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Quality of auditory attention. Development of auditory attention

A child does not hear his parents and teachers - when to start worrying, is this always related to hearing and how to get to the bottom of the reason - says Olga Azova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Speech Therapy at MPSU, Director of Children's Neurological and rehabilitation center"Logomed forecast".

One mother said that it was as if she lived among the deaf

– What hearing problems can children experience?

– Literally, problems often have nothing to do with hearing. But in 5-7% of children school age There are disturbances in the processing of auditory information. They cannot process information the way ordinary children do - it looks as if they do not hear us, or hear us through the noise, listen or ignore us. Sometimes a child needs to see us to decipher our speech.

– Why is this happening?

So far, the scientific community does not know what exactly affects the human brain, depriving it of the ability to distinguish information using the hearing organs. Although sometimes doctors attribute problems processing auditory information to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. I am not a supporter of such generalizations, but nevertheless it is worth talking about children with ADHD, since they are the ones who often have high bone conductivity.

– How can this interfere with a child’s life?

– Any noise can disrupt the usual course of life and events. A child, sitting in class, hears what is happening at the end of a long corridor, or the crackling of a computer screen in the next room. In a class of thirty students, everyone and everything is noisy. Falling rulers and pencils make noise, sheets rustle.

All these sounds not only disturb the child, but take all his attention and do not allow him to concentrate. At the same time, for example, I spend the whole day in an office where a compressor is running in an aquarium, blowing air out - for me such noise is not a problem.

Also, a child with auditory processing disorder may not start working in class without visual reinforcement. Some children need to see the face and lips of an adult, then only he will begin to speak. Such children need repeated repetition of instructions, important points lesson, when moving on to a new task or activity, you need to place additional emphasis and receive feedback so that the child hears and understands you.

One mother told me that it was as if she lived among the deaf. She has two sons and a husband. She has to call them several times, repeating requests. “I understand that a child hears me if I catch his eye or he turns to me when I call him,” she told me.

Children with auditory information processing disorders are more likely than others to make notes in the margins and visualize what the teacher says.

Such children have a difficult time with teachers who are like talking heads, because they rarely use visual cues, diagrams, drawings, and these children need them like air. In schools, the majority of teachers are those who like to talk more than rely on visualization. Among the teachers there are more women, who often write little, give few diagrams, few visual cues, and even speak in high, thin voices.

– Where to go if a child has similar problems?

A competent neurologist can identify these problems and tell you what kind of examination the child needs to do and which specialist to contact next.

He may refer you to a sensory integration specialist, speech therapist, psychologist or neuropsychologist. Your child may need an otolaryngologist or an otolaryngologist-audiologist.

Is it necessary to examine a child “just in case”?

How to identify auditory processing disorders?

– There are a lot of studies, the choice depends on what exactly the doctor is interested in - hearing acuity, hearing sensitivity or some other parameters.

Auditory audiometry is a measurement of hearing acuity, determination of auditory sensitivity to sound waves different frequencies. The study is conducted by an audiologist.

Speech audiometry– a subjective method of hearing research using speech stimuli. Speech audiometry allows us to identify the social suitability of hearing in a given subject.

Impedancemetry (tympanometry)– definition of acoustic impedance, it is based on the measurement of sound energy passing through the middle ear.

Acoustic impedance– a measurement of the resistance encountered by sound energy passing through the structures of the ear.

Otoacoustic emissions acts as an acoustic response, which is a reflection of the natural functioning of the receptor responsible for auditory activity. These are very weak frequency sound vibrations that the cochlea generates.

Dichotic listening methodpsychological method, aimed at studying selective attention and functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres. It is based on the simultaneous presentation of various sound stimuli to the right and left ears.

And of course, advanced and fashionable brainstem evoked auditory potentials- this is the response of the auditory nerve and parts of the brain (its stem part) to auditory stimulation.

– What if parents decide to have their child examined “just in case”?

I do not give such advice under any circumstances. The fact of the matter is that most often - no. Or rather, not everyone.

I repeat, first you need to get a competent consultation with a neurologist, who will tell you whether the child needs an examination, or whether the information shared by the parent and the doctor’s observations are sufficient. You need to be able to listen to parents - requests, complaints, carefully observe the child during consultation. You can’t put the “to the heap” principle at the forefront.

As a result, parents come to the appointment with bulging folders of examinations, but the problem is still not solved. Of course, now the parents themselves are initiating this race to the doctors - “we signed up for three centers at once.” You can understand them - concern for the children. But it is completely unprofessional that studies are sold as a package, without an initial consultation with a doctor.

Recently, a very professional person, who is knowledgeable about many sensory disorders, wonderfully voiced a question to me - tell me about diagnostics, what you need to ask specialists to get detailed information about central hearing impairment.

The parent already comes with a request that the child poorly understands speech addressed to him, is distractible, motorically disinhibited, does not process auditory information well, has problems with auditory memory, has difficulty remembering instructions, confuses similar-sounding sounds when reading and writing, and so on.

Modern parents are anxious. Having obtained information on the Internet, they want to get to the bottom of the truth, the reason. And they often decide on their own to undergo a whole series of examinations, which are generally not necessary.

"What's bad about it?" - you ask. There is nothing bad, except that these studies do not bring joy to children, and they also bring tears to the little ones, about whom we will talk in more detail a little later. A lot of children's and parents' energy and money are wasted.

Most often, to get an answer, for example, on brainstem evoked auditory potentials, you need to conduct not an examination in a few minutes, but a many-hour study, essentially scientific. When compared great amount parameters, current information is analyzed over time.

Even an auditory audiogram, in order to determine hearing loss, has to be done more than once for the same child. And I think that specialists can confirm that the degree of hearing loss may differ from one specialist to another, which is why the data is double-checked.

– When should you notice that there is a problem and contact specialists to examine the child?

– If we are talking about those 5-7 percent of children, then, basically, these are schoolchildren who find it difficult to study, because at school there is a lot of speech and sound distractions. This is not so noticeable in preschoolers.

So it is important to name the age of the children and only then decide on the study.

If this is a schoolchild, then auditory evoked potentials, which are carried out carefully and not in a hurry, are possible. At our center, such a study takes at least an hour. At the same time, a specialist in functional diagnostics calls patients in advance, finding out how long the child can work with him, age, involvement, or asks administrators to collect this information.

Sometimes it is immediately clear that the child will not be able to qualitatively participate in the study, and it is canceled, or rather postponed, when the child grows up. But there is no need to be upset, because this child will be able to undergo an audio test, which examines air and bone conduction.

If this Small child, then good methods assess physiological hearing: “I hear - I don’t hear” and the degree of hearing loss. You can try to conduct more serious research, but keyword here it will be “trying”, because it is still difficult to get an objective picture.

A special category is children with autism, who often have increased sensitivity to sounds (hyperacusis) and impaired speech understanding. Here, the research is further complicated by behavioral characteristics and hypersensitivity. Typically, we begin audio tests for such children after several stages of hearing therapy using the Alfred Tomatis method.

– Why are audio tests carried out? What is bone conduction, which children have it increased?

– Audio tests can be used to see whether physical hearing is preserved, but first of all they are needed to see auditory perception and how susceptible the child is to bone conduction(transmission of sound through bones).

Thus, in children with ADHD at low frequencies (from 125 to 1000 Hz) bone conduction prevails over air perception. Parents complain of motor disinhibition, distractibility, fatigue, and decreased concentration.

In children with impaired processing of auditory information, it is precisely at high frequencies (1000-3000 Hz) that bone perception predominates over air perception. Parents complain of impaired processing of auditory information, auditory memory, and remembering instructions.

When it is not hearing that is impaired, but sense discrimination

– Is there a difference between phonemic hearing disorder and auditory processing disorder?

Of course! The only thing in common is that both of them contain the word “rumor.” In fact, for children with phonemic hearing impairment, this is not what we are talking about at all.

First, I’ll tell you about the “phonemic hearing” disorder itself. So we put it in quotation marks, because in the literal sense, hearing is not impaired, but the distinction of meaning is impaired. We literally cannot hear the phoneme. This is a linguistic unit, the meaning of a word in quasi-homonyms depends on it (these are words that sound similar or only one sound is different in these words, for example, “barrel” - “kidney”).

There are four stages of development: physical hearing (the most elementary level of auditory function), non-speech, including music (temporal cortex of the right hemisphere), it makes it possible to distinguish between sounds of nature and noise, then speech hearing – this is the level of phonetics (temporal fields of the left hemisphere), if it is impaired, you can have absolute pitch, but poorly understand speech (this applies to children with autism and sensory information processing disorder), and, finally, phonemic awareness – designed to differentiate phonemes, including oppositional ones. For example, these are words that differ in deafness-voicedness, hardness-softness, and also differ in the attribute of “hissing-whistling” and differentiation of sonorants ([p], [l], [j]).

To put it very briefly, at first the child seems to unfold his physiology - the baby is sleeping, everyone is talking, but he “can’t hear us”, then, on the contrary, a note appears on the door “Do not call, the little child is sleeping”, even later the child begins to distinguish voices - here is dad, and this is mommy, then hearing “for speech” appears, that is, this is speech - but this is not speech, and only when the cortex becomes even more mature, phonemic differentiations begin to form, and this is formed phonemic hearing.

– Will a speech therapist be able to identify phonemic hearing impairment in young children?

– And young children do not have phonemic hearing impairment. It begins to form when the child, or rather, his brain, begins to prepare for learning to read and write - after four years. Let's move this question to the section of myths and reality.

– Tell us about increased sensitivity to sounds in autism.

– Several scientists have concluded that in children with autism, the ear muscles have more high sensitivity to sounds than in neurotypical children. Some of them even say that assessing the threshold of sensitivity of the middle ear muscles to sounds is a biomarker of autism.

There are two muscles in the middle ear that are supposed to reflexively contract in response to loud sounds. In children, this threshold is elevated and there are difficulties with sensitivity to sounds or attention problems.

There have already been many studies using headphones, “sound evoked potentials” - EEG and others, in which data were obtained about increased auditory sensitivity in some children with autism.

There are quite a lot of studies, many controversial, for some there is an objection to the small sample of participants in the experiment, but in any case there is already a lot of information for thought.

As a practitioner, I can say that it is empirically possible to establish that many children with autism experience increased sensitivity to sounds, many children have a desire to close their ears, and children who already know how to speak can say that in the classroom at their desk it feels like being at a busy intersection.

Finally Pasha began to understand what the teachers were saying

– How to solve the problem of children with auditory information processing disorder and phonemic hearing impairment?

– Stephen Porges, neuroscience researcher, at scientific article talks about sound hypersensitivity in children with autism, as well as auditory therapy to reduce sound hypersensitivity in children with autism spectrum disorder. Since children with auditory information processing disorders have hypersensitivity to sound, this method can be used with them too.

The method is based on “neuro-exercises” using acoustic stimulation and nervous regulation muscles of the middle ear. The method uses frequencies specific to speech understanding. In fact, various hearing therapies are organized on this principle.

Some of them strive to “listen” to high frequencies, because this is how the brain is trained. So, Tomatis method is based on the use of a device that is an ideal model of the human ear. The therapy itself consists of micro-gymnastics of the muscles of the middle ear (a kind of training). The work of the brain will depend on the tension of these muscles in the finale. We, as it were, teach the “ear = brain” to work, interact, “open” the ear to understand speech. But the device is multifunctional.

Through a program that uses different disks (files), it trains auditory attention, his concentration, auditory memory, phonemic hearing, and in young children - perseverance. But we must remember that therapy must be carried out on a high-quality device using analog sound. We use a Swiss-made Besson device.

Sound exposure is produced using a special device - an electronic ear. Through headphones, the child listens to certain discs with recordings of classical music and Gregorian chant. Conventional signals are combined with high and low frequencies. To develop the cerebral cortex, you need to listen to high frequencies. The muscles of the ear and cerebral cortex are charged.

– There is an opinion that this is a method with unproven effectiveness.

– This method is included in group B according to level evidence base– conditionally approved. Our center keeps its own statistics. Evaluation analysis of various mental functions indicates positive results and very good dynamics. And if you can conduct audio tests, then the picture is even more impressive.

It is especially interesting to hear the opinions of schoolchildren who themselves can talk about the effectiveness. So, for example, Pasha, at the age of 14, after two stages of the Tomatis method, told me that he finally began to “hear” the voice, to fully understand what the history and English teachers were talking about. I asked what was wrong with their speech. They spoke highly. That is, Pasha did not perceive high frequencies well. You know, there are such screeching female voices that are difficult to listen to. At the same time, Pasha was an ordinary child, who studied at the gymnasium with “4” and “5” degrees, but put a lot of effort into studying.

Myths and reality:

Myth 1. They say that phonemic hearing disorder is not detected on auditory evoked potentials

In real: This is how a person works - I would like all functions to be measurable, that is, to obtain a reliable result. Auditory evoked potentials are very best practice, with the help of which you can conduct a long-term study and, after analyzing the data obtained, draw a conclusion about disorders associated with auditory speech perception.

Why do they say that phonemic hearing disorder is not detected by auditory evoked potentials, and is this really a myth?

Phonemic hearing is the highest in the hierarchy, intended for the differentiation of phonemes, including oppositional ones (for deafness-voicedness - “daughter-dot”, hardness-softness - “can-bath”, differentiation of hissing-whistles - “rat-roof” " and sonorous - "lac-rak"). Moreover, this is not exactly “hearing”, because the phoneme, as a semantically distinctive unit of the sound structure of a language, cannot be heard; it must be analyzed, isolated from the sound stream by thought. The examination is carried out by a speech therapist.

Myth 2. An audio test can be done “by the eyes” of a child

In real: the organs of vision are directly related to nervous system and with the human brain, which processes incoming signals. The pupil reacts to these signals, which, depending on a number of situations, can narrow or expand. There are many ways to dilate your pupils natural causes: a change in the degree of illumination, the entry of a large amount of adrenaline into the blood - these are the main ones.

Why do they say that an audio test can be done “by the eyes” of a child, and is this a myth?

Listen to the name – AUDIO, which means “I hear”. Yes, we can use the human representative system to support the test itself, but not to obtain reliable data, and especially so when it comes to taking an audio test, both air and bone. This expression sounds especially ridiculous when a child is given a tablet or phone in his hands and a signal is sent to his ears. What are they looking at in this child, what data are they trying to get? I’ll also add that low frequencies are often not heard even by the child’s mother, who is also undergoing an audio test. The audio test itself requires sufficient auditory attention and volition, that is, the participation of the person himself.. It is generally accepted that this is the music of Mozart, Strauss, Gregorian and Orthodox chants.

Come on in hearing therapy in trusted places, if there are certificates for the equipment, the Tomatis method should be carried out on equipment with analog sound.

2. Activities for organizing living space:

- Let's get some reinforcements– visual (drawings, diagrams, notes in the margins), repeat the instructions yourself and ask the child to repeat, speak slowly and clearly.

Think about where to organize work corner at home. This should be as quiet a place as possible, with the absence of objects that make certain sounds, even if they seem insignificant to us. At school, a child should be able to be alone. If possible in educational institution organize a relaxation room, then teach your child to visit it.

The child must have both time for relaxation and errands, responsibilities.

Regime organization. Stick to a clear schedule, respecting the time frame. You can connect timers for the first time so that your child learns to alternate intervals of rest and activity. Make sure your child goes to bed and gets enough sleep at the same time.

– Watch your diet(children's table). You may need to be tested for food intolerance, and monitor your bowel movements regularly.

If the child does not play sports, then there must be organized physical exercise.

Irina Gurova
We develop auditory attention in children. Consultation for parents

Attention is a necessary condition for any activity. A person who has good control of his attention, as a rule, is distinguished by such positive features, such as efficiency, organization, activity. Lack or lack of attention causes difficulties in activities.

Attention is one of the main conditions ensuring the child’s successful assimilation of the amount of knowledge and skills available to him and the establishment of contact with an adult. If attention is absent, the child cannot learn to imitate the actions of an adult, to act according to a model, or to follow verbal instructions. The development of attention is closely intertwined with the development of memory.

Attention- this is the concentration of consciousness on something. It is connected with the interests, inclinations, and calling of a person. Personal qualities such as observation and the ability to notice subtle but significant signs in objects and phenomena depend on the characteristics of attention.

In accordance with the degree of participation of the will during concentration, it is customary to distinguish between two types of attention: involuntary and voluntary, that is, unintentional and intentional.

Involuntary attention occurs unintentionally, without special volitional efforts. It arises and is maintained regardless of the goals facing a person. This attention is also called passive, forced. The activity captures the person in these cases by itself, due to its attractiveness or surprise.

Voluntary attention observed during the deliberate performance of any activity. The main factor causing it is the purpose of the activity. Focusing on achieving a goal is the result of volitional effort. It is voluntary attention that is a prerequisite for work, training, and work in general. Thanks to voluntary attention, people can engage not only in what is interesting and exciting, but also in what is not immediately attractive; to study not because you “want”, but because you “need to”.

Some psychologists identify another type of attention, which they call "post-voluntary". It, like voluntary, is initially purposeful in nature and at first requires volitional efforts, but then the person, as it were, “enters” into the work: the content and process of the activity, and not just its result, become interesting and significant. Thus, passion for a task leads to the fact that voluntary attention develops into post-voluntary attention.

Properties of attention

Concentration- this is the degree of concentration on the same subject, object of activity. Focused attention is one that is directed at one object or type of activity and does not extend to others. It is a high concentration of attention that allows you to notice much more in objects and phenomena than in the usual state of consciousness. With insufficient concentration of attention, the consciousness seems to glide over objects without stopping for a long time on any of them; as a result, the impression of objects turns out to be vague and indistinct.

Sustainabilitymost important characteristic attention. This is the duration of maintaining attention on the same object or activity. An indicator of stability of attention is high productivity of activity over a relatively long period of time. If attention is unstable, the quality of work decreases sharply.

Volume- this is the number of objects perceived simultaneously with sufficient clarity and distinctness. The attention span of an adult is from four to seven objects at a time. The child's attention span is 1-5 objects.

Switching- this is a conscious and meaningful movement of attention from one object to another or from one activity to another in connection with the formulation new task. How more interesting activity, the easier it is to switch to it. In general, switching attention means the ability to quickly navigate a complex situation.

Distribution- this is a person’s ability to keep a certain number of objects in the center of attention at the same time, i.e. it is simultaneous attention to two or more objects while simultaneously performing actions with them or observing them. In order for a person to be able to perform two types of activities simultaneously, automation of one of them is necessary. If this condition is not met, then combining actions, according to psychologists, is impossible.

Attention disorders

Distractibility- involuntary movement of attention from one object to another.

Absent-mindedness- inability to concentrate on anything specific for a long time. Absent-mindedness can manifest itself in a) an inability to concentrate; b) in excessive concentration on one object of activity. Absent-mindedness is also called exhaustion of attention as a consequence of illness or overwork.

Excessive mobility of attention- constant transition from one object to another, from one activity to another with low efficiency.

Inertia- low mobility of attention, its pathological fixation on a limited range of ideas and thoughts.

Games and exercises for developing auditory attention in children

“Who called you?”

For the game, toys depicting animals and birds are used. An adult pronounces onomatopoeia (“meow”, “woof-woof”, “mu-u-u”, “beh”, “oink-oink”, “pee-pee”, “ko-ko-ko”, “kook-ka” -re-ku”, “quack-quack”, “ga-ga”, “chick-chirp”, and the child guesses the toy, names it or shows it.

"Moms and Babies"

It is also advisable to use toys for this game, but you can play without them. An adult pronounces onomatopoeia (“meow”, “i-go-go”, etc.) in either a low or high voice. If a low voice sounds, then the child is called by an adult animal (the child must determine which one), and if it is high, then the cub.

"Aw... I'm here!"

The adult calls the child’s name, sometimes quietly, sometimes loudly. If the name is called loudly, then the child answers in a loud voice: “I’m here!”, and if quietly, then in a quiet voice he says: “Auuuu...”.

“Bring what I call”

To play this game, you can use objects, toys, and then pictures. Several objects (pictures) are located at some distance from the child, maybe even in another room. The adult asks the child to bring the named object (picture). The request to bring 2, 3 or more items (pictures) is a complication of the game.

"Do what I ask"

For early and younger children preschool age It gives pleasure to fulfill the requests of an adult: “Put the bunny on a chair”, “Ride the car”, “Clap your hands”, “Stomp your feet”, “Bring the ball”... It is even more interesting for a child if requests are made on behalf of a game character, which can serve as a some kind of toy.

"Listen, do it"

In this game, the child performs the actions named by the adult, for example, “Hands up, to the sides, down, on the waist, on the head, behind the head, sit down, stand up, turn to the right,” etc. Before playing such a game, of course, You need to teach your child to understand instructions and carry out appropriate actions.


This is a complicated version of the previous game. The adult names the same actions, but at the same time tries to “confuse” the child by performing other actions. The child’s task is to perceive not visual, but auditory information and act in accordance with it.

"Ear, nose, head"

This game is very similar to the previous one. An adult repeatedly names the words “ear”, “nose”, “head” in any order. If the word “ear” is said, the child should put his hand on his ear, “head” on his head, and “nose” on his nose. At the same time, the adult himself does not do what he shows. The child’s task is to do everything in accordance with the words of the adult. The game is usually very fun.

"First and Then"

This exercise game involves following a two-step instruction, and then a three-step one, for example, “First roll the car on the floor, and then put the bunny on the chair,” “First clap your hands, and then take the cubes out of the closet,” “First stamp your foot, then close the closet and sit on the sofa.” It is advisable to ask the child after completing the actions: “What did you do first, and what then?” "Tell me what you did."


The child in this game performs the actions named by the adult only if he hears the word “please”. In other cases, the instruction is not followed, for example, “please jump”, “please sit down”, etc.

"Act on cue"

This is a whole group of games. In the process of conducting them, children develop very good switching of attention. The essence of these games is that the child needs to react in some way, for example, perform a movement (sit down, raise your arms up, clap your hands, stamp your foot) to some verbal signal (name of a vegetable, fruit, item of clothing, sound of speech ). The number of verbal signals, and, accordingly, actions, can gradually increase. Here are some examples of such exercise games.

- “Squat down when you hear the name of a vegetable: chair, box, store, cat, tomato, window, cucumber, beetroot...”;

- “Raise your hands up when you hear the name of the fruit: banana, stone, bun, candy, pineapple, table, orange, lemon, brush...”;

- “When you hear the name of a vegetable, squat down, and when you hear the name of a fruit, stand up and raise your hands up: dog, pear, radish, plum, carpet, bowl, apricot, turnip, cloud, potato, cabbage, kiwi, cupboard, carrot ..."

One of the well-known variants of this game is the game "Edible - inedible" when the child must catch the ball only if the leader has named something that can be eaten.

"Fish, Bird, Beast"

It is better if several people participate in this game. The presenter points to each player in turn and says: “Fish, bird, beast, fish, bird...”. The player on whom the counting stopped must quickly (while the leader counts to three) name, in in this case, bird. Moreover, the names should not be repeated. If the answer is correct, the host continues the game. If the answer is incorrect or the name is repeated, the player is eliminated from the game. The game continues until one player remains. He is considered the winner.

This game can be played in different options, for example, “Flower, tree, mushroom.”

"Place it in order"

It's very effective game exercise and you can come up with many options for its use. The point is that the child needs to arrange the objects (pictures) in the order in which they were named, for example, “apple, pear, grapes, lemon, orange...”. It is advisable to start with just two items and then move on to more. It is more interesting for children when an adult uses poetry or stories for this game.

The hostess came from the market one day,

The hostess brought it home from the market

Potatoes, cabbage,

Carrots, peas,

Parsley and beets... Oh! (Y. Tuvim)

One two three four,

Children learned vegetables:

Onions, radishes, zucchini,

Turnips, beets, garlic. (L. N. Smirnova)

If you have time, you can ask your child not just to lay out, but to draw the objects you named in order on a sheet of paper. If the child finds it difficult to determine the order of objects, you can talk about this order together.

"Arrange the items"

This game exercise, in addition to auditory attention and auditory memory, well develops in children the ability to navigate in space and on a plane. An adult gives the child approximately the following instructions: “Put the pencil on the right, and the felt-tip pen on the left,” “Put the bunny on the right, the bear on the left, and the fox in the middle.” To play with older children, you can use a sheet of paper and flat images of objects, geometric figures. The adult asks the child to remember how to arrange objects on the sheet, for example: “Put a circle on the right, a square on the left, a rectangle at the bottom, and a triangle at the top” or “Place a circle in the upper right corner, a lower left triangle, a lower right square, and a triangle on the left.” the top oval, and a rectangle in the center.” Figures for the game can be cut out of paper. In addition, you can use pictures cut out from old newspapers and packaging and thus create entire compositions.


This is one of the variants of the previous game. In addition to attention and orientation, it develops graphic skills. The child has a sheet of paper and pencils. The adult gives the child a task in approximately the following form: “Once upon a time there was an artist. He began to draw a picture. He drew green grass along the bottom edge of the sheet, a sun at the top right, and a blue cloud on the left. WITH right side he drew a red flower on the grass, and a blue flower on the left. And between it there is a fungus...” etc. At the end, the adult says: “The artist has finished painting his picture.” After this, together you can check whether everything is located correctly.

"Color the shapes"

An adult draws geometric shapes on a piece of paper, then invites the child to color them, for example: “Color the circle with a red pencil, the square with blue, the triangle with green, and the rectangle with yellow”... The number of shapes depends on the age and capabilities of the child. You can start with two figures on a card.

"Remember the sentences"

The adult offers the child several pictures with a plot and makes up a sentence for each one, inviting the child to remember them. The number of pictures depends on the child’s capabilities. After this, the pictures are turned face down and mixed. The child takes one picture at a time and remembers each sentence. Sentences can also be made based on subject pictures. In this case, it will be more difficult to remember.

“Remember the sentences” (option 2)

The adult names phrases to the child without relying on clarity (without pictures). The child’s task is to reproduce them. This, of course, is quite difficult, so you can offer your child help: ask him to diagram these phrases using a pencil or felt-tip pen.

For example, name seven phrases:

The boy is cold.

The girl is crying.

Dad is angry.

Grandma is resting.

Mom is reading.

Children are walking.

It's time to sleep.

For each phrase, the child makes a drawing (diagram). After this, ask him to accurately reproduce all the phrases. If difficulties arise, please help with a hint.

The next day, ask your child to repeat the phrases again using his drawings. Notice if the pictures help him. If he remembers 6-7 phrases - very good.

"Give me a word"(“Say the word in rhyme”)

This is a very common game. In addition to auditory attention, it develops a child’s sense of rhythm and rhyme. Such verbal exercises can be found in many books.

The beetle fell and could not get up.

He is waiting for someone (to help him).

The toad began to croak importantly:

“Kva-kva-kva - no need (to cry).

The plane is ready.

He went on (flight).

The bear is walking through the forest,

Loud songs... (sings).

The bear found honey in the forest.

Not enough honey, a lot... (bees).

For children of older preschool age, you can find such funny reverse poems in children's books, in which words are rearranged. The child must restore meaning.

The athlete raced quickly, clicked on ... medals,

And they gave him… pedals for the victory.

We played hockey, we broke... buns.

Mom baked us some very tasty… hockey sticks.

"Finish the sentence"

In this exercise, the child must listen carefully to the first part of the sentence spoken by the adult and come up with the second part. In addition to auditory attention, this exercise very well develops the child’s thinking, imagination, and ability to compose sentences of different types.

“Mom bought tomatoes so that.”

“The children didn’t go outside because...”

“Katya was angry with Marina because...”

“Dima wanted to draw with pencils, but...”

"The Fourth Wheel" (by ear)

The adult names 4 objects, and the child must determine which one is the odd one out. The task is completed without the use of toys and pictures.

* Ball, doll, spoon, spinning top.

* Cat, wolf, dog, goat.

* Dress, boots, shoes, sandals.

* Plate, cup, teapot, chair. etc.

"Remember the words"

The child is called words (from 4 to 10) and asked to reproduce them. Children's capabilities should be taken into account. It's better to start with short words, consisting of one syllable, and then move on to longer ones. Words can be logically related to each other (soap, paste, water, towel), and unrelated (poppy, whale, honey, smoke).

"Remember the numbers"

The exercise is similar to the previous one, but instead of words, the adult names numbers. A significant complication is an exercise in which the child needs to reproduce numbers or words in reverse order.

"A couple of words"

There are several options for carrying out this exercise. The adult tells the child several pairs of words. These pairs can be different, for example, adjective and noun. In this case, they are logically related to each other. These are phrases. The child is given instructions

"Golden autumn,

hungry wolf,

light ball,

ringing bell,

sweet compote." After this, the adult names only the first word from each phrase, and the child remembers the second. Then, on the contrary, the adult says the second word, and the child says the first.

Pairs of words can only represent nouns, both logically related to each other (horse-cart, head-hair, cat-milk, and unrelated (sofa-fly agaric, water-window, as well as sentences of two words (noun and verb) ).


Agaeva E. L., Brofman V. V., etc. What doesn’t happen in the world? – M.: Education, 1991.

Boryakova N. Yu., Soboleva A. V., Tkacheva V. V. Workshop on the development of mental activity in preschoolers. – M.: “Gnome-Press”, 2000.

Konovalenko S.V. How to learn to think faster and remember better. Development Workshop cognitive activity. – M.: “Publishing house GNOM and D”, 2000.

Seliverstov V.I. Speech games with children. M.: VLADOS, 1994.

Smirnova L. N. Speech therapy in kindergarten. – M.: “Mosaic-Synthesis”, 2006.



Speech is complex function, and its development depends on many factors. The influence of others plays a significant role - the child learns to speak from the example of the speech of parents, teachers, and friends. It is very important that the child already early age heard correct, clearly sounding speech, on the example of which his own speech is formed.

In preschool children, speech develops very quickly: it increases lexicon, the sound design of words improves, phrases become expanded. After all, from birth, a child is surrounded by a wide variety of sounds. The child hears speech and non-speech sounds. Speech sounds are words; they are the most significant for a child. With the help of words, a child communicates with adults, receives the information he needs, gets involved in activities, and masters norms of behavior.

The ability to focus on sound - auditory attention - is very important feature a person without whom it is impossible to listen and understand speech. When a child listens attentively to words spoken by adults, compares their sounds and tries to repeat them, he learns not only to hear, but also to distinguish sounds native language. This skill is called phonemic hearing.

Phonemic hearing - the ability to auditory perception speech, phonemes. Phonemic hearing has vital importance To master the sound side of the language, phonemic perception is formed on its basis.

Phonemic awareness is the ability to distinguish speech sounds and determine the sound composition of a word.

Developed phonemic processes – important factor successful development of the speech system as a whole.

The immaturity of phonemic hearing negatively affects the formation of sound pronunciation; the child not only poorly differentiates some sounds by ear, but also does not master their correct pronunciation.

Sound pronunciation is closely related to speech hearing. To do this, it is necessary to develop good diction in children, that is, mobility of the articulatory apparatus, ensuring clear and precise pronunciation of each sound individually, as well as correct and unified pronunciation.

The child must understand the sound structure of the language - this is the ability to hear individual sounds in a word, understand that they are located in a certain sequence. A child with a lack of pronunciation does not have this readiness.

Play is the leading activity in preschool age.

The purpose of exercises for the development of phonemic hearing is to teach the child to listen and hear.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to teach children to hear and distinguish between speech and non-speech sounds. Since preschoolers’ voice is still unstable, they speak either very quietly, barely audible, or loudly. Therefore, you need to draw children’s attention to the fact that words can be spoken at different volumes (whisper, quietly, moderately, loudly). Teach children to distinguish by ear when others and themselves speak loudly. Learn to control the power of your voice.


    guess what it sounds like
    You need to show your baby what sounds various objects make (how paper rustles, how a tambourine rings, what sound a drum makes, what a rattle sounds like). Then you need to reproduce the sounds so that the child does not see the object itself. And the child must try to guess what object makes such a sound. sun or rain
    The adult tells the child that they will now go for a walk. The weather is good and the sun is shining (while the adult is ringing a tambourine). Then the adult says that it started to rain (at the same time he hits the tambourine and asks the child to run up to him - to hide from the rain). The adult explains to the child that he must listen carefully to the tambourine and, in accordance with its sounds, “walk” or “hide.” whisper conversation
    The point is that the child, being at a distance of 2 - 3 meters from you, hears and understands what you say in a whisper (for example, you can ask the baby to bring a toy). It is important to ensure that the words are pronounced clearly. let's see who's talking
    Prepare images of animals for the lesson and show your child which of them “speaks the same way.” Then portray the “voice” of one of the animals without pointing to the picture. Let the child guess which animal “talks” like that. we hear the ringing and know where it is
    Ask your child to close his eyes and ring the bell. The child should turn to face the place from which the sound is heard and, without opening his eyes, show the direction with his hand. Game "Silence"

Children, closing their eyes, “listen to the silence.” After 1-2 minutes, children are asked to open their eyes and tell what they heard.

    Noisy boxes

10-12 Kinder Surprise boxes filled with various loose, rattling, knocking and rustling materials (for example, peas, buckwheat, river sand, beans, small pebbles, etc.) will help organize an exciting game in which its participants must find two identical sounding boxes among all the boxes. check - the material in paired boxes must not only be identical, but also approximately the same in weight and quantity, only then will they sound the same.

Phonemic hearing

The ability to hear and distinguish speech sounds by ear does not arise by itself, even if the child has good physical (non-speech) hearing. This ability must be developed from the first years of life.

It is very important not to miss the opportunities of age and to help the child develop correct speech. At the same time, both the ability to clearly pronounce words and to subtly differentiate the sounds of the native language by ear are equally important. These child skills will be needed when learning to read and write: some words in the Russian language are written based on the phonetic principle of writing - “as we hear, so we write.”

With the development of speech hearing, the work moves from discrimination (I hear - I don’t hear) to perception (what I hear).

Games that promote the development of speech hearing

    When you hear a sound, clap your hands.

An adult pronounces a number of sounds (syllables, words); and the child with his eyes closed, hearing the given sound, claps his hands.

    Attentive listener.

The adult pronounces the words, and the children determine the place of the given sound in each of them (beginning, middle or end of the word).

    Find the right word.

On instructions from an adult, children pronounce words with a certain sound at the beginning, middle, and end of the word.

    Keen eye.

Children are asked to find objects in the environment that have a given sound in their names and determine its place in the word.

    Make a sound.

An adult pronounces a series of sounds, and children pronounce the syllables and words made up of them, for example: [m][a] - ma; [n][o][s] - nose.

    Say the opposite.

The adult pronounces two or three sounds, and the children must pronounce them in reverse order.

    What is the same sound in all words?

An adult pronounces three or four words, each of which has the same sound: fur coat, cat, mouse - and asks the child what sound is in all these words.

    Think, don't rush.

Offer children several tasks to test their intelligence:

Choose a word that begins with the last sound of the word table.

Choose a word so that the first sound is k and the last sound is a.

Invite your child to name an object in the room with a given sound.

    Remember the words

The adult says a few words. Their number is determined as follows: the child’s age ± one. Start with a smaller amount. The players must repeat them in the same order. Missing a word or rearranging words is considered a loss. You have to pay forfeit!

"It flies - it doesn't fly"

Everyone knows the word "whale"

The ringing rhyme “flies”.

But who has ever heard of a whale flying?

Let's play yes and no

Find the correct answer.

Guess without a hint

Who flies, who doesn't fly...

The one in the game will win.

Who will never fly out.

The eagle flies and flies,

The goat flies and flies,

The goldfinch flies and flies,

The titmouse flies and flies,

The pheasant flies and flies,

The carp flies and flies,

The cormorant flies and flies,

The frog flies and flies,

The old lady flies and flies,

The capercaillie flies and flies,

The cracker flies and flies,

The loon flies and flies,

The duckling flies and flies,

The crow flies and flies,

The crown flies and flies,

The owl flies and flies,

The grass flies and flies

The hoopoe flies and flies,

The compote flies and flies,

The palace flies and flies,

The jug flies and flies,

The penguin flies and flies,

The dragon flies and flies,

The balcony flies and flies.

I offer you a story

In one and a half dozen phrases.

I'll just say the word "three"

Take the prize immediately.

One day we caught a pike

Gutted, and inside

We saw small fish

And not just one, but... two.

When you want to memorize poems,

Don’t cram them until late at night, but repeat them to yourself

Once, twice, or better yet... five.

A seasoned boy dreams

Become an Olympic champion.

Look, don’t be cunning at the start,

And wait for the command: “One, two, ... march!”

Recently a train at the station

I had to wait three hours.

Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize,

When was the opportunity to take it?

"Tapping Syllables"

The adult reminds the child that each word can be “tapped out” or “clapped” according to the number of syllables: MA - SHI - NA, BA-RA-BAN, HOUSE. Then the driver calls the word loudly and clearly. The player playing the tambourine or clapping his hands claps this word. If the child finds it difficult, you need to “tap out” the word with him.

Games for children of senior preschool age:

"Who is bigger"

While looking at the pictures in the book with your child, invite him to find among them those whose names contain the sound “R” (the sound “S” and others). For each named word, an incentive point is given. Help your child, if he finds it difficult, name a few words yourself, emphasizing the given sound in your voice, increasing the duration of its pronunciation.

"Think More"

The driver, naming a sound, asks the players to come up with 3 words in which the given sound occurs. You can play by throwing the ball. If the task is completed correctly, the leader and the player change roles.

"Red White"

To play, you need to prepare two mugs (for example, red and white). The adult invites the child to listen carefully and determine which word contains the agreed sound (“L”, “W”, for example). If the given word contains the given sound, the child raises a red circle; if not, a white circle. Don't forget to switch roles in the second round.

"Catch a Fish"

This game requires a magnetic fishing rod. This is an ordinary stick with a magnet tied to it on a string. Pictures from any children's lotto are covered with paper clips. The child “catches” different pictures with a fishing rod, names them, determining the presence or absence of a sound selected in advance in their names. These can be “F”, “D”, “K” and other sounds. You can complicate the game by asking them to determine the location of a given sound in the name of the picture. So, in the word “scooter” “S” is heard at the beginning of the word, in the word “scales” - in the middle, and in the word “forest” - at the end. So, catch it, fish, big and small!

"Who is more attentive"

An adult shows pictures and names them. The child listens carefully and guesses what common sound is found in all the named words.

For example, in the words goat, jellyfish, rose, forget-me-not, dragonfly, the common sound is “Z”. Do not forget that you need to pronounce this sound in words for a long time, emphasizing it with your voice as much as possible.

“Ringing” - “buzzing”

The driver is selected. He invites the players to think of words with the sounds “Z” and “Zh”. then you are asked to say the intended words one by one. If there is a “Z” in the word, the presenter states: “Rings.” If "F" is present: "Buzzing."

"Chains of Words"

This game is an analogue of the well-known “cities”. It consists in the fact that the next player comes up with his own word based on the last sound of the word given by the previous player. A chain of words is formed: stork – plate – watermelon. Do you remember?

"Eat magic words“If you say a word, you hear two”

There are words in which syllables can be swapped, resulting in a new word. Listen, quickly pronouncing the words “SPRING”, “PINE”. Hear, the words “CANOPY” and “PUMP” are obtained. The poet A. Shibaev dedicated the following lines to this phenomenon:

Animal, animal, where are you rushing?

What's your name, baby?



Father taught me to work

Smart Danilka:



I have, said my grandfather,

There are no worries, no grief.

I want to rest,

There are younger hands


VNU-KI, VNU-KI are rushing.

Ganka says to Ivan:


Where is KA-BAN, KA-BAN, KA-BAN? –

Ivan is surprised.

"Find the error"

Grandfather Taras was surprised

He shook his beard:

Weeds on the ridge,

And the carrot is in the BEARD. (In the furrow)

Mashenka is walking along the road,

She leads the goat on a string.

And passers-by look with all their eyes:

The girl's GOAT is very long. (Scythe)

I recognize the donkey myself

By his big MUSTACHE. (Ears)

My uncle was driving without a VEST,

He paid a fine for this. (No ticket)

Interesting, isn't it? It will be even more interesting when you play these games with your baby.

We wish you pleasant communication!

From birth, a person is surrounded by many sounds: the sound of drops on a window glass, the sound of thunder, the rustling of leaves underfoot, the singing of birds, the rustling of falling leaves, the sound of rain, the buzzing of a beetle, the rustling of grass, the babbling of a brook, the splash of water, the crunch of snow, music, speech. people….. But the baby is not able to distinguish and evaluate them. This happens over time. The ability to focus on sounds is essential to developing the ability to listen and understand speech. The child must learn to strain his hearing, to catch and distinguish sounds, i.e. he must develop voluntary auditory attention. Focusing on the words of an adult is both a result and necessary condition development of listening, and then colloquial speech. A child 2.5 - 3 years old can already listen carefully to short poems, fairy tales, stories, and also imagine what they say. Gradually, the volume of auditory attention increases, its stability increases, and voluntariness develops. Children listen more and more to the spoken speech, distinguish and reproduce its individual elements accessible to the child. They retain the material they perceive by ear in their memory, learn to hear mistakes in other people’s and their own speech. The role of speech as an object of children’s attention especially increases when they are faced with the need to communicate with peers and adults.

Cultivating active voluntary attention to speech is one of the prerequisites for the formation of intelligible, correct, clear speech.

The development of auditory attention involves a number of areas of work:

Awakening interest in the sounds of the surrounding world and the sounds of speech.

The world is full of sounds - living and inanimate. Invite your child to listen and say what sounds of the world around him he hears. To develop auditory attention, it is good to have a variety of musical instruments, bells, and rattles. Show your child musical instruments, let him hear how they sound, and then ask him to turn around and guess what instrument you are playing.

Differentiation of non-speech sounds

Draw your child’s attention to “house sounds.” Ask: What's the noise there? Explain: It’s the refrigerator making noise, it’s the washing machine, the vacuum cleaner, the phone is ringing, etc. The voices of nature are truly enticing and surprising: a snipe can sing with its tail, a starling can imitate a horse, a sheep, a rooster, it can learn human words, dolphins speak... through their nostrils, the bats they can scream so that we can’t hear them, the fish talk with their swim bladders, and the singing of a tiny salt marsh cricket can be heard for kilometers!

Isn't it amazing!

Differentiation between soft and loud sounds

Draw children's attention to loud thunderclaps, to the quiet rustling of leaves underfoot, to loud speech, teach them to speak in a whisper, read poetry loudly, for example:

There is thunder and thunderstorm in the sky.

Close your eyes!

The rain is over. The grass is shining

There is a rainbow in the sky.

S. Marshak

Saying quietly, in a whisper, mysteriously, you can offer the following verses to the children’s attention:

In the silence of the forest

Whispers rush to Rustle.

Whispers rush to Rustle,

Whispers rustle through the forest.

Where are you going?

I'm flying to you.

Let me whisper in your ear:

Shu-shu-shu yes shi-shi-shi.

Hush, Rustle, don't rustle.

Prick up your ears

Listen to the silence!

Do you hear?

What do you hear?

There are mice rustling around somewhere,

There's rustling under the roots

Peel the cone together......

V. Suslov

Development of the ability to determine the direction and source of sound

Simple, accessible games will help develop these skills: “Where does it sound?”, “Find the bell,” “Where is the gnome hiding?” and many others.

Development of the ability to correlate the number of sounds with numbers.

In the “Count the Claps” game, invite your child to count the number of claps with his eyes closed, as well as with with open eyes. When working with children 5-6 years old, the following games are suitable: “How many sounds are there in “A” in a word?” (Picture, drum), “Come up with a word” (with a given amount of a particular sound), “Guess the word according to the scheme” _O_I, _A_U_A, _A_I_A., suggesting pictures (horses, rainbow, raspberries).

Differentiation of onomatopoeias


In very loud boots

Walks through the forest Bang-bang!

And when I heard this sound,

Hidden in the branches is a tuk-tuk,

Tsok-tsok ran up the pine tree,

Jump-Jump rushed into the thicket;

Chick-chirish leaves flutter!

Sheburshonok in the mink - shorkh!

Everyone sits quietly!

And, giggling, they watch,

How Bang Bang makes noise in the forest

In very loud boots.

What short onomatopoeic words do the child remember? Offer to repeat them.

Development of the ability to localize and recognize voices.

Games will help you solve this problem: “Guess who called?”, “Whose voice is this?”

Tell the fairy tale “The Three Bears”, expressively pronouncing the words of each character, thereby showing the child that by their voice they can distinguish between the heroes of the work, relatives, acquaintances, and friends who live nearby. What an interesting activity it is to recognize others by their voice!

Developing the ability to focus on the meaning of what is said

Sing short rhythmic songs, recite poems, tell fairy tales, explaining the meaning of unfamiliar words. Teach your child to listen to works fiction in sound recording, selecting material in accordance with age.

Development of speech memory

Many games and exercises contribute to the development of speech memory in children: “Remember and repeat” (The child is offered several pictures that he must remember. The pictures are removed and the child names the objects that were depicted in these pictures). “What did Dunno mix up?” (A familiar fairy tale is offered in an incorrect version. The child corrects the mistakes).

Development of sustainable attention to the sound envelope of a word

The word names the object and phenomena of the surrounding world, the properties and quality of objects, actions and states.

An object and the word that names it are not the same thing.

Pick up a ball or some other toy. The ball can be squeezed with your hands, it is elastic. It can be considered. It is spherical, smooth, red, with stripes. It can be thrown and caught. Hit it on the floor, and we hear a ringing sound of impact.

The ball bounced several times on the floor and rolled away somewhere. He's gone. All that's left is the word. We said it several times: “Ball. Ball. Ball".

We cannot perform with a word all the actions that we did with an object. What can you do with a word?

The word can be heard, pronounced, laid out from letters or written, read.

Understanding speech depends on both auditory attention and life experience.

Expand your child's horizons. Take him on walks, excursions, and trips as early as possible. Tell him about what you see, share your thoughts, impressions, conclusions with the child, but without imposing your opinion. Communicate with your child, respecting his personality, life experience and accumulated knowledge.

It should be remembered that the full formation of a child’s correct speech is possible only with systematic work on the development of auditory attention.

Games to develop auditory attention

Where did you call?

Target. Development of auditory attention, the ability to determine the direction of sound.

Equipment. Bell (bell, pipe, etc.).

Description of the game. Children sit in different places of the room, in each group there is some sounding instrument. The driver is selected. He is asked to close his eyes and guess where they called, and show the direction with his hand. If the child indicates the direction correctly, the teacher says: “It’s time,” and the driver opens his eyes. The one who called stands up and shows a bell or a pipe. If the driver indicates the wrong direction, he drives again until he guesses right.

Say what you hear


Description of the game. The teacher invites the children to close their eyes, listen carefully and determine what sounds they heard. Children must answer in a complete sentence. The game is good to play while walking.

Quiet - loud!

Target. Development of auditory attention, coordination of movements and sense of rhythm.

Equipment. Tambourine, tambourine.

Description of the game. The teacher knocks on the tambourine quietly, then loudly, and very loudly. Children perform movements according to the sound of the tambourine: they walk on their tiptoes to a quiet sound, at full stride to a loud sound, and run to a louder sound. Whoever makes a mistake ends up at the end of the column. The most attentive will be ahead.

Who will hear what?

Target. Development of auditory attention. Accumulation of vocabulary and development of phrasal speech.

Equipment. Screen, various sounding objects: bell, rattle, hammer, barrel organ, tambourine, etc.

Description of the game. The teacher behind the screen knocks with a hammer, rings a bell, etc., and the children must guess what object produced the sound. Sounds should be clear and contrasting.

Seller and buyer

Target. Development of auditory attention, vocabulary and phrasal speech.

Equipment. Boxes with peas and various cereals.

Description of the game. One child is a salesman. In front of him are boxes (then the number can be increased to four or five), in each different type products, such as peas, millet, flour, etc. The buyer enters the store, says hello and asks for some cereal. The seller offers to find her. The buyer must by ear determine in which box he needs cereal or other required goods. The teacher, having previously introduced the children to the products, places them in a box, shakes each one and gives the children the opportunity to listen to the sound made by each product.

Find a toy


Equipment. A small bright toy or doll.

Description of the game. Children sit in a semicircle. The teacher shows the toy that they will hide. The leading child either leaves the room, or steps aside and turns away, and at this time the teacher hides a toy behind one of the children’s backs. At the signal “It’s time,” the driver goes to the children, who quietly clap their hands. As the driver approaches the child who has the toy hidden, the children clap louder; if he moves away, the clapping subsides. Based on the strength of the sound, the child guesses who he should approach. After the toy is found, another child is assigned as the driver.



Equipment. Eye patches.

Description of the game. A circle is drawn in the middle of the site. In the middle of the circle is a blindfolded child (sentinel). All children from one end of the playground must quietly make their way through the circle to the other end. The sentry is listening. If he hears a rustle, he shouts: “Stop!” Everyone stops. The sentry follows the sound and tries to find who made the noise. The one found leaves the game. The game continues. After four to six children are caught, a new sentry is chosen and the game starts over.

Where is it ringing?

Target. Development of auditory attention and spatial orientation.

Equipment. Bell or rattle.

Description of the game. The teacher gives one child a bell or rattle, and asks the other children to turn away and not look where their friend is hiding. The person who receives the bell hides somewhere in the room or goes out the door and rings it. Children look for a friend in the direction of the sound.

Where did you knock?

Target. Development of auditory attention and spatial orientation.

Equipment. Stick, chairs, bandages.

Description of the game. All children sit in a circle on chairs. One (the driver) goes into the middle of the circle and is blindfolded. The teacher walks around the entire circle behind the children and gives one of them a stick, the child knocks it on a chair and hides it behind his back. All the children shout: “It’s time.” The driver must look for a stick, if he finds it, then he sits in the place of the one who had the stick, and he goes to drive; If he doesn’t find it, he continues to drive.

Blind Man's Bluff with a bell

Target. Development of auditory attention and spatial orientation.

Equipment. Bell, bandages.

Description of the game. Option 1.The players sit on benches or chairs in one line or in a semicircle. At some distance from the players, a child with a bell stands facing them.

One of the children is blindfolded, and he must find and touch the child with the bell, who is now trying to get away (but not run away!) from the driver and rings at the same time.

Option 2. Several blindfolded children stand in a circle. One of the children is given a bell, he runs in a circle and rings them. Children blindfolded must catch it.

Target. Development of auditory attention. Find a child by voice and determine the direction of the sound in space.

Equipment. Bandages

Description of the game. The driver is blindfolded and must catch one of the running children. Children quietly move or run from one place to another (bark, scream, rooster, cuckoo, call the driver by name). If the driver catches someone, the person caught must vote, and the driver guesses who he caught.

Welcome guests!

Target. Development of auditory attention.

Equipment. A cap with bells for parsley, hats with ears for a bunny and a bear, various voiced toys (rattle, pipe, etc.)

Description of the game. The teacher announces to the children that guests are coming to them: parsley, a bunny and a bear. He singles out three guys who go behind the screen and change clothes there. Parsley gets a cap with bells, the bunny gets a hat with long ears, and the bear gets a bear hat. The teacher warns the children that the bear will come with a rattle, parsley with a drum, and the bunny with a balalaika. Children must guess by the sound which guest is coming. Before coming out to the children, the animals make sounds behind a screen, each on their own instrument. Children must guess who is coming. When all the guests are gathered, the children stand in a circle, and parsley, the bear and the bunny dance as best they can. Then new guests are selected and the game is repeated. When repeating the game, you can give the guests other sounding toys.

Wind and birds

Target. Development of auditory attention and coordination of movements.

Equipment. Any musical toy (rattle, metallophone, etc.) and chairs (nests).

Description of the game. The teacher divides the children into two groups: one group is the birds, the other is the wind, and explains to the children that when the musical toy plays loudly, the wind will “blow.” The group of children that represents the wind should run freely, but not noisily, around the room, while the other (birds) hide in their nests. But then the wind subsides (the music sounds quietly), the children pretending to be the wind quietly sit down in their places, and the birds must fly out of their nests and flutter.

Whoever is the first to notice a change in the sound of the toy and moves to a step receives a reward: a flag or a twig with flowers, etc. The child will run with the flag (or twig) while repeating the game, but if he is inattentive, the flag is given to the new winner .

Tell me what it sounds like

Target. Development of auditory attention.

Equipment. Bell, drum, pipe, etc.

Description of the game. Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. The teacher first introduces them to the sound of each toy, and then invites everyone to turn away in turn and guess the sounding object. To complicate the game, you can introduce additional musical instruments, for example, a triangle, a metallophone, a tambourine, a rattle, etc.

Sun or rain

Target. Development of auditory attention, coordination and tempo of movements.

Equipment. Tambourine or tambourine.

Description of the game. The teacher says to the children: “Now you and I will go for a walk. There is no rain. The weather is good, the sun is shining, and you can pick flowers. You walk, and I will ring the tambourine, you will have fun walking to its sounds. If it starts to rain, I'll start banging on the tambourine. And when you hear, you should quickly go into the house. Listen carefully to how I play."

The teacher conducts the game, changing the sound of the tambourine 3-4 times.

Guess what to do

Target. Development of auditory attention and coordination of movements.

Equipment. Two flags for each child, a tambourine or a tambourine.

Description of the game. Children sit or stand in a semicircle. Each person has two flags in their hands. The teacher loudly hits the tambourine, the children raise the flags up and wave them. The tambourine sounds quietly, the children lower their flags. It is necessary to ensure that children are seated correctly and perform movements correctly. Change the sound strength no more than 4 times so that children can easily perform the movements.

Guess by sound

Target. Development of auditory attention and phrasal speech.

Equipment. Various toys and objects (book, paper, spoon, pipes, drum, etc.).

Description of the game. The players sit with their backs to the leader. He makes noises and sounds with various objects. The one who guesses what the presenter is doing is making noise, raises his hand and, without turning around, tells him about it.

You can make different noises: throw a spoon, an eraser, a piece of cardboard, a pin, a ball, etc. on the floor; hitting an object against an object, leafing through a book, crumpling paper, tearing it, tearing material, washing hands, sweeping, planing, cutting, etc.

The one who guesses the most sounds is considered the most attentive and receives chips or small stars as a reward.

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