Home Gums Vestibuloplasty of gums. Carrying out vestibuloplasty of the lower jaw

Vestibuloplasty of gums. Carrying out vestibuloplasty of the lower jaw

New technologies in the field of dentistry have made it possible to use plastic surgery vestibuloplasty method.

Effective surgery for abnormalities lower jaw allows you to eliminate any defects in anticipation oral cavity.

Vestibuloplasty - surgery, which is carried out for the purpose of corrective manipulations in the anterior part of the oral cavity, limited externally by the cheeks and lips, and internally by the alveolar processes of the jaws and dental units.

If we consider the characteristics of the operation, then it can be classified as an intervention aimed at plastically eliminating deformations and defects of organs and tissues, however, its purpose is to get rid of dental problems.

The method allows you to reduce gum tension through surgical dysplasia of the muscular tissues of the oral cavity. Also, when carrying out the technique, the area of ​​​​gingival tissue and the deepening of the entire area of ​​​​the anterior part of the oral cavity (vestibule) increases.

Reasons for carrying out

The technique is used on both the upper and lower jaws, if indicated:

  • chronic periodontal diseases;
  • partial change in the mucous membrane before correction of malocclusions and jaw defects or implantation of a structure;
  • violation of distinct pronunciation;
  • decrease in the height of the gum volume in the area of ​​the tooth neck (recession);
  • malocclusion;
  • changes in dental osseous tissue;
  • exposure of the tooth root;
  • if the gum tissue is high adjacent to the tooth.


The operation is allowed in the absence the following diseases and pathologies:

  • cerebral vasculitis;
  • poor blood clotting caused by heredity;
  • oncological pathological processes in the oral cavity and beyond;
  • recovery period after radiation therapy for malignant tumors;
  • pronounced disturbances in the surface relief of the soft tissues of the oral cavity with the formation of dense scars;
  • purulent infection accompanied by inflammatory process which extends to all structures of the jaw system (osteomyelitis);
  • psychoneurological disorders;
  • addiction to alcohol, drugs, nicotine.

Preparation principle

Based on the fact that vestibuloplasty is performed surgical methods, that is, direct intervention in the structure of soft tissues, before its use it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis.

to install accurate diagnosis and discover possible limitations in the use of the technique, experts resort to standard research:

  • visual exploration of the area;
  • thorough examination using instruments;
  • X-ray diagnostics.

In addition to preparatory manipulations by a specialist, the patient must adhere to special recommendations.

Its actions are as follows:

  • 5-7 hours before surgery, do not eat solid foods that can damage the gum tissue.
  • Avoid taking painkillers, as this may affect the effect of local anesthesia.

The dentist must thoroughly clean the dentition from amorphous deposits, plaque and stones.

Types of operations

When performing plastic surgery, doctors use several modifications.

Edlan-Meihar method

The method is used quite often and has proven itself with positive side. After the operation, permanent changes are observed.

However, the technique has a significant drawback, which is expressed in the exposure of part of the lip. The procedure is performed in several stages:

  • temporary decrease in pain sensitivity;
  • surgical dissection of the inner lining of the oral cavity along the bend line of the bone arch;
  • detachment of the inner membrane from the edge of the incision to the jaw;
  • formation of the vestibule of the oral cavity with subsequent fixation of the inner membrane;
  • applying a soft gauze bandage with a sterile agent to the wound area.

The recovery period lasts about 2 weeks.

In the video you can watch the process of vestibuloplasty using the Edlan-Meihar method.

Schmidt modification

The Schmidt method has some differences from the previous method. During this operation, the connective tissue surrounding the bone from the outside (periosteum, periosteum) is not peeled off.

The procedure is performed in the following order:

  • local anesthesia;
  • cutting off a tight cord in the muscle along the periosteum;
  • insertion of a tissue flap into the recess of the new corrected anterior part of the mouth;
  • fixation of the tissue flap with sutures.

Vestibuloplasty according to Clark

This type of plastic surgery is considered the simplest and most convenient. During surgical intervention the specialist makes an incision on inside at the junction of the gum tissue with the moving places of the mucous membrane of the anterior oral cavity, without affecting the periosteum.

The dissection is performed within the tissues of the anterior oral cavity to the periosteum and in the direction with the bone arch along the entire incision with a depth of 1.5 cm.

The edge of the inner membrane is inserted into the recess of the newly formed anterior part of the oral cavity and sewn to the periosteum using special threads. A bandage with iodoform is applied to the wound area.

Vestibuloplasty according to Glickman

This method is used for small anterior parts of the oral cavity, both over a large area and in a separate pathological area.

The procedure involves making an incision where the labial commissure meets the gum tissue. Next, soft tissue is peeled off without the use of sharp instruments near the periosteum to a depth of 1.5 cm in the area of ​​the dentition.

The cords are intersected with scissors, and the tissue flap is sutured to the inner membrane in the recess of the newly formed anterior part of the oral cavity to connective tissue, surrounding bone tissue outside.

The open wound area heals with repeated tension under a protective bandage.

Tunnel method

This method has several positive aspects. Firstly, it is ideal for eliminating defects on both jaws, and secondly, it is a gentle correction option.

During the operation, the surgeon makes 3 incisions. The first one is performed parallel to the strand of the mucous membrane, and the next two are performed horizontally towards the small molars.

When using this method, the wound area is small, which speeds up healing. Typically after 10 days soft fabrics are completely restored.

For the procedure for performing the operation using the tunnel method, see the video.

Using laser

This innovation in plastic surgery is gaining momentum in the field of dentistry. The technique allows the operation to be performed without the use of a scalpel, which almost completely eliminates injuries.

The procedure involves the use of a laser beam, which gives it the following advantages:

  • the possibility of qualitative expansion of the anterior part of the oral cavity;
  • the permissibility of increasing the area of ​​​​fixed gum tissue;
  • exclusion of swelling of soft tissues;
  • all cuts are made with extreme precision;
  • bleeding is excluded;
  • the risk of infection is reduced;
  • aesthetics are maintained at the highest level.

The rehabilitation period when using this technique is much shorter than that of other modifications.

Rehabilitation period

In the first three days after surgery, hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity should be done with a brush with soft bristles, without using toothpaste. Baths based on antiseptic agents are recommended.

Only on the fourth, fifth day recovery period It is allowed to fully perform the procedure of cleaning the oral cavity and dentition.

In order for the results of vestibuloplasty to be positive, it is recommended to adhere to special rules for eating. Over the course of 14 days, the patient must:

  • do not drink alcoholic beverages;
  • do not eat hot, spicy, salty foods;
  • exclude dairy and dairy products(they are capable of forming hard plaque on teeth, which can cause infectious infection wound area);
  • It is advisable to grind food or turn it into a creamy mass.

After each meal, rinse the mouth thoroughly clean water and treated with an antiseptic.

Except proper nutrition, the patient is prescribed facial gymnastic exercises and massage:

  • external fingertip massage;
  • increased attempts to pout lips without including other facial muscles in the exercise;
  • moving the tip of the tongue in different directions in the area of ​​the wound site.

Gymnastic training is performed for 3 minutes with each exercise repeated up to 6 times.

Noticed by patients interesting fact. If you perform intensive exposure to a powerful stream of water from the outside, healing of the wound area occurs much faster, and discomfort decrease during the recovery period.

During the rehabilitation period, patients should not burden the body with physical activity.

To monitor the stages of healing, the dentist prescribes the required number of appointments in order to promptly detect inflammation and prescribe appropriate and competent therapy.

Possible complications

TO possible complications relate:

  • Bleeding gums. In this case, special compresses are used and hemostatic agents are prescribed.
  • Decreased sensitivity of formations at the ends of nerve fiber processes. Happens when nerve endings are touched during a cut with a scalpel. As a rule, the injury goes away on its own within six months. In order to restore sensitivity as quickly as possible, doctors recommend resorting to muscle exercises maxillofacial area and physiotherapy.
  • Keloid scar formation. The formation depends on the quality of the vestibuloplasty technique. The problem is eliminated by repeated surgery to remove scar tissue.
  • A fistula forms at the junction of the mucous membrane of the cheek and the gum. The pathology occurs in the area where the surgical suture is applied and is eliminated after the thread is removed.
  • Swelling of soft tissues. This complication always accompanies surgical interventions and disappears on its own after complete healing of the wound area.


The cost of surgery will directly depend on the method of its implementation:

  1. Elan-Meicher method - 4000 rubles;
  2. Schmidt modification using a scalpel - 3,500 rubles.
  3. According to Clark - 4500 rubles.
  4. According to Glikman - 4000-5000 rubles.
  5. Tunnel method - 4800 rubles.
  6. Using a laser - up to 10,000 rubles.

The cost of the service may vary individually depending on the complexity of the case and concomitant pathologies.

It is not always possible to eliminate dental pathologies therapeutic methods. In some situations it is necessary to resort to surgical interventions.

For each type of anomaly, its own effective operation. One of them is vestibuloplasty, which is aimed at eliminating abnormalities in the oral cavity.


Vestibuloplasty is an operation performed in the vestibule of the mouth to correct it. The vestibule is space between teeth and lip. According to its characteristics, it belongs to plastic surgery, but is intended to solve dental problems.


The main goal of this method is reducing excessive tension gum tissue due to surgical displacement of intraoral muscle tissue. Additionally, the technique is aimed at increasing the total area of ​​the gum and deepening all areas of the vestibule.

Indications and contraindications

This procedure can be performed on both the upper and lower jaw, if there are certain indications for this:

  • periodontal tissue diseases in chronic form;
  • correction of the mucosa before main orthodontic treatment or implantation;
  • poor diction;
  • gum recession or its prevention;
  • expressed violations of facial aesthetics;
  • deterioration quality of bone tissue;
  • exposure cervical crown;
  • high adherence of gum tissue to tooth.

Vestibuloplasty can be performed if the patient has no following contraindications:

  • cerebral lesion;
  • hemophilia hereditary type;
  • oncological pathologies both in the oral cavity and outside it;
  • undergoing radiation therapy;
  • presence in the problem area pronounced dense scars;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • pathology psychoneurological nature;
  • alcohol, drugs or nicotine addiction.


Vestibuloplasty has many options, each of which is aimed at solving a specific narrow problem. Most often used in dental practice following methods vestibuloplasty:

  1. Meicher. Of all the options for vestibuloplasty this method considered the most effective. It allows you to get guaranteed and accurately predicted results.

    But at the same time, it has disadvantages: high trauma and complete exposure of the inner surface of the lip, which heals on its own. This technique is most often used to correct the lower jaw over the entire mucosal area and is performed under local anesthesia.

    The whole process takes place in several steps: peeling off the mucosa, periosteum and moving the flap to the lateral sections and deep into the vestibule. After this, stitches and a special bandage are applied to the wound.

  2. Schmidt. Unlike the previous method, only the mucous membrane is peeled off here. The periosteum remains intact. This method correction is equally used for the treatment of the upper and lower jaws in case of localization of the anomaly only in the anterior vestibule.

    The procedure involves less surgical intervention - the incision is made only in the central region of the vestibule. After this, the mucous membrane is shifted slightly deeper.

  3. Tunnel. Just like the Schmidt method, it can be used to treat both jaws. It is less traumatic than previous options and consists of making only three limited incisions and displacing a flap of mucous membrane deep into the vestibule.

    Incisions are made in specific areas: one vertical, parallel to the frenulum, and 2 horizontal, parallel to the premolars. The area of ​​the injured area is reduced by three times compared to the methods described above.

  4. Laser. This method of increasing the area of ​​the vestibule and its depth cannot be called a separate technique. This is most likely one of the additional options for the techniques described above.

    The procedure is carried out in accordance with the chosen method, but a non-traumatic laser is used to cut soft tissues.

    Thanks to its use, the risk of complications is reduced, there is no bleeding, and the period of tissue healing is reduced.


Despite different types vestibuloplasty techniques, the correction procedure always has general stages: preparation and operation.


Since the operation involves direct surgical impact on the soft tissues of the oral cavity, a thorough diagnosis is mandatory. To diagnose and identify possible contraindications use standard methods:

  • visual inspection;
  • instrumental examination;
  • diagnostics using x-ray equipment.

IN preparatory stage includes not only diagnostic procedures, but also special training on the part of the patient and the dentist.

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Why does a tooth hurt when pressed after filling? list of possible complications.

Does your wisdom tooth hurt? Do you have a temperature? Perhaps it severe inflammation, check the rest of the symptoms at the link.

Patient preparation includes the following:

  • minimum in 6 hours necessary before surgery eliminate all solid foods which can injure gum tissue;
  • don't take painkillers and other drugs, as this may affect the effect of anesthesia.

Preparation in dental office implies complete removal deposits of the anterior dentition. To do this, the dentist carries out professional cleaning teeth using a special paste.


Mainly used for surgery local anesthesia, but if the patient wishes, it can be placed general anesthesia. The operation takes place in several stages:

  1. Aseptic processing oral cavity.
  2. Mucosal incision, which is produced in accordance with the chosen method. According to the Meicher method, the incision is made parallel to the jaw bone, respecting its curves, over the entire visible area of ​​the vestibule.

    According to the standard, it is allowed to make an incision from premolar to premolar. According to the Schmidt method, a limited incision is made from canine to canine, without grasping the periosteum.

  3. Delamination of the mucous membrane. During this manipulation, the dentist carefully moves the fatty and muscle tissue. If necessary, the cord is excised using a scalpel.
  4. Positioning of the flap. To do this, it is moved to the problem area, evenly distributing the mucous membrane. After this, the wound flap is leveled and cleared of unnecessary fibers.
  5. After distributing the flap the mucous membrane is fixed with ordinary surgical sutures, then an aseptic bandage is applied to its surface.

The duration of surgery, depending on the method, is 30–60 minutes.


The rehabilitation period will depend on the technique used. If a gentle option was used using a laser or tunnel method, the healing process lasts about 10 days. In the case of using traumatic methods, the rehabilitation period is 20 days.

To reduce discomfort and speed up the healing process, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. To relieve swelling from the injured area, it is necessary immediately after the procedure apply a cool compress for at least 20 minutes.
  2. The first few days to cleanse the teeth Do not use hard toothbrushes or their electrical analogues. They can damage the mucosa and cause displacement of the flap.

    For cleaning, it is best to use classic brushes with soft bristles and anti-inflammatory pastes.

  3. Until the wound surface is completely healed, it is imperative to use antiseptic, regenerating and anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Miramistin, Cholisal, Metrogil-denta and etc.
  4. The diet should exclude all hard ones, as well as traumatic and irritating products.
  5. In 5 days It is recommended to use myogymnastic exercises.


Vestibuloplasty, like any other surgical intervention, can cause a number of postoperative complications:

  1. Bleeding. It can be caused by tissue injury when cleansing the mouth, poor blood clotting, and thin blood vessels. To eliminate the complication, it is necessary to take hemostatic drugs in the first few days, for example, dicinone.
  2. Low sensitivity nerve endings or its complete absence. May be caused by damage to nerve fibers when tissue is cut. As a rule, the complication goes away within 6 to 10 months.

    To speed up the process of restoring sensitivity, it is recommended to use myotherapy and physiotherapy (phonophoresis, DDT).

  3. Formation of recurrent scars. Depends on the quality of the operation performed and on the trophism of the soft tissues. In this case it is necessary additional operation for excision of scars.
  4. Education fistula along transitional folds. Most often appears in the area of ​​suturing. In most cases, the problem is solved by removing the suture material.
  5. Edema. This manifestation always accompanies traumatic operations and, as a rule, it disappears as the tissue heals.


The average cost of vestibuloplasty services is 6,500 rubles.

Depending on the scope of work and the technologies used, the price may vary significantly. Performing an operation using the Schmitd method using a standard scalpel has a cost 3000 rubles.

The same procedure, but using laser equipment, will cost 10,000 rubles.

To improve the effect of orthodontic treatment in dentistry, it is sometimes necessary to resort to surgery. Depending on the indications, a certain type of operation is selected. One of the most common is the method of vestibuloplasty - an operation performed in the area of ​​the vestibule of the oral cavity, that is, the space between the lips and teeth. Today we will tell you what this operation is, we will understand its types and indications for performance.

Indications for surgery

The operation is performed both on the lower and on upper jaw. It is needed to deepen and expand the vestibule of the mouth, since insufficient area of ​​this area can provoke various disorders and diseases. Surgical correction held in following cases:

  • chronic diseases periodontal;
  • speech therapy problems caused by a small vestibule of the mouth;
  • preparation for orthopedic treatment to increase its effectiveness;
  • when implanting dental implants;
  • to prevent gum recession;
  • before performing patchwork operations;
  • to eliminate cosmetic defects.

These are the most common indications, but the doctor may decide to perform vestibuloplasty in some other cases.

Types of vestibuloplasty

There are several correction methods using vestibuloplasty. Each of them has its own advantages, disadvantages and features. Let's take a quick look at them.

  1. Vestibuloplasty according to Clark. This method is used primarily for correction of the upper jaw, is carried out over a large area and is relatively simple. Without affecting the periosteum, the area between the mobile mucosal area and the gums is dissected. After detachment of the lip mucosa by 1 cm, the muscles and tendons move along the periosteum deeper in the lateral and frontal sections. Single muscle fibers may be removed. At the end of the operation, the mucosal flap is sutured to the periosteum with catgut, and the alveolar process is covered with a special film while the wounds heal.
  2. Vestibuloplasty according to Edlan Meicher. This technique gives the most lasting results, therefore it is practiced most often. Meicher oral surgery is usually used to correct the lower jaw. The dissection is carried out as in the first case, but a deeper displacement of the submucosal tissues - muscles and tendons - is used. The fibers remaining on the wound tissue are removed, the mucous membrane is fixed in the new vestibule of the mouth and a protective bandage is applied for two weeks.
  3. Tunnel surgery. The technique is universal, but vestibuloplasty of the lower jaw is more often done. It differs from the previous two options in that it is minimally traumatic. During its implementation, only three small incisions are made - two horizontally to the premolars, the third along the frenulum. Thanks to the gentle technique, the wounds heal completely within no later than 2 weeks.
  4. Glickman method. This is a universal technique that can be applied locally or immediately to a large area of ​​the lower or upper jaw. At the site of attachment of the lip, a dissection is performed, soft tissue is detached to a depth of about 1.5 centimeters, and the free edge is sutured to the resulting depression.
  5. Schmidt's technique. It is performed on the upper or lower jaw without detachment of the periosteum tissue. The operation is characterized by cutting off the cords with muscles in a direction parallel to the periosteum. As a result, a flap is formed, the free edges of which are immersed into the depth of the new vestibule and fixed with sutures.
  6. Laser vestibuloplasty is possible using any of the methods described above. Its only difference is the use of a laser instead of a scalpel. This method has many advantages. Complications are virtually eliminated, high precision incisions are achieved and scars are invisible, there is no bleeding, and healing proceeds very quickly. Naturally, the price of the procedure will be higher, but it will be reduced painful sensations And rehabilitation period.

The operation can be performed by any of these methods at the discretion of the attending physician, depending on the indications and clinical picture specific patient.

Recovery after surgery

This is a simple operation that is performed quite often, but, as with any other surgical intervention, after it is performed, you must adhere to certain rules.

  1. Follow a gentle regimen.
  2. Avoid elevated levels for two weeks physical activity.
  3. For the same period, stop eating any irritating food.
  4. Regularly carry out thorough antiseptic treatment of the operated area.
  5. Perform applications with wound healing agents.

Complications and contraindications

Complications occur extremely rarely and in most cases are associated with violation of the recommended regimen. Most often, purulent-inflammatory processes develop, but they do not exceed 0.1% of the total number of operations performed.

In some cases, the operation may be refused, as there are a number of contraindications:

  • multiple dental caries;
  • cerebral damage;
  • malignant tumors;
  • bleeding disorders and other blood diseases;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • radiation irradiation of the neck and head;
  • collagenoses;
  • relapses of oral diseases.

It is important to understand that this is an ordinary dental operation that carries a minimal risk of complications, so you should not refuse it if you have indications for it. We invite you to watch the final video, which demonstrates plastic surgery using a laser. This video will convince you that there is nothing critically scary about vestibuloplasty.

One type of oral plastic surgery is vestibuloplasty.

The main purpose of the manipulation is to reduce gum tension, increase the space of the attached gum, and deepen the vestibule of the mouth (the area between the lip and teeth). This is achieved by displacing the muscle fibers located inside the oral cavity.


The main diseases for which surgery can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition are: periodontal inflammation, malnutrition of the jaw bone, and certain speech therapy problems.

Sometimes the operation is performed as prevention of periodontal problems and exposure of tooth roots.

As an initial stage of treatment, vestibuloplasty of the lower jaw is performed:

  • When planning extensive orthodontic treatment;
  • If it is necessary to cover exposed tooth roots and flap surgery is planned;
  • Before inserting implants into the lower jaw, if the muscles are attached too high to the alveolar process.
  • During prosthetics, this allows the dentures to be better secured to the gums.

This operation is also used to correct cosmetic defects.

Surgical correction is also performed in children. At normal development depth of the vestibule in a child preschool age ranges from 4 to 5 mm, and by the age of 14 it reaches 10-14 mm.

When surgery is contraindicated

Contraindications to vestibuloplasty are:

  • hereditary hemophilia;
  • cerebral lesions;
  • blood cancer;
  • oncological diseases, as well as previous radiation therapy, especially carried out in the head or neck area;
  • tendency to form rough scars;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • chronic inflammation of the oral mucosa, which tends to recur - gingivitis, stomatitis;
  • common caries.


The following modifications are used for plastic surgery of the lower jaw:

Widespread laser application in carrying out the operation. The techniques remain the same, but the incisions are made not with surgical instruments, but laser beam. This allows you to reduce postoperative period to a minimum.

The advantages of using a laser include the absence of swelling after surgery, high speed tissue regeneration, practically complete absence scars and decreased microcirculation of the vascular wall.

It is often performed using a laser because it is more appropriate for small patients than a surgical scalpel.

There are other types of vestibuloplasty, but they are used for operations on the upper jaw.

Note! The choice of the method of performing the operation is made only by a specialist, taking into account the indications, the patient’s condition and other parameters.

Preparing for surgery

To successfully perform vestibuloplasty of the lower jaw, the doctor’s skill alone is not enough.

On the part of the patient, it is imperative to prepare for the operation - perform oral hygiene, brush your teeth thoroughly. A brush for cleaning teeth should not be hard or traumatic to the tissue.

Important! It is not recommended to eat solid food 4-6 hours before surgery.

It's better not to use any medications, except those prescribed by a doctor, or before the manipulation, be sure to warn about what medications were used. This is especially true for painkillers.

An important point - psychological attitude towards surgery. Patients are often tormented increased anxiety and fear - how all this will happen. To reduce these symptoms, you should definitely talk to your doctor - discuss the most worrying moments, and get some recommendations in advance.

A positive attitude will help you overcome unpleasant sensations during the rehabilitation period and recover as soon as possible.

Carrying out the operation

Before vestibuloplasty, anesthesia is given. For the youngest patients, inhalation or intravenous is used. But adults are simply given a local anesthetic.

Depending on the modification of vestibuloplasty, the surgeon makes the necessary incisions. Submucosal tissue (muscle and adipose tissue) is moved away from the periosteum.

If necessary, muscle cords are excised with a sharp scalpel. A mucous flap is attached to the periosteum released as a result of manipulation. An aseptic bandage is applied to the entire surface.

The duration of the operation is from 40 to 60 minutes.

Due to or other types of anesthesia, there is practically no discomfort during the operation.

Many patients experience discomfort after they leave the doctor's office - numbness and swelling of the lower part of the face, sometimes lasting up to several days, discomfort when talking and pain when brushing teeth. But here everything is very individual and depends only on the characteristics of the body.

In the next video we will be shown how tunnel vestibuloplasty is performed:

Postoperative period

For the first 72 hours after surgery, you can only brush your teeth. soft brush, without toothpaste. Rinsing with mild antiseptics is mandatory. Completely carry out hygiene procedures It is possible only on the 4th day, after a thin film has formed on the wound.

For achievement best effect After the procedure, it is best to adhere to a gentle diet for 2 weeks. Its basic rules are simple:

  • Food should not be hot, spicy or sour.
  • It is better to exclude dairy products - they form a difficult-to-remove plaque on the teeth, which can become a source of inflammation.
  • Alcohol is prohibited.
  • It is better to give preference to pureed dishes or in the form of purees.
  • Salt and spices - only in minimal quantities.

Be sure to rinse your mouth with water and an antiseptic solution after eating.

Every day you need to devote time to gymnastic exercises: external finger massage, pouting the lip, running the tongue in the area between the lip and gum. Each exercise is performed in 5 sets of 2 minutes.

Interesting fact: hydromassage makes the rehabilitation period easier.

It is better to limit physical activity during the recovery period.

Be sure to visit the dentist with the frequency recommended by the doctor - this will allow you to notice pathological processes in time and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Possible complications


Prescribed treatment

Bleeding Prescription of local hemostatic drugs in the first days after the manipulation, use of compresses.
Decreased sensitivity of nerve endings Sensitivity is restored within 6 to 9 months. It is optimal to carry out gymnastic exercises and additional physical procedures - DDT, phonophoresis.
Recurrent cords and scars Additional surgical procedure to remove scars.
Ligature fistulas along the transitional fold Removing thread remnants from a seam.
Swelling of the soft tissues of the lower jaw Soft tissue swelling after surgical intervention- a common occurrence. Many patients note that the peak of swelling occurs on the third day after vestibuloplasty. None additional treatment not required, swelling usually goes away on its own.

According to the data medical statistics the number of complications is 1 case per 1000 total number operations performed.

Some patients experience changes in the oval of the face, unpleasant sensations of a foreign object behind the lip, and a feeling of tightness. All these are temporary phenomena - the main thing is follow the dentist’s recommendations and do lip exercises more often.


The cost of the operation varies from three to ten thousand rubles. It depends on the degree of deepening of the vestibule of the mouth (the first degree is slightly cheaper than the second), the cost of the materials used for the procedure, and the actual method by which vestibuloplasty will be performed. The most expensive is laser – its cost can reach 10,000 rubles.

Each clinic conducting such surgical procedures, calculates the cost of the service strictly individually for each client.

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