Home Wisdom teeth Spells and prayers for cancer. How to cure cancer with magic

Spells and prayers for cancer. How to cure cancer with magic

Religious reading: prayer spells for cancer to help our readers.

Not always traditional medicine can help a person recover from a terrible illness, and when all faith in a complete recovery is lost, unconventional medicine can come to the rescue.

Conspiracy to reduce illness to a straw doll

A conspiracy in which a disease is transferred to a straw doll is considered one of the most powerful and effective rituals of a kind. To do this, you need to create a straw doll and sew an outfit for it from the clothes of a sick person.

Then put such a doll in a circle drawn on the ground, and after saying certain words of the conspiracy, burn it. The words of the conspiracy for this ritual are as follows:

I remove the disease from God’s servant (name),

I put straw on my soul,

I put it on, dress it up, say:

You, straw idol, take the illness upon yourself,

And take away the pain from God’s servant (name).

And my word will be strong, molded and tenacious to an idol.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

What are some conspiracies or prayers for leg disease?

A special ritual will help to get rid of leg disease, which should be read to a sick person on a foggy and cloudy night, such that not a single star can be seen in the sky. During such a night, you need to sit near the window and, crossing your legs, say the words of prayer:

“Lomotica, tweezers, bone radimesis,

All joints and semi-joints, tops,

Treaders, don't creak,

Do not hurt the servant of God (name),

So that she doesn't suffer anymore, let her sleep.

After reading the prayer, you need to go to bed. Also, the words of this conspiracy can be replaced with the following:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Not on four legs, but on two legs and two arms,

Not to grow on bones, but to bloom on nettles.

Don't whine from pain, but be healthy.

I close my words, I close my business.

Tame, Lord, what hurts.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Conspiracy against stomach and lung cancer

The ritual of getting rid of stomach cancer is done on water, which is spoken with prayers during the waning moon with the following words:

Cancer: prickly, powerful, oppressive, growing, fiery, fatty, internal, smelly, watery, creeping, poisonous, poisonous, rotting, bloody, granular, ripening, serging, cereal. Mother of God! You help everyone, you alleviate all sorts of illnesses. Quench other illnesses of cancer and all his titles from the servant of God (name), in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

In the morning, the charmed water should be drunk in small sips with the words: “Cleanse and heal the Servant of God (name). About cancer. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A conspiracy against lung cancer is carried out according to the same principle as for stomach cancer, and the words of the prayer that the patient says into the water should be as follows:

“My heavenly angel, please protect me!

And I don’t know where the soul can find salvation.

The abyss opens its black arms to me,

Bright Savior, provide your wing!

Please save and preserve me! Amen!"

Read the conspiracy against cancer and tear the black thread

Carrying out a ritual against cancer with black threads is quite effective and efficient. To carry out such a ritual, you need to wait for the waning moon, sit near the window at midnight, take a large spool of black thread and tear off small pieces of thread, while saying the following words of the conspiracy:

“How this thread breaks, breaks, breaks,

So tear yourself up, cancer, tear yourself apart,

Don't let yourself grow.

There is no place for you on the body of God's servant (name),

How can I not leave threads on this spool? Amen".

Conspiracy from oncology

To carry out a conspiracy against oncology, you need to find the most dried out bush in the birch forest. Break off the lower dried branches from it and make an improvised cross out of them. After this, you should go to the intersection and set fire to the branches in the form of a cross. As soon as the smoke begins to develop, you need to read the following words:

“Just as dry, sick, non-growing, non-living things burn, so the evil growth from the servant of God (name) will burn with it. Amen".

Immediately after the fire burns out, you need to scatter the ashes in four directions, and you need to leave the place quickly, without looking back.

How to cure cancer with magic

Modern man is susceptible various diseases significantly less than its distant ancestors: the healthcare system does not stand still, allowing a person to get sick much less and undergo full treatment faster.

Cancer is malignant tumor. You can try to overcome it with the help of magic.

However, even today there are very serious, practically incurable diseases, and cancer takes the leading place among them. malignant neoplasms. Very often, medicine is simply powerless to help such a patient and treatment does not help. In this case, many people turn to magic: a cancer conspiracy can heal a sick body.

The meaning of the cancer plot

Healing has always been the largest part of the magical art of any knowledgeable sorcerer: it was so in ancient times, and remains so to this day. But such mysterious rituals have undergone considerable changes over time, just as the diseases themselves that affect the human race have changed.

To treat a person affected by such a serious illness as cancer, one should make a lot of effort and know correct prayers. This rule also applies to a magical conspiracy: such a ritual should be approached with all seriousness and responsibility.

You should not start the ritual if you are not confident in your abilities and knowledge: in this case, the cancer plot may not only fail, but also harm the object of the magical action.

Another condition will be absolute and unquestionable faith in the result of magical influence and prayer: a conspiracy against cancer will not work if you doubt its effectiveness.

You should also remember that it is not at all necessary to abandon traditional treatment, even if doctors have declared your case hopeless. Combining conspiracies against the disease and pills will only strengthen the overall result and help you complete all the treatment faster.

In the practice of any magician, there are several rituals for cancer; you can choose the ritual that suits your illness. Also, do not neglect talismans and amulets against illness: sometimes such simple-to-make gizmos can protect your health from the most difficult misfortune.

How to create such a talisman with your own hands or carry out the correct conspiracy against cancer will be discussed in this article.

How to make your own amulet against cancer

Each of us knows that it is easier to prevent trouble than to then look for ways to solve it. This statement is fully true regarding magical rituals against diseases: you should not risk your health and undergo complex treatment.

To protect yourself from such a terrible disease as cancer, it is best to create magic amulet with your own hands. Performing such a ritual is quite simple, but it will require some preparation from you.

White towel, which must be purchased at parent's Saturday.

First of all, you should buy a new towel, be sure to white. This should be done subject to certain conditions:

  • The towel itself must be purchased on a strictly defined day of the year: parent’s Saturday.
  • When concluding a trade deal, you should not bargain in search of your own gain.
  • Also, you should not take change, even if it is persistently offered to you.

Only after all the conditions have been met, and the towel necessary to create the amulet is at hand, can you begin the ritual itself: it should begin strictly on the third day after parental Saturday, that is, on Wednesday.

On this day, you will go to any cemetery, taking with you a traditional supply of food supplies and a prepared towel. Upon arrival, you should find the first twelve graves you come across, the deceased of which had the same name as yours.

Each of them should make a deep bow and leave some of the food they brought as a tribute. You can read the words of a prayer prepared in advance, or ask the power of the departed for help, but this is not at all necessary.

At the last grave visited, you must leave all the remains of food and a white towel that you brought with you. After this, you should leave the cemetery without looking back until you reach home. It’s best if you don’t start talking to anyone during this period of time.

It is the towel left at the cemetery that will guarantee your health.

Bush plot

There are a considerable number of conspiracies against cancer, but the attitude towards them is ambiguous: many such rituals and prayers do not have proven effectiveness of their use.

The magic ritual for an ordinary dry bush is recognized as one of the most effective and powerful. Correctly using and performing all the actions prescribed by this conspiracy, you will be able to completely recover from the serious illness that has struck you.

Magic ritual carried out on a dry bush can save your life.

In order for a cancer treatment plot to have the maximum effect on your illness, you must fulfill several conditions of the ritual:

  • First of all, it should be remembered that a bush suitable for a conspiracy must already be absolutely dry, but intact, that is, not cut down or sawn.
  • Another important condition will be the location of the dry bush: you should look for it only among birch trees.
  • The found bush should be completely freed from the lower branches; it is best to simply break them off. Dry shoots will not interfere with this matter.

After preparatory stage completed, you should proceed to magical rite. To do this, carefully fold all the dry branches into the correct cross and set them on fire.

While the flame is blazing, you should say the following charming words of prayer for treatment on the branches of the bush:

You should remain in place until all the brought branches turn into ashes. As soon as the flame goes out, you should immediately leave the place where the conspiracy is taking place and go home, and it is strictly forbidden to turn around or speak on the way.

If these conditions are not met, your disease will be able to find its way back into your body, even if effective treatment has been carried out. If everything was done correctly, it will burn along with the dry wood.

Rolling out a cancerous tumor

If you decide to turn to a practicing healer with your problem and illness, then almost everyone will offer you exactly this conspiracy for cancer. Relieving illness has always been one of the most reliable and proven methods of curing any illness, including cancer.

This method is difficult to perform, but many will be able to perform it correctly on their own, especially if the person is not new to the art of magic.

Three apples for a magical ritual

Cancerous tumors are best suited for rolling out onto apples, but the fruits should be selected correctly for the ritual, this will be the key to the success of the entire conspiracy:

  • In total you will need three whole apples.
  • The first in a series of rollouts should be with an obvious wormhole.
  • The second fruit should be chosen to be quite beautiful and edible.
  • But the third fruit should be simply perfect in every way.

Apples should be used exactly in the specified order, without violating the rules of conspiracy and prayer. Rolling out should be done directly above the location cancerous tumor in your body.

Each movement of the fruit should be accompanied by owls of prayer:

If the patient cannot roll out on his own, then a person should be invited for these purposes. You should choose from among close friends or relatives who have the greatest confidence on the part of the patient.

After rolling out, each apple should be taken out of the house and buried in fresh manure or humus. This should only be done by a person who wants to be healed of cancer. Such an apple should not be removed from the ground in the future; along with it, it also takes away part of the disease that has affected the body.

Another important condition full recovery will be the preservation of a magical secret: no one should know how a person actually managed to recover. If this is not observed important condition the disease can not only return again, but also bring with it other severe consequences disturbances in magical balance.

Black conspiracy to heal

Dark magic, especially those based on cemetery elements and rituals, has always had special power and effectiveness. With the help of such conspiracies it was possible to solve the most difficult problem.

However, not everyone is given the ability to work with such power: if you are not confident in your skills and knowledge, it is better to bypass the dark conspiracy. Otherwise, you may experience very serious negative consequences from the ritual, which not only will not solve your problem, but will also aggravate it.

There are black rituals in witchcraft: they will help you recover from the most difficult illness. Such rituals also include a conspiracy against lung cancer.

If you have decided on dark magic and are aware of the full responsibility of such a step, then you should carefully approach the implementation of the ritual itself.

To do this, several points should be taken into account:

  • A black cemetery love spell should be performed exclusively during the outgoing month.
  • The day to visit the cemetery should be chosen according to your gender: women should go there on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday, and men on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. Sunday is not suitable for performing this ritual.
  • You should take exactly six ripe, beautiful apples with you.

Upon arrival at the cemetery, the patient should immediately begin searching for the grave, and it should be taken into account that the name and age of the deceased who lies in it must correspond to the person speaking.

As soon as the desired grave is found, three apples should be left at its foot and the following words of prayer should be said:

“Take yourself three apples and my illness.”

After the specified action is completed, it is necessary to find another grave in the same cemetery: the deceased who rests in it must have the same name as the patient, but be exactly three years older than him.

Two fruits should be left at this grave, and they should be placed at the head of the deceased, saying the above-mentioned formula of the prayer.

To properly complete the ritual, you should visit the grave of the deceased, who will be nine years older than the speaker, but have the same name as him. Also, a simple wooden cross should be placed at this grave. You should dig up this cross, put the remaining apple you have in the hole formed, and place it in its place, saying the words of prayer.

After all the actions taken, you should immediately leave the cemetery, under no circumstances turning around or starting conversations. If the plot was carried out correctly, then soon the disease will leave you completely.

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Prayers and conspiracies for cancer

When a person is stricken with a serious illness - cancer, one should not neglect good spells, prayers.

These conspiracies healed people, they are ancient and have different origins, but my grandmother kept them.

Buy icons: Mother of God of Pochaev, Panteleimon the healer, the Savior, the personal icon of the Sick. Burn candles with them while reading prayers for the sick.

1. “My heavenly angel, please protect me!

In the desert of life, without blaming strangers,

I'm burning with a candle, I'm melting from a fierce illness,

And I don’t know where the soul can find salvation.

The abyss opens its black arms to me,

I struggle desperately, but I don’t have enough strength.

Bright Savior, provide your wing!

Let me lean on if I'm unlucky

Give me strength! Hope for you

Please save and preserve me! Amen"

2. “Lord! Dear God! Hallowed be your name in heaven and on Earth, from one end to the other of the Universe! God! Strengthen your strength in confronting the forces of darkness, so as not only to resist it, but also to cleanse Mother Earth of this garbage. Teach us to separate good from evil and to remain in peace and firmness of spirit, so that we may worthily do Your Will among people. Strengthen the strength of my brothers and sisters, both close and unknown to me. May they see Your true glory and be filled with love in their hearts, and may they overcome dark obstacles in moving along the Path to the Light, and may they stretch out their hands to each other and give the immense warmth of their souls. God! May Your Will be done! And there will be One People on Earth, loving their mother - Nature, reunited with You for Your Last Testament. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

“In the city of Vereten there is a throne. Marya sits on it with a sword and a cross, cutting off cancer!

Cancer: prickly, powerful, oppressive, growing, fiery, fatty, internal, smelly, watery, creeping, poisonous, poisonous, rotting, bloody, granular, ripening, serging, cereal.

Mother of God! You help everyone, you quench all sorts of illnesses. Quench other illnesses of cancer and all his titles from the servant of God (name of the patient), in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

In the morning: bless, Lord, the deeds of the coming day and may its difficulties be met, as befits those walking under your light. In the evening: Replenish, Lord, the lost strength for good, in order to prepare for the meeting for the future. Amen."


Read only on the waning moon.

John the Baptist confessed, cleansed and healed souls.

“Cleanse and heal the servant of God (name). From cancer. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

“As a cancer backs away, so you, cancer, leave the body of the servant of God (name). Amen."

“Just as an egg does not return to a chicken, just as a stick - a dry branch - does not become an oak, so cancer from a slave (name) will be pumped out and left behind. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Find a dry bush (any) in a birch forest. Break off the lower branches of this bush, fold them crosswise and set them on fire.

“As dry, sick, non-growing, non-living things burn, so the evil growth from the slave (s) (name) will burn with it. Amen".

As soon as the fire burns out, leave this place without looking back.

Roll three apples one at a time over the area where the cancerous tumor is located. The first apple should be wormy, the second good, and the third, so that it pleases the eye, without a drop of flaw, plump and strong.

Rolling out to say for each apple:

“I roll it up and wrap it around an apple. You are the fruit of original sin, through you Eve brought sin, and through me you receive cancer. Amen".

The patient must bury these apples with his own hands in fresh manure, but with an agreement never to dig up this place.

When the cancer leaves the patient’s body, he should never tell anyone how he was cured of the disease, otherwise he will get sick again.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

By the blessing of the Lord

Go, holy angels, to the blue sea.

Take the keys from God

The Mother of God has locks.

Unlock, shake the blue sea, lakes, streams,

The springs are earthen, the dams and ponds are small.

Shake the water with wind and whirlwind,

Drive crayfish out of the water in any weather.

Drive them out from under the moss, bushes,

Stones, clay layers.

And you, my cancer, get off my body

And go to the water man.

There, under a rotten snag, is a crayfish

Find it, get along with it, grow together,

Disown my body.

There is no way for you to live in my body,

No, cancer, I don’t have it.

You can live in water. You should be in the water. Lord, Lord! Deliver me, (name), from illness,

Free my body from pain.

Where I wash my face in the water, there I say goodbye to my cancer.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen."

“Why are you standing there, cancer? It hurts, it hurts, you're growing roots! I forbid you, the roots, to be here! Don't burn, don't get sick, don't shoot and don't prick with needles! I am with you, cancer, I came to talk, and you will not frighten me. I came to remove you and forbid you to be here. U Holy Mother of God there is a sharp sword to cut the roots with. I will speak to you and remove you from my body. I will remove you with the word of God. And all the cherubim stand, are present and heal. Distant, coastal water, wash the roots, body and stone. I came to pour it out, to remove all the disease. Amen!"

Read it 9 times with water that has not been drunk, and then sprinkle it on the patient.

They cut the clothesline in the place where it is tied to the pole. Forty knots are tied on it. The plot must be read for every knot tied. As a result, you will have to read the plot forty times. When the last knot is tied, cut the rope at the place where the fortieth knot is located. Immediately, without leaving the spot, burn the entire rope with knots.

The plot is read like this:

“In the name of God the Father and the Son.

Let the illness of God's servant (name) be removed,

Let the servant of God (name) leave pain.

Lord bless my medical work,

Free (name)’s body from the eating cancer.

The sun dries up the water, the water dries up,

The servant of God does not know illness.

My words, multiply three by three,

My affairs, from beginning to end, grow together.

40 saints, 40 martyrs,

Bless my words and my work,

So that the servant of God (name) does not get cancer.

How true it is that the Lord God has risen,

How true it is that the demon runs away from the face of God.

How true it is that a child loves its mother’s breast.

So true truth

That cancer will not destroy the breast of God’s servant (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

The woman must fast for four weeks before starting treatment. There is very little and only vegetables. Everything that previously had blood and meat is excluded. Avoid the marital bed. Keep yourself clean.

Treatment takes place at the first rays of the sun, in the house where the patient lives. Three wedding candles are lit and the patient is seated in front of the candles. While the slander is being read, strands of hair are cut from the head three times, transferring the hair to the palm of the patient.

“I will marry you, servant of God, with life and health, with twelve joys, with twelve hopes, with twelve hours and twelve days, with Christ’s disciples, with their strength and help, I will take away from you, the servant of God (name), a serious illness , an evil disease. The Lord is with you. I trust you in my arms. Lord and His Mother, the Most Holy, Most Pure Mother of God, she will cover you with her canopy, an honest cloth, she will illuminate the path for you, so that you walk and do not stumble, so that you do not succumb to illness. The Lord Christ himself will heal you. My word cannot be interrupted or destroyed. .In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

They say water in the morning and drink it in the evening.

“Get off, cancer, roll off, cancer, calm down, cancer. One cancer bites, another cancer grabs, the third cancer leaves the slave (name). Amen"

Drink the spoken water in small sips in the morning, afternoon and evening. They spell water like this:

“I command you, inner vein,

So that you crush the cancer within yourself.

How did he get wound up?

so that he himself would be exhausted.

Nine, eight, seven, six, five,

No cancer can take my gut.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen."

Read while drinking, give to the patient at sunset: Cancer is severe, painful, eating. Don’t grab, don’t bite God’s servant (name), let go of the claws, roll away to a dark forest, to a dry bush, where a rooster won’t crow, a dog won’t bark, a baby won’t scream. Amen

  • follow us

Oncology, the words sound like a terrible sentence. Many people give up after the verdict is cancer. The doctors did everything they could and the person remains with it terrible diagnosis one on one. But, you shouldn’t give up and give up on your life.

In ancient times, our ancestors had no idea about such a disease, or rather there was no such name (oncology, cancer, cancerous tumor). Since in the old days they could not determine the disease itself, they treated it for the evil eye, fever, damage and curses. They successfully fought and were cured, magic and folk remedies. Nowadays, they also use cancer conspiracies to read, which are aimed at healing the disease.

Ongology can be of two types: malignant and benign. Malignant causes fatal damage to the body called cancer. With benign it is much simpler, it even has a root from the word “good”, so it remains just a tumor.

Cancer treatment is long and painful. And unfortunately, medicine has no guarantees for its complete cure. But there is no need to lose heart, there are still unconventional methods of treatment in folk medicine which should not be neglected. In any case, there will be no harm from them, that's for sure.

Conspiracies and rituals that are performed to heal cancer are usually carried out by professional magicians. And in the arsenal of healers, there are a lot of different conspiracies for carrying out rituals against adversity. There is no need to worry too much if there is no healer nearby; the people have enough conspiracies and rituals that are carried out independently. The main thing is to be savvy and know what is being done and why.

Rules for performing ceremonies and rituals for healing from cancer:

The presence of faith and self-confidence. Without faith, there is no need to start any business at all, especially if it concerns health. Uncertainty and doubt will only do harm, because the expected result will not be achieved, resulting in disappointment and worsening of the symptoms of the disease.

Before performing the ritual, read the instructions for how to perform it correctly. There is no need to change places of the points indicated in it; they were compiled by knowledgeable people.

Prepare the necessary ritual items in advance: church candles; plants for incense or medicinal for the preparation of healing tinctures and decoctions; water blessed in the church.

Buy icons and prayer books. Which ones exactly, they will tell you in the church shop or ask the priest for help.

Follow the Moon, each of its phases determines the purpose of the upcoming ceremony. Growing - to profit, decreasing - to loss.

On the eve of the ritual, it is advisable to go to a temple or church. Light a candle for your health, if you can, then stand for the prayer service.

Each conspiracy is aimed at healing a specific affected area of ​​the body.
Make amulets and talismans, they good helpers from illness.

Daily prayer for healing from cancer

For healing from a fatal illness, there are many conspiracies that are easy to find on the Internet. This one is considered one of the strongest and should be read every day. And if it is also pronounced with faith in the soul and trust in the Lord God, then there will be no limit to its power. Before starting, read a prayer to the Lord God, and then the words of the conspiracy:

“In the morning the red sun rises, in the evening it goes away and let all my illnesses and ailments of the servant of God (name) take away with him. Let the sun's rays burn away all my ailments and take away the pain with them. Let him bring health in the morning, let him carry away illness into the sunset. And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

After reading the plot, read the “Our Father” prayer. If desired, the spell can be pronounced in the morning and evening. Be sure to thank the Higher Powers that give you the strength to live and fight.

How to recover from breast cancer

There are diseases that directly relate only to women, such as breast cancer.

Breast disease sometimes requires not only drug treatment, but also surgical intervention. After which not only does it deteriorate appearance, but also the aesthetic perception of the figure.

If the disease is detected in initial stage, then the breast can still be saved by resorting to intensive care and magic.

Many people resort to prayer for salvation; it can always be said, before or after a course of chemotherapy, before surgery and after.

“The light inside me is still burning. My body is breathing, still warm. My days are still going on. All this is mine and let it stay with me longer and not go anywhere, preserved for many days.”

Cemetery ritual

A ritual that takes place in a cemetery is considered powerful. The ritual should be performed as written in the instructions, otherwise the disease can be further aggravated. This is due to the fact that the cemetery is the territory of the dead, and they, as you know, do not like to be disturbed once again.

For the ritual you will need:

  1. Church candles that were in the church during mass – 2 pieces.
  2. Blessed water.
  3. Silver container, if you don’t have one, any suitable bowl will do.

The ritual begins where the patient is, continues and ends at the graveyard.

Wait until the moon enters its waning phase, that is, the first three days after the full moon. Light the candles with a match, pour water into the container. Wash the sick person with this water and say:

“I wash myself with holy water, I wash away my illness. Disease into the water, water into the ground.”

Take the water to the cemetery and pour it under any grave. Go home and don't look back. If you don’t disturb the dead, they won’t hurt them, but they will definitely help the sick. New forces will arrive the next day.

The most powerful conspiracy for cervical cancer

A month before the start of the ceremony, the woman should fast. Eliminate all meat from your diet and do not sleep with your husband. Read prayers in the morning, after waking up and in the evening before going to bed: “Our Father”; “Hail to the Mother of God, Virgin” and the Symbol of Faith.

Prepare three wedding candles and scissors.

After preparation and after the fasting time has expired, proceed to the ritual. At dawn, where the sick woman is, they light candles, sit her in front of them and begin to read the plot:

“The servant of God (name) is married with health and life, with twelve hours and days, with twelve hopes and joys. With the help of the apostles of Christ with their heavenly power and help, I take away from you the servant of God (name), an evil disease, a serious illness. May the Lord and his mother Mary, the Most Pure and Immaculate, be with you. And he will cover you with his veil and lead you along the path and illuminate it, so that you will never stumble and encounter illness again. May the son of God Jesus Christ heal you with his word. So be it. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

While the slander is being read, three locks of hair must be cut off from the patient and placed on her open palm. After reading it three times, roll up your hair in the remains of melted candles and take it to church. Place it where all the cinders are. Don't tell anyone anything in church. Cross yourself in all four directions and go home.

A forty-day spell against skin cancer

Carry out the conspiracy in accordance with all instructions, otherwise it will not work. The main condition is not to give anything to anyone, especially money, for forty days.

To carry out the ritual, you will need to make a pentacle (talisman). What you need for this: skin removed from a black chicken; a piece of cardboard; needle and thread of any color.

Prepare a talisman. On the cardboard, every day, one stitch, sew the skin of the chicken, as you wish, and read the plot for forty days:

“It’s not good for you to have a crustacean with the servant of God (name). With my work, go away from my body, to where you belong - on the skin of a black chicken. Let it be".

When you make a stitch, mentally put your tumor there and sew it up, and so every day little by little sew your sore to the chicken skin.

After forty days of the ritual, go out into the forest or into a field where people do not go and bury the made pentacle in a dug hole.

Other popular cancer conspiracies

Those who suffer from cancer of the throat, lungs and other organs resort to the following conspiracies.

For stomach cancer

This ritual is performed on the water. In the morning they take a glass of water and say the words:

“Unhook, fall off, calm down, cancer! Biting, painful and eating, leave me.”

Drink this water in the evening before going to bed.

For throat cancer

The ritual is performed with a black chicken. Find two aspen trees standing next to each other. Cut off the head of the chicken while it is still alive, touch the living carcass and say:

“Just as this black hen’s head bounces off and gurgles in her throat, so let the cancer bounce off me while she bleeds. Let it be so".

Deathbed Conspiracy

If doctors refused to treat a person close to you, predicting his imminent death, do not despair. Take his undershirt, without washing it, with sweat, with blood, with traces of illness, wipe the patient with it and take the shirt to a field or forest (whichever is closer). Try to ensure that no one is near you during the ceremony. In the forest or in the field, read a special spell over the shirt and set it on fire, but do not wait until it burns to the ground, but immediately leave without looking back. And one more thing: if you start talking to someone on the way home, then consider that the ritual was performed in vain - nothing will work. In addition, remember that this ritual is not performed on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The words of the conspiracy are:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The Lord walked on the earth,
Helping people, raising people from their graves.
Raise up, Lord, Your servant (name)
From the sickbed, the deathbed,
From bodily torment, turn away from death,
Turn me to life through Your name, my deed,
Extend your servant (name) to the earthly age. Amen.

Tumor conspiracy

This plot is read during the declining month for twelve evening dawns in a row, while moving a colored rag around the tumor. During the ritual, hold chaga (black birch mushroom) in your other hand. At the end of the treatment, wrap the chaga in a rag and take it to a fresh grave. The plot is as follows:

Costs White birch, on the birch - chaga,
She gnaws a birch tree,
And the servant of God (name) is destroyed by growth.
Tumor-proliferation, evil old woman,
Get off the white body, off the servant of God (name)
On a curly birch, on a clumsy chaga,
Get along with her, grow together.
Where there is one tumor on a birch tree, there will be two. Amen

For skin cancer

They peel off the skin from a black chicken, sew it onto a black pentacle, which is buried in a deserted place (under no circumstances should people step over it), while reading the following plot:

Barinok cancer, you shouldn’t be
The servant of God (name) has it on his skin.
Get out of my business
From a sick body
Where you want to be:
On chicken skin.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

For lung cancer

Veal lungs taken from the first-born heifer are boiled at night. In the morning they are taken to the grave, in which a person with the same name as the patient is buried. Before taking them out of the house, they say:

The dead man lies
Can't breathe with his lungs
He can't hear with his ears.
His lungs don't hurt,
The lips do not bleed from the lungs.
So would it be with the servant of God (name)
The lungs did not hurt, did not bleed,
They didn’t whine, they didn’t rot.
Go, cancer, from the servant of God (name)
Walking on the ground, lying on the ground. Amen

For bone cancer

They find a bone in the cemetery and, without picking it up, say three times:

Another way to help treat bone cancer

I remember they once brought me a girl who developed bone cancer after falling off a motorcycle. I helped her with this conspiracy:

Bone white, bone yellow
Under the body is white
It does not boil, does not burn, does not burn with fire.
Make way, seventy-seven frequent stars.
I will find an asp, I will call the asp to her doorstep.
Wrap yourself around the sore bone, slate,
God's servant (name) drink in pain.
The one who drinks this disease,
Let him have cancer and live.
Seventy-seven frequent stars, close together,
My words, be strong.
Be, my words, strong and sculpting
And unshakable, indestructible
Neither the evil eye nor the order.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

For stomach cancer

In the morning, a spell is read over water, which is given to the patient to drink in the evening. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

Get off, cancer, get off, cancer, calm down, cancer.
One cancer bites, another cancer grabs,
The third cancer of God's servant (name) leaves. Amen.

For prostate cancer

They take bull eggs, read a spell over them and feed them to the pig. The plot is like this:

For breast cancer

Move the new knife around the tumor and read as quietly as possible so that the patient does not hear, but not to herself, a special conspiracy. Treated according to Women's Day: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. The spell words are as follows:

Water crayfish, breast crayfish,
Go to that place
Where the hell kneads the dough?
The dough will fit
The one who kneaded will eat it.
I'm closing the conspiracy
I bless myself with the cross.
The key is under the threshold, I say the lock. Amen.

How to get rid of a tumor

Take a spool of black thread and, tearing off pieces of thread, read the following plot:

How this thread breaks, breaks, breaks,

So tear yourself up, cancer, tear yourself apart,

Don't let yourself grow.

There is no place for you on the body of God’s servant (name),

How can I not leave threads on this spool? Amen.

The ritual is considered complete when you have broken all the thread on the spool.

Another conspiracy to help get rid of cancer

Find a dry bush in the birch forest and break off the lower branches. Fold them crosswise, set them on fire and read the following conspiracy over the smoke:

How the dry, sick thing burns,

Not growing, not living,

So it will burn with him

An evil growth from the servant of God (name). Amen.

How can you leave a cancer in a cemetery?

The sick person must go to the cemetery on his day ( male-to-male day: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and a woman on Women's Day: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) and find there a grave in which a person with the same name as his and who died at his age is buried. Having found the grave, they place three apples at the feet, saying:

Take three apples and my illness.

Then they look for a second grave, where a person is buried who died, being three years older than the patient. They put two apples at the head and say:

Servant of God (name), take it for yourself

Two apples and my illness.

And finally, they look for a grave where a person is buried who was nine years older than the patient at the time of death. There must be a wooden cross on this grave; they take it out of the ground, put one apple in the hole and say:

Whoever has this apple has cancer.

After this, they return the cross to its place and leave without looking back.

The ceremony is performed only during the declining month.

How can you destroy cancer?

This ritual is very powerful and acts extremely quickly. Roll three apples one at a time over the cancer-affected area of ​​the body. The first apple should be wormy, the second should be good, and the third should be such that it pleases the eye: without a single flaw, plump, strong. When you “roll out” the disease, as the healers say, read a special spell. (In total, you must read this conspiracy three times in a row - for each apple.) The conspiracy words are as follows:

I roll it up and wrap it around the apple.

You, the fruit of original sin, through you Eve

I accepted sin, and through me, accept cancer. Amen.

Then the patient himself must bury these apples in a dung heap and not approach this place again.

And one more thing: you cannot tell anyone about this ritual, either before or after it. The patient, when he recovers, must also keep everything secret and not tell anyone about what caused his miraculous healing.

Conspiracy against uterine cancer

Before proceeding directly to treatment, a woman must fast for four weeks: she should only eat vegetables, and even then limit their quantity as much as possible. Under no circumstances should you eat anything meat (anything that once contained blood). Also, a woman should avoid intimacy with her husband.

The healing ritual is performed at the first rays of the sun in the house where the patient lives. Three wedding candles are lit and the sick woman is seated in front of them. While the plot is being read, they cut strands of hair from the woman’s head three times and place them on her palm. The spell words are as follows:

I will marry you, servant of God (name),

With life and health,

With twelve joys,

With twelve hopes,

With twelve hours and twelve days,

With Christ's disciples,

With their strength and help.

I’m taking you away from you, servant of God (name),

The disease is serious, the disease is evil.

The Lord is with you.

I trust you in the hands of the Lord

And His Mother,

Blessed Virgin Mary.

She will cover you with Her canopy,

Fair payment

Will light your path,

So that you can walk and not stumble,

So that you don't succumb to illness.

The Lord Christ Himself will heal you.

My word cannot be interrupted or destroyed.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to restore strength to a patient

As I have said, white magic truly powerful. With its help, you can even restore strength to a dying person. They usually say about such cases: “He was very bad, and no one hoped that he would survive, and look - he recovered!” I think that for any master there is no greater reward than hearing such words.

So, stay alone with the patient and ask him to remain silent throughout the ceremony. Light twelve candles. After this, read a special spell over water poured into three glasses, and then give these glasses to the patient: he should take a sip from each - no more. After such a ritual, a person seems to be born again. The words of the conspiracy are:

Magdalena cried, Mother Mary wept,

The demon rejoiced, and Jesus was resurrected.

God help me,

Raise God's servant (name) from the grave.

Give joy to us, Your servants (names).


Cancer conspiracy

When the patient falls asleep, read the following spell over him:
Do not grab, cancer, the servant of God (name),
And grab the dog sulfur, the wolf by the withers,
I grab a snake by its skin, a boar by its face.
Like a cancer backing away,
So roll away, fall off, cancer,
From God's servant (name). Amen.

A spell to help treat cancer

Next to the patient, set fire to twelve aspen splinters and read a special spell over them. The ritual is carried out at dawn, at noon and at dusk (at sunset). The words of the conspiracy are:

As the torch burns and goes out,
pop-eye disease,
The cancer of the earth is heavy, not the river,
Not underwater, not under stone,
From the servant of God, sick (name),
Come down, burn underground,
Under the river, under the stone,
Disappear from the servant of God (name). Amen.

Another conspiracy against cancer

Say the spell words over the drink, which the patient should then drink at sunset. The plot is as follows:

Cancer is severe, painful, and eatable.
Do not grab, do not gnaw the servant of God (name),
Let go of the claws, roll back into the dark woods,
On a dry bush,
Where the rooster does not crow, the dog does not bark,
The baby won't scream. Amen.

How to heal from a deadly disease

If a person is terminally ill, then his illness can be traced to a dog: if a man is treated, then to a dog, if a woman, then to a bitch. To do this, during the low month, take dog hair, burn it and read the following spell over the hair:

From under the black stone I call upon the dark force,
A dark force, a sinful thing.
Melancholy, dryness, heart ache, death sickness
Remove from God's servant (name),
Send it to the dog.
Devil Satan, hooves, horns,
Help me, your servant,
Instead of God's servant (name), kill the dog,
Bury it, turn back the clock of your life. Amen.

Important: after this ritual, do not give anything away from home (no bread, no salt, no money - nothing at all)

With any cancer, a person begins to panic - is there a chance of a cure? Doctors in most cases shrug their shoulders or demand exorbitant amounts of money for an operation. If hope has faded, a cancer plot becomes a straw that you can grab onto.

Prayers for cancer have been used since the time when this disease had not yet received its name. Healing magic works if you believe in your own powers. There are effective spells for all types of cancer. Let's look at them in detail.

A magical conspiracy against a tumor belongs to the field of folk healing. In case of oncology, for successful healing you need to combine faith with strict performance of ritual actions. The performer’s uncertainty indicates that the ritual against cancer cannot be started. Please comply with a number of requirements:

  • follow the sequence of manipulations;
  • cast aside any doubts about the outcome of the event;
  • combine rituals with classical methods treatment;
  • use church artifacts (candles, holy water, blessed plants);
  • tie rituals to the lunar cycle and major religious holidays.

Try to choose a plot that helps specifically against your illness. If you are reading a spell for uterine cancer, do not confuse it with rituals for healing lymphoma. Each illness has its own prayer. In addition, you can design amulets and talismans that prevent the spread of the disease.

Anti-cancer amulet

Cancer talismans speak on their own - you should not trust this task to “authoritative” sorcerers. The best amulet against terrible disease a white towel is considered. For the tumor plot to work, buy a towel (this is done on Parents’ Saturday). Bargaining is prohibited, and so is taking change. After the deal, go home and do this:

  1. Wait until the Wednesday after Parents' Saturday.
  2. Go to the cemetery (you need to take a towel and a set of food items with you for the ransom).
  3. Find 12 graves. in which your namesakes rest.
  4. Bow to each grave and leave some food for the farmer.
  5. Say a spell for a tumor.

The ritual is effective if the prayer is repeated 12 times at each burial. The towel, along with the remaining food, is placed on the last tombstone. After this, leave the graveyard and don’t even think about looking back - a towel lying on the grave will help you recover. Spell text:

“There is a dead man under the stone, he will protect me. Any infection bypasses my house as long as this towel is not with me. A towel will not fly over the threshold, a dead person will not rise from the grave. Move, you infection, to the damp earth, leave my body. Amen".

Conspiracies for types of cancer

For breast cancer and lung tumors, the rituals will be very different. The breast cancer spell goes well with knot magic. For successful treatment you will need to cut the rope. on which clothes were dried, right next to the pillar. After this, 40 knots are tied on the rope, each of which must be spoken.

After reading the fortieth prayer, the last knot is cut off. Make a fire and immediately, without returning home, burn the enchanted rope. And here is the text of the conspiracy that you need to read:

“Make it so, Lord, that chest pain gets rid of me. May the body of God's servant (your name) be freed from filth. The sun dries up the water, but my chest knows no pain. Multiply, my words, three times. 40 martyrs and saints come to help me, wishing me every good thing. My cause is blessed, holy truth will cast out demons. As a little child loves its mother’s breast, so higher power save her from harm. Amen".

Saving yourself from a stomach tumor

Is it possible to save yourself from stomach cancer with a conspiracy? Such tumors can actually be cured with spring water, which is scooped out of the source with a spoon. Scoop 12 full-sized spoons into a mug and read the spell:

“The twelve apostles followed the Teacher. Andrei walked first, Matthew walked behind him, and then there were (list the rest). The dry forest blocked the path of the apostles. The place is cursed, there are no living bushes there, trees are not allowed to grow. May God's servant (mention your name) have cancer and leave his stomach alone. The cancer will disappear, burying its roots in the ground. From now on, illness will not stick to me. Amen".

Curing uterine cancer

In women, cervical pathology is quite common, which leads to sad consequences. There is a conspiracy against uterine cancer, which is associated with long-term fasting and abstinence. Here is what is prohibited for four weeks:

  • meat;
  • dairy products;
  • marital bed;
  • alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • conflicts with others.

A conspiracy against uterine cancer is read in the house of a sick woman at the first sun rays. The wedding candles are lit and the patient sits in front of them. During the reading of the hex, the hair of the woman’s head is cut off three times (small strands are enough). The ritual should be performed by a relative of the sick person. Spell text:

“I will marry you with health and future, I will give you 12 hopes and joys. 12 disciples of Christ, 12 sunny days and hours on the dial will help you. God's servant (your name) helps you, wards off an evil attack, an incurable illness. From now on, the Lord and the Most Pure Mother are with you, I entrust you to their care. The Mother of God covers with a canopy and illuminates the path to salvation. Walk straight, don’t stumble, don’t succumb to insidious misfortune. My word is strong, nothing can break it. Amen".

Protecting your skin

Above we mentioned a protective towel and told how it can be used to charm a tumor. There is a conspiracy against skin cancer that follows similar rules. Stock up on everything you need and go to the nearest churchyard. Look for your name on the graves, recite the spell and leave a ransom (there will be twelve graves in total).

When you reach the last grave, close your eyes and imagine how the filth leaves your body. Imagine black skin that slowly brightens and begins to radiate health. Now all that remains is to place a towel with a ransom on the grave and read the plot against skin cancer:

“I ask the dead man. bearing my name and lying beyond this world, restore my lost health. You look at the white light through the gravestone. See how my skin turns black. Create a dead work, free a living body from evil. I put down the amulet and seal the dead castle. I hammer it in with a coffin nail and close it with a wrench. I utter a strong word, it turns into a dead deed. Amen".

Rolling out the disease with apples

Another effective conspiracy against skin cancer is associated with the classic ritual of apple rolling. The idea is to transfer malignant energy from the human body to the fetus. Stock up on three apples (wormy, medium-sized and very large, poured). Further procedure:

  1. Start rolling the apples one by one over the patient's skin.
  2. When rolling out the disease, whisper the same spell on each apple.
  3. After completing the process, give the apples to the patient.
  4. Let the sick person bury the artifacts in the dung heap with his own fingers.

From this moment the ritual is considered completed. It is prohibited to tell strangers about the treatment method. You should also not dig up enchanted apples from manure. However, few people dare to do this. And here is the text of the healing prayer:

“I’m rolling up a disease, wrapping evil around a magic apple. Eve passed on the original sin to you. So accept cancer from me. Amen".

How to get your lungs back on track

“John the Baptist healed people’s souls, saved everyone and restored them to health. Help, water, God’s servant (name of the patient) to get rid of terrible disease. An egg cannot jump into a chicken. The stick is not destined to become a green tree again. This way the illness will go away from (the name is called) and his lungs will be freed. My word is strong. Amen".

We get rid of cancer of any category

Sometimes a cancer plot needs to be read in the forest, having been well prepared for the ritual. Rise at dawn and head into the nearby forest. Having found a dry bush in a birch forest, break off a couple of lower branches. These branches need to be twisted with a rope in the shape of a cross, set on fire and a “smoky spell” read:

“The dry burns, the sick burns. What does not grow and does not live will disappear forever in smoke. Evil growth, leave the body of God's servant (name of the patient), let him live, raise children and grandchildren. Amen".

Wait until the improvised cross burns out completely. After completing the ritual, bury the charred branches in the ground. Leave the forest without looking back, don’t dare say hello to anyone. Talking to passersby is also prohibited.

Ritual with bushes

There is also a more complex version of the cancer conspiracy presented above. This spell works against any tumors, but it will require precision to achieve results. Make sure the following conditions are met:

  • no one cut or sawed the bush, it is absolutely dry;
  • the lower branches are completely broken off (you must do this);
  • The location of the bush is correct (it should stand in the middle of a birch grove).

The broken branches need to be carefully folded on the ground, forming a cross - this is the main difference from the previous scenario. Set fire to the wooden cross and read the plot. Let the branches burn thoroughly and turn completely to ashes. You know the next steps. Spell text:

“A diseased plant burns quickly, leaving behind only ashes. The evil growth is blazing in hellish flames. Blessed be the purifying power of fire, grant the unfortunate (name of the patient) hope of salvation. Amen".

Black magic in the service of healing

The Church does not approve of rituals involving graveyard elements, although such magic is extremely effective. You must be completely confident in your abilities, otherwise you may be overtaken serious problems. Dark witchcraft rituals can cure pancreatic cancer. glands, lungs and other organs.

The ritual below is aimed at healing a malignant pulmonary tumor. Take a responsible approach to preparing and conducting this ceremony. Please note important points:

  • the ritual is performed on the waning moon;
  • the action takes place in a cemetery;
  • men go to the churchyard on Thursday (Tuesday and Monday are possible);
  • women create magic on Saturdays (Friday and Wednesday are acceptable);
  • Conspiracy on Sunday is strictly prohibited;
  • You need to take six apples with you (red, ripe and strong).

Progress of the ritual

Once you arrive at the cemetery, begin searching for a suitable burial. You need a grave in which lies a dead person with the name of the person being charmed. The age must also match. Further procedure:

  1. Place three apples at the dead man's feet.
  2. Say a conspiracy against a tumor (“Take away my illness along with these offerings”).
  3. Go in search of the next grave (the deceased must be 3 years older than the patient).
  4. Leave a couple of apples at the head of the deceased, read the spell described above.
  5. Go to the third grave (the deceased must be 9 years older than the person being spoken to).
  6. Make sure that the cross on the grave is wooden.
  7. Dig this cross, and push the last fruit into the hole.
  8. Reinstall the crosspiece in its original place.
  9. Say the prayer text.

After the ceremony is over, go home immediately. You cannot turn around and have conversations with people you meet. Strict adherence to the above points will allow you to soon feel improvements.

Prayer for advanced cancer

An advanced tumor is very difficult to cure; most patients die over time. But you can folk conspiracies delay the inevitable and achieve short-term improvements. Go to the slaughterer and ask to be allowed to see the doomed animal for the ritual. Put left hand on the side of the animal and say quietly:

"Three many years your heart was beating, but now for my sake (say your name) it stopped. When the heart completely rots, the cancer of the sufferer (name of the patient) will go away. Blood is being shed into the damp earth, accept this sacrifice for me, Jesus. It’s not I who is dying now, but this animal.”

When the slaughterer has completed his task, take the beating heart and plunge the ritual knife into it. This must be done with your left hand. Take the heart with a knife under a dried birch tree and bury it there. Make sure that small children do not play in this area - they could accidentally dig up the artifact.

If the tumor develops in a child

Place your baby on the lap of someone younger than you. Before this, you need to cut a cross on the child’s head and trim the nails on the arms and legs. Wash your child three times with water - plain, salty and blessed in church. After wiping the baby dry with your own hem, proceed to further actions:

  1. Wait for Baptism.
  2. Melt the wax candle.
  3. Roll the child's nails and hair into a ball of wax.
  4. Start the conspiracy (at the same time you need to cross yourself and spit).
  5. After the ritual, go to front door and drill a small hole there.
  6. Place a magic seal in the hole.

Text of the plot: “I will ask my child (baby’s name) for healing at Baptism. Cold water is good for children, it helps them from any illness, and it gets rid of bad things. I’ll drop the children’s thorns into the snowdrifts and send them to attack in the ice hole. Amen".

Healing throat cancer

To get rid of a throat tumor, cut off the head of a domestic rooster (preferably a black one). This must be done at midnight, having first placed the cast iron on the stove surface. Pour the rooster's blood into the cast iron pot, place the bird's throat there and read the spell. Draw a circle with boiling rooster blood, stand inside and eat the boiled throat. Conspiracy text:

“When I (your name) was born, I immediately began to cry, began to grow, and began to sing. And later the cancer ate my throat. This rooster also sang songs, and his spirit passed to me. I will eat that rooster, I will digest its throat, I will speak to my body from the misfortune. Amen".

You are convinced that there are universal conspiracies against tumors, and there are more localized ones. Each misfortune has its own ritual, the observance of which will help to recover. Do not deviate from the magical canons, do everything exactly. And the chances of favorable outcome will increase.

Oncology is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world. Until now, science does not know a reliable medicine that would completely rid the human body of cancer cells. The cancer conspiracy is effective method, with which you can help your body overcome dangerous illness. But we must remember that magic is not the only method of treatment. It is necessary to see a doctor, undergo a special course of therapy, and a conspiracy against a tumor is only auxiliary method, which will speed up the action medicines, will prevent further development illness.

Conspiracies and prayers for cancer are excellent helpers in the fight even against such a dangerous disease. They can be used in treating family and friends, friends or yourself. Oncology is unpredictable and can develop at any stage of a person’s life, regardless of age or gender. Also does not affect the management healthy image life or proper nutrition to warn this pathology. The outcome of treatment for a disease cannot be predicted. Sometimes you will need to undergo a long course of therapy to completely get rid of atypical cells in the body. A conspiracy against a tumor will help you quickly overcome a dangerous illness if you carry it out correctly and sincerely believe in its power.

In combination with a therapeutic effect on the body, the energy of a sick person can be further strengthened. Such conspiracies against cancer can be read from a distance. Healing magic does not cause harm; it acts purposefully to get rid of everything unnecessary. There's no need to be afraid negative consequences after rituals, since their action is aimed at healing a person from a dangerous illness.

Rules for conducting rituals

A magical conspiracy against a tumor belongs to the field of folk healing. It is very important for healing to follow a number of certain rules:

  1. Perform all manipulations accurately.
  2. There is no doubt that the conspiracy against the tumor will be effective.
  3. Be sure to combine strong conspiracy from cancer along with medications and other methods offered by official medicine.
  4. It is best to perform rituals during major church holidays.
  5. Read a spell against skin cancer or other types of spells at sunrise or at night when the moon appears in the sky.
  6. Read short texts in one breath.
  7. Say the last word as you exhale.
  8. Before performing the rituals fast recovery To avoid illness, you must fast for several days.

Observing simple rules, you can speed up recovery from the disease.

Rituals that help in healing

There are different rituals that will help overcome the disease. Depending on which organ is affected and what signs are present, the following conspiracies are used:

  • from oncology of the uterus and female reproductive organs;
  • breast tumors;
  • from organ disease digestive system;
  • from cancer of the throat and respiratory system;
  • for healing the organs of the genitourinary system.

The location of the tumor and metastasis affects how many rituals can be used. Universal rituals are suitable in case of damage to many organs and systems. Powerful Rituals for oncological diseases they help get rid of diseases much faster.

Oncology of female organs

A conspiracy against breast cancer is carried out using a rope on which clothes were previously dried. Cut a piece of rope, tie 40 knots on it, reading the plot against breast cancer for each knot:

“Help me, merciful Lord, to get rid of chest illness. Let my body be cleansed of filth. Just as the clear sun dries up water, so may my chest not know pain or adversity. My words are strong and will help you heal. Martyrs and saints will come, help me, wish me well. My cause is blessed, holy truth will cast out demons. Just as a small child loves its mother’s breast, so higher powers save it from harm. Amen".

When read last text to heal the mammary gland, burn the rope in a fire.

Before performing a ritual to heal the cervix, it is necessary to observe strict fasting for a month. The spell against uterine cancer is cast during the period when the sun just appears in the sky. Light the wedding candles and seat the sick woman. While reciting a simple spell, cut off small strands of hair. The ritual is performed by a relative of the patient, and the following prayer for cancer is read:

“I marry health and future, send bright energy into the body of God’s servant (name), give her joy and hope. May the archangels of the Lord, the disciples of Christ, become helpers, sunny days and a watch. Let the evil, incurable disease go away forever. From now on, the merciful Lord will be with you and mother of God most pure one, they bring you care. Let us cover the Mother of God with her canopy and illuminate the path to salvation. Walk along this path and don’t turn aside, don’t stumble, don’t succumb to an insidious illness. My words are powerful, no one can break them. Let it be so".

Oncology of the digestive organs

The stomach cancer spell is a good addition to traditional treatment from cancer diseases. From illness duodenum and other organs of the digestive system, spring water is used. Scoop 12 tablespoons of spring water into a mug and read the following words:

“The 12 apostles follow their Teacher. Andrew goes first, Matvey follows him, then the rest of the apostles follow. A dry forest stands as an obstacle on the path of the saints. And that place is cursed, there is not a bush or living tree there. So let the servant of God (name), like these bushes and trees, have cancer in his stomach. May his stomach be healthy, may his illness disappear, may he go away forever and ever. It will bury itself with dry roots in the ground. From now on, the disease goes away forever. Let it be so".

Another effective version of the ritual is a conspiracy using an apple. Need to buy three large apples– wormy, large and very large. Roll each apple in turn over the sore spot, read the effective words for each apple:

“I roll out your illness, I wrap it around a magic apple. Eve passed on the original sin to you, so accept the cancer from the mess, servant of God (name). Amen".

Lungs' cancer

“Come back to me, health. Just as the egg will not jump back into the chicken, the shelf will not become a green tree again, so let the illness leave me forever and not come back.”

Drink water after reading a powerful curse against cancer.

Rituals for other types of oncology

With the help of magic you can get rid of bone cancer. Pour a small amount of milk into a cup and say it with these words:

“With milk you heal, you help all diseases go away. May I become healthy, may my bones be strong and clean.”

Drink milk in one gulp. This ritual for oncology must be performed at least seven times.

A conspiracy against throat cancer can be cured with the help of such a ritual. Cut off the head of a domestic black rooster at midnight. Let it cook over low heat. Add the blood of a rooster, throat, and read:

“As soon as I was born, I cried, I began to grow up and learned to sing. And now my throat is being eaten by cancer. This rooster crowed songs, so his voice comes to me. And as soon as I eat a rooster, I’ll become healthy in no time.”

Eat cooked chicken meat. This is the most effective ritual that will help quickly cure the attack. You can supplement the treatment with talismans, amulets, or make a talisman with your own hands that you should never remove.

“There is a shaking aspen in a clean field. Its roots stick out upward. It dries out, does not grow, does not turn green. So let it be skin disease mine dries up and does not grow, does not develop. Perish, go away forever."

A conspiracy against skin cancer can be carried out using domestic chicken. To carry out a spell against skin cancer, remove the skin from black chicken. Sew it onto a black piece of fabric, saying:

“It’s not good for you, you hateful disease, to gnaw me, to eat my skin. Leave for chicken skin, you won't be with me anymore. Let it be so".

Bury the enchanted object in a deserted place.

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