Home Stomatitis How to raise a smart cat. Tips for raising a kitten

How to raise a smart cat. Tips for raising a kitten

In ugly or aggressive behavior The pet's owner is most often to blame. You can always raise a cat if you love it, take an interest in the physiology and psychology of the animal, and devote enough time.

In order to understand a cat, it is important to know its body language. The pet will not convey its emotions and mood in words, but it will definitely make it clear whether it is happy or angry.

  1. If a cat wags its tail, its skin twitches - this is a sign of dissatisfaction.
  2. She arches her back, snorts, hisses - she is afraid and ready for aggressive actions. It is better to leave the animal alone and wait until it calms down.
  3. The pet presses its ears to its head, hisses or growls - it can hardly restrain itself and is ready to attack. This is not a game, in this state the cat is ready for a fight.
  4. Purrs and rubs against the owner - expresses love and devotion, asks for affection.
  5. Touches or lightly hits a person's hand with a paw without extended claws, the cat is ready for play and asks for it.

At what age should you start raising a kitten?

Up to two months, sometimes up to three or four, the kitten remains next to its mother. She feeds him, licks him, teaches him basic hygiene skills. Nice cat He will definitely teach his child to go to the toilet correctly, and ideally, he will show him where to sharpen his claws. It will be easier to raise such a pet in a new home and accustom it to a routine.

It is more difficult with a baby found on the street or received from a homeless animal shelter. The main thing in this case is to feed the kitten and help it get stronger. Affectionate, careful attitude- the key to the healthy physiology and psyche of such a pet.

Accustoming to the tray and scratching post must begin from the first days, but carefully, without scolding for mistakes.

From the age of four months, any kitten is already quite active, plays and plays a lot. At this age you can already be strict in your upbringing. It can only be shown through the intonation of the voice, and in no case should physical punishment be used.

At six months or a little later, the pet begins puberty. Both the male and the female may begin to mark the territory, and aggression may occur. If breeding is not planned, it is necessary to consult with veterinarian and spay or neuter the animal in time.

The most important skills

The main points that a kitten must learn in a new home.


The baby must learn to live in the rhythm of the new home. To prevent him from waking anyone up at night, you should actively play with him before bed. If a kitten wakes up your household early in the morning, you don’t need to pay attention to its cries - then it will quickly wean itself off the bad habit.


It is necessary to feed the baby at the same time - two or three times a day, depending on age. The feeding place must be permanent. Bowls should always be kept empty and clean between meals.


If the kitten already knows how to go to the litter box, the task becomes easier. It is necessary to use the same type of device and type of filler that he is used to in his home.

If your pet does not have the required skill, you need to choose the type of toilet device that he will like.

It is necessary to take the baby to the toilet several times 15-20 minutes after eating and reward him for the correct result.

scratching post

If your pet does not know how to use this product, then you need to teach him to sharpen his claws only in the designated place. The full training cycle takes two months.

A game

The baby should have a sufficient variety of toys - swingers, balls, squeakers and interactive devices. The main thing is not to allow him to bite and scratch the hands and feet of household members.


From the first days in the new home, the owner must make it clear to the pet that the main, only authority and leader of the pack here is man. If the baby understands this, there will be no problems in the future.

If the owner makes mistakes in raising a kitten from the first days of its life in a new home, the pet may develop a negative experience.

The main mistakes owners make when training a baby:

  • Dirty tray. If the kitten went to the toilet in the wrong place, first of all you need to figure out whose fault it is. The cat is the cleanest animal on the planet. Some individuals will absolutely not go into a dirty tray. Others prefer to walk in two, in one they urinate, in the second they defecate. If the owner is not at home during the day, then you can place several clean litter trays around the room.
  • Inconsistency of actions. When prohibiting something for a pet, the owner must understand that this “taboo” must always apply. If you once allow a kitten to run around the table, tear furniture, wallpaper, or climb curtains, then punishing it for subsequent similar actions will be illogical and incomprehensible to the baby.
  • Instilling fear skills. You cannot scream, much less hit your pet. Fear breeds aggression. Mutual understanding in this case will never develop between a person and a cat.

The best way to purchase pets is to buy from a nursery. Experienced breeders They will always support the new owner with advice on education, help correct behavior, tell you when to contact a veterinarian, and in which cases you can do it yourself.

Worthy breeders always keep an eye on their graduates.

Basic rules that breeders advise to follow:

  • First of all, the kitten must understand that its role in the house is secondary. If the baby recognizes the authority of the owner, he will obey him and obey him unquestioningly.
  • Never raise your voice to your pet.
  • Do not use physical punishment under any circumstances.
  • To quickly adapt an animal to a new home for two to three days, sometimes even a week, you should act on the principle of “limiting space.” It is better if it is a separate room, at least a hallway, kitchen or balcony. It is important that there are no secluded corners in the room where the cat can hide. There should be a litter box, bowls of water and food, and a house nearby. A pet can and should be allowed into the house and interacted with, but only under supervision.
  • A cat's house is its burrow, not only and not always a place to sleep, but rather a refuge. The pet must understand that this is its private territory. Therefore, you should never forcefully remove it from there. If the kitten hits him with his paw at this moment or scratches him, he is within his rights. And you can’t scold him for aggression; in this case it is justified.
  • Never play with a kitten with your bare hands.
  • If the owner plans to walk the cat on a leash, it is necessary to accustom it to a harness with early age, carefully and gradually. At first, it is put on without a leash for five minutes, the wearing time increases each time.
  • New food and filler should be introduced to new food sequentially, adding a new type to the old one.
  • You cannot violate the established daily routine. To do this, be sure to play with the kitten, especially in the evening before bed. Physical fatigue will promote sound sleep.
  • Closely monitor your cat's health. Sometimes unjustified aggression and inappropriate behavior are a sign of illness.
  • Always love and understand your pet. Mutual respect is one of the foundations of excellent parenting.

The right ways to adapt

When a kitten leaves the house where he was born and lived next to his mother, he experiences the greatest stress in his still small life. The owner’s task is not to aggravate it, but to help him get out of a depressed state easily and quickly.

To do this you need to follow simple rules:

  • Organize correct mode feeding, sleeping, playing the baby and under no circumstances disturb it.
  • In the first months of life in a new home, limit visits to friends and noisy companies. Your pet should be accustomed to new people gradually and only after it has fully adapted.
  • Under no circumstances should you change the food or type of filler in the first days. This will add to the baby's stress.
  • Take a piece of litter with the mother's scent from the nursery and put it in new house ik. This will make the adaptation process easier.
  • A handful of litter from an old litter box will also help your pet quickly learn the new litter box.
  • If you plan to have another animal in the house, it is better to either bring both of them at once or wait until the kitten fully adapts (up to six months).
  • To train a dog to use a scratching post, you can use valerian, catnip, and special sprays with phermones. In order to wean a child from sharpening his claws in prohibited places, vinegar, citrus fruits or perfumes with strong odors are often used.
  • Toilet training must be introduced from the first minutes of life in a new home.
  • Listen to the advice of the breeder, contact the nursery first of all with all questions.
  • Do not scream or hit your pet. The correct punishment is a remark made in a stern tone. It is acceptable to use a spray bottle of water, a light slap on the nose, or a light blow with a rolled-up newspaper.
  • Helps well next action owner. If your baby breaks the rules, you can pick him up and lightly blow on his nose. This is not painful or dangerous, but it is very unpleasant for cats, just like a light slap on the lobe.

Correcting incorrect cat behavior

If new pet There is an adult animal in the house and its character requires correction; this is a much more difficult task than raising a kitten.

A cat often behaves badly because he has not been given enough attention. Insistent and strict comments in the form of punishment, encouragement with affection and delicacy for correct actions will help in solving the problem.

If the pet is not litter box trained, the steps are the same as with a kitten. Isolating the animal in a practically empty room with a tray, food and a house helps a lot.

An animal may be overly aggressive because it was beaten, screamed at, or intimidated. Love and affection, a quiet, calm environment in the house will help overcome the fear of such a pet.

As a last resort, you can contact veterinary clinic to correct behavior.

If a cat behaves well in front of people and misbehaves alone, he is most likely bored. The way out of the situation is to get a second pet.

Much depends not only on upbringing, but also on how he came to you. Of course, a kitten selected for, compared to a purebred cub from an elite club or at least an ordinary cat, will be much more wild and distrustful of humans. Here you will have to show much more patience and endurance before the baby learns to trust you and begins to sit calmly.

If you remove a kitten from its mother, do not do it before it is at least three months old, otherwise it will be traumatic for it. Remember that long-haired kittens mature more slowly than their short-haired counterparts, and therefore they need to be separated from their mother cat even later - upon reaching the age of four months, for example.

Baby in a new home

As soon as you bring your kitten home, he will most likely try to hide from you in a secluded corner. You shouldn’t drag him out of there by force, let him get used to it. Gradually, the baby’s curiosity will overcome his fear, and he will go to explore the new territory. Try not to frighten him with sudden movements and sounds. Do not grab or cuddle the kitten, and do not allow children to do this. First you need to extend your hand to him so that he sniffs it and understands that he is not in danger. As soon as the kitten begins to behave bolder, you can gently pick it up. If he struggles, lower him to the floor. “Forcible” hugs can, on the contrary, discourage your pupil from any desire to go into a person’s arms.

Not worth washing little kitten the same day as soon as you brought it home. Kittens that have just been separated from their mother usually do not need this. Besides, water procedures They can scare the baby and will not at all add to his trust in you. You only need to wash your kitten if it is really dirty.

Rules of education

Don't hit the kitten or swing at it if it drops something or goes where it shouldn't. As a means of punishment, it is better to spray him with a spray bottle for spraying flowers and strictly say “no!” It is also acceptable to lightly slap him on the back with a rolled-up newspaper. The child must understand that he is doing something wrong, but at the same time, not lose trust in the person.

Try to pick up the kitten when you see that he himself is not averse to communicating. As a last resort, gently stroke it. Do not allow children to pull the kitten's tail or paws. If the pet comes to you on its own, and you are busy, do not push it away, give it at least a little attention, and then pass it on to someone else in the family. Little kittens are often cold or just want attention because they miss their mother.

If the kitten is sad and cold at night, then you can take him to bed, but you will have to be careful not to crush the baby in his sleep. Another solution to this problem is to put a bottle of water in his basket. hot water, wrapped in a towel. The kitten will warm up next to it and sleep more peacefully.

With a cat baby, as with a human one, relationships should be built on trust and affection. Then you will receive in return the most sincere love and desire to be close.

An obedient and polite cat is the key to maintaining the owner’s nerves.

The younger the cat, the easier it is to raise him: he has not yet formed habits. Kittens up to six months old are best trained.

However, this does not mean that it is impossible to raise older cats: it will just take more time.

Let's figure out how to educate a kitten to have good manners.

Basics of cat education

Before you start parenting, determine the rules of your home. Decide what your pets are and are not allowed to do. The rules should work for all animals in the house and should never be broken.

You can’t allow a kitten to jump on tables and chew wires one day, and then scold and punish him for it the next. The kitten will get confused and will not understand how to behave correctly.

Punishment should generally be excluded from the educational arsenal. Cats are bad at logical connections, especially when time has passed between the offense and the punishment. You need to influence the kitten at the moment of its hooliganism.

For the safety of family members, prohibit playing with the kitten with your hands and feet. The cat should associate hands with affection and food, and not with the enemy.

If this rule is ignored, an adult cat will hunt on the arms and legs, which will lead to injuries to the limbs and damage to clothing.

Cat etiquette

An adult, well-mannered cat should know that you can only eat from a bowl, go to the toilet only in a tray, and sharpen your claws on a scratching post. In nature, such rules of etiquette are not provided for, so the owner will have to tell the cat about them.

Teach your kitten to order: put his bowls and tray in a certain place that will not change. It is also worth setting feeding times. This way you will prevent the cat from stealing the treat from the table.

The best way to raise a kitten is through play. Refrain from swearing at the kitten and spanking: this will only make the baby afraid and stop trusting.

When choosing cats, people most often choose kittens rather than adult animals. It’s so nice to take part in raising a child, to see how he grows. Of course, no one remains indifferent when looking at the little pranks and behavior of furry pets. However, here lies the most important mistake of owners - the wrong attitude and education of cats. You cannot assume that an animal's character will improve with age and that it will not be aggressive or ill-mannered. We’ll look at how to raise a kitten correctly in this article.


Basic rules of education

The basis of proper raising of kittens lies in understanding the psychology and worldview of the animal. You cannot apply any rules of the human “world” to cats. They see this world differently, according to their own concepts and principles. To gain the kitten's trust and respect, it is important to take into account the animal's natural needs and inclinations. Therefore, any caring owner not only reads literature about the character of cats, but also tries to study individual characteristics your pet.

Perhaps the most important rule When raising a kitten, take into account the freedom-loving nature of these pets. Not all cats are ready and able to show boundless love and devotion to their owners. This is not a dog that, when you come home, will jump for joy and try to lick you from head to toe. The most a cat can do is a friendly “meow” while looking at the refrigerator. But this does not mean that cats are allowed everything; they also need to be educated so that living together brings joy to both you and the animal.

Raising cats, like proper care, depends entirely on the owner.

Innate selfishness and practicality

So, all cats, without exception, are characterized by innate selfishness. What does it mean? First of all, when raising an animal, one must not touch the animal’s pride; it must not be insulted or humiliated. In this case, the animal will become withdrawn and aggressive. For an understanding owner, it is important to maintain the feeling in any situation. self-esteem cat

On the other hand, cats are very practical; they will never do anything that is unprofitable or useless for them. Therefore, in order to force a pet to stop some action or wean it from something, you must first prove its impracticality. First you need to show that doing something different instead of the previous action is much better and more enjoyable.

With the right approach, cats can become loyal and loving pets, give your love and affection to a person.

So, cats are wayward and selfish animals, so without the right approach and education is not enough for you. The following rules will help you avoid the most common mistakes:

  • Raising a kitten should begin from the very first day of cohabitation;
  • on the very first day, show the animal that you are the boss in the house, and that certain rules must be followed here. Don't follow your pet's lead;
  • an animal cannot be beaten or scolded loudly - this is a taboo;
  • the kitten should not be afraid of you, fear will not get you far;
  • You cannot humiliate a cat, for example, by poking his nose into a puddle or picking him up by the scruff of the neck. All this causes a feeling of resentment, so in the future the pet may take revenge on you;
  • where a dog will endure and bow its head, a cat will not;
  • affection and kindness are the key to success;
  • cats sense your emotions, tone and voice well, so you don’t have to scream to point out a mistake to the animal. It is necessary to use strict but clear commands “No!”, “No!”, “Scram!”;
  • cats are capable of learning, but it takes time and patience.

Sins of upbringing and how can you correct them?

But what should you do if you came across our article after you adopted a kitten or you weren’t the one raising the cat? It doesn’t matter, because even mistakes and some flaws can be tried to be eliminated. This will be more difficult than initially teaching a kitten your rules and laws, but it is still possible. Let's consider the most common mistakes, which were allowed in caring for the pet.

Wrong toilet

It often happens that a kitten starts going to the toilet in the wrong place where it should be. Often such a place can be a sofa or, much worse, your bed. What to do? First of all, you should not try to scold or beat the animal, this will be of little use. Most likely, in childhood the kitten had the opportunity to relieve itself in the bed and the wrong reaction followed.

Firstly, when a kitten appears in the house, you should not immediately take it into your bed, onto the sofa, etc. Give the baby a place, highlight a tray, show his territory. Let him not be present on your bed until he learns the rules of hygiene. Secondly, it is important to choose the right place. If the kitten does not want to go to the tray, but constantly chooses another place, put the tray there.

Gnawing or tearing things, curtains, bedspreads

Having noticed the slightest interest of a kitten in furniture or home textiles, one should not allow this habit to develop. To do this, it is best to use a regular water spray. Cats really don’t like water, and such a surprise will help to quickly and effectively wean them from harmful actions. At the same time, it is important to keep an eye on the miscreant and always prevent even the slightest intentions of approaching the curtains.

Sharpens claws on furniture

Yes, this problem is familiar to many. In this case, both your new sofa and the walls in the corridor can become a sharpening machine. Most often, cats leave their marks in this way; it is an instinct. The best way To get rid of this, put several scratching posts in the house and immediately accustom the animal to them. Also, trim your cat’s claws in a timely manner so that the cat does not have the desire to do manicure and nail care on his own.

Scratching and biting

You need to wean yourself from this habit from childhood. When playing, do not use your hands and fingers, but purchase special toys. If during play the kitten bites and scratches you, then he will do the same at a conscious age. If such actions do not help, then during bad habit You can lightly flick the baby on the nose. This is what a mother cat does if she wants to punish her child.

Marks corners

Males often have this problem. Of course, it greatly complicates the care and relationship with the animal. But don't worry. Try spraying the marks with a strong scent. For example, essential oil citrus fruits, which will definitely discourage the prankster.

Features of care and education by month

AgeFeatures of developmentCare and education
1 WeekThe kitten still hears and sees almost nothing, and is helpless.It is necessary to take the baby in your arms and accustom him to the touch of not only the mother, but also the person.
2-3 weekEyes open, hearing appears. The kitten becomes interested in the world, he studies and learns everything.Accustom to voice, name, time and daily routine. Also take in your arms, show the world.
4-5 weekMotor skills develop, teeth growIt is important to train him to the tray, play a lot, give him a lot of toys, as he will chew them.
1.5 monthsThe pet's character is being formedEstablish clear rules in the house, show who is boss, accustom him to a place to sleep and play.
2 monthsPrimary socialization occursIt is advisable that the kitten still grows up with its brothers and sisters, and not be given into the wrong hands, so as not to cause severe fear.
3-4 monthsThe kitten becomes completely independent and switches to regular food. Molars are being cut.Trim nails and increase grooming. It is necessary to accustom him to a scratching post, to play and talk a lot.
5-6 monthsPuberty begins and the kitten can hone its hunting skills.If you are not planning on breeding, to avoid problems with territory markings, it is better to castrate the male. This will also simplify general care.

Video “Education in secret by Yu. Kuklachev”

In this video you can learn the secrets of caring for and raising these predators from their greatest trainer, Yuri Kuklachev.

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When a dog appears in the house, even an inexperienced owner knows that it needs to be taught manners and commands. Cats are more independent creatures; they do not tend to follow orders or put up with other, obliging factors. However, raising a cat is an integral aspect of pet ownership.

The task seems simpler if a kitten appears in your house, Raising an adult cat is complicated by already acquired habits. Behaviors that are normal from a pet’s point of view can greatly irritate the owner, and here we are talking about re-education. So, let's figure out how to raise a pet if you take a serious step and shelter an adult four-legged one.

Having decided to get a pet, you look through advertisements for kittens and, undoubtedly, come across information about adult animals in need of a home. Most likely, one of the potential pets will catch your fancy, but at the same time doubts will come - is it worth adopting an adult cat? There are at least five points in favor of a positive answer.

Gratitude– adult cats, these are most often orphans or “dispossessed” (abandoned) animals. The trouble is that the four-legged animal understands perfectly well what is happening to it, suffers and endures it. By giving such a pet affection, care and a home, you will receive immeasurable gratitude in return.

Believe me, the tendency to forget good deeds is characteristic only of people. Don't worry that the cat won't get used to you or your children, everything will work out over time. By the way, small children are actually dangerous for kittens, and an adult pet will be able to escape from the toddler or fend for itself (as a last resort).

Character– when you take a kitten, he is affectionate and playful, but what will his character be like when he grows up? This is a lottery that you enter into consciously. If you are raising purebred cats, surprises (and not always pleasant ones) are guaranteed. An adult cat is more or less stable in behavior and temperament. Naturally, during the adaptation period, incidents can happen, but this is also typical for kittens.

None adolescence– if you had kittens, you probably remember puddles, night games, claws digging into you during unobtrusive play. Do you remember how the baby climbed onto the table and devoured your lunch with gusto? How afraid were you to leave your baby unattended, especially during the period when he was actively exploring the home? Do you remember riding on the curtains, fragrant shoes in the morning? Puberty It is also fraught with a period when the pet begins to territory, and you tolerate all the misdeeds, because the kitten is still small. An adult cat can and should be neutered; this will save you from marked corners. the cat will not sing songs at night. An adult animal understands the purpose of other cat accessories almost from the first time - this is a huge plus.

Read also: How to properly feed a kitten different periods his life

Mode– the baby sleeps a lot, eats often, after which you need to keep an eye on him and take him to the tray. Many owners are taking time off from work to get through this. difficult period. An adult cat eats twice a day and usually goes to the litter box consistently.

Health– how many people have sworn off adopting animals just because their kitten/puppy died in the first few weeks of living together? Maybe this happened to you too? The probability is especially high when buying a baby in spontaneous markets or from the hands of dishonest “breeders”. Adult cats have stronger immunity, and even if your future pet is not vaccinated, the likelihood of secretive viral pathology negligible.

Note! Sometimes age becomes a stumbling block: “They don’t live long enough, but if they take a cat at 2–3 summer age, I will consciously shorten our life together.” Outbred cats, spayed/neutered at a young age, with appropriate feeding and care, live for more than 15 years, so a 2-3 year old animal can safely be called young, not an adult.

Basics of raising adult cats

Every living creature is born with a certain set of instincts. People, cats, dogs, hedgehogs and squirrels share a set of skills that have allowed the species to survive and evolve - these skills are called unconditioned reflexes(instincts). Some breeds of animals have additional skills literally sewn into the DNA chain, this could be affection towards people, aggression towards relatives, hyperactivity, talkativeness, etc. To unconditional instincts include:

  • Self-preservation instincts– food, cleanliness, defensive, indicative, gregarious. In relation to cats, this includes the desire to imitate, hunt, strive for freedom and peace, play, achieve goals.
  • Procreation instincts; sexual and parenting skills.

It is important! The character of any living creature is built on these two fundamental groups. Please note that raising a cat involves moral pressure only on conditioned reflexes. By infringing on unconditional instincts, you will create problems for yourself and plunge your pet into stress.

Conditioned reflex is a habit or automatic action not related to survival or the desire to procreate. Simply put, this is a skill that is convenient for you in Everyday life . This may include training to use a litter tray, weaning off scratching furniture, etc.

Conditioned reflexes are developed by stimulating unconditioned instincts. Try to stay positive when training your pet, as some cats are vindictive and quite capable of taking revenge. It is optimal to use only a food irritant, but if your pet is not timid, it is worth increasing the “pressure”.

Read also: The kitten does not eat dry food: what to do?

Food irritants– in other words, rewarding with a tasty treat for correct behavior. During scientific experiments, cats were provoked to do the necessary things by hunger. The animal did not receive food for several days, after which the cat was given a task, for solving which he received food. Naturally, with domestic cat This cannot be done, but these experiments showed that the desire to get food stimulates the animal to do any (necessary) actions.

Noise stimuli– cats naturally strive for peace, they even hunt as quietly as possible. Screaming and noisy behavior is characteristic of pets only during the period of sexual heat. Clapping your hands, whistling, or the sound of a rattle will attract the animal's attention and interrupt its (unwanted action) action. By the way, screaming is not noise, but an emotional irritant and should not be used. More effective way– lower the tone of voice, make speech deep, not too loud, clear and abrupt.

Physiological stimuli– no, you shouldn’t hit a cat for training purposes, at least not with your hands and certainly not with your feet. The only effect you will achieve is fear of the pet. Fright, of course, is a powerful tool and by worrying about its life, the cat (most likely) will not repeat the offense, but is it worth it? If the pet is obnoxious, and its behavior causes too strong a reaction - roll up a newspaper and slap the robber on the rump, the snap of an elastic band will not cause harm, but remember, an object thrown towards the cat (not at the cat itself) will also leave a lasting impression.

Note! One of the most effective methods to stop unwanted actions - a spray bottle with clean water! If the cat is inclined to attack, add a little honey or lemon juice to the water; believe me, the cleanliness of the pet’s coat is much more important than “showdowns”.

How to raise and what to teach an adult cat

After moving to a new home, the pet needs to be given time to adapt. How long will it take for your pet to realize the changes? This indicator is very individual, one cat will be “at home” in just a few hours, another may take up to two weeks. Be that as it may, use this buffer to observe the behavior of the quadruped. Immediately notice, or better yet, write down the moments that do not suit you, and stop them immediately.

The first stage of education is litter box training in a place convenient for you. Usually, an adult cat only needs to be shown the tray and left in the same room with the animal for several days. If you have adopted an outdoor cat that has never used a litter box, immediately start using luring sprays and specialized cat litters. Further, during the adaptation process, the tray moves step by step to the place you need in the house, for example, to the bathroom.

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