Home Coated tongue Hyperhidrosis types. Hyperhidrosis: Treatment of excessive sweating with traditional methods

Hyperhidrosis types. Hyperhidrosis: Treatment of excessive sweating with traditional methods

Sweating itself is normal function body. Sweat protects human body from overheating, but increased sweating is an abnormal reaction of the body and is called hyperhidrosis in medical circles.

The cause of increased sweating is not always intense training or hot weather.

Hyperhidrosis can also occur during the cold season. Therefore, it is very important to determine the cause of increased sweating; perhaps it is a disease internal organs or other problems that need to be fixed.


The most common causes of hyperhidrosis are:

  • in the functioning of the body. This condition is observed in obesity, diabetes mellitus, and during puberty. young body or, conversely, in .
  • Stress, all kinds of nervous disorders.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Infections of various origins, which provoke an increase in body temperature.
  • Poisoning, alcohol or food.
  • Disruption of the genitourinary system.
  • Heart and blood pressure problems.

Although this is not an exhaustive list of reasons that can lead to hyperhidrosis.

Increased sweating in the armpits

Most often, hyperhidrosis occurs in the axillary region, aggravation of which is observed in the summer, when it is too hot outside.

Everything seems to be fine, there should be more sweat, because it’s hot outside.

But even “summer” hyperhidrosis may indicate problems with the hormonal system and an imbalance in the functioning of other organs, because not all people sweat profusely when the temperature rises outside.

Severe sweating of the feet

Excessive foot sweating occurs much more often than axillary hyperhidrosis. The problem occurs in both sexes, that is, in both women and men. The symptoms are really bad, the feet have an unpleasant and intrusive odor, which is quite difficult to eliminate.

The problem lies in the fact that the feet contain a huge number of sweat glands and, in any unfavorable environment, begin to actively act: that is, resist the environment. Most often this is due to wearing low-quality and tight shoes.

Heavy sweating throughout the body

Sometimes, a person cannot determine the total increase in sweating. Constantly wet clothes that have an unpleasant odor.

A few common causes of whole body hyperhidrosis:

  • genetic inheritance;
  • problems with the nervous system;
  • endocrine disorders (,)

It's understandable when a person heat body, then there is a lot of sweat, but in other cases a person should consult a doctor.

Severe sweating in the head area

Is excessive sweating noticeable on your head? Don't worry if this happens while playing sports or during intense physical activity.

In other cases, such a problem may indicate a strong emotional experience and stress. Thermoregulation of the whole body is important, especially if you are overweight.

Heavy sweating at night

This problem occurs in situations where a person has problems with autonomic system, or may be evidence of a more serious problem, for example:

  • , leather, etc. (entering the body of the tuberculosis virus);
  • oncology;
  • AIDS and other immune diseases;
  • obesity;
  • metabolic problems and diabetes.

Naturally, we should not forget about hormonal disorders, V clinical picture of which hyperhidrosis comes first.

Other reasons

In women, increased sweating may be caused by pregnancy or the onset of menstrual cycle. During menopause, most women experience a reason such as heavy sweating. Puberty is also often characterized by excess sweat production.

General rules for combating excessive sweating

You can resort to the procedure of iontophoresis, which involves hardware cleansing of the pores on the skin. As a result, greasy and sweat glands skin normalizes its functioning.

There is also a procedure called “Aspiration curettage”, which allows you to almost completely destroy the sweat glands and a person will forever forget what it is to sweat.

Don't forget about nutrition. The diet should not contain too spicy or salty foods; it is better to avoid fats and give preference to vegetables and fruits.

If you are overweight, then you definitely need to lose weight.

Naturally, if all of the above problems are not typical for a particular person, then you need to consult a doctor to identify the exact cause of hyperhidrosis.

Methods to combat sweating in the armpits

Naturally, you should wash well first. Deodorizing agents can also be produced in-house. Oddly enough, antiperspirant should be applied at night, and not, as is done in most cases, after a morning shower.

All clothing in the presence of hyperhidrosis should be made of natural materials, no synthetics.

Forget about constant fears. The appearance of hyperhidrosis is often associated with unnecessary worries, so when going for an interview, you don’t need to worry too much. This will help you pass the test more successfully and not sweat too much.

Give up bad habits and play sports.

Can be used folk remedies to combat increased sweating. Traditional methods recommend using “sour” foods, more precisely citrus fruits.

How to get rid of severe sweating on your palms

Can be used zinc ointment, but if sweating of the hands is not very noticeable. Teymurov's paste is suitable when sweating is too strong and the problem is long-standing.

Formalin can also be used to solve the problem. For the remedy, you will need to dilute 1 tablespoon of formaldehyde in 1 liter of water and hold your hands in this solution for about 10 minutes.

If minimal signs of irritation occur, the procedure should be stopped immediately.

You can use ammonia, no more than 2 times a day. Don’t be afraid of the strong smell of the product; it disappears almost instantly.

As a last resort, you can do Botox injections.

How to get rid of severe sweaty feet

First of all, remember to wash your feet regularly, morning and evening. It is recommended to use antibacterial soap if persistent foot odor is a real problem.

After the washing procedure, be sure to wipe your feet dry. Even minimal moisture residues can provoke the development of bacteria and, as a result, the appearance of sweating and an unpleasant odor.

Don't neglect using a special foot deodorant. Choose shoes only from natural materials. Never use a pair of socks or tights twice.

If your feet sweat profusely, you can use vinegar to wipe your toes every morning. Vinegar should not be used when there are sores or any wounds on the feet.

Can be used folk recipe: At night, put oak bark powder in cotton socks, which helps remove excess sweat from the skin of the feet.

How to get rid of severe sweating of the head

You can restore the normal functioning of the sweat glands on your head with the help of folk remedies, using herbal infusions for rinsing. You need to eat right and try to be less nervous.

If none of the methods help, then you can resort to surgery.

Endoscopic sympathectomy - clamped during the operation ganglion, responsible for sweating. After the operation, sweating stops altogether.

Tracoscopic sympathectomy is similar to the operation described above, but it is performed without an endoscope, simply making an incision in the skin and muscles.

How to get rid of severe facial sweating

At the beginning of treatment, it is recommended to use the most non-traumatic methods - antiperspirants. Today, many manufacturers offer a wide range of products, including hypoallergenic ones, which allow them to be used on the face.

If the first method does not produce noticeable results, then you can inject Botox or Dysport. These substances, despite their high toxicity, have long been used in cosmetology and cope well with hyperhidrosis. Although the cost of such “pleasure” is quite high, and the validity of the drugs is no more than 9 months.

As in the case of problems on the head, there is the possibility of performing surgery on the face - endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy. Efficiency surgical intervention very high – 95%.

How to get rid of heavy sweating at night

Before starting treatment and other measures, you should definitely find out the reason why sweating increases at night; perhaps it is due to taking medications or it is simply hot in the room.

Methods to combat nocturnal hyperhidrosis:

  • open windows when you sleep;
  • choose a light blanket;
  • a few hours, at least 3 before bedtime, do not eat spicy and salty foods, refuse a glass of wine before bed;
  • do not pass it on under any circumstances;
  • It’s best to take a short walk in the fresh air before going to bed;
  • spend more often hygiene procedures, before going to bed, you can take baths with natural herbs.

The same rules apply to those people who suffer from hyperhidrosis of the whole body.

Preventive actions

If you have problems with profuse sweating throughout the body or on a separate part, then try to choose things from natural materials, this rule also applies to shoes.

Be outside more often, watch your daily routine, eat on time so as not to overeat. Try to give up artificial and natural stimulants and alcohol.

If no measures help, then be sure to go to the doctor for a consultation; perhaps the problem is much more serious than it seems at first glance.


In this material you will learn everything about hyperhidrosis, what it is, what the causes are and which doctor to see. I’ll also tell you how the disease is diagnosed and why ordinary hygiene products will not help in the fight against such a disease.

We will also consider the main methods of treating excessive sweating. Additionally, let's talk about folk remedies for home treatment. Then there will be reviews below.

is severe profuse sweating in men, women and children. As a rule, it serves to cool the body when overheated. If more moisture is released than necessary, then increased sweating occurs.

Eat secondary hyperhidrosis which occurs as a result of any disease. These could be infectious problems. In particular, tuberculosis, a number of tumor and endocrine diseases. As a rule, sweating of the whole body occurs. Very often it appears at night.

Is there some more primary hyperhidrosis- this is already congenital pathology. That is, people are already born with such a disease.

According to localization, hyperhidrosis occurs:

  • General- heavy sweating all over the body
  • Local- excessive sweating only in certain areas of the body (armpits, feet, palms, etc.)

The limit of normal sweating is where the sweat itself causes discomfort to a person. Therefore, you can’t say for sure here. For some, a little sweating may create discomfort. And someone can walk until all their clothes are wet.

The sweat glands themselves are located throughout the surface of our body. The largest number of them are located in the forehead, armpits, palms, crotches and soles of the feet.

There are two types of sweat glands:

  1. Ecrine- function from birth and participate in the thermoregulation of the body.
  2. Apocrine- develop during puberty. They do not take part in thermoregulation. They are activated only in a stressful situation and give sweat a characteristic odor.

Sweat glands of the armpits

Sweating centers are located in the hypothalamus, medulla oblongata and spinal cord. It is when they are irritated that a signal is sent to the sweat glands, which become activated, increasing sweating.

Hyperhidrosis is often localized in the armpit areas. About 2% of the population suffers from armpit sweating. Moreover, this is not the kind of sweating that regular antiperspirants help with. You can try hundreds of similar drugs, but still nothing will help.

In second place was sweating of the palms. After this comes hyperhidrosis of the legs. As a rule, these conditions are combined with each other.

Hyperhidrosis causes

Speaking about hyperhidrosis, the causes of its occurrence are also worth mentioning. Essentially, sweating during hot periods, elevated temperature, stuffiness and so on - this is absolutely normal physiological phenomenon. Actually, this is the main function of sweating.


Even sweating during stress is also a normal and natural function of the body. This has nothing to do with our problem. If the stress goes away, then the sweating goes away too.

Another thing is that someone who has hyperhidrosis experiences stress throughout their entire life. And the only period when people do not sweat is at night. During sleep, the body is most relaxed. As a result, the person is calm and sweats less.

But as soon as he wakes up and starts having breakfast, his armpits and palms immediately become wet. Plus, sweating increases during periods of excitement.

Stress, oddly enough, is indirectly related to hyperhidrosis. This causes increased sweating. And if a person starts to sweat a lot, then he becomes even more stressed.

The result is such a vicious circle. A person begins to think that he is about to sweat, after which this excitement overtakes him.

Sweating during pregnancy is a normal and natural physiological condition due to a certain imbalance of extragens and progesterones. IN in this case no need to worry, because with normalization, copious discharge sweat will disappear.

But another thing is that pregnancy can sometimes act as a trigger for local hyperhidrosis.

Many patients may say that if sweating did not bother them before pregnancy, then after childbirth it began to manifest itself very actively.


In some cases, when the thyroid gland is active, increased sweating may occur. Especially the torso.

However, it is worth adding that such an ailment, as a rule, does not appear as the first symptom of a thyroid problem. Therefore, here you need to think about other diseases.

Heavy sweating at night

- this is the situation when you need to think about any diseases. But the difference here is that with local hyperhidrosis there is never heavy sweating at night.

Whereas general hyperhidrosis occurs very often and even at night. Therefore, night sweats are a sign of some kind of disease.

If you have excessive sweating at night and during the cold season, I recommend that you first pay attention to the room temperature. There are many people who are used to sleeping in a warm room. As a result, they unknowingly provoke their sweating.

If you have night sweats and unpleasant smell, then this is a very bad signal! You definitely need to go general therapeutic examination.

First of all, you need to go to a therapist and do the usual screening tests. This general analysis blood, biochemistry, chest x-ray.


Very often a person is bothered by the smell of sweat. This is a problem of local microbial background in the armpit areas. The skin of any person carries saprophytic microbes. They do not cause serious problems.

However, in certain situations these microbes, combined with the sweat produced by the apocrine sweat glands, create the problematic odor.

It is very difficult to get rid of sweat here. It is necessary to suppress sweating and at the same time fight the functioning of these microbes. I will say that this is a certain characteristic of a person. After all, our ancestors used to recognize themselves by smell.

Hyperhidrosis, which doctor should I consult?

Some may be concerned about this question, and if you have hyperhidrosis, which doctor should you contact? Usually people turn to their local doctor (general practitioner) for help. In principle, correct!

Moreover, he will immediately give directions for examinations. For example, pass necessary tests or x-ray. And this is also important!

So first of all, make an appointment with a therapist. And then you will look at the circumstances. Naturally, after research, the doctor can write out referrals for examination by other specialists.


You need to understand that increased hyperhidrosis does not arise out of nowhere. Everything here is interconnected. Therefore, you will have to visit several specialists for examination. You won't be able to get by with just one therapist.

  • cardiologist
  • narcologist
  • endocrinologist
  • phthisiatrician
  • infectious disease specialist
  • dermatologist

But nevertheless, there are 3 main specialists on this particular disease. This is a dermatologist, neurologist and surgeon. So be sure to go additional examination from these doctors.

Diagnosis of hyperhidrosis

Diagnosing hyperhidrosis is not that difficult. However, she always requires medical supervision. As for local sweating, diagnostic criteria are highlighted.

The most important of them is the absence of sweating at night. Also, this is symmetrical sweating, a connection with anxiety, the presence of sweating in parents, and so on.

With the presence of such criteria, the doctor will clearly make a diagnosis. Plus, this is the duration of the illness. At least six months. And it mostly starts between the ages of 15 and 25.

If sweating develops after 45 years, then doctors usually ask themselves a question, since this is not typical for hyperhidrosis.

But fortunately there are specialized centers who study this disease in depth. I recommend contacting them.

How to treat hyperhidrosis

Let's talk about how to treat hyperhidrosis at home and in the hospital. There are basic techniques. They are divided into two types:

  1. Conservative- use of antiperspirants, physiotherapy and bolotoxin
  2. Surgical- these are mainly operations (excision of problem areas, curettage and sympathectomy, laser and ultrasound effects on the sweat glands)

Deodorants and antiperspirants

The simplest and in an accessible way To combat unpleasant odor and sweating is the use of deodorants and antiperspirants.

What is the difference?

Deodorant contains antibacterial components that act on bacteria that cause unpleasant odors. Masks odor, but does not cure excessive sweating!

- it's more strong remedy protection from sweat and humidity. It forms a gel film on the skin upon contact with sweat. Accordingly, sweating is obstructed.

How does antiperspirant work for hyperhidrosis?

When choosing a good antiperspirant, it will all depend on what you want to achieve. That is, what is your original problem?

If this is real hyperhidrosis, which leaves large wet circles in the armpits, then you need to choose antiperspirants of the level medical grade. They can be recognized by the concentration of aluminum chlorides. As a rule, this is at least 10 - 15%.

In this case, you can count on a good effect!

But this may not always be pleasant for a person. These antiperspirants can cause irritation and burning of the skin. Because of this, sometimes you even have to interrupt treatment.

But overall, this solves the problem!

Another thing is that those non-medical antiperspirants that are so widely advertised do not help a person cope with such a problem. It's better not to buy them!

It makes sense to apply antiperspirants at night before bed. And not like they show you in advertising, when a woman starts using this product after a shower. This will only stain your clothes and will not achieve results.

And if you apply it at night, you will have a better chance of achieving results. Because night is the time when the skin does not sweat as actively. As a result, the medicine will penetrate the skin better and have a good effect.

Iontophoresis for hyperhidrosis

If we talk about physical therapy, then iontophoresis for hyperhidrosis would be a good treatment method. This is an electric shock to the sweat glands of the palms and soles.

Iontophoresis for hyperhidrosis of the palms of the hands

There are special baths and devices where the patient places problem areas. This allows you to achieve good effect dry skin. True, such therapy must be repeated several times.

If a person has completed the course, then he can count on results only within 2 - 4 weeks. Then the procedure will have to be repeated.

With this method, patients can be treated at home. For example, once a week you can spend 30 minutes free time to carry out such a procedure.

Bolotoxin injections are also actively used in the treatment of hyperhidrosis. Its solution is injected into the skin of the axillary region of the problem area. Basically, this is the hairy part of the armpit. Multiple injections are given with very small needles.

Bolotoxin injections for armpit hyperhidrosis

The injection blocks the nerve impulse to each sweat gland. Therefore, after the injection, competatory sweating does not occur in other parts of the body.

Patients who use Botox are so satisfied with this method that they do not even resort to other methods of treatment.

Moreover, this procedure is painless. She does not have a rehabilitation period or general anesthesia. Also, this method does not leave any scars on the body.

The result lasts up to six months. Effective in the armpits, hands and feet. Has a minimum of contraindications.

Before the Botox procedure, you need to remove hair in the armpits. For women, it is recommended to get a pedicure if this procedure is performed in the foot area.

In order to determine the most active places of sweating, a minor test is performed. To do this, iodine and then starch are applied to the skin. The latter will darken when interacting with sweat and iodine.

Determination of active sweating sites

The Botox injection procedure itself lasts no more than 30 - 40 minutes. The drug is injected to a certain depth to affect the nerve endings of the sweat gland. Botox blocks them and sweat production stops.

After the bolotoxin injection procedure, it is not recommended to visit the sauna, bathhouse, solarium, gym or swimming pool for 2 weeks.

There are contraindications for this method:

  • Oncological diseases
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Hemophilia
  • Local allergies
  • Muscle weakness
  • Inflammation at the injection site
  • Taking antibiotics and blood thinners

Excision of the scalp

With the excision method, the hairy part of the armpit is excised. That is, the sweat glands, which are located in the scalp area, are destroyed.

Excision for armpit hyperhidrosis

It is worth noting that after such an operation a large scar remains. Therefore, this treatment should be carried out only for those who do not respond to conservative methods.

And also for those who have sufficient excess skin in this area. If you do this to a thin patient, then he will not be able to move his arms.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis with laser

Laser treatment of hyperhidrosis is a method of influencing the sweat glands through a small puncture under local anesthesia.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis with laser

A special needle is inserted through which the laser fiber is passed. Thus, the tissue is processed from the inside. Essentially, we burn out these sweat glands.

With the laser technique, the armpit is first treated with iodine and then sprinkled with starch. In those places where the sweat glands (sweat ducts) emerge, the reaction of iodine with starch turns blue. Here you will immediately see both the localization of the sweat glands and the intensity of sweating.

The effect of laser on the sweat glands triggers their process of self-destruction. Thus, the number of glands is significantly reduced. And with it, hyperhidrosis also decreases.

Sometimes doctors allow this operation to be done 1-2 times.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis with laser is a fairly short procedure. After completing such an operation, you must follow the following recommendations in the first days:

  • Avoid heavy physical activity in problem areas
  • Do not visit the bathhouse, sauna or swimming pools

In general, this method is widely used throughout the world. He has no social rehabilitation and, moreover, is low-traumatic. After treatment, as a rule, there are no scars or cuts left on the body.

- This is a full-fledged procedure for crossing or compressing nerve endings in the area of ​​​​excessive sweating. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. It is done in a hospital and is less traumatic.

It is carried out mainly in case of severe sweating of the palm and severe redness faces. For isolated axillary hyperhidrosis, this operation is not suitable

But the main disadvantage of sympathectomy is the risk of side effects. Among them, this is the occurrence of sweating of the torso (conceptual hyperhidrosis). That is, the palms will be dry, but there will be a risk of sweating in the chest, back or abdomen.

How to get rid of sweaty hands

Let's talk about how to get rid of sweaty hands. Very often, in the treatment of such a disease, the method of iontophoresis is used.

Ordinary tap water is poured into the baths with electrodes.

In some regions it can be very soft without mineral salts. In this case, it makes sense to add half a teaspoon of baking soda. If the water is already mineralized, then nothing needs to be added.

Next, select the current level that will be sufficient to conduct therapeutic effect. In most cases, on certain instruments these levels are already known in advance. The patient only needs to set the desired mode.

The method itself is accompanied by a slight tingling sensation. During the treatment process, you need to change the polarity once, since the current is directed.

To obtain the effect, 8 - 12 sessions of 20 - 30 minutes a day or 5 - 6 times a week are generally required.

There are two ways to save the effect:

  1. Or the patient waits how long the dry effect lasts and then repeats the treatment cycle again
  2. Or maintenance treatment is carried out - as a rule, this is once every 5 days

Using the iontophoresis method allows many patients to achieve very good results. Moreover, it is worth noting that this safe way, which is not subject to serious changes on the human body.

However, it has some limitations. For example, it should not be done by those who have contraindications to physiotherapeutic methods. This also applies to those who have massive metal structures. For example, artificial joints.

Hyperhidrosis of the head and face treatment

Speaking about hyperhidrosis of the head and face, treatment here will be more difficult. Although the reasons are the same as mentioned above. This may be some kind of emotional state of a person, infectious diseases or allergies.

Sweating in the head will be much more difficult to treat than in other parts of the body. After all, the head is always in sight. Therefore, not every operation is suitable here. And even such a good method as iontophoresis is also unlikely to help.

Therefore, if you do not sweat too much, it is better to start with traditional methods of treatment. I will touch on them below.

If we talk about doctors, Botex is very often used. However, this procedure may not be affordable for everyone.

Another good option is to have a short hairstyle. This will make it easier for the scalp to breathe. Let's not forget about a healthy lifestyle. Eat right, exercise, and so on.

How to reduce sweaty feet

Let's talk about how to reduce sweaty feet. In general, hyperhidrosis of the feet is an indication for iontophoresis.

Moreover, when sweating palms, treatment with Botox and sympathectomy is widely used. However, with hyperhidrosis of the legs, sympathectomy is difficult. Especially for obese people. And the use of bolotoxins requires a lot of money.

In this case, iontophoresis is the main treatment method. It is done in the same way as with increased sweating palms. The difference is that the current level here will be much higher. Approximately 20% higher.

Foot hyperhidrosis is not so obvious to the patient and those around him. Unlike the palms, a person’s feet are closed and are not publicly displayed.

But still, for the patient, all this poses significant problems. This includes damage to shoes, smell, various abrasions, and so on.

Unfortunately, the iontophoresis method does not guarantee a 100% result. However, with moderate or moderate sweating, the likelihood of results will be high. About 70 - 80%.

Let's talk about how to treat hyperhidrosis at home. Below I will list folk remedies that help fight sweat and unpleasant odor.


To avoid bad smell, you can try using different antibacterial infusions. For example, tincture of chamomile or celandine. In pharmacies you can find these herbs in special filter bags.

You need to brew 1 packet per glass of boiling water. Next add 1 tsp. soda and stir it. As a result, the herbal infusion will kill the microbes that cause the unpleasant odor. And soda added to the infusion will regulate the secretion of sweat and the activity of the sebaceous glands.

When the solution has been mixed, take cotton wool, soak it in the tincture and then wipe the problem areas. I will say that there will be sweat. However, you will not be disturbed by the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Also, exposure to baking soda will gradually reduce sweating.


If you have general hyperhidrosis, then you need to take full baths. Best help here Oak bark. But you don’t just need to brew it, but cook it a little. That is, to make a saturated decoction, add a portion of oak bark to a liter of boiling water. Pour the resulting broth into the bath.

If you take such a bath regularly, you will have a good chance of reducing sweating. But it is worth saying that you release toxins through sweat. They have to get out somehow. You either need to treat your kidneys or drink more green tea.

Although tea promotes sweating, it also acts as a diuretic. Therefore, the bulk harmful substances will be excreted in urine rather than sweat.

Healthy lifestyle

I also recommend, if possible, going to the sauna more often, and especially in bathhouse. There, along with profuse sweating, all the nasty stuff will come out of your body. But then during the day there will be much less toxins coming out through sweat.

You also need to think about how these toxins are formed in the body. Think about it, maybe you are taking some kind of medication. Or you eat a lot of junk food. This is also important for the body.

Be sure to follow healthy diet. Excess weight is also a cause of hyperhidrosis. Therefore, if you follow at least the basic methods of improving your health, this problem may immediately disappear.

With a healthy lifestyle, it may be that when you sweat, you won’t even feel an unpleasant odor. In general, this problem needs to be approached comprehensively. Think not how to reduce sweating, but why it occurs.

Why hygiene products do not help with sweating

It is worth noting that ordinary hygiene products will not help you with excessive sweating. What tricks do they resort to? Some people use talcum powder. Some people use soap. Usually they intensively rub it on the armpits, thereby clogging the pores.

More people use feminine products hygiene. For example, pads are applied to the armpits and glued to clothing. They can also put it in shoes.

In general, all these remedies do not stop sweating in any way. They can protect clothes and create the illusion of freshness. And talc can protect the skin from damage. But they do not affect sweating itself in any way.

If you have local hyperhidrosis, then I recommend using concentrated aluminum chloride antiperspirants. They have very strict application options. It should only be applied at night before bed.

When the armpits become dry, then there is an opportunity for the protective substance to penetrate into the pores and form protective plugs there. They block sweating.

Never apply antiperspirants before physical activity or after showering. Apply only at night before bed. For many, this application lasts 3-4 days.

That's all!

Now you know everything about hyperhidrosis, what it is, the main causes and how to treat it. Try to eliminate not the disease itself, but the cause of its occurrence. Get examined more often. You already know which doctor to see. We also discussed how to get rid of sweating.

Well, don’t forget about a healthy lifestyle. As a rule, this method of control eliminates many diseases immediately at the root. Therefore it must be observed. In general, be healthy!

Let's look at all the symptoms of hyperhidrosis in order. To begin with, it must be said that hyperhidrosis is a disease in which sweat production increases in a wide variety of situations. Sweating healthy people also fluctuates depending on external (hot weather, fitness classes) and internal (stress, fear) factors.

But hyperhidrosis is called a disease because the amount of sweat increases too much in response to small stimuli. In such people, sweating may increase several times a day even without external influence.

Symptoms of hyperhidrosis

How can I tell if I have hyperhidrosis?

Clinical manifestations of hyperhidrosis have made it possible to divide this disease into two large groups: and generalized (general, throughout the body).

Generalized hyperhidrosis, which does not go away for several weeks or months, must be investigated, because it often accompanies such severe conditions as hyperthyroidism (and some other endocrine disorders), tuberculosis, other infectious diseases, and oncology.

Therefore, it is so important to make sure that local hyperhidrosis is a separate disease that is not associated with any others. Then it will be possible to prescribe treatment exclusively for excessive sweating. Although general hyperhidrosis can sometimes also be an independent disease and not a symptom of another disease, it still happens much less frequently.

Degrees of severity of hyperhidrosis

Doctors distinguish 3 degrees of severity of this disease:

  1. Mild when sweating is increased, but this sign is not yet perceived by the patient and others as something beyond the norm.
  2. Average. With a moderate degree, there is some discomfort when communicating with other people (shaking hands becomes awkward).
  3. Severe - with the smell of sweat spreading throughout the room, constantly wet clothes, serious problems in communicating with other people. Firstly, the person himself, knowing about his illness, tries to be in society as little as possible, and secondly, people avoid being in the same room with him. Depression and neuroses occur, and the help of a psychiatrist and the prescription of sedatives are often required.

Manifestations of generalized hyperhidrosis

General hyperhidrosis, as we have found, is most often a symptom of a serious disease. It manifests itself as increased sweating throughout the entire skin. In places where there are a large number of sweat glands (armpits, inguinal folds), more sweat accumulates.

Hence the complications inherent in both generalized and local forms of hyperhidrosis - fungal infections skin, skin irritation, erythrasma (tinea versicolor).

So, the main difference between the local form is that profuse sweating occurs on individual parts of the body, often symmetrical - armpits, palms, feet (soles), inguinal folds, face. Sometimes certain parts of the face become covered with sweat - forehead, cheeks, nose, upper lip.

People around you begin to notice the manifestations of the disease, sometimes the patient is even told about it, although he already knows very well about his problem. Thus, a seemingly “harmless” disease begins to spoil relationships with others and affects intimate and friendly relationships.

Excessive sweating can interfere with work, when a person leaves sweat stains on documents and objects, small parts can slip out of their hands to such an extent that they have to change their profession (for example, seamstress or embroiderer).

For athletes, excessive sweating of the palms simply ruins life, especially if the sport involves holding objects (racquets, balls). And it’s not easy for gymnasts - their hands slip on the horizontal bars and rings.

Often, increased sweating is directly related to your emotional state. The slightest stress or unpleasant conversation can provoke increased sweating from light perspiration to “hail sweat”.

It is more typical for infectious diseases - tuberculosis and other pulmonary infections. It can also be observed in cases of cancer.

When asking about your medical history, the doctor will always ask if any of your relatives have had hyperhidrosis. If there is a family predisposition to this disease, then a thorough examination of the genetic background of the patient and relatives is carried out. Treatment tactics often depend on this.

If along with heavy sweating If there is a fever, swollen lymph nodes and a cough, then these are most likely symptoms of an infectious disease, so treatment should begin not with reducing sweat production, but with suppressing the infection in the body - antibiotics and vitamin therapy are prescribed. Of course, the patient is first fully examined - a general blood test is taken, blood is tested for biochemistry, blood sugar, hormonal composition is checked, the presence of tumor markers (indicators of tumor processes). An x-ray and cardiogram are taken.

Manifestations of local hyperhidrosis

Local hyperhidrosis can be a source of real suffering for the patient. The most interesting thing is that most people suffer all their lives, thinking that this is just a feature of their body. They don’t even assume that this is a disease that has its own scientific name, and which doctors have been working on treating for more than a century.

Hyperhidrosis of the palms is manifested, as the name implies, by profuse sweating of the palms. The inside of the palms is almost always wet and cold. The same symptoms apply to the soles of the feet. Hence the problems with gloves and socks - they stain the skin and are constantly in a damp state. Socks and gloves have to be changed several times a day.

(axillary) is characterized by increased sweating symmetrically in axillary areas. At the same time, despite its local nature, a person can sweat from both nervous tension and stress.

Sweating under the arms is accompanied by stains on clothes and an unpleasant odor, so, of course, people are trying with all their might to get rid of this disease, fortunately, there are many methods today - from Botox injections to surgical treatments.

Local also includes (sweating of the head, in particular the face). Here sweating is often accompanied sudden redness the whole face or parts thereof. Sometimes sweat occurs from eating certain foods (pepper, spices).

Another type of local form of hyperhidrosis is inguinal-perineal. Sweating in this area is increased even in healthy people, but in patients it turns into constant torment (not only do clothes and underwear become saturated with sweat, but a very unpleasant odor appears).

Symptoms of hyperhidrosis in this case are often confused with symptoms skin diseases, fungal and infectious skin lesions. If signs of such diseases appear (redness of the skin, itching, pain, scales), you should immediately, discarding false modesty, consult a doctor. The task of the dermatologist in this case is to correctly diagnose and treat not only hyperhidrosis itself, but also concomitant diseases.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Do you know what hyperhidrosis is? This is a disease accompanied by profuse sweating. Treatment for hyperhidrosis depends on its origin, causes and symptoms.

Sweating is considered a normal physiological process that accompanies a person throughout his life. Due to the work of the sweat glands, the human body maintains normal body temperature.

For example, with active physical activity, excessive fluid intake, when playing sports, when spending a long time in the sun, a person sweats, his body heats up and the sweat glands, thus, contribute to the thermoregulation of the body.

At normal level sweat glands work, the person does not experience discomfort, personal hygiene products cope with this problem perfectly. But the article will talk about the disease of excessive sweating - hyperhidrosis. This disease is very delicate and problematic, it causes a lot of inconvenience and affects the quality of life.

Of course, he needs to be treated. People suffering from this disease constantly think about how to get rid of this disease, how to treat it, who to turn to?

Types of hyperhidrosis disease

Before talking about treatment methods, it should be noted that depending on the prevalence on the body, there are:

  • Local, when there is increased sweating of the armpits, feet, head, palms, face;
  • Generalized (when the whole body sweats heavily).

Due to development, excessive sweating is primary, i.e. Excessive sweating is observed for no apparent reason, and secondary when the disease is a symptom of some other disease. The second option is the most common.

In addition, pathological sweating is classified according to the intensity of the disease (mild, moderate, severe) and frequency (constant, seasonal, intermittent). Watch the video on how to recognize hyperhidrosis. Test.

By origin, hyperhidrosis occurs:

  • Thermoregulatory - when sweating is a way of cooling the elevated temperature of the human body, carried out by the body in an autonomous mode;
  • Psycho-emotional - psychological reasons associated with emotional arousal;
  • Food – increased sweating is observed after eating spicy foods or alcohol. Expressed mainly on the face.
  • Spontaneous - suddenly occurring increased sweating, caused by psychogenic factors;
  • Pharmacological – caused by taking medications that affect the state of the somatic nervous system.

What causes contribute to the development of hyperhidrosis?

Diagnosis of the secondary degree of the disease includes quite wide list research. Most often, the patient cannot associate his underlying diseases with the symptom of excessive sweating. People suffering from this disease should pay attention to the following diseases:

  1. Diseases endocrine system: diabetes mellitus, pheochromocytoma, acromegaly, increased thyroid function;
  2. Infectious diseases: malaria, brucellosis, helminthiasis, sepsis, tuberculosis, HIV;
  3. Pathologies of the nervous system: panic attacks, phobic disorders, vegetative-vascular dystonia, Parkinson's disease, etc.;
  4. Diseases of the cardiovascular system: hypertensive and ischemic disease hearts;
  5. Tumors;
  6. Kidney diseases;
  7. Poisoning with organophosphorus compounds or fungi;
  8. Genetic diseases;
  9. Alcoholism and drug addiction.

Watch the video: treatment of hyperhidrosis.

In order to identify the cause it is necessary to go through full examination from an infectious disease specialist, oncologist, neurologist, endocrinologist.

The primary type of sweating is most often diagnosed in girls and women aged 15 to 30 years. Expressed in increased sweating on the palms and soles of the feet. Most often, the disease has a chaotic periodicity, but without lack of treatment it can take a chronic form.

Causes of primary hyperhidrosis in women:

  • Increased number of sweat glands on the body;
  • Reaction to external stimuli of the autonomic somatic system (stress, heat, physical activity);
  • Increased sensitivity of the endocrine glands to female sex hormones, which are produced by the adrenal glands in stressful situations;
  • Independent supply of nerve fibers to the sweat glands of the axillary, plantar and palmar areas.

In addition, the primary form is always accompanied by psychological disorders. The patient experiences a constant feeling of anxiety, sleep disturbances, and emotional imbalance, but does not associate these problems with the ongoing symptoms of the disease. Diagnosis often reveals a genetic predisposition.

How to treat hyperhidrosis at home

Self-treatment of hyperhidrosis can last several months; if the measures you take do not produce results, consult a doctor. So what can you do?

Strict adherence to the diet. Eliminate spicy foods, alcohol, tea and coffee, carbonated drinks, chocolate, and cocoa from your diet. Theobromine contained in these products causes increased sweating.

Eliminate synthetic clothing from your wardrobe and do not wear clothes that fit tightly to your body. Change things every day. Do not wear tight shoes; it is advisable to purchase leather shoes.

The use of medical antiperspirants that inhibit sweating. Among them: “Drisol”, “Maxim”, “Odoban”, “Dry dry”. The price of each of them is from 500 to 1000 rubles.

It is better to consult a doctor to prescribe medication. Most often prescribed: tropin, propranolol, klonopin, Prozac. The drugs have side symptoms in the form of dry skin, eyes, nausea, glaucoma. Therefore, they are not suitable for everyone.

Since sweating is directly related to a person’s emotional state, psychotherapy methods are often used as treatment. Some medical centers They even offer hypnosis treatment. If you decide to seek the help of a psychotherapist, he advises you to attend individual sessions.

Inpatient treatment of hyperhidrosis and remedies

Inpatient treatment is most often associated with physiotherapeutic procedures. Let's look at what procedures medical centers can offer us to combat excessive sweating:

Electrophoresis. First of all, electrophoresis and iontophoresis are used. What is electrophoresis? Electrophoresis is a device with electrodes, under the influence electric field which, the necessary substances penetrate through the human skin and are carried throughout the body (ions and cations with the drug). Electrophoresis can be purchased independently at medical equipment stores and used at home. It is also effective in the treatment of hyperhidrosis of the head and face.

Iontophoresis carried out using a drionic - a portable physiotherapeutic device. Warm water is poured into its cuvettes with aluminum plates, and felt pads are placed on top. Under the influence of current, aluminum ions enter the ducts of the sweat glands and block the release of sweat.

After a month and a half, the effect disappears and sweating returns. To achieve a good result, the procedure must be repeated 10 sessions, and then maintain the effect once a week. Considering the cost of treatment, approximately 3-5 thousand rubles, the treatment cannot be called inexpensive. Iontophoresis is used for sweating of the whole body; there are special felt pads under armpits, for arms and legs.

Botox and Dysport. In cosmetology, drugs based on botolutoxin (Botox and Dysport) have long been used, due to its property of interrupting the connection between muscles and nerve cells. It also does a great job of blocking sweat glands. Botox injections are a very popular treatment for hyperhidrosis. The procedure takes only 30 minutes, and the effect lasts up to six months. The cost of treatment will cost 30-40 thousand rubles.

Surgical treatment of hyperhidrosis

Suffering from excessive sweating, which affects the quality of life, of course, you want to get rid of it as soon as possible. For those who want to quickly forget about their illness, modern medicine offers the following procedures.


The nerves of the sympathetic nervous system leading to the sweat gland are clamped with a special clip. The operation lasts no more than an hour, and increased sweating disappears immediately. 85% of patients have full recovery.


Curretage is a treatment for underarm hyperhidrosis surgical method. A radical treatment method involves removing the sweat glands. An incision is made below the axillary area and the glands are scraped out. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and is therefore painless for the patient.

Skin flap removal

In the area most susceptible to sweating, a piece of skin is removed. The more skin removed, the better the results. The method is truly radical, because removing the skin can lead to scarring.

Laser treatment

Laser treatment is one of the most effective methods treatment of the disease. Using the iodine-starch test, the problem area that needs to be treated first is determined. This is the difference laser treatment from previous methods aimed at treating armpits.
Watch the video on laser treatment of hyperhidrosis:

Next, a puncture is made in the skin through which the optical fiber is inserted. Laser ray damages the membranes of sweat cells. Laser treatment has many advantages:

  • painlessness;
  • no consequences in the form of scars and cicatrices;
  • permanence.

One procedure is enough to forget about this problem forever. In rare cases, a repeat procedure is required. However, there are contraindications for laser treatment:

  • pregnancy and lactation period,
  • allergic reactions,
  • chronic diseases,
  • poor blood clotting,
  • inflammatory processes.

The procedure requires tests and a preparatory period. After the procedure, bruises may be observed in the puncture area, which gradually resolve. After a few years, the puncture site is completely healed and no scars remain. The cost of treatment varies between 10-15 thousand rubles.

Traditional methods of treating hyperhidrosis

Traditional medicine is rich in its recipes and has more than once saved humanity from various ailments. Many people of the old school still deny medicine and trust only traditional methods of treatment. But is it effective? traditional treatment in the fight against excessive sweating? Let's consider recipes, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by people's reviews on how to treat hyperhidrosis of the feet, hands and body.

Boric acid. Rub with powder boric acid feet and leave overnight. Be sure to wear warm socks over the top. In the evening, rinse with water and wash your feet well. By repeating this procedure every day, after a month you can forget about sweating feet. It is best to wash your feet with cold water.

Decoction of oak bark. Pour 100 grams of oak bark with one liter of boiling water. Bring to a boil over low heat and let it cool, be sure to strain. The resulting decoction can be used as a foot bath. Oak bark powder can be used in the same way as boric acid powder: rub your feet and leave overnight.

Medicinal herbs. Herbs can be added to socks and worn on clean feet at night. Wheatgrass, barley and oat straw are suitable. Socks should be changed in the morning. By using herbs daily, you will notice improvements within 2-3 weeks.

Baths with chamomile. Pour 7 tablespoons of chamomile into two liters of boiling water. The cooled broth can be used as a bath for feet and hands. Chamomile moisturizes and soothes the skin.

A decoction of sage and nettle. Add a spoonful of a mixture of nettle and sage herbs to half a liter of boiled water. Take 1 spoon internally 3 times a day for no more than a month.

Alcohol tincture of horsetail. Add a spoonful of horsetail herb to 10 tablespoons of vodka and 5 tablespoons of alcohol. Leave in a dark place for a week. Then dilute the tincture with water so that the volume doubles. Lubricate problem areas of the body with the resulting solution.

Acetic acid. Some sources indicate the usefulness of wiping with acetic acid after showering. 2% essence is harmless to the human body.

Valerian, motherwort. Considering that very often psychological reasons are the cause of hyperhidrosis, the use of soothing tinctures will be beneficial.

Tincture of birch buds or walnut leaves . To prepare the tincture, you need to dilute 1 spoon of buds or leaves in boiled water 1 to 10. The resulting solution can be used to wipe problem areas of the skin.

Rubbing your armpits with lemon or baking soda. Our ancestors also suffered from excessive sweating, but modern methods they were not familiar with the treatments. What did they do to avoid sweating too much? There are two known methods: rubbing the armpits with lemon or baking soda. Using these methods, you will protect yourself from sweating all day long. Kombucha helps get rid of the foul odor of sweat.

Strong tea baths. Baths of strong tea or table salt are very helpful for treating palms. Sweaty hands are also well removed by the solution. salicylic acid. If you suffer from excessive sweating of your hands, add a drop of alcohol to your liquid soap.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis in children

In a newborn, thermoregulation processes are just developing, so the slightest increase in body temperature leads to increased sweating. The optimal air temperature for the normal well-being of a child under 3 years old is 20 degrees Celsius. Increased sweating is also observed in children due to sleep disturbances, fatigue, low air humidity and insufficient water intake.

Treatment for hyperhidrosis in children depends on the cause of the disease. Among them:

  • Vitamin deficiencyD. Symptoms: sweating during sleep and feeding, scalp toothache. Treatment: replenishment of vitamin deficiency.
  • Colds and infectious diseases . Increased sweating is associated in this case with increased body temperature. Requires immediate treatment.

  • Lymphatic diathesis . Symptoms: enlarged lymph nodes. Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor. Most often prescribed: physical therapy, limitation sweet food, maintaining hygiene.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. Symptoms: cold sticky sweat. Treatment is prescribed only by a pediatric cardiologist.
  • Hyperthyroidism. In other words, increased functioning of the thyroid gland. Symptoms: sudden weight loss or gain, rapid heartbeat. Most often it is of the nature of primary hyperhidrosis. Associated with genetics or a disorder of the nervous system. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

Prevention. Do's and Don'ts for Excessive Sweating

First of all, a person suffering from hyperhidrosis or to prevent it must strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene:

  • take a shower 2 times a day,
  • change underwear and socks every day,
  • change bed linen once a week,
  • change the pillowcase every 3-4 days,
  • use antiperspirant.

Wipe problem areas of the skin with a paper towel. A cloth body towel should be washed as often as possible. You should also avoid spicy foods that cause sweating. Eat more vegetables and fruits and be sure to take a vitamin complex.

It's no secret that overweight people sweat more often and more than thin people. Therefore, if you are faced with such a problem, take care of your weight. You should also not abuse alcohol, it leads to stimulation of blood flow.

Rid yourself of stressful situations. Take if necessary sedatives. Pharmacies often offer anti-sweating medications, the effectiveness of which has not been proven. Do not buy advertised products.

If you notice that treating hyperhidrosis at home and preventive measures If you can’t cope with the disease, then you are faced with the question: which doctor should you contact? First of all, you need to visit a therapist who will give directions for necessary tests and will refer you to an endocrinologist and neurologist.

Be healthy!

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Hyperhidrosis is an increased function of the sweat glands, characterized by excessive sweating. If the discharge is excessive, the condition takes on pathological forms and causes discomfort, the person should consult a doctor and, together with him, find the causes of increased sweating. Hyperhidrosis can be an independent disease, or it can be a sign of tuberculosis, endocrine disorders and other serious pathologies.

Sweating is one of the thermoregulation mechanisms that maintains the water-electrolyte state and rids the body of waste products.

A physiological increase in sweat occurs due to increased temperature environment, accelerated metabolism during physical activity or psycho-emotional arousal after eating certain dishes. Sweating helps the body function normally.
Hyperhidrosis is a pathological process in which sweating increases. Let's look at the types of hyperhidrosis and the causes of heavy sweating.

According to the prevalence of hypersweating on the body, it can be local or generalized. With local hyperhidrosis, only small areas sweat: armpits, palms, face, feet. Diaper rash appears in the folds of the skin, and an unpleasant odor emanates from the feet and armpits.

The pathology manifests itself in one area or all at once, but palmoplantar hyperhidrosis is more common than isolated hyperhidrosis. The pathology can go away on its own, but without therapeutic measures it often develops into a chronic form. The origin and causes of idiopathic hyperhidrosis cannot be accurately identified. The disease can be caused by:

  • increased number of regional merocrine sweat glands;
  • stress, emotional overload, excessive heat exposure;
  • merocrine systems may be sensitive to high concentrations of adrenaline and norepinephrine during nervous tension;
  • insomnia, anxiety, other symptoms of neurosis;
  • genetics.

Some patients complain of facial sweating after drinking coffee, chocolate, tea, hot food and drinks, and spicy dishes. The same syndrome may occur after surgery on the salivary gland or after infectious disease in this area.

Causes of generalized hyperhidrosis

With general hyperhidrosis, the entire skin becomes covered over time. Generalized excessive sweating can be a separate disease or indicate the presence of diabetes, tumor, tuberculosis, AIDS.

The pathology often accompanies hyperthyroidism, mental disorders, and brain injuries. First, the underlying disease is treated, then treatment of sweating begins.

Endocrine disorders

The syndrome may occur:

  • after an insulin injection without subsequent carbohydrate intake or after a hormone overdose;
  • when the level of glycemia in the blood decreases (usually disappears after taking carbohydrates);
  • with acute pancreatitis;
  • with a benign endocrine tumor that secretes large amounts of insulin;
  • after poisoning ethyl alcohol, sulfonylurea drugs, other drugs.

Excessive sweating is typical for many patients with hypoglycemia (low sugar levels). Manifested by tremor, decreased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, sometimes accompanied by loss of consciousness. The process of disease development due to an excess of insulin can be triggered by a deficiency of glucose in the central nervous system and excessive release of adrenaline. Then the level of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the blood will increase.

When the menstrual cycle stops, hot flashes occur, the woman sweats intensely and feels a rapid heartbeat. According to many scientists, such symptoms are caused by a complex of factors: a decrease in the level of estrogen in the blood and other phenomena.


The cause of increased sweating can be a tumor, which is mainly localized in the adrenal medulla. Arterial hypertension together with hyperhidrosis - the only symptom of a neoplasm.

Rapid heartbeat, a reactive state, and hypersweating are similar to the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, diabetic disease, hypoglycemia, and other disorders; as a result, doctors often lose sight of the true pathology. The correct diagnosis can be found by comparing the complex of the above symptoms with hypertension.

Carcinoid syndrome

A complex of symptoms that cause the presence of a neuroendocrine tumor (carcinoid) and the release of large amounts of hormones is one of the causes of excessive sweating. Such tumors arise in organs digestive system and bronchi.

Symptoms associated with the localization of the tumor:

General symptoms with the syndrome: complicated diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, valvular heart failure, hypertension.


General hyperhidrosis is diagnosed in 60% of patients with acromegaly. Hyperhidrosis is a consequence of the effect of growth hormone on peripheral tissues. The most common symptoms:

  • headache;
  • due to increased growth in the intersection area optic nerve Visual acuity decreases, there is double vision.

The cartilage of the face grows, the skin becomes coarser, thickens, pores increase in size (sweat is viscous and oily). Hyperhidrosis is combined with enlargement of bones and internal organs (especially the thyroid gland). Diabetes mellitus resistant to insulin therapy also occurs. 60% of patients who do not treat the disease die due to cardiovascular complications.

Other causes of hyperhidrosis

The development of excessive sweating is also influenced by the following factors:

More rare causes:

  • Hyperhidrosis can manifest itself in the area of ​​vitiligo, a skin disease. The dermis loses pigmentation due to the destruction of melanin. In some areas of the cover, light spots form due to loss of color.
  • For psoriasis in areas with psoriatic elements.
  • Jadasson-Lewandowski syndrome- congenital pathology combining palmar, plantar, knee, ulnar keratosis with damage to the oral mucosa. At the same time, hair fragility and dryness increase, cataracts sometimes form, and intelligence decreases. With keratosis, excessive keratinization of the skin is observed, and the exfoliation process is disrupted.
  • Increased sweating occurs a clear symptom severe and life-threatening conditions. When certain substances are withdrawn, the cerebral cortex is excited and body temperature is unstable. Hypersweating indicates organophosphorus poisoning, which is manifested by severe lacrimation and drooling, watery diarrhea, severe abdominal pain, and a constricted pupil.

This list of factors influencing the occurrence of hyperhidrosis does not completely cover everyone. possible reasons increased sweating. To avoid the development of the disease, you should follow the basic rules of prevention:

  • Stick to principles proper nutrition. You should avoid hot, odorous seasonings and spices, which not only increase sweating, but also give sweat a pungent odor, and limit hot drinks, tea, coffee, chocolate and other products with theobromine and caffeine.
  • Stop smoking, alcohol, and drug use.
  • Start wearing clothes from natural fabrics, forget about fabrics with poor breathability (nylon, polyester), due to which moisture evaporates poorly and sweat glands are activated.
  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene, take a shower twice a day, change your underwear regularly, and do depilation in the armpit area. Beneficial influence contrast shower on the vegetative functions of the body has long been proven. Skin pores will become stronger and sweating will decrease.
  • Stabilize nervous system. Hyperhidrosis is provoked by severe stress. Light sedatives, yoga, meditation, listening to your favorite music will help, exercise stress, run.

Some people are concerned about why heavy sweating occurs. The answer lies in many various factors. To determine the cause of hyperhidrosis and draw up a treatment regimen, you need to consult a doctor.

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