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World Nature Day. World Environment Day

From environment depends on people's health, economic prosperity, and quality of life. Human activities have a detrimental effect on living organisms, plants, landscapes, and water bodies. The soil, atmosphere, rivers and seas are polluted, populations are declining. To attract the attention of governments, society, industrial enterprises to current environmental problems, an international holiday was created.

When it passes

World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5th. In 2019, the date is celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries.

Who celebrates

Activists participate in the events charitable organizations, employees social movements, foundations, scientists, researchers, specialists in the field environmental safety, government agencies. Environmentalists, students, and teachers of specialized universities will join the celebrations.

History and traditions of the holiday

The event was established by the UN General Assembly at its 27th session by resolution No. A/RES/2994 (XXVII) of December 15, 1972. The date chosen has a symbolic meaning. It is timed to coincide with the start of the Stockholm conference on the problems surrounding a person environment.

The international forum examined the concept of sustainable development as a concept for human progress. The conference participants created the Stockholm Declaration. The document established 26 principles of environmental conservation and assigned responsibilities and obligations to states in environmental matters.

The festivities are accompanied by an annual theme that reflects pressing issues facing humanity. On this day, people plant trees, shrubs, and remove garbage. Educational lectures, conferences, seminars, and thematic classes are organized. Hearings are being held on reducing emissions of pollutants. IN educational institutions Discusses ways to carefully manage natural resources. Honors people who have made significant contributions to protecting the environment. Actions by environmental organizations are taking place. Figures of social movements attract the attention of society to pressing environmental issues through demonstrations, protests and flash mobs. Documentary and feature films about nature are broadcast on television and radio stations.

Greenpeace is an influential international environmental organization. Its actions are supported by activists around the world. The organization's activities are focused on protecting forests and water bodies, combating pollution, and nuclear disarmament. It is based on three principles: independence, non-violence, protest by action. Campaigns are funded by donations.

The UN Conference on Sustainable Development "Rio+20", which was held on June 20-22, 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, added principles of combating poverty and social problems to the provisions on environmental protection.

World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5th. The event was established by the UN General Assembly at its 27th session by resolution No. A/RES/2994 (XXVII) of December 15, 1972. The date chosen has a symbolic meaning. It is timed to coincide with the start of the Stockholm Conference on Problems of the Human Environment.

The international forum examined the concept of sustainable development as a concept for human progress. The conference participants created the Stockholm Declaration. The document established 26 principles of environmental conservation and assigned responsibilities and obligations to states in environmental matters.

On this day, people plant trees, shrubs, and remove garbage. Educational lectures, conferences, seminars, and thematic classes are organized. Hearings are being held on reducing emissions of pollutants. Educational institutions discuss ways to carefully manage natural resources. Honors people who have made significant contributions to protecting the environment. Actions by environmental organizations are taking place. Figures of social movements attract the attention of society to pressing environmental issues through demonstrations, protests and flash mobs. Documentary and feature films about nature are broadcast on television and radio stations. Festive events are annually dedicated to the theme of one of the current problems facing humanity.

Subject world day Environment 2018:

"Fight plastic pollution"

This theme calls on government, industry, communities and individuals to come together to discuss sustainable alternatives and urgently reduce the production and overuse of single-use plastics that are polluting our oceans and threatening human health.

Facts about plastic pollution:

– the world uses 500 billion plastic bags every year;

– Every year, approximately 8 million tons of plastic dissolve in the oceans;

– in the last decade we produced more plastic than during the entire last century;

– 50% of single-use plastic used;

– plastic makes up 10% of all waste we generate.

Russia supports the theme of World Environment Day 2018 to ban plastic pollution. From 2019, the government intends to introduce a tax on disposable tableware and barbecues. The tax will help teach Russians to use reusable tableware. Plastic causes irreparable harm to the environment, even if it ends up in a landfill. Authorities will also increase fines for those who leave trash after a picnic.

The presidential representative on environmental issues, ecology and transport, Sergei Ivanov, made a statement about the introduction of an environmental fee during the “Clean Shore” event, at which the politician, together with the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Vladimir Puchkov, collected garbage on the shore of Lake Ladoga. “People buy disposable barbecues, go to nature and leave them behind. It is necessary to introduce an environmental tax from manufacturers for such disposable items. And I’ll tell you: next year it will be introduced,” Ivanov explained.

Environmental measures

Firstly, it is necessary to limit as much as possible the amount of harmful emissions, both into the atmosphere and into the hydrosphere, in order to improve the overall environmental situation.

Another important step should be the creation national parks, nature reserves and reserves, in which it will be possible to preserve natural complexes in their natural state.

Equally important is the introduction of restrictions on fishing and hunting in order to preserve rare and endangered species.

Very important factor environmental protection is a strict restriction of illegal waste removal, as well as the use of modern scientific methods in order to completely clear the territories of the regions from unauthorized waste.

There are many more problems associated with caring for the protection of our environment, and every day each of these problems becomes more acute, and concerns every person living on earth.

Interesting Facts

Greenpeace is an influential international environmental organization. Its actions are supported by activists around the world. The organization's activities are focused on protecting forests and water bodies, combating pollution, and nuclear disarmament. It is based on three principles: independence, non-violence, protest by action. The campaign is funded by donations.

The meaning of the holiday

This day should be real opportunity for all people in the world to actively promote the full and sustainable development of nature conservation activities. In addition, in matters of environmental protection, partnerships between countries are very important, which will make it possible to fully and comprehensively resolve environmental issues.

Of course, being new form cooperation between man and nature, the process of environmental protection natural environment, is the fruit of existence modern man in the world around him.

Environmental protection is the whole system public and government measures aimed at the harmonious coexistence of nature and the human community. Such measures can be international, administrative-legal, economic, technological, educational, also aimed at the reproduction and preservation natural resources and existing ecological communities, which is very important not only for those living today, but also for subsequent generations of humanity.

To date ecological problems have become one of the most important problems of the world community, and often their solution is an indicator of the level of well-being not only of an individual country, but also of world civilization as a whole.

Our country is given a lot important role in matters of maintaining the global functions of the biosphere, which is associated with the vastness of the territories of Russia and the various natural ecosystems located on it, which represent most of the total biological diversity of the Earth.

World Environment Day speaks for itself - nature must be protected and loved.

There are national holidays, and there are world holidays. World Environment Day falls under the latter. It attracts public attention to the problems of the environment in which we live and stimulates government action aimed at improving the environmental situation. Nature influences the life and health of all people, which is why the holiday has acquired such a large scale.

History of appearance

In 1972, environmental issues were discussed at a conference in Stockholm. The main goal of the participants was to awaken people's desire to participate in the protection of natural ecosystems. The reason was the appeal of numerous cultural figures to Secretary General UN.

The conference resulted in targeted actions to reduce environmental pollution, as well as the establishment of the holiday in question. World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5th every year.


The world community calls on everyone to become imbued with global issues and actively promote nature conservation. It also unites countries to create optimal relations, since only together we can ensure a safe and decent future for ourselves. Activists have developed a set of measures to limit the impact of human activities on nature. World Environment Day is a holiday that is designed to direct the thoughts of every inhabitant of the planet to preserve the natural balance of the world around us. What can and should humanity do in this direction?

Nature conservation measures

reduction of emissions into the atmosphere and hydrosphere; creation of nature reserves and national parks to preserve natural complexes; restrictions on hunting and fishing to preserve rare and endangered species; ban on illegal garbage removal and thorough waste recycling.

These are just the main rules that World Environment Day sets. Every day there are more and more problems, and they need to be solved by the whole world.

The meaning of the holiday

This day promotes awareness of the current situation and provides an incentive for active action by all members of society. Nature conservation measures must be sustainable and purposefully implemented - this is the only way to avoid cataclysms. Communities of countries must address environmental issues in a comprehensive manner.

World Environment Day speaks for itself - nature must be protected and loved. Only in this case will she give humanity a second chance.

Holiday in Russia and other countries

The Russian Federation occupies a vast territory, and it bears a huge responsibility for maintaining various ecosystems. The holiday is important for the state, but not all residents know about it. Therefore, it is necessary to educate the masses and actively influence consciousness, which is what numerous public organizations are doing.

World Environment Day is celebrated in many countries with rallies, cyclist parades, concerts, clean-up, waste disposal, and essay competitions. The celebration ideas are different, but the goal is the same - to draw attention to environmental issues and solve them together!

Everyone should help protect the environment of our planet (Photo: Vladitto, Shutterstock)

World Environment Day

(World Environment Day), established by the UN and celebrated annually

It is one of the main ways for all ecologists and environmental organizations to attract the attention of the world community to environmental problems, as well as stimulate political interest and appropriate actions aimed at protecting the environment.

The holiday was proclaimed in 1972 at the 27th session of the UN General Assembly (Resolution No. A/RES/2994 of December 15, 1972). The date chosen was June 5 - the day the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment began in 1972. The celebration of this Day is designed to awaken in every person the desire to contribute to environmental protection.

In other words, it is necessary to give the peoples of the world the opportunity to actively promote sustainable and equitable development, to promote understanding that the basic driving force We ourselves, our society, are responsible for changing approaches to environmental issues. And also explain the usefulness of partnerships so that all countries and peoples have a safer and more prosperous future.

Today, traditionally, is World Environment Day - “ folk event”, accompanied by such colorful spectacles as street rallies, bicycle parades, “green” concerts, essay and poster competitions in schools, tree planting, waste recovery and cleanup campaigns and other events. In many countries, this annual event is used to attract attention and initiate action at the political level, and also provides an opportunity to sign or ratify international conventions on the environment.

By the way, every year this holiday takes place under a certain motto, the theme of the Day and the location of the main international events determined by UN representatives.

So, in different years The themes of World Environment Day were: “Only one Earth”, “Water is a key resource of life”, “Only one future for our children - development without destruction”, “Organization of collection, disposal and disposal of hazardous waste: acid rain and energy”, “Tree for Peace”, “Youth: Population and Environment”, “Climate Change. The need for a global partnership”, “Poverty and the environment - breaking the vicious circle”, “One Earth - one family”, “For the sake of life on Earth - let’s save our seas”, “Enter World Wide Web life”, “Green Cities: A Plan for the Planet!”, “We need seas and oceans! Alive, not dead”, “Forests: using the services of nature”, “Think. Eat. Save”, “Raise your voice, but not the sea level!”, “Fight for wildlife", "Seven billion dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care,” “Zero Tolerance Policy on Illegal Wildlife Trade,” and others.

Other holidays in the “UN Holidays” section

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World Environment Day (Ecologist's Day) in numbers

World Environment Day (Ecologist's Day) in other calendars

Ecologist Day

Russian holidays

Environmental Protection Day of Belarus

Holidays in Belarus

Ecologist Day

Holidays in Armenia

Ecologist Day

Holidays in Kazakhstan

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On June 5, the world celebrates International Environment Day. As long as man rampages and ruins nature, and therefore himself, as long as the main dream of most people is getting rich, the United Nations will tirelessly remind you that someday you will have to stop. Either humanity will do this of its own free will, or it will happen on its own. Perhaps this will happen on the next World Environment Day, which will be the last day for humanity.

History of origin

For the first time they thought about the problems in the relationship between man and nature only in 1972 during one of the conferences related to environmental protection. They decided to establish Nature Conservation Day so that at least once a year, at least a small mass of people would think about the damage that humans cause to the planet. With this attitude to the problem, the day is not far off when the planet’s resources will be exhausted and nature will no longer be able to withstand the harmful influence of humans. The UN believes that through the practice of assigning a separate status to one of the days of the year, the inhabitants of the Earth will quickly come to awareness of a particular problem. Environment Day is just a small but important step in this direction.

Under different mottos

Every year, Environmental Protection Day turns into a big holiday. In different parts of the world, the celebration is accompanied by large concerts, rallies, and processions. An unchanging tradition is the choice of a motto for the holiday. The problem in the world is one and global, and there are an infinite number of mottos that draw attention to its smaller components. UN officials choose the most relevant slogan and decide where exactly the main events will take place. official events dedicated to the World Environment Day. Over the years, the celebrations were held under such mottos as “Water is the main resource of the planet”, “For safe disposal of waste”, “Uniting people into a global partnership”, “Poverty as a cause of environmental distress”, “Earth is one family” ", "For the living oceans of the world" and many other mottos. It is not yet known under what slogan World Environment Day 2019 will be held, but it is clear that this will be a very important and pressing issue.

When is World Environment Day 2019?

A holiday such as World Environment Day is not a day off. However, every conscious person understands the importance of this holiday, created in order to attract the attention of the planet's population to environmental problems.

history of the holiday

The reason for the creation of the new holiday was an appeal from world figures of art and culture sent to the UN in May 1971. This document contains a warning about the danger looming over all of humanity due to the widespread deterioration of the environmental situation. After all, every sane person understands that either people will stop polluting the environment, or humanity will simply cease to exist.

The response to the appeal received was a world conference held in 1972. This conference, held in Stockholm, was attended by delegates representing 113 countries. One of the results of the meeting was the establishment of a new holiday date - June 5, for Nature Conservation Day.

Purpose of the holiday

The main purpose of the holiday is to attract the attention of ordinary people from different countries to environmental issues and promoting the process of protecting natural resources.

Activities aimed at protecting and maintaining cleanliness surrounding nature, are also called applied ecology. They include a whole range of measures aimed at minimizing the adverse impact of human activities on nature.

The main measures of applied ecology are:

  • limiting emissions from enterprises into the atmosphere and water resources;
  • creation of national parks and natural protected areas;
  • introduction of restrictions on fishing and commercial hunting;
  • exclusion of illegal waste removal, as well as the construction of household waste disposal enterprises.

You should not think that the problems of applied ecology are a matter only for the ruling elite; a lot depends on ordinary people. After all, the future of every person depends on the ability to maintain a clean environment.

The meaning of the holiday

The environmental holiday, which can be designated as Ecologist's Day, is of significant importance. This day is set aside from everyday life to understand that any person should actively contribute to the cause of protecting the cleanliness of the world around us.

Nature conservation is not only large-scale events, but actions such as:

  • refusal from the constant use of disposable bags made of polyethylene;
  • recycling of recyclable materials;

All these things are available to ordinary people who do not have power.

How are the celebrations going?

Nature Conservation Day is celebrated annually at the beginning of summer. Plan festive events can be very diverse. Can be carried out:

  • public meetings;
  • bike rides;
  • charity concerts and performances, the proceeds of which are used for environmental events;
  • mass campaigns for garbage collection or planting of green spaces;
  • competitions for posters or drawings on asphalt, etc.

The main thing is that the events held can attract the attention of ordinary people to environmental problems. And on top level On Nature Conservation Day, various treaties and conventions are traditionally signed and ratified aimed at preserving and maintaining a clean environment.

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