Home Dental treatment Gems for Aries woman. Which stones suit Aries according to their zodiac sign and horoscope?

Gems for Aries woman. Which stones suit Aries according to their zodiac sign and horoscope?

Many of you have probably heard that you should choose a particular gemstone as a decoration depending on your zodiac sign or the sign of the person to whom you are purchasing the stone as a gift.

Today we will talk about which stone is suitable for Aries. First, let's remember who Aries are and what their character traits are.

Who are Aries

Before you find out which stones are suitable for Aries women or men, you should highlight key features the character of the representatives of this fire zodiac sign. So, Aries are like this:

  • emotional and bright personalities with amazing energy;
  • people prone to gambling;
  • hot-tempered and harsh;
  • they take on a new task with enthusiasm, but do not always have the patience to bring what they have started to its logical conclusion.

Positive features The character of this fire zodiac sign is:

  • honesty;
  • openness in everything;
  • inability to lie;
  • perseverance;
  • optimism.

However, along with such qualities, representatives of this sign inherent and negative traits , among which the most common are:

  • self-obsession;
  • tactlessness in behavior;
  • excessive impulsiveness in actions.

Naturally, each of the representatives of this sign has certain traits expressed to one degree or another. The challenge is to learn to choose stones so that they stimulate positive features character of a given sign and minimize its inherent negative sides.

Aries woman: who is she?

Women born under this sign are not femininely enterprising and purposeful; they almost always take an active position in life and rarely wait for gifts from fate, preferring to do everything themselves.

They are bright, capable of achieving their goals regardless of the obstacles in front of them, they are always the first. Strikes them down courage and riskiness, because thanks to these qualities Aries achieve what they want.

  • zircon;
  • agate;
  • coral;
  • amethyst;
  • ruby;
  • obsidian.

For example, amethyst for Aries has a calming property and makes him more compliant and calm. For women, it is good because it increases self-confidence and gathers an influential circle around them. For housewives, it brings peace and quiet, removes bad energy and brings health to all family members.

Aries stones and their choice

Many astrologers advise Aries to choose gems for decorations taking into account exact date of his birth:

  • for those born from March 21 to March 31, Mars is the patron. People born on these days are the most purposeful, stubborn, loving, but also the most selfish. You need to choose jewelry from rock crystal, amazonite, quartz, hematite, jasper, tiger's eye or carnelian;
  • Those born from April 1 to April 11 are Solar Aries. They are ambitious and noble, very attached to their family and value these relationships. The best minerals for them are light ones, including pearls, amber, sardonyx or cat eye;
  • Aries born from April 12 to April 20 are under the sign of Venus. They are passionate and romantic. They are best suited for precious garnet or diamond, sapphire, ruby ​​and zircon.

It should also be remembered that the qualities of the sign can be enhanced by yellow, orange and red minerals. You can muffle the negative features of this sign with the help of green and blue stones.

Description of stones for female Aries

A stone such as Agate for Aries business women will help in acquiring experience and new knowledge and will help develop existing abilities. It will also help protect women from conflict situations and reliably protect them from dark energy.

Obsidian has the property enhance the qualities that Aries lack so much:

  • insight;
  • intuitiveness;
  • passion.

It is capable of protecting its owner from negative energy, stop outbursts of aggression and negativity. If you place it on your desk, it will promote concentration and increase the desire to work well and fruitfully.

A mineral such as zircon is good for Aries because it helps save good health , because the for a long time it is considered not only magical, but also healing. It gives optimism and self-confidence, helps to cope with emotions and put them in order, which is so important for over-emotional Aries. Such stones help cleanse the body, help with stomach diseases, constipation and insomnia.

There is an opinion among astrologers that finding love and keeping it in marriage is long years An Aries woman will benefit from gold jewelry equipped with rauchtopazes. But a diamond will help overcome frequent emotional outbursts and cope with long-term depression.

In addition, there is row of minor stones, which are also perfect for Aries women, including:

  • lapis lazuli;
  • turquoise;
  • onyx;
  • hematite.

Highly undesirable Aries should wear jewelry or keep stones such as:

  • opal:
  • topaz;
  • beryl.

What to wear for Aries men

Of course, women are more interested in choosing stones for representatives of certain zodiac signs, but you can also please your man by giving him jewelry with one or another stone that matches his zodiac sign.

For example, rauchtopaz, which we talked about earlier, is capable of helping a man out of difficult life situations and bringing him good luck. However, there is one condition for this: the stone must have the shape of a golden fleece.

What to consider when choosing stones for Aries

As we already understood, it is advisable not to buy stones just like that. After all, one and the same stone can be completely different in terms of properties and have different effects on representatives of one or another astrological sign.

Therefore, in the case of choosing a stone for Aries, you should take into account the following points:

  • A stone like ruby ​​is a symbol of a fire sign. But if it has a too rich scarlet hue, this will only enhance the negative traits of the Aries person, such as short temper, aggression or excessive emotionality. If you are one of these types of people and want to buy yourself a ruby, then look for stones that are transparent or have a pink tint. Also, ruby ​​cannot be worn with other stones;
  • Aries can choose garnets of any shade; transparent garnets have the most positive effect. Thanks to them, you will be more confident and feel harmony in everything;
  • Representatives of this sign cannot purchase stones of the sign opposite to them - Libra. These include variegated, green and white stones, such as crystal, eye spar, tourmaline, as well as beryl and opal, which we already discussed earlier.

And of course, when choosing a particular stone, you should not rely only on the recommendations of astrologers or appearance. Listen to inner voice , which of them, in your opinion, seems most attractive to you in terms of energy. Remember that this or that mineral can have a significant impact on you and your life, improve it or worsen it. Therefore from the right choice stone, your future may also depend.

What are the best stones to choose for an Aries woman? This question is very important if you need to choose a precious gift for a woman of this sign or if an Aries girl decides to choose a talisman for herself. But who knows in what other situation this valuable information might be needed?

Special Features

Impulsiveness, perseverance, hot temper, determination - these are the main characteristics inherent in Aries. These are bright, hot, stubborn and temperamental people, which is not surprising, because the element of this sign is Fire. In this regard, it is very important role plays the stone of Aries woman. Selecting him according to his horoscope is the best solution. You need to buy one that can pay off some negative traits, emphasize the expressive nature and at the same time not introduce conflict into the inner world of its owner. Aries are multifaceted and often contradictory, their energy is simply in full swing, so it is very important to channel it in the right direction. Their energy, will, activity and determination can be enough for all areas of life: family, career, friends, travel and much more. However, self-confidence and straightforwardness can often play a cruel joke on them and ruin relationships with family, colleagues, and friends. The fire element also manifests itself in them in the form of a love for everything bright and colorful, this is especially reflected in their clothes and accessories and, of course, in the choice of jewelry. So what are the best stones for an Aries woman to choose in order to emphasize her passionate nature and not cause harm?

Stones that should not be worn

Yes, indeed, for each sign there are certain stones, the wearing of which can be absolutely useless, since they do not bring any positive energy to their owner. There are minerals that are not compatible with one or another zodiac sign. For example, talismans for Libra will bring unwanted and negative energy to Aries due to their incompatibility with this sign. So which stones are definitely not suitable for an Aries woman by date of birth? Gems, suitable for Libra, are contraindicated for Aries. These are opal, lapis lazuli, malachite, coral and chrysolite. Due to the fact that the color range of precious and semi-precious stones suitable for this fire sign, is in a palette of fiery and light shades up to transparency; you should absolutely not choose gems in black, dark blue and dark green tones. It is also worth abandoning the cold shades inherent in the element of Water.

Emphasize or moderate

The ardent and passionate nature of stubborn people should be emphasized with jewelry with bright colors - red, orange and yellow, which show the energy of this sign. But overly hot-tempered people should pay attention to delicate blue, light blue, light green or transparent shades, which will help smooth out some negative character traits. A correctly selected stone for an Aries woman according to her horoscope can perform various functions: protective, restorative. It will help with concentration, development of self-organization, gaining confidence and much more.

Warriors of Mars, children of the Sun and lovers of Venus

Despite the fact that most of the features and characteristics are common to all representatives of this sign, there are still differences that appear depending on the decade in which a particular person was born. March 21-31 is the first decade of Aries, passing under the influence of Mars, which gives its wards firmness, ardor, masculinity, and love. Such people are considered goal-oriented, narcissistic and selfish. Stones for an Aries woman by date of birth in this decade are rock crystal, carnelian, jasper, tiger's eye, agate, hematite and quartz.

The second decade (April 1-11) is patronized by the Sun, which gives pride, nobility, ambition and generosity. His protégés become noble, loyal and family-oriented, and it is better for them to choose talismans such as cat's eye, amber, sardonyx, heliotrope, and pearl.

But the last ten days (April 12-20) are dominated by Venus, which imparts impulsiveness along with tenderness and creativity. An incorrigible romantic and adventurer is Aries born in the third decade. Talisman stone for suitable for women in this case the following: diamond, ruby, garnet, sapphire or zircon.

Different Aries and universal stones

And yet, choosing a piece of jewelry or a talisman is a very difficult matter, because the stone must not only fit, but also be pleasing to the eye. The choice of gems depending on the decade of birth is not always an axiom. Some astrologers agree with this, some don't. Therefore, there are stones for the Aries woman that are universal and suitable for any representative of this sign.

King of Stones

First of all, it is a diamond that gives good luck, fills with courage and raises the strength of spirit. It is also called the stone of winners; it will help you overcome difficulties and achieve success, overcome fears and protect yourself from negativity. Diamond helps to achieve what you want, so it is the most important stone of the sign. An Aries woman wearing a diamond attracts harmony, love and financial success. This gem has some special features: it must be obtained honestly. In order for its power to be activated, it would be better if it was given as a gift. Also this is a stone married women, not suitable for young girls, it should be worn on the neck or ring finger. White diamonds are universal, they are stones suitable for Aries women everyone without exception. A red diamond will protect from damage and the evil eye, and a blue diamond will guide and protect. The green variety of this gem represents femininity and motherhood and should be worn by women who want to have a child. It will help you conceive, carry and give birth safely.

Fire stones

The gem should be optimally suited to such a bright and passionate nature as Aries. The talisman stone for a woman in this case is a ruby ​​or garnet. Ruby has a positive effect on the love and sexual spheres, restores strength, and imparts determination. It will also help improve relationships with colleagues. There is a possibility that if the connection between the wearer and the stone is strong, then the ruby ​​will warn of danger - it will darken.

Garnet is a stone of friendship and success, suppresses outbreaks of aggression. This is a stone of active and strong-willed women who know what they want, then garnet will help them on the path to prosperity and wealth. Not a single business woman of this sign can do without it.

The final three

Stones suitable for Aries women are also amethyst, rock crystal and carnelian. All shades of amethyst are suitable for this fire sign, because this gem gives harmony, helps personal development, and also uplifts the mood and improves energy. It is believed that the amethyst talisman, which is inherited, will have the greatest power. A silver cut is recommended for it. Rock crystal will help develop intuition, achieve spiritual harmony and recognition. Thanks to its constant coolness, it will help cool down the ardent temper of its owner and make him more accommodating. Carnelian will protect against poverty, give strength and health, and attract the interest of men. It is also recommended to wear it in silver jewelry and preferably on ring finger. These stones will be the most suitable for an Aries woman; the main thing is to choose exactly the one that is optimal for a person according to his characteristics, features and appearance. You can choose several and wear them depending on the occasion and need. If you truly become close to the stone, then it will be able to give as much of its energy to the bearer as possible.

That golden-fleeced Aries was born in the fire, who was sent by the Lord of Olympus to save the unfortunate children of King Athamas. Frightened by the journey on the back of a ram, Gella fell into the sea, and the brave boy Phrixus reached the shores of Colchis and sacrificed the Golden Fleece to his savior.

The Colchians kept the sacrifice in the temple of Ares as the greatest shrine, until the cunning and treacherous Jason stole it.

This colorful myth, full of symbolic allegory, is the key to unraveling the characters of all Aries. Explosive, temperamental, energetic, emotional and noble.

The main patron of Aries - Mars (aka Ares) - awarded them with an ebullient nature, attractiveness, courage, straightforwardness and another amazing ability - to always take the side of good. Positive energy and the efficiency of Aries can change the whole world. But there are no ideal people in the world, so Aries, in a fit of passion, can “break the woods.”

It's all about another “gift” of Mars - vanity. To be the first, the best, loved and irresistible. Such a credo does not make the life of representatives of this sign simple.

In order to “boil” throughout their lives, Aries need fuel, which is why so many different gemstones help them lead a stormy life.

Aries birthstones by birthday

Aries can be proud of the stones that are most suitable for them for amulets, talismans, amulets and for decoration. It is enough to name ruby ​​and diamond, but there is also agate, rock crystal, pearl, sardonyx, heliotrope, sapphire and garnet.

A multi-colored scattering of beautiful minerals created by nature itself. Not all representatives of the most brilliant zodiac sign are suited to all this multicolor, so we present Aries gems by date of birth:

If the color scheme of Aries stones born in the first decade is dim, and the properties are associated with overcoming obstacles at the beginning of important matters, then by the third decade the power of the talismans increases, and recharge is required more strongly.

How to “make” a stone work (cutting and metals)

The tradition of enclosing stones in secure metal fastenings has been around for thousands of years. By combining metals and crystals, people have not only learned to make exquisite jewelry, but also to enhance the magical influence of the stone on the life of its owner.

There are stones that do not tolerate proximity to metals; they manifest themselves much more strongly in splendid isolation.

How do gemstones behave for Aries?

What shape should the talisman be?

The cut of stones that are suitable for the Aries zodiac sign should be geometrically simple and concise.

Diamond, ruby, sapphire and all other amulets (except pearls) will work better if they are cut like a diamond. Triangular, square, rectangular shapes, polygons (from 5 to 8 corners) are suitable. A diamond-shaped stone would also work well.

The main thing in Aries amulets and jewelry is the presence of clearly defined edges. Therefore, a smooth and round cabochon cut is not suitable.

As for pearls, it is best for representatives of the Aries zodiac sign to wear irregularly shaped pearls. The geometric cut will help energetic wearers control their temperament and use their minds in time.

Which talisman stones are suitable for the zodiac sign Aries

Every stone that adorns a person has certain magical properties, symbolic meaning. Crystals of brilliant Aries are no exception:

Agate - will make Aries fearless, help avoid poisons, snake bites, will soothe pain and give confidence (black agate will protect you from energy exhaustion and absorb all negative energy);

Rock crystal - balances forces, helps to concentrate, normalizes brain function (increases intellectual abilities);

- will protect against the evil eye or curse, sharpen intuition and accelerate cleansing processes in the body;

- attracts prosperity and peace, protects from thieves and swindlers;

Heliotrope - develops imagination, will help bring any task to the end, find mutual language with people;

Diamond is a powerful healer, activates work immune system, enhances the effect of all other stones, has a pronounced rejuvenating effect;

Ruby - makes its owner generous, noble and strong, strengthens the heart, helps get rid of fatigue and despondency.

Sapphire - will bring happiness in love, help get rid of bad habits, will strengthen faith and will not allow hope to fade;

Pomegranate - awakens sexual energy, the will to win, self-confidence, a symbol of pure and sincere love.

Watch a video story from a professional about stones for Aries:

Amulet for women and men


Which one a talisman stone will do for an Aries woman according to her horoscope? Any of the above, except heliotrope and the black variety of agate. Everyone has long known that “a girl’s best friend is diamonds!” Let's clarify - “Aries girls”.

Many shades of garnet, sapphire, a variety of jasper - pink, red, orange, yellow varieties of crystals - all that remains is to choose a talisman that is in harmony with the color of your eyes, hair, clothes, preferences.

Rubies and sapphires will highlight your individuality, add charm, and attract attention. Garnet, especially dark colors, will make you more mysterious and attractive.

Rock crystal creates a halo of radiance around its owner, bringing her to the fore.

For men

Which talisman stone is suitable for an Aries man? Discreet, brutal and laconic heliotrope - a typically masculine adornment and talisman - is especially suitable for men born under the sign of Aries. A classic style of clothing (suit, tie, cufflinks) will perfectly complement a gold ring with.

Representatives zodiac sign Aries are almost always confident in their own abilities and that they are right. They have crazy tenacity and a desire to live actively. Aries know how to attract the attention of others, while their reputation does not suffer from this. Energy and sociability are the main trump cards of representatives of this sign. Aries do not even try to hide their delight at the epicenter of events that occur around their personality.

Among other things, Aries find it difficult to moderate their narcissism, which sometimes crosses all acceptable boundaries of reasonable egoism. Excessive impulsiveness, spontaneity and aggression do not make it possible to complete previously started tasks and build good relationships with colleagues or business partners. In addition, they are capable of alienating close people, even to the point of inexplicable contempt, because of their strange misdeeds.

That is why people who are Aries according to their horoscope should select stones, because they will be able to resist the aggressive attitude of the owners and do their best to restrain manifestations of negativity. The mineral must have very strong energy in order to smooth out conflicts and wage a constant struggle with the inner world of Aries. Such not the best manifestations of selfish qualities often interfere with this zodiac sign in building personal and friendly relationships.

What stones are suitable for Aries Women according to the horoscope?

Expressive and enchanting representatives of the Aries zodiac sign are recommended to decorate themselves with passionate rubies, dazzling diamonds, rauchtopaz or amethyst. A green diamond will symbolize motherhood and well-being family hearth.

Pomegranate will direct you to find harmony and meaning in life. The rauchtopaz stone will become a real salvation for spouses, one of whom is Aries, and will even help to attract love. He will also smooth out misunderstandings and cool down conflict situations. A suitable amethyst should be exclusively in lilac color, only in this case it will contribute to the development of intuitive abilities and feminine power.

Zircon stone

Zircon will protect you from attacks depressive state. For young ladies, it is recommended to choose a transparent stone, but older Aries should purchase zircon yellow color.

Red jasper is a real salvation for true careerists who want to achieve success and worldwide recognition of their personality. The stone will also allow you to find free time for family and loved ones. After all, Aries, when they get into a mood of courage, can completely forget about their loved ones, so concentrated are they immersed in the work process.

Which stone suits Aries Men according to the zodiac

Men who, according to the Aries horoscope, are stubborn and determined people, real leaders. They occupy the position of leader and leader of the team everywhere. For them, the best solution would be a ruby ​​or garnet stone. The brightly expressed range of colors of jewelry will allow you to instantly indicate your position and superiority in organizational terms. You should not neglect the selection of a suitable frame for the stones. If you want to preserve your aura and energy, you should completely abandon gold items and platinum.

The owner of a garnet must wear a ring on his index finger. It is this arrangement that will allow you to achieve success in your work and rise to the top career ladder, passing step by step.

For romantic and vulnerable natures who are looking for a soul mate, the best solution would be a pendant or amulet with a rich stone. This will soften the tough character of Aries and make him more attractive in relation to love relationships and will help him find true love.

Amethyst stone

Amethyst is ideal for men who are overcome by frequent anger and outbursts of rage, which has a detrimental effect on family relationships. And if the frame is made of silver, the stone will more strongly contribute to well-being and tranquility in the family nest. This combination successfully protects the owner from the tendency to alcohol abuse, allowing him to think sensibly regardless of the situation and condition.

Talisman stones for Aries by zodiac sign

When choosing your own talisman that will protect you from negative energy, you should take into account some manifestations of Aries’ character. Namely, for modest and passive representatives, it is worth choosing minerals bright colors, such as red, orange and yellow. The blue color of the stones is suitable for preventing the development of negative aspects of their essence in Aries, but, on the contrary, moderating such manifestations. The best solution would be to choose products with green or blue stone.

A ruby ​​of pale colors will restrain hot temper and manifestations of an aggressive attitude towards others. At the same time, the stone will give the strength and energy necessary for active work.

Concentrate maximum attention and concentration on educational process, agate will help. The mineral is also able to keep Aries’s intemperance within limits.

Labrador will surround Aries with protection, which is priceless, knowing the wayward and risky nature of the representatives of this sign.

Which stones are contraindicated

Regardless of which gem Aries will like, there are also those that should be categorically avoided. For example, lapis lazuli, opal, coral, beryl and malachite. Or rather, all the minerals that unconditionally enhance the potential and abilities of Libra. Among other things, you should avoid interaction with rhodonite and aventurine.

If a representative of the zodiac sign Aries is overly impulsive and there are frequent outbursts of aggression, it is better to buy stones of pale and cold tones, so as not to intensify the effect of an already complex character. But at the same time, minerals should not belong to the water element, as this will lead to an open conflict with its fiery sphere.

Stones for Aries by date of birth

If you do not want to make a mistake when choosing a suitable gem, pay attention to your date of birth. For Aries born in the first decade (March 21-31), the following stones are suitable: carnelian, serpentine, agate and quartz. They will be able to moderate the stubbornness and directness of the hot-tempered sign.

For the second decade (April 1-11), peace-loving stones, including heliotrope, pearl and cat's eye, would be an excellent choice. Minerals will help strengthen the attraction to family responsibilities and enhance the existing good qualities of Aries.

Those celebrating a birthday from April 12 to 20 are advised to pay close attention to sapphire, ruby, garnet and zircon. To increase passion and firmness in life position, choose red stones, but for Aries, who already have different temperaments, blue gems are recommended.

Sunday, May 20, 2012 01:06 + to quote book

Aries 21.03-20.04
Aries is the first fire sign in the zodiac.
Among the ancient Greeks, the myths associated with the zodiac sign Aries are very close to the Thessalian legend of Jason and the Golden Fleece. The golden-horned ram, a gift from the god Hermes, helped Phrixus and his sister Helle, the children of King Athamas, whom their stepmother planned to destroy. When the ram rushed through the air over the sea, Gella became frightened and fell into the raging waves. Phrixus managed to escape - the ram carried him to Colchis, where the child was raised by Eet, the son of the god Helios. Aries was sacrificed to Zeus, and his golden skin was hung in the sacred grove of the god of war Ares (Mars). The fleece was guarded by a terrible dragon, who never closed his eyes. The descendants of Athamas, the father of Phrixus, including Jason, knew that the salvation and well-being of their family depended on the possession of this relic, and they wanted to get it at any cost.

Mars, the ruling planet of Aries, provides people of this zodiac sign with an active life, energetic activity, ambition, restlessness and stubbornness.

Mars was the famous lover of Aphrodite. It is believed that every person born under the sign of fire and ruled by Mars seems to be endowed with uncontrollable sexual fervor. Among the ancients, this deity occupied a leading place: with a purifying torch and a spear in hand, a symbol of military power, Mars reigned over war and battles, which in those days was considered the highest honor. Everyone admired his enormous energy and undeniable courage - his exorbitant ambition obliged him to do this. No mortal dared to displease him. It is enough to look at the deities surrounding Mars, such as courage, fear, honor, courage, war, justice, to experience sacred awe.


Alexandrite - stone of spiritual renewal


Diamond is the king of stones


Aquamarine - stabilizer of mental balance


Amethyst is a stone of fidelity. It is also called the third eye stone


Hematite - wound healing


Garnet is a stone that brings good luck in love and friendship.


Heliotrope is the best Christian amulet


Moonstone - absorber of lunar energy


Emerald is a stone of wisdom and composure


Ruby - hot blood of the Dragon


Aries METALS: iron, steel



They say that anemones are called anemones because they owe their appearance to a creature of easy windy behavior - Adonis.
Adonis, a young man of incomparable beauty and charm, became fascinated by two goddesses at the same time: the goddess of the underworld, Persephone, and the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite. And therefore he spent part of the year in the kingdom of the dead with Persephone, and part of the year on earth with Aphrodite. The goddess Artemis, the protector of chastity, learned about this and sent a wild boar to Adonis while hunting. According to legend, Aphrodite wept bitterly over her defeated loved one, and anemones sprouted from her tears.
This is how the legend explains the mythical appearance of two different colors from the buttercup family - anemones and adonis.
It has been proven that a bouquet of white anemones not only pleases the soul, but also has a beneficial effect on the eyes. Just look at white blooming anemones for ten minutes, and eye fatigue will go away imperceptibly


Sweet pea-
in ancient times, a wreath of sweet peas was considered a symbol of fertility and was important element folk rituals.


Violet -
According to one legend, violets appeared from Adam’s tears of gratitude when he was on the island of Ceylon, where the Archangel Gabriel brought him the news of the forgiveness of the sins of the first man.


One day the sky reproached the cornfield for ingratitude: “Everything that inhabits the earth thanks me. Birds send me singing, flowers - fragrance and color, forests - a mysterious whisper, and only you do not express gratitude, although it is no one else, but I who fill the roots grains with rainwater and make the ears ripen." “I am grateful to you,” answered the field. “I decorate the arable land with ever-wavering greenery, and in the fall I cover it with gold. I don’t know how to express my gratitude in any other way. Help me, and I will shower you with caresses and talk about love.” “Okay,” the sky agreed, “if you can’t come up to me, then I’ll come down to you.” A miracle instantly happened: magnificent flowers grew among the ears of corn. blue flowers, similar in color to the sultry sky. Since then, ears of cereals, with every breath of wind, bend towards the messengers of the sky - cornflowers and whisper tender words to them.


Hawthorn flowers -
The ancient Slavs had a legend about a girl whose brown hair was often decorated with a hawthorn wreath. She had a betrothed; and from day to day matchmakers were expected in the house. Unfortunately, a visiting foreigner fell passionately in love with the beauty in love. One day he tracked down a girl and wanted to take possession of her by force. However, not wanting to break the oath given to her beloved, the beauty chose death. Since then, the hawthorn has become a symbol of virginity and chastity, and young Russian girls began to be called “hawthorns” or “young ladies” in honor of their proud sister.


Depending on the decade of birth, you can determine the dominant plant and the qualities that it gives to a person born on these days.


Unlike a flower - nondescript and pale yellow - people born under this sign are determined. Foxglove's head works like a computer clearly and quickly, finding the right way out of even the most confusing life situation. Never get lost. However, my nerves are gradually giving way. Headaches are possible.


Ambition, the desire to always be first - that’s distinctive features Magnolias. However, her position in society is very fragile due to her reluctance to listen to the advice of others.


She is generous, generous, loves to party. However, such breadth often irritates those around her who expect specific help from her.



The character of people born under the sign of the Hazel is extremely contradictory. They are reserved and modest, and can show themselves to be wise, kind, patient people, capable of making a lot of effort to benefit a loved one. But at the same time, Hazels can be harmful, evil and even dangerous. Their mood changes very quickly. People of this sign are always noticed by others. Oreshniks have a craving for diverse knowledge and the ability to master it easily and quickly. However, Hazelnuts may not use the acquired knowledge - this depends solely on their goodwill.

Men. Representatives of this sign are able to grasp everything literally on the fly, largely thanks to intuition and a subtle mind. The mood of Hazel men can change several times even within one day.

Women. Ladies born under the sign of the Hazel are characterized by extreme originality, unlike everyone else; They even differ in their attitude to life. With equal success, they can leave all their affairs to chance and rush to the barricades for the sake of the goal.

Love and marriage. If a Hazel woman feels sincere affection for someone, she will do everything possible and impossible to make his life easier. The character of representatives of this sign is very uneven and fickle, so with equal success they can be very gentle, sweet and become a real torment for their other halves.


Rowan's fragile appearance is very deceptive: behind it lies a persistent character that you can always rely on. People of this sign are loyal to others, friendly, sensitive to external influences, love everything beautiful. They can often be seen with a smile on their face. This is explained more by the ability to control oneself than by inner cheerfulness. Rowan trees consider it their duty to bring joy to people, even if this may cause harm to themselves. In general, they are not selfish, but they still demonstrate a certain amount of egocentrism from time to time. IN love relationships Rowan is capable of giving a lot, but at the same time tends to constantly test the feelings of a loved one. They dress with taste (and they have simply excellent taste) and pleasure, and in general they know how to skillfully emphasize the advantages of their appearance.

Men. It is quite difficult to communicate with Rowans, since the nature of these people clearly lacks simplicity. But you can rely on them without any doubt, since they are distinguished by honesty, decency and tolerance. Rowan men dream of living their own lives, but often cannot afford it: they consider themselves not entitled to abandon the people for whom they are responsible.

Women. Representatives of this sign are very ambitious and intelligent, but, paradoxically, they rarely manage to make a career. Rowan trees are wonderful housewives, which is very popular with men who are in the mood for family life. Women of this sign always think about tomorrow and make sure that everything is fine in the future.

Love and marriage. Giving a lot, Rowan demands just as much in return. These people check quite often own feelings, but partners will never be forgiven for treason and betrayal.


Maples are extraordinary individuals. They are always cheerful, full of energy, and do not know fatigue. Being naturally restrained and even slightly indecisive, Maples are nevertheless capable of making very risky decisions, which are based more on a keen interest in life than on any material motives. Representatives of this sign cannot be called homebodies. Sociable Maples are happy to make new acquaintances. Representatives of this sign defend new ideas that are interesting to them with great enthusiasm, but rarely take on their own projects. An insightful, clear mind coexists in their nature with intuition and developed imagination. Maples are a little cynical.

Men. These people are interested in the latest scientific and technological achievements. They are very impressed by their own breadth of views. Having met new people, Maple men can easily call them for the most frank conversation.

Women. Insightful ladies, endowed with a clear mind, often use imagination and intuition. Maple women really like to be the subject of discussion, although they never take other people's opinions into account.

Love and marriage. Maple is also outstanding in love relationships. This original acts differently from everyone else, looking for a completely unique, special, even strange path to personal happiness.






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The Golden Fleece





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