Home Wisdom teeth Dicaine eye drops. Dicain: instructions for use of eye drops Dicain release form

Dicaine eye drops. Dicain: instructions for use of eye drops Dicain release form

Latin name: dicain
ATX code: S01HA03
Active substance: tetracaine
Manufacturer: Biol, Russia
Release from the pharmacy: On prescription
Storage conditions: cool place
Best before date: 2 years.

The use of Dicaine is indicated for short-term anesthesia.

Indications for use

List of indications:

  • As an ophthalmic drug for short periods surgical procedures– gonioscopy, tonometry or for the purpose of removing foreign objects
  • Anesthesia of the urinary canal before the catheterization procedure
  • Spinal anesthesia, unless amide anesthetics are contraindicated
  • An aid for bronchography and intubation.

Composition and release forms

The drops contain the active ingredient – ​​tetracaine. Additionally: sodium chloride and pure water for injection. Solution concentration – 0.3%.

The medication is produced in the form of a transparent and colorless solution that is odorless and tasteless. Sold in bottles of 5 ml and 10 ml.

Medicinal properties

Dicaine eye drops are an anesthetic medication used to provide anesthesia on the surface of the skin. The mechanism of action is to block sodium channels, as a result of which nerve impulses cannot be fully transmitted to the required places. The effect is felt in about a minute and lasts no more than 20 minutes. The product is almost completely absorbed into the surface layer of the skin; the speed of absorption directly depends on the amount applied and the specific location. The medicine is processed in the liver and excreted along with bile and urine.

Directions for use and doses

Not sold in Russia

Due to its high degree of toxicity, the medication is no longer used as an epidural anesthesia; it is applied only topically in minimal quantities. More than 100 mg cannot be applied at a time due to high toxicity. Most often, dicaine solution is used in ophthalmic practice - 2-3 drops are dripped into the eye, and the analgesic effect occurs within 1-2 minutes. If the anesthesia effect needs to be prolonged for more than 20 minutes, then add an adrenaline solution. In otolaryngology, a solution of 0.25 - 0.5% is needed, no more. To prolong the effectiveness of the medicine in in this case barbamyl is used. If the patient healthy heart and there are no obvious contraindications, the use of epinephrine is allowed, not more than 100 mg for topical application. Typically, all drug mixtures are applied to a swab, which is then applied to the mucous membranes, but it should not be kept in place for too long.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

To date, this drug is not a first-line drug of choice in pregnant women during childbirth or in women during lactation, so the use of Dicaine is not advisable in such situations.

Contraindications and precautions

These include:

  • Drug intolerance or increased sensitivity to para-aminobenzoic acid derivatives
  • Age up to 10 years
  • Concurrent use of sulfonamides
  • An inflammatory process on the body where the medicine needs to be applied.

With caution: arrhythmia, tachycardia.

Cross-drug interactions

The medicine weakens the effectiveness of sulfonamides.

Side effects

Locally: dermatitis, swelling, burning, irritation on the applied surface, keratitis, scarring of the cornea, impaired epithelization.

Systemic: myopia, blue discoloration, overexcitation, cardiac arrhythmia, shock.


Manifests itself in the form of weakness, nausea, dizziness, coma, blockade, tremor and agitation.


Dalkhimfarm, Russia

average price– 17 rubles per package.

Lidocaine is a local anesthetic that is used to relieve short-term pain during operations. There are many forms of release, in the form of a spray, injections, gel, eye drops.


  • Efficiency
  • Cheapness.


  • Toxicity
  • Contraindications.

Hjorst, Germany

average price in Russia - 475 rubles per package.

Ultracaine is a modern anesthetic with greater efficiency and fewer side effects.


  • Modern
  • Effective.


  • Expensive
  • Doesn't always fit.

Dicaine drops include 0.3% solution beta form of tetracaine. Additional substances: sodium chloride, water.

There are other concentrations of the solution tetracaine depending on the manufacturer.

Transparent, colorless, odorless solution.

The solution is available in bottles of 10 and 5 ml.

Local anesthetic effect


Dicaine solution is a local painkiller for superficial anesthesia. It blocks sodium channels, which prevents the occurrence of impulses in sensitive nerve endings and the conduction of impulses through them.

The effect occurs 30-90 seconds after application to the mucous membranes and lasts for 20 minutes.

It is quickly and completely absorbed through the mucous membranes (the rate of absorption depends on the area of ​​administration and dosage). The degree of reaction with plasma proteins is very high. Completely hydrolyzed in plasma due to cholinesterase within one and a half hours with products PABA-containing compounds. Partially metabolized in the liver in the same way. It is excreted in urine and bile, partially being recirculated in the liver and intestines.

The use of Dicain is justified for the purpose of local superficial anesthesia:

  • for short operations and manipulations in ophthalmology (outpatient surgical operations, deletion foreign bodies, tonometry, gonioscopy, others diagnostic procedures) and otorhinolaryngology;
  • For spinal anesthesia if there are contraindications to the administration of local amide anesthetics;
  • for pain relief in the larynx area during bronchography, intubation, esophago- And bronchoscopy;
  • for pain relief of the urethra before catheterization.

Side effects

  • Local phenomena: contact dermatitis , irritation of mucous membranes, burning, edema and pain at the application site; with prolonged use, the development of keratitis, clouding and scarring of the cornea, slower epithelization.
  • Systemic phenomena: visual impairment, nervous excitement, cyanosis, anaphylactic shock, arrhythmia.

Dicain, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The drug is used primarily for terminal anesthesia and very rarely for epidural anesthesia. The substance is extremely toxic, so it is unsuitable for infiltration and conduction anesthesia. Highest dose at local use is 0.1 grams.

IN ophthalmological practice The medicine is used in an amount of 2-3 drops. The maximum analgesic effect develops after 1-2 minutes. When performing interventions on the eyes, a 0.5% solution of the product is usually sufficient to achieve the desired anesthetic effect. To prolong and enhance the effect, you can add to Dikain Epinephrine(0.1% solution) in the following ratio: 1 drop Epinephrine per 2 ml solution tetracaine. For pain relief research intraocular pressure it is allowed to use a 0.1% solution.

IN otolaryngology usually use 0.25-0.5% solutions. Adult patients, at the discretion of the doctor, are allowed to prescribe up to 3 ml of a solution with a concentration of 1%. 2-3% solutions are used only when absolutely necessary. Lubrication of the hypopharynx is carried out slowly, maintaining intervals and monitoring the patient's condition. To reduce the reaction to the drug, the patient is given 0.1 gram 40-60 minutes before anesthesia Barbamila. If there are no contraindications to vasoconstrictors, then it is allowed to add Epinephrine in the above proportion. The tampon is soaked in the solution and the surface of the mucous membrane is lubricated. Prohibited on long time leave the tampon in the nasal cavity.

Use of Dicaine during epidural anesthesia requires special care. To do this, prepare a 0.25-0.3% solution under aseptic conditions and sterilize it by boiling for 30 minutes, then add a 0.1% solution to it Epinephrine at a rate of 1:100. The medicine is administered in stages, slowly - 16-20 ml, observing five-minute breaks between injections.

For urinary tract pain relief apply up to 10 ml of 0.1% Dicaine.

Signs of overdose: general weakness, dizziness, excitement, muscular tremor, anxiety, convulsions, collapse, breathing problems, nausea, methemoglobinemia, coma, vomit, AV block.

Treatment of overdose: immediate removal of the drug from the skin and mucous membranes; when the respiratory process is depressed, it is indicated artificial ventilation lungs And oxygen therapy, for convulsions they administer Diazepam or barbiturates, at collapse blood substitutes are used intravenously ( Hemodez, saline solutions, drugs dextran) And vasoconstrictors, at methemoglobinemia- intravenously Methylene blue at the rate of 1–2 mg/kg or orally 100–200 mg vitamin C.

Dicaine can weaken the effect sulfa drugs.

On prescription.

Store in a cool place. Keep away from children.

Two years.

If possible, Dicaine should be replaced Novocaine, since it is less toxic. Solutions containing more than 2% tetracaine capable of damaging epithelium cornea and excessively dilate the conjunctival arteries. In ophthalmology this medicine It is not recommended to use for a long time or frequently.

It is prohibited to administer the drug subarachnoidally.

When performing spinal anesthesia using Dicaine, you need to constantly monitor arterial pressure.

The drug is prescribed with caution to patients with reduced level cholinesterase in the blood, AV block, arrhythmias, shock.

Medical instruments that come into contact with Dicaine must not have residues alkalis, since as a result of the interaction an insoluble precipitate is formed.

Novocaine, Ultracaine, Lidocaine, Anestesin, Felicaine, Anetaine, Decicaine, Amethocaine, Intercaine, Medicaine, Rexocaine, Pantocaine, Foncaine, Intercaine.

It is prohibited to use the drug in children under 10 years of age.

Use during these periods is permitted only in exceptional cases with strict indications.

At the present time, medical workers are trying to refuse to use this drug in their practice due to its high toxicity and the availability of more accessible and safe analogues.

If it is necessary to use the drug, a doctor will usually prescribe a prescription for Dicaine. Dicaine in Latin usually looks like Tetracaini hydrochloridum.

Due to the above in section " special instructions» disadvantages and availability of more affordable ones and this product is almost not on sale. No price information available.

Dicaine (Dicaine (beta form) solution 0.3% (eye drops)) is a local anesthetic drug used in ophthalmology.

Dosage form - eye drops: slightly colored or colorless, transparent or slightly opalescent solution (in bottles of 5 (with a dropper) or 10 ml, 1 bottle in a cardboard box).

The drug contains leocaine, sodium chloride, purified water.

Dicaine is a local anesthetic drug used for superficial anesthesia. The substance blocks sodium channels, preventing the occurrence of impulses in sensitive nerve endings and their conduction in nerve tissues.

The drug begins to act 30–90 seconds after application to the mucous membranes. The duration of action is 20 minutes.

Dicain solution is quickly and almost completely absorbed through the mucous membranes. The rate of absorption is determined by the dosage of the drug. The degree of its binding to plasma proteins is quite high. The substance is completely hydrolyzed in plasma with the participation of cholinesterase within 1.5 hours, forming PABA-containing compounds. In the same way, dicaine is partially metabolized in the liver and excreted mainly in the bile and through the kidneys, partially being recirculated in the intestines and liver.

Dicaine is prescribed to adults for pain relief during short surgical interventions on the anterior segment of the eyeball.

A contraindication to the use of the drug is the presence of hypersensitivity to its components.

Dicaine is used in the form of instillations of 1-2 drops immediately before surgery. If necessary, during the operation (depending on the patient’s condition and the duration of the operation), an additional 1-2 drops can be instilled.

After using Dicain, short-term burning and mild allergic reactions may develop.

Symptoms of overdose are:

  • agitation and anxiety;
  • muscle tremors;
  • seizure activity;
  • dizziness;
  • general weakness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • breathing problems;
  • collapse;
  • coma;
  • AV block;
  • methemoglobinemia.

When these signs appear, the drug is immediately removed from the skin and mucous membranes. If the respiratory center is depressed, oxygen therapy and artificial ventilation are recommended. For convulsive activity, barbiturates or diazepam are used. In case of collapse, vasoconstrictors and blood substitutes (dextran preparations, saline solutions, hemodez) are administered intravenously. In case of methemoglobinemia, methylene blue is administered intravenously at a dose of 1–2 mg/kg, or oral vitamin C is prescribed in an amount of 100–200 mg.

Flow pathological processes Dicaine does not make things worse.

The use of Dicain during these periods is allowed only in exceptional cases, as prescribed by a doctor and in the presence of strict indications.

There is no data on the interaction of Dicain solution with other drugs.

Analogs of Dicaine are: Novocaine, Ultracaine, Lidocaine, Anestesin, Felicaine, Anetaine, Decicaine, Ametocaine, Intercaine, Medicaine, Rexocaine, Pantocaine, Foncaine.

Store in a cool place, out of reach of children.

Shelf life – 2 years.

Dispensed by prescription.

According to reviews, Dicain is practically not used medical workers in practice due to its high toxicity and the development of safer and inexpensive analogues. If it is necessary to prescribe the drug, the doctor must write a prescription.

The price of Dikain is unknown because medicine due to toxic effects on the body and the development of more effective and available analogues out of stock.

Name: Dicaine


Dicain (Dicainum) Indications for use:

Dicaine is used only for superficial anesthesia (pain relief).

pharmachologic effect:

Strong local anesthetic. It is significantly more active than novocaine and cocaine, but is more toxic. Well absorbed through mucous membranes.

Dicaine method of administration and dosage:

In ophthalmic practice, it is used in the form of a 0.1% solution when measuring intraocular pressure (one drop 2 times with an interval of 1-2 minutes). Anesthesia usually develops within 1-2 minutes. When removing foreign bodies and surgical interventions use 2-3 drops of 0.25-0.5-1% or 2% solution. After 1-2 minutes, pronounced anesthesia develops. It must be taken into account that solutions containing more than 2% dicaine can cause damage to the epithelium (outer layer) of the cornea (the transparent layer of the eye) and significant dilation of the vessels of the conjunctiva ( outer shell eyes). Usually for anesthesia surgical interventions on the eyes, it is enough to use a 0.5% solution. To lengthen and enhance the anesthetic effect, add a 0.1% solution of adrenaline (3-5 drops per 10 ml of dicaine).

For keratitis (inflammation of the cornea / transparent membrane of the eye /) Dicaine is not used.

In ophthalmological practice, when long-term anesthesia is needed, eye films with dicaine are used. Each film contains 0.00075 g (0.75 mg) of dicaine.

Dicaine is also used for superficial anesthesia in otorhinolaryngological practice during some surgical interventions (puncture maxillary sinus, removal of polyps, conchotomy /removal of the inferior or middle turbinate/, surgery on the middle ear). Due to the rapid absorption of dicaine by the mucous membranes respiratory tract Great care should be taken when using it and carefully monitor the condition of the patient. Children under 10 years of age are not anesthetized with Dicaine. In older children, no more than 1-2 ml of a 0.5-1% solution is used, in adults - up to 3 ml of a 1% solution (sometimes a 0.25-0.5% solution is sufficient) and only if absolutely necessary - 2% or 3% solution. To a solution of dicaine (in the absence of contraindications to the use of vasoconstrictors), add 1 drop of a 0.1% solution of adrenaline hydrochloride per 1-2 ml of dicaine. The highest doses of dicaine for adults for anesthesia of the upper respiratory tract are 0.09 g once (3 ml of 3% solution).

Dicaine contraindications:

Age up to 10 years, general serious condition of the patients. When working with Dicaine, tools and syringes should not contain any alkali residues. Dicaine precipitates in the presence of alkali.

Dicaine side effects:

The drug is very toxic; caution is required when using it.

Release form:

Powder and ophthalmic films with dicaine, 30 pcs. in dispensing cases.


Tetracaine hydrochloride, Amethocaine, Anetaine, Decicaine, Felicaine, Foncaine, Intercaine, Medicaine, Pantocaine, Rexocaine.

Storage conditions:

List A. In a well-closed container.


Before using the medication

"Dikain" You should consult your doctor.

The instructions are provided for informational purposes only.

Dicaine ».

Instructions for use:

Release form and composition

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Indications for use


Instructions for use

Side effects


special instructions

Use in children

Pregnancy and lactation

Drug interactions

Terms and conditions of storage

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Analogs (generics, synonyms)

Tetracaine hydrochloride, Amethocaine, Anetaine, Decicaine, Felicaine, Foncaine, Intercaine, Medicaine, Pantocaine, Rexocaine

Recipe (international)

Rp.: Sol. Dicaini 0.5% 5 ml
D.S. Eye drops(for superficial anesthesia).

Rp. Sol. Dicaini 0.5% 5.0
Sol. Adrenalini hydrochlorici 0.1% gtts III
M.D.S. For superficial anesthesia in ophthalmic practice (2-3 drops per eye).

Rp. Sol. Dicaini 1% 3.0
S. For lubrication of mucous membranes (anesthesia)

pharmachologic effect

Dicaine is a local anesthetic drug used for superficial anesthesia.

The substance blocks sodium channels, preventing the occurrence of impulses in sensitive nerve endings and their conduction in nerve tissues.

The drug begins to act 30-90 seconds after application to the mucous membranes. The duration of action is 20 minutes.

Dicain solution is quickly and almost completely absorbed through the mucous membranes. The rate of absorption is determined by the dosage of the drug. The degree of its binding to plasma proteins is quite high. The substance is completely hydrolyzed in plasma with the participation of cholinesterase within 1.5 hours, forming PABA-containing compounds. In the same way, dicaine is partially metabolized in the liver and excreted mainly in the bile and through the kidneys, partially being recirculated in the intestines and liver.

Mode of application

For adults: In ophthalmic practice, it is used in the form of a 0.1% solution when measuring intraocular pressure (one drop 2 times with an interval of 1-2 minutes). Anesthesia usually develops within 1-2 minutes.
When removing foreign bodies and surgical interventions, use 2-3 drops of 0.25-0.5-1% or 2% solution. After 1-2 minutes, pronounced anesthesia develops. It must be taken into account that solutions containing more than 2% dicaine can cause damage to the epithelium (outer layer) of the cornea (the transparent layer of the eye) and significant dilation of the vessels of the conjunctiva (outer layer of the eye).

Typically, for anesthesia during eye surgery, a 0.5% solution is sufficient. To lengthen and enhance the anesthetic effect, add a 0.1% solution of adrenaline (3-5 drops per 10 ml of dicaine).
For keratitis (inflammation of the cornea / transparent membrane of the eye /) Dicaine is not used.

In ophthalmological practice, when long-term anesthesia is necessary, eye films with dicaine are used. Each film contains 0.00075 g (0.75 mg) of dicaine.

Dicaine is also used for surface anesthesia in otorhinolaryngological practice during certain surgical interventions (puncture of the maxillary sinus, removal of polyps, conchotomy / removal of the lower or middle turbinate /, surgery on the middle ear). Due to the rapid absorption of dicaine by the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, great caution should be exercised when using it and carefully monitor the patient's condition.

Children under 10 years of age are not anesthetized with Dicaine.

In older children, use no more than 1-2 ml of a 0.5-1% solution, in adults - up to 3 ml of a 1% solution (sometimes a 0.25-0.5% solution is sufficient) and only if absolutely necessary - 2% or 3% solution. To a solution of dicaine (in the absence of contraindications to the use of vasoconstrictors), add 1 drop of a 0.1% solution of adrenaline hydrochloride per 1-2 ml of dicaine.
The highest doses of dicaine for adults for anesthesia of the upper respiratory tract are 0.09 g once (3 ml of 3% solution).


Dicaine is used only for superficial anesthesia (pain relief).


Hypersensitivity (including to other local anesthetic drugs of the ester group or PABA and its derivatives), damage or inflammation of the mucous membranes in highly vascularized areas, childhood(up to 10 years). With caution. Pregnancy, lactation period.

Side effects

With long-term use - keratitis, persistent clouding of the cornea, scarring on the cornea with loss of visual acuity, slower epithelization.
Systemic side effects may develop. Overdose. Symptoms: dizziness, asthenia, cyanosis, agitation, anxiety, tremor, convulsions, respiratory failure, collapse, nausea, vomiting, coma, AV block, methemoglobinemia.

Treatment: removal from the skin and mucous membranes, gastric lavage (through a tube) with activated carbon, saline laxatives; for respiratory depression - mechanical ventilation, oxygen therapy, for collapse - intravenous blood substitutes (saline solutions, Hemodez, dextran preparations), vasoconstrictors (preferably, stimulating myocardium), for convulsions - intravenous diazepam or barbiturates short acting, for methemoglobinemia - iv 1-2 mg/kg methylene blue or 100-200 mg ascorbic acid inside.

Release form

Ophthalmic powder and films with dicaine, 30 pieces in dispensing cases.


The information on the page you are viewing is created for informational purposes only and does not in any way promote self-medication. The resource is intended to provide healthcare workers with additional information about certain medications, thereby increasing their level of professionalism. Use of the drug " Dicaine" V mandatory involves consultation with a specialist, as well as his recommendations on the method of use and dosage of the medicine you have chosen.


DICAINE (Dicainum) 2-Dimethylaminoethyl ester of para-butylaminobenzoic acid hydrochloride.

Synonyms: Amethocaine, Anethaine, Decicain, Felicain, Foncaine, Intercain, Medicain, Pantocain, Pontocaine hydrochloride, Rexocaine, Tetracaini hydrochloridum, Tetracaine hydrochloride, etc.

White crystalline powder, odorless. Easily soluble in water (1:10), alcohol (1:6).

The solutions are sterilized at +100 °C for 30 minutes; to stabilize the solutions, a solution of hydrochloric acid is added to pH 4.0 - 6.0.

Dicaine is a strong local anesthetic, significantly superior in activity to novocaine and cocaine, but is highly toxic (2 times more toxic than cocaine and 10 times more toxic than novocaine), so it should be used with caution.

Dicaine is used only for superficial anesthesia.

In ophthalmic practice, it is used in the form of O, 1% solution when measuring intraocular pressure (one drop 2 times with an interval of 1-2 minutes). Anesthesia usually develops within 1 - 2 minutes. When removing foreign bodies and surgical interventions, use 2 - 3 drops of 0, 25 - 0, 5 - 1% or 2% solution. After 1 - 2 minutes, pronounced anesthesia develops. It must be taken into account that solutions containing more than 2% dicaine can cause damage to the corneal epithelium and significant dilation of conjunctival vessels. Typically, for anesthesia during eye surgery, a 0.5% solution is sufficient. To lengthen and enhance the anesthetic effect, add O, 1% adrenaline solution (3 - 5 drops per 10 ml of dicaine).

Dicaine is not used for keratitis.

In ophthalmological practice, when long-term anesthesia is necessary, eye films with dicaine (Membranulae orthalmicae cum Dicaino) are used. Each film contains 0.00075 g (0.75 mg) of dicaine. The films are based on a biosoluble polymer.

Dicaine is also used for superficial anesthesia in otorhinolaryngological practice during certain surgical interventions (puncture of the maxillary sinus, removal of polyps, conchotomy, middle ear surgery). Due to the rapid absorption of dicaine by the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, great caution should be exercised when using it and carefully monitor the patient's condition. Children under 10 years of age are not anesthetized with Dicaine. In older children, use no more than 1 - 2 ml of 0.5 - 1% solution, in adults - up to 3 ml of 1% solution (sometimes 0.25 - 0.5% solution is sufficient) and only if absolutely necessary - 2% or 3% solution. To the dicaine solution (in the absence of contraindications to the use of vasoconstrictors), add 1 drop of 0.1% adrenaline hydrochloride solution per 1 - 2 ml of dicaine.

Instead of dicaine, it is preferable to use less toxic local anesthetics (lidocaine, pyromecaine, etc.).

Higher doses of dicaine for adults for anesthesia of the upper respiratory tract - 0.09 g once (3 ml of 3% solution).

Dicaine doses should not be exceeded to avoid severe toxic effects. The literature describes cases of deaths associated with overdose and improper use of dicaine.

Dicaine is contraindicated in children under 10 years of age and in patients with a general serious condition.

When working with Dicaine, instruments and syringes should not contain any alkali residues, since Dicaine precipitates in the presence of alkali.

Release form: powder and ophthalmic films with dicaine (30 pieces in dispensing cases).

Storage: List A. In a well-closed container.

Directory of medicines. 2012

Dicaine (powder g)

Description active substance(INN) Tetracaine*

Pharmacology: pharmachologic effect - local anesthetic . Blocks sensory nerve endings and conductors; penetrates the membrane nerve cells, disrupts the transmembrane transport of ions (especially sodium), reduces the flow of impulses in the central nervous system; dilates blood vessels.

Indications: Local (superficial and spinal) anesthesia.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity (including other local anesthetics ester groups or PABA and its derivatives), severe somatic diseases, children's age (up to 10 years).

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding: Possible in exceptional cases, if the expected effect of therapy outweighs the potential risk to the fetus and newborn.

Side effects: When local application: allergic contact dermatitis, burning sensation, swelling and pain in the area of ​​application; with long-term use - keratitis, persistent clouding of the cornea, scarring on the cornea with loss of visual acuity, slower epithelization.

With injection: central nervous system stimulation, depression, nervousness, dizziness, blurred vision, drowsiness, tremor, convulsions, loss of consciousness, cardiovascular failure, changes in blood pressure (usually hypotension), cardiac arrest, respiratory disorders, nausea, vomiting, chills, constriction pupils, tinnitus, idiosyncrasy or decreased tolerance, urticaria, anaphylactic shock.

Interaction: Reduces the antibacterial activity of sulfonamide drugs. Vasoconstrictors prolong the effect and reduce toxicity.

Overdose: Symptoms: dizziness, general weakness, cyanosis, agitation, anxiety, muscle tremors, convulsions, respiratory failure, collapse, methemoglobinemia, nausea, vomiting, coma, AV block.

Treatment: removal from the skin and mucous membranes, gastric lavage (through a tube) with activated charcoal, administration of saline laxatives; for respiratory depression - mechanical ventilation and oxygen therapy, collapse - intravenous administration of blood substitutes (saline solutions, hemodez, polyglucin), use of vasoconstrictors (preferably stimulating myocardium), convulsions - diazepam or short-acting barbiturates (iv), methemoglobinemia - 1- 2 mg/kg methylene blue (IV) or 100-200 mg ascorbic acid orally.

Directions for use and dosage: For superficial anesthesia - 0.05-1% (if necessary 2-3%) solution; in children over 10 years old - no more than 1-2 ml of 0.5-1% solution, in adults - up to 3 ml of 1% solution. The highest dose for adults is 3 ml of a 3% solution.

For epidural anesthesia - 5 ml of 0.3% solution 3-4 times at intervals of 5 minutes.

Precautions: Do not apply to large areas of damaged skin (risk of absorption and systemic toxicity). In ophthalmology, it is not recommended to use for a long time or frequently (possible damage to the cornea). Use with caution in patients with reduced levels of cholinesterase in the blood plasma, disorders heart rate, AV blockades, shock. Carrying out spinal anesthesia requires blood pressure monitoring.

Special instructions: Instruments and syringes in contact with tetracaine should not contain any alkali residues (forms an insoluble base).

For anesthesia of the upper respiratory tract VRD-0.09 (3ml-3% solution once)

For epidural anesthesia VRD-0.075 (25ml-0.3% solution once)

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