Home Pulpitis Monthly horoscope. Accurate horoscope for the month: CANCER Oracle horoscope for the month of May

Monthly horoscope. Accurate horoscope for the month: CANCER Oracle horoscope for the month of May

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac signs by month Cancer man - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 11/23 – 12/21
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Cancer man horoscope

Cancer man: appearance

Cancers cannot be classified as men who are overly concerned with their appearance. They can wear things that are old but have not yet lost their appearance. They do not try to look dandy, but at the same time they are invariably elegant, choosing well-tailored and conservatively cut clothes. Cancer men love classics and do not like sporty clothing. If finances allow, such a person can purchase an expensive item famous brand. But even when his capabilities are modest, and he is dressed, for example, in an old student sweater, he always looks neat, will always be in clean socks and shoes polished to a shine.

Cancer man - behavior characteristics

Men of this zodiac sign are polite, friendly, have good manners, are gallant and helpful in their behavior - but on condition that they are treated accordingly. At the same time, the patronizing planet - the Moon - during the period of its strong influence is able to make them completely different - suspicious, irritated and harsh. Today Cancer can look at the world through the eyes of a romantic, and the next day see it as the focus of evil. These men tend to exaggerate the problems that beset them, are ready to perceive a trifling failure as a life tragedy, and are capable of inflating any little thing into a universal catastrophe. According to the horoscope, a Cancer man, his mood and behavior largely depend on close people, so they constantly have to monitor their words and manifestations of emotions.

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Cancer sign - a man in work and career

Cancer men are usually modest and even a little shy, but they can achieve significant success in life, provided that they have a worthy goal in front of them and guide them happy Star. Cancer knows how to “make friends” with money, easily finds an opportunity to earn money, but uses exclusively conservative, traditional methods. Cancers can be charismatic personalities, subjugate people to their opinions and even manipulate them. Very often they become respected, authoritative people if, on the path to success, they are able to cope with their strong and contradictory emotions.

Cancer man in love

Cancer refers to people who are extremely in need of love. As a rule, more than one romance happens in his life, and he often turns Special attention on female representatives much younger than themselves. But even a Cancer in love is inclined to believe that a woman should conquer him, and not vice versa. Nevertheless, if he decides to pursue someone, he will do it masterfully, tightly grasping the object of passion in his “claws.” However, immediately after the period of conquest ends, Cancer begins to demonstrate its high demands and possessive nature. At the same time, he needs someone’s love, attention and care so much that he is terribly afraid of losing the woman he loves, although he may not be faithful to her. However, Cancer is also capable of being devoted, loving with selfless love, which does not lose its power over time.

Cancer man in sex

IN intimate life Such men are distinguished by special sensuality, eroticism, passion, and emotionality. Cancers always subtly feel what their partners want, but at the same time they are in no hurry to fulfill all their desires: for them, their own feelings still come first.

Characteristics of a Cancer man in marriage

Cancer can go through a large number of women before making sure that he is ready to settle on just one, and that the chosen one is completely worthy of him. The character of the Cancer man is such that, sifting through the applicants through the filter of his high requirements, he can be ruthless, not taking into account their grievances and pain.

A Cancer's wife must be prepared to live with her husband's parents, or at least to the fact that parting with her father's house, especially her mother, will be a very difficult step for him. It is important for this man to feel that he is the main one in the family; his wife’s task is to support him morally, to be a patient companion, a kind of nanny. For a Cancer companion, there is a great risk of crossing that fine line beyond which her personal freedom ends, her individuality is erased and she begins to become a slave to her husband’s desires and interests. The payment for such self-sacrifice on the part of Cancer will be that he will become for her a devoted, caring, attentive and affectionate family man, very attached to home.

Cancer Zodiac sign – male owner

From his home, the Cancer man creates an additional “shell” that protects him and his family from the outside world. Cancers will do everything to ensure that there is prosperity in the house. They love to create reserves and do not welcome unjustified spending, although they cannot be called greedy either. They are distinguished by thriftiness, they can do almost anything Homework, they know how to cook well. They can be hospitable, hospitable hosts, but not everyone can get into their house, but only those whom such men completely trust.

Zodiac signs: Cancer man - father

The sensitivity and subtlety of Cancer's nature, his patience and caring nature make him a good father. He will always stand up for his daughter or son and will feel proud of them, and this feeling is generated in his soul by even their most modest successes. Children with such a father are always reliably protected. But the older they get, the more complicated the situation can become: Cancers become very attached to children and try not to let them go, either in soul or body, and expect the same selfless affection from them. The problem can become very acute when the time comes for Cancer children to start their own family.

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Who is suitable for a Cancer man according to his horoscope to start a family?

If Cancer is a man, compatibility promises to be very good with representatives of such zodiac signs as Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio.

What to give a Cancer man

Cancers love home, take care of loved ones, try to follow the best family traditions, and make their living environment pleasant in all respects. If a gift for a Cancer man helps create comfort and a harmonious atmosphere in the house, then he will definitely like it. The “point” of many representatives of this zodiac sign is to ensure personal safety, therefore, say, the latest home security system or car alarm - good gift for a Cancer man. Such people will appreciate gifts imbued with the spirit of antiquity - antique items and beautiful objects in a retro style. These sophisticated and, by the way, often freezing representatives of the stronger sex can be given various warm things, for example, a cozy sweater, a soft, pleasant-to-touch scarf, warm underwear - such gifts for a Cancer man will become evidence of touching care for him, and he is very appreciates.

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 11/23 – 12/21
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Cancer man horoscope

The Cancer man is at the mercy of his mood; he is not his master, but rather a slave. Now he is cheerful and sweet, and an hour later he is sad and irritated. The Moon rules Cancer, so his nature can change beyond recognition. In public, he is, as a rule, a friendly and gallant person, but as soon as his mood changes, everything around him begins to seem black.

The Cancer man does not pay much attention to his own appearance. They can easily put on old ones, but have not lost their appearance things. They don't try to look dandy, but at the same time, they are quite elegant.

They prefer classics to tracksuits. If your financial situation is stable and allows you to make expensive purchases, then a representative of this zodiac sign will buy something from an expensive and well-known brand.

Men of this sign are polite individuals. They are friendly people and have excellent manners. They are able to change their minds about outside world. If today they see everything in romantic, beautiful shades, then tomorrow, everything may seem quite gloomy, dark and evil to them. They are capable of greatly exaggerating the problems that are close to them.

They can take even the most insignificant trifle as the tragedy of their whole life. As people say, they are able to “make an elephant out of a molehill.” In other words, they inflate the slightest trifle into an ordinary catastrophe. His character is very complex. Most often, his mood, as well as his behavior, depends entirely on how his family and friends behave towards him. In such a situation, loved ones are forced to constantly monitor the manifestation of their own emotions and their words.

As for the work of representatives of this sign, we can say that the Cancer man is very modest and even shy. They are still capable of achieving great success, but only if they see that they have a truly worthy goal in front of them. Cancer is very friendly with finances. It's not hard for him to find a way additional income. But at the same time, he is used to using only traditional methods earnings.

They can be very charismatic personalities. Moreover, they are able to subordinate others to their own opinion. Quite often, Cancer men become respected people and, in addition, they can be an authority for others.

Cancer man in love and marriage

These individuals are in great need of love. They want not only to love, but also to be loved. Most often, in the life of a representative of this sign there may be several novels. It must be remembered that such men pay special attention to those women who are much younger than themselves.

But even if a Cancer man is in love, he will still believe that it is him who should be sought after, and not himself. But, one way or another, if he nevertheless decided to win the favor of one or another representative of the fair sex, then he will do it very masterfully.

But as soon as the period of conquest comes to an end, Cancer will begin to actively demonstrate rather inflated demands and personal nature. But, at the same moment, he very much needs someone to love him, take care of him and give him affection and tenderness, and because of this, he is very afraid of losing his beloved, although at the same time he is capable of cheating on her . But, he can be faithful and devoted.

Before choosing a life partner, Cancer will go through a large number of women. The wife of a representative of this sign must be completely and completely prepared for the fact that they will have to live with his parents. This man must constantly feel that he is the head of his family. His wife should be his support and support in everything, moreover, she should be as patient as possible.

How to understand that he is in love

They are at the same time very emotional, but at the same time closed personalities. Given this fact, his woman simply needs to know what the signs of his love are. They may not be recognized for quite a long period of time. own feelings. A guy of this zodiac sign wants to see a simply gorgeous and unique woman next to him.

Cancer man in bed

They are very sensitive, erotic and passionate. IN love relationships and in bed, he is simply a great lover, as he perfectly feels what his partner expects from him. But, one way or another, they are in no hurry to fulfill all the whims and desires of a woman. First of all, they care about personal feelings.

What kind of women does a Cancer man like?

Men of this sign give their preference to those who are quite cute and calm women who are able to create real comfort and warmth in their relationship. For a man born under this zodiac sign, family plays a very important role. important role. So, in the process of choosing a life partner, they immediately try to try on the responsible role of a homemaker.

Cancers are crazy about it when their woman takes an interest in their life. They absolutely love romance, so having a simple candlelit dinner will win this man over even more.

They really value fidelity in a woman, as they consider it one of the most important criteria. Representatives of this zodiac sign are overly jealous individuals. A huge scandal can happen just because you look at another member of the stronger sex in the wrong way.

What kind of women are suitable for him?

From the very beginning of meeting a representative of this sign, a woman must show herself on the good side, namely, not be vulgar and rude. As mentioned above, such men greatly value faithful life partners who will not demand much from him. Moreover, they need selfless women who, moreover, madly love children.

Remember that such a man will demand much more from you than he can offer you. So, if you really want to be with him, you must be prepared for anything.

Zodiac sign – Cancer.

Astrological calendar. Male zodiac sign is Cancer.

Don’t expect this man to bare his soul to you at the first meeting. He never trusts strangers. It will take a lot of time and patience to truly get to know him. His caution will amaze you, and his pessimism will make a depressing impression. He may be very attentive to you, and you will decide that he is a romantic dreamer, but if you look closely, you will see the rationality and practicality of any of his actions. What to do with such a man? Try to understand him.

You can't accuse him of inconstancy like Gemini, just because of the change lunar phases his mood changes. Today is one thing, tomorrow is another. And between this he can show his true nature.

Remember: Cancer's mannerisms may be rude and aloof, but their hearts are kind and caring. It's so full of sentiment. that he always feels like a VULNERABLE person. And he rushes into his hole. Usually he is unattractive, and with his pessimism and hyper-caution he can make everyone around him sad. However, there are moments, especially on moonlit nights, when he becomes cheerful and cheerful, like a young orangutan. And then you don’t know what to do with it: either douse it cold water, or cover with a warm blanket. But after the flash of gaiety, depression sets in again. He is always afraid of losing something, perhaps. you. Convince him a hundred times a day that you belong to him: words of love are music to his ear. He may even seem a little crazy at times.

Usually. Cancers make good money. You may have all sorts of difficulties if you live with Cancer, but you most likely will not have to experience financial difficulties. So your fate is not as bad as it might seem. Cancer has been attracted to finances since childhood. And he likes saving money more than spending it. You can't call him greedy, but let's say this: he will never light his pipe with a ruble note. His sense of humor never extends to money. And it's quite possible that he learned to add and subtract before he even learned the alphabet. Don’t be surprised if you discover that he has a bank account that was opened when he was still in kindergarten, and not a penny has ever been withdrawn from this account.

The shine of silver and the rustle of banknotes calm the nerves of Cancer. But he doesn’t save money in order to invest it in something. They themselves bring joy to his heart and help him feel safe. Very often, Cancer downplays its financial capabilities. He plays the role of a man who can barely make ends meet. And you may even feel sorry for him and offer to lend him money. Don't do this, he probably has many more of them than you.

He has a very original approach to saving. He will definitely reject the cheap eatery and take you to a fancy restaurant to get more bang for your buck. He also believes that it is stupid to spend money on a cheap coat, when an astrakhan fur coat will look better and will serve you longer. In a word, quality and pleasure are synonymous for him.

It’s good if his mother’s tastes coincide with yours, since she will very often be mentioned in conversations and remarks like: “My mother never had such cosmetics, although she is very beautiful woman. Don’t you think, dear, that your eyelashes are too made up?” or “You bought pies today, but my mother always baked cakes herself.” And these virtues of his mother will often interfere in many of your life situations.

To put it mildly, the Cancer man is very reluctant to dethrone his mother and put the crown on you. He is terribly attached to home and, if his mother's house is cozy, will not rush to leave it. And besides, the typical Cancer loves his mother very much. Therefore, if you fall in love with a Cancer, then you will have, on the one hand, to put his mother on a pedestal, and on the other, remember that you are her rival and must constantly gain the upper hand over her.

It is not very easy to praise a person and at the same time compete with him. But this is the only strategy you should choose. Try not to let her outdo you in household and culinary chores. Let her teach you how to bake a lemon pie; your husband will even love the scene itself. And then cook your own delicious beef stroganoff. Remember to feed your husband well and take care of him when he is sick. This will remind him of his beloved mother. He will never admit it, but remember that in his heart he considers himself a child and longs to be caressed by a woman.

To get him to propose to you faster, pretend that someone else has proposed to you. And your Cancer will stop moving back. The easiest way to achieve it is to work on the emotions that are always hidden behind his mind. Music, poetry, flowers, good perfume, gentle words and affection - these are the weapons with which you can defeat him. And also do not forget that there is a direct connection between his heart and stomach.

There are several circumstances that will even the score in your relationship. He himself can be a very good cook. In addition, he likes to collect interesting things such as records and antiques. You will be absolutely safe when you come to his house for the first time. He is gallant with women like no other. This is because men behaved approximately this way back in grandma’s time, and he loves antiquity. Put on an antique bracelet, it will definitely have an effect on him.

Although Cancer can easily flirt, it takes him a lot of time to have a serious feeling, since it is not easy for him to find a woman. corresponding to his ideal. Finally, having found such a woman, he will be surprisingly sentimental, he can shower her with gifts and tire her with adoration. His standards are high, and not every woman meets them. Most Cancers are very afraid of unsuccessful marriages, and not without reason. An inappropriate union can become a drama for them. When something separates him from his partner, it terribly torments Cancer for many years. Therefore, by virtue of his nature, he does not marry thoughtlessly, but if he has already decided to get married, he cannot be convinced, he will not turn off the road. Cancer can perfectly play the role of a romantic lover. After declaring your love, you will see that you are being courted by a serious and determined person who will achieve his goal. It is very difficult to escape from its claws.

Cancer is a wonderful father because of his gentle, understanding nature. He is infinitely patient with children and is sincerely interested in their affairs. Proud of his sons and fiercely protective of his daughters. But when the children grow up, difficulties may arise, since he would like his children to be attached to him forever and stay with him forever.

And yet, we need to remind you once again: do not throw away his old hat or torn slippers. school collections are all his treasures. When going out with your husband, don’t forget to take your umbrella: the weather may turn bad, and you will protect it from the rain.

Zodiac Cancer man

Date of birth: from June 21 to July 20, Planet: Moon, Element: Water, Quality: Cardinal, Color: Silver, Day: Monday, Stone: Pearl, Motto: I feel, energy: Yin

Zodiac Cancer man has a shy and reserved character. He is sensitive and generous, his qualities are best demonstrated in the home. Cancer is clearly aware of his responsibilities, and even if he does not become a millionaire, he will be completely convinced that the most great wealth it is the love and care of those he loves.

At external signs excessive aggression towards him, he withdraws, hides inside himself. Forcing him to do something by force will never work positive result. It requires a special approach based on trust. The first impression of a Cancer man can be wrong; he can be nervous and fickle and the next minute confident and calm. Changes in mood occur under the influence of lunar phases, to which Cancers are very sensitive, because they are ruled by the Moon. Zodiac Cancer man capable of frequent experiences, he has a lot of emotions and a sensitive soul, so you need to handle him with caution and remember the vulnerability of his soul. Always polite and a little old-fashioned, this sign is the embodiment of the classic school of gentlemanly manners. His home is his fortress, and only in it does he feel completely safe.

Watch video Cancer zodiac:

Cancer zodiac sign man- hard on the outside, soft on the inside. He is a gentle and loving family man, outwardly he can put on a rude appearance in order to ensure his safety from outsiders. negative impacts, but him kind heart and his willingness to help others always makes him an excellent friend and comrade. Reliable Cancer, appreciates strong family relationships and uses his qualities to further strengthen such ties. His element is a cozy home, a loving family and a barbecue in the yard with friends. Family evenings, picnics, and friends are main value in the life of a Cancer man. He carefully chooses his friends, and will not enter into close, trusting relationships until he is sure of the reliability of his acquaintance. But if you can convince him of your reliability, you will have a friend for life.

Cancer zodiac sign man stylish, but conservative and not ready to be a trendsetter. He is astute and very attentive when it comes to financial matters. He rarely spends his money impulsively or emotionally. Cancer has a weakness for food and sweets and this could be a problem. Available overweight and the need to diet.

His common sense, keen intuition and ability to understand people make him an excellent candidate for positions in education, consulting, medical services, or journalism. The ideal option for Cancer is the opportunity to work from home, where he can be close to his family.

Zodiac Cancer man relationships, love and sex

Cancer zodiac sign man is cautious and when it comes to romance, he will move slowly. After the relationship with the chosen one gets stronger and moves to a more confidential level, Cancer will become very loving and gentle. The Cancer woman must prove that she is worthy of his uncompromising devotion. Love is the main goal in the life of Cancer and he always tries to achieve it. However, his shyness and innate distrust of others make this goal difficult for Cancer, and it will take time and effort for him to fall in love. When he finally finds the woman of his dreams - Zodiac Cancer man rush into romance and will buy flowers, write poetry and have a candlelit dinner.

His loyalty and close attention to the woman he loves makes the Cancer man one of the best lovers among the zodiac signs. Not very sure about external environment, a calm Cancer, a very hot and passionate lover in the bedroom. His incredible intuition and sensitivity make him a skilled lover. In a relationship, a Cancer man needs tenderness and confidence, otherwise he may leave you disappointed. His devotion is limitless, and he will expect the same in return. He will never forgive betrayal. It is most compatible with Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo and Taurus.

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Cancer – people who were born from 22.06 to 22.07 go under this zodiac sign. Such people are quite sociable, they have well-developed thinking, especially logical thinking. Cancer people also have a romantic streak. With imagination and fantasies, everything is normal in Cancers. They will always come to the aid of people and will not leave them in trouble. Like everyone else, Cancers have their drawbacks. They can be narcissistic and suspicious. Often changeable in their opinions, emotions can flow over the edge.

Cancer children generally have exemplary discipline and diligent study. Such children should feel love for themselves and need affection. Little crayfish value the home very much and it is difficult to tear them away from it. The child is very aware of everything that happens around him. We should try to protect such children from his fears, as well as from his imaginary worlds. A small cancer is quite easy to manage, this child will develop into a rather compassionate individual over time. You can trust him and tell him your secrets, even on a child’s shoulder you can cry, he will feel sorry for you.

: June 22 – July 22

The date of birth of representatives of the zodiac sign Cancer is from June 22 to July 22. They are ruled by the Moon, and the element affecting Cancer is Water. White and silver colors contribute to success. Cancer scents - lily, bergamot, acacia. Talisman - silver month. Midsummer, the warmest, most fertile time of the year.

General horoscope for March for Cancer

During March, Cancers may gain popularity among people in their social circle. Perhaps this will be associated with some of your achievements, which can make you a more noticeable person. This beautiful time for public activities, an open style of communication and popularization of their ideas in society. Perhaps you will be able to publish your articles and other materials in the media mass media or on the Internet. And these materials you publish may receive a wide public response. Your thirst for knowledge and travel increases. You will be interested to learn about the peculiarities of life in other countries and regions. Perhaps you will meet and start communicating with a foreigner or a person from another city. This is a favorable time for virtual dating on the Internet with the prospect of partnerships in real life. Marital relationships are strengthened. Perhaps you will often be invited to visit ceremonies holiday events such as weddings and anniversaries. Most lucky days in March: 4, 11, 14, 22, 23, 28. Busy days: 3, 7, 8, 26, 31.

Love horoscope for March for Cancer

March will bring quite lasting harmony to Cancer love unions. Even the most dramatic romance will suddenly turn into an attractive side. If “everything is complicated,” other people’s whims will begin to be extremely pleasant bonuses- and the thought of breaking up will seem blasphemous, criminal and ungrateful to you. Elements of Stockholm syndrome in love cannot be ruled out. By the end of March, your partner's behavior or motivation will change.

Career and financial horoscope for March for Cancer

In March, the stars advise Cancers to more actively look for like-minded people. You can meet such people not only at your place of work, but also via the Internet on specialized professional forums. Focus yourself on finding the most promising directions in professional implementation. You can start drawing up a business plan. From about the middle to the end of the month, your business connections will significantly expand and strengthen. The second half of the month is conducive to large-scale undertakings. You will be quite successful if you increase your personal self-esteem and approach things creatively. The stars advise you to go on business trips, advertise your goods and services, increase your level vocational education. A business built on connections with foreign countries may receive an impetus for development: joint ventures, import-export transportation.

The most accurate monthly love and financial horoscope for Cancer

Read the most truthful and most accurate Cancer monthly horoscope: love horoscope Cancer for the month, financial and business horoscope for Cancer for the month, horoscope for Cancer for the month for free. Find out which days will be lucky for Cancer.

March 1-10

During this period, social events will occur in your life, because of which you will find yourself in the center of attention and will amaze others with your beauty, talents and charm. Show an increased desire to cooperate with successful people, be extremely interested in their actions and use unconventional approaches when finding common language. IN professional activity It will be possible to improve mutual understanding with management.

This time is great for self-expression with the best side, you can safely ask for a raise. If your activity is related to art, fashion or entertainment, then feel free to introduce new and daring projects. It is quite possible that the current situation will force you to act as a conciliator or diplomat.

There is a chance of receiving recognition and promotion for your significant other. Business excellence and the ability to achieve your goals will significantly improve your financial situation. Special care must be taken in the workplace as there is a high risk of injury at work.

The responsibilities you have to relatives, neighbors or those with whom you have to communicate regularly will become very tiresome, and contacts will be limited and difficult. When traveling and travelling, you will be accompanied by irritation. Look at yours vehicles, household appliances and other equipment, they need repair or replacement. There is a high probability of starting an office romance.

March 11-20

This period is associated with some unforeseen situations. Exercise extreme caution in your actions and do not trust casual acquaintances. At work, you will have conflicts with colleagues, which will force you to change your profession or place of work. Current events will push you towards forced changes, rebirth and transformation of life.

Your intuition will help you grasp all incoming information on the fly. Be more confident. Everything secret sooner or later becomes clear, and this is your task. Expand your range of interests. Through the use of authority and advanced progressive techniques, some of your plans will be successfully implemented. Rely on the connections of business partners, this will help you expand and strengthen your influence in society. At this time, it is better to avoid long-distance business trips or travel.

The environment will help you tune in romantic relationship, however, if they are driven by a strong attraction, then do not hope for a long continuation. Due to strong feelings, a psychological crisis and a desire for global life changes may arise. You may be interested in mysticism and astrology.

March 21-31

It's a good time to set up business relationship with superiors and authorities, improve professional level and choose the most suitable profession. You will have an active desire for recognition and honor, as well as a readiness to make a lightning-fast leap towards your intended goal. The implementation of any stunning idea will attract others to you.

You will have patrons who will provide indispensable assistance in the implementation of certain plans and projects. You will enter into profitable marital relations. To improve your financial situation, you will spend time at work, but try not to be extremely impulsive, since implementing long-term plans will require a lot of patience.

You will be full of energy, but your mood will affect the performance of certain actions. You will be visited by diligence, laziness, indifference, or excessive enthusiasm. Endurance and self-control may not be enough. Both serious conflicts and trifles will cause severe irritation, which will result in resentment and outbursts of rage.

Unconscious uncontrolled actions can create big problems and provoke retaliatory aggression from others. The habit of postponing all unfinished tasks until later will lead to a waste of time and effort. You won't be able to achieve anything. Engage in psychology, yoga and spiritual practice, this will help you not to lose self-control during periods of strong emotional complexes.

“Listen to the advice of astrologers, and your day will be easy and productive!”

Spring 2020 will bring Cancers the opportunity to fulfill their long-time dream. All the plans that you previously made will finally be able to come true. Everything that previously prevented you from achieving your goal will be resolved by itself. Luck will come to you on its own, and you just have to be able to use it in time. However, you shouldn’t sit and wait for everything to be brought to you on a platter, start taking action. Each of your endeavors will end in success, and you will be able to prove to yourself and the whole world that you are capable of more. March will bring you a continuous flow of inspiration and energy, which will help you discover new talents that you had not previously suspected. Surely Cancers will have new hobbies, which in the near future can be turned into an additional source of profit, or even devote all their time to this activity.

Horoscope for the 1st decade of March for Cancer

In the first ten days of March 2020, you do not need to be afraid to take risks. All your decisions will be the only true and correct ones. In any case, no matter what you do, everything will be useful and of great benefit to your position. You now need to be extremely careful to make the most of any situation. You shouldn’t waste your energy on sorting things out and all sorts of little things, you need to aim at the most important thing and boldly move forward. At the beginning of March, Cancers need to surround themselves with exclusively positive and optimistic individuals who will fill them with inspiration and desire to move towards their cherished dream.

Horoscope for the 2nd decade of March for Cancer

In the second ten days of March 2020, Cancers will experience pleasant changes under the favorable placement of Saturn and Jupiter. Assertiveness and initiative will do their job and already in the second ten days of March they will make you a couple of tempting offers. But you shouldn't make hasty decisions. Choose the option that is most beneficial for you. Don’t be lazy and complete the tasks assigned to you perfectly, this is the only way you can win the trust of your superiors and advance in your career. career ladder. It is now vitally important for you to organize your work time To dramatically increase your productivity, the more you do towards achieving your goal, the greater your success will be. You shouldn’t be content with little; during this period you can afford to be a maximalist. Perhaps you will be entrusted with a serious project, the implementation of which must be approached with full responsibility, but try to avoid taking responsibility for other people's affairs. You should now learn to refuse your colleagues' requests for help if it contradicts your own beliefs and principles. Focus on doing your own things and don't get distracted by trifles. If you yourself do not try to alleviate your lot, it is unlikely that anyone will do it for you. Your first priority now should be your own well-being and the well-being of your family. Take advantage of the moment and get as much out of life as possible.

Horoscope for the 3rd decade of March for Cancer

Spring is a time of romance and love. The favorable location of Venus in the third decade of March 2020 will give Cancers the opportunity to find their soulmate among the crowds of people. Representatives of your zodiac sign will have a lot of fun throughout the end of the month. Almost everything will be spent on entertainment and acquaintances free time. Most actions will be made in a fit of emotion, so their sincerity and honesty cannot be doubted. But you shouldn’t open your soul to everyone you meet and share your most intimate things. Most people may simply not understand you. You shouldn’t force things if you are aiming not only at love affairs, but also at a serious relationship. Leave everything as it is. Life itself will put everything in its place. Keep common sense in your words and actions, this will help you weed out unnecessary and selfish people. For those who have started their own family, it is worth trying to somehow diversify their family life, add bright colors to it. Great option will be a trip for two or some new family traditions. This will add some zest to the relationship and renew feelings. It's time to play sports and start leading healthy image life. You can also treat yourself to a spa treatment or book a relaxing massage. Try to keep your body in complete harmony with your state of mind.

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