Home Hygiene When is World Water Day? World Water Day

When is World Water Day? World Water Day

Every person knows that water is the basis of our body and that it is important to drink clean, good water in large quantities. But industrial development, population growth, disrespect for natural resources and disasters lead us to the fact that the world's supply of clean fresh water runs out, and within a few decades drinking water may become more expensive than gold.

Worth thinking about!

Modern world changes so quickly that a person has more and more things to do, interests, stress, and he simply does not attach importance to what has become so commonplace in the modern lifestyle. Water is available everywhere in large quantities. But how much does one person actually need to exist? And how to preserve natural resources for our descendants?

March 22 - World Water Day

Scientists have been working on the problem of desalinating salt water for a long time, but so far they have not been able to achieve success. Therefore, a holiday was established - World Water Day, so that the entire planet would remember the importance of water for our existence and that it must be protected. How is it celebrated?

Every country, every city in the world is already organizing events on World Water Day, where organizers can remind people that water is part of our planet and our lives. It supports the life of all life on Earth, and without it our existence would have ceased long ago.

How did World Water Day come about?

In 1992, at the next UN conference in Rio de Janeiro dedicated to the protection environment, the topic of shortage was raised water resources. Even then she stood sharply in front of people. Droughts occurred more and more often, and the hot regions of the planet languished with thirst. But on the Eurasian mainland, cases of irreversible pollution of fresh water bodies are increasingly occurring, which means that the problem will only grow. In 1993, the UN General Assembly officially decided to hold March 22 world day water, which will remind people of the need to save and conserve water.

The UN recommends that all heads of state hold special events to celebrate this day. Thus, the period from 2005 to 2015 was declared a decade under the slogan “Water for Life”. Therefore, every year the United Nations selects an entire unit to oversee World Water Day. They choose the problem that is the most pressing this year and call on the world to solve it. For this purpose, special prizes are awarded to scientists, engineers, heads of state, and so on. But no one forgets about other problems. Every year three main issues are discussed:

  1. Water shortages in many regions and help combat shortages.
  2. Spreading awareness about the importance of conservation natural resources.
  3. Propaganda among countries about celebrating Water Day.

What are the current water problems?

The surface of the earth is 70% covered with water. Approximately 1.4 billion km 2 is salty (97.5%). And only 2.5% of the total water volume is fresh sources.

Fresh water makes up 35 million km2. Most of it is frozen (glaciers, icebergs). And about 10.7 million km 2 of water is hidden underground. Some rivers contain only 0.02 million km 2 of fresh liquid. The main source of fresh water is the oceans, from which about 500 thousand km 2 of water evaporates every year. And only 80% of all precipitation falls back into the oceans. Freshwater resources on the planet are distributed unevenly.

Of course, scientists argue that all problems are associated with irrational use. Therefore, first of all, they direct their efforts to inventing water-saving technologies in household use, but, as a rule, these projects do not receive proper funding and remain frozen for for many years. And only in the West many of them were able to implement their projects.

Why do we need water and is it possible to do without it?

Perhaps someday you will decide to get carried away proper nutrition, and the first thing any trainer or consultant will tell you is that you need to drink as much fluid as possible. You are happy because you often sit down for a cup of tea with friends or at work, but in in this case By liquid we mean only pure water!

Many people do not know that the drinks that have become familiar to us only make things worse for our body, and often our body suffers from thirst. So, your favorite lemonades contain a lot of sugar, and the body perceives them as food, not liquid, so it does not use them in important processes, but removes them without delay. Tea and coffee are absorbed into the body and, on the contrary, bind water in our cells, disrupting its circulation in the body. Only pure water is a real transport of substances in our body. Thanks to it, beneficial elements are distributed throughout the body, filling it with vitamins and microelements. Water also removes toxins from cells and harmful substances. By consuming enough water and vitamins, you will always be healthy and beautiful. Without it, the opposite will happen to you. Your body will not receive enough vitamins, and because of this you will become weaker. The immune system will be destroyed and metabolism will be disrupted. The bones will weaken, the skin will dry out and lose its elasticity. Alas, without water our body cannot be healthy and exist for a long time, so try to drink as much as possible and teach your children to do the same. early age.

Nature without water

Don't forget that not only human body unable to survive without water, but so are all living things on our planet.

If the water on Earth runs out, the trees will also begin to dry out. First, the yields on the trees will decrease and then become completely depleted, then the leaves will fall off and, finally, the trunk itself will dry out. Bugs that live on trees will disappear. Along with them are the birds that feed on them. The fragile ecosystem will be disrupted. Animals will disappear, but thanks to their life, grass and flowers exist. The world will turn into a desert. The trees will dry out and die, and with them the oxygen will disappear. And even if people take all the water resources for themselves without leaving them to nature, they still will not be able to survive without the air that trees so diligently create for us.

How to prepare the future generation?

It is imperative to celebrate World Water Day at school and kindergarten. Already in many countries children are given interesting tasks for this holiday. The younger children draw on the topic: “How to save the planet from drought.” The school organizes a competition dedicated to World Water Day, where each student submits his own craft or invention, thanks to which he is deeply imbued with the idea of ​​​​preserving natural resources. Thus, the child independently tries to find a solution to the problem and first of all starts with himself.

One more thing interesting solution teachers - quiz "World Water Day", where everyone can express themselves, their knowledge and learn more about the importance of life-giving liquid. Respect for natural resources must be instilled from an early age. After all, the older generation is already accustomed to taking priceless natural gifts for granted, but young people are still able to fix everything.

What can you do now?

The UN gives several simple tips, which are easy to follow. They may seem like trifles to us, but in fact they will significantly save the situation if at least 50% of the world's population follows them:

  • When you brush your teeth, leave the water on and just let it run. Turn it on only when you need to wet the brush and wash it, rinse your mouth. You don't need water at all during the cleaning process.
  • If you use a washing machine or dishwasher, turn them on only when the load is full, because this way you will reduce the number of starts, and therefore water consumption.
  • When washing dishes, it is not necessary for the water to flow constantly; you can soak the dishes, then apply to them with the water turned off. detergent and only then turn on the water to wash it off.
  • If you have big family, then repeated use of the toilet is simply inevitable. Throw a full one into the tank plastic bottle. It will create volume in the tank and less water will be collected there after use, but enough for the next flush.
  • Install water diffusers. Nowadays you can find a huge variety in stores at a variety of prices. From faucets to simple cover plates. Water diffusers transmit much less pressure without losing volume. It will be just as convenient to wash your face, but the consumption will be halved.

The whole point is in a simple children's poem...

Here is a poem about the importance of natural resources that you can read to children:

Hands are dirty - it's not a problem!

Some water will wash them off once or twice!

Mommy started cleaning in the morning,

I prepared a basin and a sponge for washing.

Together we hurried to the water tap,

But no water flows.

Oh, maybe there's a glitch somewhere?

No it's not an accident

And not a pipe burst.

Supplies are depleted

Trouble cannot be avoided.

Let's not jump in the fountain,

Let's not go to the water park.

And we will have nothing to drink,

The earth will perish like this.

World Water Day is celebrated every year on March 22. It was created in 1993 by the UN General Assembly. The main goal of this holiday, according to its creators, should be to remind all inhabitants of the Earth about the enormous importance of water for maintaining life on our planet. As you know, humans and animals cannot exist without water. It is estimated that a person needs at least 20 liters of water daily: for drinking, cooking and for personal hygiene. But many East Africans have to get by on just 5 liters a day, and some even on just 1 liter. If there were no water resources on Earth, then life would not have arisen on it.

Holiday"World Water Day" is carried out in order to attract public attention to these problems. Every year on this day, one of the existing problems related to the lack of water resources and water pollution is considered, and important decisions are made.

It makes it possible to involve an increasing number of states in their solution. Information about the importance of issues related to the protection of water resources and fresh water is being disseminated. Real assistance is being provided, serious supply measures are being taken drinking water residents of countries where there is a shortage.

In our country, World Water Day has been celebrated since 1995.. His motto is: "Water is life". It is intended to emphasize the greatest importance of water in our lives. Do not forget that the human body is two-thirds water. Water is considered to be one of the most valuable natural resources. Constant population growth and development industrial production increase the importance of water and exacerbate the problem of the need for its environmental protection.

There is catastrophically little left. In a world without drinking water the person will have a hard time. You will have to extract water that is not intended for drinking and pass it through various stages of purification, and this is time-consuming and expensive. And an ordinary person is unlikely to have the opportunity to drink high-quality, good water. For your information, 40% of the world’s population today is experiencing problems due to lack of water. And in a few years, more than half the world's population will suffer from this problem if no action is taken. That’s why it’s so important right now to devote special attention this issue and take care of the safety and purity of natural drinking sources.

The Water Festival will help to convey to billions of people the idea of ​​how not to harm, save and increase water resources on the planet.

The origin of the holiday

The ecological holiday Water Day began to be celebrated all over the world relatively recently. Since 1993, he has become widely known. The history of the Water Day holiday began in Rio de Janeiro. It was there that the UN conference on the environment was held in 1992. The conference participants decided to establish a holiday - Water Day, so that people would not forget that without water, life on the planet would be impossible. The date March 22 was chosen for International Day water resources. The UN resolution contains recommendations that call on all states to hold various events, conferences, and seminars on this day aimed at drawing attention to this problem. Since then, the UN Assembly annually on Water Day discusses global topics related to this throughout the world.

How did the Slavs celebrate the holiday of water in ancient times?

It is known that Rus' has long celebrated Water Day. He did not have a specific date, since the holiday was Orthodox and was celebrated on the third day after Trinity. Usually the date was at the end of May - mid-June. Water on this day was considered the birthday girl; it was forbidden to carry out any actions with it: boiling, washing, watering plants; all necessary tasks were performed the night before. Some people didn't even drink water that day.

Water Day in modern society

Scientists and researchers involved in the study of nature hold open lectures and large-scale conferences. At these conferences, participants share their discoveries, research results, reports on scientific works, and all this on the theme of Water Day. Particularly outstanding scientists in this field are awarded honorary titles and prizes.

The media also do not lag behind - on this day every year television, newspapers, and Internet resources cover the topic of water conservation. Various documentaries, educational programs are published, articles and studies are published.

On the streets of many cities you can see activists and volunteers holding events and flash mobs.

How do you tell children about the Water Festival?

It is quite difficult for children, especially young children, to perceive and remember information in the form in which adults are accustomed to receiving it. Therefore, teachers try to convey knowledge to their students in a playful way.

For the little ones, kindergartens organize costumed performances and mini-excursions to demonstrate to children visually, and not abstractly, why it is so important to conserve water resources.

How do they tell students about the water festival?

Various secondary and higher education educational institutions, training geologists, ecologists, chemists, conduct lectures and seminars on Water Day. Most often, it is not the teachers who give presentations, but the students themselves.

How do parks and museums attract visitors to the water festival?

The Water Day holiday is becoming more and more popular every year. Children's educational and entertainment centers, museums and parks offer visitors to attend exhibitions, events, dedicated to the topic water. Ecological holidays are held for both children and adults, and even for the whole family. At such events, children and their parents are shown interesting experiments with water, experiments and tricks, conduct master classes on making crafts, and offer to participate in water-themed quizzes.

What are the authorities doing to conserve resources?

The environmental holiday World Water Day does not bypass the authorities. On this day, new products are symbolically launched into circulation. wastewater treatment plants, putting into operation new filters, collection, processing and control systems. To improve water quality, desalination plants are installed and systems are connected to monitor large rivers, lakes, and seas.

What is the situation with fresh water in other countries?

Frankly speaking, most Russians are not used to saving water, while in other countries its shortage is acute. And this is not surprising, because Russia ranks first in the world in the amount of surface water and second in renewable fresh water reserves. In first place is Brazil. In third place is the USA. The top five also included Canada and China, which have almost identical indicators.

Some states are forced to buy drinking water abroad and sell it to people in bottles. In the UAE (United Arab Emirates), the price of water exceeds the price of gasoline, and in order to obtain drinking water, the authorities are experimenting with rain clouds, trying to solve the problem with them.

In Germany, for example, residents are taught to save water from childhood. They rarely take a bath, preferring a shower, and always turn off the tap while brushing their teeth. In addition, all Germans use dishwashers, because washing dishes in the sink by hand wastes many times more water! And some, especially thrifty ones, do not flush the water after taking a shower, but use it to flush the toilet. They do not throw away the water with which they wash vegetables and fruits, but wash their hands with it or water the plants. Also popular in Germany is a device called a faucet attachment in the form of a filter, which allows you to regulate the water pressure.

What ways can you save water?

First you need to check all the taps, pipes and toilet for leaks.

Installing aerators and water-saving showerheads on faucets and showers will help save both water and money, and such devices also create a uniform flow.

Buying an economical toilet tank can solve the problem of excessive water consumption; such a tank uses 3-4 times less water than a regular one.

Washing machines of the previous generation are not very economical; modern front-loading machines spend only about 80 liters per wash, while horizontal ones - about 160. Washing in an economical mode and with a full drum load also reduces water consumption.

On garden and summer cottages It is better to water the plants in the morning or evening hours, then the moisture will not evaporate too quickly and, accordingly, less water will be required.

Anyone can save water now so that the younger generation does not experience problems in the future. It’s not difficult to do, you just need to control your actions.


The whole world celebrates a special holiday on March 22 - World Water Day. Entertainment event you can’t name it: on this day every year, activists try to draw the attention of the world community to the problem of fresh water shortage.

How is World Water Day celebrated?

International Water Day is filled with special meaning. On March 22, many countries around the world host seminars, lectures, documentaries and radio broadcasts dedicated to the water resources of our planet.

In schools and preschool institutions, children are told how important clean water is - after all, life on Earth is unthinkable without it. By the way, adults will also be curious to know a few facts about water. So, from school we all remember that 70% of the planet’s surface is occupied by water. But does everyone know that of these 70-97.5% are salty seas and oceans?

The total amount of fresh water on Earth is about 35 million square meters. m. It would seem that although this is only less than 3% of the total volume, it is still quite an impressive amount, and it could be more than enough for all earthlings. Now subtract 24.4 square meters from this figure. km - this is exactly how much fresh water is “trapped” in ice and permafrost. In the end, there is very little left...

History of World Water Day

The holiday dedicated to water began to be celebrated in 1993. The decision to celebrate World Water Day was made at the UN General Assembly, and the proposal was made a year earlier at one of the meetings of this world organization in Rio de Janeiro. Since then, every year the holiday on March 22 is celebrated under a special motto.

For example, in 2000 the motto read: “Water for the 21st Century.” 2003 was declared the year of fresh water. 2010pq received the slogan " Clean water For healthy world" A whole decade - from 2005 to 2015. - was dedicated to the theme: “Water for life.” The holiday is still quite young and has not yet acquired any sacred traditions.

Importance of water resources

In most countries of the world, both governments and ordinary citizens are aware of the importance of clean drinking water for humanity, and therefore on this day many educational events are held calling for careful use of the planet’s most important resource. The person in everyday life you need about 20 liters of water per day.

Water is used for cooking, tea and coffee, showering and washing and other vital procedures. We turn on the tap and the water flows in a vigorous stream while we leisurely brush our teeth or scrub our bodies. Meanwhile, in African countries, people would be horrified by such a careless attitude towards water: many residents of hot, arid areas have to be content with 2-5 liters “for everything.”

Let's make it a rule to celebrate International Water Day every year and tell children about this holiday. If every person is thrifty and careful in using water, it will be easier to solve the problem of resource shortage at the global level. Everything great begins with small things. Let's start with ourselves!

World Water Day.

22 Martha celebrated all over the planet. For the first time, the idea of ​​establishing such a holiday was voiced at the UN Conference on Environmental Protection and Development (UNCED).

This event happened in 1992, in a sunny and hot city worldwide famous festivals of Rio de Janeiro. The UN General Assembly in 1993 officially decided to hold World Water Day, reminiscent everyone water for the beginning and continuation of life on Earth. This holiday was scheduled for the 22nd Martha.

Since 1993, the whole planet began to officially celebrate World Water Day. This day environmental organizations appeal to everyone states existing on the planet with a call to pay more attention to the protection water resources planet and take concrete action at the national level.

Every year, the UN appoints a specific unit of its own organization that will monitor compliance with the rules of the event. World Water Day.

Every year this day rises new problem pollution related water resources on the planet and there is a call for its solution. But the main goals of the holiday remain unchanged. Among them:

Provide assistance and take measures to solve the problem of supplying the planet's population with drinking water water;

Disseminate information about the importance and need for protection water resources and drinking water;

Involvement in the celebration World Water Day as many countries as possible, and at the official level.

Meaning water very great in our lives.

All life on Earth came from water. Water covers two thirds of the Earth's surface. Water is found in seas, oceans, lakes, rivers, ponds, streams and springs.

Water falls to Earth in the form of rain. Water can also be frozen - snow, hail, ice. It's all water. Oceans and seas - the largest bodies of water, storage facilities water on earth. Rivers flow into the seas; any river begins with a stream flowing from under a mountain or from a lake.

We present to your attention a story with drawings about a Drop after the Rain.

Let the journey of a raindrop not leave anyone indifferent to the problem of conservation water resources.

"The Adventure of One Rain Drop".

It rained all night. Quiet, warm and thick. And our Droplet began her journey at dawn.

One small raindrop fell from a dark cloud

and began to slowly sink down to the ground (Appendix 1).

The wind-driven cloud soon disappeared, and the sun began to shine in the sky. It laughed loudly, scattering its golden rays everywhere. The droplet felt so hot that she decided to continue her journey a little faster. And our drop landed in green grass which served as a refuge for many (Appendix 2).

There was an ant, a beetle, and a snail nearby - and they were all happy to meet each other. But Droplet set off because she saw a beautiful meadow of flowers, bright and fragrant they simply enchanted her (Appendix 3). And when a rainbow appeared in the sky, the raindrop could not even take her eyes off this beauty (Appendix 4).

The droplet remained in the clearing among the flowers until nightfall, enjoying the beauty and life. And at night I fell asleep in a flower cup. The moon and stars were shining in the sky, and our Droplet looked like a beautiful pearl.

This is how her adventure turned out.

Let's take care of every Drop and it will return to us as a clean drinking lake water. I would like to remind you everyone inhabitants of the planet about the meaning and importance water for the beginning and continuation of life on Earth.

From 22 Martha 1993 is celebrated all over the planet World Water Day or World Water Day.

Save water not only for yourself, but also for your descendants!

Vadelova Zalina Akhmedovna

educators of MADOU DSKV "Sun"

KHMAO-Yugra, Pokachi,

drawings by Vadelova Aza (6 years).

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