Home Dental treatment Christian egregor: pros, cons, connection, disconnection.

Christian egregor: pros, cons, connection, disconnection.

The Christian egregor is one of the most popular at the moment - the vast majority of practitioners of magic belong to it. Learn about all the advantages and disadvantages of being under its influence.

Christian egregor and the advantages of working with it

The Christian egregor feeds with its own energy not only countless believers, but also sorcerers and warlocks who consciously use this quality of it. It is clear that conspiracies and rituals are divided into two types. Some require investment personal strength- in their texts there are no appeals to higher powers, angels, demons or anyone else.

A number of conspiracy texts contain appeals to God, Satan or other representatives of higher powers - everything depends on the confession to which you belong. These plots require connection to an egregor. Since on this moment We are talking about the egregor of Christianity, meaning the widespread Russian spells, in the rarest cases spells in Latin. The energy for performing rituals with appeals to saints, angels and God is drawn from the church egregor. If you are not connected to it, warlocking will not work.

In fact, everyone knows that the church has a bad attitude towards magic and witchcraft. But, despite this, the energy for rituals with Christian texts of conspiracies actually comes from the Orthodox egregor. The fact is that such plots are closer to special prayers than to witchcraft. Accordingly, the egregor approves of their use.

The prerequisites for working with the Christian egregor do not end with the ability to draw energy from it. He is able to provide protection. According to Orthodox traditions, every baptized person receives a guardian angel. Prayers work only for those who sincerely believe in their effectiveness - in other words, interact with the egregor. One can talk for a long time about Christian idols and other methods of magical protection.

It is in the interests of the energy-information essence to give your followers what they require. This leads to an increase in the number of followers, at least, which is strengthened by the egregor itself.

Let us also add that the Christian egregor is one of the most massive. He energetically supports several million believers and also feeds on their energy. Just imagine how powerful the rituals performed using this colossal amount of energy will be.

To whom do confessional egregors in general and Christian egregors in particular obey?

The question of who the confessional egregors obey is quite diverse. It is generally accepted among believers that everything connected with the church and faith is controlled personally by God, and angels and archangels help him. Obviously, religious essences are directly related to them, but they have nothing to do with the egregor - this is an energy-informational formation made by people.

So, to whom does the Christian egregor obey? He submits to a higher one egregor of religion. like all existing religious movements in the world. This theory echoes the thoughts of Lena Blavatsky. which stated that all world religions have one source and, in their essence, they are equal.

The egregor of religion is subordinated even more to the high egregor of planet Earth. This chain can be continued indefinitely - there are many types of egregorial formations, and they will exist until they die last man on the planet.

Egregor of Christianity - how to work with it

The mechanisms for working with the egregor of Christianity are the same as when working with other energy-informational formations. Simply put, you need to follow the rules accepted within a given group of people, then their energy will work for your benefit, and not against you.

The first rule is faith in God and his angels, as well as in the ability to receive help from them. Without it, nothing will work out - neither prayers, nor Christian philosophies. Without faith, working with the egregor of Christianity will either be ineffective or bring bad consequences.

The 2nd rule is compliance with the rituals accepted in a given religious movement. From time to time you should attend church services. They take place every Sunday, and it’s great if you can attend services every weekend. An important part of cooperation is donations to the temple and alms. You will have to not only receive, but also give energy. Means are also a kind of energy, just like your faith, emotions during prayers, and so on.

There is a so-called tithe. which practitioners working with the egregor of Christianity give to the church. It is 10 percent of every month's income. This rule works with all energy information formations. If a person does not give part of his own income voluntarily and with pleasure, he loses this part of the funds through other methods - and they are unlikely to turn out to be more pleasant than charity.

We must not forget about baptism. As part of Christian rules, all newborn babies are baptized. In Russia, it is customary to baptize newborns, so for the majority of those who wish, the question of the need for baptism does not make sense. But if you were not named in childhood, it is better to go through this sacrament.

Consecration of an apartment, house, etc. is an important part of working with the egregor of Christianity. You will not only receive protection from him using this method, which, by the way, perfectly copes with various damage and other negative programs. You will give him some of your own energy, receiving in return more than you sacrificed.

Reading prayers, especially to saints and other assistants of the Lord, also forces you to share energy with the egregor. In return, you get what you prayed for. There are special prayers for various occasions, which have already proven their effectiveness, judging by countless reviews. This also applies to rituals from the so-called Christian magic - despite the negative attitude towards it among believers, it is an integral part of the egregor.

Observing fasts and paying special attention to church holidays is an important part of the Christian tradition. There is no need to lead to fanaticism, but it is worth following the main rules, they are necessary for you, first. Apart from this, read sacred literature - at a minimum, you will have to read the Bible.

Disadvantages of church egregor

Despite the fact that working with the church egregor gives great amount advantages, its disadvantages are also significant. First, this is the average level of personal energy of his followers - it is quite small. A practicing sorcerer who tries to accumulate energy for some purpose, being attached to a church egregor, gives it to the church and remains at the same level. If your potential for personal power is very small, it makes sense to increase it at the expense of the egregor, but if on the contrary, it will only hinder you.

The church egregor does not like strong personalities - that is why the church has so many old-fashioned rules. The sorcerer, in most cases, seriously stands out from the ranks of his followers. The Church is seriously opposed to warlocks and witches and does not recognize either snow-white or dark magic. A whole section of witchcraft, called Christian or church mysticism, is part of it - albeit unofficially. This concerns conciliar warlocks. It will not be possible to work successfully with its other types.

Church egregor is one of the most unsafe in terms of the degree of impact on the conscious and subconscious mind of a person. Its dogmas and rules program people, making them suitable followers of a given religion. It is quite difficult to distinguish your own thoughts from those sent by the egregor.

Thinking about events in a Christian environment is confusing and takes up a lot of brain space. Simply put, instead of thinking about his own upcoming development in the role of a sorcerer, a person tries to comprehend the dogmas, rules and essence of Orthodox holidays.

Orthodox egregor - how to get rid of it

Like any other, an Orthodox egregor does not desire to lose followers - without them he can end his existence. This explains the difficulties in baptism. renunciation of Orthodoxy and other rituals that are aimed at liberation from the Orthodox egregor. There are a huge number of circumstances for this, and they have already been described above. Here we will give an example of a ritual that will help you free yourself from the influence of the church and begin a completely different path.

The most common method of saying goodbye to the bad influence of the Orthodox egregor is to perform a ritual in the church. The journey began here Orthodox man, here it will end, and you will continue on your chosen path. Choose a time so that there are much fewer people in the temple. In front of the altar or the icon “Christ the Temperance” the verse is read - not in a whisper, but out loud, but still in such a way as not to attract the attention of the temple servants:

I, (name given at baptism), calling myself (magic name), announce renunciation. I renounce God Jehovah, the Father, Jesus Christ, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary and the Light that comes from them. I renounce my own guardian angel, and all divine angelic powers. I renounce every holy Christian place, my own place in the middle of heaven, every Christian thought and deed, the mercy and forgiveness of the Lord God. And may I never set foot on the road to salvation by Christ, given by God, and may my soul be lost to God forever, and may he no longer hear my voice. This is my will and may it be so from this moment and into eternity!

You cannot interrupt while reading. Even under force majeure circumstances, the text should be read with dignity, without haste. After reading, illuminate yourself three times with the unholy sign of the cross - with your left hand, from bottom to top and from left to right. Then leave without looking back.

In general, the Christian egregor has a huge number of advantages for a sorcerer - it can provide a colossal amount of energy and strong defense. But there are also many disadvantages, and participation in it prevents many practitioners from developing. IN in this case renunciation of the Orthodox egregor becomes a way out.

The Christian egregor is one of the largest in the world. Millions of believers are connected to it. Thousands of magicians use it powerful energy, practicing Christian magic and cathedral witchcraft.

In this article

Christian egregor

It is impossible to create an energy information structure alone. Like any other, the Christian egregor was created by a group of people. As the egregor develops, it shapes the environment for itself, influencing its creators. The more donors an egregor has, the stronger it becomes. The egregor's opponents, by their fight against him, feed him just as much as his faithful followers.

Religion unites millions of people around the world and evokes strong emotions

The Christian egregor includes Orthodox, Catholic and egregors of branches of Christianity. Religious egregors have always been the most powerful among all other nations, states and peoples.

Structure elements

Three main elements of the egregor of Christianity:

  1. Bible. The Holy Scriptures are seen as a large book with gold embossed letters on a black cover.
  2. Cross with crucified Jesus Christ. In the egregor's vision, the cross is huge. Rays emanate from it, from which the pyramidal structure of the egregor is fueled.
  3. Pyramid-shaped structures. Sometimes the pyramid is seen as many diamonds folded into correct pyramid. They all communicate with the cross and with each other. From their bases, rays are directed downward, falling on the churches.


The energy of the egregor descends on churches from above, enveloping the buildings and absorbing the vibrations of worship. The energy of Catholicism is dark and heavy. The Orthodox egregor is light, its vibrations sound at a high frequency. Once under its influence, you can feel a sweet taste. The energies of the Christian sacraments are soft, full of warmth and kindness, sometimes sounding with tenderness and care.

Psychics drew attention to the fact that sometimes the rays falling on churches do not pass further than the dome. And sometimes one beam reaches out to several buildings, filling their interior space with itself. This is explained by the fact that not all churches have sincere clergymen serving. It happens that their heads are full of thoughts about the commercial benefits of services, instead of thoughts about faith and the power of religion. Involuntarily, parishioners who find themselves at services where prayers are read mechanically do not feel religious energy. Such churches are energetically empty.

A church that is full of energy attracts new parishioners

A different picture is observed in churches, where the hearts of clergy and parishioners are open to God. Their hearts exude energy, which flows into the energy cauldron of the church.

The strength with which the rays penetrate the church varies. Usually the largest dome absorbs the power of the egregor. According to tradition, there is an altar in this place and everyone who is in it comes under the strong influence of the egregor. This part of the altar is not accessible to everyone.

There are many places of power scattered across the surface of the planet, from where a strong stream of earthly energy shoots into the sky. The flow intensifies in the mountains and rocks. In ancient times, temples and temples were built in such places, and then Christian churches began to be built. If the church is built on a place of power, then the energy coming out of the earth meets the energy of the egregor and strengthens it. When a parishioner enters such a church with with an open heart, then, being under the influence of two energies, he is quickly cleared of information debris in the subtle body.


Do the relics of saints exude energy? Parapsychologists have differing opinions on this matter. It was previously believed that the remains themselves were devoid of energy. The energy that feeds them is the energy of religion and a place of power, if the temple is built on such a place.

Christians do not worship relics, but the Spirit who dwells in them

But the experience of studying the relics of Seraphim of Sarov showed amazing results. When the psychics tuned in to the saint, it turned out that the spirit of the saint was present next to the relics. Everyone who came to worship the shrine found themselves under its beneficial influence. Psychics who saw this conducted research in other temples and churches, sometimes encountering the spirits of saints chained to incorruptible remains.


People's acceptance of monasticism changes their subtle body. After tonsure sexual energy among adherents it is limited to a mental block. Those who are able to see the subtle body of a person will be able to notice that with such a block, the person’s pelvis darkens.

When trying to heal the pelvis, the egregor blocks on the backs of the clergy became indignant. It turned out that pelvic blocking is included in the program of these blocks. Is not individual choice every believer who wants to move away from worldly life, and part of the egregor, which communicates with a person in the back of the head. Along with the message, the egregor transmits:

  • blocks on the back;
  • a collar tuned to vibrations of the heart and back;
  • programs for the neck and back.

When trying to break the program code, the egregor resists. The human consciousness wants to resume the normal flow of energy, but, following the egregor’s program, it itself blocks access to it, closing the lower chakras.

Elements and connections

When a believer prays, the chakra at the crown of his head begins to glow, letting in the light of the soul. Prayer for a parishioner is a way to merge with the energy of the egregor. The rest of the time she is blocked by a personal bible hanging above her head.

The Bible controls the duration of connection to energy and the degree of opening of ajna. Christianity gives the instruction to block the third eye. Within religion, the third eye can have a devastating effect on a person's faith. The installation is designed to strengthen and strengthen faith, because through the third eye a person is able to communicate with demonic forces.

In addition to the head, fusion can occur at the level of the kidneys. Connection in this part of the body initiates a program of sacrifice, which is a generally accepted way of developing the Christian faith. The program can cause the appearance of kidney stones or tumors.

Egregor not only consumes energy, but also feeds it to believers. Distribution and consumption occurs unevenly and sometimes aggressively, because each person has a different power potential. One is able to give as much as the other is unable to accept. The cauldron of the egregor, where all the energy flows, is huge.


The Orthodox tradition is based on virtue and mortal sins. This foundation can lead to results and achievements on the spiritual path. Sins darken the subtle body, making it heavy and dense, and virtue brightens and lightens the sinful heaviness.

Lyrics holy books sometimes interpreted differently. Every believer is free to choose the interpretation he likes and follow it, gaining religious experience. Sometimes there are pitfalls along the way that provide invaluable experience to those who overcome them and follow the path of faith within the framework of tradition.


The Christian egregor has many curators. No force can compare with him in their number and variety. The main tasks of curators:

  • attract new followers and new energy;
  • protect egregor;
  • attack those who are trying to lead followers away.

If a believer has become disillusioned with his faith on his own and decided to leave, then he will not be attacked. But the connection with the egregor may remain due to agreements concluded in past incarnations.

Parapsychologists were able to observe in different time such curators of Christian egregor:

  1. Reptilians. They created an illusory vision of high-ranking servants of the faith. Their thin bodies looked like clergymen dressed in robes.
  2. Demons. Horned, large goats that protect the egregor and attack its opponents. They can be observed on the shoulders of those who need protection. For this purpose, demons have belts and collars in their arsenal. They attack those who negatively influence the will of believers.
  3. Dragons and snakes. Consist of many crystalline vertebrae. Often each vertebra is larger than a person; the length of such creatures exceeds thousands of meters. They have high frequencies, not every psychic is able to see them. They are aggressive, their aggression is restrained only by the will of their superiors. They can attack any person. They require a lot of energy to live; they live only among large egregors.


Christ is eternal. He is always present among the densities of the Earth. Any heart that sincerely calls him will open a channel through which soft and full of love energy of Jesus Christ. This is what the teaching says.

Christ is a teacher who is in the process of moving into 4th density. His life is a symbol of the fact that purity of aspirations and faith will help to demolish all obstacles on the path of a believer, revealing the inner Divinity in a person.

Pros of work

Not only believers, but also magicians can use the energy of the Christian egregor. There are conspiracies that do not require connection to an egregor. Their texts do not refer to God, angels or saints. The magician uses personal power when using such spells.

Other texts contain appeals to higher spiritual powers. By reading them, the magician connects to the egregor and draws endless energy from it. Witchcraft of conspiracies with the names of saints will not work if the magician does not connect to the energy of Christianity.

The Church has a negative attitude towards magic and witchcraft, but the use of conspiracies addressed to higher church powers falls under the definition of prayer. Therefore, the egregor does not block the energy incoming to the magician.

In addition to the fact that the Christian egregor fills the believing magician with energy for witchcraft, it protects him. At baptism, each person receives a protector - a guardian angel. And what stronger will believer, the more he is protected and saturated with the energy of the church.

The Christian egregor is very powerful. It contains colossal energy. It constantly renews itself, feeding believers and being saturated with their energy. Rituals performed with its help can be unusually powerful.

Who do they report to?

It is believed that a religious egregor obeys the one to whom the faith of his followers is directed: God, angels, saints. Contrary to this opinion, the highest religious entities do not belong to the egregor, because it was created by people. Each egregor had creators, donors who shaped it. Even such large and ancient ones as confessional egregors had creators who fed it with energy at first.

The Christian egregor, like other energy-informational formations, is subordinate to the egregor of the planet, which, in turn, is part of other higher education. Together they constitute the Universal Mind. This is the order and it will exist as long as the people who feed the egregors with energy are alive.

How to work with it

In order to be connected to an egregor, you need to follow the rules of behavior accepted among its followers. It is necessary to believe in God, to recognize the power of his angels and saints. Without faith, not a single conspiracy or prayer will work.

Christian paraphernalia will help you connect to the energy of the church during prayer

In addition, every believer should from time to time:

  • attend church;
  • participate in services;
  • observe the rituals of the Christian tradition (fasting);
  • read religious literature (the Bible, lives of saints);
  • pray.

The faith and emotions that a person experiences while in church is payment to the egregor for his energy.

In addition to emotions, it is recommended to give alms and donate money to the temple. Giving money means making an energy exchange. Magicians who work with Christianity give monthly a certain part of their church income. Thanks to such cooperation they acquire a constant flow of Christian energy.

Do not forget about the protection that applies to all believers. Baptism and the consecration of the house can give it. The energy and money that will be spent on these church sacraments will more than pay off in the form of protection from malware, damage and the evil eye.


When working with the church energy information field, do not forget about the disadvantages. They are as significant as the advantages:

  1. It is impossible for a magician connected to a Christian egregor to accumulate personal power. Whatever he tries to save beyond what he has will be given to the church.
  2. The confessional egregor does not like independent individuals. They could harm him. Christianity does not recognize white and black magic, and any magician is a strong and independent person. According to the rules adopted among believers, they try to get rid of such people and exclude their participation.
  3. The religious egregor greatly influences the conscious and subconscious. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish your thoughts from the thoughts sent to them. Dogmas and strict rules make the thinking of believers uniform.

How to get rid of it

Without people, any energy-information formation will cease to exist. Therefore, connecting to an egregor is easier than leaving it. If a person begins to resist the energy, to fight it, he will only waste forces that will go into education, nourishing it.

In order to disconnect from the energy of the church, you need to change your train of thought and realize that the dogmas of religion no longer have power over a person. If a magician who has practiced Christian magic has decided to switch to white or black magic, then the connection with the Christian egregor will only hinder him and may even harm him.

To turn it off, you need to remove icons, crosses and holy books from your eyes. Next, the magician needs to imagine the energy-information field from which he will disconnect and the thread connecting them. This thread is mentally cut, firmly and decisively. All images of God, angels and saints that arise in the mind should be forgotten. Not receiving reciprocal energy, the egregor will interrupt the weakened connection.

The egregor can defend itself, not wanting to give up the connected person. Anxious thoughts may appear and your health may worsen. The images that appear in your head also need to be cleaned. It is important to pay attention to dreams during the period of liberation. In them, the purified subconscious will be able to suggest the answer to tormenting questions and avoid the pitfalls of disconnection. You can't give in negative emotions, they will strengthen the connection.

Before the cleansing begins, it is important to ask the question, which egregor to connect to after the Christian one? Which tradition to develop and which path to follow? This is important in order not to rush around in search, wasting energy and exhausting yourself during new outages. After all, a person, barely born, already has a predisposition to certain energy-information fields, and, perhaps, even an agreement inherited from past life. Happy people– these are those who have found their path and follow it.

A little about the author:

For me, esotericism is the key to the heart, spiritual practice. This is the desire to look behind the screen of the world and find there the abyss of the divine. Wake up. During your lifetime, step into the fire that opens the gates of immortality and find true freedom. Dream yoga - a conscious path to mind control

Evgeny, from my point of view, a lot depends on what theories, models and frameworks our mind is limited (and at the same time expanded).
You formulated a question based on the "energy" model. This means that there is an idea to describe and explain the events of internal and outside world various types of energy exchange.
From my point of view, "energy" is just one of the metaphors. It is sometimes useful and sometimes harmful.
What could be its harm? For example, in the fact that we believe in “streams of good energy” and “streams of bad energy,” without noticing that we endow them with one quality or another.
There is no such problem in the psychological model. There is no “bad energy” from which “protection” is needed, there is “what I don’t want to acknowledge,” or “I’m afraid to admit,” or “I’m experiencing painful things.” But every “negative” contains a resource for growth (and personal growth is always spiritual growth).

There is also, in addition to the energy model, a more ancient model of “spirits”. This is when all things have their own spirit, acting as an independent personality. Then all events can be described as a conflict of personalities - which was quite understandable for ancient people.

There are also “information” models (a child of cybernetics), a model of the Whole One World, etc.

The model of thinking in Christianity is quite ancient - the struggle between Good and Evil. For Christians there is the concept of an “external enemy”, “evil forces” and so on. Accordingly, if there is an external enemy (Satan, for example), then you need to defend yourself from him.

From a psychological point of view, “demons” are repressed parts of the personality with which a person cannot yet become one and has not found a harmonious way to BE SUCH. In the process of psychotherapy, when a person encounters his “demons”, realizing them sincerely as his desire or feeling, they disappear, becoming POSITIVE. For example, instead of “people are evil” (a typical projection-generalization), a person admits “I am angry and afraid of this and that” - and stops seeing people as evil, since he does not repress feelings, and having taken measures to protect himself, he ceases to be afraid.
Or else, having admitted “I hate my husband,” the wife stops fighting with herself and straining, masking her hatred - FEELING RELIEF - and then may even feel love for him. This is paradoxical, but this is how psychotherapy works in 90% of cases.

That is psychological model claims that there are no external enemies. All human intentions are initially positive; man is initially a good, happy creative being. And when a man returns to his natural state- becomes yourself - all negativity disappears.

Now about the pectoral cross. If you are looking for protection, then it is unlikely that the “direct energy of love” will be available to you, but rather indirectly, since it different models- a model of protection from evil and a model of salvation. To save yourself, sometimes you need to sacrifice yourself or at least your comfort.

Extrasensory perception is also subject to the thinking patterns of a particular psychic. If you perceive the world of energy as a world of “bad” and “good” energy, then the behavior will be the same. The “evil eye”, “astral blows” and other “good” things appear, and the need for “protection” appears. But defense always means some kind of unawareness (in the psychological model), and this is the minus of the Fight against Evil model.

I think that there is no objective picture of “how the pectoral cross works.” There is our attitude, our model of explanation. And there is also a subconscious attitude - it may differ from the conscious one. Perhaps the consciousness is looking for protection, and the subconscious perceives the cross as a symbol of love. Or it could be the other way around.

Christian egregor.

Nagualism and Christian egregor?
(Regarding the article by S.I. Doronin “Pros and cons of nagualism”)

Article by S.I. Doronin's "The Pros and Cons of Nagualism", in my opinion, contains many fair ideas, useful and relevant reflections. However, in it we find two points, one of which I personally consider to be an insufficiently substantiated assumption, while the other is impossible or very difficult in terms of practical implementation.

S.I. Doronin writes:

"However, it can be noted that there are now more efficient, lightweight, highly reliable and safe ways preserving your individual consciousness after the death of the physical body for more a long period, which even the most talented followers of the Toltec teachings can provide for themselves by lighting the “fire from within.” This path was inaccessible in the past and unknown to the shamans of antiquity. The point is that you can count not only on your personal energy potential, but also take advantage of the services of a disproportionately higher potential egregor, for example, the egregor of the Church."

“Over the two-thousand-year history of the Church Organization, this dense Body of the Church, as the clergy themselves put it, a high energy potential of the church egregor has now been developed, which is open to everyone and allows them to take advantage of its services. The church egregor is a convenient intermediate station on natural way our energy structure to a non-local state. It can support and replenish the energy lost by our structure during dissipation, and thus helps maintain individual consciousness."

A number of questions arise:

b) If the “egregor” really exists as a psychoenergetic field, do we have any reason to consider it an “accumulator” of the energy of awareness, helping adherents maintain individual awareness after the death of the physical body?

c) Even if we assume that the egregor exists and that it accumulates the energy of awareness, what grounds do we have to believe that it is “open to everyone and allows them to use its services”? After all, in any case, in order to “use” it, certain conditions must be met.

The point is not even that “you will have to sacrifice some share of personal freedom, your individuality.” First of all, to enter this field, you need to accept specific psychological conditions(because the field is psychoenergetic). Even in the most “liberal” case, the practitioner is obliged to share with Christians the essential aspects of their faith: to believe, at a minimum, in God the Creator, preferably to believe in the Savior Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit - the bearer of the energy of Grace and Consolation. If you do not do this, the hypothetical egregor of Christianity will not allow the practitioner to “connect” to it in order to receive additional energy of awareness.

I emphasize that we are not talking about ideology or philosophy, we are talking about the psychoenergetic conditions of contact with the “egregor”, if one exists in Reality.

From the point of view of the psychology of perception, we must consciously go to the self-conditioning of experience, to develop some perceptual, cognitive and emotional attitude.

"He [egregor Orthodox Church– A.K.] can protect our energy structure much more reliably after the death of the physical body." (Although we certainly don’t know this and are simply following the hypothesis.)

And here we come to the second difficulty.

The second point is the attitude of Christianity itself and Christians towards such attempts.

If we assume the existence of an “egregor,” then we must remember that the psychoenergetic field maintained by people behaves in some respects like a living organism. In other words, if Christians reject any non-Christian or near-Christian psychoenergetic practice, consider it “soul-destructive”, heretical, then their egregor will behave in a similar way. To take advantage of the supposed resources of the Christian egregor, the nagualist must be accepted by the Christian community as “one of their own.” The Church puts forward strict requirements for those who wish to enter its Energy Body. He must abandon almost all the concepts that are the essence of nagualism.

Of course, we know examples of the masterful use of the Christian Church as a “cover.” But this method presupposes a “double worldview”, and at the level social practice- hypocrisy. If we were talking about “social camouflage,” then for a “Toltec” pragmatist this is an acceptable thing. But we are thinking about the possibility of joining the energy resources of the egregor. I think that real energy exchange is possible only if the practitioner is absolutely sincere. Therefore, the former “Toltec” cannot escape the demands of the Christian Church. The Church is categorically against both Toltec and any other non-Christian “techniques and methods.”

“At the same time, no one forbids using Toltec techniques and methods, as well as any other esoteric practices, but using them precisely as tools, as useful skills, obtained from any other spheres: science, art, etc."

Unfortunately, it is not. Christianity (and most of all Orthodoxy) cannot agree that people who join their egregor will use “esoteric practices” - even only as tools.

Of course, I completely agree that it is much better and more effective to “not oppose”, but to “try to find agreement and mutual understanding.”

Perhaps, as the author writes, “the return in this case will be multiple.” But Christianity and the Christian community (which creates and nourishes the egregor, determining not only its strength, but also the degree of its openness to the outside) prefer to carefully preserve their ideological, theological and spiritual-practical “purity” and thereby reinforce the psychoenergetic barrier that separates everyone from their egregor non-Christians.

Thus, in my opinion, the problem is not in nagualism, but in the inevitable conservatism of the Christian tradition, which is obliged to preserve its Shrines of two thousand years ago unchanged.

The Christian egregor, like the Church, is not satisfied with concessions and compromises. A Christian egregor needs absolute Faith, devotion and obedience.

For the above reasons, I do not yet see how such different positions as nagualism and Christianity can be combined.

Alexey Ksendzyuk

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Greetings, Clear Lights! If you are interested in the title of this article, then you certainly hear the voice of your Soul, which is in search. And now she rejoices in exciting trepidation, trying to give a sign that you are on the right path. I will not go into details and intricate reasoning, since all this is a distortion of the truth through the prism of personal experience, but I will highlight only the main idea.

Life is cyclical in nature and all living things are constantly evolving and changing. Many have already noticed how much time has sped up, and everyday life has become filled with various events. And many increasingly began to notice how fleeting thoughts and ideas, free from conventions and restrictions, can sometimes materialize. How much the distance between the cause and effect of some situations has decreased. How strongly our thoughts and emotions began to influence our well-being and the person to whom they were directed. Only an inveterate materialist or a person mired in vanity has not noticed this.

The essence of these changes is that we and our planet have moved to a new stage of development. Almost all prophecies, contactees, mediums and clairvoyants talk about this. This is due to natural cosmic cycles, which are called differently in different traditions. Just as there is an earthly seasonal cycle associated with the rotation of the Earth around the Sun, there is also a larger-scale Solar cycle associated with the movement of Yarila the Sun through the palaces of the Svarog Circle, i.e. by constellations. According to this cycle, our solar system passed from the palace of Mara, who is characterized by death and withering, to the palace of Veles, who shows wisdom, ancient knowledge, strength and wealth, which marks the beginning of the Day of Svarog.

So what is happening to us? Our bodies, Soul and Spirit begin to awaken and fill with the power of life, like trees and all nature with the arrival of spring. The energy potential increases many times over. And this is wonderful, but for some it can be dangerous. Especially for those who have been collecting a burden of difficult thoughts, feelings and beliefs for years. Such people, with their negative stereotypes such as fear, resentment, envy, hatred, destroy themselves and those around them. And under conditions of increased energy, this becomes critical, resulting in illness and various misfortunes or even death.

Therefore, now it is vitally important to consciously make a choice about what you want to create and have in your life. And if you have chosen Life, Light, Good, Love and want to become a real Creator worthy of the Father, first you need to throw off all the shackles and free yourself.
Some will say: “Why should I free myself?! I’m already free!!!” I'll answer right away. I do not force anyone or encourage anyone to do anything. WILL is a voluntary matter. I will also add that I do not claim to be a Teacher or Magus, I am simply sharing my own experience for the benefit of the whole, of which I and we all are a part, thereby expressing myself.

For those who are interested, I will try to briefly explain. Life happens according to certain laws of the universe. The determining factor is our free will, which absolutely no one has the right to violate, not even the Gods.
But as cunning people say, any law can be circumvented, which is successfully done, naturally, by deception. One has only to replace concepts, distort the truth, and a person willingly, voluntarily, with the best intentions gives his will, destiny and all energy potential to some “uncle”, organization, system, religion, leader, that is, egregor.

Egregors are energy-information structures of the astral plane, which consist of the energy of thoughts and emotions large groups people united by a common idea, as well as from a large number of astral entities that serve the egregor and use it for their own selfish purposes. Religious egregors, Christian, for example, are especially dangerous. The egregor uses the follower as fuel and a puppet, imposing his will on the person. For people who do not know and do not want to develop independently, an egregor can be useful - someone’s trodden path and the protection of an egregor, if you please him, in exchange for your ancestral, life potential and destiny. Especially, if an initiation ritual is carried out, then the person is ripped off like a stick: the birth canal and connection with ancestors are cut off, intuition and the ability to think freely are closed, individuality and talents are blocked, life path a person, that is, his calling and impose their stereotypes. And all this with complete impunity. You yourself or your parents, by your free WILL, wanted to connect to it and entrusted your destiny. And even if a person has moved away from the egregor and tries to develop independently, the energy suckers of the egregor and its influence remain. At the same time, according to the laws of physics, you, the egregor and his followers remain communicating vessels and energy will always flow to the weaker, but desired member of the egregor. And if a person poses a danger to the egregor, carrying the ancestral light within himself, then the egregor can try to destroy the person, completely pumping him out vitality and pumping into it through the same channels, negative energy. Thus, a person ceases to belong entirely to himself, i.e. to his Soul and his Family, but falls into the power of the egregor. After which the egregor and his minions have the right to manipulate him with impunity and use his resources and will for their own selfish purposes. And since this has been happening for more than one generation, this process occurs generally, everywhere and without the slightest suspicion of deception. At the same time, the wisdom of the Ancestors, cultural heritage, folk traditions, Family foundations, the voice of the Soul and the connection with the Family are trying in every possible way to block, cut off, eradicate, seal and slander and declare it the greatest evil, so that a person would be blind and subjugated.

So bad things happen on Earth through the hands of others, “gifted” will and energy, and the responsibility falls on the deceived one and his Family. And then they wonder where justice is and how those who commit evil and outrage can get away with it. So you yourself conveyed your will to them. And without will, a person already becomes like cattle. And this is not the full picture yet, but I won’t shock you yet.

So now the primary task of those who have awakened is to free themselves and their Kind from all alien and destructive egregors, to claim their life potential, destiny, talents, calling, energy, strength and WILL. And also in the awakening of the Ancestral Light, Strength, Wisdom, Love, and then in the joint creation of the reality that our bright, pure, divine Soul thirsts for!

I think everyone who thinks will agree with this and the Soul will help to do right choice. Even just to logically think about who is closer to us, dearer and unselfishly yearns for all the best for us. Some kind of egregor and those who tell us how we need to live, deciding everything for us, and at the same time not missing the opportunity to profit at our expense. Or our pure, bright Soul, showing us the right path and the Souls of our Ancestors, i.e. our Family, a part and continuation of which we are, and who with boundless love watch over us - their own children, always trying to help us, suggest, guide, teach. So that we can adopt their greatest experience, wisdom and strength, increase this wealth and pass it on to our children and grandchildren.

For those who have realized and want to live according to their own will, having regained what belongs to them by right of birth, below I will give two of the three methods of debaptism known to me, which can be applied independently and preferably together.

Both methods are very effective and positive, but have common disadvantages:
1. Debaptism by these methods frees only the person himself, while relatives remain under the power of the egregor and through them, although to a lesser extent, the pumping of vital energy can continue.
2. If a person has negative impact, especially generic or the introduction of an outside entity, then independent de-baptism can occur with exacerbations. Those. First you need to undergo diagnostics from a specialist or at least yourself with a pendulum and, if there is negativity, undergo cleansing. So all responsibility for possible consequences you take over.

The first method of self-baptism.
This method is the easiest. This is a gift from my friend. This woman has a good natural connection with her Family and receives information from the Ancestors. Thus, a prayer-intention for liberation from the Christian egregor was received, which I will give below.

And this is how liberation works:

Light a candle, sit down comfortably with a straight back, uncrossing your arms and legs, with your palms open on your knees, take a few deep breaths, clear your mind and turn to the Father and Ancestors with the intention: “Heavenly Father, Mother Earth, My bright Family, Guardians and Patrons of my Family, I Am (name), I greet you and ask you to help me in cleansing, liberating from all alien, negative egregors, especially Christian ones, from all their bindings, seals, programs, attributes and all equipment, for the benefit of me and my Family! »
And read the prayer 3 times:
“I am no longer baptized, I am baptized,
Because I am not a servant of God, but I am a son (daughter) of God,
And I am, by right of birth, Blessed by God!
I was born for happiness and for a long and happy life,
And not for suffering, I am not God’s servant,
And the beautiful Divine creation,
Born for love, kindness and creation!
And I am not a creature of God, but a beautiful Divine creation
And I don't believe in salvation through murder and sacrifice,
Which has nothing to do with me!
I have a proud name - Slav!
And I am not a slave and I am not a Christian!
I freed myself from Christian egregor
And I am not connected with him, I am not forever untied!
The Christian egregor no longer has power over me,
Over my brain, over my mind
Over my Russian Spirit and over my Soul!
From now on I am under the protection of the Slavic, Russian, Native Gods!
And I am free from the religion of suffering, from church baptism,
From slave psychology and the stigma of slaves.
From now on I live at the level of goodness and positivity
And I am invulnerable to evil and negativity,
I am impenetrable to the Christian egregor and beyond his reach,
I am not visible to him and am independent of him!
So be it, I want it that way!”

Sit quietly for 15 minutes, visualizing how the bindings are broken, the seals are removed, the negativity and all the attributes of the egregor are cleared, how the Ancestors participating in the liberation rejoice and hug you with boundless love, as if after a long separation. Thank the Gods and Ancestors for their help.

The cleansing process may take several more days. After some time, it will be possible to repeat this ritual for prevention.

The second method of self-baptism.
The second method requires at least the slightest understanding of working with Runes. For those who do not know, Runes are not only one of the types of ancient writing, but primarily energy keys that resonate with the energy of space. These are living symbols-images, each of which has certain deep meanings and carries special energy properties that are used in Runic Magic. If you wish, you can familiarize yourself with the Runes on various magical forums. I would like to immediately dispel some negative stereotypes about this. Some people avoid and fear runes and magic, mistakenly considering them to be tricks dark forces. These are all superstitions. In general, there is only one Magic, this is the power of Mother Earth and Heavenly Father perceived by man. Only people use it differently. Magic is everything we do in life on purpose. They spat over their shoulders, knocked on wood, prayed,
expressed a wish, etc. As soon as the intention arose in us, Magic begins. Magic is the creative process of life. And when we apply our will and certain techniques, for example, Runic Staves, to achieve certain goals, then real miracles begin, which is Magic.
Black magic begins when life, ethical, and spiritual laws, such as free will, are violated. Or when energy is directed towards destruction or with selfish motives. Everything else is creativity, one of our main tasks in life.

So, the second method of liberation with the help of Runes involves the use of Runic staves “Crossing for oprimists” by Vlas (search on the Internet), for liberation from all bindings and seals of the egregor. And also becoming “My benefits are my benefits” by LEIKA.

I found a method of liberation from egregors with the help of Runes on the Internet and for some time I used it together with the above prayer, until we received our own very powerful process - “Rite of liberation of the Soul and Family from all egregors” or “Debaptism of the Family”, which is carried out under the guidance of the author. And since according to the rules of the site it is forbidden to post extraneous links, anyone who is interested in this ritual will find it through a search. The baptism of the Clan occurs even remotely, through the intention of the recipient and the transmitter, spontaneously, by agreement of Souls and Clan, with a powerful wave of divine energy of Love, sweeping away all suckers, bindings, seals and other attributes of egregors within 3 days for the person himself and all his relatives. The body, emotions, mind, Soul, and Family are cleansed. These are huge changes for the benefit of the entire Family. At the same time, it is advisable to maintain contact with your loved ones and take an interest in their well-being.
Over the course of 3 days, the condition may change greatly, you may feel unwell or toxic, this is normal.

After release, the condition improves significantly, strength is added, and incredible lightness and freedom are felt.
The next step is the Rite of Ancestral Light awakening!
All the best to you and good luck in your good deeds!

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