Home Children's dentistry Someone bit the dog. Insect bites for dogs

Someone bit the dog. Insect bites for dogs

“The mosquito is a small animal, but you can’t get rid of it.”

You need to know them by sight

Mosquitoes, midges, midges, moose flies, burn flies, horseflies

Insects of the order Diptera, where only females suck blood. They use blood proteins to form eggs. All types of blood-sucking insects are called in general terms"vile". Most of the “gnat” occurs in spring and the first half of summer. "Gnus" loves damp places with tall grass. The greatest concentration of midges will be near water bodies and wet meadows. The largest blood-sucking insects are horseflies. Their bite is the most painful. Mosquitoes, midges, midges are most active in the morning and evening time. Horseflies and burner flies, on the contrary, prefer hot afternoons. Moose flies, small flying insects with a wide flat body, with widely spaced legs and two wings, appear in late August-September. Elkweeds are active in warm weather. When an insect lands on the “victim’s” body, it sheds its wings and crawls for a long time before biting. Without wings, a moose fly can be mistaken for a tick. All blood-sucking insects are movement-oriented. That is, they actively pursue a moving object.


Bees, wasps, hornets

Flying insects with a sting containing poison. The sting is located on the back of the abdomen. Insects are brightly colored; they have yellow or orange with black stripes. Insects use their stings in rare cases and only for protection. They don't attack themselves. These insects often bite overly curious dogs who try to poke their nose into their nest or try to catch the striped buzzer. The hornet has the most painful bite and the most powerful poison.


Red forest ants bite the most painfully and noticeably. They are larger than their counterparts, actively move and build large anthills. Ant bites in the area of ​​the paws and muzzle are received by those dogs that try to dig out an anthill.

First aid for insect bites

Short-haired (or cropped) dogs, hairless breeds, puppies and animals with white fur are especially susceptible to insect bites. Due to their small size, dwarf dogs are more sensitive to bites than their larger counterparts. There is a high likelihood of allergies to bites in dogs and cats prone to food allergies.

When bitten, a blood-sucking insect injects saliva into the skin, which causes irritation, swelling of surrounding tissues and itching. Extreme degree allergic reaction This is anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema. These life threatening conditions can develop in allergic animals with a large number of bites. But sometimes one hornet bite is enough if the insect has bitten the animal in the head area. The animal's muzzle, neck area, paws swell very quickly, just within a few minutes, breathing becomes frequent, first deep, then superficial. The animal is worried, the dog whines, and the cat constantly meows. In this case, urgent veterinary attention is required. As first aid for increasing swelling, it is necessary to inject Suprastin (or Tavegil) 0.5 ml for a dog up to 7 kg and 1.0 - 1.5 ml for a dog from 10 to 30 kg. and take the animal to the clinic. Suprastin will slightly slow down the development of an allergic reaction, but will not stop its development. Subsequent treatments include diuretics, cardiac support medications, and corticosteroids. The dosage and frequency of administration is determined by the doctor!

For white dogs with delicate skin and puppies, the mass emergence of midges is especially dangerous. A large number of bites causes simuliotoxicosis– a disease caused by poisoning by insect toxins that enter the dog’s body through a bite. The dog becomes lethargic, indifferent to what is happening, vomiting appears, loose stool. In severe cases, seizures and death may occur. Small midges annoy animals not only with their bites. When these small flies fly out en masse, dogs begin to sneeze and cough because the insects get into their nose, mouth and eyes.

Bees, wasps and hornets most often sting the nose, lips and cheeks. The dog squeals in pain, tries to rub its muzzle on the grass and objects, and rubs the bite site with its paw. The bite site swells and becomes painful to the touch. Small dogs may vomit and become lethargic. Sometimes it goes up general temperature bodies.


The animal tries to scratch and lick the itchy places. This should not be allowed, since with constant licking and scratching, the bite sites turn into an ulcer that does not heal for a long time. Put it on protective collar on the animal's neck or blanket.

Near the bite sites, the hair should be carefully trimmed. The bite sites themselves can be washed with a weak decoction of chamomile or oak bark. Repeated gentle wiping with the solution baking soda, help relieve itching and reduce tissue swelling. Fenistil gel relieves itching well. Applying something cold (such as a water bottle) will help reduce itching and swelling.

For anxiety and severe skin reactions to bites, Suprastin 1/4 tablets for a dog (or cat) weighing up to 10 kg 2 times a day and 1 tablet 2 times a day for a dog weighing more than 15 kg will help. If the animal is lethargic and does not eat well, or bleeding ulcers appear on the skin, then be sure to show your pet to a veterinarian.

Animal repellents

Aboriginal sled breeds and hunting dogs They are used to living in places with a lot of midges. Their body is more resistant to the toxins of insect saliva; they have a dense undercoat, through which it is difficult for insects to reach the skin. Dogs know that there are fewer mosquitoes in the smoke of a fire or in a person’s hut. Dogs also hide from mosquitoes by burying themselves in wet moss.

Pets have long lost these skills and are completely dependent on humans. Once in an environment that is already hostile to them - the forest, they become quick prey for blood-sucking insects and suffer greatly from this. And only a caring owner can help them. Animals need to be treated with repellents - substances that repel insects.

Many "human" repellents are very toxic to animals. Cats are especially sensitive to such chemicals. Even a small contact of these substances on their skin can cause serious poisoning. In most cases, they are not suitable for processing animals. You should also use fumigators with caution in a house where a cat lives. Volatile drugs may cause poisoning if inhaled.

Special aerosols are made for animals based on natural ingredients. For example, the aerosol “From mosquitoes and midges” from Agrobioprom and “Smart spray” from Api-San contain essential oils lavender, carnations, citronella, geranium, fir. “Smart spray” contains amylosubtilin, which neutralizes animal odor. Suitable for cats too. It is possible that if you are in mosquito-infested areas, you will need to use it quite often. Since essential oils disappear quite quickly.

Many manufacturers of aerosols, collars and flea drops promise protection against blood-sucking and stinging insects. Aerosols containing fipronil have proven themselves to be effective. This is the well-known “Frontline”, Rolf Club spray for cats.

An insectoacaricidal and repellent drug from the group of synthetic pyrethroids, which includes cyfluthrin “Sanofly” (Api-San) promises protection not only against fleas and ticks, but also against mosquitoes and midges. For small insect infestations, flea collars can be effective. But for dogs that need to work in the forest (for example, hunting or tracking dogs), collars will be ineffective. When processing animals, you should carefully study the instructions, choose the drug strictly in accordance with the type of animal and its weight, and avoid contact with the mouth, nose and eyes during processing.

With the onset of a warm period of time (especially in summer and autumn) in Everyday life Dog owners benefit from more than just long walks in nature. Insects, especially active at these times of the year, can cause quite a lot of trouble for both pets and their owners.

Insects to watch out for

Dogs bite different types insects The bites of each of them are dangerous.

Every dog ​​owner should know the most common types of insects:

Periods of greatest insect activity

All insects are especially active at different times of the day. So, in hot sunny weather you can easily find horseflies. Mosquitoes are capable of sucking blood around the clock. Bumblebees can attack starting in May, and wasps and bees - with the onset of the summer months. Midges are active throughout the daylight hours.

The presence of certain insects also depends on the area. For example, horseflies live almost everywhere. There are many of them in forest areas, near water bodies and in marshy areas. Ordinary mosquitoes are found almost everywhere. Midges are most often found in river valleys, near fast-flowing water, in the taiga, etc.

Places prone to insect attack

The severity of the consequences depends on the location of the bite:

  • Skin. The easiest of the options. Usually it all ends with the appearance of itching, redness or a small tumor.
  • Mucous membrane oral cavity. Bites in the sublingual area are especially dangerous.
  • Bites often occur in the pet's eye area. The eye may rapidly swell or close completely. The pet will feel a burning sensation, itching, the bite site will become painful, and the eye will turn red. You can often hear the question of what to do if midges bite your pet in the eye? In fact, the treatment process is not very different from helping an animal bite any other part of the body. Experts recommend the use of tetracycline eye ointment.

How and with what do I treat my dog ​​against ticks?

Algorithm of urgent actions

Experienced dog breeders know what to do if a dog is bitten by a midge.

There are cases of severe allergic reactions after midge bites. The occurrence of certain symptoms should be of particular concern. Immediate assistance required veterinary care if your pet’s breathing becomes difficult and shortness of breath appears; present copious discharge saliva; the animal is overly excited; diarrhea or vomiting appeared; disorientation in space, as well as convulsions.

A dog that has been bitten by a midge may need medicines different groups:

  • Cardiac drugs (for example, cordiamine).
  • Antihistamines that need to be taken as intramuscular injections or give in tablet form - suprastin, tavegil, diphenhydramine.
  • Diuretic injections – Lasix and others.
  • Ointments that soothe itching - lorinden for midge attacks, dermazin or celestoderm. Tetracycline ointment is used for the eyes.

The dosage of all medications depends on the size of the pets.

This is how even a small midge can threaten the lives of pets. Drug treatment helps to minimize allergic manifestations and shock in the animal. Sometimes there is a need to hospitalize the dog and connect it to an IV. Doctors may take blood and urine tests. Treatment in a hospital setting can take two days or more.

Preventive measures against mosquito bites

To protect your pets from insect bites, it is recommended to take some preventive measures.

First, you should purchase an insect repellent collar from a specialized store. In addition, there are countless special means, produced in various forms(sprays, gels, drops, etc.). Some people prefer not to use chemical substances. In this case, you can wipe your pet’s fur with vanilla, previously dissolved in water. Treatment sea ​​buckthorn oil can also protect your pet from midge attacks. If your dog doesn't lick its fur, you can even use human-made bug sprays. Insects are also not attracted to fatty, thick and astringent substances.

If bites still cannot be avoided, you can wash the affected areas with chlorhexidine and apply levomekol. The juice of wormwood and plantain leaves promote a speedy recovery. In general, you can find a huge amount of funds by contacting flora around us. This can be bird cherry, wild rowan, tansy, heads of garlic, parsley and other representatives of the flora.

When going on vacation or a long walk, every dog ​​owner should think through and prepare all the means to protect his pet from annoying insects. You always need to be prepared for various consequences active rest. And if they occur, act with lightning speed. And then the time spent with your pet will no longer be overshadowed by anything!

Video: How to easily remove a tick

People rarely die from dog bites. But serious wounds or the spread of infection can ruin your health for a long time.

How to stop bleeding

Cover the bleeding wound with some kind of dressing, a clean towel, or any cloth. If bleeding does not stop after 15 minutes, call Cat and Dog Bites ambulance

If the bleeding has stopped, wash the wound thoroughly with soap and running water and cover with a clean bandage.

Hold the bitten arm or leg above heart level. This will reduce swelling around the wound and the likelihood of infection spreading.

What to discuss with the dog owner

What to find out

Name and phone number Preventing Dog Bites. You will need this to find out if your dog has rabies.

Also find out when and what vaccinations the animal received. If the vaccinations are available and they are fresh, then you will be calmer, and epidemiologists or veterinary services will not be looking for the dog’s owner.

What can I offer

Suggest that the owner have the dog tested for rabies by a veterinarian and monitor it for 10 days. If everything is fine with the animal, you will receive fewer vaccinations.

What to warn about

If the dog's owner refuses to cooperate, explain to him that the information from the emergency room is automatically sent to the epidemiology center, veterinary service and the police.

The owner can be held accountable for violating the rules for keeping pets and fined 5,000 rubles.

When to go to the emergency room

Always. And as soon as possible. Even if you were bitten by yours. Even if the dog attacked you, but did not bite you, but only stained you with saliva.

If you don't know where the nearest emergency room is, call 911. The operator will explain everything.

The emergency room provides vaccinations against rabies and tetanus. These deadly diseases You can become infected through wounds, and even mucous membranes if the animal’s saliva gets on them.

In addition, the dog can damage internal organs, tendons, muscles or joints. Her teeth leave lacerations, which then turn into rough scars. Seams Dog and Cat Bites Apply to such wounds within the first 12 hours. If the face is damaged, the period increases to 24 hours.

What will they do at the emergency room?

The doctor will examine and treat wounds, examine bones and joints, and, if necessary, do x-rays and ultrasound. And, of course, he will deal with the prevention of rabies and tetanus.

In others medical institutions It is impossible to get this amount of help.

When and how are rabies vaccinations given?

Rabies vaccinations are given to everyone who is bitten. Always. Just in case. A few injections are nothing compared to death from rabies.

The first injection is given immediately. The next ones are strictly on schedule on the 3rd, 7th, 14th, 30th and 90th day after the injury. The full course includes six vaccinations. But if the dog does not get sick 10 days after the attack, you can limit yourself to three injections.

Forget about 40 shots in the stomach. They haven't made them for 20 years.

New vaccines are now being used that have no contraindications. The vaccine is administered according to the same scheme to children, pregnant women, and other adults. For adults - in the shoulder, and for children - in the thigh.

Rabies vaccinations are free. They are done on weekends and holidays.

When and how are tetanus vaccinations given?

Tetanus pathogens enter the wound along with dirt. 80% of those infected die. That's why we all get tetanus vaccinations as children, and then repeat them. At least they should.

It is advisable to bring your own to the emergency room. medical documents or remember when and how many vaccinations you received. The doctor's decision about vaccination will depend on the severity of the wounds, their contamination, and the number of previous vaccinations.

What to do next

Take your medications and get vaccinated

Wounds after dog bites do not heal well and require additional treatment. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe it from the first day to prevent infection. It is important to start taking them immediately and continue, strictly following the recommendations.

Don't skip vaccinations. Otherwise they won't work.

Watch the wounds

No need to touch the wounds. Just watch for signs of inflammation. At the clinic, where you still have to go, they will bandage it and process everything correctly.

Signs noticeable to the victim Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Skin and Soft Tissue Infections: 2014 Update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America infections appear within the first day after wound treatment and suturing.

Alarming symptoms:

  • severe redness around the wound;
  • the appearance of pus;
  • promotion ;
  • limited mobility of the joint next to which the wound is located.
Pus in the wound / wikimedia.org

People with compromised immune systems should be especially careful. That is, those who have liver disease, malignant neoplasms, HIV, and those taking immune suppressing medications. With such diseases, wounds fester very quickly.

See your surgeon

As soon as you notice the symptoms described above, go to your local clinic.

Even if everything seems fine, be sure to see your surgeon 48–72 hours after the bite. A specialist will examine you, treat your wounds and tell you what to do next.

Monitor your dog's condition

After 10 days, veterinarians decide whether the dog has rabies. If everything is in order, the bitten person stops receiving vaccinations.

How to Prevent a Dog Attack

Any dog ​​can attack Dog Bite Prevention breed and any age. Homemade and. Most attacks can be prevented by following simple rules:

  1. Don't tease dogs. Don't fight them.
  2. Don't try to separate the fighters.
  3. Do not run near or away from animals. This way you can provoke a chase and attack.
  4. Do not disturb dogs that are handling, sleeping or eating puppies.
  5. Do not try to enter the animal's territory. The dog will protect her and may attack.
  6. Do not approach the dog unless its owner is nearby.
  7. Do not chase the dog if it is trying to hide somewhere.
  8. If your dog is about to sniff you, stand still. In most cases, the animal will be convinced that you do not pose a threat and will move away.
  9. If your dog growls, bares his teeth, or has hair raised on the back of his neck, do not shout. Don't make eye contact.

What to do if the dog does attack

What can you do

  1. Separate yourself from the dog with a bag, jacket or any other item.
  2. If you fall to the ground, curl up, bend your head, and cover your ears and neck with your hands.

What not to do

  1. Don't try to escape. Dogs are adapted to tear off pieces of meat. So you will injure yourself more.
  2. Don't hit the dog. This will only make her angry.

There are so many signs associated with dogs that no folklore expert would be able to list them all. Our four-legged pets don’t even realize what a burden of responsibility lies on them! After all, according to signs, in bad or good side the most insignificant action of the dog can be interpreted. Of course, the situation is far from being so clear. And yet, signs exist and remain very persistent in the popular consciousness. Maybe there is something behind them?

Harmless signs of attention

There is nothing surprising in the fact that your beloved pet greets you with a passionate “kiss”, trying to lick your palm or face: he is glad to see you and expresses this with everyone accessible ways. But what if someone else’s dog at a party or the yard dog on the street begins to show tender feelings? An unexpected sign attention can confuse anyone, even if you are an experienced dog lover. This is where signs come in handy.

If you licked

  • If you have a long journey ahead of you, and a dog (yours or someone else’s) suddenly starts licking your feet, don’t expect an easy path. If you miss the train, your wallet will be stolen, and instead of Bogoroditsk you will sail to Blagoveshchensk. If possible, the trip should be postponed or prepared in advance for possible difficulties.
  • Many dream books indicate: if an animal licks your hands in a dream, you will soon go up the career ladder thanks to the help of friends. The same interpretation can be applied to an event that happened in reality. With a small clarification - don’t expect easy victories, your hands will have to work hard.
  • If a dog has chosen a face to express its feelings, this fact has nothing to do with future events. Either the animal in this way really expresses delight at the meeting, or you just ate something tasty and the smell has not yet dissipated. Or the dog follows the instinct that lives in the blood - to lick the face of the leader of the pack in order to show him his submission. At least the question “who’s boss” won’t arise in your mind.

Lay down at my feet

If a dog prefers your bed to his bed, cold weather is coming

  • When your pet dog clings to your feet, expect changes in the weather and severe cold.
  • The same dream books believe that a dog lying at her feet foretells a woman spending a long period of time at home with her children. If your pet in reality performs such a trick for several days in a row, although he had no such habit before, this can be interpreted as a warning about a series of everyday problems - you will literally have no time to leave the house. And for both men and women.
  • But it may also be that the dog just found a more comfortable bed than his usual sleeping place. It all depends on your view of the presence of an animal in the bed. Has your pet been treated for fleas and worms? Do you wash your paws after a walk and fall asleep comfortably to the peaceful snoring of your side? Make a habit of permanent basis, neither the signs nor the dog handlers object. If you do not intend to share a sleeping place, you will have to start raising your four-legged friend, or it will be much more difficult to force him to give up his established habit.

One more note: signs advise under no circumstances to kick a dog, either intentionally or accidentally (for example, in a dream), otherwise you will pay for it with leg diseases. It is likely that the law of karma will have nothing to do with it! Just one day an angry animal will properly tug at your offending limb.

Aggressive actions

Since we're talking about bites, let's see what superstitions say about dog aggression. For example, a dog...

Catching up

  • A dog that chased you barking, but fell behind before reaching you, portends troubles and minor bad luck. Nothing life-threatening threatens you, but you will have to spend your nerves (and possibly money).
  • It's a completely different matter if you come across a bitch protecting puppies, or for some reason the dog considers you a dangerous enemy. From the animal’s point of view, it had a reason to attack you, and such behavior does not promise you any negative events.


Unreasonable dog aggression is a bad sign

  • If the dog attacks aggressively, spins around and doesn’t lag behind for a long time, this sign is more serious. There is a good chance that you will soon have a meeting with robbers or an aggressive company. Don’t get into conflicts with strangers, stop walking in remote places, and try to return home long before dark. And the money will remain with you, and you will save your health.
  • Sometimes a dog attack is explained as a warning of danger for a person you care about, or as a sign of failure in a planned business. Ask your loved ones to be careful, and carefully weigh all the risks before making decisions.
  • Remember that dogs react very strongly to the smell of fear. They will not let go of a person who walks by with his knees buckling from horror without barking. Isn't it time for you to take courage?


Do you think that after everything that has been written, a dog bite is a completely black omen? But no!

  • If a girl of marriageable age is bitten by a neighbor’s dog, it’s time for her to prepare to welcome the groom. Moreover, the betrothed will be the envy of all his friends - it’s not scary to suffer a little for this.
  • If a man or woman is bitten by their dog, someone close to them will soon let them down and thus cause a lot of grief.
  • If the dog is a stranger or a stray, the person who was bitten will face trouble at work. And if you are too lazy to show the bite to the doctor, then you will have health problems. And this is no longer a sign, but a reality.

By the way, here are a couple more pieces of folk wisdom on this topic:

  • In order for the bite to heal without consequences, it should not be shown to strangers.
  • Japanese Alternative medicine For better healing, she suggests sprinkling the bite site with ashes from a burnt tuft of dog hair, and the Russian suggests swallowing the hair and applying fresh herring to the wound. However, we would not advise you to try extravagant treatment methods on yourself. It’s easier and safer to limit yourself to official medicine.

Blocked or crossed the road

A white dog portends good luck

  • If a dog crosses the road, do not expect any good or bad. The path will be smooth, and the matter will be resolved satisfactorily, although without much success.
  • It's a different matter if the dog is white, white with black spots, or has a light mark on its head. Here you are guaranteed success.
  • A black dog is a twofold sign. If she crossed the road, it is better to take a different path or you will not avoid failure. And if he follows you or, better yet, caresses your feet, good luck and happiness are just around the corner.


“Oh, so-and-so Bug, she peed on my leg!” Did it happen that your dog raised its paw at you? Don't worry. Apart from hygiene and, in every sense, tarnished self-esteem, no one was harmed. Even more! Urine has long been considered effective means protection from evil spirits, therefore, regard the behavior of a dog (and often these are puppies) as an attempt to protect you from dangers not only in this world, but also in the other world.

Just don’t immediately think that there was an attempt on your life. dark forces! From the point of view of dog handlers, a dog can pee on a person if it is nervous, wants to mark you as “one of its own” or is trying to dominate. In both cases, and in the third case, subtle matters have nothing to do with it. Understand your pet's state of mind or simply start raising it.

Digs a hole

It is considered one of the worst omens if a dog suddenly starts digging in the ground, knocking over outdoor flower pots or digging holes not far from the house. Those who are inclined to trust omens see in this event an indication of a serious illness, and in some cases even the death of the animal’s owner or one of the household members. To remove the sign, the dog should be strictly reined in, and then try to distract it with a treat or a favorite game, so that it does not occur to it to return to the interrupted activity. And at the end of the walk, wash your paws so as not to introduce dirt and germs into the house.

Exploring, digging holes and hiding bones is a normal dog desire.

Obviously, this sign was not invented by a dog lover. If you have ever spent the summer with your pet at the dacha, then you know with what ecstasy these animals sometimes dig in the ground. And in the fall everyone returns to city apartments alive and healthy! Therefore, it is possible and necessary to distract your pet from an activity that frightens you, but you should not worry about this.

Rolling on the ground

  • If a dog rolls on the ground, wind and rain will come. In which direction she is looking at this time, expect bad weather from there.
  • If it lies in the snow, there will be a thaw. And if after this the dogs begin to play and chase each other, a blizzard will blow in the evening.
  • If a dog falls on its back and rubs it against the crust, frost will begin.

Other signs

  • Expect cold weather if the dog hides his nose in his fur.
  • Eating snow means bad weather.
  • Chews grass or climbs into the water - there will be rain.
  • If the dog is stretched out on its stomach, warm weather is ahead; if it curls up in a ball, cold weather will begin. And this is not a simple observation, but scientific fact. Animals are very sensitive to the temperature of the earth, which is why they can make accurate forecasts.
  • Animals tend to be sleepy before long periods of bad weather.

Of course, not all signs have retained their meaning in our time. Some seem hopelessly outdated. Others are downright ridiculous, not to say stupid. And yet, among a dozen beliefs, no, no, and there will be one or two that hit “not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.” So it’s definitely too early to discount the age-old observations of folk wisdom.

Summer is already coming to an end, but dangers in the form of insects will lurk for our pets for a long time. I really liked this article, it doesn’t answer all the questions, but it will make you think.


Most often, dogs are bitten by their relatives, but cases of being bitten by poisonous snakes are also not uncommon. If you did not see how this happened, then finding bite marks on a dog’s body is not an easy task, while measures to save the injured animal should be taken immediately.
Symptoms: agitation, trembling, vomiting, loss of strength, profuse salivation, dilated pupils and rapid pulse.
First aid: prompt injection of specific serum, application of a tourniquet above the bite site (for a bite on the paw), cauterization of the wound with a hot iron, iodine, drinking plenty of fluids (strong tea, coffee, vodka). It is necessary to take the dog to the nearest veterinary hospital as soon as possible.

When stung by a scorpion, there is swelling and pain at the sting site, the dog may limp and whine.
First aid: administration of specific serum, antihistamines (half a tablet of histamine or suprastin, strong tea, coffee with vodka). The injured animal should be taken to a veterinarian.
Stings and stings from bees, wasps, hornets and ants usually cause only a local reaction in dogs. However, in some animals, the reaction to a bite can be unpredictably violent, requiring immediate veterinary intervention.
First aid: try to carefully, if possible, using tweezers, remove the sting, then apply a compress bandage to the stung area. ammonia or vodka. Give the animal half a tablet of an antihistamine, for example Suprastin.

Summer and fall can bring additional excitement for dog owners who take their pets out into the wild. Folk wisdom I noticed a long time ago: “The autumn fly bites angrier.” Of course, no “brutalization” of flies actually occurs. It’s just that in a certain season (in different places this takes place at different times) there is a massive emergence of stinging and blood-sucking insects. They cause a lot of trouble and can cause serious trouble not only to people, but also to their constant companions - dogs. If a dog is poorly trained, then it is possible that it may try to feast on a caterpillar, which is at least inedible, or diversify its diet with ants. So, the topic of today's "Tips" is dangerous insects.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that we will not talk about the traditional enemies of the canine family - fleas, ticks and lice eaters. We will tell you about insects that your dog may encounter by chance while walking through the forest or frolicking in the meadow.
In first place in terms of danger to dogs are representatives of the Hymenoptera family. These are well-known bees, wasps, and bumblebees. Less common are hornets and scolias belonging to the same family. First by appearance They are similar in every way to a wasp, but are significantly larger in size. The latter have the same impressive dimensions as the hornets, but differ from the latter in coloring. Instead of the traditional wasp stripes, the body of Scolia is decorated with two noticeable yellow spots.
The hornet and scolia are distinguished by one more feature: they can sting without landing on the skin (as people say, they “beat”). But this is dangerous only for hairless or cut-haired dogs; the rest are protected by fur.
The least dangerous of all the insects listed above are bees. They are known to sting only once, and not always the entire supply of poison carried by the bee ends up in the body of the victim. Wasps and their relatives are much scarier. Their sting does not have serrations, so the wasp can sting several times, and it will release every drop of poison.
Other insects pose a much lesser threat. Bloodsuckers - mosquitoes and horseflies - do not have poisonous glands. The main danger that awaits a dog bitten by such an insect is an allergic reaction. It occurs in the bloodsucker's saliva, which contains an anticoagulant substance that prevents blood clotting. An anticoagulant is a complex protein compound, allergic(think of a blister after a mosquito bite). But a bloodsucker attack can lead to serious consequences only in extremely rare cases, if the dog (or person) has an extremely severe allergic reaction.
On the next level of danger you can put the midge and the like. Contrary to popular belief, the midge is not a bloodsucker, it is a predator. Powerful “jaws” allow the little aggressor to instantly snatch a piece of dog (or your) skin and fly away with the prey. A single attack only leads to damage to the epidermis, and worst consequences There may be itching and redness of the skin. But if a whole swarm attacks the dog, the skin will be damaged over a significant area. Damage of a similar nature is caused by ants (if the dog is so stupid that it sticks its nose into an anthill). Moreover, they also “treat” the victim’s wounds with formic acid.
Of the caterpillars, the most harmful are the creatures painted in bright “poisonous” colors (however, you don’t need to put quotation marks). Scientists have found that pigments containing poison give particular brightness to the color of insects. If the caterpillar is painted in muted camouflage green-brown tones, then, as a rule, its body does not contain potent toxins. But there is not much to say about caterpillars. Firstly, cases of a dog eating these insects are very rare: the potential prey moves very slowly and therefore is not of “hunting” interest. Secondly, in cases known to veterinarians, an ingested caterpillar causes only mild food poisoning(for information on what to do in case of poisoning, see “Friend” No. 4, 1998).
Once a dog has had a serious encounter with a poisonous insect at least once, it will lose the desire to hunt anything that flies and buzzes for a long time (if not forever). Most likely, the fear that electrical appliances (clippers, vacuum cleaners, mixers, hair dryers) cause in many dogs is explained by the fact that they make a sound similar in character and frequency to the buzzing of a wasp.

The effect of bee or wasp venom on a dog’s body largely depends on where the bite was made. If it gets into the skin, then in most cases it will end in itching, redness and slight swelling. Much more dangerous and common are cases when an insect stings a dog in the oral mucosa. In this case, the dog is the attacking party, trying to catch the “unidentified buzzing object.” In practice, unfortunately, everything can look quite scary. A wasp flew by, the dog clanged its jaws, then whined, and a minute later fell - this is a fairly typical picture of a dog colliding with a poisonous insect.
This happens because the dog unwittingly exposes the most vulnerable area to the bite. In addition to the fact that the mucous membrane is not able to protect the animal as well as the skin, the oral cavity is full of blood vessels and lymph nodes. The blood and lymph flowing in them can spread the poison throughout the body in a matter of minutes. Toxins reach the brain especially quickly. It is extremely dangerous when the bite falls under the tongue: here, in addition to a large number lymph nodes there is a large ganglion. Insect venom poses the greatest danger to small dogs. Their size and relatively high heart rate create optimal conditions For rapid spread poison.
The effect of poison on a dog’s body occurs in two ways. Firstly, it is intoxication. Here, the greatest danger is held by hornets and scolias, which carry a supply of poison that can incapacitate even a large dog. But much more dangerous is the second way through which the poison realizes its deadly power. The name of this path is allergy.

Allergy - local or general reaction body in response to the intake of specific substances and chemical compounds. We can say that in this case an inadequate reaction of the immune system occurs.
With an allergy, the body is affected by the product of its own vital activity - histamine. IN normal conditions histamine is a complex “internal” antidote. It is able to block intercellular exchange, preventing the spread of toxins. When an allergen enters the body, histamine begins to be produced in huge quantities This causes swelling of the membranes and swelling of the intercellular substance.
External manifestations of allergies can be varied: ranging from redness of the skin or a blister when mosquito bite and ending with extensive swelling. In severe cases, Quincke's edema occurs - an acute allergic edema that can develop in just a few minutes. Most often it occurs in the neck area, where it can involve tissue throughout cross section. Unlike superficial edema, when relatively small blood vessels, swelling over the entire cross-section of the neck can compress carotid arteries. In severe cases, the trachea is compressed, which can lead to the death of the animal from suffocation. This situation requires emergency veterinary attention.

The main means of first aid for a dog when bitten by a poisonous insect are cardiac and antihistamines. Of the heart remedies, cordiamine is primarily recommended. It is best to give a subcutaneous injection, but you can also give the medicine in the form of drops (preferably under the tongue). For small dogs the dose is 0.3-0.5 ml, for medium-sized ones - 0.7-1.2 ml and for large ones - 1.5-2.0 ml.
Use antiallergens: diphenhydramine, suprastin, tavegil - preferably also in the form of intramuscular injections. Dosage for small, medium and large dogs respectively 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 ml. If it is impossible to give an injection, then you should give tavegil or suprastin in tablets: a small dog should take half a tablet, a medium one - one, and a large dog - one and a half to two tablets.
It doesn't hurt to give your dog diuretics. For injections, Lasex is recommended - 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 ml, depending on the size. A replacement can be tableted furosemide in a dosage of half a tablet - one to one and a half tablets according to the size of the dog.
If you are bitten by a bloodsucker or midge, you can use any antipruritic ointments: celestoderm, dermazin, lorinden. In this case, antiallergens can be given in tablets.


If your dog is bitten by a wasp, apply anti-inflammatory ointment to the bite site. If the bite is in the throat, take any tube of suitable diameter and insert it into the animal’s trachea so that the swelling does not suffocate it. Contact your veterinarian immediately.

If possible, apply a tourniquet to prevent the venom from spreading, wash the wound with soap and water, and contact your veterinarian immediately.
This occurs quite often in the summer, especially in animals that spend a long time free-ranging outside the city. Bites cause sharply painful tissue swelling, in some cases it is possible to develop acute allergic reactions of the type anaphylactic shock With fatal, because Most bites are accompanied by the introduction into the blood (with saliva) of quite powerful allergens, which are toxins for the dog’s body. In any case, before taking dogs to places where they may be attacked by various insects (bees, ants, wasps, flies, etc.), it is necessary to treat them with repellents - preparations that repel insects and ticks.
As for snakes, most of them do not attack themselves, but only when provoked, therefore, in places where encounters with these reptiles are possible (warm, humid, swampy meadows), better than dogs don't walk.
Symptoms of bites mainly boil down to the appearance of a sharply increasing in size, very painful swelling, sometimes possible general symptoms in the form of shortness of breath, chills, elevated temperature, weakness, sometimes vomiting; if the animal is prone to allergies, an allergic reaction may develop, accompanied by pulmonary edema, acute heart failure and death.
Treatment consists of removing general and local symptoms. First of all, it is necessary to give the dog a sedative (tincture of valerian, valocordin 1 drop per 1 kg of weight in a teaspoon of water), an anesthetic (analgin, baralgin 1/2 - 1 tablet), an antihistamine (suprastin) - if there is no vomiting. Apply a cold disinfectant compress (ice with any local antiseptic such as dioxidine, chlorhexidine, etc.) to the bite site. When bitten by snakes, it is strictly not recommended to cut the bite site. In any case, the bitten animal must be immediately taken to the nearest hospital for anti-shock and detoxification therapy.
And one moment. For snake bites, specific serum is not administered to the animal. Firstly, the very question of their introduction is controversial, because Their effect even on people has not been fully studied, and secondly, to administer the serum it is necessary to know exactly the type of snake, and, as a rule, the owners are not able to report this.

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