth by the age of 6?

There is only one way out - consulting a dentist. Since if you do not help your child at this stage, then later, in adulthood, you will have to contact an orthodontist (crooked teeth can only be straightened with the help of special ones).

Also, the reason for contacting a dentist during the period of loss of baby teeth in a child are such symptoms and complaints of children as severe pain and itching of the gums. Doctors usually prescribe vitamins for children to take orally (they will help boost immunity) and special gels to strengthen tooth enamel.

Baby teeth in children are a temporary phenomenon. Teeth change at certain intervals according to a clearly developed pattern. Like permanent teeth, milk teeth are susceptible to diseases: periodontitis, pulpitis, caries, gumboil.

How many teeth does a child have, how does growth occur and sets change, why do teeth hurt, turn black, and what to do if a child has bad teeth - pull them out or heal them?

Milk teeth are structured in a special way: they have a smaller crown area, the enamel and dentin are very thin (up to 1 mm), contain few minerals, do not have immune zones, are characterized by short dentinal tubules and a large pulp volume.

The structure and number of root canals do not differ from permanent ones, except for their location on greater distance. The roots are located at an angle (to make room for the rudiments of the permanent dentition). The closure surface has almost no tubercles.


Adults have a set of 32 permanent teeth, and here The number of baby teeth in children is only 20. The child's skull is distinguished by signs of characteristic milk bite due to the absence of premolars.

Each child's jaw has 10 teeth: four primary incisors, a pair of canines, and four molars. The entire set of baby teeth fully erupts at about three years of age.


The pattern of teething and changing teeth is the same for each child. But when the growth or replacement of teeth begins is a purely individual phenomenon. .

IN 5-6 years temporary milk changes a set of permanent molars. The appearance or loss of a particular tooth occurs with a break of about 3-4 months after the eruption (loss) of the previous one.

How they appear

IN 6-8 one month old a pair of central incisors erupts in a child on lower jaw, a little later the central upper incisors appear. The antagonizing appearance of teeth occurs for a reason. In this period rudiments of bite are formed, the child learns to bite and gnaw solid food.

At 8-12 months, the baby’s jaw acquires lateral incisors. The order of their appearance is similar to the central ones: two teeth at the bottom, two at the top. Thus, by the age of one year the child will have eight incisors.

When will the baby turn 16-20 months, fangs will erupt. Interestingly, it is always the lower front tooth that appears first, then the upper front tooth. The growth of canines is often accompanied by difficulties due to the peculiarities of their structure and location.

Now the child is able to bite off a piece of a solid product, but he will not be able to chew it yet. Chewing molars will appear in the baby at the age of 1.5-2 years. As soon as the chewing group has erupted, the child will learn to chew solid food with his teeth.

How do they fall out?

The child has grown up, there are places for jaw bone there's more, so the sixth posterior molars will appear first- permanent molars. Then gradually all baby teeth will be completely replaced by molars.

When does baby teeth begin to fall out in children and how long does it take for baby teeth to change to molars? individual characteristics, which every child’s skull possesses. But the order of fall is almost identical to the growth pattern.

First, the lower central incisors wobble and fall out, then it’s the turn of the upper ones. . A thirteen-year-old teenager loses his last pair of baby teeth – canines. Another year later, the second molars erupt, and at the age of 18, “wisdom teeth” begin to grow;

There are situations when a child knocks out a tooth as a result of injury, a fall, or a blow. The fact that the baby knocked out a tooth will have a negative impact in the future Negative influence on the growth of molars. Possible occurrence of dental anomalies: malocclusion, difficult eruption, thinning, loosening, crooked teeth.



The eruption of baby teeth in children is painful. The gums turn red and swell, the child loses his appetite, cries, and is capricious. You may experience a short-term rash on your lip or chin. Often tooth growth is accompanied by high temperature and sleepless nights.


Changing baby teeth is a natural phenomenon in children. Losing baby teeth is rarely painful, if the process occurs naturally, without folk methods"thread pulling" When the dental system begins preparation with the replacement of temporary teeth with permanent ones, the milk roots gradually dissolve. The teeth become loose, separate from the gums and fall out.

Why do they spoil?

Tooth enamel the child is very fragile, thin, constantly exposed to various influences, which quickly affects appearance and the condition of the teeth in general. Under the influence of cold, hot foods, sweets, fruit acids, as well as due to a lack of vitamins Plaque can form on the teeth, the enamel is destroyed, and caries occurs. Let's take a closer look at the main reasons why and how baby teeth deteriorate in children.

Turn black

Black plaque on baby teeth can be caused by many factors: impaired metabolism of fluoride, calcium, heredity, dysfunction of salivation, abuse of sweets. But the main reasons are the development of early caries.

Caries occurs when a child does not know how to properly care for their teeth, brushes them irregularly, or exposes them to very cold (hot) drinks. He bites his nails and rarely washes his hands, which injures tooth enamel and colonizes the oral cavity with pathogenic bacteria.

If your baby teeth or molars have darkened, the problem is most likely insufficient hygiene oral cavity.


The strength of dental tissue depends on the level of vitamin D in the child's body. It is not surprising that teeth crumble more often in residents of the northern regions. Lack of sun causes low production of vitamin D, which creates difficulties for the normal absorption of calcium and the formation of strong tooth enamel.

Also for dental health affected by drinking poor quality water. If drinking water is deprived of the required amount of fluoride and iodine, a metabolic disorder occurs - the teeth do not receive the necessary “building material”, they crumble and fall out.

Teeth crumble in children who are used to gnawing too hard food - nuts, bones, or do not follow temperature regime in relation to their teeth - wash down cold ice cream with hot tea, for example.

Sometimes teeth crumble due to dental problemsmalocclusion, untreated or incorrectly treated teeth. Let's say a child knocked out a tooth or recently had a filling done. If even a small piece of enamel breaks off, over time the enamel weakens and the teeth crumble.

Even if you pull out bad, crumbling teeth, the problem will not be solved. It’s better to do fortification and balanced diet baby.

Fall out early

Teeth fall out early in the presence of an abnormal bite, tumors, injuries, and also if one of the teeth was forced to be removed or adjacent teeth were too strong pressure. An early tooth loss leads to the displacement of neighboring teeth, which gradually begin to occupy free space.

Violation of spatial balance makes teething difficult. The molars grow crooked, stagger, and are unevenly positioned. Crooked teeth distort a child’s face, causing facial defects and difficulties in pronunciation. If a tooth falls out early, the orthodontist can install a special plate - a spatial corrector.

They grow crookedly

Normally, baby teeth almost always grow straight, but why do permanent teeth erupt crookedly? When permanent teeth are just being formed, they are placed in the jaws in a rocker-like manner due to lack of free space.

Gradually, the child’s skull grows, free space appears, and the teeth begin to turn, preparing for eruption. IN normal conditions Baby teeth do not interfere with permanent teeth occupying their proper place. But if a child is subject to bad childhood habits - sucking fingers, objects, the growth of molars is hampered.


Baby teeth are susceptible to diseases of the enamel and gums, which is why they quickly deteriorate, collapse, turn black, and crumble. Early tooth decay causes malocclusion and difficult eruption of the permanent row. Therefore, it is important to teach a child from a young age to care for the oral cavity and treat dental diseases in a timely manner.


Symptoms of periodontitis manifested by pain in the affected area, elevated temperature, lack of appetite, lethargy. Visually, you can observe that the tooth, the neck of which has become thinner under the influence of caries, has broken off. The roots rot, the destroyed root canal pulp transmits infection to periodontal tissues, and periodontitis occurs.

Typically, periodontitis affects molars. If a child is just developing periodontitis, it makes sense to preserve the baby tooth. The filling method is used. And here purulent periodontitis- a reason for surgical intervention for the purpose of drainage of exudate.


Early caries is a common problem in primary teeth. A child’s tooth enamel is much thinner and therefore cannot provide sufficient protection against the destructive effects of bacteria. Caries penetrates into the deep layers of tooth tissue, causing inflammation of the pulp and periodontium. Several teeth can be affected by caries at the same time.

The first symptom of caries is a small grayish or black spot on the surface of the enamel.

Infants also experience tooth decay affecting the first 4 front incisors. Infant caries develops due to the consumption of sweet juices, formula milk from a bottle, and sucking on pacifiers. Hence the popular name for the disease – “bottle” caries.


Pulpitis is inflammation of the child’s tooth tissue – the pulp. Pulpitis appears severe pain when biting, chewing food, fever, impaired appetite and digestion. Over time, the pulp deteriorates more and more, the roots rot, the tooth becomes loose and hurts.

Pulpitis in a child does not mean that the tooth needs to be pulled out. On early stages pulpitis can be stopped by removing the inflamed area of ​​tissue. A medicine like “arsenic” is placed in the tooth to kill the nerve. Next, if necessary, the temporary medicinal pad is replaced with a filling.


The modern name of the flux is purulent periostitis. Flux in children is characterized by inflammation of the jaw areas: subgingival, subperiosteal, root tips of the teeth, as well as swelling of the mucous membrane, which causes severe swelling on the child’s gums and cheek. Tissue inflammation quickly develops into a putrefactive process. The gums fester, break out, and cases of blood poisoning are possible.

Flux causes high temperature, cheek and sore gum they hurt a lot. If a child has gumboil, you should not warm the swollen cheek; bacteria multiply faster in warmth. Do not let your child touch the flux with their fingers. The abscess may burst, pus will spread over the mucous membrane, and a new portion of microorganisms will enter the resulting wound.

Before visiting the dentist, you can rinse the gumboil with cool anti-inflammatory infusions.


Does it make sense to treat baby teeth in children? Contrary to the belief that healthy or diseased baby teeth will fall out, and in return a new, disease-free permanent set will grow, the oral cavity requires constant care and treatment.

After all, if the lost milk tooth was affected by caries, the new erupted tooth will also be susceptible to destruction. Inflammatory dental diseases and temporary injuries lead to disruption of the mineralization of the permanent set and negatively affect the functioning of internal organs.


When a child’s baby tooth becomes loose, parents try to pull it out immediately. Is it worth removing baby teeth in children? If the process of changing teeth occurs naturally and without problems, it is better to let the baby teeth fall out on their own.

However, there are situations when the help of a specialist is absolutely necessary:

  • the baby tooth becomes loose, causes discomfort, interferes with chewing food, hurts, damages the gum tissue;
  • temporary teeth are destroyed and can cause inflammation of the gums;
  • milk teeth interfere with the normal eruption of permanent teeth;
  • the child knocked out a tooth, bleeding began, you cannot stop the bleeding;
  • due to injury, a piece of the tooth broke off and the gum tissue was damaged;
  • the child complains of painful, itchy sensations, signs of caries are visible.

If the dentist performs a tooth extraction, the child should not eat for about 2 hours after the procedure. While the wound on the gum is healing, salty, sour, and hot foods should be excluded from the menu.

Do not try to pull out bad teeth yourself using the “thread” method, even if the tooth is loose and ready to fall out. At a minimum, you are mentally traumatizing the baby. If bad teeth really need to be pulled out, see your dentist.

How to keep healthy

  • Before going to bed, regardless of age, children should clean their mouth.
  • From the moment when the growth of the first teeth has just begun, infants need to wipe the oral cavity with a clean, damp cotton napkin after feeding.
  • Before the age of two, brush your first baby teeth carefully; it is better to purchase soft toothbrushes and use plain water rather than toothpastes.
  • Two-year-old children can use a minimal amount of toothpaste, fluoride-containing one is possible, but no more than a pea-sized amount.
  • From 2 years of age, cleaning is carried out 2 times - after breakfast and dinner. Additionally, you can use dental floss.

  • Until the child learns to brush his teeth efficiently on his own, you need to control the process.
  • When teeth are replaced with molars, you need to minimize the amount of sweets, soda, and too sour fruits consumed.
  • Be sure to provide your baby with his own cutlery to prevent “foreign” carious bacteria from entering the oral cavity.
  • Infants should not be given sweet juices from a bottle at night, so as not to provoke bottle caries.
  • If your child attends sports activities, you can purchase a special mouth guard to prevent the young athlete from accidentally knocking out a tooth.
  • Every six months, your child needs a dental examination.

The loss of baby teeth for children aged 5-7 years is a big event, which is associated with the period of growing up and the appearance of the first molars. The change is painful and is accompanied by unpleasant sensations - increased temperature, swelling in the gum area. The child becomes irritable and whiny. As a rule, a permanent one immediately begins to grow in place of the lost tooth. But what to do if the baby tooth has not yet fallen out, but the molar has already begun to grow?

The natural process of replacing temporary teeth with permanent ones begins at the age of 4 and ends at 12-14. These indicators depend on several factors:

Not everyone knows that baby teeth have roots; by the age of six they gradually dissolve. The development of molars in a baby's jaw stretches to for a long time. Parents need to monitor the change of molars. Appearance too early or late may indicate physiological problems. For consultation and examination of the oral cavity, you should contact a specialist.

If baby teeth fall out earlier than expected, the doctor will prescribe a retainer. This device is necessary to hold temporary teeth in place and form correct height permanent.

Each child has their teeth replaced on an individual schedule. To many parents of children preschool age The problem of the appearance of a molar next to a milk tooth is known. In dentistry, this physiological process is called “shark teeth” due to its resemblance to the jaw of a predatory fish.

The appearance of the second row makes the child want to loosen the temporary tooth on his own and get rid of it as quickly as possible. It is worth controlling this process.

According to doctors, if the parallel growth of molars does not cause discomfort and pain, special actions the situation does not require it. It is necessary to take action and apply for medical care the following reasons:

  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane and swelling of the gums in the growth area - in this situation, a pediatric orthodontist removes the tooth. 5-7 days after the wound heals, the molar moves and takes the place of the milk tooth;
  • The baby tooth becomes loose but does not fall out;
  • The baby tooth sits firmly in the socket and has not become loose or fallen out for 3 months.

How to help a child?

For decreasing inflammatory process Doctors recommend using mouthwash solutions based on medicinal herbs(chamomile, calendula, sage, oak bark).

To prepare the decoction you will need 1 tbsp. spoon of dry ingredient and glass hot water(150 ml). Place the herb in a glass, leave for 8-10 minutes and strain. Irrigate the oral cavity with the prepared infusion after meals 2-3 times during the day.

If your child doesn't like the taste herbal decoction, there is another option - a solution based sea ​​salt or regular soda.

As homeopathic medicines It is allowed to use Dentokid tablets or gel for local application from the same manufacturer.

During the period of changing baby teeth, parents should carefully monitor the quality of work daily hygiene oral cavity. The brush should have soft bristles so as not to injure the delicate mucous membrane.

Nutrition should also not be left unattended. It is necessary to include foods rich in calcium in a child’s diet in sufficient quantities to form healthy enamel.

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