Home Oral cavity Child's eye color chart. How to find out the eye color of your unborn child

Child's eye color chart. How to find out the eye color of your unborn child

Parents are very excitedly awaiting the birth of their baby and have already visualized what their baby will be like. Someone dreams of a fair-haired, blue-eyed girl, and someone dreams of a swarthy and dark boy in brown eyes.

However, nature decreed otherwise and a child is born who did not take on the eye color from his parents, as they would have liked. Why does this happen?

Again, in this case, everything has its explanation at the genetic level. You need to understand that the genes of close relatives in the family can play a big role and influence changes in eye color.

For example, brown-eyed parents give birth to a baby with blue eyes. This could happen. For example, light-skinned parents give birth to a dark-skinned child. If you remember your relatives, perhaps one of the parents would have a black grandfather or grandmother. This explains it all.

Child eye color: table and main varieties

The teaching of genetics, included in the course of biology, in addition to determining the type of face and other physical properties child, also considers the factors influencing the tone of the irises. This theory suggests several formation options. There are two main genes that form the eye color of a child’s parents, a table of the varieties of which will help predict the future shade - these are genes located on chromosomes 15 and 19.

Genes that form color

Gene 15 of chromosome. To determine what eye color a child will have, the table should include the main tones and shades. The fifteenth gene creates a brown or blue color. The dominant tone here is brown. A brown-eyed woman and a blue-eyed (green-eyed) man will have brown-eyed children, and their grandchildren will have unpredictable coloring.

Gene 19 of chromosome creates green or blue (gray, blue) colors. Here the dominant tone is green, but if at least one brown 15th gene is present, then, regardless of the presence of the 19th gene, the iris will be brown. Two green 19th genes, as well as blue plus green, create a green tone, and two blue ones create a blue tone. To make it easier to understand how to determine the eye color of the unborn child, the table should be viewed horizontally.

Green shade, which includes eye color chart

In babies with green eyes, the iris usually has brown specks or a predominance of marsh coloring. Completely green eye color is almost never observed in newborns. This tone, regardless of shade, is due to the low melanin content. The green color of the irises is also influenced by the presence of the pigment lipofuscin.

Gray and blue color

The corresponding eye color of a child from his parents, which is shown in the table, is explained by the density of the shell: the tissue of the outer layers, the denser, the lighter the tone. The highest fiber density is observed in light gray irises. Gray coloring, like blue, is more typical of Europeans. To identify the color of a child’s eyes, a table is considered the most visual way.

Blue color

This color is obtained as a result of the content of the corresponding pigment in the outer layers. Low density of the outer layer gives a light color, and vice versa. To determine what eye color a child will have, the table is the most convenient option. Moreover, there are no blue fibers in the iris - light hitting the surface is scattered, and only part of the rays is absorbed inner layer, filled with melanin. Thus, with the combination of all these factors, we observe the tone of the babies’ eyes, in this case, a blue iris.

Child's brown eye color: table

These tones are considered the most common - this is due to the fact that there is a high amount of melanin pigment in the iris. In addition, the gene containing information about brown or black coloring is dominant. A table of the eye colors of the unborn child will help determine the tone. Black coloring in babies is more common in Asian countries.

What kind of eyes will the child have?

Most frequently asked question, which occurs in future parents - what kind of eyes will the baby be born with? Many people dream of a blue-eyed girl, while others dream of a brown-eyed boy.

In order to determine what eye color will be, you can use a special determination table.

As can be seen from the table, if both parents with same color eyes, then the probability is close to 99% that the baby will have exactly the same eyes.

Of course, this table is close to ideal, but we must remember that nature also has its gifts and surprises. Sometimes, the baby’s parents expect one thing, but in reality the baby is born with a completely different eye color.

How to understand the table for calculating eye color in a child?

How can you understand the table and use it without doubt?

Let's take a closer look:

  1. The first situation is when both parents have brown eyes, then in this case there is a 75% chance that the baby will be born with brown eyes, 18.75% that the baby will be born with green eyes and 6.25% blue eyes.
  2. The second situation is when one parent has brown eyes and the other has green eyes. In this case, 50% of the child may be born with brown eyes, 37.5% with green and 12.5% ​​with blue.
  3. The third situation is when one parent has brown eyes and the other has blue eyes, then there is a 50% chance that the child will have brown eyes, 0% green eyes and 50% blue eyes.
  4. The fourth situation is when both parents have green eyes, then the probability of green eyes reaches 75%, and blue eyes 25%.
  5. The fifth situation is when partners have blue and green eyes. With this mixing, there is a 99% chance that the child will take on blue eye color from his parents, as well as a 1% chance of green eyes.

As you can see, everything is quite logical and there is an explanation for everything. It is worth adhering to the opinion that the likelihood of adopting one or another eye color depends on the eye color of the partners. Therefore, there can be no difficulties in determining eye color.

However, you should always remember that there are exceptions to the rules and often, even in the case of a 0% probability of the formation of any eye color, it is possible that the baby will have exactly this eye color.

We must take into account genetics, which cannot be changed, let alone influenced. All the same, processes carried out at the genetic level have a certain power, and even more so, it is impossible for anyone to influence such processes.

Of course, when crossing genes, different options are possible, both the most obvious and the most unexpected for the baby’s parents.

Therefore, it is better to rejoice at the birth of a baby and do everything to keep his eyes healthy and maintain the health of such an important organ throughout his life.

Each trait in the body is inherited according to a specific type and is encoded in six different genes. This means that depending on the presence of signs in both the father and mother of the child, the amount of melanin in the baby can be predicted. This amount will determine the corresponding shade of the iris.

What exactly determines the color of a child's eyes? The coloring itself is determined by the presence of a specific organic compound– melanin pigment. The stroma (the supporting structure of organs) contains melanocytes, or pigment cells, that produce melanin. The more pigment contained in the stroma, the more intense the coloring of the eyes.

There are three main gradations of pigment content:

  • blue – minimum quantity;
  • green – average;
  • brown – maximum.

The trait is also influenced by chemical variations in the organic compound. The pattern depends on the amount of melanin, which determines the skin tone as a whole.

There are rare cases of specific genetic pathology, when melanin in the cells of the iris is completely absent. Then the translucent blood vessels give the eyes a red tint.

Blue color

Using the table, let's assume what kind of eyes the baby will have, not forgetting that each color has several nuances. Brown - not only brown, also honey, amber, onyx; blue ones are indigo or brilliant blue, and among the gray ones there are silver or pewter.

Despite scientific knowledge and genetics, it is worth remembering: to all the rules and laws, life always presents surprising exceptions.

And a little extra interesting information You can find out from the following video.

The table for determining a child's eye color differs from ordinary tables because it contains few numbers and meanings. The table with the Rh factor is compiled in a similar way; they are similar to each other. The left column represents combinations of pairs of parents' eyes, depicted in the form of color drawings: brown brown, brown green, blue green, etc.

The top line of the table also depicts the eyes with the color that the born baby may have: brown, green or blue-gray. And at the intersection of columns and rows the probability values ​​are indicated as a percentage. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand the sign.

For example, if one of the parents has blue eyes, and the other has brown eyes, the probability that the newborn will develop a brown tint as it grows up is 50%, and blue-gray is 50%, and the probability of green eyes is 0 %. You can understand the information for other options in a similar way.

Marina, mother of one-year-old Nastya: “My parents and I have dark brown eyes, and my husband has green. Even before Nastya was born, we looked at tables for determining the color of a child’s eyes and wondered what color her eyes would be. According to the sign, it was most likely that her eyes would be a copy of mine. We were very surprised when we saw its dark gray shade, but knew we had to wait.

Eye color is passed on genetically from grandparents to our grandchildren. During pregnancy, many parents are eager to find out what eye color their unborn child will have. All answers and tables for calculating eye color are in this article. Good news for those who want to pass on their exact eye color to their descendants: it is possible.

Recent research in the field of genetics has discovered new data on the genes that are responsible for eye color (previously 2 genes were known that were responsible for eye color, now there are 6). At the same time, today genetics does not have answers to all questions regarding eye color. However, there is a general theory that, even taking into account latest research, gives a genetic basis for eye color. Let's consider it.

So: every person has at least 2 genes that determine eye color: the HERC2 gene located on human chromosome 15, and the GEY gene (also called EYCL 1), which is located on chromosome 19.

Below is a diagram that shows the “chances of success” of a particular eye color (in % ratio) depending on the eye color of the parents.

Also look at the site - determining the color of a child’s eyes by the eye color of the baby’s parents and the eye color of your parents. This is an English-language resource, but it won’t be difficult to figure out what’s what.

How reliable is this? Let's check it together! Please let us know in the comments whether the eye color in reality coincided with the predictions calculated and proposed using these methods.

How is a baby's eye color determined?

As you know, the color of a baby's eyes can have different shades. Depending on conditions, mood, weather and even time of day, it may undergo some changes. Various diseases, stress and injuries can permanently change the color of a child’s iris, which is due to the complex processes of healing and restoration of the structure of the eyeball.

The following factors can cause changes in eye color:

  • long crying;
  • natural or artificial lighting;
  • weather;
  • the color of the clothes the baby wears;
  • infectious diseases of the eyeball and eyelids;
  • child nutrition;
  • lack of sleep;
  • eyeball injuries.

How can you correctly determine the color of a child’s eyes? Wait until your baby is in a good-natured mood: full, happy and cheerful. Bring the baby closer to the light source and look carefully at his eyes. Most often it is very difficult to distinguish between blue and green shades.

The child is a big joy for every family and, of course, his parents will love him in any way, this generally does not depend on what color his eyes are or what structure his hair is. Although many couples still try to imagine their future child even before his appearance in our world and try to predict what eye color the child will have. A table developed by scientists and based on genetics can really help to at least approximately determine what color a child’s eyes might turn out to be.

What determines the color of the irises

Before you get acquainted with the very table, which with one degree of probability or another can help determine which of the possible shades the iris will be painted in, it is worth understanding what the color primarily depends on, what affects the color of the eyes in principle. So, in any person or even animal, the color of the iris is determined by the presence of a special dark pigment called melanin. It is its concentration that will have the maximum impact on the resulting color. It’s not difficult to guess - the more dark coloring substance there is in the iris, the brighter and darker the eyes will turn out, and the less of it, accordingly, the lighter.

On a note! If there is no melanin in the body at all, then people are born albinos, having very light skin and pale hair. They will also have red eyes. Such an unusual and even frightening color appears due to translucent fabrics. blood vessels.

The amount of coloring pigment in the body actually depends only on genetics, that is, it is determined by heredity. There are more people with dark eyes in the world relative to the total number, but those who have light eyes are much smaller. So the likelihood of having a dark-eyed baby is significantly higher than that of a light-eyed baby. Also, in some cases, the shade may change during life. For example, people with light-colored irises may notice over time that they have darkened - scientists associate this with the process of increasing and accumulating melanin. In older people, the irises may, on the contrary, become very light. Sometimes the shade changes due to some pathology.

What shades are there?

Usually there are only 4 main eye shades - bold green, romantic blue, attractive brown and strict gray. But in fact there are several more of them than we think.

Table. Basic eye colors.


The stroma of the eyeball is of moderate density, its fibers are grayish. Scientists note that the denser the stroma, the lighter the human eye. It is generally accepted that the blue tint is the result of a mutation in a certain gene that affects the production of melanin. According to research, this mutation formed in nature at least 10 thousand years ago.

In this case, the person has a dark blue iris. There is very little melanin contained. The result of the appearance of this color is the effect of the scattering of light rays in the stroma. The inside of the iris is always dark, and the stroma in blue-eyed people has little density. Newly born children usually have such eyes.

Green irises appear due to a small amount of melanin and a special pigment called lipofuscin, which is characterized by a yellow or brownish color. The effect of this “symbiosis” is green eyes. In this case, by the way, the iris can have a number of shades and be unevenly colored. The presence of such a shade is very rare. They occur more often in women than in men.

This shade is due to the presence of a higher density in the stroma. With a relatively low density, the iris is colored bluish-gray. Gray-eyed people may have slightly grayish eyes due to the presence of some melanin.

That's great rarity. This color variation is associated with the presence of a large amount of lipofuscin. But often this color is associated with certain health problems - for example, kidney disease.

These eyes can often appear golden yellow and sometimes coppery. The phenomenon is associated with the content of lipofuscin. There are light amber and dark amber shades, among which it is customary to distinguish others, even red-brown.

There is a lot of dark pigment. The irises take on a distinct brown color. This shade is the most common in nature.

Also, an iris of this shade is called green-brown. Melanin is present, but in fairly moderate quantities. The combination of melanin and a blue-blue tint is the brown color of varying intensity. The irises can be both somewhat yellowish and greenish due to the heterogeneity of color.

A shade that appears due to a significant amount of dark coloring pigment. By the way, eyeball itself in this case may have a slightly yellowish or grayish tint. Usually Mongoloids have this color. Even their children are often born with dark eyes, and not blue, like others.

On a note! There are also people who have radically different iris colors. This unusual phenomenon is called. Because of this “joke of nature,” the eyes may be completely different in color from each other or partially. The phenomenon occurs more often in animals; it occurs less frequently in humans, although it also occurs.

Baby's eye color

Most children (at least 90%, according to statistics) come into this world with blue or deep blue eyes. But during the first few months of life, the iris darkens. So the eyes of a child who has just seen the world are not an indicator of what color they will be in the future. It is possible to finally say what color it will be only when the young person turns 10-12 years old. Before this, serious changes in shade can be noted.

Only 10% of all children born in the world have dark, almost black eyes immediately after birth. This aspect is associated with certain factors, including race, as well as heredity, etc. Moreover, if a child has light-colored eyes (for example, blue), then they can gradually change from light to dark color, while dark, most likely, they will only lighten a little with age.


Finding out the eye color of a child expected in the near future is a desire that comes to every parent. But without proper knowledge it will be extremely difficult to guess even possible variant. There are several hypotheses that allow us to predict the shade of a baby’s eyes. But so far, in fact, scientists rely only on Mendel’s law. It is this law that allows us to assume not only the color of the iris, but even the color of the baby’s hair and is based only on genetics.

On a note! The dark gene can be called the main one, it is dominant. That is, it almost always prevails over light. This process was described by Mendel himself, and other scientists also spoke about it. They fully described this pattern and recorded possible exceptions to the rules.

According to the law mentioned above, A dark-eyed father and mother are more likely to produce a brown-eyed child than a light-eyed one.. But descendants in subsequent generations can easily appear with very light eyes if the gene that determines this feature is present in the parents’ family.

If the father and mother themselves have different shade iris, then their babies will most likely inherit the darker one. Or the iris will turn into an average color between the two shades of the ancestors’ eyes. A light-eyed father and mother can hope for a blue-eyed baby.

On a note! Knowing your ancestors well and understanding genetics, you can really calculate and find out what your son or daughter will look like before birth. But sometimes babies can be fundamentally different from their ancestors, not to mention the similarity in eye color. Genetics is to blame for everything.

If you believe the tables that scientists have developed, if both parents have blue irises, children with a significant probability of 99% will also be born with blue ones. And only 1% admit that the fruit of love will have green irises. If the parents are green-eyed, then the chances of getting a green-eyed child increase to 50%. And they become approximately the same if one of the pair has brown eyes.

But parents with green eyes, as a rule, do not always give birth to green-eyed children. The probability of such an outcome of the situation is 75%, and no one can accurately and confidently state that the child will not belong to the other 25%, among which there is a 24% chance that he will be born blue-eyed, and 1% - brown-eyed.

If you have a green-eyed father and a brown-eyed mother, you can expect a brown-eyed child with a 50% chance. But it is possible (and the probability is 37.5%) that the child will inherit green irises from his dad. In 12.5%, the child may even turn out to be blue-eyed. If both ancestors have brown eyes, then the probability of having a child with a different shade of irises is approximately the following: 19% - green, 6% - blue.


It will not be possible to determine the color of your son or daughter’s eyes as accurately as possible in advance. But you can try to guess what shade their iris will be. It is also recommended to remember that the impact on appearance The child is influenced by the genes of his great-grandparents, and not just the parents themselves.

On a note! The color of the iris, as it turns out, is controlled by six genes at once, interacting with each other according to a special pattern. Previously, scientists thought that only 2 genes were involved in creating shade.

One of the genes, which, according to the theory, is responsible for coloring, is located on chromosome 15, the second on chromosome 19. And both of them have copies that are passed on to the child both from the mother and from the other parent.

Hazel, brown, dark color and, whatever one may say, they are dominant. So a light-eyed man will “lose” to a brown-eyed woman - the child will most likely turn out dark-eyed. But the eyes of this couple’s grandchildren can have any color and shade.

How to determine the eye color of your planned baby

Step 1. It is required to evaluate the color of the irises of the father and mother, that is, the parents.

Step 3. You need to understand at least the basics of genetics in order to understand how a person’s eye color is formed.

Step 4. It is necessary to understand what any shade of the iris generally depends on.

Step 5. It is recommended to compare all the features and facts and, based on Mendel’s law, derive an assumption that will make it possible to understand what color of the irises the baby will end up with and with what probability.

Step 6. You can do it simpler - open a ready-made table that allows you to evaluate the combination of different eye colors, and use it to see what your eyes might turn out like.

Video – What will your baby look like?

Genetics is a very interesting, but not easy science, but it is precisely this that will allow us to guess and try to calculate what color the baby’s eyes might turn out to be. But, be that as it may, it is not the color of the eyes that is important in a child, but the presence good health. So trying to determine the shade of the iris of a new family member can only be for your own interest.

Today, special tables have been developed that make it possible to determine the color of a child’s eyes with a high degree of probability. To do this, you need to know what kind of irises his parents have.

What determines the color of a child’s iris?

Each trait in the body is inherited according to a specific type and is encoded in six different genes. This means that depending on the presence of signs in both the father and mother of the child, the amount of melanin in the baby can be predicted. This amount will determine the corresponding shade of the iris.

What exactly determines the color of a child's eyes? The coloring itself is determined by the presence of a specific organic compound - the pigment melanin. The stroma (the supporting structure of organs) contains melanocytes, or pigment cells, that produce melanin. The more pigment contained in the stroma, the more intense the coloring of the eyes.

There are three main gradations of pigment content:

  • blue – minimum quantity;
  • green – average;
  • brown – maximum.

The trait is also influenced by chemical variations in the organic compound. The pattern depends on the amount of melanin, which determines the skin tone as a whole.

There are rare cases of specific genetic pathology when melanin in the cells of the iris is completely absent. Then the translucent blood vessels give the eyes a red tint.

How does inheritance work?

The trait is inherited in a polygenic manner. It is impossible to reliably know what the eye color of the unborn child will be. There is a certain probability that the formation of the baby's iris is determined by the color of the parents' eyes. But exceptions are possible. It is believed that a trait is 90% determined by the laws of genetics, and 10% depends on the influence of factors environment.

The probability of staining of the iris in a child as a percentage can be presented in the following table:

Iris staining in parents Probability of manifestation of the corresponding sign (%)
At the mother's At my father's Brown Green Blue
Brown Brown 75 18,75 6,25
Green Brown 50 37,5 12,5
Blue Brown 50 0 50
Green Green Less than 1 75 25
Green Blue 0 50 50
Blue Blue 0 1 99

The likelihood of a child exhibiting a symptom is influenced by several environmental factors, which include:

  • Insolation . With intense exposure to the iris sunlight containing the ultraviolet spectrum, the likelihood of a gradual reactive increase in pigment concentration increases. It is this that blocks excess ultraviolet rays.
  • Pathological conditions . They are associated with changes in metabolism and melanin synthesis (hemosiderosis, siderosis, albinism). These eye color changes do not follow the laws of genetic inheritance and are rare.
  • Age-related changes . The older the person, the worse the intensity metabolic processes in his body. This affects melanin synthesis, which is why eyes and skin become pale as we age. The appearance of gray hair is also associated with changes in the metabolism of pigment compounds.

Against the background of studying the specifics of polygenic inheritance of the trait, the following facts were revealed that attract attention:

  • Residents of the Caucasus region have blue eye color as their dominant color.
  • Green irises are rare. Only 2% of the world's population have them.
  • Green eye color is especially common among the Turkish population.
  • A feature of green shades is heterochromia. This condition is characterized different colors right and left eyes (for example, brown and blue, blue and green).
  • In a small number of cases, local heterochromia is recorded. It is distinguished by changes in color within one iris. The intense black coloration of a small round area of ​​the iris can be confused with an additional pupil.
  • There is a clear relationship between skin, hair and eye color. The darker a person's skin and hair, the darker the iris.
  • The property is simultaneously encoded in six genes that are located on different chromosomes. This is the main reason for polygenic inheritance, which makes it possible to predict retinal staining only with a certain degree of probability.
  • Brown is considered the dominant eye color when dyeing. In a small number of cases, parents with brown irises may have a blue-eyed baby. The likelihood of this will be higher if one or both parents have blue eyes in their immediate family. This indicates that the parents’ genotype contains recessive genes encoding blue color.
  • Some genes that determine the amount of melanin in cells may be linked to other properties, including pathological conditions. Therefore, if there is congenital diseases parents must comply genetic research at the stage of pregnancy planning. This helps to predict possible pathology in the child and take measures to prevent it.

The color of a child's iris does not always match the color of the parents' eyes. Doctors warn about this even at the stage of pregnancy planning. It is impossible to reliably predict what eye color a child will be born with, because the formation of this trait depends on many factors, both internal and external.

Useful video on how to find out the eye color of your unborn child

The color of a child’s eyes is determined by genetics and nothing else. This science makes it possible, at least to some extent, to find out a lot about your baby, what he will look like, and even what diseases he will inherit. But unfortunately, moms and dads won’t be able to know 100% whether their beloved baby will look at you with blue, brown or green eyes.

Eye color of a newborn baby

All babies are born with blue eyes. And this is far from a myth, although there is a percentage of babies who are born with a dark iris. It all depends on the amount of melanin - a pigment that saturates our skin with a beautiful dark shade, and our eyes with a dark chocolate color. Children, when born, have practically no melanin (there is a very small amount of pigment), therefore light color skin and Blue eyes- norm and standard. Although, if both parents are dark-skinned and everyone in the family is dark-eyed, the child may be born with light brown eyes, since they have a larger amount of pigment in the iris than those with light eyes. Over time, melanin appears and accumulates more and more in the iris of the eyes, and they can change their color.

There are exceptions, for example, if the pigment is completely absent, the baby may be born with red eyes, like albino eyes, because its capillaries are completely visible. Another exception is the disease heterochromia, in which case the baby will be born with eyes of different colors, for example, one gray, the other green-brown.

When does a child's eye color change?

Thanks to genetic data, many babies change their eye color in favor of the one determined by their parents (the dominant gene of one of the parents). Or rather, it changes on its own, at the age of about 9 months, sometimes earlier, but mostly later.

The exact and final eye color of a child can be seen at the age of two years. Some children's eyes may darken even at three or four years old. There are known cases that already in adulthood, at school, for example, children acquired a different eye color, from bright blue irises they turned into brown eyes. When enough melanin has accumulated, then the eyes decide on color.

In general, eye color is determined by genetics, but if we talk specifically about the shade itself, then the amount of melanin in the iris of the eye plays a role; how much more or less there is of it depends on whether the child will have blue, green, or brown color.

What color will the child's eyes be?

It is not necessary that eye color can change from gray to brown. Even if the parents are proud owners of dark brown eyes, the baby may inherit a light shade from distant relatives, for example, a great-grandfather or great-great-grandmother. Genetic tests, analyzes and tasks can, although not 100%, reveal the secret of what eye color a child will have after birth.

It all depends on what color eyes the parents have. In their DNA there are dominant and recessive genes that are responsible for eye color and other things, so the gene for a dark shade of the iris is dominant, that is, the winner, it is stronger, which means the recessive, weak gene will easily win light eyes, blue or light green.

There are exceptions when both parents are brown-eyed, but the child, on the contrary, has a light eye shade. There is nothing surprising in this, since genes are mixed over generations, and one gene may be lost, but found in your baby. For example, when a light-skinned couple gives birth to a dark-skinned baby, and after all the genetic tests it becomes clear that the parents, several generations ago, had, for example, a dark-skinned great-great-grandfather.

Blue eye color in a child

It would seem, what is the difference between blue and blue eyes, by and large. But science and medicine think differently. Let's look a little more closely, the eye has an outer (ectodermal) and an inner (endodermal) layer of the iris, the inner layer is filled with melanin, to a greater or lesser extent. But the outer one, especially in infants, contains a tiny fraction of pigment, and the less of it, as well as the less density of the ectodermal (outer) layer of the iris, the brighter and lighter the color of the child’s eyes.

But do not be mistaken that the eye has fibers of blue color, this is wrong. When light falls on the stroma (a layer of eye tissue consisting of fibers and vessels) of the iris, it is scattered, some rays are absorbed by the endodermal layer (the inner one filled with melanin), and some are reflected, it all depends on the frequency of the rays (high frequency and low frequency rays). Thus, we see a certain eye color in the baby, in in this case- blue.

Gray or blue eye color in a child

The gray and blue color of the baby's eyes is also due to the density of the outer shell of the iris. The more densely packed the fibers (the fibers of the outer layer have a lightish tint) of the ectodermal layer of the iris, the lighter the tint they will have. Light grey eyes– the fiber density of the outer layer is very high.

Interestingly, blue and gray eyes are predominantly found among Europeans. Today, this simple and unpretentious eye shade (meaning blue) appeared as a result of a mutation in our genes. This happened about 8 thousand years ago; before that there were no people with a similar blue tint. Therefore, we can say that blue eye color in a child is not uncommon.

Green eye color in a child

People practically don’t have completely green eyes; this is rare, because usually babies have eyes with a green tint, a marsh color or interspersed with brown dots; such eyes are also called “honey eyes”. But no matter what shade of green the child’s eyes are, this is due to a small amount of melanin pigment.

Also green color A child’s eye appears due to the presence in the outer layer of the iris of another pigment that has a light brownish tint, lipofuscin. Because of which, together with scattered light and rays that absorb the inner pigmented layer of the iris, various shades of green are obtained, from light to dark, swampy.

Together with green eyes The child, judging by genetic statistics, also inherits the gene that determines red hair color. And one more fact: there are many more green-eyed girls and women on the planet than men. It is also interesting that lipofuscin has the ability to both accumulate and disappear from cells, which is probably why people have chameleon eyes only when their base eye color is green.

Brown and black eye color in a child

Brown eyes, because the gene that carries this information shade, is dominant, the most common. There are the largest number of people in the world with brown eyes. A large amount of melanin pigment in the iris of a baby’s eye determines this shade.

A few words about the black tint of the baby’s eyes, not brown, but black. Is not a rare event, but is common among Asians. The fact is that the amount of pigment in the outer layer of the iris is very large; from birth, babies' eyes become very dark. Light, when it hits the iris and stroma, is completely absorbed, so other shades are not visible.

Interestingly, the largest number of brown-eyed children are born in countries with hot climates, for example, in South America, Africa. It's all about genetics and such an interesting thing as evolution. Nature gave us a great chance to adapt to the weather and climatic conditions, because in warm countries it is very sunny, a person needs to be protected from burns and heatstroke, etc. Evolution kindly provided a large amount of melanin to peoples living in hot countries, thereby protecting them from the scorching sun. But this is not 100% of cases; there is always a chance that the child’s eye color will be something you have never even seen.

The babies even have yellow and purple eyes. The purple tint is very rare, practically never found, such an interesting anomaly is almost always caused by albinism. This also applies to red-eyed newborn babies, due to discolored iris and complete absence melanin, blood vessels and capillaries are illuminated. Therefore, it is difficult for people with albinism to look at the sun, it is painful and even dangerous.

This is interesting:

Eye color may change. Most often this happens: in extreme cold; when changing artificial light to daylight; when changing the color of clothes. Eyes of blue, gray and green shades are most susceptible to such fluctuations.

About 1% of people on the globe have different colour left iris

and right eye.

On average, 1 person in 20 thousand is born with a so-called albino.

The iris of the human eye is individual. It can be used to determine a person's identity, just like fingerprints.

The whites of the eyes help to better determine the internal mood and direction of the interlocutor’s gaze.

There are only 7 primary colors that the human eye can distinguish. These colors of the rainbow are: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. In addition to the primary colors, a person can distinguish up to 100,000 shades.

You won't be able to sneeze with your eyes open!

The most interesting thing for future parents is to think whether the baby will be a girl or a boy, whose nose the baby will have and what kind of eyes he will have - blue, like his mother's, brown, like his grandfather's, or maybe green, like his great-grandmother's? With gender, it’s somehow simpler, on an ultrasound, if the mother wants, they will most likely tell who will be born, but what about eye color? After all, I can’t wait to imagine how the baby will be born! With appearance, everything is not so simple, but the “mirror of the soul”... You can guess the color of the child’s eyes. A table for determining the shade of the iris exists and will help with this.

Newborn's eyes

What color the baby's eyes will be is determined in the first trimester of pregnancy, or more precisely towards its end, in the eleventh week. But almost without exception, babies are born with only occasionally dark-eyed newborns. This does not mean that the color will not change. By about a year, sometimes even by three to five, the eyes become the way nature intended them, or, if you want, which genes predominate in the baby. The child's eye color changes just in time for this period of life, starting from 6-9 months. Only in brown-eyed people will it become permanent in the first months. It happens that a baby is born with eyes of different colors. This phenomenon occurs in approximately one percent of cases out of a hundred and is called heterochromia.

Melanin, which is responsible for the color of the eyes and is released when exposed to light, is simply not produced in the mother’s tummy. This explains why all newborns have the same. So, don’t torture yourself trying to discern the color of your beloved baby’s eyes. Be patient, you will soon see what the baby is like.

Child's eye color and genetics

Many people remember how they said in biology classes that brown eye color dominates over others. This, of course, is true, but even if the eyes of both mothers and fathers are the same, there is still a small chance of giving birth to a child with green eyes or a blue iris. So put jealousy aside, turn on your brains and begin to figure out why, what and why. It’s no secret that some couples break up precisely because brown-eyed parents give birth to a bright-eyed child.

Of course, relying on science, you can understand genetics. After all, it is she who gives the answer to the question of what eye color the child will have. There is an agreement that eyes, like hair, are inherited according to the principle of the predominance of genes responsible for dark color. Gregor Mendel, a scientist-monk, discovered this law of inheritance more than a hundred years ago. For example, with dark parents the children will most likely be the same, but with light parents it will be the other way around. A child born from people with different phenotypes may be average in hair and eye color - between both. Naturally, there are exceptions, but these are rare.

Determining eye color

Everything described above can be presented in table form. Based on it, everyone will presumably determine the color of the baby’s eyes.

How to determine the eye color of your unborn child. Table
parents eye colorbaby eye color
browngreen browngreen
++ 75% 18,75% 6,25%
+ + 50% 37,5% 12,5%
+ + 50% 0% 50%
++ 75% 25%
+ + 0% 50% 50%
++ 0% 1% 99%

It is not difficult to understand what the child’s eye color will be. The table according to which this can be done confirms Mendel’s law, but the same exceptions to the rules remain in the form of an insignificant percentage. No one knows what nature will do.

By the way, the fact that dark color is dominant at the genetic level has led to the predominance of brown-eyed people throughout the world. According to some reports, the child will not have light eye color at all in the future.

Blue-eyed people, according to scientists, did not exist at all ten thousand years ago. Everyone with this iris shade has the same ancestor, according to researchers.

Has fewer people than any other. Due to the fact that only every fiftieth resident has this shade, there are different times and among various peoples, according to tradition, they were either burned at the stake, or praised and treated with respect, endowing them with witchcraft abilities in both cases. And even today brown-eyed people have to hear that they have evil eye and they can put the evil eye on someone.

Among the various variations of the three main shades of the iris, it is very rare to find people with red eyes from blood vessels. Although they look unpleasant and even scary, they are not to blame for the fact that they were born albinos. Melanin, due to which the irises of the eyes differ in color, is practically absent in such people.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul

And one more interesting fact, some paid attention to it, some did not, but the color of the eyes of most, if not all, light-eyed people changes depending on their mood, well-being, color of clothing, and in stressful situations.

The color of a child’s eyes is no exception. The table above will not tell you about this, and there are no specific rules here. Everything is individual. Basically, when the baby is hungry, the eyes darken. and is capricious - they become cloudy. If she cries, the color is closer to green, and when she is happy with everything, the color is closer to blue. Maybe this is why they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul.

Many parents of the unborn baby and their relatives try to determine the color of the child’s eyes. The table created for this helps them, of course. But it’s more important that the baby is born healthy. And it is much more interesting to watch how the baby will change and what his eyes, nose, hair will become, and not know in advance. The little one will grow up, and you will see whether he is bright-eyed or vice versa.

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