Home Gums What are the symptoms and treatments for skin diseases in dogs. Crusts on a dog's body A dog has a gray crust on its nipples

What are the symptoms and treatments for skin diseases in dogs. Crusts on a dog's body A dog has a gray crust on its nipples

Foreign pigmentation on the body of the animal causes concern for the owners. There are several reasons for this phenomenon, from completely harmless to dangerous to the pet’s health.

If you cannot determine the cause on your own, it is better to contact a specialist.

Common causes of blackheads

These include conditions and diseases:

  • Lentigo.
  • Dermatophytosis.
  • Weeping dermatitis.
  • Comedones.
  • Demodecosis.
  • Seborrhea.
  • Hormonal disorders.

A black spot on the skin that does not cause other symptoms is a common comedon. This is a time clogged with dirt and sebum. It occurs in dogs with little hair on exposed areas of the body due to extreme heat and lack of hygiene. Only in miniature schnauzers primary comedones are the norm and do not require intervention.

For other breeds, skin care is provided, scrubs are made and nutrition is monitored. Often the cause of comedones is hormonal disorders. Additionally, this condition is accompanied by increased greasiness, bad smell, spots and baldness. A sharp jump in hormones is typical for older dogs.

A cosmetic defect includes lentigo - characteristic dark spots on the skin, paws. Unfortunately, there is no cure for it. Normally, it does not interfere with the life and health of the pet in any way.

Black spots on the back are a sign of infection

Bacterial pathogens and fungi provoke dermatitis and dermatophytosis.
The infection enters the body through micro-wounds on the body. Symptomatization occurs against the background of reduced immunity. These pathogens constantly live on the skin, but are dangerous only for weakened pets.

These infections cause:

  • itching inflammation;
  • crusts;
  • wet marks;
  • baldness.

The pet itself feels discomfort and, when scratching, spreads lesions throughout the body.

Black spots under the skin: demodicosis

This disease is caused by a tick. At the first stage, the skin is covered with a red rash, but over time it becomes covered with a dark crust, which is mistaken for blackheads. As the lesion progresses, hair falls out around the lesion. Shepherd dogs, Rottweilers, Great Danes, Boxers, Collies, Shelties, and French bulldogs are prone to the disease. Risk groups include puppies under 1 year of age and pets over 10 years of age.

More about diseases caused by ticks and their treatment in the article.

How to treat black spots on the body

Before prescribing treatment, the veterinarian does a bacterial culture. This helps to identify the cause and prescribe an effective and safe drug:

Infections are fought with antibiotics, and external manifestations docked
antibacterial ointments and healing medications. During the treatment period, maintain sanitary conditions and prevent dirt from getting into the wounds.

If blackheads appear due to allergies, then a set of actions to relieve them is developed.

Cosmetic defects are not eliminated. To avoid infectious diseases, you need to carry out preventive measures on time and properly care for your pet. It is important to monitor immunity and nutrition, give vitamins and ensure an active lifestyle.

One of the most common postpartum complications– this is mastitis. Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary glands that develops both in lactating bitches and in dogs with false pregnancy. But why does it develop? this pathology, how does it manifest itself? How to cure a dog?

Causes of mastitis

  1. Lactostasis is stagnation of milk. Due to the fact that the secretion of the mammary glands is not removed, it begins to compress the alveolar tissue, causing its irritation. Milk is an ideal environment for the proliferation of bacteria and fungi, so when it stagnates, microorganisms actively increase in number, leading to the development of inflammation. Lactostasis occurs due to the fact that puppies do not eat all the milk produced (little or complete absence puppies, false puppyhood).
  2. Wounds, cracks in the skin of the mammary glands - all this is an additional gateway for infection. Bacteria and fungi penetrate the alveolar tissue and circulatory system through damage skin. That is why it is important to ensure that puppies do not scratch the mammary glands of the nursing bitch during feeding (after all, babies “trample” the gland with their paws to stimulate the production of milk).
  3. Other inflammatory processes in the body, intoxication. For example, if the bitch had endometritis (inflammation of the uterus), dead puppies for a long time remained in the uterus, problems with internal organs. Bacteria quickly spread throughout the body through the bloodstream, but in order for milk to form, it must pass through the mammary gland. great amount blood. This is how infection of the alveolar tissue occurs.
  4. Blockage milk duct. It is very similar to lactostasis, only with it milk is either not removed by the puppies at all, or in insufficient quantities, or is formed too quickly. If the nipple canal is blocked, it cannot be removed from the mammary gland at all.
  5. Overheating or hypothermia of the animal. It is very important that the lactating bitch has comfortable living conditions.
  6. Exposure to the mammary gland of aggressive chemicals.
  7. Stress. It doesn't benefit anyone. Because of nervous overstrain The pet owner may notice how the dog’s mammary glands are swollen: mastitis develops.
  8. Genetic predisposition. Even at the gene level, there may be a tendency to develop an inflammatory process. Therefore, if you know the facts that your beauty has had inflammation of the mammary glands in her family, it is better to sterilize your pet so that she does not suffer from mastitis.
  9. Poor living conditions, dirt on the bed. The dog itself may be dirty. Always keep your pet's mammary glands and nipples clean. If necessary, rinse with warm water.
  10. Endocrine diseases. Problems with hormones always provoke deterioration in health. Metabolism is disrupted, organs function worse, hair begins to fade and fall out.

Types of mastitis

Mastitis is classified according to its course: acute and chronic. At acute course inflammation develops very quickly, but it is easier to cure a dog with this form. Chronic mastitis is sluggish, the symptoms are more blurred, the mammary gland “degenerates,” and therapy is protracted and not always effective.

Inflammation of the mammary glands is also classified according to the nature of the exudate: pus, fibrin or mucus (catarrh). That is, most often dogs have purulent or catarrhal mastitis (often mixed with blood).

However, there are also serous (external changes in milk are extremely difficult to notice), fibrinous (in the secretion of the glands you can find dense white strands - fibrin threads), phlegmonous (the same purulent, only the pus is in the subcutaneous tissue, as if spilling), abscess (in the inflamed lobes abscesses appear - ulcers surrounded connective tissue, like a capsule) and gangrenous (the tissues of the glands “die off” and turn black).

Symptoms of mastitis in dogs

  • One of the obvious symptoms that a pet has mastitis is a swollen mammary gland in the dog. And if you touch the milk carton, it is hot, dense, and extremely painful. With lactostasis, the temperature of the skin on the swollen bag is low, however general temperature body jumps significantly above normal.
  • Increased body temperature. Mastitis is an inflammation, and it is always accompanied by fever. In addition, there is severe thirst, lethargy and extremely poor appetite.
  • Soreness and redness. Yet again obvious signs inflammatory process in the animal's body. An inflamed milk bag will be noticeably red, swollen, painful and hard.
  • The secretion of the mammary gland changes. Milk does not always noticeably change its consistency (with serous mastitis), however, with gentle pressure, milk of a yellowish, yellow-green color with pieces of pus or admixtures of blood will be released from the nipple. Purulent mastitis is dangerous because microorganisms quickly spread through the bloodstream throughout the body, and pus can provoke sepsis. With catarrhal mastitis, the milk acquires a watery consistency, in which you can see flakes of a grayish-yellow color (sometimes brown).

Abscesses and phlegmon of milk bags are extremely dangerous, because they are purulent foci that can lead to sepsis and gangrene of the gland. The animal dies due to intoxication.

Treatment of a dog with mastitis

If you notice that your dog's mammary gland is swollen, do not try to start treatment yourself. Both lactostasis and mastitis should be dealt with only veterinarian. Do not try at home without qualified veterinary care alleviate the animal's condition. And in any case, the puppies are transferred to artificial feeding, otherwise they will begin to have digestive problems (bacteria in milk are dangerous for a fragile puppy’s body).

It will be almost impossible to cure your pet without antibiotics, but therapy must be comprehensive. We need drugs that improve the outflow of exudate. And antibiotics are ideally selected based on titration results. It is necessary to carry out bacteriological examination milk from the affected lobe, isolate the pathogen, determine its sensitivity to antibiotics of various groups.

In the initial stages, good results can be achieved with physiotherapy (two to five sessions are required). But you shouldn't try to make them at home yourself. Massages and warming up with purulent inflammation are prohibited because they lead to the release of pus into the blood and surrounding tissues.

Also on initial stage It is possible to achieve good results thanks to the novocaine blockade. It would be a good idea to learn how to properly express milk from the affected lobe in order to remove microorganisms and the ideal environment for their reproduction - milk - from the inflamed bag.

In addition, pumping will reduce pressure on damaged alveolar tissue and reduce pain. However, it is worth remembering that after expressing the milk comes again, so you will have to carry out this procedure repeatedly or immediately after emptying the gland, bandage it tightly.

If physiotherapy does not help, the veterinarian will prescribe antibiotic therapy and vitamin therapy. In more difficult cases necessary and surgical intervention. The pustules are opened, washed and covered with powdered antibiotics.

Prevention of mastitis

  • What needs to be done to prevent the dog’s mammary gland from becoming swollen and developing lactostasis and mastitis? First of all, after whelping, take your pet to the veterinarian. He must check that the animal does not have postpartum complications. After all, because of hidden inflammatory processes mastitis may develop.
  • Be sure to clean the bed, the nurse's resting place. Wash her tummy, milk bags and nipples. Make sure there are no wounds or cracks on them. If you find it, process it immediately and observe.
  • Trim puppies' nails. These little ones have claws like needles - very sharp. Therefore, babies can scratch a nursing bitch, thereby opening the gates of infection.
  • If the bitch has had stillborn puppies, then you need to be seen by a veterinarian. Surely antibiotic therapy will be prescribed to avoid inflammatory processes in the body, and detoxification.
  • If the dog had false pregnancy or a large influx of milk that the puppies cannot cope with (either there are too few of them, or none at all, or they eat little), then you need to think about suppressing lactation. While it is easier to deal with false pregnancy (special medications are given, the glands are tightly ligated), then if you have puppies, such methods are not suitable. Review your diet, remove all “dairy” products (this includes soups, liquid cereals, dairy products, wet food and meat), reduce the amount of fluid consumed.
  • Don't forget about your hygiene. Your dirty hands or clothes can lead to inflammation, because after feeding the puppies, the nipple canal will remain open for another half hour to an hour. And bacteria from your hands will easily penetrate the gland.
  • Don’t forget about washing the floors, just watch what you use. Remember that household chemicals will also harm your dog's health.

Mastitis in dogs is not just an inflammation of the lobes of the mammary gland, it is a serious progressive disease that can undermine the overall health of the animal. Self-medication is possible in mild cases and not in an advanced state, but the course of the disease in a dog is such that the initial stages cannot be determined by an ordinary person due to the lack of classic external signs.

For any gland condition that is characterized by the owner as “something is wrong,” you should consult a veterinarian to receive competent advice and assistance.

Reasons for appearance

  • various forms of mammary gland injuries (blows, bruises, scratches from puppies);
  • stagnation of milk in the ducts and gland (occurs with excessive milk production, improper or too early weaning of puppies, or the birth of a dead litter);
  • hormonal imbalances in the form false pregnancy(changes occur in the body, as during a normal pregnancy, but without the participation of fertilization, but against the background of hormonal disorders);
  • congenital/acquired pathologies of the structure of the milk ducts (fusion or blockage and impossibility of milk outflow);
  • unfavorable heredity;
  • after local impact on the lactating gland with cold, strong heat or chemicals;
  • postpartum sexually transmitted infections that penetrate into abdominal cavity through blood or lymphatic vessels;
  • a decrease in the overall resistance of the body due to malfunctions of the immune system;
  • stress.

Signs of the disease

  • lethargy, drowsiness, noticeable drop in activity;
  • decreased appetite;
  • jumps in body temperature;
  • decreased attention to puppies or even refusal during painful feeding.

Local manifestation of the disease

  • the gland becomes hot to the touch;
  • redness or darkening (cyanosis) of the inflamed lobes;
  • compaction overall or in separate fragments;
  • increase in size due to swelling or accumulation of inflammatory fluids and pus;
  • pain when feeding and when trying to touch;
  • enlarged lymph nodes from the inflamed lobes of the gland (axillary or inguinal);
  • when you press on the nipple, the milk turns out to be mixed with pus, mucus, white fibrin, and blood;
  • The nipple itself enlarges and becomes painful.

Forms of mastitis

  • catarrhal
  • purulent
  • phlegmonous
  • purulent-catarrhal
  • abscess
  • serous
  • gangrenous
  • fibrinous

One form usually progresses to another if the dog is treated incorrectly or not treated at all. The more advanced the form of mastitis, the more difficult it is to cure the animal without consequences.

It is almost impossible for an ordinary person to determine the catarrhal form, so animals usually come to the veterinarian with more complex forms of the disease, up to purulent manifestations.


When is self-help at home acceptable?

Treatment of mastitis at home can be done only in mild forms and non-purulent course. In all other cases, self-medication is unjustified and can have serious consequences. In any case, a specialist will advise you in detail on what to do if your dog has mastitis.

Action with puppies during mastitis treatment

Puppies should only be allowed to see a sick mother if they have serous and catarrhal form. In these cases, they will help alleviate the condition of the nursing bitch. As soon as purulent, purulent-catarrhal or fibrinous forms are detected and pus or fibrin is detected in the milk, the puppies are weaned and transferred to artificial feeding. Contaminated milk can poison the offspring and lead to its death!

What happens if mastitis is not treated or treated incorrectly?

In case of prolonged (chronic) inflammation of the mammary gland and improper treatment(or failure) the following consequences are possible:

  • degeneration of glandular tissues with the formation of tumors (both benign and malignant);
  • loss of secretory function and forced removal of the gland;
  • death of the pet from general intoxication of the body;
  • death of the offspring from poisoning with milk contaminated with bacteria.

Mastitis in a nulliparous bitch

In a dog without puppies, inflammation often develops against the background of a false pregnancy. This is a clear reason to visit a veterinarian, because... treatment should be comprehensive: hormonal - to normalize the general condition and anti-inflammatory - directly to eliminate the inflammatory process. Repeated mastitis during false pregnancy is a reason to think about sterilizing your dog.

Photo of mastitis in a dog

Purulent-necrotic mastitis Serous mastitis Mastitis of the posterior lobes

When is the risk of complications during self-care minimal?

You can try treating mastitis in your dog at home under the following general conditions:

  • the gland is slightly swollen, there is no severe deformation;
  • no increase in general body temperature;
  • there is no severe pain that causes the dog to whine;
  • milk can be expressed independently by hand, there are no signs of blockage of the milk ducts;
  • no blood or purulent discharge;
  • the inflammation did not cover the entire gland, but only its individual parts;
  • You can notice improvements with use traditional medicine and home remedies during the first two days.

At the following symptoms(types) of mastitis in dogs, attempts to provide self-help are acceptable:

catarrhal mastitis:
  • the iron has virtually no changes in appearance;
  • you can feel a slight engorgement of the gland to the touch (a non-specialist is unlikely to determine this);
  • An inflammatory secretion is released along with milk in the form of stringy mucus(the main sign!);
  • local temperature does not increase;
  • there is no pain;
  • The general condition of the dog is satisfactory.
serous mastitis:
  • inflamed milk lobes swell and increase in size;
  • local temperature rises (the gland becomes hot to the touch);
  • when touching the gland, the dog is clearly unpleasant or even painful;
  • when palpated, a thickening of the gland is felt;
  • a cloudy (serous) liquid is secreted along with the milk;
  • General body temperature may increase.

How to treat (if there is no veterinarian)

  1. Complete rest for a sick dog. If the individual has long hair, then it makes sense to cut the hair around the nipple, exposing the affected part as much as possible for easy access and physiotherapeutic procedures.
  2. If there is no stagnation of milk, then the puppies are not weaned, applying more active and stronger ones specifically to the diseased lobes. If stagnation is detected, then the milk should be expressed by hand, and the puppies should be transferred to artificial feeding. The milk that stagnates inside literally turns sour and mixes with inflammatory secretions - not a single puppy, even the hungriest one, will suck such milk. Moreover, this can be fraught with digestive disorders in the offspring.
  3. Dairy products, meat and liquid soups should be completely excluded from the dog’s diet, and the amount of liquid consumed should be reduced (allow drinking only after meals). You can switch the animal to dry food during treatment.
  4. You should express milk only after a massage. Massage means stroking movements on the mammary gland, lightly pressing on it with your fingers so as not to cause pain to the dog. Special attention should be given to areas with compactions - dense areas of the gland that are clearly visible to the touch. You need to massage them until you feel them soften.
  5. Dogs' nipples have almost twice as many ducts as cats', so it's possible to express milk by hand (though not as easy). After massaging the entire gland, they smoothly move on to expressing, making stroking movements of the nipples from the base to the end, lightly pressing them with their fingers. In any case, it will be unpleasant for the dog, but you need to try not to cause pain (it is advisable to do everything with an assistant). There is no need to try to express all the milk from the breast; it is enough to do this until the milk lobe around the nipple collapses and becomes softer.

You can try to express milk with a homemade breast pump made from an ordinary disposable syringe (the volume of the syringe is selected according to the diameter of the nipple so that it passes freely and does not end up tightly). The piston is removed. The top of the syringe with the spout on which the needle is placed is cut off. The cut edges are aligned with fire to prevent skin injury and to ensure maximum adherence of the syringe to the skin. The nipple is inserted into the syringe, pressed tightly against the skin and the plunger is pulled - the milk will begin to be expressed a little at a time.

Before expressing, you can give your dog no-shpa at the rate of 40 mg (1 tablet) per 10 kg of weight. This will help relieve possible spasms of the milk ducts and make the procedure easier.

  1. If the local temperature is high (the gland is hot to the touch), cooling compresses are made - for example, you can apply a beaten and mashed chilled cabbage leaf or cool lotions from medicinal herbs: sage, chamomile, raspberry leaves, chamomile. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 tbsp. any specified herb and leave for up to half an hour in a closed container. Then cool until required temperature, moisten gauze pads and apply where it hurts. The top can be tied with a bandage (not too tight!). Change every time the napkin gets hot or every 2-3 hours.
  2. After the temperature has normalized, you can begin to make warm compresses from the same herbs as during cooling. The only difference will be in temperature - with warming compresses, the temperature of the solution should be 37-38°C. Important: it is forbidden to heat the mammary gland if there is even the slightest suspicion of purulent inflammation!
  3. You can use ichthyol, fir or camphor oil, which is gently rubbed into the surface of the skin of the diseased breast lobe, and then bandaged with a cellophane lining to obtain some greenhouse effect.
  4. Unlike cats, dogs can be given a thin iodine grid on the diseased mammary lobe - the distance between the “grids” is at least 1 cm, the frequency is once every 3-4 days. Done cotton swab or a match with cotton wool wrapped around it. Lightly soak in iodine so that the stripes are slightly dark yellow and do not spread.

Severe forms of mastitis

It is impossible to cure mastitis with the following forms and symptoms on your own! Moreover, a non-specialist will not be able to distinguish them from each other, even if he is shown photos of mastitis.

purulent course:
  • there are clear signs of inflammation (redness of the skin, swelling, pain, high local temperature);
  • pus is found in the milk in the form of separate pieces or threads of yellow or yellow-green color;
  • the milk acquires a sharply unpleasant odor (puppies are not fed this kind of milk!);
  • body temperature always increases;
  • outwardly the dog is lethargic, appetite decreases and interest in puppies disappears.
purulent catarrhal mastitis:
  • has mixed signs of purulent and serous mastitis;
  • milk contains not only pus, but also admixtures of cloudy liquid, there is no sharp putrefactive odor;
  • body temperature rises;
  • the diseased areas of the gland are hot, but without pronounced redness and significant changes in size.
fibrinous mastitis:
  • against the background of general changes characteristic of mastitis, fibrin threads (dense cords) will be released from the nipples white, like threads);
  • when palpating the gland, there will be a sensation of crunching (crepitus) due to the movement of fibrin inside;
  • if the thoracic or inguinal milk lobes are affected, then the nearest lymph nodes will certainly increase.
phlegmonous (purulent-necrotic) form:
  • differs from purulent mastitis in the initial absence of pus in the milk; it pours into subcutaneous tissue(soft swollen areas form, when punctured, pus is revealed);
  • over time, pus begins to appear in the milk;
  • high risks of developing sepsis;
  • local signs are classic for mastitis (swelling, pain, increased temperature, both local and general);
  • glandular tissue mammary gland literally begins to melt.
abscess mastitis:
  • abscesses with pus are found in the gland itself (limited areas filled with pus and noticeable only when cutting the inflamed area - dense, surrounded by connective tissue);
  • there is pus in the milk and the pH shifts to the alkaline side;
  • increase in body temperature and tachycardia (increases heartbeat) during the formation of an abscess.
gangrenous form:
  • the rarest form of mastitis in dogs, leading to clear fatal outcome due to rapidly developing sepsis;
  • externally, the symptoms are similar to purulent-necrotic mastitis, covering the entire gland;
  • outwardly, blackness begins to appear on the skin, similar to black bruises;
  • The internal tissues not only melt, but also begin to rot and decompose.

Veterinary care for inflammation of the mammary gland

  1. To increase the overall resistance of the body: Fosprenil(intramuscular 0.2 ml/kg body weight 2-4 times a day for 5-7 days; it is important not to miss each subsequent injection), Immunofan(subcutaneous or intramuscular 1 ml/animal, once a day for 3-5 days).
  2. Intramuscular or subcutaneous Mastomethrin(1-4 ml/dog, depending on size, 1-2 times/day until symptoms go away) or Travmatin, if expressed pain syndrome(0.1 ml/kg body weight subcutaneously or into muscle up to 2 times a day for 3-5 days).
  3. Antibiotics: amoxicillin 15%(into the muscle 1 ml/10 kg of dog weight once, in a course of 5-7 days), ceftriaxone(into a vein or into a muscle 20-40 mg/kg per day - the dose can be divided into 2 injections, course: 5-10 days), enrofloxacin 50(intramuscular injection 1 ml/10 kg once for 5-10 days, the injection is painful, it is important not to miss a dose).
  4. Local creams and ointments for mastitis: cream "Zorka"(smear nipples 1-2 times a day after washing), DE cream emulsion(apply a very thin layer 2-3 times/day to the diseased lobe of the gland, without touching the nipple; course up to 1 week), cream emulsion De-Long(applied to the inflamed milk lobe, grabbing healthy areas without signs of damage and compaction up to 3 times a day. within 5-7 days; V special cases inserted directly into the mammary gland through the nipple using a mammary catheter for dogs), cream-balm Phytoelita Antiseptic(apply to areas of inflammation and induration under a bandage once a day, changing the bandage every day, and after 3-5 days - every other day. Course - 2 weeks).
  5. Short novocaine blockades. Enter novocaine 0.5% in a dose of 5-20 ml (depending on the size of the dog) into the space between the affected mammary gland and the peritoneal wall. If necessary, repeat the procedure after 1, 2 or 3 days.
  6. Surgical treatment of mastitis in dogs is indicated in especially severe cases. Abscesses are opened, the purulent wound surface is cleaned, and drains are installed to drain the inflammatory fluid. In severe cases, the gland is removed (mastectomy), either part or all.

How to avoid mastitis in your dog

Inflammation of the mammary gland in a nursing bitch is much easier to prevent than to cure. Just follow some simple rules:

  1. After birth, the animal must be kept in normal sanitary and hygienic conditions: clean bedding, proper feeding, periodic treatment of the nipples, elimination of drafts. Mandatory washing of the belly after walking outside. Nursing dogs do not get mastitis very often if they follow the normal conditions content.
  2. Minimize the risk of injury to the mammary gland: trim puppies' claws from 2 weeks of age, avoid kicking and falling of the animal, jumping over high obstacles (thresholds) that can catch the nipples.
  3. Inspect the chest area for congestion if puppies are noticed to be suckling from the same lobes. Milk should be pumped on your own or the puppies should be placed on those nipples that are suckled most rarely.
  4. Promptly treat abrasions, scratches and any microtrauma to the skin of the chest.
  5. Follow general condition pets, promptly eliminating various infectious diseases, especially the genital area.
  6. If the owner’s plans do not include producing offspring, then it is recommended to sterilize the bitch to prevent the development of a false pregnancy. Sterilization is also indicated for repeated cases of false pregnancy.
  7. If the offspring dies, the dog's mammary gland is lubricated with camphor oil and pulled tightly (but so as not to interfere with breathing) - the milk will burn out. Dairy products and liquid foods are temporarily excluded from the diet and the amount of water to drink is reduced (given only after feeding).
Diseases of dogs (non-contagious) Panysheva Lidiya Vasilievna

Diseases of the nipples and mammary glands

The female mammary gland consists of ten lobes located on the abdominal and chest walls on the sides of the white line of the abdomen. The milk ducts open at the tip of the nipple with 6–12 openings.

Cracked nipples. Cracks usually appear during sucking and can be either superficial or deep.

The reasons for the formation of cracks are the dirty content of the nipples and poor milk production of the mother, in which the puppies suck a lot and sometimes bite the nipples.

The affected nipples become inflamed, the cracks are covered with bloody or purulent crusts. When ulcers form, their bottoms have a greasy appearance.

Treatment cracks that appear due to insufficient milk production, comes down to artificial feeding of the puppies, which must be placed with the mother only for the suckling period. If the puppies will not be removed from their mother, then all nipples must be covered with a blanket, which must be removed for the feeding period. After feeding, each nipple is treated with a one percent solution of methylene blue in 60° wine alcohol or a solution of penicillin (10,000 units of penicillin in 1 ml of physiological solution), or the nipples are sprinkled with white streptocide powder.

Neoplasms on the nipples. Fibroids are the most common neoplasm on the nipples. Their consistency is quite dense; skin ulcerations usually do not occur. The nipple may be retracted and the tumor will develop a long stalk (Fig. 145).

Rice. 145. Nipple fibroma

Treatment comes down to removing the tumor after preliminary infiltration anesthesia of the leg, which is cut circularly. Bleeding from damaged vessels is stopped by torsion or ligation with a catgut ligature. Several stitches of interrupted suture are applied to the edges of the skin wound.

Inflammation of the mammary gland. Inflammation of the mammary gland (mastitis) is common in bitches. The basic form is purulent mastitis. It develops due to the penetration of microflora (streptococci or staphylococci) through the nipple canals or hematogenously.

Mastitis is accompanied by an increase in local temperature, redness of the skin (if the skin is not pigmented), enlargement and soreness of the affected lobe. The milk is watery with an admixture of flakes, and later becomes yellowish color. The animal shows signs of general depression (loss of appetite, increased heart rate and breathing). Body temperature rises significantly.

At treatment Massaging and rubbing ointments is contraindicated, as this contributes to the spread of infection to other lobes of the gland. Good effect provide poultices, compresses, heating pads, paraffin applications. The best views Treatments that have been tested in practice are: novocaine blockade of the mammary gland and penicillin therapy. From various types novocaine blockades in the treatment of mastitis, a short one is very effective, which consists of introducing 80.0–100.0 ml of a 0.25% novocaine solution between the abdominal wall and the base of the mammary gland. The needle is inserted from the outside of the breast. If necessary, the blockade is repeated after 3–4 days.

Penicillin is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously (200,000 units dissolved in 5.0–10.0 ml of 0.25% novocaine solution) 2–3 times a day. The effectiveness of penicillin therapy is very high in acute mastitis. When an abscess forms, it is opened.

Rice. 146. Mixed breast cancer

Neoplasms in the mammary gland. Benign tumors sometimes develop in the mammary gland of dogs, but malignant ones are also often found. From malignant tumors More often there are carcinomas (cancerous), which usually appear in dogs from 8–9 years of age and in some cases are not isolated. Cancer tumors in most cases are mixed (for example, fibro-chondro-adenocarcinoma), and they sometimes reach enormous sizes (Fig. 146). Of the 68 dogs we operated on, 62 of them had mixed cancerous tumors and only six had sarcomas and benign neoplasms. These tumors usually have a dense consistency, sometimes some areas of them undergo disintegration, involving the corresponding areas of the skin (Fig. 147). On a section, such tumors have a pale gray color, reminiscent of the color of lard (Fig. 148). When examining a sick animal, it is necessary to carefully palpate all lobes of the gland. Tumor metastases are compacted formations ranging in size from a small pea to walnut and more.

Rice. 147. Disintegrating cancerous tumor removed from a dog's mammary gland

Treatment consists of removing (extirpation) the tumor and all metastatic and suspicious areas. When the caudal lobes of the gland are affected, sacral anesthesia is usually used (see the surgery section), while operations on other lobes are performed under local infiltration anesthesia by infiltration with a 0.25% novocaine solution.

Rice. 148. Cross section mixed cancerous tumor mammary gland

The animal is placed in a dorsal position. The affected lobe of the mammary gland is pulled away from abdominal wall and mark 4–6 points around its base, into which the solution is injected alternately with a thin needle, infiltrating the skin and subcutaneous tissue around the gland. These injections require 30–100 ml of solution. Then the injection of the same amount of solution is repeated at the same points, and now the thoraco-abdominal fascia is pierced with a needle and all the fiber at the base of the gland is completely soaked. As a result of injections, the iron rises, being pushed away from the abdominal wall by the solution (Fig. 149). After this, tissue dissection begins.

Rice. 149. Infiltration under the base of the mammary gland lobe of a dog affected by a tumor

An ellipsoidal incision is made around the circumference of the tumor. If there are fistulas or ulcers, they are covered with gauze. Subsequent dissection is carried out using the so-called blunt method using a gauze compress or scissors. In the swollen tissue, the vessels are clearly visible, which creates favorable conditions for dressing. The preparation of the affected parts of the gland is facilitated by the fact that the solution itself separates the affected parts from the healthy ones, which is very important during extirpation malignant tumors, which should be separated only within healthy tissues. All existing metastases must also be removed from the mammary gland. Metastases located outside the main site of the lesion, due to the large amount of anesthetic solution injected around them, always become noticeable and cannot be bypassed by the surgeon. The operation is completed by applying an interrupted suture to the edges of the wound, and a bandage made of a protective blanket on top.

From the author's book

Breast injuries Give Arnica or Bellis perennis immediately after injury; if post-traumatic inflammation develops in the future, consider prescribing Conium or Phytolacca (see above for descriptions of these

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Diseases thyroid gland Treatment of diseases of the thyroid gland, as well as diseases of the liver and heart, should undoubtedly be entrusted only to a professional homeopathic veterinarian, since in all these cases the condition of the animals can be quite severe and

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Thyroid hormones The main hormones of the thyroid gland are thyroxine (tetraiodothyronine, T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which are iodinated derivatives of tyrosine. Biological action. Target cells of iodothyronines have 2 types of receptors: 1. intracellular

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Pancreatic hormones The pancreas is a mixed secretion gland. The endocrine part of the pancreas is a collection of islets of Langerhans (1–2% of the total volume of the gland). In the islets there are several types of endocrine cells that synthesize

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Chapter 10. TUMORS OF THE BREAST AND GENITAL ORGANS Tumors, or neoplasms, neoplasms, are pathological growths of tissues consisting of qualitatively changed cells that have completely or partially lost their shape, function and other characteristics.

From the author's book

10.1. TUMORS OF THE MASTY GLAND (TUM) TUMORS are very common in dogs and account for 32% of all neoplastic lesions (Schneider R., 1980). Skin neoplasms are the second most common after AMF in dogs. The cause of AMF is unknown. Wide circle

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Diseases of the thyroid gland The thyroid gland belongs to the closed glands, that is, without an excretory duct; its waste products are transmitted to the body through the blood. The activity of these internal secretion organs (thyroid gland, parathyroid,

From the author's book

Basic hormones and glands Data obtained during last years, let us say that endocrine system permeates almost the entire human body. Cells that secrete hormones are found in almost every organ. Thus, hormones of the heart, kidneys, lungs and

From the author's book

Inflammation of the anal gland Inflammation and swelling of the anal gland is a common disease that causes anxiety for dogs. She becomes lethargic, refuses to feed, and has difficulty bowel movements. The dog tries to “ride on its buttocks,” which is very often perceived

From the author's book

Inflammation of the mammary gland (mastitis) Inflammation of the mammary gland, or mastitis, occurs quite often. As a rule, mastitis is preceded by cracked nipples, which become inflamed due to the penetration of microflora. Then the inflammation spreads to the entire breast

From the author's book

Adenoma of the gland of the third eyelid Adenoma of the gland of the third eyelid, or “cherry eye” is a hyperplastic adenomatosis of the gland of the third eyelid, which is located with its inside. The disease is more common in young dogs under one year of age. In addition to

From the author's book

Cyst sublingual gland¦ ETIOLOGY Formed as a result of inflammatory processes and traumatic injuries, as well as due to blockage excretory ducts small salivary stones.¦ SYMPTOMS Presence of a small tumor in the submandibular space. Upon examination

From the author's book

Glands oral cavity In the process of their development, land animals developed a need to moisturize the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and solid food masses. For this reason, a number of glands arose that began to produce a special secretion - saliva, satisfying

From the author's book

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