Home Gums What to do to prevent the dream from coming true? Methods for eliminating a bad dream: what needs to be done to prevent it from coming true. How to drive away a bad dream so that it does not come true.

What to do to prevent the dream from coming true? Methods for eliminating a bad dream: what needs to be done to prevent it from coming true. How to drive away a bad dream so that it does not come true.

Some dreams tend to come true, and those whose dreams are pleasant will be lucky. But if you have a nightmare, you need to prevent it from coming true using effective methods.

Nightmares have a negative impact on our emotional, psychological and physical condition. Negativity from bad sleep is debilitating energetic forces. The person becomes nervous, irritable, and begins to be haunted by a feeling of anxiety and intrusive thoughts. However, this is far from the worst thing. Sometimes a dream of horror becomes a prophetic dream. You can rid yourself of a waking nightmare using an effective technique.

Bad dreams are harbingers of misfortune

Since ancient times, people have been attracted to the theme of dreams, which is intertwined with a mystical introduction to the great secrets of the Universe. It was believed that during sleep a person enters the astral plane to communicate with a Higher or otherworldly force.

Dreams were considered to be carriers of information about the past, present and future. Legends say that in ancient times this state was available only to seers, but later dreams began to occur to ordinary people. Good dreams foreshadowed good luck, gave a great mood and faith in the best. Bad dreams were harbingers of illness, death and misfortune.

Today everyone knows that thought is material. Therefore, the more time you spend remembering a bad dream, the more likely it is that it will come true. Therefore, the first thing to do if you have a nightmare is to let go of negative experiences and tune in to a positive wave.

Conspiracy from a bad dream

If you have a nightmare, and especially if such dreams often haunt you, you should read strong conspiracy. When you wake up in the morning, say the words:

“Good dreams - come true, nightmares and horrors - don’t torment me anymore. Lord God, save and preserve your servant (name). What I saw/saw in a dream will never come to me. Amen".

This conspiracy will help you lock up all the negativity and prevent bad dream came true. Say these words every time you have nightmares.

Ritual to get rid of nightmares

If you had a bad dream and during the day obsessive thoughts about it do not leave you, it will help effective ritual, which with its power will save you from heavy thoughts, nightmares and the embodiment of dreams. The most important rule is not to tell anyone about what you dreamed.

To perform the ritual you will need a metal, wooden or stone object. You must be completely alone or perform magical activities while everyone is sleeping. Having touched the object that you have chosen as a talisman, you should repeat the words three times:

“Wherever there is night, there comes sleep. Behind me stands a holy Guardian Angel, capable of protecting from evil forces and bad thoughts. May the Lord help Him to intercede for my life and return the bad dream to where it came from. Let it be so. Amen".

Prayer for a bad dream not to come true

Hieromartyr Cyprian will help you protect yourself from damage, witchcraft and black magic. And prayers for the coming sleep will save you from the consequences of a bad dream. The prayer should be read in front of the icon of the great martyr, with sincere faith and trembling in the soul:

“Oh, saint of God, Great Martyr Cyprian. You respond to all prayers calling for your help and intercession. Hear the words of God’s unworthy servants and atone for our sins before the Lord. Ask for me (name) before the Lord of Heaven for strengthening of the soul, in prayer for healing, for consolation in sorrows. You, Saint Cyprian, are able to guide us on the true path, to deliver us from the captivity of the devil, wicked spirits and foreign influence. Do not renounce our prayers and descend with your light in our lives. We glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A dream can be very realistic, and sometimes even indicate hidden signs of the Universe. However, sometimes a bad dream is a harbinger of terrible events that can be prevented with the help of prayer, conspiracy and ritual. And a dream catcher will help you protect your dreams from negativity. Be happy, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

14.07.2017 06:52

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Dreams that have been tested by many people and collected from very ancient times. All that we see in a dream are symbols with which the other world communicates with us. We will update this section as information accumulates, check back often.

A dream is not just a movie. This is an astral projection of possible future events. The future is multi-faceted. We can choose the option that suits us best. If we have seen a warning dream, we can change its events so that this astral projection matches our perception. Replay the situation. In dreams we are taught to work with our thoughts. Sometimes this may be information from past eras that requires understanding and processing.

Signs for dreams by day of the week

From Sunday to Monday I have all sorts of dreams, some may be prophetic, some may be empty. From Sunday to Monday they make wishes for sleep.

From Monday to Tuesday - empty dreams.

From Tuesday to Wednesday - dreams come true.

From Wednesday to Thursday - empty dreams.

From Thursday to Friday - dreams come true (usually within three years, but can come true earlier).

From Friday to Saturday - empty dreams.

From Saturday to Sunday - the dream can come true before lunch.

Actions to prevent the dream from coming true

You need to forget the bad dream as soon as possible. To quickly forget a dream, you need to:

Grab yourself by the crown;

Look out the window;

Look at a “live” fire (stove, fire, matches, lighter, etc.);

Knock on the window three times;

So that it doesn't come true horrible dream, you need to turn the pillow over, turn the linen and pillowcase inside out;

A bad dream must be told to as many people as possible, then it will not come true.

If you had a terrible dream - sit on a bench standing across the floorboards, and do not forget to grab a tree or iron with the words: “Where there is night, there is sleep. Just as a felled tree will not stand on a stump, so that the truth does not become a dream”;

Open the tap with cold water and say: “Water, take away all my troubles, all my sorrows.” Or: “Where there is water, there comes sleep.”

Charms before bed

1. Prayer before bed.

2. Dream Catcher . It should be hung at the head of the bed. The fluffier the thread, the better dreams will be entangled in it. The dream catcher fulfills good dreams and traps bad ones. The dream catcher should be burned after a year of use and a new one should be made. Our dream catchers are excellently made by our Craftswoman Ruslana.

3. There should be no mirror in the bedroom where you sleep. Because a mirror is a portal to another world. During sleep, the soul leaves the body and travels to other worlds. Through the mirror she can enter the dark nav. This can lead to states of lack of sleep and “squeezed lemon” after sleep.

4. Protection using Reiki techniques for those initiated into this practice.

Fortune telling for unmarried girls to sleep

1. On the bed, make a well out of four or eight matches, put a thimble of water in it, put your pillow on top (the well should be under the pillow) and say: “Betrothed-mummer, come and water your horse.”

2. Place a mirror under the pillow and say: “Mummer, come see me and show yourself.”

3. Before going to bed, comb your hair and make sure there is no hair left on the comb. Place the comb with the hair under the pillow and say: “Mummer, come and comb your braid.”

How to sleep properly

Body position for sleeping. You need to put something soft and elastic under your feet,so that when you sleep, your heels are on your back,when on your stomach, your fingers should also not touch the mattress of the bed.You also need to place it under your back so that your butt is sort of in a depression.Place a small pillow under your head and make a seal under your neck. Subject to these simple rules, we can say that the sleep is healthy, the body is rested and has accumulated energy.

Dear friends, I want to say that the interpretation of dreams depends on many factors: on the position of the moon (traditional lunar days empty dreams, useless for interpretation: 2, 9, 13, 20, 29. Days when the channel of communication between consciousness and subconscious is strong - 1, 4, 7, 12, 14, 16, 18, 22 days of the moon), from sensations in a dream and many from what else? There are dreams and prophetic ones. My point is that if you see a wedding in a dream, do not rush to read the interpretation here and think that this is a sign of death. Here are the main archetypes. There can be several interpretations and they can be individual. So please use some common sense.

Interpretations of symbols in a dream


Stork- present; to pregnancy.

Watermelon- Eating watermelons in a dream means pregnancy. Stealing watermelons means pregnancy.


Butterfly- for a date.

White horse, horse - one of the interpretations is deception. It makes sense to consider only in combination with other signs.

Beans(beans), peas - to tears. BUT: eating beans or peas in a dream means pregnancy for a woman, and prosperity and profit for a man.

Lingerie- Washing clothes means illness, especially bloody ones.

Pancakes- funeral food. To the wake. Perhaps the deceased is asking for a funeral feast to be held for him.


Bucket, buckets - A woman with buckets means profit, especially if the buckets are full, but it’s also good with empty buckets.

Wind, whirlwind - to unpleasant news, tears.

Water. Water is a problem. It's bad to cross the river. Swim in dirty water- to illness.

Wolf– to an intimate friend, husband. A pack of wolves - for a wedding. If a girl dreams of a wolf, and she goes with him and is not afraid, then she will soon get married, but if she is afraid, then the marriage will be unwanted. If a guy dreams of a she-wolf and he is not afraid of her, then he will get married soon.

Hair- Hair cutting, hair loss, hair shorter than it actually is, baldness (if in fact there is none) - to illness, loss, trouble (on the contrary, long Thick hair dream of profit). Long thick hair, combing your hair in a dream portends profit.

Lice- wealth.

Choice- If in a dream there is a choice to go right or left, and a person chooses the second, then troubles and temptations await him.


Naked man – to illness (rarely – to death), to separation. It is bad to undress in a dream.

Peas- to tears.

Buckwheat to see in a dream (sort out cereals, buy, cook, eat) - good, to wealth.

Mushrooms- you will get mushroomed. That is, mushrooms dream of illness, feeling unwell, the dream could mean aging, just bad condition, for example, you will look bad.

Thunderstorm, thunder- to the guests.

beds, make ridges, dig the ground, plant something, collect, dig potatoes - to death. BUT: If you dream that you are collecting something in your hem, especially cucumbers - to an obsessive suitor (someone will harass you).

Pear- to tears.

Geeseto trouble.


Two faces, mirror - if one person dreams of two persons at the same time, then such a dream foreshadows a sharp bad change in the condition of this person: death, serious illness, evil eye, slander, love spell, family breakup, unwanted move against one’s will, prison, etc. It is also bad to consider one’s own in a dream photographs - any doubleness in a dream is dangerous, because at this time the soul is divided.

Door, open doors - for the wedding.

Money- Copper, silver, gold money - to tears. Counting small metal money is a loss. It is small metal money that leads to tears. Paper - to profit.

Tree- to pregnancy. Replanting a tree in a dream or growing it, especially from a closed space, portends pregnancy.

Children- Seeing a boy in a dream means profit, a girl means an unexpected event. Small children are good news.

Rain- Heavy rain in a dream means good luck.

House, a freshly felled hut, a felled log, a fresh log house turned towards the dreamer - a harbinger of death, and the death of the dreamer.

Road- for the wedding.

Woodpecker- especially the black one, hollowing out the corner of the house - to the deceased in this house.

Jewelry, decorations, gold - to tears.

Fight If they beat you in a dream, someone will “beat you” on an intimate friend.

Smoke- warning, danger.


Christmas tree. The dream is not so much about death as it represents the path in general and the path to the next world. Spruce is a tree in itself, a symbol of the Navi world.


Toad- successful move, profit.

Pearl- to tears.


Sunset, the setting sun - to the deceased.

Hare, especially white - to the deceased (for men). BUT: if a pregnant woman catches a hare in a dream, she will give birth to a boy, if she catches a hare, then she will give birth to a girl.

Stars- fulfillment of desires.

Snake- to my husband, to love. A snake bite means pregnancy.

Teeth, teeth falling out. With blood - to the death of blood relatives.


Icons- to suffering, humility.

Excreta- Human excrement dreams of money.


Cemetery, graves, grave crosses, funeral candles, funeral food, etc. can directly predict someone's death.

Key, lock, open the lock with a key – 1 - to an intimate friend. 2 - way out of the situation.

Goat, bull, calf – to an intimate friend, husband.

Well to see in a dream - to a dead person.

Cow- to swearing, quarrel, tears.

Cat- to treason, betrayal. BUT: if you have a cat living at home and you dreamed about it, this dream means nothing, unless, of course, it is accompanied by other signs.

The bed is empty - to the deceased.

Blood- Seeing blood in a dream means meeting blood relatives.

Rats, mice- dream of a loss.

Chicken- A pregnant woman dreams of one chicken for the birth of a girl. A lot of chickens - to tears, losses.


Forest- another world. Walking through the forest is a transition to the world of Navi.

Fly in a dream- to spiritual growth.

Linen dreams of tears; if linen or any piece of fabric in general means the road.

Ladder- rise up - spiritual growth; rise in career. Down - stop in development, degradation, losses.

Horse- lie, deception. White horse - to the deceased.

Onion- to tears.

Frog- Toad, frog - successful move, profit.


Oil- vegetable oil - for the patient - for recovery.

Honey- to trouble.

Month- if a girl dreams of a month, especially a young one, then she will soon have a “man for a couple.”

Bear- to marriage, intimate friend.

Milk- to profit.

Monks, priests - to trouble. If you dream of a priest, then evil spirits may take his form.

Flies, bees, bee swarm . If a bee stings in a dream, it means to the deceased.

Mouse- to pregnancy.

Meat, especially raw, beaten cattle - to illness.


Manure, carry manure - to the deceased. BUT: it may also dream of profit, wealth (the dream must be judged by the combination of signs and the dreamer’s feelings). Dreaming of human feces always brings profit.

Threads wrapping it around a ball means illness.

Nails- cutting nails in a dream –to loss, illness, trouble. Long nails - to profit.


Shoes, boots, shoes (in pairs) - to meet your partner. Losing shoes means divorce.

Sheep- a flock of sheep - to the guests.

Loose white clothes - a harbinger of death or illness.

Dressing in a dream - good, to health, profit.

Nuts- to tears. BUT: eating nuts in a dream means pregnancy for a woman, prosperity for a man.


Moving to new house - usually to a change in the dimension of bodies.

Sing and dance in your sleep - to tears.

Sand, yellow or white. Especially viscous, which is difficult to walk on - to the dead.

Bake dreams of sadness.

Basement- look for the reasons for current events in the past.

Sweep and, especially, washing the floors - to the deceased. Here you need to pay attention to who washes the floors and where.

Deceased- if a person is taken away (taken away, taken away) by a deceased person. Dreams about the death of someone who is being taken away.

Field with ears of corn - wealth, prosperity, fulfillment of desires.

Get something in a dream - to profit, fulfillment of desire.

Tomatoes- eating tomatoes or watermelons in a dream means pregnancy. Stealing watermelons means pregnancy.

Dishes for kneading dough, especially a wooden one - to wealth.

Losing something . Losing a part of the body often dreams of loss. But not always.

Funeral- for the wedding.

Fall into a hole, underground . The underground is a symbol of the Navi world. If this happened to the dreamer himself, then perhaps it means illness or loss.

Bird- for the birth of a girl. The chirping of a bird is good news.


Destruction parts of the house, walls, ceilings, stoves - to a change in the dimension of bodies.

River- the border between worlds. But: it could also be the River of Life.

Childbirth- If an animal gives birth in a dream - to profit, for a woman - to pregnancy, childbirth. Giving birth to a boy is a matter of creating an enterprise. For a girl - to receive a gift, surprise.

Cutting down the forest, firewood, sawing, hewing boards, building a wooden house, timber rafting, log house, wood shavings etc. - any work with wood, any tree felled by a person - to the deceased.

Fish, especially dead, wilted, fish meat - may dream of illness, eating fish meat - of pregnancy, live fish may dream of pregnancy. Eating fish means pregnancy. Fishing in clean water- to pregnancy. If in a dream you eat loach, perch, bream, then a boy will be born, if pike, salmon, etc., then a girl will be born.


Airplane- Love.

Wedding, wedding train, wedding (symbolically: “To get married to damp earth”) - usually older women dream of death or a deceased person. For girls it is extremely rare.

Sow- If a girl sees herself sowing, she will soon get married, and the guy will get married. And the family will be big.

Hay- goodbye.

Death of a Manto his longevity, health, perhaps to his wedding. If a sick person dies in a dream, then he will recover.

Dog– to an intimate friend, especially a redhead.

Gather something in the hem, especially cucumbers - to an obsessive boyfriend.

The Sun is rising - Fine. To success, luck, profit.

Salt- to troubles, losses, quarrels.

Quarrel in a dream – a love meeting or good news.

Bags- burdens, difficulties, trials.


Grass, especially viscous, entwining the legs - the journey of the soul in a dream through the other world; to the deceased. Green grass, green meadow (may simply serve as a sign that the dreamer’s soul is entering the other world). Mow the grass - to your husband, intimate friend.


Coal- to a loss, especially coal heaps.

Dead- if you dream about the dead, most often this means that you need to carry out the correct funeral ritual for them. The correct ritual is when the deceased is taken to another world, and the living were able to let him go and everyone is happy, and the relatives are not grief-stricken.

Duck- to the birth of a girl (too many birds - to a loss).

Person leaving . If you call a person and he doesn’t hear, you look for him and don’t find him - to his death. If a person sails away on a boat (ship), the same thing applies.


Beans- to tears


Grain fields, many ears of grain, harvest - to profit, prosperity. Rye bread- to a loss, a heavy lot. White bread - to profit, prosperity. These dream symbols can only be correctly interpreted in combination with other signs, in the context of the entire dream.

Hill, mountain. If a person leaves the dreamer uphill or downhill, it means his death.


Flowers, especially white ones - the girl may dream about her betrothed. If a girl dreams that she is picking flowers, then this is good and foretells a love meeting.

Kiss, hug - to say goodbye to the one with whom this was done in a dream.

Church, icons, cross - to suffering, patience, prison. This is for those who are baptized. Christian paraphernalia in a dream is generally a symbol of suffering, because such is the vibration of this religion. Those who are not baptized, as a rule, do not have such dreams. If a person is in prison, then such dreams foreshadow freedom. However, if you have a dying dream, when the dreamer’s soul visits the other world, then the church may simply be a sign of sacred space. If an icon talks to the dreamer in a dream, then this is a dream-vision that does not foretell anything other than what the icon said. If in a dream an icon cries or exudes myrrh, oil, or blood, but says nothing, then this foreshadows suffering and serves as a blessing for long-suffering or repentance.

Gypsies- to deception, loss.


Man in white, black clothes - to his death (possibly illness). If the person is unfamiliar, then this could be a vision of a saint, an angel, an unclean one, or death.


Apples- to tears.

Berries. Especially black ones (blueberries, black currants, etc.) - to tears. But red ones (lingonberries, cranberries, strawberries, etc.) are not good either.

Eggs- there will be a good guest (someone will appear). BUT: crushed, broken, spoiled eggs foreshadow troubles and losses in a dream. Broken, crushed eggs are a loss.

Pit- falling into a hole, under the floor - to illness; worries from the past.

If it happened to you unusual case, you saw a strange creature or an incomprehensible phenomenon, you dreamed unusual dream, you saw a UFO in the sky or became a victim of alien abduction, you can send us your story and it will be published on our website ===> .

Few doubt the existence prophetic dreams. History and human experience are replete with examples of how images of the future come in dreams. It happens that dreams foreshadow misfortune. But knowledgeable people They say that there is nothing fatal in the world, any dream can be “cancelled”.

So, if you had an unpleasant dream, when you wake up, immediately say: “Where the night goes, the dream goes.” When you get out of bed, repeat this phrase open window. After that, without talking to anyone, go to the bathroom and wash your face three times with cold tap water. Then place your hands under the running water and repeat the above phrase three times. Now head to the kitchen, pour a glass of water there and dissolve one teaspoon of salt in it. Say: “As this salt melts, so my dream will not come true.” Then turn your back to the sink and throw water from the glass over your left shoulder. There is another way to avoid the consequences of a negative dream. Without getting out of bed and without looking out the window, you need to say: “Rise up the good, and crack the bad in half.” To prevent bad things from coming true, some experts recommend not telling anyone about bad dreams. There is even a special technique: if you tell the content of a dream to three people, it will lose its evil power. But in reality, this can only worsen the situation and lead to the materialization of the dream. You shouldn’t tell anyone your dreams before lunch. An exception can be made only for those who interpret dreams well. Sometimes adjustments can be made to dreams. Try this. Let's say if you dreamed of a black cat, imagine that you have a brush with white paint in your hands. Mentally repaint the animal in White color- and troubles will pass you by! If you dream that you are falling into an abyss, imagine that you are growing wings. Then in real life you will be able to “soar” above a negative situation and find a non-standard way out. Try to destroy any image that frightens you in a dream - tear it into pieces, set it on fire, throw it in a hole, bury it or blow it up. It happens that somehow relatives and friends don’t dream very well: they get sick, find themselves in unpleasant situations. Try, without waking up, to replace the negative with the positive, imagining the person as healthy and prosperous. This will help remove the negativity. And one more thing: you don’t need to wait for unfortunate events to occur after a nightmare. After all, your thoughts can attract negativity. If the same nightmare or “not good” dream is repeated more than once, write down its contents. This will help protect you from harm. A glass or cup of water will help you escape from obsessive nightmares. clean water(better with holy water). You need to put it on at night. It will absorb negative energy. Under no circumstances should you drink this water or wash your face with it. The next morning you need to pour it out, and put in a fresh one in the evening. What should you do to make good dreams come true? In this case, it is useful to remember the details of a happy dream. This must be done until the dream comes true. But you can’t tell anyone a good dream: when it comes true, then share it. The fact is that others may be skeptical about your story and thus interfere with the fulfillment of the dream.> There are also purely magical ways. When you wake up in the morning, without opening your eyes, say: “What I saw in my dream, I took everything for myself.” After this, clearly imagine the image of the desired event. You can also now find on sale an amulet called “dream catcher”. As experts note, it gets rid of nightmares and wards off bad dreams, but only to “come true” good dreams does not affect. It should be borne in mind that some dreams come true in the opposite way. So, kissing someone in a dream can warn of an upcoming quarrel or even a breakup with this person. If you dream that you got the job you dreamed of, or successfully passed exams and entered a university, then in reality you may be in for complete failure. But dreams in which you fail in some area, on the contrary, can portend success. I would also like to note that it is not always and not in all cases necessary to turn to dream books and dream interpreters. If the dream left behind a vivid impression, a certain mood, then perhaps you should not watch its “scientific” interpretation. Just believe that a positive dream will come true, and a negative one will bypass your life.

Prophetic dreams they predict fate, and sometimes in a dream you can see something that you don’t want at all.

What to do to prevent the dream from coming true?

Bad dream I need to forget it as soon as possible. But it’s easy to say, but try to actually implement it.

...If in a saucepan burnt food , do not try to scrape it off with a knife. It’s better to boil water in this bowl, adding soda to it (2 tbsp per 1 liter)...

Aluminum cookware wash hot water with soap, and heavily soiled ones can be cleaned with a mixture of soap and vinegar and pumice powder, taken in equal parts...

… At long boiling Aluminum cookware becomes dark. To remove this defect, wipe the dishes with a soft cloth moistened with vinegar...

Glass glasses They will shine like crystal if you rinse them in cold salt water...

Burnt pan can be cleaned by filling it with salt water and leaving it overnight. The next day, boil a salt solution in a saucepan, after which the bottom will be easy to clean...

… White mark on a polished surface , which appears from a hot object, can be removed by wiping it with alcohol and vegetable oil. You need to rub it with a woolen rag in a circular motion...

The color of the carpet will become brighter , if you sprinkle it with fine white salt in the evening, and the next day remove the salt with a soft, clean, damp cloth...

Prayer for bad sleep to the Blessed Virgin Mary

To You, Most Pure One Mother of God, I, the accursed one, fall down and pray: You know, Queen, that I constantly sin and anger Your Son and my God, and although I repent all the time, I turn out to be a liar before God. I repent and tremble with fear that the Lord will strike me, and soon I do the same again! I pray to You, my Lady, Lady Theotokos, knowing all this, have mercy, strengthen and teach me to do good. For You know, my Lady Theotokos, that with all my heart I hate my evil deeds and with all my thoughts I love the law of my God; but I don’t know, Most Pure Lady, why I do what I hate, but don’t do what is good.

Do not allow, O Most Pure One, my will to be fulfilled, for it is evil, but may the will of Your Son and my God be done, save me, and enlighten me, and give me the grace of the Holy Spirit, so that from now on I will stop doing bad things, and the rest of the time I will live according to the commandments of Your Son, to Whom belongs all glory, honor and power with His beginningless Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and always, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

What to do if you are overcome by nightmares? Is there a prayer for bad sleep that really helps? What they warn about Higher power or perhaps intuition? How to react to everything in order to find normal rest? There are answers to these and many other questions. They will help you cope with fears, correctly assess the work of the subconscious, and get rid of problems.

Important: Nightmares won't come true if you don't believe what you see. These are the tricks of demons who turn a dream into reality if you fall for it. The demonic trick lies in captivating people with “prophetic” (actually false) dreams. Trust in the Lord, call on Him constantly, then the obsessions will stop.

Who to pray for bad sleep

At all times, people have tried to unravel the mystery of dreams. Interest in the work of the subconscious has not yet dried up among scientific researchers. Many people take dreams as interference Higher world, a warning about something important. This is not entirely true. Strong healthy sleep is a gift from God. To find it, the church suggests praying:

  • Guardian Angel (m-va is in the evening and morning Rules);
  • Jesus Christ;
  • Holy Mother of God;
  • St. Irinarch (Rostovsky);
  • 7th St. youths (of Ephesus).

Thanks to them, psychological overexcitation, the effects of excess food intake, and illness are normalized. Prayer is suitable for calming children at night when their parents are taking care of them. In some isolated cases. But if bad dreams bother you regularly, you need to look for and eradicate the source of the problem. You will understand what it is, what it depends on, why it happens, then you will find a method that eliminates the negative.

Prayer for bad sleep to Jesus Christ

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, our reverend and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save the soul, shi is ours.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Three times, with the substitution of the cross and a bow from the waist.)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake.

Lord have mercy. (Thrice) Glory, and now:

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Note: The Holy Fathers advise treating dreams as images of death and resurrection. While the body and consciousness are inactive, we see the essence of the soul, its state. An attentive person will understand whether or not he has moved away from God's grace.

What is sleep

Physical rest is necessary to restore vitality body. And although the body and consciousness turn off during sleep, the work of the brain (subconscious) continues without the need for it. This indicates that there is a non-corporeal function that lives according to other laws. The saints call it the soul.

She never sleeps. Freed from the heavy shell, control, willpower of the individual, driven by what constitutes her true character. An experienced ascetic can determine the spiritual state of the person under his care based on the content of his visions. Keep in mind: events and objects in a dream are a world of symbols, it differs from images in reality.

They cannot be interpreted as real. This is a coded message that most people cannot understand. Based on the biblical stories, we see: only a few (1%) people possessing certain qualities that are not found in us, simple sinners, had the ability to interpret.

Note: Sleep is a sensitive indicator, a barometer of the spiritual component of a person. Whether they are good or bad is a signal of what the soul is doing. After death, when the body separates, there will remain an entity that is not controlled or controlled by consciousness. What is it filled with, and with such baggage will the “man” appear in other world.

What we live is what we dream about

In a dream, the soul philosophizes about what it is filled with, what it is immersed in, what it is attached to. Therefore, a person who is outwardly decent and moral can have nightmares. His true essence is revealed. When the day passes in bustle, the sleeping body is also concerned about the same. What the soul has been nourished with, it chews when the body does not interfere with it.

This explains many discoveries made in dreams. For example, the periodic table, computer design, literary, musical works, etc. But it is worth knowing that a disconnected consciousness, as it were, leaves the soul without protection, without the ability to repel the influence of evil forces. Sleep depends on daytime worries. The saints divided them into three main categories:

  • The vision of meaningless, chaotic events is produced by the physiological functioning of the brain. He is engaged in “sorting” and processing the information received during the day. This is a neutral state, neither bad nor good. A normal function of the body, indicating the multi-caring nature of a person, nothing more.
  • Scary, nightmare or false dreams, inducing fear and numbness, or “preceding” any events, are inspired by fallen spirits. This is an attempt to manipulate a person’s feelings and actions. Drawing him into set traps and nets in order to force him to believe in “prophetic dreams.”
  • Revelations are real prophetic instructions from the Higher Light Forces, which are written about in the Bible. Their number is minimal. As a rule, they are available to people of highly spiritual life, saints. And they do not believe them the first time, so as not to mistake demonic seduction for the truth.

Us, ordinary people, the first two types of dreams are available, but the third is the lot of those who have acquired the grace of God. These are either ascetic monks, or children, or sincerely praying and in need of urgent adjustments in their lives. A signal to leave the wrong, destructive path by turning to the truths of faith. For example, finding miraculous icons often performed on instructions from Above.

Should you believe dreams?

The Bible describes many stories when dreams played significant role in the life of a specific person or an entire nation. How to understand this phenomenon so as not to make a mistake? Contemplating dreams, we note that the words and actions we perform often do not correspond to the reaction that we expect from ourselves in real life. These can be both sublime actions and base ones.

The speeches we make are thoughts that come from outside, and not our internal logical reasoning. Therefore, it is often chaotic. You can't trust what you see. The saints advise to treat everything neutrally: not to reject, but also not to accept, as an order from above, so as not to become a victim of demonic cunning. If suddenly the message was from God, it will be repeated more than once until the person is convinced that he should accept it.

Note: If you wake up in a cold sweat from fear after seeing a nightmare, read the prayer “Our Father...” three times. The obsession will go away, your condition will return to normal, you will fall asleep peacefully.

How to get rid of nightmares?

If bad dreams come systematically, problems are visible behind this. Either of a physiological nature, for example, with liver disease, or the “death” of the soul. Nightmares are an image of the threshold of hell. This means that a person is standing on the edge of an abyss, has fallen into the snare of the devil, has moved away from God so much that the eternal soul does not have pious skills. This is what manifests itself when body consciousness is absent.

Having excluded physiology, one should think about what the human essence really is. Who is the owner of the soul, to whom does it belong and obey. You can get rid of nightmares if you sanctify yourself, find grace, and become accustomed to prayer, which will protect you from the influence of unclean spirits. Moreover, cleansing occurs regularly through the Sacraments of the Church and home prayer. To heal, you need to:

  • Read morning and evening while performing home rule. IN evening prayers there are many petitions for the granting of restful sleep.
  • Be sure to consecrate your home. In the event that you have not done this yet, since the requirement is performed once.
  • If there are occult objects in the house: books, horoscopes, souvenirs, magic amulets, amulets, etc., burn everything so that nothing remains.
  • Drink holy water, sprinkle the room.
  • When going to bed, cross all sides of the bed. Once again before going to bed, read: “May God rise again...”.
  • Read the Gospel regularly. At night - psalms - as much as the soul can handle.

Conclusion: Leading a Christian lifestyle not from time to time, but always, you will understand from your dreams what your soul is filled with. In difficult situations, contact the priest at your parish. Get examined if you suspect a change chemical composition blood (diabetes, toxins). Bad dreams are a signal of spiritual problems that need to be solved while you are alive.

Prayer if you had a bad dream

And grant us, O Master, peace of body and soul as we go to sleep, and save us from the dark sleep of sin, and all dark and nightly voluptuousness. Calm the desire of passions, and extinguish the kindled arrows of the evil one, even flatteringly driven towards us. Quench the rebellion of our flesh, and put to rest all our earthly and material wisdom. And grant us, God, a cheerful mind, a chaste thought, a sober heart, light sleep, and all satanic dreams changed. Rise us up during prayer, confirmed in Your commandments, and holding the memory of Your judgments firmly within us. Grant us the all-night praise, to sing and bless and glorify Your most honorable and magnificent name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

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