Home Tooth pain Effective workout for girls at home. Home workouts for girls: a ready-made exercise plan for the whole body

Effective workout for girls at home. Home workouts for girls: a ready-made exercise plan for the whole body

Every girl dreams of a toned and desirable body. But citing a lack of free time or financial difficulties, girls deprive themselves of the opportunity to create the figure of their dreams. But in vain: now many people practice training at home. And if the only obstacle on the path to beauty is ignorance, then our site will help you start practicing at home.

A set of home exercises combines two groups of exercises to effectively lose weight and gain muscle definition: cardio and strength. All you need is confidence, a good mood and some tools.

It's great if you have a pair of dumbbells weighing more than 3 kg. However, every person who wants to train at home has wondered: “ Is it possible to exercise without dumbbells?“It’s possible, because dumbbells are easily created from scrap materials.

You will need:

  • A pair of plastic bottles of 1 and 1.5 liters.
  • Regular rock salt or water to fill bottles. Please note that the density of salt is twice the density of water, and one half-liter bottle of salt will weigh twice as much as a similar bottle of water.
  • Scales to measure the weight of the resulting dumbbell.

To perform some of the exercises included in the complex, you will need several chairs that replace the bench.

How to conduct home exercises correctly?

In order for the training program for girls to have maximum effectiveness and be nothing but joy, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. You can start classes no earlier than an hour after eating and no later than two. Otherwise, you risk developing a feeling of discomfort in the stomach during training, or the body will not have enough strength to work.
  2. Before doing home exercises, be sure to do a warm-up to prepare your muscles for work.
  3. When you perform a set of exercises at home, it is very important to breathe correctly. When you lower something you need to inhale through your nose, and during the most difficult part of the exercise (lifting weights) you need to exhale through your mouth. During your first training, pay close attention to the issue of breathing. Over time, you will learn to breathe correctly automatically. Don't hold your breath. Otherwise, oxygen will not flow to the cells of the body, and they will die.
  4. Be sure to drink water to restore your water-salt balance.
  5. After finishing your home exercises, do stretching muscles to relax them.

Level one

The training program for girls includes different degrees preparation. Assess your capabilities and select the level that suits you. The complex about which we'll talk below, designed for ladies who have never exercised their bodies either in the gym or at home.

It is worth considering that:

  • Classes are held without burdens.
  • Home exercises should be done three times a week with a one-day break.
  • You can move to the next level only when you can easily perform the exercises described below for the maximum number of times indicated.


As they say, the first fight is the most difficult. The first workout is the hardest, but after that the subsequent home workouts classes will become easier, you will gradually get a taste for it.

  • Classic squats: When performing classic squats, the back is straight, the heels do not leave the floor, and the thighs are parallel to the floor. We perform 4 sets of 10-20 times, depending on our strength.
  • Forward Lunges: It is important that your back is straight and not leaning. 2 approaches for each leg 10-20 times.
  • Gluteal bridge: When performing, make sure that feet did not leave the floor, the neck did not rest on the floor. Perform 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.
  • Standing calf raises: 3 sets of 10-20 reps.
  • Wide grip knee push-ups: Knee push-ups much easier for beginners, than to do push-ups in the classic way. Three sets of 10-15 times.
  • Crunches: Basic exercise for the abdominal muscles, included in any set of exercises that can be done at home. You need to perform three approaches as many times as possible.


At first, the muscles may ache. This happens out of habit. But it’s okay, let’s continue homework.

  1. Bulgarian Lunges: We'll need some chairs. You should perform 4 sets of 10-20 times.
  2. Bridge for the buttocks: 3 sets of 10-20 reps.
  3. Leg abduction in a lying position: Can be performed both on the floor and on an improvised bench. 2 sets of 15-20 reps for each leg.
  4. Back push-ups: The exercise is quite simple, very useful for practicing at home. It is required to perform 3 approaches of 10-15 times.
  5. Crunches: Do 3 sets as many times as possible.

Impossible is just a big word behind which little people hide. (Mohammed Ali)


Try your best, this is the last workout of this week, next you will have a weekend that you will spend unforgettably thanks to the powerful release of dopamine after training at home.

  1. Plie squats: If you have difficulty with balance due to unfamiliarity, lean against the wall. 3 sets of 10-20 times.
  2. Reverse lunges: Two sets on each leg for 15-20 reps.
  3. Gluteal bridge: 4 sets of 10-15 reps.
  4. Standing calf raise (springs): Perform 3 sets of 15-25 repetitions.
  5. Push-ups: 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Level two

You have fully mastered the training program for girls of the first level. Tasks are easy to complete, you are ready to move on to weight training. These are either dumbbells or plastic bottles with water or salt.

When performing home exercises of the second basic level, follow the rules:

  • We train three times a week with breaks.
  • Start with small weights with which you can perform the entire complex at home without straining or straining. As your muscles develop, move on to heavier weights.


As you have already noticed, the whole complex is aimed mainly at the buttocks, abs and legs. Real workouts for girls.

  1. Weighted squats: 3 sets of 12 reps.
  2. Weighted forward lunges: 2 sets on each leg, 15 times.
  3. Standing calf raises with a dumbbell in one hand: 3 sets of 20 reps.
  4. Lifting dumbbells in front of you while standing: 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
  5. Standing dumbbell lateral raises: 3 sets of 10 reps.
  6. Crunches: 4 sets of as many reps as possible.


  1. Classic push-ups. Strive to touch your chest to the floor. 3 sets of the maximum number of times.
  2. Lying dumbbell lateral raises: 4 sets of 12 reps
  3. Back push-ups: 3 sets of 15 reps.
  4. Alternating arm curls with weights while sitting: 3 sets of 15 times.
  5. Plie squats with weights: 4 sets of 10-20 reps.


  1. Plie with weights: 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
  2. Bulgarian lunges with dumbbell: 4 sets of 12 reps.
  3. Gluteal bridge with weights: 3 sets of 12 repetitions.
  4. Calf raises with a dumbbell in one hand: 3 sets of 20 repetitions.
  5. Dumbbell rows: 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

After spending 3-6 months in this mode, you can move on to a more complex level. 4 days a week are allotted for classes, the weights and number of sets increase. We guarantee that the training program for girls is already after a month it will produce the expected effect. You will gradually lose weight, your muscles will gain definition, and your soul will sing with endless joy. Imagine your ideal more often, strive for it and don’t stop there.

A properly designed training program can achieve impressive results. Even when studying at home, girls should adhere to a special lesson plan. For beginners, the entry-level program is suitable. Basic classes chosen by girls with fitness experience. For those who are ready for intense exercise, a difficult level has been developed.

At least beauty human body and is considered a purely subjective concept, many women put a lot of effort into achieving their own ideals. But no matter how much effort and time is spent on skincare procedures and exhausting diets, it will not be possible to change volumes and pump up muscles without physical activity.

And here the stumbling block becomes a banal lack of time or financial problems that do not allow visiting Gym, or even their own complexes associated with the presence of excess weight or individual characteristics figures. In such cases, training at home would be the ideal solution - the program for girls will allow you to achieve visible results without financial investment and with minimal time investment.

If you decide to start training on your own, tips on how to create a home workout program for girls will come in handy. Chaotic exercises carried out without a specific plan will not be able to solve either the issue of a fit figure or the problem of losing weight. You will have to think through all the little things, starting with the set of exercises and frequency of training, ending with the number of approaches and rest time. When drawing up a training program at home for girls, it is necessary to take into account sports training, training goals and the presence of excess weight.

So, women trying to lose weight will have to focus on cardio exercises. And for girls who have good physical fitness, to increase the load, use weights and more strength training, and the number of approaches when performing each exercise.

Program for Beginners

If you have no sports experience, you shouldn’t rush headlong into exhausting training. Achieve perfect proportions and a toned body will not be achieved with unbearable loads.

Any muscles require rest - it is during this period that they not only relax, but also grow. And the untrained muscle tissue under the influence of loads they become hypertonic much faster, which requires longer rest.

Therefore, the home training program for girls who have not previously engaged in fitness provides for no more than three strength training sessions per week with one-day rest intervals between them. Total time Each workout will not exceed 40 minutes. During this period, you need to perform three sets, trying to repeat each exercise as many times as possible, but not exceeding 20. Between each round we take a break of 90 seconds.

Exercises of the 1st workout

Classic squats. We perform regular squats, moving our buttocks back so that our thighs are parallel to the floor.

Standing Lunges. We take a wide step forward and bend our leg at the knee. Meanwhile, we touch the floor with our knee to the second limb. We alternate legs when performing lunges.

Calf raises. Feet rest on the floor. Slowly we rise on our tiptoes and lower ourselves back.

Straight crunches. From a lying position, lift your upper body as you exhale. The distance between your chin and chest should be no less than a clenched fist.

Push ups. Standing on our knees, we rest on our palms, and with each exhalation we bend our elbows, trying to keep our back straight without lifting our buttocks up.

Exercises of the 2nd workout

Straight lunges.

Reverse push-ups. We rest our hands on the support and our heels on the mat. The whole body should be stretched out. Bending and moving your elbows to the side, lower your body to the floor. As you inhale, straighten your arms.

Swing back. Standing on your knees with your hands resting on the floor, as you exhale, move your straight leg sharply back and slightly up. We alternate swings with both legs.

Reverse crunches. Lying on the floor, place your feet on the floor, bending your knees. As you exhale, pull your knees into your chest.

Plie squats. We place our feet shoulder-width apart, with our feet spread apart. Lower your buttocks to the floor, bending your knees.

Exercises of the 3rd workout

Classic squats with calf raises.

Chair push-ups. We perform regular push-ups, resting our palms on any elevated support.

Reverse lunges. From a standing position, take a wide step back and lower your knee to the floor. When performing the exercise, alternate legs.

Complex twist. We lie down on the floor. For each exhalation, we simultaneously raise the torso and bent knees up.

Rolling from toes to heels.

A basic level of

When exercises for beginners are performed with ease, you can safely move on to the next level. How long it will take for this will depend on both the characteristics of the body and personal diligence.

In fact, by this time the classes had become regular, and the body had become accustomed to the volume of exercise. Therefore, you will have to add new exercises to the program and also use weights. You can use regular dumbbells, but if you don't have them, regular bottles filled with water will do.

At this stage, the number of workouts does not change, and the frequency of repetitions and approaches also remains the same. We begin performing new exercises with weights with 10 repetitions in each approach.

First complex

Squats with dumbbells. We hold dumbbells in our hands along the body. Performing classic squats, we raise the dumbbells forward.

Arm Curl. The exercises can be performed both sitting and standing. Holding dumbbells in your hands, turn your hands so that the dumbbells are directed forward. Alternately bending your elbows, pulling your hand to your shoulder.

Reverse push-ups.

Raising hands. We lie down on our backs. Raises straight arms with dumbbells up. As you exhale, we spread them apart, touching the floor. As you inhale, bring your limbs together in front of you.

Oblique crunches. We take a position lying on our back. We place our arms bent at the elbows behind our heads, and bend our legs at the knees, raising them so that our shins are parallel to the floor. We bring the elbow together with the knee of the opposite leg. We alternate sides of twisting.

Second complex

Push ups. We complicate the previous push-ups by focusing not on the knees, but on the toes. We try to keep our hands at shoulder level during push-ups. The narrower they are located, the greater the load will be.

Abduction of dumbbells behind the back. Raise both arms above your head, holding dumbbells in them. We alternately bend them at the elbows, placing the dumbbells behind our backs. This exercise is good for tightening your chest.

Lunges with dumbbells. In the starting position, we hold our arms with weights along the body. When performing a lunge with your feet, we move them apart.

Arm curl. You will need a support on which you can rest your knee and hand. This could be the edge of a sofa or bed. We lower the second hand with the dumbbell down. As you exhale, bend your elbow, pulling the weight toward your chest.

Hand touching socks. Lying on a gymnastic mat, we try to reach the toe of the opposite leg with our outstretched hand. We constantly alternate sides. We try to perform the exercise at an increased pace.

Third complex

Plie squat with dumbbells. Performing a deep squat with legs spread apart, we lift the upper limbs with a load up through the sides.

Side lunges. In the starting position, the legs are positioned wider than shoulder width. Hands with dumbbells are located in front of the body below. Bend one leg at the knee, doing a squat to one side. At the same time, we raise our arms in front of the body. After returning to the starting position, we lunge in the other direction.

Hand raises. In a standing position, raise one arm with a dumbbell above your head. The second one is located along the body at this time. With each inhalation we change their location. The exercise must be done by tensing the muscles and at a fairly fast pace.

Exercise "bicycle". We lie down on the floor and bend our knees, lifting them off the floor. We alternately straighten and bend our legs, as if we were pedaling.

Swing your legs back. We get down on all fours. We first pull one leg to the chest, and then sharply straighten it, moving it back and up. When performing the exercise, alternate legs.

Professional level

You can start intensive training only after you have fully mastered the previous exercises, which you can perform in full. Typically, it is advisable to make the transition to complex training no earlier than after 4-5 months. regular classes.

The program is being supplemented with new activities. In addition, the number of classes increases to 4 per week. It is recommended to repeat each action at least 20 times, in each of 3-4 approaches.

Lesson 1

Slow squats with weights. We perform a classic squat, but at a slow pace, lingering for a few seconds at the bottom point. When performing a squat, we raise the limbs with the load in front of us. Follow your squat technique.

Raising hands. Sitting on a chair, we lower our hands with the bottles down. With each exhalation, we move them apart, raising the weight to shoulder level.

Bulgarian lunges. We step back from the chair one step forward. We rest the toe of one foot on the seat of the chair. Bend your knee, lowering your buttocks towards the floor. At the same time, we spread our arms to the sides.

Push-up twist. Using straight arms and toes, we perform a classic push-up. Having risen to the top position, we raise our arm up to the side, twisting the body. On the next climb, we turn the body in the opposite direction.

Double lunges. Standing straight, take a step forward with your foot. Bend your knees so that one touches the floor. We return to the standing position and take a step back with the same leg. Bend your knees again until your working limb touches the floor. Having worked on one side, we move on to the second.

Lesson 2

Deadlift squat. After performing a classic squat, we bend forward, reaching upper limbs with a load to the floor.

Reverse push-ups. The emphasis when doing push-ups at this level is from the mat.

Putting your hands behind your head. We take both dumbbells in closed hands and lift them above our heads. We lower them behind our backs.

Double twist.

Side lunges with swings. Take a step to the right and do a deep squat. We return to a standing position and move the same leg to the side. Keep your balance.

Twisting with bends. We hold our hands closed with dumbbells in front of our chest. As you exhale, make a turn in one direction behind your hands. Returning to the starting position, we bend towards the opposite leg. On the next exhalation, we turn in the other direction.

Lesson 3

Belt pull. We bend over, lowering our hands to the floor. With each exhalation, we pull the weight to the belt.

Back Squats. We turn our backs to the chair. We rest our palms on the seat. Lower your buttocks down, bending your elbows. At the bottom point we linger for a few seconds.

Oblique crunches.

Raising hands. We lie down on the bench with our backs. We hold our hands with dumbbells raised up. We move them apart, trying to lower them slightly below the level of the bench.

Bulgarian lunges with side raises.

Lesson 4

Slow squats. When performing a classic squat, we do not bend or straighten our legs completely. The pace should be so slow that one repetition takes about 30 seconds. The signal for the end of the repetitions will be a strong burning sensation in the muscles.

Alternating forward and reverse crunches.

Triple push-ups. For each of the three push-ups, we reduce the distance between the hands.

Belt pull from a position with emphasis on the knee and elbow.

Lunges and swings to the side. Take a wide step with your foot to the left. Bend your knee and lower your buttocks towards the floor. Returning to the standing position, we move the same leg to the left. We lunge and swing in the other direction.

Be sure to prepare your muscles for the upcoming loads, so start each session with a warm-up.

When finished, give your muscles a chance to stretch by doing several stretching exercises for the main group of muscle tissues that were maximally involved during the current workout.

At any level, it is necessary to supplement strength training with cardio exercises. This could be jumping, running, jumping rope or exercise equipment. Cardio exercises can be alternated with the main ones and performed on recovery days after strength training.

Let us not forget that even the most competently composed sport program does not exclude nutritional requirements and drinking regime.

The most key point is regularity. After taking a short break, you will have to start all over again.

Every woman wants to have a good figure, be attractive and desirable. To achieve their goal, girls constantly deny themselves food, they even go hungry. The body is exhausted, but there is no result. A training program for girls at home will suit many. You will see the first results within a few weeks. Thanks to the regular nature of classes, you can achieve good results.

Everyone should play sports. Exercise stress has a positive effect on everyone's body. To do this, you don’t have to buy expensive gym memberships. Exercising at home for girls will help improve their general condition. physical health. You can become more seasoned. Chronic diseases won't bother you.

Also, playing sports at home is perfect for housewives or for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Regular training improves blood circulation. Your mood will improve, because sport is an excellent antidepressant.

The most important and desired result will be an improvement in the beauty of the body. Circuit training for girls will help any woman lose weight. In addition, your body will become more prominent and toned.

Exercising will help improve the metabolism in your body. Intense cardio movements will also help burn extra calories. This way, the athlete will be able to lose weight faster. Now you will not be bothered by insomnia. After a short training on fresh air you will sleep soundly.

What equipment will you need?

For successful lesson sports, you should have several necessary items at home:

  • . This item is perfect for exercises that need to be performed on the floor. This way you can soften the surface of the ground. Now, while doing sets to develop your abdominal muscles, you will not feel uncomfortable.
  • Dumbbells. On entry level Light sports equipment is also suitable for a girl. It is best to purchase dumbbells that can be disassembled. If you can’t buy weights, use regular plastic bottles. Beginners can simply fill them with water or salt.
  • Wooden stick and jump rope. These items will help the athlete diversify their exercise program. With a stick, you can perform all movements more accurately, and a jump rope will give you the opportunity to diversify your cardio work.
  • Clothes for training. Many beginners play sports in inappropriate clothing. Instead of a comfortable sports uniform, they wear very wide, or, conversely, narrow, casual clothes. This is not aesthetically pleasing and may also increase the risk of injury. Choose a sports suit that will not hinder your movements. Also, clothes should not be too loose.

Rules for conducting classes

Before starting the main training program, you need to find and prepare a suitable place for training in the apartment. You should not be disturbed by extraneous things; choose the most spacious area. There are several tips to help make yours as effective as possible:

  • Warm up before starting class. This way you can prepare your muscles and joints for further stress.
  • Don't exercise immediately after eating. You will constantly feel discomfort in your stomach, and your digestive system may be disrupted.
  • When performing heavy sets, remember to breathe properly.
  • Don't forget to drink water. It shouldn't be very cold.

To improve your workout performance, you must eat right. . The lion's share Proteins should be present in the diet. Avoid sweets and starchy foods. Most healthy products Rice, buckwheat, and oatmeal are considered. In the afternoon, consume milk, cottage cheese, and eggs.

Sleep 8 hours a day. Thus, the muscles of your body will be fully restored and will also be ready for a new load.

The three-day home workout program is great for beginners. Thanks to the fact that you will exercise just a few times a week, your strength will increase significantly and your body will become more defined.

There are huge benefits to working out at home. If you study at home, no one will disturb you. You will save money that you would have spent on an expensive subscription. You will also not need to waste precious time traveling to the gym.

How to create a lesson plan?

Before starting classes, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of exercises that you will perform. As a rule, the same training program will not suit all women in the same way. It is necessary to take into account the athlete's level of training, as well as the main goal of the training.

Very often, athletes keep special training diaries. This way you can monitor your progress. This fact is especially relevant for women who exercise at home without a trainer.

For beginners

It is best to exercise three days a week. For example, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Preparing for the main job should not take much time. It is very important for beginners to perform a set of exercises with the correct technique. If you have questions about how to do the exercise correctly, watch the instructional video.

At this stage, you should prepare your body for future stress. The program is suitable for women who do not lead physical activity V Everyday life. At first it is better to exercise without weights. It is very important not to feel sorry for yourself; try to perform the exercises with full strength.


On the first day of class you must complete several exercises. It is very important that they are aimed not only at developing your legs or arms, but also the whole body as a whole. Five exercises will be enough for you.

  • 5-10 minutes. Jumping rope.
  • Tilts down. You must reach the floor surface with your hands. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Deep squats. The number of repetitions depends on your fitness level. You can do 2 repetitions.
  • . Twisting.

If you feel that this load is not enough, then you can move on to more complex exercises. You can also perform more sets in one training day.


Your muscles may be a little sore after your first session. It's natural, keep practicing.

  • Jumping rope. Cardio movements should be present in every lesson.
  • Pushups. If you cannot complete a single repetition, then you should do push-ups with your knees bent. You can also do this by taking the support from a sofa or chair.
  • Jumping rope. (You can repeat the same exercise several times per session.)

Remember that before each workout it is necessary to warm up all muscles and joints.


On the last training day, you should repeat all of your heaviest sets.

  • with high knees.
  • Push ups.
  • Crunches (press).
  • Leg stretching, splits.
  • Reverse chair push-ups.

These exercises are primarily necessary for the development general level physical training girls. Soon you can begin more difficult training.

For athletes with an average level of training

After a successful start to training, you can begin working with weights. Sports equipment will help you achieve faster desired result. It will be enough for you to conduct only 3 classes per week.


Now in one lesson you can train only a few muscle groups. This way, your body will get used to the strength load faster and will also recover faster. On the first day, do exercises to develop your legs and core muscles.

  • Squats. You can take dumbbells or a kettlebell in your hands.
  • Lunges with dumbbells forward.
  • Jumping rope.
  • Dumbbell lateral raises.
  • Push-ups from the floor or from a bench.
  • Pull of sports equipment to the belt.


On this training day, the main forces should be aimed at pumping up the arm muscles.

  • Jumping rope.
  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps.
  • Push-ups with a narrow placement of hands (can be done from a bench).
  • " ". Bend your arms with sports equipment using a special grip.
  • Jumping rope.


On the last day of class you should work on cardio movements, abs and stretching. A good solution would be to conduct the class outdoors.

  • 60 meter sprint.
  • Abdominal exercises.
  • on hands.
  • Cross. (Run a few laps around the stadium.)

With this program you will achieve noticeable results in just a couple of months. Then you can move on to more difficult training.

For advanced

This is an intense circuit training session. In one session you should perform approximately 5-6 exercises without rest between them. In this case, you need to repeat the program several times. After performing the last movement in the cycle, rest a little and then start working again.

You need to train 3-4 times a week. In this case, one additional day should be allocated for cardio exercise. Run cross-country and also swim. In winter, skiing can be a good alternative.

You must create the lesson program yourself. It is very important that the maximum number of muscle groups are involved in one workout.

An effective circuit training should consist of the following exercises:

  • Squats with dumbbells.
  • Pull-ups.
  • Burpee.
  • Exercises with weights. (Lifting dumbbells to the biceps, pulling the projectile to the belt).
  • Jumping rope.
  • Twisting and leg lifts.

By combining them, you can create a unique training program.

Very often, upon reaching an advanced level, girls who work out at home buy a gym membership. If you start exercising regularly, you will soon be unable to imagine your life without training. If you have difficulty getting yourself to start exercising, train with a friend. This way you will motivate each other.

In order to achieve results faster, the athlete must eat properly. Eat little but often. Working out at home will help any girl become fit, beautiful and desirable.

Strengthening muscles, or making way for beauty!

Probably every woman at least once in her life does not like her own reflection in the mirror. And each has its own problem areas. For some it’s the lower abs, for others it’s the buttocks, and what doesn’t suit you? Do you want to start training at home, but don’t know where to start or what exercises to choose?

Through trial and error, the best exercises for girls at home were selected. Now you have access to a set of wonderful exercises that will help you maintain good physical shape. You'll feel confident in any outfit - from a skimpy bikini to skinny jeans or an extravagant dress.

I present to your attention the 10 best exercises for women that you can easily do at home and they simply work wonders! Add them to your workouts and your weaknesses will turn into strengths!

I love this exercise because it adds volume to the buttocks, keeps the muscles toned and works great on the back (I got rid of constant pain in the spine).

Performance: take two dumbbells in your hands, stand on left leg, lift the right one. Take away right leg back and bend your knee so that your shin is parallel to the floor.

Slowly lean forward, keeping your back straight. Pause, then return to the starting position.

This exercise is my secret weapon in the fight for my waist. The oblique abdominal muscles work very actively here.

Performance: lie down on left side, legs straight. Rise up on your left elbow, lifting top part torso. Raise your hips so that they are in line with your shoulders. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then return to the starting position. Perform the exercise on the right side.

I am a devoted fan of this classic exercise. It uses almost all muscle groups, burns a lot of calories, and also develops pectoral muscles. You want your breasts to look attractive, right?

Performance: get down on all fours, place your hands on the floor so that they are slightly wider than shoulder level. There is no need to spread your legs wide. Lower your body until it touches the floor, then return to the starting position. Please note that the back and hips do not bend, they are absolutely straight.

This ballet movement perfectly works the muscles of the inner thighs. The gluteus maximus muscle also pumps intensely.

Performance: stand straight, spread your legs wide, toes pointing to the sides. Begin to squat slowly, bending your knees and keeping your thighs parallel to the floor. Pause at the bottom for a moment, then return to the starting position.

Interval Cardio Training

Don't forget about cardio. This can be a great warm-up at the beginning of class. Cardio exercises will warm up your muscles and prepare your body for a fast pace and load. The main (and huge!) advantage of such exercises is their energy consumption. High-intensity interval training burns a fairly large number of calories in a short period of time.

Performance: select any cardio equipment (orbitrack, jump rope, treadmill, bicycle, etc.) and repeat following diagram 10 times:

3 minutes – 50% of maximum effort

20 seconds – 75%

10 seconds – 100%

Triceps exercises

This is my favorite exercise for the back and triceps. I take light dumbbells, compensating for this with a large number of repetitions (25 and above).

Performance: Lunge forward, left leg behind. Bend your body low forward, bend your right knee. The hands are pressed to the body, the elbows are pulled back. Raise and lower your arms with weights 30 times in each direction.

Step exercises or step-ups

This exercise targets the glutes and hamstrings. You can't do without it if you want to have beautiful strong legs and a firm ass. The quadriceps muscle is also involved here, it is to it that we owe the pronounced relief of our athletic, toned legs.

Performance: stand in front of a bench or special step platform. Place your left foot on it. Push off the bench and change legs while jumping.

During execution, the back should be straight. Try to maintain balance by focusing your gaze straight ahead.

Bridge – perfect exercise, familiar to us since childhood. Don't underestimate it because of its apparent simplicity. This is a wonderful exercise, it not only makes your buttocks round and firm, but also has a beneficial effect on the health of the spine.

Performance: Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees. Raise your hips so that they are level with your knees. Pause at the top, then slowly lower down.

Static planks are quite difficult to perform. And if they are also performed with support on one hand, then even more so. But she has no equal in correcting and maintaining posture. This exercise is included in many fitness programs that work with back and spine problems. The plank also develops endurance and patience, which, in my opinion, makes it almost priceless.

Performance: Take a “lying support” position, bend your elbows and transfer your weight to them. Your body should be a perfectly straight line, from your shoulders to your feet. Tighten your gluteal muscles and lift right hand in front of. Make sure your shoulder blades don't lift. Hold for 5-10 seconds, then switch hands.

Yoga has a lot of undeniable advantages: both physical and psychological. And inversion, or, in other words, upside down, asanas are especially valued by the fair sex. You ask: “Why”? The answer is simple - because they perfectly help fight such an unpleasant phenomenon as cellulite. It is quite difficult to remove; the process is long and labor-intensive. It is for this reason that I do this exercise every evening, before bed, for literally 5 minutes. The effect is obvious. I strongly recommend that you do not leave the “birch tree” without due attention.

Performance: Lie on your back and lift your legs and hips so that your toes touch the floor behind your head. Then raise your legs straight, you can leave your hands on the floor, or put them on your hips, whichever is more comfortable for you.

The neck should be relaxed during the exercise. Try to stay at the top for at least a minute, then slowly lower your legs.

Little tricks for effective training

In order to lose weight, strengthen muscles and get rid of excess fat, it is not necessary to visit regularly gym. Bring your body into perfect shape You can also do it at home. We are offering to you ready-made home workouts for girls with an exercise plan and exercise tips for effective weight loss.

Home training for girls: pros, cons and features

Even if you are busy with work and family matters, 30 minutes for fitness You can always allocate several times a week. Especially if you organize effective workouts at home. If you thought that working out at home for girls is of little use, then try our ready-made exercise plan for losing weight and toning the muscles of the whole body and get a toned and slender body.

Why should you pay attention to home fitness? What are the pros and cons of training at home for girls compared to visiting a fitness club?

Benefits of training at home:

  • You save time traveling to the gym.
  • No need to adapt to the fitness club schedule.
  • You save money on purchasing a subscription.
  • It is psychologically more comfortable to work out alone; no one is watching you or causing you any inconvenience.
  • You do not need to purchase special fitness clothing; you can exercise in a T-shirt and shorts at home.
  • For young mothers on maternity leave, training at home is the only option if there is no one to leave the child with.
  • A large selection of ready-made video programs and exercise sets will make home workouts for girls varied and effective.
  • You will have a comfortable shower or bath with all the necessary accessories at your fingertips.
  • You can study early in the morning before work or late in the evening after work.

Disadvantages of training at home:

  • There is no coach who will deliver correct technique performing exercises.
  • There is no variety of exercise equipment at home, and additional equipment must be purchased.
  • You will have to think through and create a set of exercises yourself or look for a suitable program.
  • To train at home, girls need to have strong motivation to exercise; no one will “push” them from the outside.
  • There are too many distractions at home that can disrupt your workout: household chores, family demanding attention, the desire to relax or surf the Internet, etc.

However, the convenience and comfort of home training outweighs the small list of disadvantages. All you need to train at home is to free up a small square of space in your apartment, set aside 30-60 minutes for an activity, make an exercise plan and start training.

Equipment for training at home

To lose weight and tone your body, you can exercise at home and without additional equipment. Exercises with weights own body give a good workout and help work out the core muscles and speed up the fat burning process. However, for b O For greater variety of training, it is advisable to have at least dumbbells: they are especially useful when performing strength exercises. In addition to dumbbells, you may need a chair, bed, or nightstand for some exercises that require support.

If you have some additional equipment at home or have the opportunity to purchase it, this will help you diversify your exercises and increase the effectiveness of your workout. However dumbbells are the most basic equipment, which will be enough for full-fledged training at home for girls. It is also advisable to have a rug or mat on the floor if you have hard or cold floors.

What other equipment can be purchased:

  • Fitness band: the most popular equipment in Lately, ideal for thighs and buttocks.
  • Mat: A basic piece of equipment needed for almost any workout at home.
  • Fitball: round ball for abdominal exercises and development of stabilizing abdominal muscles.
  • Tubular resistance band: ideal for training the arms, shoulders and back.
  • Elastic band: Very useful for strength training and stretching.
  • Massage roller: for muscle recovery after exercise and self-massage.
  • TRX loops: for functional training at home.

So, for cardio training and functional training to tone the body, you can do it without additional equipment, with your own body weight. For strength training, you will need dumbbells from 1 kg to 10 kg, depending on your capabilities and goals. If you plan to train at home long time, then it is better to purchase collapsible dumbbells. Instead of dumbbells, you can use plastic water bottles or design dumbbells yourself:

Home workouts for girls: basic rules

1. Any workout should always begin with a warm-up (7-10 minutes) and end with stretching (5-7 minutes). This is a mandatory rule that should always be remembered. Check out our warm-up and stretching exercises:

  • Warm-up before training: exercises + plan

2. Don't exercise on a full stomach. Training should begin 1-2 hours after the last meal.

3. 1.5-2 hours before training, you can allow yourself a full meal. If this is not possible, then have a small carbohydrate snack 45-60 minutes before the start of class. 30 minutes after training, it is better to eat a small portion of protein + carbohydrate (for example, 100 g of cottage cheese + apple or 1 scoop of whey protein in milk) . But the most important thing for losing weight is not what exactly you eat before and after training, but how you eat in general throughout the day.

5. You can train in the morning on an empty stomach. The time of exercise does not affect the weight loss process, so choose the morning hours only if you are comfortable exercising after waking up. You can have breakfast 30 minutes after class, preferably protein + carbohydrates.

6. Don't forget to drink water. Drink a glass of water 20-30 minutes before starting your workout and one or two glasses of water after finishing your workout. During exercise, drink every 10 minutes, taking several sips.

7. Be sure to exercise in sneakers so as not to harm your leg joints. Also wear a sports bra to support your breasts and comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics that do not restrict movement. If you do yoga, Pilates, or do gentle exercises on the floor, you don't need sneakers.

8. Don’t overload yourself with training; at first it’s enough to do it 3 times a week for 30 minutes. You can gradually increase the duration and frequency of classes: 4-5 times a week for 45 minutes, if you want to accelerate results.

9. If you have back problems, then it is better to minimize abdominal exercises that are performed on the back, replacing them with planks and variations:

We use it for training circular pattern: Perform each exercise for 30 seconds + 30 seconds rest and then move on to the next exercise. After finishing the circle, stop for 2 minutes and start the circle again from the first exercise. Repeat the exercises in 3 circles . If the exercise is performed on both sides, then perform 30 seconds first on one side, then 30 seconds on the other. Each lap will take you 7-8 minutes.

Day 1

2. Leg raise (both sides)

3. Static plank (you can go down on your knees)

Day 2

2. Plie squat

5. Hip adduction while lying on your side (on both sides)

Day 3

1. Leg raises

3. Side lunge (both sides)

4. Walking with arms spread and shins crossed

5. Lateral leg lift on all fours (both sides)

Home workouts for weight loss and fat burning

If you are looking for home workouts for girls who want to lose weight and have at least a little fitness experience, then we offer you a set of exercises for burning fat based on cardio exercises and exercises for muscle tone. In this home training option, you also do not need additional equipment.

We use it again for classes circular pattern: perform each exercise for 40 seconds + 20 seconds rest and then move on to the next exercise. After finishing the circle, we stop for 1-2 minutes and start the circle again from the first exercise. Repeat the exercises in 3-4 circles (to begin with, you can do 1-2 circles, see how you feel) . If the exercise is performed on both sides, then perform it first on one side, then on the other. Each lap will take you 8 minutes.

Day 1

2. Walking forward lunges

4. Skier

5. Side leg raise (both sides)

6. Side plank twist (both sides)

Day 2

2. Bulgarian lunge (both sides)

5. Leg swing (both sides)

Day 3

2. Rising from a chair with a raised leg (on both sides)

4. Plank jumps with legs raised

5. Raising legs up (on both sides)

Home workouts to tone muscles and reduce body fat

If you are looking for home workouts for girls who don't have excess weight, but want to tone your body, then we offer you a set of exercises to strengthen muscles and reduce fat. Unlike the previous diagram, the circle includes only one cardio exercise, the rest of the exercises are aimed at toning muscles and getting rid of problem areas. You will need dumbbells 2-5 kg.

We train similarly in a circular pattern: perform each exercise for 40 seconds + 20 seconds rest and then move on to the next exercise. After finishing the circle, we stop for 1-2 minutes and start the circle again from the first exercise. Repeat the exercises in 3-4 circles (to begin with, you can do 1-2 circles, see how you feel) . If the exercise is performed on both sides, then perform it first on one side, then on the other. Each lap will take you 7-8 minutes.

Day 1

2. Dumbbell plank pull-ups

4. Push-ups (can be on your knees)

5. Lunges in a circle (both sides)

Day 2

1. Lunge in place (both sides)

2. Bent-over dumbbell raises

5. Spider bar

6. Side crunches (on both sides)

Day 3

1. Diagonal lunges (can be done with dumbbells)

2. Side plank (on both sides)

4. Side lunge (both sides)

5. Reverse push-ups

Strength training at home to strengthen muscles and develop strength

If you want to strengthen your muscles, develop strength and improve your body composition, then we suggest you strength training for girls at home. The program includes strength exercises with dumbbells. Perform the exercises for the specified number of approaches and repetitions (for example, 4x10-12 means 4 sets of 10-12 reps) . Rest 30-60 seconds between sets, rest 2-3 minutes between exercises.

If you want to effectively work on your muscles, then the weight of the dumbbells should be taken such that the last repetition in the approach is performed with maximum effort (5 kg and above). If you only have light dumbbells, then do b O a higher number of repetitions (for example, 15-20 repetitions), but in this case the training will not be strength training, but fat burning.

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