Home Removal What functions does the right hemisphere of the brain perform? Left and right hemispheres of the brain - interhemispheric asymmetry

What functions does the right hemisphere of the brain perform? Left and right hemispheres of the brain - interhemispheric asymmetry

There are more right-handed people in the world, and almost everything is adapted for them, for right-handers. But they don’t have their own day, while left-handers do have one - August 13th. It has been celebrated not so long ago, since the 90s of the last century, and was established on the initiative of the International Left-Handed Club.

MedAboutMe invites you to talk about others interesting facts associated with the functioning of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Left-handedness is just the beginning.

The brain and its two halves

If you could ask Nature questions and get clear answers, one of the questions would probably sound like this:

For what? Why was it necessary to make the hemispheres of the brain different, to endow them with different functions? Why couldn’t they be made symmetrical, with the same tasks, performing the same functions? Why did everything have to be complicated?

I wonder what the answer would be. But for now scientists have to look for it, researching and analyzing, generalizing and drawing conclusions, true and not so true.

What is known today?

The brain is characterized by laterality, that is, asymmetry, in which right hemisphere not identical to the left one in function. Right hand controls left hemisphere and vice versa, left - right. The leader is not only the hand, but also the foot, ear, and eye. Right- and left-handedness are determined already in the first trimester of pregnancy. By the 15th week, the fetus begins to suck the finger of the dominant hand. Left-handedness can be passed on from parents to children. In a family where at least one of the parents is left-handed, a left-handed child is more likely to be born. The likelihood of being born left-handed also increases the stress experienced by the mother during pregnancy. Left-handers are also more common among twins and among children born ahead of schedule. There are more left-handed men than women. Left-handed people are unevenly distributed around the world. They are most numerous in Papua New Guinea - almost 25%, less in the UK and USA, about 10%. On average, left-handers make up 15% of the world's population. There are practically very few people who are 100% left-handed or right-handed; for the majority, we can only talk about a more or less pronounced predominance of one type or another. In right-handed people, the left hemisphere is responsible for processing information. Lefties have both. It is believed that this provides some benefits: it helps generate unconventional ideas and find non-standard solutions. Ambidextrous people are people who have both hands dominant. It makes no difference to them which hand holds a spoon, a pen, or a hammer. If you're lucky, both arms of an ambidextrous person will be equally developed. It also happens, unfortunately, that both of them turn out to be “leftists.” Left-handers may experience difficulties with speech development in childhood - after all, the center of speech is located in the left hemisphere, which controls the right hand, which is less developed in them. Problems may extend to both writing and reading. In creative professions and sports, left-handers have a greater chance of success, which is why there are quite a few left-handed celebrities in these fields. But for scientists, apparently, left-handedness does not give an advantage, but it does not hinder it either.

Now about the myths.

Left-handedness in children can be eliminated if parents show diligence

Theoretically, it can be eliminated. They still do this in China, and they did it in the USSR, where it was customary to retrain left-handed children to be “like everyone else.”

In fact, this is extremely undesirable. A retrained left-hander often encounters the fact that he simply does not have a leading, well-functioning hand. In addition, forced retraining leads to a mass psychological problems, so as to force one to write right hand it is possible, but the leading hemisphere will still remain the same.

Overtrained left-handers cope worse with writing and reading, they are prone to typical mistakes and absorb information worse.

Ambidextrous people are more successful because they have both hemispheres dominant

Unfortunately, it is not. In fact, ambidextrous people have an even more difficult time in life than left-handed people. As children, they are more likely to have difficulty with languages ​​(including their native language) and writing, they are more susceptible to attention deficit disorder, and they are more likely to be hyperactive. Parents should take this into account when raising an ambidextrous child.

With age, most ambidextrous people still choose one of the hands as the leading one and become more right-handed or left-handed.


Artist Xiaonan Song masterfully paints with both hands at the same time. Moreover, he can draw either one drawing with both hands at once, or with two hands at the same time different drawings.

Left-handed brains are better suited to multitasking

“Physicists” and “lyricists” are the result of the predominance of the right or left hemisphere

This is not an entirely correct statement. The hemispheres differ more in the way they process incoming information, rather than in types mental activity. Neither creativity nor rationality can be the result of the activity of one hemisphere; it is always the result of the work of the brain as a whole.

But one hemisphere may indeed predominate. Thus, right-hemisphere left-handers are more inclined to perceive a holistic image, while left-hemisphere right-handers primarily notice details. Some “can’t see the forest for the trees,” while others, on the contrary, see only the “forest” without distinguishing the individual “trees” in it.

People with a more developed left hemisphere are more prone to analysis and activity in the area exact sciences, but this does not mean that right-brainers are necessarily mediocre in mathematics. They may be no less talented precisely because they approach problems differently. And, as you know, there are many right-handed artists. By the way, in such a direction as hyperrealism, left-hemisphere artists who are attentive to details and subtleties have a better chance.

And one more thing: the degree of activity of the hemispheres changes with age.


The left-handed brain is a mirror image of the right-handed brain.

That is, it differs not only in the dominant hemisphere, but also in the localization of various centers in the hemispheres.

This is only partly true and only for 100% of left-handers, and there are no more than a quarter of them total number. For other left-handers, everything is arranged exactly the same as for right-handers. A true left-hander can be determined using tomography, for example, showing which hemisphere is active in a person during speech perception. If it is right, we have a true left-hander, whose center of speech is located in the right hemisphere, and not, like right-handers and “conditional” left-handers, in the left.

Some more facts Left-handedness and right-handedness can affect who you vote for in elections. This applies to undecided voters. Psychologists have found that candidates whose name appears on the ballot on the side of the voter's dominant hand have better chances. Because people subconsciously consider what is on the “right”, dominant side to be more correct and good. Attempts to retrain left-handers lead to neuroses and depression. They do not gain the expected advantages over those who have not been retrained. Left-handed people are indeed somewhat more likely to become victims and perpetrators of accidents and traffic accidents. But not because they have worse reactions or are less attentive, but because everything in the world is more suitable for right-handed people. Left-handers, contrary to previously held beliefs, are not at all more prone to crime or schizophrenia, this is where the notorious Cesare Lombroso was wrong. The percentage of left-handers among criminals is exactly the same as among right-handers. But among successful athletes, left-handers really stand out. And precisely because of his left-handedness and left-footedness. It is more difficult for the enemy to compete or fight with them, it is more difficult to anticipate their movements, blows or attacks. Left-handers are better developed short term memory, they have greater flexibility of mind, but are less prone to analysis. Expert commentaryDaniel Casasanto, psychologist

Much in his life depends on who a person is, left-handed or right-handed. And not only with which hand he will sign a check or stir sugar in coffee.

The dominant hemisphere can even influence his choice of a life partner. How?

Imagine walking into a bar or bus and seeing several members of the opposite sex there. Those located on the dominant side will seem prettier and more attractive to you - on the right for a right-handed person and on the left for a left-handed person. And the likelihood that a right-handed person will try to meet a right-handed girl is higher. Even if the one sitting on the left is no worse and has the same charming smile.

In a store, right-handed people are more likely to choose a product located on the right, all other characteristics being equal, and left-handed people - on the left.

Left-handers may react differently to critical situations, which is important, for example, in the event of an accident. A left-handed driver will try to avoid a collision in the wrong direction, and as a result may get hit if the second participant in the accident is right-handed. They will simply try to turn in one direction.

Lefties have to adapt to a right-handed world, and it's not always easy. Everything from scissors to a computer mouse and rules traffic, designed for right-handed people.

But lefties are just a variant of the norm. They should not feel like second-class citizens.

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It is now known that the left and right hemispheres of the brain perform different functions. Cognitive processes the activities they carry out vary. Scientific research have been carried out repeatedly in this area, and now the thesis about the differences in the functioning of the cerebral hemispheres is beyond doubt. In particular, this is confirmed by the studies of such specialists in the field of neuropsychology as R. Sperry, D. Hubel and T. Wiesel.

It has been proven that the intensity of use of both hemispheres is the same. So the idea that each person has one hemisphere predominant is a common myth. But the very principle of information processing in them is different. And this is further proof of amazing multitasking. human body. If human brain cannot solve the problem with the usual method, then he is able to apply many others. For example, he will make up for the lack of verbal information with non-verbal information, and will consider a complex problem as a set of various processes.

Specifics of the right hemisphere

The essence of the differences in the work of the two hemispheres of the brain can be briefly expressed in the following phrase: “The left hemisphere does not see the forest for the trees, and the right hemisphere sees the forest, but does not distinguish individual trees.” Respectively right part the brain in its work is able to understand any phenomenon as a whole, without concentrating on details. It is considered as a kind of general picture. This effect is achieved due to the simultaneous and very quick analysis many elements. Thus, we come to one of the features of the work of the right hemisphere of the brain - parallel consideration of several tasks.

Multitasking and seeing the big picture

The left hemisphere of the brain analyzes information in a linear fashion - first identifying a problem, then analyzing the problem, and then moving on to the next one. But the right side of this organ functions differently. At this stage of the development of science, it can be argued that it analyzes several tasks simultaneously and identifies connections between them. Roughly speaking, the brain is able to detect several problems (questions, tasks, objects of analysis) at once, consider them simultaneously, at some stage pay attention to one or several of them, and then, if necessary, return to the rest.

This specificity of the work of the right hemisphere determines the systemic vision of the problem. Precisely as a combination of many interrelated elements, without separation from other problems and factors influencing it. That is, the left hemisphere “sees” first the individual elements of the system, and then, analyzing them, the whole picture. And the right one is capable of capturing more subtle, “non-obvious” connections. From this comes the next feature - the ability to process non-verbal information.

Recognition and analysis of nonverbal information

This is also a function of the right hemisphere. This term refers to all that information that is transmitted not in verbal form, but in the form of symbols, signs, gestures, sounds, colors, etc. For example, a person’s pallor and unhealthy appearance are non-verbal information that can be obtained using the organs of vision by analyzing appearance person. And here are the words about feeling unwell- this is already verbal.

There are such types of non-verbal information as:

  • Emotional.
  • Aesthetic.
  • Individual and personal.
  • Biophysical.
  • Spatial.
  • Psychological.

The right hemisphere of the brain is capable of analyzing numerous subtle cues that form the basis of nonverbal information. And then these signs are put together into a single picture, or conclusions are drawn based on them.

Orientation in space

Spatial orientation is understood as the process of determining one’s position relative to foreign objects and the distance to them in accordance with any reference system. It is on this ability that, for example, orientation on the terrain, drawing up a route or successfully putting together a puzzle depends.

Emotion Recognition

Recognition of emotions and the so-called emotional intellect , is also controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain. The ability to understand the desires, motives and intentions of other people is based on the ability to capture and analyze a variety of non-verbal messages.

Understanding Metaphors

This human ability is also due to the specifics of the right hemisphere. To understand metaphors, it is necessary to perceive words figuratively, understand hidden and explicit meanings, the ambiguity of the same word or expression in different situations. After all, even the simple word “go” can mean completely different process in the phrases: “a man is walking” and “it is raining.” This also includes recognizing the meaning of proverbs and sayings, and any ambiguous expressions.

Fantasies and imagination

Creating mental images is the job of the right hemisphere. This determines the ability for creativity, invention and fantasy, mystical thinking, mysticism and religiosity.

In general, the study of the activity of the brain in general, and its hemispheres in particular, is an area where most discoveries have yet to be made. What is known now is only small part array of information.

How to unlock the potential of your brain and become the darling of fate? The secret is out! It is necessary to develop the right hemisphere...

Imbalance in human development

Managing your own brain¹ is a completely natural process, planned for a person by nature itself.

But history has taught people to pay attention to the external, forgetting about the internal. The same applies to the brain. According to research, on average people use only 3-5 percent of their brain potential!

Unfortunately, most abilities remain beyond the realm of possibility for people, something out of the realm of fantasy. It’s similar with the brain: for most people it works as it should.

A person is not able to fully control his memory and other neural processes of the brain, although this, it would seem, should be as easily accessible to him as the ability to lift a glass into the air. Therefore, we cannot independently solve memory problems, develop imagination, and much more.

It’s the same with superpowers: esoteric texts say that every person can develop these abilities. But he cannot do this due to the underdevelopment of the right hemisphere of the brain.

Why should we strive to develop the right hemisphere of the brain?

Nowadays people primarily use the left hemisphere. It is responsible for logic, analysis; the work of this hemisphere is alien to creativity, imagination and creative mental activity. It makes us, at best, good performers.

Only the right hemisphere makes it possible to be an active creator of your life; it is responsible for creativity, imagination, creation and intuition.

There are people whose brains spontaneously switch to a different mode of operation, including the right hemisphere. Such people usually make artists, performers, musicians and representatives of other creative professions.

But in science, in technology, and in other types of activity, serious achievements are simply impossible without the involvement of the right hemisphere!

We can say that the right hemisphere creates ideas, and the left hemisphere directs, seeks ways of expression.

Right hemisphere potential

Every person is capable of awakening the right hemisphere and developing their mental abilities. And as a result, develop any talents in yourself and achieve success in life.

What is the difference between the activity of the right and left hemispheres?

The human brain is naturally electromagnetic. This activity is expressed by a certain rhythm in which the brain works. It is the rhythm that determines what state we are in.

Electromagnetic oscillations of the brain produce a certain number of repeating cycles per second. The number of such cycles per second is the rhythm of brain activity. Rhythm has its own frequency. For most people, it can range from one cycle every two seconds to forty cycles per second.

Depending on the rhythm of brain activity, there are four main brain states: alpha rhythm, beta rhythm, theta rhythm and delta rhythm.

For example, when a person is awake, his brain works in the beta rhythm. When he sleeps, and the mind is turned off and does not dream, the brain is immersed in the delta rhythm: it rests in it.

How to develop the right hemisphere?

In easy time relaxation occurs immersion in the alpha rhythm. When falling asleep, the brain is in a state of theta rhythm. And this state is key for development psychic abilities and brain potential.

This state is difficult to catch, and at the same time it can be learned: you need to increase your awareness, and simply train your body to pay attention to this short moment. In the theta trance state, you can receive secret knowledge from the information field of the Universe³, control reality to achieve success in life, fulfill desires, develop superpowers and much more.

Konstantin Yakovlev

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the ability to think logically, organize and think critically. U harmonious developed person both hemispheres work harmoniously and balance each other. We train and achieve perfection.

3. We load the right side of the body

We perform all actions with the right hand. Left-handers will have a hard time, but right-handers, for whom this will not be difficult, can be advised to do gymnastics, where more attention is paid to the right side of the body: jumping right leg, tilts to the right.

4. Do a massage

There are points on our body that correspond different organs. The cerebellum is controlled by points located on the feet at the base of the big toes. Just below are the points of both hemispheres. By massaging such a point on the right foot, we activate the left hemisphere.

5. Develop fine motor skills of the hands

The tip of the little finger of the left hand touches the tip of the thumb of the right hand, and the tip of the little finger of the right hand touches the thumb of the left hand. The thumb of the left hand will be at the bottom, and the thumb of the right hand will be at the top. Then quickly swap fingers: thumb the left hand will be at the top, and the right hand at the bottom. We do the same with the index and ring fingers.


Exercises that improve the relationship between both hemispheres also have a positive effect on the activation of the left hemisphere.

  1. At the same time, we stroke our stomach with our left hand, and tap our head with our right hand. Then we change hands.
  2. With one hand we draw a star in the air, and with the other - a triangle (or other geometric figures, the main thing is that they are for different hands different). When we can do one exercise quite easily and quickly, we change the figures.
  3. We draw the same picture simultaneously with the right and left hands, observing mirror symmetry.
  4. With our left hand we will take hold of right ear, and with the right one - behind the tip of the nose. Let's clap our hands and change hands: with the right we touch the left ear, and with the left - the tip of the nose.
  5. Dancing, particularly tango, improves coordination of movements and develops both hemispheres.

The right hemisphere is responsible for imagination; with its help, a person is able to fantasize, dream, and also compose and learn poetry

However, nothing prevents you from training both hemispheres of your brain yourself. Thus, Leonardo da Vinci, who trained regularly, was fluent in both his right hand and his left. He was not only creative person, but also an analyst who had excellent logical thinking, and in absolutely different areas activities.

House of Knowledge



The human brain is the main part of the central nervous system, it is located in the cranial cavity. The brain contains great amount neurons between which there are synaptic connections. These connections allow neurons to generate electrical impulses that control the full functioning of the human body.

The human brain is not fully understood. Scientists believe that only a part of a person’s neurons are used in the process of life, and therefore many people do not demonstrate their possible abilities.

Left hemisphere of the brain and related functions

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for verbal information; it is responsible for a person’s language abilities, controls speech, the ability to write and read. Thanks to the work of the left hemisphere, a person is able to remember various facts, events, dates, names, their sequence and how they will look in writing. The left hemisphere is responsible for human analytical thinking; thanks to this hemisphere, logic and analysis of facts are developed, and manipulations with numbers and mathematical formulas. In addition, the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the sequence of information processing (step-by-step processing).

Thanks to the left hemisphere, all information received by a person is processed, classified, analyzed, the left hemisphere establishes cause-and-effect relationships and formulates conclusions.

The right hemisphere of the brain and its functions

The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for processing so-called non-verbal information, that is, for processing information expressed in images and symbols, rather than words.

The right hemisphere is responsible for imagination; with its help, a person is able to fantasize, dream, and also compose learn poetry and prose. This is also where a person’s abilities for initiative and art (music, drawing, etc.) are located. The right hemisphere is responsible for parallel processing of information, that is, like a computer, it allows a person to simultaneously analyze several different streams of information, make decisions and solve problems, simultaneously considering the problem as a whole and from different angles.

Thanks to the right hemisphere of the brain, we make intuitive connections between images, understand a variety of metaphors, and perceive humor. The right hemisphere allows a person to recognize complex images that cannot be broken down into elementary components, for example, the process of recognizing people's faces and the emotions that these faces display.

Synchronized work of both hemispheres

The intuitive work of the right hemisphere of the brain is based on facts that have been analyzed by the left hemisphere. It should be noted that the work of both hemispheres of the brain is equally important for a person. With the help of the left hemisphere, the world is simplified and analyzed, and thanks to the right hemisphere, it is perceived as it really is.

If there were no right, “creative” hemisphere of the brain, people would turn into emotionless, calculating machines that could only adapt the world to their life.

It should be noted that the right hemisphere controls the left half of the human body, and the left hemisphere controls the right half of the body. That is why it is believed that a person whose left half of the body is better developed (“left-handed”) has better developed creative abilities. By training the corresponding part of the body, we train the hemisphere of the brain that is responsible for these actions.

In the majority of people, one hemisphere is dominant: the right or the left. When a child is born, he evenly uses the capabilities that were initially inherent in him in different hemispheres. However, in the process of development, growth and learning, one of the hemispheres begins to develop more actively. Thus, in schools with a mathematical bias, little time is devoted to creativity, and in artistic and music schools Children hardly develop logical thinking.

However, nothing prevents you from training both hemispheres of your brain yourself. Thus, Leonardo da Vinci, who trained regularly, was fluent in both his right hand and his left. He was not only a creative person, but also an analyst who had well-developed logical thinking, and in completely different areas of activity.

House of Knowledge

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