Home Children's dentistry What to name the dog? Rules for choosing a dog name. Examples of dog names

What to name the dog? Rules for choosing a dog name. Examples of dog names

When a puppy appears in your home, it is very important to establish contact with him and give him the opportunity to get used to his new habitat. But in order to somehow communicate with the dog, you need to come up with a unique name for it - a nickname. It is very important to understand that the names of male dogs are different from the nicknames for girls.

The article presents various approaches to choosing a name for dogs of serious breeds: service dogs, hunting dogs, hounds, as well as for miniature dogs.

How to choose a name?

Choosing a nickname is a very responsible undertaking. Exist different approaches to choosing a name for the dog. It is important to choose a nickname that will suit your pet well and will carry some meaning.

The nickname should be liked not only by all family members, but also by the dog itself, and should also be short, sonorous and easy to pronounce. In addition, it is better to name the puppy after the owner sees his character and behavior.

Video from the blog Morning on the Yenisei is dedicated to choosing a nickname.


Breed is probably the most important criterion when choosing names for dogs. For large breeds of boys: huskies, hounds or shepherd dogs, it is necessary to give names corresponding to their size, for example, Lord, Zeus, Gorro, Count. The most popular nicknames that are found among male shepherd dogs are Mukhtar, Jack, Zeus and Hephaestus. Names such as Thunder, Devil and Thunder are popular among huskies.

For dogs hunting breeds, huskies and hounds, it is important that the name is sonorous and easy to pronounce. The dog should hear its name at a great distance, while walking or hunting. Breeds of hound dogs have been popular since ancient times, when they were a support for humans while hunting animals. Males of hound breeds are characterized by nicknames such as Ray, Pride, Oscar.

For a brown or coffee-colored puppy, the nicknames Brown, Coconut, Snickers, and Chestnut are suitable. Among gray dogs There are such names as Steel, Smoke, Smoke, Dust, Fog. If your boy has an unusual color, then it is worth emphasizing this with a successful and unusual nickname.

According to dog size

The size of a male dog may be a good reason for giving a name for a pet. For example, large dogs that look very powerful can be called by such nicknames as: Bob, Thor, Brom, Dick, Georges, Icarus, Bogatyr.

For small breeds of dogs, owners most often try to choose the longest names, for example, Alfred, Marquis, Alduin, Bestiary. Such names seem to compensate for their small size with a long and complex name.

If you have adopted a non-pedigreed puppy, then you are unlikely to be able to predict what size it will reach as it grows, so it is better not to give the mongrels nicknames related to size, but to choose one of the popular names. It is better to call them some neutral name associated with color, character or the place where it was picked up.


There are nicknames that are especially popular. They are given regardless of the dog’s external characteristics, since they are universal. For example, during the popularity of the film “White Bim black ear", the dogs were called Bim or Bimka. However, such names are unfavorable, as the character who bore such a name in the film had a very sad fate.

If you want to name your boy after a movie character, it is better to pay attention to the nicknames Mukhtar, Rex or Rocky. The most popular dog names in the world are: Max, Charlie, Toby, Joker, Bud, Rocky, Ted, Rex and Bane.

Most of the popular nicknames in Russia are not Russian, but obtained through interpretations of foreign ones. These are Lucky, Orange, Blackjack, Brown, etc. It should be said that the popularity of nicknames will not be constant, since previously you could find many dogs with nicknames from literary works(Arthur, Ivanhoe or Herald).

Now other nicknames are more common, for example, comic book heroes. Their popularity largely depends on the popularity of various cinematic works. So hound dogs can be called Flash, Arrow, Batman for their speed.

Rare and unusual

There are many different dog names that are difficult to come across in everyday life. They are given by owners who want to stand out among the crowd and make their boy unique. Therefore, they come up with nicknames that have some meaning. For example, a nickname may correspond to the owner’s hobby. An astronomer can name a dog after a star, a car enthusiast after a car brand, a woman after her favorite hero.

Unusual, beautiful and rare names for dogs are names that are borrowed from mythology or other languages, sometimes their meaning is incomprehensible to the average person. These include Bacchus, Jarahsus, Chur, Ragnarok. There are unusual Russian names in honor of pagan gods: Yarilo, Perun.

Also, as a name for a boy, some series of sounds may be suitable, which are compiled by the owners for the pet and then become his nickname. Nicknames are often formed by the name of the nursery or made up of the letters of the parents. For example, hounds can be named after the first letters of their parents' names.


Sometimes male dogs have a nickname that carries some humorous context associated with appearance or the character of the dog. Their nicknames can bring positivity into the home, good mood, since it is most likely that the comic nickname will be based on the dog’s unusual behavior.

But it is necessary not to overdo it, since the name still endows the male with certain character traits. For example, you should not call the shepherd dogs Romka or Fluffy, since such a dog clearly will not grow into a good guard with a tough character.

This also applies to hounds, huskies, and shepherd dogs, the names of which must be chosen so that they contribute to the development of the dog’s reaction and its agility. Nicknames for hounds and huskies such as Turtle, Bead, Goose, Toad and Slime are unacceptable, as they can cause negative traits in the character of large breed males.

Playful nicknames can be given according to size, that is, as if emphasizing one or another feature of the male breed. For example, among Chihuahuas you can find such names as Zeus, Zhora, Elephant.

Large dogs such as chow chows or Russian terriers can be jokingly called Tedy, Moska, Barsik or Pinky. Playful nicknames allow you to show others that the dog’s owner is not without a sense of humor. Although it is better not to joke with the names of shepherd dogs, since this is, first of all, a service dog.

A humorous name can emphasize some feature in the dog’s character. For example, if a puppy makes a lot of noise and likes to bark, then he can be named Bell, Zvonik or Woof. If a dog likes to eat something tasty, then it can be called Funtik, Donut, Slastena or Cake.

A puppy who always comes back from a walk dirty can be called Piglet, Pig, Piglet or Zamarash. Big dogs, surprising in their size, can be called King Kong, Puzik, Weenie or Baby Elephant. If the dog has some kind of external defect, then you can show in the nickname that you love him, no matter what it is, for example Chrome, Ear, Piglet or Dracula.

List of names

Below are the most popular nicknames for male dogs.

AAchilles, Akhtai, Ayan, Aben, Aldi, Alcor, Alf, Scarlet, Ammi, Ardek, Arto, Artemon Alarm, Aston, Ataman, Atlas, Adonis, Excitement, Aidan, Akbay
BHook, Bento, Bert, Golden Eagle, Bero, Burton, Bidi, Bill, Bim, Black, Bard, Brutus, Bruce, Barkhan, Balkhash, Brandy, Buka, Bouquet, Bull, Buran, Bushui, Buyan, Baby
INWillie, Boar, Winston, Raven, Wave, Wind, Vandal, Carrier, Winnie the Pooh, Barbarian, Varatan, Sparrow, Willie, Knight, Faithful, Vulcan, Viking, Warrior
GGreenwich, Guslyar, Garik, Hans, Hudson, Hertz, Gunther, Duke, Oboe, Terrible, Hooter, Count, Homer, Bugler, Harvard, Gromishka
DJim, Darmidar, Jack, Dasher, Watch, Dell, Junichi, Dandy, Jordan, Diesel, Daniel, Diurma, Doctor, Don, Dugan, Strangler, Dobych, Jazz, Jimmy, Gin
ANDJean-Paul, Juan, Jacques, Zhingor, Zhurilo, Gigolo, Zhgur
ZEnthusiasm, Treasured, Amuse, Testament, Fill, Beast, Rang, Zun, Zmak, Zito, Zippo, Call, Zenit, Light up, Zorro
ANDIngemar, Imperial, Yoshi, Indo, Intel, Irish, Hidalgo, Yoshich, Izzard, Igloo, Yog, Irgarull, Inguro, Immogor
TOKyotomo, Knmitsu, Keiko, Fist, Kalash, Karai, Kazgon, Kintoki, Captain, Kurt
LLamborghini, Leonard, Lord, London, Layard, Lancelot, Love, Levi's, Lexus, Lorenzo, Lustig, Letun, Las Vegas
MMario, Milor, Masashige, Marcel, Maxi, Mambo, Masao, Machi, Martini, Mike, Mickey, Baby, Mars, Mamoru, Maine, Montaro, Madison, Max, Michael, Myran
NNook, Norris, Nakahira, Nelson, Naoki, Nom, Nord, German, Nambo, Nugget, Mood, Nokia, Neuville, Norton, Noboru, Alarm, Nike
ABOUTOrion, Ox, Ortimore, Hermit, Omelli, Oxford, Orpheus, Oscar, Ortiz, Oralo, Mischievous, Orlon, Orlando
PRip, Pirate, Plutarch, Scarecrow, Pedro, Belly, Singer, Amuse, Pentium, Premier, Poop, Cartridge, Pie, Singer
RRocco, Reizo, Romur, Randy, Richmond, Robert, Rumax, Rord, Ravaur, Rugar, Rolf, Ruddy, Romeo, Howler, Rodion
WITHHappy, Bow, Snoopy, Salvador, Grey, Svarog, Sor, Starling, Sultan, Sprinks, Spartak, Spencer, Sultan, Scotch, Nightingale, Elephant, Spaghetti, Suzuki, Scandal
TFog, Triumph, Typhoon, Tnax, Txeng, Taxag, Toby, Takashi, Tanqueray, Thatcher, Tarzan, Twister, Torres, Trumpeter, Torio, Tom, Texas, Fog, Tiger, Tokyo
UWalcott, Winston, Wilson, Whitaker, Udo, Wesley, Udaloy, Hurricane, Ulankal, Watson, Utes.
FPharaoh, Fuyunori, Fred, Bassoon, Ferrari, Flash, Foster, Phantom, Fumihiko, Freddy, Frodo, Frank, Forsythe, Frank, Franz, Flint, Fresh
XHut, Hamur, Halron, Harvey, Haggis, Chaos, Hideaki, Laughter, Halamore, Harley, Juan, Hilton, Hmort, Hennessy, Khan, Khalif, Honda, Tail, Hooligan
CZweglau, Ceron, Cellur, Tsunemori, Caesar, Tsunemoto, Tsunemichi, Tsmord, Tsutomu, Tsar
HChampion, Chaplin, Charlie, Chandler, Charles, Chigwar, Chinook, Chubuk, Chester, Chicago, Genghis Khan, Sorcerer, Chile, Churchill,
ShSherlock, Shaitan, Shilor, Shandon, Chevron, Chantal, Schultz, Shvyrok, Shumilo, Shanghai, Chevalier, Schnitzel, Sheken, Jackal
EEric, Apple, Exxon, Elton, Edler, Elf, Ergon, Emil, Edwin, Edelweiss, Eros, Eddie
YUYukinaga, YouTube, Yuflam, Yukon, Yukihiro
ICore, Yamaha, Scimitar, Hawk

To successfully name a boy puppy, you should not rush to choose a name. You should observe him for several days and find out the peculiarities of his character.

Having chosen a name, you should accustom the puppy to it. The main thing is that he quickly responds to his name. If he does not perceive the nickname well, it is better to come up with another one.

Video “How to choose a name for a dog”

There are many different names for male dogs with national accents: French, English, Spanish, Oriental, Northern. For those who find it difficult to choose, we have compiled a list of rare and beautiful ones. Choose what to name your boy puppy, based on his character and disposition.

Original Russian nicknames for boys

The dominance of foreign pretentious names makes itself felt. For some reason, owners believe that their dog will be more successful if they give it a European-style name.

Russians have their own superiority: they always sound good, soft (and you don’t even need to shorten them), funny, playful, many funny.

  • Various, can be chosen to suit any character. Take a look at some of them.
  • Bandit,
  • Tramp,
  • Tramp,
  • Thunder,
  • Buddy,
  • Volcano,
  • Pie,
  • Cake,
  • Bobik,
  • Jackal,
  • Robber,
  • Cupid,
  • Warrior,
  • Tail,
  • Volcano,
  • Ryzhik,
  • Dobrynya,
  • Hog,
  • Svarog,
  • Rodion,
  • Happy,
  • Handsome,
  • Baby
  • Tsar,
  • Volchara,
  • Whistle,
  • Beast,
  • Hermit,
  • Savage,
  • Grozny,
  • Brukhan,
  • Winnie the Pooh,


But if you notice the habits of a true Englishman in your dog, you should not deny it a national name.

Find the answer

Do you have any problem or question? Enter “Breed” or “Name of the problem” into the form, press Enter and you will find out everything about the issue that interests you.

Your dog tries to serve in everything (brings slippers in the morning, and then carries them after you all day), is too obedient, friendly, stable, but is afraid to show his feelings, loves order and comfort - then choose something from this list.

  • Armstrong,
  • Bentley,
  • Barton,
  • Jeeves,
  • Webster,
  • Bobby,
  • Burgher,
  • Watson,
  • Sherlock,
  • Duke,
  • Winfred,
  • Glenmore,
  • Beardsley,
  • Graph,
  • Lancelot,
  • Greenwich,
  • Bosswell,
  • Carrington,
  • Digby,
  • Chadwick,
  • Fergie,
  • Cromwell,
  • Dandy,
  • London,
  • Wesley,
  • Rochester,
  • Charles,
  • Lard,
  • Spencer,
  • Wilson,
  • Wilston,
  • Oxford,
  • Tower,
  • Tennyson,
  • Maxwell.

Nicknames for puppies with a French accent

If you have noticed your pet's cheerfulness, gaiety, fiery temperament, enthusiasm, and loves to be the center of attention - then choose a French name for him.

  • Armani,
  • Andre,
  • Dandy,
  • Kavier,
  • Neville,
  • Cousteau,
  • Garson,
  • Dominic,
  • Maurice,
  • Pierre Paris,
  • Chianti,
  • Faber,
  • Chardonnay,
  • Eiffel,
  • Ludwig,
  • Corporal,
  • Sedan,
  • Orleans,
  • Jules,
  • Grasse,
  • Gautier,
  • Julienne,
  • Gerard,
  • Philip,
  • Modest,
  • Cordel,
  • Bullen,
  • Chevalier,
  • Besançon,
  • Valentin,
  • Victor,
  • Adye,
  • Cognac,
  • Justin,
  • Blaise,
  • Rouen,
  • Christophe,
  • Alonso,
  • Grasse,
  • Poitiers.


Options for “little” doggies

If you have decided to have a baby, then this list of the “smallest” playful names is for you.

  • Karapet,
  • Baby,
  • Shket,
  • Micro,
  • Electron,
  • Smallest,
  • Small,
  • Junior,
  • cog,
  • Tinkle,
  • Dwarf,
  • Karapuz,
  • Siskin,
  • Shustrik,
  • Small,
  • Midge,
  • Malets,
  • Proton,
  • Baby,
  • Little,
  • Smarty,
  • Pie,
  • Mini,
  • Kinder,
  • Funtik,
  • Kutsyi,
  • Byte,
  • Carnation,
  • Fluff,
  • Sweeties,
  • Zaki,
  • Swippy,
  • Shorty,
  • Micron,
  • Pretzel,
  • Zigo,
  • Chico,
  • Fluffy.

Name for different dog breeds

Each breed is unique, because it has unique habits and has its own universal character.

Breeds of watchmen and security guards: German Shepherd, Alabai, Rottfeiler, Moscow Watchdog, black terrier.

For a group of single people, Pekingese, Maltese, and Yorkshire terrier puppy are suitable.

Family and friendly - pugs, poodles, St. Bernards, shelties, poodles. We'll look at what names would suit some breeds.

  • Timmy,
  • Coconut,
  • Bow,
  • Lucky,
  • Darling,
  • Small,
  • Bambi,
  • Smile,
  • Didi,
  • Volt,
  • Pixel,
  • Knop,
  • Boni,
  • Zorro,
  • Alcor,
  • Sparky,
  • Smokey,
  • Benji,
  • Richie,
  • Mini,
  • Lloyd,
  • Best,
  • Kiki,
  • Agate,
  • Freddie,
  • Boss.

For dachshunds:

  • Pirate,
  • Bruno,
  • Hunter,
  • Stif,
  • Baxter,
  • Black,
  • Brown,
  • Rocky,
  • Flint,
  • Rave,
  • Pitti,
  • Timka,
  • Fritz,
  • Sema.

Male nicknames of the Husky breed:

  • Loki,
  • Tramp,
  • Buran,
  • Amur,
  • Frost,
  • Fierce,
  • Archie,
  • Daemon,
  • Wolfe,
  • Silver,
  • Cold,
  • North,
  • Ural,
  • Shaman,
  • Gray,
  • Caesar,
  • North,
  • Hugo,
  • Sniper,
  • Baikal,
  • Snor.

Shepherd boys will be happy if you choose one of these for them:

  • Diamond,
  • Graph,
  • Empire style,
  • Conrad,
  • Perseus,
  • Marcus,
  • Lord,
  • Antey,
  • Dingo,
  • Austin,
  • Jaco,
  • Uranus,
  • Grant,
  • Pier,
  • Martin,
  • Rhine,
  • Lobster,
  • Nero,
  • Corsair,
  • Main,
  • Cascade,
  • Zinc,
  • Bodo,
  • Rhine,
  • Jeff,
  • Zhigan,
  • Rudolf,
  • King,
  • Dux,
  • Carat,
  • Oscar,
  • Falcon,
  • Flint.

To successful Labradors:

  • Amigo,
  • Atom,
  • Brun,
  • Casper,
  • Jack,
  • Bond,
  • Ajax,
  • Zorro,
  • Clyde,
  • Gucci,
  • Winston,
  • Kelvin,
  • Boomer,
  • Toby,
  • Crow,
  • Chaos,
  • Nugget,
  • Orion,
  • Adonis,
  • Ricochet,
  • Gigolo,
  • Byron,
  • Champion,
  • Jack,
  • Homer,
  • Ranger,
  • Bambino,
  • Butch,
  • Jazz,
  • Flash,
  • Sunny,
  • Romeo,
  • Tango.

Beautiful names for Alabais:

  • Aspar,
  • Arden,
  • Farhad,
  • Murad,
  • Hummock,
  • Ardak,
  • Nubar,
  • Vagr,
  • Topush,
  • Barut,
  • Diram,
  • Margos,
  • Nazar,
  • Radash,
  • Miro.

Note to those who are planning to get a Staffordshire Terrier. Good nicknames:

  • Asik,
  • Bard,
  • Bavar,
  • Arro,
  • Hephaestus,
  • Butuz,
  • Kaab,
  • A tan,
  • Imar,
  • Bidi,
  • Helot,
  • Zagrai,
  • cube,
  • Caffey,
  • Vikort,
  • Proud,
  • Kuchum,
  • Ataman,
  • Dary,
  • Kinto,
  • Dux,
  • Werther,
  • Jibo,
  • Buckingham,
  • East,
  • Le Havre,
  • Buyan,
  • Hasan,
  • Viking,
  • Euphrates.
  • Rydon,
  • Takumi,
  • Samurai,
  • Tobiko,
  • Darius,
  • Goro,
  • Jaco,
  • Fudo,
  • Setsuko,
  • Haru,
  • Neko,
  • Nikko.

The most suitable names for spaniel boys:

  • Ailat,
  • Alan,
  • Jeremiah,
  • Lorgnette,
  • Sparky,
  • Ferocious,
  • Punks,
  • Robin,
  • Sniper,
  • Scimitar,
  • Bachem,
  • Golden eagle,
  • Freakley,
  • Bold,
  • Catchy,
  • Charlie,
  • Muffy,
  • Hawk,
  • Natsmen,
  • Sebastian,
  • Lonket,
  • Cracker,
  • Nimble,
  • Vytyaz,
  • Saiga,
  • Daring.

But no matter how successful and beautiful name you have not chosen for your puppy, he will not be happy if you do not care and groom him properly.

Remember the words of the great Saint-Exupery: “We are responsible for those we have tamed.” Try to pay as much attention as possible to your four-legged friend, and he will thank you doubly for your work.

Funny dog ​​names

A good sense of humor helps in life and is even an integral part of it. Owners want their pet's name to bring a smile and a wave of positivity. Why not? The main thing is that the nickname is to your liking, but not offensive or offensive to your devoted comrade.

What can you focus on when choosing a “cool” name? For example, the size of a dog. Opposite meanings can be used here, so a tiny toy or Yorkshire terrier can light hand the owner will turn into Gulliver, the Giant, Cerberus or the Terrible. Names for babies sound unexpectedly funny, and if the dog has character, then they sound quite eloquent.

There is also a reverse trend, when representatives of giant breeds are called diminutive names. You can meet a Caucasian shepherd dog named Fluff, a Great Dane Krosh, or the mastiff Tsvetik, who frightens others with his appearance.

But here you should be more careful, given that the name leaves its mark on the pet’s character, and if you want to get a vigilant guard, you risk becoming the owner of a good-natured giant. With medium-sized pets, you can give free rein to your imagination and come up with a nickname based on their characteristic qualities.

Owners of mestizos experience unintentional confusion with nicknames. Initially a gentle, tiny creature named Donut, Ray or Mouse can grow to a decent size. And there are also the opposite situations, when a puppy is taken into the house, which the former owners position as a large, watchdog, and the dog grows up to be the size of a dachshund.

And these Polkans, Mukhtars and Caesars run around, and the owners are somewhat confused by their original, not entirely appropriate, name. If you don’t want to choose a playful nickname, and the future size of the pet is not clear, you should name the puppy so that the name is not associated with dimensions.

You can focus on the color of the pet. The nickname will reflect the inherent quality of the pet - its color:

  • You can call a dog with black fur Coal, Imp, Blackie, Demon, Zorro, Gypsy, Agate, Imp, Blackie, Blade, Raven, Rook
  • For males with white hair, names such as Snowball, Bely, Belyash, Frost, Bars, Buran, Nord, Chalk, Svetly, Casper, Edelweiss, White, Zephyr, Polar, Sugar, Refined are suitable.
  • Dogs with a spotted coat are called Spot, Pockmarked, Fifteen, Motley, Bright, Domino, Harlequin. Among the English nicknames we can consider Bud, Spotty, Patch, Tubby.
  • Chocolate favorites can be named after their favorite delicacies - Snickers, Mars, Twix, Milky Way, Toblerone, Picnic, Chocolate. Suitable nicknames include Brownie, Chestnut, Mocha, Bruno, Bob, Darkley, Maroon, Brownish, Choco, Porter.
  • Males with gray, ash coat will be called Ash, Grey, Gray, Silver, Smoke, Smokey, Smoke, Steel, Steel.
  • Red-red dogs are often given nicknames, one way or another, that are associated with the red, fiery color - Fire, Scarlet, Pepper, Red, Bright, Ruby, Garnet, Fire. Pets whose fur is similar to a fox's coat are called Fox, Fox, Foxy, Golden, Orange, Honey,

When choosing a nickname, you can also focus on the character of your pet. Puppies, like any children, begin to show some of their outstanding qualities from birth. What can we say about grown-up children who end up in new house. For puppies with obvious leadership qualities It’s worth choosing an appropriate nickname: Commander. King, Leader, Favorite, General, Pharaoh. Captain.

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The name of a puppy is often the subject of discussion, often even for a very long time. Why is it given such importance?

A puppy's name can tell a lot about its owner. About his thoughts, even to some extent about his character. But more often than not, the owner comes up with a nickname for the puppy.

You just need to apply a little imagination! In this article we'll talk about names for dogs - boys.

How to name?

The most important thing is where you purchased your dog. If he is purebred and purchased from a nursery, then . Most often it is intricate and quite complex. Many owners try to choose a name derived from this nickname. Or they come up with an abbreviation if the nickname consists of several words. In fact, this is not at all necessary.

You can choose a unique nickname, but you should remember simple rules:

  1. It is still worth calling the animal by human names. Does it look a little strange if a girl in the park calls, for example, Seryozha, and a Doberman comes running to her call? Separately, I would like to emphasize that the name of the dog should be different from the name of the neighbor in the apartment where the dog’s owner lives, because few people will be pleased to learn that an animal was named in his honor :) It is better to choose exclusively dog names. For example, Lord, Richie, Court.
  2. Any dog ​​needs to be taught and practice the acquired skills. That's why nickname should not contain commands. For example, if the owner teaches the dog the command “Fu!”, then the nickname Fugas or Funtik will confuse the animal with this command.
  3. Dogs don't think like people. Therefore, it is better to give them a name with a maximum of two syllables, and containing loud sounds. For example, Buran, Bim, Jack.
  4. The breed, appearance, character, and other characteristics of the pet should also be taken into account.. For example, sizes. True, it is better to choose a neutral nickname for your pet. Because the owner looks strange walking with a small dog and calling it with the words: “Poseidon, come to me!” Although this indicates the owner’s sense of humor. Just like calling a small dog Terrible, Giant or Gulliver. You need to choose the most characteristic feature, which will not change over time. For example, Chernysh or Belyak are excellent nicknames for pure black or white puppies, respectively.
  5. It is absolutely not necessary to give the puppy a name as soon as he crosses the threshold of the owner’s apartment. It's better to observe his behavioral characteristics and make the final decision.
  6. There is no need to come up with anything special if you are the owner of a mongrel. She has the same right to a beautiful name as her purebred brothers.
  7. If you cannot find a single suitable word in Russian, at your service foreign dictionaries . Sometimes a simple designation of a characteristic, for example, color on foreign language looks original and fresh. For example, Schwarz means “black” in German. You can use this name if your dog is black in color.

Why is it important that a pet’s name be short and as sonorous as possible? Because even if a grown-up puppy is busy with something (most often, passionate about playing), he could hear the owner’s call.


Many people dream of giving their dogs Russian names because it is convenient and familiar. List of nicknames:



Choose one of these memorable names for male dogs:

  • Locky (from ancient Germanic mythology, a malicious God, suitable for a naughty dog),
  • Thor (also God, but fair, powerful and beautiful, suitable for a large, stately and kind dog),
  • Ragnarok,
  • Hans,
  • Werther (in honor of the cult literary character from The Sorrows of Young Werther),
  • Charles,
  • Dirk (after the famous king),
  • Rhine (after the river)
  • Sigmund,
  • Siegfried,
  • Ulrich,
  • Besten (best).


Many people are crazy about France and want to give their dog the flair of this beautiful country. How can you name a boy's dog in the French manner:

Japanese with meaning

  • Amai: sweet,
  • Aiko: beloved,
  • Aki: born in autumn,
  • Genkito: healthy,
  • Dai: great,
  • Gin: silver,
  • Willow: strong,
  • Yoshiko: obedient child
  • Kadan: friend,
  • Kamede: long-lived,
  • Katana: samurai sword,
  • Keiko: lover
  • Kumiko: baby
  • Kuri: chestnut,
  • Kuro: black,
  • Kawaii (with emphasis on the long I): cute,
  • Kuma: bear,
  • Mamoru: protector
  • Taske: assistant,
  • Machiko: lucky guy
  • Mikan: orange (can be called a red dog),
  • Natsuko: born in summer,
  • Nikko: sunny,
  • Ricky: strong
  • Sumi: pure,
  • Taji: silver yellow,
  • Taka: noble birth,
  • Fuku: bringer of luck and wealth,
  • Haru: child of spring,
  • Hoshiko: starry,
  • Tsuyoshi: strong, healthy,
  • Shishio: lion,
  • Chibi: cute
  • Choco: chocolate,
  • Shiro: snow-white,
  • Yume: a dream (like Putin’s).

English and American

We give cool foreign language nicknames with translation:

Light and beautiful

Tired of banal dog names? Do you want something beautiful, but at the same time “unpretentious”? Then you can name a male dog from this list of nicknames:

  • Iceberg,
  • Avalon,
  • Adam,
  • Berkeley,
  • Gucci,
  • Baldo,
  • Indigo,
  • Emelyan,
  • Irbis,
  • Iris,
  • Zeus,
  • Gurion,
  • Galahad,
  • Gilbert,
  • Yves Saint,
  • Desmond,
  • Space,
  • Claudius,
  • Leonard,
  • Lafayette,
  • Neville,
  • Easter;
  • Pluto,
  • Percy(val),
  • Harry.

Cool and funny

If the owner of a “man’s friend” called it funny, this may indicate a well-developed sense of humor. But choose something beautiful for your dog, and at the same time cool name, may not be such an easy task. Although it often comes to the mind of the future owner on its own. Here are just a few of them:


The dog's name should be short, maximum 2 syllables. So that the dog remembers it better and faster. And the owner didn't have to spend much time calling his dog.

The future owner can name his dog as follows:

  • Alan,
  • Alur,
  • Breeze,
  • Venya,
  • Damon,
  • James,
  • Friend,
  • Jam,
  • Charles,
  • Queens,
  • Mulder,
  • Malik.


Non-trivial nicknames indicate a good sense of humor among dog owners. But you need to be careful. Because not everyone can understand how you could call your dog, for example, Shtanogryz? Yes, and you need to think three times before giving such a nickname, imagine how you shout “Pant-gnawer, don’t chew the curtains” :)

The best

This is a matter of taste for each dog owner and his characteristics. Let's name the most popular of them, from those that have not yet been named.

  • Argo,
  • Rich (from English “rich”),
  • Amur,
  • Caesar,
  • Oscar,
  • Marseilles,
  • Simon,
  • Arnie,


If a person who owns a dog does not have the time and/or desire to come up with an original nickname for his puppy, then here is a list of the most popular male names:

  • Rex (in Arabic it means “king”),
  • Hachiko (it became especially popular after the release of the film of the same name),
  • Buddy,
  • Teddy,
  • Charlie,
  • Zeus (this looks especially funny if a very small dog bears this name),
  • Baby (If this name is given to a “dog” of the Alabai breed, then similarly),
  • Sharik (out of competition in the Russian Federation 🙂).


Everyone decides for himself which dog name is unusual and interesting for him. Two dozen more names should be added to the existing list.

  • Augur was the name of the priest who protected the people from bad deeds.
  • Argus was the name of the giant who had a hundred heads, he was the personification of the starry sky,
  • Cupid - he was the god of love among the ancient Romans,
  • Antaeus was a ruler who drew strength from Mother Earth,
  • Argo - the ship on which, according to the legend of the Argonauts, the journey for the Golden Fleece took place,
  • Atlas is the titan who, according to legend, holds the vault of the sky,
  • Aten is a god who personified the sun in the mythology of Ancient Egypt.
  • Achilles - great hero Trojan War,
  • Ares - in ancient greek mythology he is the god of war, and at the same time the son of Zeus,
  • Ahat is a common noun in Greek. It is used when one wants to say about someone as true friend, which is what a dog is,
  • Ajax is also, like Achilles, a hero of the Trojan War,
  • Balu - translated as “lord”, and in ancient Simitic mythology is the god of fertility, thunder and lightning,
  • Veles is an ancient Slavic God, patron of animals,
  • Vulcan is the god of fire
  • Helios is the sun god
  • Hephaestus - in ancient Greek mythology, was the god of fire,
  • Daksha is a deity in Hindu mythology,
  • Dionysus is the god of fertility in ancient Greek mythology, winemaking, and viticulture,
  • Zephyr is the god of the wind,
  • Icarus is a hero who wanted to fly to the sun, but unfortunately, he couldn’t. His wings were singed
  • Yima is a ruler in Iranian mythology.


Again, everyone has their own concept of “cool”. Almost all the nicknames from the lists can be called cool for someone. Let's just add a few more cool names to the list.


They are given by those owners who want to make their boy stand out from the crowd and make him unique.

For example, a car lover can name a dog after his favorite (and/or desired) car brand, a traveler - after a place he has visited and/or wants to visit, book or film lovers - after a favorite character. For example, rare nicknames may be like this:

  • in honor of the pagan gods - Perun, Yarilo;
  • the names of dogs are unusual, taken from mythology or other languages ​​that are incomprehensible to the majority of people: Chur, Ragnarok, Bacchus, Jarahsus;
  • there may be a series of sounds to which the pet reacts, and then it becomes his nickname;
  • I would like to say separately about comic “names”. They will bring a good mood to the house. For example, Chow Chows or Russian Terriers can be jokingly called Tedy, Barsik or Pinky.


They usually occur when pets are officially registered. For example, the names of puppies of the same litter in a kennel must begin with the same letter. Nicknames also have an additional prefix from the breeder.

But still, in ordinary life a short, sonorous name is used. This is dictated by the peculiarities of canine perception. They can only perceive the first syllables of their nickname. Therefore, double names like Don Fleming Panda remain only for the owners. Or Double - Trouble (translated from English this means “double trouble”)


The most interesting, beautiful and noble names for males come from the names of gods and war heroes. For example:

  • Geb is the god of the earth in Egyptian mythology.
  • Honor is the god of honor among the ancient Romans,
  • Hero - a legendary king or hero, who was glorified by his exploits,
  • Hercules is a hero who accomplished many feats in ancient Greek mythology,
  • Diomedes was a hero of the Trojan War,
  • Centaur is a legendary creature, the embodiment of wild power,
  • Neptune is the Roman god of the sea,
  • Odysseus was a hero of the Trojan War,
  • Odin is the supreme god in Scandinavian mythology,
  • Perun is the main god in Ancient Rus'.

What do famous people call their pets?

  1. Vladimir Putin: it all started with Kony. This funny black Labrador, without ceremony, violated official ceremonies. It was presented by Sergei Shoigu. The head of state also has a Bulgarian shepherd dog, which he received as a gift. Very rare breed. The animal's name is Buffy. Another dog, an exact copy of the dog from the film Hachiko, appeared with the President in 2012, it was presented by the head of one of the provinces of Japan. Her name is Yume, which translates to “dream” in Japanese. He also has an Alabai dog named Verny. It was presented to him by the President of Turkmenistan.

  2. Leonid Yarmolnik— he and his family have 3 dogs: Scotch terrier Solomon, dachshund Zosya, and mongrel Dusya. His wife created charitable foundation“Giving hope”, Leonid helps her.

  3. The singer Sergei Lazarev there is a mongrel Daisy. She is a frequent guest in his photographs on social networks. He got the dog by chance. Actually, he wasn’t going to start her because of his very busy tour schedule. He adopted a dog from a shelter, which he advises all people who are planning to get a dog to do..

  4. At the singer's Lyubov Uspenskaya I have a pet - Yorkshire terrier Frankie. It was important for her to buy exactly her puppy, the one that her eye would immediately fall on. It only looks like a toy, but in reality it is a toothy lion in miniature.

  5. TV presenter Yana Poplavskaya has a Belgian shepherd named Dusya. Poplavskaya and her children found her in terrible condition. Wounded and doused with water in the cold. She started calling veterinarians, but their only answer was that she could bring the dog to be euthanized, because there was no point in treating it.

    At these words, Yana sent them away and decided to treat the dog on her own. And cured! Then she wanted to give Dusya, she found good people, but her son intervened in the matter. He was 11 years old at that time and he said, “Dusya trusted you, and you are giving her away.” Afterwards Dusya remained in the family and was loved by everyone.

  6. Actress Irina Lachina, her pet is Mickey the mongrel. She found Mickey in the park while she was on tour in Kislovodsk. It was scorching hot, and the puppy was lying in the rays of the sun. He looked like he needed help. And this was true - his leg was broken, he was emaciated and dehydrated. But Irina took him to the veterinarian and took him home.


Naming your pet is not always the case simple task, but very important. If it does not come right away, then you need to choose based on the breed of the dog-boy, from the very characteristic feature(character or appearance), or you can use examples of celebrities who have a dog.

Some owners do this before the puppy arrives in the house, and some only when the pet crosses the threshold of a new home. And yet: how and when should you choose a dog’s name? Perhaps you have dreamed all your life of having a dog named Sharik. Whether it’s a small lap dog or a huge Alabai - Sharik and that’s it! In this case, of course, you can name the dog in advance.

But experienced dog breeders advise choosing a name for a dog only after meeting it for the first time. Why? Having seen the tailed creature with your own eyes, you will understand for sure what the dog can be called. Observe the animal, study it external features, pay attention to the character and habits, and the question “what to name the puppy” will disappear on its own.

So, you are planning a new addition to your family - a tailed-eared creature. How to choose a nickname for him? Rely on your taste and only your taste. After all, it is you who has to call out to your pet on a walk and call him to you at home. Considering simple recommendations, you will choose a dog name that you like and four-legged friend, and you:

  • choose a simple and short nickname. Dogs respond best to such names. The dog will quickly get used to the nickname and will delight you with his attention. And it will be easier for you to pronounce a short name. What to do if you are crazy about long and original dog names? No problem: you can proudly introduce your pet to others as Guy Julius Caesar, but in private you can affectionately call him Yulik. And the wolves are fed, and the sheep are safe;
  • consider the breed, size and color of the dog. A red dog named Snow White can cause slight dissonance among those around him. However, if both you and your dog are not against such discrepancies.. :);
  • avoid names that your previous pets had. All the past should remain in the past, and before you is a new friend with his own unique character and unique habits;
  • don't call animals by human names. It’s good if your friend of the same name is not offended by the fact that you named the dog Sergei. But what if your new neighbor (a person who doesn't know what a sense of humor is) happens to have the same name?

Why is the choice of nickname given great importance? “Whatever you call the ship, that’s how it will sail” - this is the answer to the question. The animal may not understand the meaning beautiful words, but nicknames containing the letters r and f develop courage, determination and even independence in the dog. And dog names with the letters l, m, n awaken docileness, friendliness and affection in the animal.

If the dog has just appeared in the house, you still have time to think and choose a worthy nickname. What if your pet has been living with you for a week or two? Leaving a dog without a name for so long is unacceptable. Where do you get ideas for nicknames? Use your imagination and... strain your memory. Animals are often given majestic names after islands, rivers, mountains, cities and even countries!

A cool nickname for a dog can be borrowed from movie characters: both people and animals. Do you want to give your pet absolutely unusual name? Look around: perhaps an object will come into your field of vision whose name would be suitable as a name for a dog. In case inspiration still doesn't strike you, you can always choose from ready list nicknames for four-legged creatures.

There are no special recommendations for choosing a name for a girl dog. The only important and understandable nuance: nicknames for male dogs are not suitable for females. As a rule, girls' dog names are beautiful and sweet-sounding. They should suit your pet, highlight her best qualities and encourage her to behave exemplary. When choosing a name for your four-legged friend, remember that you will have to say it at least 10 times a day.

We present to your attention original nicknames female dogs: Aiza, Alba, Aqua, Ami, Bounty, Bary, Belle, Venta, Goldie, Daisy, Gia, Jasmine, Giselle, Zabava, Yoko, Kylie, Kelly, Lada, Leila, Lassie, Margot, Mila, Monroe, Norma , Nellie, Audrey, Ollie, Ottawa, Pecky, Paris, Patsy, Rhonda, Rachel, Ruth, Rumba, Cindy, Sky, Sicily, Tiffany, Tootsie, Umi, Umbra, Fleur, Freya, Fancy, Charisma, Holly, Hindi, Happy , Celda, Zirconia, Tsabbi, Tsvetik, Chansi, Chelsea, Chanel, Shoko, Shari, Edel, Eliza, Ash, Eugette, Yunna, Justina, Jamaica.

What should you consider when choosing a name for your beloved dog? Remember that a cute puppy will grow into a future protector who must be obedient, brave and responsible. Therefore, names for male dogs are chosen accordingly. What should you name a male puppy if you want to see in him the qualities of a companion (friendliness, cheerful disposition and carefreeness) above all? Then unusual nicknames for male dogs can be used.

Pick up interesting name for a pet from the list: Ice, Asterix, Alf, Velvet, Bob, Black Jack, Byte, Voice, Woof, Gaff, Golden, Good, Gary, Juice, Dexter, Dandy, Gerard, Zack, Zico, Icarus, Indus, X, Karat, Coconut, Klaus, Locky, London, Louis, Moby, Macho, Marmaduke, Nordie, Noir, Nukki, Onyx, Otto, Ocean, Pike, Paul, Punch, Wright, Ricco, Rockefeller, Red, Skip, Smurf, Snape, Toki, Ted, Uno, Walker, Franky, Photon, Haik, Hugh, Cyrus, Celer, Chao, Choice, Chase, Chance, Shrek, Shot, Eragon, Angel, Ellipse, Yukos, YouTube, Jacob, Janos.

What to name a small boy dog? We offer a number of funny nicknames: Amurchik, Artik, Archik, Bon-bon, Bonik, Bow, Vintik, Vitamin, Glitch, Dobie, Raccoon, Zigzag, Zhivchik, Zephyr, Raisin, Ivashechka, Knopik, Clip, Buttercup, Mouse, Muffin, Nice , Nafanya, Oji, Ozik, Peach, Fluff, Rumbik, Ricks, Smiley, Smurf, Rusk, Tick, Tofik, Tube, Umka, Foxik, Flick, Ponytail, Hitch, Candied, Cent, Miracle, Chip, Shustik, Lace, El , Yuki, Yupik, Jap.

What to name a small girl dog? Perhaps you will like one of a number of cute nicknames: Asya, Aika, Adelka, Barbie, Busya, Vi-vi, Freckle, Gadget, Grunya, Gunya, Julie, Dolly, Erosh, Zhivinka, Zhulya, Bunny, Zvezdochka, Zizi, Zyukyu, Toffee, Ivy, Knopa, Kiwi, Candy, Lilu, Lala, Masya, Monya, Naisi, Nochka, Nyusha, Olive, Osya, Cookie, Patty, Piggy, Stasya, Susie, Tootsie, Tuchka, Tyapa, Frutti, Fi- fi, Hannis, Hasya, Tsypa, Chapa, Shuga, Ellis, Yulsi, Yagodka, Yasya.

Nicknames for bitches: Alpha, Athena, Storm, Blackie, Viva, Vendetta, Wave, Hekta, Groza, Gina, Delta, Zhdana, Ziga, Zolda, Irma, Ithaca, Capa, Crazy, Cleopatra, Lucky, Laila, Avalanche, Marta, Marquise, Milagress, Nagini, Nadira, Nefertiti, Olympia, Olvia, Persa, Midnight, Pul, Riviera, Riga, Rolda, Lynx, Sparky, Santa, Taiga, Mystery, Terra, Luck, Ulana, Hannah, Horta, Cicada, Tsuzaki, Chaika, Chutta, Sheltie, Shumka, Electra, Eda, Yarina, Jasper.

Nicknames for male dogs: Atlant, Artos, Argon, Boston, Batman, Viscount, Vansay, Vesuvius, Gambit, Hercules, Dymok, Dingo, Dante, Yenisei, Jardin, Harness, Zeus, Impulse, Captain, Capone, Trap, Laurel, Lord, Marquis, Myth, Neo, Noise, Obelisk, Omon, Perseus, Pumbaa, Patron, Robin, Rambo, Roar, Stavr, Samurai, Sapphire, Tyson, Titan, Uranus, Ural, Pharaoh, Hunter, Hammer, Hulk, Cerberus, Caesar, Chigray, Chuk, Sherlock, Stirlitz, Shocker, Yungus, Eugene, Yakut, Yamakashi.

Taking advantage practical advice, you will choose a name that you will enjoy saying and your dog will enjoy hearing.

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