Home Prevention The most effective medications for treating cats against ear mites. When is a flea and tick collar effective? Ear mite collar for cats

The most effective medications for treating cats against ear mites. When is a flea and tick collar effective? Ear mite collar for cats

Hello! Summer is coming, many cats will go to the countryside, to the countryside, to nature. And, of course, we, loving owners, must worry about protecting our pets. My father’s Maine Coon cat, Asenka, comes to our dacha every summer. For those interested, here is a review: Asenka. She is already 8 years old and has been sterilized for a long time. For clarity, here is a photo of her with kittens:

What freedom she has there, how much joy! He catches mice, moles, lizards, and always brings them home alive, and most often to the bed of the person he loves most (i.e., me), and perceives my squeal as a manifestation of delight! We catch frightened animals and release them; I cannot kill.

In short, we tried several types of collars, but the best were the collars from Beaphar. I've been buying them for three years now. We take Asenka to the dacha at the end of May, and bring her back at the end of August, i.e. The collar is more than enough for three months.

This year we decided to take my mother’s cat Kuzma to nature, I found him last summer as a small sick kitten, now he is a beautiful cat, already neutered, so you can safely take him too. Here he is, our Kuzma:

I bought two collars in advance, one red, the other blue, each costing 230 rubles. IN cardboard box There are instructions and the collar itself, hermetically sealed.

Here are photos of the packaging and information:

In principle, brief, but the most important and necessary information is placed on the packaging, and the instructions on one side describe everything in great detail, on the other side there is information about collars, sprays, shampoos, etc. :

As I learned, the Beaphar line of collars includes diazinon-based collars, TCVP-based collars, a biologically active Bio-Band collar and a new generation MULTI-X collar. My collars are based on diazinon, I was thinking about buying a new product, but I decided that, as they say, “good is not a good thing,” and I bought an old, proven package.

The collar is designed both to destroy various small dirty tricks in the form of fleas, ticks, lice and lice, and to protect against their attacks on the cat.

The packaging states that

Constantly wearing a collar protects the animal from fleas and ticks for at least 6 months.

Our cat has never been outdoors for so long, but three months of action is excellent! Not a single tick or flea was found during the entire summer (and there were already several of them).

Frankly speaking, you don’t want to open the sealed packaging in advance, but believe me, the collar will look exactly as it does on the packaging:

I always bought a red collar for Asenka, but for Kuzenka I decided to buy a blue one.

Thank you for your attention to the review! Health to you and your pets!


A here are some more reviews

Veterinary practice shows that ear mites in cats can only appear through contact with other animals on the street. The disease is transmitted from the mother to the kittens. There is a high risk of infection for those animals whose owners often turn to specialized hotels. This is due to the fact that they are kept in group rooms there. It is this factor that does not guarantee that there will not be an infected animal among them.

Ear mites feel equally comfortable on cats of any breed, regardless of the size of their fur and their preferred habitat.


The difference is that during notohedrosis the outer side is affected. auricle animals. Therefore, the animal, feeling severe itching begins to literally tear apart the affected area, resulting in severe scratching. If, when infected with otodectosis, an animal may not show its disease in any way for several years, then notoedrosis will be visible immediately due to the fact that the sick animal will rip its ears until they bleed.

A cat can become infected with notoedrosis not only through contact with a sick animal (cats, dogs and rodents are carriers), but also through interaction with common objects - a bowl, bedding, etc. This disease is also dangerous for humans; it goes away within a month even without drug treatment .

Clinical picture

At the initial stage, the disease can be cured quite easily, without complications such as sepsis. Late appointment medicines leads to the fact that pathogenic bacteria settle at the site of scratching, causing suppuration.

  1. Damage occurs next blood vessels which become overflowing with blood, swelling and redness of the tissue occurs.
  2. Moist discharge - exudate - is observed on damaged skin.
  3. As a result of the death of skin cells and the suspension of the regeneration process, dark brown scabs are formed.
  4. In some cases, putrefactive microflora develops.
  5. Scabs and crusts form plugs that impair the animal’s hearing.

The main complication of ear mites is damage, rupture or inflammation of the eardrum.

Observe your pet's behavior carefully. And if signs of bow-headedness begin to appear (an animal with its head turned 90-120°), you should take emergency measures. The pathological process negatively affects the brain and can lead to death.

How to treat a pet

If you choose the right medicine for ear mites in cats, then it is possible to heal the animal even in the most advanced cases. When starting treatment, you should understand that ticks lay up to 5 eggs per day, although the development of an individual can last 21 days.

The minimum course of treatment is 30-35 days, during which it is possible to eliminate not only adults, but also larvae.

In order for ear mites in cats to cease to exist, the following rules should be followed during treatment:

  • maintaining animal hygiene - try to isolate it from other cats or dogs;
  • if the treatment procedure takes place at home, then you need to strictly follow the recommendations of the veterinarian, who will prescribe medications for a successful recovery;
  • You should thoroughly clean your ears of plaque. To do this, use a cotton swab, which will be soaked in hydrogen peroxide; a special disinfectant lotion is allowed;
  • for severe scratching, a special collar should be used;
  • Itching can be relieved using special antihistamines;
  • To maintain the animal, you should create comfortable and calm conditions for it.

Carefully read the side effect section to avoid the risk of further injury to the animal.

VIDEO: How to clean a cat’s ears and treat otodectosis

Which drugs are most effective?

A remedy for ear mites in cats, like ear drops, helps to achieve great success. Thanks to the large assortment, it is possible to effectively treat both kittens and pregnant cats.

Insecticidal injections are prohibited for kittens under 6 months of age and pregnant cats.

Preparations such as drops applied to the withers can be successfully used. This makes it possible to fight against those ticks that have moved onto the body.

The following types of drops are used:

  • "Dekta Forte" approximate cost 95 rubles;
  • "Otovedin" - more a budget option at a price of 35-40 rubles;
  • "Aurikan" is one of the most effective, but also expensive - 450 rubles.

To treat fungus you can use:

  • “Otibiovet” - at a price of 135 rubles;
  • "Oricin" is an effective, but more expensive drug - 470 rubles.

Thanks to sprays, it is possible to carry out a full treatment of not only the cat’s entire body, but also its bedding, which reduces the percentage of chances reinfection, already through personal items.

Of the sprays, pay attention to “Akaromectin”, the price of which will fluctuate between 75-85 rubles.

In a veterinary pharmacy you should pay attention to Aversectin ointment at a price of 35-50 rubles

To treat a disease on early stage Only narrow-spectrum anti-mite ear drops for cats are prescribed.

Should be used in mandatory medications, strengthening and supporting the immune system. This will make it easier for the animal to tolerate the disease itself, and also help prevent complications.

VIDEO: Ear mites in a cat

10.06.2005, 21:50

Tell me: I have already encountered the problem of ear mites once... Horror... The question arose, do “flea and tick collars” protect against ear mites?

Last edited by catslover at Jun 10 2005, 07:50 PM

13.06.2005, 13:31

Most often, ear mites (otodecosis) still “appear” in somewhat unhealthy animals (not only diseases, but also stress, inappropriate nutrition). If the owner HIMSELF gets into his ears too often and cleans them “dry”, with a DRY gauze swab... and a little wax is necessary... And collars (especially fake ones!!!) and contact dermatitis can cause damage to the mucous membranes, and general poisoning.
Now the best remedy drops of Stronghold on the withers are considered.
If such drops cannot be found, then on the recommendation of a veterinarian. Moreover, ear mites are usually accompanied by otitis media, which also needs to be treated.
Prevention - do not contact domestic cats with stray cats

13.06.2005, 16:35

An excellent remedy is otoferonol gold. I checked it on my kitty. and excellent prevention. I recommend.

14.06.2005, 02:06

Thank you, we will take it into account. Although that summer we were wearing a good Bayer collar and the cat was sprayed with spray. I didn’t catch anything, ugh, ugh, ugh. But suddenly it won’t help. Thanks again for the advice: curtsy:

14.06.2005, 11:22

Collars and sprays do not help against ear mites - there are completely different mites there.

15.06.2005, 04:00

Tell me: I have already encountered the problem of ear mites once... Horror... The question arose, do “flea and tick collars” protect against ear mites?
I understand that you should always clean your ears, but how can you protect yourself from ear mites differently? :unsure: (some means)
Lotion Bars helps very well for cleaning ears + drops Bars against ticks: smile:

15.06.2005, 13:37

Originally posted by catslover@Jun 10 2005, 08:50 PM
I understand that you should always clean your ears, but how can you protect yourself from ear mites differently? :unsure: (some means)
For my cats, I use Bars drops 1 r. in 2-3 months, as the instructions say. True, I don’t always drip into the ears, sometimes I just wipe it (full treatment includes both).
These drops are not suitable for all cats; imported products are considered milder and harmless.

15.06.2005, 13:44

Originally posted by catslover@Jun 10 2005, 07:50 PM
Tell me: ... do “flea and tick collars” protect against ear mites?

Treatment, as well as prevention of flare-ups - drops of Amit+, Amitrazine or Anandin+.

15.06.2005, 16:17

Don’t discount the fact that the kitty may simply not allow you to do anything with your ears. my friend had exactly this situation, she just fought to the death for her ears. and only otoferonol helped her. You can hold the kitty in your hands for 10 seconds. and in general, the leopard needs to do everything painstakingly, for a long time, so that everything goes away, and not just for one day, but until the ears are completely cleansed. Still, if the kitty’s character is not very good, then otoferonol is better. I advise. :cool!:

15.06.2005, 16:21

Bars with regular cleaning is fast. no need to open your ears. You can always swaddle your cat.

15.06.2005, 16:32

Originally posted by Skvor@Jun 15 2005, 02:17 PM
Don’t discount the fact that the kitty may simply not allow you to do anything with your ears.
This is not a problem with the cat, but with the owners who lacked something to “explain” to the cat its “rights and responsibilities”............: I’m dying of laughter!:

Otoferonol boom know: big smile:

15.06.2005, 16:36

By the way, leopard does not cure ticks. This is just an ear cleanser.

15.06.2005, 19:42

It’s strange, but according to the instructions Bars is medicinal and prophylactic drug. "Acaricidal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action." I use it for prevention purposes, and I also clean my ears with a slightly damp cotton pad.

16.06.2005, 12:05

I agree, they list the composition as diazinon, an insecticide. and plus an antibiotic...

I looked for information about what kind of mites these could be on the Internet. There I also found how to deal with them, all the drops, ointments, etc., which immediately help... Are veterinarians really only interested in pumping out money?? or should I come and tell them how to treat? Well, at least one suggested it and thanks for that

The disease is called demodicosis! The causative agent is a microscopic worm, see quote:

And just in case, the symptoms:

The coat loses its original healthy looking; Dandruff appears around the eye, the skin turns red and peels; Hair loss is observed in some places, sometimes in tufts; The pet is tormented by itching, he often scratches certain parts of the body with his teeth; Hard and slightly convex growths appear on the animal’s body; The affected areas become bald, and pustules form on them; The wounds that appear on the cat’s body bleed with ichor.

This reptile is not dangerous for humans. I would definitely itch more than a cat.

Now every year, as soon as it starts to spring outside, I buy my cat a new collar, and in principle only from this company! Other collars did not help from this.

Once in the winter I took off the collar, I think I’m no longer sick, everything is fine, why is it... but as spring approached, the cat began to show symptoms of demodicosis again, and she had already started scratching her face. I bathed her and put on a new collar, and noticed that the cat stopped itching! And after 2 weeks everything went away without drugs!!! After which she gave her immunity boosters so she wouldn’t have to go to the vet for injections.

By the way, the description of the composition on the packaging and what is written on the Internet is different. Only diazinon 15% is indicated on the packaging. Here's a description from the Internet:

contains as an active ingredient the organophosphorus compound diazinon (15%), as well as auxiliary components - polyvinyl chloride mixture “C naturel” (82.1%), epoxidized soybean oil (1.4%), barium laurate (0.6%), peppermint oil (0.8%), dyes Rusprintex E 153 or erythrosine E-127 (0.1%).

I believe that studying the composition is useful, so I found something interesting and even a little scary for you! Of course, all the rules are met, but there is such a thing as an allergy or increased sensitivity, and you won’t even immediately understand what’s going on, but knowing the details you can avoid incorrect treatment.

Side effects from the collar include the following:

There are no side effects or complications when using the drug in accordance with these instructions.

If the animal has increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, individual reactions are possible (excessive salivation, lacrimation, signs of skin irritation). In these cases, the use of the drug should be stopped, the animal should be washed with soap and the fur should be rinsed with plenty of water, and, if necessary, antihistamines and symptomatic medications should be prescribed.

If we look at the composition in more detail, the list side effects may expand. But I won't go into detail on each one. I chose the most interesting ones.

Diazinon is a chemical active ingredient of pesticides (organophosphorus insecticide), used in agriculture and private household plots, as well as in the practice of medical and household disinfestation to combat various insects, including synanthropic insects. IN pure form– colorless oil with a faint odor.

Affects the body of warm-blooded animals and arthropods, phosphorylating vital enzymes - esterases, suppressing them normal functions. Like other organophosphate insecticides, diazinon affects cholinesterase, an enzyme that transmits nerve impulses. Cholinesterase binds, as a result it loses its activity and cannot cause hydrolysis of acetylcholine. If cholinesterase is blocked by a pesticide, then free acetylcholine accumulates in the synaltic cleft, the normal passage of nerve impulses is disrupted, and tremor (convulsive muscle activity) occurs, which turns into paralysis.

Toxic effect

Diazinon is a substance that acts on cholinesterase. The active substance penetrates the skin. Properties for accumulation in the body are weakly expressed. No changes were observed in dogs receiving 6.5 mg/kg diazinon (as a 25% wettable powder) daily. Cholinesterase activity was only slightly reduced. With daily intake of 9.3 mg/kg of diazinon, the toxic effect of the drug was manifested, associated with a strong suppression of cholinesterase activity.

Poisoning Diazinon preparations can be treated with atropine or a combination of atropine and PAM. Initial symptoms organophosphorus insecticide poisonings include abdominal pain and blurred vision. Moderate symptoms include heaviness in the body and insomnia.

But there is also an unpleasant surprise in the composition. This is dye E-127 (0.1%). Where would we be without it with such a rich range of shades of collars from this company! It can be dangerous for humans, and I think for animals too. This is another reason not to collar sick animals.

Dye E-127 may adversely affect human health if exceeded acceptable standards. Erythrosine causes increased excitability and hyperactive behavior in children. Also causes asthma. Renders negative impact on many internal organs, such as the liver, thyroid gland, heart, stomach, thereby causing various diseases related to these organs and their dysfunction. E127 has an adverse effect on reproductive function body. Erythrosine is carcinogenic. The dye is used in the European Union and the USA.

After reading this, I wanted to bleach the collar. Or maybe immunity is developed to this dye?? I will still take care of the cat's immunity

I bathe my cat directly in the collar, and I have never noticed that he shed! The poison is also not washed out of it, because I haven’t removed it for a year, but it still protects. We didn’t lie about the water resistance!

About the rich color scheme. I usually take brown, but this one had only purple among the normal colors. I'm worried that it will look normal with the color of the cat's fur. That's probably why they are made multi-colored.

The shade is not what I expected. For some reason I imagined lilac. But it says purple - it means purple!

Each collar color has its own cat on the packaging. The purple one, as you already understood:

We've been using this collar for 3 years now! More problems no with subcutaneous mites! To avoid getting sick, the main thing is to put on a new collar in time. By the way, the packaging says the validity period is six months, but in fact it’s a year! But I have an indoor cat, and for outdoor cats it is better to change it every six months. I recommended this collar to my friends, they have a cat running around the street and every spring there are fleas. And with this collar, they jump back out on their own and don’t come back! Not a single one in 3 weeks!

The Beaphar collar protects even from small lice and lice. But somehow subcutaneous mites They also die quickly. Without a collar, the disease develops as usual, tested after repeated use.

It is recommended to take the drops only when symptoms characteristic of scabies or demodicosis appear. Today, the number of anti-ear mite medications for dogs and cats has exceeded a dozen. They all differ in the set of active ingredients and price.

Using ear drops Pay attention to the instructions for the drug. The dosage of the substance will be different for cats and kittens. Drops can be placed directly into the ears or soaked in a cotton pad or cotton swab with which further processing will be carried out. Typically for one ear adult cat One drop of the product is enough. Particular care must be taken when using a pipette in a kitten's ear - careless actions on the part of the owner can cause serious injury to the pet. If you are unsure of your abilities, do not experiment and consult a veterinarian for treatment.

What other features exist when using drops against ear mites? Your pet may be allergic to the drug. Characteristic symptoms allergic reaction itching, redness, rash, local shedding of fur, general depressed state of the animal, and fever appear.

Also, in some cases, if the medicine is used incorrectly, an overdose develops. It usually manifests itself in the form of typical poisoning with vomiting, diarrhea, high temperature, anemia. In severe cases, there may be whitening or yellowing of the mucous membranes, an increase in the size of the liver, spleen, inflammation internal organs, renal failure, vomiting and diarrhea with blood. If these symptoms appear, you should take your pet to the doctor immediately.

What to look for when choosing

Beware of products that are recommended as substances against ticks and worms. Anti-worming medications for cats contain a special range of substances that will be ineffective in the fight against demodex. You should also not use dog tick collars on cats. In some cases, this can even lead to poisoning of your pet.


Ear drops for cats "Surolan", which have a rather effective action. Surolan is used to treat otitis externa and dermatitis in dogs and cats caused by:

  • yeast and fungi;
  • gram-positive bacteria;
  • ear mites.

Surolan also has anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects.


Bars drops are a drug that has an active effect against sarcoptic mites. It is this group of arthropods that causes otodecosis. In addition to acaricidal components, Bars contains anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and protective substances.

This product is classically recommended by all experienced livestock breeders. Of course, the comparative effectiveness of Bars for cats in comparison with drugs of the new generation is much lower, nevertheless, this affordable medicine continues to be popular on the market.


"Amitrazine" is anti-tick drops for cats. The drug is rightfully considered one of the best for the treatment of oto- and demodicosis in domestic animals. Also exhibiting antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and stimulating properties, Amitrazine is low-toxic for warm-blooded animals. Active ingredients– amitraz and decamethoxin determine all the properties of this product. This is a feature of the drug.

Few drugs have a complex antimicrobial effect. When the mucous membranes of the ear are affected by mites, invasion of pathogenic microorganisms is not uncommon. Moreover, they can be not only bacterial nature, but also mushroom.


“Ortoferonos” are ear drops that have an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it is used as a means of prevention against mites that settle in the ears. The drug is recommended for cats and dogs. Cycloferon also has immunomodulatory properties, mobilizing all the body’s forces to fight pests.

Video “Ear mites in a cat”

In this video you will see what ear mites look like on a cat.

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