Home Smell from the mouth Remote competition country of talents. We accept applications until the last day

Remote competition country of talents. We accept applications until the last day

III All-Russian vocal and choreographic festival - competition

"Land of Talents"

Moscow, Russia

Venue: Moscow, st. Cherry, 7, Krasny Oktyabr House of Culture

Information support in Russia and the CIS - newspaper "Musical Klondike"

Purpose of the competition:

  • The All-Russian creative festival-competition is aimed at strengthening creative ties between creative groups in Russia;

Acquaintance with the work of Russian groups, cultural exchange of experiences, creative master classes from choreographers, as well as jury members.

The program of the festival-competition:

  • prize for EACH PARTICIPANT
  • competition for the best performance in each category;
  • exchange of cultural and creative experiences;
  • social and charitable events;
  • participation of children from orphanages and boarding schools.

Promoting the strengthening and expansion of cultural exchange, strengthening friendship and mutual understanding between peoples.

The festival will include charity concerts and cultural events, creative meetings and master classes.


Ekaterina Melnikova- Associate Professor of the Department of Classical Dance of Moscow state institute culture, candidate of pedagogical sciences, member of the International Dance Council CID at UNESCO; laureate of international choreographic competitions, expert in awarding categories to mid-level workers special education; ballet dancer of the musical theater "Experiment" of Honored Artist of Russia B. Boreyko


creative groups with any number of participants, soloists and small forms, of any age category


  • I age group - 3-5 years;
  • II age group - 6-8 years;
  • III age group - 9-12 years;
  • IV age group - 13-16 years;
  • V age group - 17-21 years;
  • PROFI category (22 years and older)

Festival-competition nominations:YOU CAN MAKE YOUR NOMINATION

Choreography(includes all types of choreography and choreographic performances (theatrical performance, improvisation, etc.)

  • children's dance
  • folk dance,
  • pop dance,
  • classical dance,
  • modern dance,
  • ballroom dance,
  • dance mix,
  • patriotic dance

Original genre(circus and sports programs)

“Who is over 30...”- soloists and groups with more than 80% of the composition in the age category of 30 years or more, in any genre

  • “Premiere” is a performance that is presented on stage for the first time,
  • “Young Stars of the Festival” - a special prize for the youngest participants from 3 to 5 years old
  • “Formation” is the most popular number of the festival
  • "Theme of peace and goodness"

Criteria for evaluation.

Each act is assessed separately according to the qualifications and level of the team:

  • Performing skills;
  • Artistic level of the room;
  • Originality of the production;
  • Entertainment and stage performance culture;
  • Charm and smiles;
  • Culture and delicacy of costume;
  • Children's theme "Peace and Kindness";
  • Positive culture of communication with other participants during performances and at the festival;
  • Compliance with performance regulations.
  • Participants in the “Choreography” nomination perform 1 piece, lasting up to 4 minutes.


The competition is held in the following categories:

  • academic;
  • folk;
  • pop;
  • jazz vocals;
  • patriotic song;
  • original song


Participants in the “Choirs” nomination perform 1 piece, lasting up to 5 minutes, counting the time of exit and exit from the stage.

Evaluation criteria:

For soloists and small forms:

  • purity of intonation, beauty of timbre, strength of voice;
  • stage culture, phrasing, performance skills,
  • selection of repertoire,
  • artistic expression,
  • stage image.

For ensembles:

  • ensemble structure,
  • complexity of the performed repertoire (polyphony, polyphony),
  • original arrangement and interpretation of the work,
  • performing skills, artistic expressiveness,
  • stage culture.


Festival fee:(For participation in one competitive program). When registering, please indicate the exact number of participants, as each participant receives a souvenir.

  • Soloists - 1500 rubles, including registration of an application 300 rubles per person
  • Duets - 1200 rubles, including registration of the application 300 rubles per person
  • Teams from 3 to 8 people - 1000 rubles per person, including registration of an application 200 rubles per person
  • Teams from 9 people - 700 rubles per person, including registration of an application 200 rubles per person

(In each room it is necessary to pay for each participant)

Participants from orphanages and boarding schools do not pay the registration fee!!!

They can show one number in the program for FREE

The arrival of the participating teams is expected according to the schedule determined by the organizing committee. The schedule is sent to team leaders by email 3 days before the start competition day. Correction is only possible on the day of mailing if there is a good reason.

Teams can come by their own transport (buses, etc.) - free parking in the competition area in accordance with the number of parking spaces.

Competitive programs of groups are planned from 09.00, the end time becomes known after the deadline for accepting applications.

Stage dimensions 12 x 14 m. Rehearsals are not expected. At the competition, the number of performances from a team is not limited. The jury evaluates the competition program, and each number separately. The age composition of participants is not limited. The competition jury reserves the right to change the declared numbers of groups by genre and age groups, after receiving the necessary documents and viewing the competition numbers. At the competition, NOT a competitive, but a qualifying principle of evaluation is applied competitive program. The jury evaluates the competition numbers according to its system and makes a decision on awarding places.

We accept applications until last day!

Requirements for festival participants:

Submit an Application;

The program (repertoire) of the group (in the order required in the program), numbers creative program to participate in the festival.

Application for certificates and Thanksgiving letters

Festival and competition awards

General awards for different genres presented on any subject:

Prize GrandPrix - Grand Prix, festival cup.

  • Diploma Laureate 1st degree and cup - DiplomaLaureate 1stdegree
  • Diploma Laureate 2d degree and cup - Diploma Laureate 2d degree
  • Diploma Laureate 3d degree and cup - Diploma Laureate 3d degree
  • Diploma 1st degree and cup - Diplomante 1stdegree
  • Diploma 2nd degree and cup - Diplomante 2ddegree
  • Diplomante 3ddegree and cup - Diplomante 3ddegree
  • Diploma of participant in the festival-competition - Diplomaofparticipant

Special awards:

Prizes and Diplomas “for the best number and any creative work"; "for artistry"; “for professionalism” and many others. etc.

Leaders of creative teams, teachers, sponsors are awarded letters of gratitude (on request)

Discount certificates (5%, 10%, 15%) for participation in the following competitive programs.

We invite you to take part inAll-Russian competitions
"Country of Talents"
Spring-summer competitions (2015-2016 academic season)
are held from January 18 to February 29, 2016.
The registration fee for one student is 50 rubles.
(with the participation of over 25 students - 45 rubles, over 60 students
- 40 rubles, and over 90 - 38 rubles).
Go to our websiteTo familiarize yourself with the procedure for holding competitions, see the “Rules of Participation” section:
Country of Talents

"Country of Talents"" - conducts open competitions(/// All-Russian 2015-2016 school year) among schoolchildren.

Our website is http://www.strana-talantov.ru . An example of filling out an application and a receipt form are given on the website, as well as in the attached sent files. A scanned payment receipt must be attached to the application (50 rubles for each participant, over 25 participants - 45 rubles, over 60 participants - 40 rubles, over 90 participants - 38 rubles), one general receipt for all participants in all subjects. A general application for several subjects is sent to a common email address or for the subject with the largest number of participants. Applications are accepted from January 18 to February 29, 2016. The minimum number of participants is 7 (seven) students.

Subject E-mail addresses:

[email protected] - reading grades 1-4;

[email protected] - mathematics grades 1-11;

[email protected] - English language grades 1-11;

[email protected] - entertaining arithmetic for grades 1-4;

[email protected] - Traveler grades 2-6;

[email protected] - Flora and fauna grades 5-11;

[email protected] - general mail (question - answer);

[email protected] - German grades 1-11;

[email protected] - Russian language grades 1-11;

[email protected] - the world grades 1-5;

[email protected] - Know-it-all grades 2-6;

[email protected] - Lawyer grades 6-11;

[email protected] - history grades 5-11;

[email protected]- general mail.

The competition route briefly looks like this: paper printing media (certificates for participants, thanks to teachers for organizing and response forms) for received applications are sent to all schools by Russian Post within 1-2 days from the date of application, the tasks themselves are sent by email after 10 days. The school competition is held within 3-5 days from the date of receipt of both assignments electronically and materials for them by Russian Post. Schools send back only completed answer forms (preferably by Russian Post, scans are also possible). After checking the answer forms, the “Country of Talents” sends tables of results for each student of a given school by email to all schools. In conclusion, after summing up the general results, certificates are sent to the schools by Russian Post to the winners and thanks to their teachers on paper from the printing house.

Among the first place winners, 6 smartphones will be randomly drawn! Twenty schools with mass participation are sent color calendars 2016 in A 4 format according to the number of participants!

On October 23, 2019, a workshop seminar “Use of Microsoft Excel in the work of a teacher", in which 28 teachers out of 11 took part educational organizations district.

During the lesson, teachers improved their skills in creating diagrams, automated calculations using formulas, custom sorting of large amounts of information, and also mastered new technical techniques for working in Microsoft Excel, which will be useful in their future activities.

Regional Industry Championship of Professional Excellence

In the period from October 14 to 17, for the first time in the Nizhneilimsk region, the municipal qualifying round of the III Regional Industry Championship was held professional excellence in the field of education of the Irkutsk region according to Worldskills Russia standards for competence " Preschool education" The purpose of the Championship is to update the mechanisms for staffing the education system of the Irkutsk region, Nizhneilimsk district based on international standards using effective tools for developing human resources, an end-to-end system for monitoring the quality of personnel training,

Dear teachers and school organizers!

Deadline for accepting applications in the All-Russian competitions “Land of Talents”

for autumn-winter competitions (2016-2017 academic season)

The registration fee for one participant is 65 rubles
(when sending paper forms) and 40 rubles (forms only in electronic form).

"Country of Talents" » - holds open competitions (IV All-Russian 2016-2017 academic year) among schoolchildren.

website http://www.strana-talantov.ru

Your application is generated when you register on our website (in the Registration section preferably or in the sample application file of this advertising letter). The receipt form is given on the website, as well as in the attached advertising mailing file sent.

To a general email address[email protected](or [email protected] ) you need to send a scanned receipt of payment within two weeks (65 rubles for each participant), provided that certificates, thanks and certificates are sent to you in paper form by Russian Post (if they are sent only in electronic form, then the registration fee will be 40 rubles for each participant), one general receipt for all participants in all subjects.

Applications are accepted from September 20 to October 31, 2016. The minimum number of participants is 15 (fifteen) participants (if less, then all competition forms will be sent to you only in electronic form; but not less than four participants).

Subject E-mail addresses:

[email protected]– literature grades 1-7;

[email protected]- mathematics grades 1-11;

[email protected]- English language grades 1-11;

[email protected]- entertaining arithmetic for grades 1-7;

[email protected]- Traveler grades 1-7;

[email protected]- Flora and fauna grades 5-11;

[email protected]- general mail (question - answer);

[email protected]– German language grades 1-11;

[email protected]- Russian language grades 1-11;

[email protected]- the world around us, grades 1-5;

[email protected]- Know-it-all grades 1-7;

[email protected]- Lawyer grades 5-11;

[email protected]– history grades 5-11;

[email protected]– general mail.

The competition route briefly looks like this: paper printing media (certificates for participants, thanks to teachers for organizing and response forms) for received applications are sent to all schools by Russian Post within 1-2 days from the date of application, the tasks themselves are sent by email after 10 days (if choosing only electronic forms for competitions, tasks are sent electronically within two days after the application).

The school competition is held within 3-5 days from the date of receipt of both assignments electronically and materials for them by Russian post or electronically. Schools send back only completed answer forms (preferably by Russian Post, scans are also possible). After checking the answer forms, the “Country of Talents” sends tables of results for each student of a given school by email to all schools. In conclusion, after summing up the general results, certificates are sent to the schools by Russian Post to the winners and thanks to their teachers on paper or electronic media from the printing house.
Gifts are awarded in three categories: the best schools, students and teachers.

Eleven schools with the largest number of winners for the autumn-winter competitions 2016-2017 will be sent framed All-Russian Badges of Honor on double-layer plastic in A 4 format (with the accompanying Diplomas).

Among the winners who took first and second places in the autumn-winter competitions, prizes will be randomly drawn: tablets (or phones, smartphones) worth several thousand rubles each. There will be two prizes in total (for every thousand participants, starting from the fourth; and up to the fourth thousand participants - one prize for every thousand).
After summing up the results of the competitions and issuing award materials, the ten most active teachers (based on the number of participants) will be determined. Our prize fund for autumn-winter competitions will be distributed among these teachers.

The next stage of competitions (http://www.strana-talantov.ru "All about competitions")will take place from February 1 to March 5, 2017.
From March 10 to April 15, 2017, applications are accepted for new competitions (section of the site "News") from grades 1 to 8 - Rubik's Cube, Accountant, Literacy, Bookworm, Linguist, Talent (Foreign Language), Smart Girl,Statist, Geek, Naturalist, Tourist.

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