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When does swelling go down after otoplasty? Swelling after otoplasty

Ear correction surgery is the most desired surgery for those suffering from protruding ears. After surgery, it is important to follow all the surgeon’s recommendations to avoid complications.

Rehabilitation after otoplasty

As a rule, the patient leaves the clinic a few hours after the operation and undergoes outpatient recovery. Sometimes rehabilitation in the ward may be prescribed for a day.

Before discharge, dressing and postoperative examination are prescribed, or for these purposes it is necessary to come to the hospital.

One week after otoplasty

For the first three days, a bandage and a bandage are put on the head after otoplasty with a tight fixation of the ears; it is worn around the clock and is not removed.

On the third day, an examination by a surgeon is scheduled, the compression bandage and cotton swabs are removed. Some experts leave the compression bandage on for another four days, but can be removed for showering and leaving the house.

Three days after removing the bandage and removing the tampons:

  • Hair washing is only permissible from the third day when the special bandage is removed. The water temperature should not be hot. There are no restrictions on the choice of shampoo, but ears and seams should not be touched if possible.
  • You can use a hair dryer to dry your hair, but it is advisable to use cool or warm air.
  • The sutures are treated with Chlorhexidine or Miramistin twice a day.

On 7-10 days another examination and removal of sutures is scheduled.. During this period, there is no point in expecting final results from the correction of protruding ears - there is still swelling on the cartilage, and the ears themselves are too pressed to the head.

One month after otoplasty

After the first week after ear surgery, the headband is put on only during sleep and worn for 2-3 weeks.

What to do after otoplasty

  • It is advisable to sleep on your back after ear surgery. However, there is an opinion of experts that in the absence of pain and complicated operations, sleep is possible even on the operated ears, that is, on the side.
  • Visit to the swimming pool, taking a bath, sauna, hammam, sauna is prohibited until complete healing postoperative sutures, about two weeks.
  • Sports training are also canceled until the ears heal. At the same time, contact sports are banned for an average of a year.
  • Wearing glasses is acceptable after a month or two of ear surgery; at this time it is advisable to switch to lenses.
  • Hair coloring and cutting are permissible after the seams have fused. At the same time, it is important that the ears are not bent or pulled back (this recommendation is relevant for 6-12 months after ear correction).
  • Sunbathing and solarium are allowed from 7-14 days after consultation with the surgeon. It is worth considering that the seam areas are photosensitive to solar radiation; it is advisable to apply sunscreen and hats.
  • Alcohol for the first week, or better yet, more long term undesirable, as it slows down healing and increases swelling in the ears.

Headphones that are inserted into the ears and large ones on top have no restrictions.

  • You can wear earrings from the third day, the only exception is heavy jewelry that pulls on the earlobe and ear.
  • Self-prescription of vitamin-mineral complexes, as well as the use of local ointments, is undesirable without a doctor’s prescription.


Complications after otoplasty

Any surgery leads to predictable and, accordingly, expected complications, as well as unpredictable ones.

  1. Bruises after otoplasty are a response to surgery. This complication resolves on its own within two weeks. This defect can be hidden with a hairstyle or with loose hair.
  2. Swelling after otoplasty, is also normal and resolves within a month. Some swelling of the cartilage may be mildly present for up to three months.
  3. How much do your ears hurt after otoplasty?? The pain is individual and begins to be felt immediately after the anesthesia wears off. Pain after ear surgery lasts no more than a week and is relieved with analgesics.
  4. Mild numbness may be felt in an ear or two for up to a month and a half and should go away on its own.

Otoplasty is surgery to correct the ears. This operation lasts on average no more than an hour and is not considered too complicated. It would seem that you need to find a specialist and everything will be successful. But not everything is so simple. The final result after correction will depend on the skill of the surgeon, as well as the method he chooses. No matter how well the otoplasty is done, rehabilitation after the operation will consolidate the achieved result. Therefore, the role of the recovery period cannot be underestimated.

Rehabilitation. The first days and hours after otoplasty.

Ear surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia, so three hours of postoperative medical observation will be sufficient for the patient. If general anesthesia was used, then the person should stay in the blade for about a day. The patient immediately after surgical procedure a special bandage is applied. It is necessary in order to fix the ears pressed to the head, to prevent swelling after otoplasty, and also protect your ears from mechanical damage. The patient undergoes the first dressing the next day after surgery. For subsequent scheduled examinations and dressing changes, you need to go to the clinic every two to four days. You are allowed to wash your hair after three to four days. After otoplasty, a person may feel pain. Such painful sensations relieved with analgesics. Usually the doctor prescribes healing agents, and to prevent inflammation, a course of antibiotics. If the sutures were placed with absorbable material, there is no need to remove them. Pain, swelling and bruising after otoplasty disappear completely within a week, sometimes a little longer. Everything will depend on individual characteristics person. To prevent swelling, it is recommended to temporarily exclude spicy and salty foods from the diet, as they retain water in the body and cause thirst.

The protective, fixing bandage will have to be left on for some time. In some data cases, the period is three days, while in others it can last a week. In each situation, this time will be determined by a specialist. But even after a month and a half, it is not recommended to sleep without an elastic bandage, since any awkward movements can injure the ears and affect the aesthetic result of the procedure. surgical correction. Even successful otoplasty itself requires limited physical activity. You can return to sports gradually, but not earlier than two months after the operation. Doctors must ensure that people know the simple rules and understand the importance of following them. Quick rehabilitation and the final result of ear surgery – common task patient and doctor.

Can be eliminated as surgically, and conservative depending on the clinical situation.

Asymmetry of the ears

It is discovered some time after the operation, when the swelling subsides and the bandages and sutures are removed.

Full symmetry ears it is quite difficult to achieve, so their slight asymmetry does not require repeated surgical intervention. If the asymmetry is significant, then a repeat operation is performed.

Prevention of complications after otoplasty

It is not recommended to wash your hair for some time after surgery. For 1-2 months after surgery, you should not engage in active or traumatic sports. In addition, in the first time after surgery, you should carefully avoid household head injuries, which can lead to damage to the ears.

The risk of complications after otoplasty will be minimized if the patient carefully selects a qualified plastic surgeon, and will also follow his recommendations no less carefully in the postoperative period.

A bandage after otoplasty is an indispensable attribute of the rehabilitation period after ear surgery. Thanks to a special bandage, stitches heal faster, swelling and bruising subsides. Exist different types fixing bandage. How to choose? How much is it?

Read in this article

Why do you need a bandage after otoplasty?

The main function of the bandage is to securely fix the ears after surgery and protect them from damage. It is important to keep the new one the shape of the shells, to prevent the appearance of scars or scars in the seam area. It is necessary to wear a bandage for the following purposes:

  • preventing the inflammatory process;
  • maintaining the result of plastic surgery;
  • relieving postoperative swelling;
  • accelerating tissue regeneration;
  • protect ears from damage and infection;
  • eliminating bruises.

The bandage secures cotton swabs soaked in special oil. It is important to choose right size so that the material does not squeeze your head. For achievement desired result it is necessary to strictly follow all recommendations during the rehabilitation period. It is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • You can't wash your hair. The product may get into open wound, you need to wait for the doctor's permission. If necessary, use dry shampoo.
  • You should sleep on your back. Incorrect position during rest involuntarily distorts the shape. To do this, it is recommended to slightly raise the head of the bed.
  • Wear the bandage at night. This measure prevents your hands from accidentally touching the damaged areas.
  • Limit physical activity. Excessive pressure should not be allowed for six months.
  • Put the glasses aside. The arches can cause infections when they get into an open wound.

Types of compression bandages for ears

There are several types of dressings that are used at different stages of the recovery process. The following types are distinguished:

  • open compression bandage on the ears;
  • mask.


The standard elastic version is recommended to be worn immediately after surgery. During this period, it is important to take care of the hygiene and condition of wounds in the ear area. A special fabric is impregnated with an antibacterial solution and protects wounds from infection. Elastic material does not put excessive pressure on the head and protects against mechanical damage. The advantages of this type are the following:

  • head mobility is maintained;
  • not hot;
  • The fabric allows air to pass through well.
Compression bandage on ears after otoplasty


Closed bandage secures tightly new uniform ears thanks to Velcro around the neck. During sleep, the mask protects against accidental head movements. The hypoallergenic material does not cause irritation, the light structure of the fibers has a deodorizing effect. However, there is one drawback - in the summer, wearing a mask is very hot. This may negatively affect the regeneration process.

Bandage-mask for ears after otoplasty

When to put on the device

Can I use an elastic bandage?

Quite often the question arises about the possibility of replacing a bandage with a simple elastic bandage, which is found in every home. This is highly discouraged for several reasons:

  • No fasteners. The special bandage has Velcro for fixing it on the head. Often the bandage is not wrapped tightly enough or too loosely. The stable position of the ears is not maintained.
  • The skin doesn't breathe. It will take a significant amount of material to wrap your head. As a result, the closed surface will be poorly ventilated, which may affect the regeneration process.
  • Not entirely practical. A special bandage will look much better on your head than a regular bandage.
  • Not very convenient. It is quite difficult to guess the required tension and size of the material to provide sufficient comfort.

To learn how to properly apply a gauze bandage to your ears after otoplasty, watch this video:

Bandage after otoplasty on the head

On the 3rd - 4th day after removing the bandage, you can put on a special bandage. The material is treated with a silver solution, which promotes active healing. The structure of the fabric allows the skin to breathe freely. It is recommended to purchase two pieces, as you will have to change them regularly. The bandage should be loose so as not to feel pain. The size is adjustable to suit individual needs.

How long to wear the ear bandage

The first six days after surgery in mandatory put on a compression bandage. It is fixed around special patches or soaked in solution

Sutures after otoplasty

gauze. Within two weeks, examination and dressing are carried out. The stages are as follows:

  • The first one is put on a day after otoplasty. Analysis of the results obtained allows us to foresee possible complications.
  • The second dressing is after 8 days. The special suture material dissolves or is removed by the surgeon.

It is forbidden to carry out such manipulations yourself. After just a week, you are allowed to wear the bandage only before bed. This must be done within one month to avoid damaging the seams. After six months it happens full recovery cartilage. During this period, you should limit physical activity and wear a bandage to prevent any damage.

Where to buy a bandage and bandage

You can purchase this product at any pharmacy. average price for a bandage is 1000 - 1500 rubles. Various colors allow you to choose the appropriate option for daily wear. It is recommended to pay attention to the size before purchasing. The fabric should fit loosely on your head. Excessive pressure causes pain and bleeding in the suture area.

Possible complications

Swelling after surgery

In such situations, the following complications are possible:

  • asymmetrical ear shape;
  • suppuration of damaged tissue;
  • inflammation, redness and infection;
  • scars and scars.

Minor bruising is considered normal in the area of ​​surgery.

Such symptoms disappear on their own within one month.

The correct choice of elastic bandage guarantees the achievement of the desired result. You can purchase different types at a low price at a pharmacy or any sports store. Thanks to the fixation of the ears, the beautiful shape, the healing process is accelerated, and the risk of complications is reduced. Within a year they will be noticeable with the help of a bandage. positive results otoplasty.

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If you have congenital protruding ears, surgery will help correct everything. Many stars have been able to use plastic surgery to eliminate protruding ears, and an example of the work is a photo of them before and after.

Otoplasty literally means “ear reshaping” and in most cases this procedure is used to correct excessively protruding ears.

Abnormally protruding ears occur in approximately 5% of the population.

Protruding or protruding ears can cause psychological trauma from a patient due to unpleasant comments. Ideal age to correct this defect - from five to seven years, because at this age the ears are already fully formed and have an adult size, and also to prevent stressful situations for children who often face ridicule.

Otoplasty can help men, women and children of all ages overcome the embarrassment and frustration caused by irregularly shaped or protruding ears.

Otoplasty is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures intended for children. The ultimate goal of the surgeon is to create a natural, proportional and symmetrical appearance ears.

Ears may appear enlarged due to the following factors:

  • the ear cartilage is formed without bending close to the upper edge,
  • an excessive amount of cartilage forms in the middle of the ear,
  • the angle between the ear is greater than normal.

Progress of the operation

The operation is performed under general anesthesia, and is usually performed on both ears, but sometimes people have only one protruding ear that undergoes correction. The operation on both ears can take approximately 120 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia, using additional intravenous sedative. For children, general anesthesia is used.

Otoplasty is performed by refining or thinning the cartilage structure of the ear. Surgical incisions are usually placed behind the ear in the natural crease (where the ear meets the head) and therefore scars from this procedure are usually not visible.

The technique varies depending on the problem that needs correction, and is usually a combination of cartilage resection and removal of excess soft tissue behind the ear. In most cases, surgery involves placing permanent sutures to position the ear closer to the head. After surgical cartilage correction, the skin at the back of the ear is secured in place using surgical sutures and then maintained in its new position using carefully applied pressure (bandage, compression bandage). If non-absorbable materials are used, sutures are usually removed 5-7 days after surgery.

Postoperative stage

During the postoperative phase of otoplasty, it is important to follow all instructions from the surgeon. Otoplasty is often performed on children younger age so parents and guardians play important role in ensuring post-operative care. In general, the postoperative period for ear surgery is 7-10 days and includes normal recovery. Complications are rare.


Postoperative dressing is a very important part of surgery. After the procedure, the bandage compresses the surgical area and should remain in place for 48 hours. It will help maintain the new ear position in the near future. postoperative period, but mainly helps prevent blood accumulation (hematoma). You cannot manipulate the bandage yourself, even if there is slight bleeding (which is normal and should not frighten the patient).

It is important to monitor children after ear surgery to ensure that the bandage remains in place for the first 24 hours. The dressing is changed on the second and fourth days after surgery.

The dressing remains on the treated areas for the first five to seven days of the postoperative period. It is important not to move the bandage as this may increase the risk of infection and other complications. After removing the bandage, it is recommended to wear a compression bandage (elastic bandage) at night for 30 days. This will provide protection for your ears while you sleep to prevent them from shifting when moving. A compression bandage is needed to complete the healing of the cartilage.


In the postoperative period, the patient may experience slight pain. The pain is usually very minor. However, when hypersensitivity patient to pain, the use of analgesics is recommended.

Ear sensitivity is normal. postoperative symptom, which drops off quickly.

Patients typically describe feeling "pain and discomfort" rather than experiencing specific pain. These symptoms usually improve quickly after the surgical dressing is removed.

Swelling and bruising

During the first 2-3 weeks, noticeable swelling is observed. Bruises (bruises on the skin) may resolve spontaneously or require surgical drainage. It is important to remember that the body needs time to recover from surgical trauma. Your surgeon may recommend arnica ointments and medications to help relieve swelling and bruising post-oplasty. In some cases, the temperature may rise slightly over the course of two to three days.

Bleeding and bruising are rare. Sometimes slight bleeding may occur and, as a result, a hematoma forms between the cartilage and the skin, which quickly resolves on its own.

Patients are advised to stand as upright as possible during early stage recovery so that residual swelling and bruising resolve more quickly. After surgery, you should not take aspirin or medications containing aspirin or ibuprofen, as they have an anticoagulant effect.


It is important for patients to pay close attention to personal hygiene during the early postoperative period. You can take a bath 48 hours after the procedure, but you should not get the bandage wet.

After suture removal (7-14 days after surgery), patients are advised to gently shower and wash their hair daily to keep the wound healing area as clean as possible. It is recommended to wash your hair with warm water and mild shampoo (for example, baby shampoo). To dry your hair, use a soft towel, blotting it with gentle movements.

After the procedure, patients may be prescribed a week's course of antibiotics to minimize infections.

Chemical hair treatment (coloring, perm) is not recommended for several weeks after surgery, and only after consultation with a doctor. The earrings can be worn two weeks after surgery.

Sleep and rest

In the early postoperative period, the patient needs to sleep and rest as much as possible.

Young children should be kept at a low level of activity for the first few weeks after surgery.

During sleep, the patient's head should be supported by two or three pillows in order to keep the head elevated 45 degrees relative to horizontal position. It is also advisable to use two pillows on each side to avoid turning on your side during the night, which can cause harm to the operated area. The ideal position is on your back, with your head and body slightly elevated to reduce swelling.

Physical activity

The behavior of cartilage after remodeling is difficult to predict in the early postoperative period.

In the first 7 days, it is necessary to exclude any activity, exercise, sport that can raise blood pressure and cause swelling.

To minimize injury, contact sports should be avoided. After two weeks, you can resume sports activities, but with caution so as not to subject your ears to excessive stress and possible injury.

Contact sports may be permitted after six weeks postoperatively. After a month the patient can return to his usual physical activity, including gymnastics, swimming, etc.

Sun and warmth

The operated areas are sensitive to light for the first few weeks after surgery. Exposure to the sun is allowed only after 30 days. Until then, short walks in the sun are allowed, with the mandatory use of sunscreen. Recommended to wear for a month sunglasses. Avoid extreme heat (eg, sauna, solarium). The skin is still sensitive and such exposure can cause 3rd degree burns.


Otoplasty scars are usually not noticeable because they are hidden in the groove behind the ear. In case of development of pathological scars (keloids), doctors practice local corticosteroid therapy and the use of silicone patches.

Possible risks and complications

Complications can occur with any operation. Cosmetic surgery is usually performed voluntarily on healthy patients. Complications after otoplasty are rare.

Complications that occur in the postoperative period may include wound dehiscence, infections, partial or complete necrosis of the skin of the ears, and large hematomas requiring drainage.

Due to the nature of otoplasty, some of the nerves that provide sensation to the ear will be shortened, and the ear may lose some sensation. Most sensation will return, but some parts of the ear may remain numb. Changes in sensitivity and numbness in the ear area are common side effect up to 12 months after surgery.

Ear cartilage has “memory,” which means that the cartilage tends to return to its original shape.

After any otoplasty, it is possible for the ears to return to a protruding or protruding state.

Rare infections can be successfully treated with antibiotics.


One week after surgery, initial aesthetic improvements in the shape and position of the ear can be assessed. After removing the bandage, patients immediately notice an improvement. Results will continue to improve over the next six weeks as residual swelling subsides, although the healing process is not yet complete.

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