Home Hygiene How to charge a disposable cigarette. Rules for charging an electronic cigarette

How to charge a disposable cigarette. Rules for charging an electronic cigarette

The Pons disposable electronic cigarette is designed for several smoking “processes”. It is believed that it can replace a pack of classic cigarettes. Do not rush to throw it away after the battery is discharged. Despite the positioning of this cigarette as a disposable one, it can be recharged, thereby saving a certain amount of money.

You will need

  • - automatic charger for mobile phones; - tweezers; - wire clamps; - soldering iron; - tester or LED with markings; - liquid for refilling the cigarette cartridge.


  • Disassemble your disposable e-cigarette. To do this, squeeze the mouthpiece with your fingers and pull it out. Using tweezers, carefully remove the “filling” of the cigarette: battery, atomizer, padding polyester, wick.
  • Cut the plug from the mobile phone charger. Remove the insulation from the ends of the wires. Solder two clamps to the charging wires.
  • Determine the polarity of the charging wires using a tester. To do this, connect the “plus” to one wire of the charger, and the “minus” to the other. Set the tester to measure DC voltage. Plug in the charger.
  • Look at the tester's readings. If the voltage is positive, the “plus” and “minus” of the tester are connected to the “plus” and “minus” of the charger, respectively. Negative voltage on the device means that the “plus” of the tester is connected to the “minus” of the charger.
  • If you do not have a tester, determine the polarity of the charger or battery using the marked LED. Connect it to the charger. Plug in the charger. If the LED lights up, its “plus” is at the charging “plus”, and its “minus” is at the “minus”.
  • Attach the charger clamps to the battery poles, observing polarity. Plug in the charger. With an AC current of 100mA, the Pons disposable e-cigarette will charge in approximately 3 hours. When the battery is fully charged, the automatic charger will cut off the current.
  • Fill the cigarette cartridge with a special liquid using a regular disposable syringe. Assemble your electronic cigarette. Now it can be used again.
  • Disposable e-cigarettes have significant similarities with tobacco products in both appearance, and by the released steam, which is an imitation of smoke. This device is convenient for first acquaintance with vaping and for smokers while traveling. The variety of manufacturers and flavors of disposable electronic cigarettes allows you to choose the right option for even the most demanding person.

    What is a disposable electronic cigarette

    A disposable e-cigarette is a device that generates vapor from a special liquid.

    There are several types of disposable devices:

    • nicotine-free flavored;
    • nicotine;
    • nicotine with added flavorings.

    The price of a disposable vape is little more than a pack of expensive cigarettes.

    Advantages and disadvantages of disposable e-cigarettes

    The design of a disposable device is not very different from reusable ones, but it has its own advantages and disadvantages.



    • On average, devices are designed for 200-250 puffs, which is equivalent to 1-2 packs of cigarettes;
    • disposable vapes rarely last the service life specified by the manufacturer;
    • With the tightening of smoking laws, electronic cigarettes are not allowed to be used in all places;
    • the inability to know how much liquid or charge is left, which can lead to an unexpected end of its resources at the wrong time.

    How the device works

    Operating principle disposable e-cigarettes simple:

    Instructions for use

    Disposable e-cigarettes use a cotton swab moistened with liquid and placed in a cartomizer, unlike refillable devices, which have a special tank for liquid. As soon as the charge or mixture runs out, the device stops working.

    Using the device is extremely simple - you just need to unpack the device and tighten it.

    How to refill a disposable ES

    To refill a disposable vape, you will need a special liquid, tweezers, a pipette or a small syringe. You need to carefully pull out the mouthpiece, holding it with your fingers.

    Depending on the design of the product, you can remove the cotton wool from the cartomizer and moisten it with liquid or gently drop a small amount onto it. After adding the fill, the device should be assembled into reverse order.

    How to charge a disposable ES

    Despite the fact that disposable e-cigarettes are designed to work without maintenance and must be thrown away when the charge or liquid runs out, craftsmen have come up with ways to make reusable devices out of them.

    To extend the service life of such a device you will need:

    • charger for cell phones;
    • polarity tester;
    • electric soldering iron;
    • tweezers;
    • several clamps.

    Instructions for turning a disposable device into a reusable chargeable device:

    1. Initially, you should very carefully completely disassemble the device, avoiding damaging the integrity of the case, wires and contacts. To do this, you need to carefully pull out the mouthpiece, holding it with your fingertips. Next, use thin tweezers to remove the remaining parts (battery, cartomizer with its contents).
    2. The next step is to cut off the charging plug and strip the ends of the wires, to which 2 clamps are then soldered.
    3. At this stage, the polarity of the charger is determined by connecting the “+” and “-” testers to different charging wires. On the multitester, select constant voltage mode and plug the charger into a power outlet. If the device shows a value with a “+” sign, then the tester wires “+” and “-” are connected respectively to the “+” and “-” charging. The appearance of a negative value on the device display means that the “-” of the charger is connected to the “+” of the tester.
    4. If you don’t have a multitester, you can determine the polarity of the charger or battery using a specially marked LED. The LED contacts should be connected to the charging wires and the resulting structure should be connected to the network. When the LED lights up, it means that its “+” is connected to the “+” of the charger.
    5. At this stage, the charging terminals should be connected to the battery, observing the polarity (“+” to “+”, “-” to “-”). Next, you need to connect the resulting structure to the network. On average, charging will last 1-3 hours depending on the current strength of the charger. When the battery is fully charged, the current will turn off. Disconnect clamps.
    6. Carefully assemble the vape, avoiding damage to parts.
    7. The device is ready to use.

    Review of the best disposable vapes

    The choice of disposable e-cigarettes is huge, but among them it is worth highlighting the most popular devices, among which you can choose a vape to suit even the most demanding taste.

    The best disposable e-cigarettes:

    1. Cricket. The manufacturer occupies a leading position in terms of nicotine content (2-4.5%) among similar brands, which makes these devices popular among heavy smokers. A stylish pen-shaped metal case with an orange indicator, equipped with a cap, attracts attention to the device.
    2. Pons. Devices from this manufacturer are popular due to their wide range of flavors. The body of the product is made of black plastic with a cap for protection and has a significant resemblance to a pen. Comes with detailed instructions to vape.
    3. Noqo. Pons and Noqo have the same manufacturer, but they differ: in color - Noqo has a white body, a more extensive line of scents (16 options).
    4. Nexx. This manufacturer's vape uses a soft plug instead of a cap. The range of flavors is presented in 19 positions. The device comes with a description of the scents and detailed instructions.
    5. Luxlite. The disposable device from this manufacturer has a metal case that is resistant to deformation, there are plugs on both sides of the device, and the indicator glows blue. Instructions are not included with the e-cigarette.
    6. Smokoff. The device has a unique aroma and taste. The vape is characterized by heavy draft and lack of instructions for the device.
    7. Dripping. This device is sold in a set of 5 vapes with different flavors. According to the manufacturer, the nicotine in the device is used after repeated purification, and therefore is more harmless to health.
    8. Smok. The plastic body is painted in various colors bright colors, and the flavors are presented in three categories (fruit, drinks, tobacco).
    9. Shisha Time. Inexpensive devices from this manufacturer are available in several flavors.

    The operating principle of a disposable vape is in many ways identical to a reusable one. Such devices have many advantages, including ease of use and low price, and their disadvantages (the inability to charge and refuel) were overcome by craftsmen. Now, if you have the right desire, it is not difficult to create a reusable vaporizer from such a device. Appearance The vape resembles a pen, which makes it convenient to use and transport.

    It is very important for novice users of electronic cigarettes to study the instructions for the device, since only proper care it will work for a long time without losing its functions. The most important thing for a beginner is to find out what signals the device signals in this or that case, and how it should be charged. We'll look at everything possible ways charging the device, as well as possible problems associated with this process.

    Most often, when the battery charge drops to 30%, the electronic cigarette warns the user about this by flashing the LED. Methods of informing about low battery depend on the device model. For example, in electronic models Ego-T cigarettes

    and Evod will indicate that the battery is low by flashing the indicator 10 times.

    In mods equipped with a display, this information can be understood from the data that is displayed on a small screen. It shows how much battery charge remains in percentage.

    • Also, if the battery is dead, some gadgets may present the following symptoms:
    • the amount of steam produced decreases or does not form at all;
    • when tightening, more effort is required than usual;

    the device leaks because the liquid does not have time to evaporate from the wick due to insufficient energy supply to the coil.

    Battery charging methods

    An electronic cigarette is charged in three standard ways, not counting the methods invented by folk craftsmen.

    Via 510 connector This method is used in eGo electronic cigarettes. To connect the gadget to the charger you will need to disconnect the clearomizer

    . The advantage of this connection is that when the device is operating, the contacts are hidden under the evaporator and protected from accidental ingress of moisture. The main disadvantage of connecting via the 510 connector is the special charger. If there is no charger or it is out of order, you will have to buy a new one or make a homemade one.

    From the network You can also charge your electronic cigarette from the mains if you use a simple USB cable to connect network adapter

    with the appropriate voltage and current output. Also, some battery packs (mods) use AA batteries, which can only be charged using a charger for removable batteries.

    From USB All vapes are of a higher class than eGo entry level

    • , connect to charging via USB (micro). In this way, you can charge, for example, iJust S and iJust 2 vapes. Among the advantages of charging via micro USB are the following:
    • versatility - you can use a charger from other gadgets;
    • the presence of a Pass-through function, which allows the vaper to vape while recharging the battery.

    Battery charging time

    The time it takes for the battery to reach full charge directly depends on the capacity of the battery and the current that the charger can provide at the output. If you want to use a power supply from another device or its homemade analogue, then calculating the charging time is very simple. For this there is a formula T = 1.4 C/I, where:

    • T is the time in hours during which the battery needs to be charged;
    • 1.4 – coefficient, calculated from the average charging efficiency and used for correction;
    • C – battery capacity in mAh (milliamps per hour), which can be found in the instructions for the gadget or mod;
    • I – charger current.

    To find out the latest indicator, look at the markings on the charger. Opposite the word “output” a value will be written, for example, 500 mA.

    For example, your vape has a 900 mAh battery, and the charger is capable of delivering 500 mA. If we substitute this data into the formula, we get: T= 1.4 * 900 / 500 = 2.52. Thus, it will take about 3 hours to charge a 900 mAh battery.

    All these calculations will be useful to you if you are using a vape, the design of which does not provide for indication and automatic shutdown of the charging process when the battery reaches full capacity. Basically, when you put the e-cigarette on charge, it starts the indicator on the power button lights up. Depending on the model of the gadget, it may emit a red glow during the charging process, and a green glow after it is complete. Also, the indicator can light up in one color, and after the battery has been charged, it can simply turn off.

    If the battery is new

    When buying an electronic cigarette, you should take into account the fact that its battery is in a slightly charged state, sufficient to test the vape for functionality. Therefore, in order to properly charge a new battery, it must be completely discharge. Use the device until you see that the steam has decreased or disappeared altogether, and the light indication confirms that the battery is completely discharged. After that, fully charge it. Perform 3 cycles of full discharge and full charge. This procedure will help “swing” the battery, which will subsequently affect its capacity.

    How to charge a gadget without a charger

    Sometimes a situation arises when the power supply of your electronic cigarette, for example, Ego-T or evod x9 - x6, fails, or you ordered an electronic cigarette via the Internet, and the gadget arrived without charging. In this case, you can quickly make a temporary charger. This will require ordinaryUSB cable, which connects to a computer or laptop, after a little modification.

    1. It is necessary to cut the end of the cable and strip the top insulation. Next, find the red and black wires, then strip their ends (you can solder them). Remember, the red wire is “+” and the black wire is “-”.
    2. Take a small piece of paper and make something out of it in the form of a plug, into the center of which insert the positive contact so that it protrudes about 3 mm from the bottom. To prevent the cork from unwinding, wrap it on top with electrical tape.
    3. Disconnect the clearomizer from the battery. If you look at the charging connection location, you can see the central contact. It is to this that the “+” should be connected, and the “-” to the body.
    4. Insert the plug into the hole in the battery pack so that the end of the wire (red) touches the center contact of the battery. The negative wire can be secured to the body using an alligator clip or using a regular clothespin.
    5. Connect the cable to the USB port of your computer. If the process of energy accumulation has begun, it means you did everything right.

    But first, look at the instructions for your vape. Namely, what voltage and current is the cigarette battery designed for. If the instructions say that the input voltage is 3.7V, then charge fromThe USB port cannot accept a battery, since it gives an output of 5 V and 500mA. In this case, you can use an old phone charger with an output voltage of 3.7 V and a current of no more than 1 A.

    But it will still be better than homemade adapter, purchased in China at a price of only 56 rubles.

    The adapter connects to the USB port of a PC or laptop or to a network adapter whose parameters are 5.0V - 500mAh.

    If you purchase an AC adapter, the vape can be charged from an outlet.

    How to charge a disposable e-cigarette

    To charge a disposable e-cigarette, you first need to take it apart.

    1. Using a paper clip or a pen refill, remove the plastic plug that acts as a mouthpiece. Under it you will see a wick that will need to be soaked with liquid.

    2. Next, remove the LED cover located on the opposite side of the device. Sometimes the cover can be soldered to the LED and be one piece with it. If this is so, then what to do will be discussed below.

    3. Using a thin rod, push the contents of the e-cigarette out of the housing from the LED side. If the bulb is soldered, push out the “insides” of the gadget from the wick side.

    4. You will see a battery with contacts soldered to it. Usually there is a “+” on the side of the light bulb, and a “-” near the wick. Take phone charger and connect the wires, observing the polarity (red is positive, black is negative).

    5. To charge the battery, plug in the power supply for approximately 30 minutes. This time will be enough. Do not leave the process unattended - check periodically battery temperature. If it gets hot, turn off the charger as overheating may cause the battery casing to explode.

    After recharging, reassemble the device in reverse order and place a few drops of liquid on the wick. Now you can use your disposable e-cigarette again. Although no one forbids doing such a procedure with a gadget as many times as the battery life lasts.

    Why does the electronic cigarette not charge?

    If you connect your device to the charger and notice that it is not charging, wait about 15 minutes. and check again. There are cases when, after a battery is completely discharged, it takes some time for it to begin to gain energy, after which its accumulation proceeds as usual.

    Make sure your gadget's battery is not locked from accidental pressing. To do this, press the power button 3 to 5 times in a row (depending on the vape model). If the command has been accepted, the button should blink and will remain lit the next time it is pressed.

    Also, the reason that the battery does not charge may be a faulty power supply, the cable itself, or the charger plug.

    Poor contact at the charging connection cannot be ruled out. The contacts may become clogged or unsoldered. If they become dirty, wipe them with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol. If the contacts are unsoldered, you will have to use a soldering iron to repair the damage.

    Also, the battery may fail if liquid gets on its contacts, resulting in short circuit. Sometimes the electronic board also burns out. In this case, you will need the help of a specialist from service center. If the electronics have survived, then you can try to remove any remaining moisture from the battery and turn it on for recharging again.

    If the gadget discharges quickly

    The quick discharge of the gadget is puzzling, especially for novice vapers. The reasons for this trouble may be different.

    Other reasons for rapid battery discharge may be hidden in the electronic board. In this case, the gadget will have to be taken to a service center for inspection.

    What are the ways to charge an e-cigarette? Most vapers (both beginners and pros) encounter this problem. After all, everyone wants to extend the battery life of their e-cigarette. This article will help you with such a sensitive issue and will reveal the secrets of charging ES batteries.

    Any device has an instruction manual - first you should study it. You also need to determine what signals your e-cigarette battery provides. Usually, in case of low battery, the indicator in the form of a diode light bulb blinks constantly.

    How to charge an electronic cigarette - two simple ways:

    • from the network;
    • via USB connection.

    To charge, you need to remove top part electronic device and screw the charging cord into it bottom part. If there is an indicator on the charger as well as on the battery, both should light up. This means everything is connected and charging is correct.

    The indicators of most batteries tend to signal the end of the charging process - they either change color or go out. How long does it take to charge an electronic cigarette? The charging time can vary from 1 to 3 hours - it all depends on the battery capacity. The larger it is, the longer it takes.

    If the battery fails, its service life has expired - it should be disposed of immediately and under no circumstances be used in the future. On average, one battery can withstand up to 1000 full charges.

    When you purchase a new electronic cigarette, remember that the first charge is extremely important and affects the further operation of the device - the power and duration of the battery charge. Below you can familiarize yourself with this nuance.

    An important aspect is the first charge

    Here is a list of steps required when charging the battery for the first time.

    Let's take a closer look:

    1. Always charge your e-cigarette only when the battery is completely discharged - this can be determined by the charge indicator going out (it no longer blinks);
    2. If you see that the battery indicator is indicating low voltage, wait another couple of hours;
    3. The above points need to be repeated about 3 times.

    These simple steps will help you significantly increase your battery life.

    Second and subsequent battery charges

    The subsequent battery charge is no less important.

    The process is carried out as follows:

    • Unscrew the battery from the clearomizer;
    • Connect the battery to the charger;
    • Plug in the charger and check if it is charging. As mentioned above, the indicator may change color or start flashing.

    How to understand that an electronic cigarette is charged - when the color on the battery indicator changes, it means the battery is fully charged. And don’t forget about the instructions, because each device has its own.

    What else to consider

    Eat important points, which will tell you how to properly charge your electronic cigarette so that it serves you for a long time:

    • Do not leave the battery on charge all night - this will not improve the quality of its operation, but on the contrary, it will shorten its service life;
    • Try to fully charge the battery whenever possible until the corresponding indicator signal appears;
    • If you charge the battery very often, it will also quickly fail and stop holding a charge;
    • The lower the temperature environment and the higher the humidity, the lower the battery productivity and its shelf life;
    • During periods when you don't plan for a long time Before using your e-cigarette, disconnect the battery from it. This way you will protect yourself from premature repair of the entire device.

    How should I charge a disposable e-cigarette?

    Someone will ask: is it possible to charge a disposable ES? It turns out yes. Although it is only enough for a few times, you should not immediately write it off as scrap after use. Moreover, in this way you can save a considerable amount of money. How is this done?

    To do this you will need ordinary tweezers, a syringe, a charger from mobile phone, wire clamps, tester or diode bulb with symbols, soldering iron and smoking liquid.

    1. Remove the mouthpiece, then carefully remove the remaining parts of the cigarette with tweezers: battery, atomizer (clearomizer) and padding polyester with wick.
    2. Take the charging plug from under your mobile phone, cut it and solder the clamps to the wires.
    3. Next, you need to indicate the polarity of the wires from the charger. Connect the plus and minus to the wires and set the tester to measure DC voltage.
    4. Now look at the tester readings - if the device shows the presence of voltage, then the wires are connected correctly - to the “pluses” and “minuses”, respectively. If, on the contrary, the indicator is negative, then the wires are connected incorrectly.
    5. The same can be done with the LED - connect it to the charger, and plug the charger into a power outlet. If the light bulb lights up, then the poles match.
    6. Connect the charging clamps to the poles of the e-cigarette battery in accordance with the polarity. Turn on the charger, as a rule, the battery charges in about 3 hours. This is how long you need to charge your e-cigarette - in any case, the mains charging will automatically stop supplying the current.
    7. In order to pour liquid into the ES, you just need to pour it in using a syringe.
    8. Carefully put all the parts of the cigarette back together. It is ready for use again.

    Of course, this method is a little problematic and requires time and sleight of hand, but the alternative to saving on cigarettes is much more attractive. And you also need to take into account how long an electronic cigarette should be charged - each device model has an individual charging time.

    The electronic cigarette, which recently appeared on Russian market smoking gadgets are gaining more and more popularity every year. It is believed that vaping is much safer than classic smoking, because when using ES, carcinogenic substances do not enter the human body. tobacco smoke. With the help of an electronic device, a smoker can quit the deadly hobby of cigarettes forever by vaping nicotine-free batches.

    With certain skills, you can refill a disposable ES

    Before you start learning how to recharge a disposable gadget, you should better study this type of evaporator, learning about its advantages and disadvantages. Data e-Sigs help the user, even at the initial stages of vaping, to refuse to use classic cigarettes.

    According to statistics, the use of electronic smoking gadgets helps 30-35% of former cigarette addicts quit regular smoking.

    Which model to prefer

    On this moment ES manufacturers offer their consumers a huge variety of vaping models. A separate category includes disposable devices, which have proven themselves to be effective and high-quality devices. Among the most common gadgets, experts identify the following models of disposable electronic devices:

    Electronic cigarette Pons

    Pons. An electronic cigarette that holds one of the highest positions in the popularity rating on the disposable vaporizer market. This model is known for its victory in the 2014 “Product of the Year” competition, Pons became the best ES among disposable evaporators. The developers of the model tried to please their consumers by creating a lot of different fashion scents. Externally, this gadget resembles an exquisite pen equipped with a protective cap.

    Electronic cigarette Noqo

    Noqo. This modification of a disposable ES is similar in design to the legendary Pons. This is not surprising, because both devices were developed by the same manufacturer. The main difference between Noqo is the white color of the body, as well as a wide variety of flavor variations (there are more than 16 of them).

    Electronic cigarette Luxlite

    Luxlite. This modification of the vaping device has a highly durable metal body and plugs located at both ends of the cigarette. The main difference between the brand is Blue colour indicator (in other models the electronic display glows orange). But the model also has a drawback - the lack of annotation, which is necessary for a novice vaper.

    Electronic cigarette Nexx

    Nexx. This brand of ES does not have a protective cap. Instead, the device is equipped with a soft plug. The model attracts attention with its rich taste variations. About 19 different scents of this model are presented to the attention of the steamer.. The kit includes detailed operating instructions.

    Electronic cigarette Smokoff

    Smokoff. Another modification of a disposable cigarette, which is distinguished by its specific aroma. We can say that it was created “for an amateur.” Disadvantages also include a rather heavy draft of evaporation and the lack of instructions.

    Electronic cigarette Cricket

    Cricket. Many heavy smokers have long been familiar with this brand. After all, the Cricket company has been actively producing lighters on the market for a long time. Cricket is the rightful leader among disposable vaporizers in terms of variations in nicotine content in liquids. You can choose a device with a nicotine content of 2% or prefer stronger ES, where the nicotine content is about 4.5-5%.

    But stylish design Made from a durable metal body, the bright orange indicator of this model leaves no one indifferent. The device is additionally equipped with a protective cap, and the vaporizer externally resembles a stylish, attractive pen.

    Benefits of disposable cigarettes

    Such devices in their design and external shape are as similar as possible to a conventional cigarette. As soon as the steamer takes a puff, the ES informs about this with a light indicator on the tip, which resembles a smoldering coal. It was disposable vaporizers that most accurately simulated smoking traditional cigarettes in these models.

    Moreover, when taking puffs, the vaper does not receive a portion of carcinogenic smoke, but relatively safe vapor, which does not contain ammonia compounds, resins, carbon monoxide and other harmful substances. It follows that a disposable vaporizer gives pleasure from the smoking process with minimal harm to one’s own health.

    What does a disposable ES consist of?

    The advantages of disposable vaporizers include the following factors:

    • affordable price;
    • relative safety for health;
    • maximum proximity to classic smoking;
    • a disposable gadget does not require the purchase of necessary additional accessories.

    Until recently, a disposable electronic cigarette had one significant drawback - it could not be refilled and recharged.

    But this nuance is already far in the past. Vaporizers have long mastered such a simple science as how to refill a disposable electronic cigarette and have even created step by step instructions. It's time to study it.

    How to refill a disposable vaporizer

    This question sounds quite strange - after all, the word “disposable” a priori does not imply long-term use of the gadget. But this is just a nuance that can be easily circumvented if you know some tricks. So, to refill a disposable vaporizer, you need to equip yourself with the following accessories:

    1. Electric soldering iron.
    2. Small thin tweezers.
    3. Several wire clamps.
    4. Medical standard syringe.
    5. A fresh can of aroma liquid.
    6. Automatic charger for mobile phones.
    7. A tester or LED, which is necessary to detect polarity.

    Guide to action:

    Step one: disassemble the gadget

    The first thing to do is disassemble the smoking gadget. This stage should be approached with full responsibility. When disassembling, you should ensure that the cigarette body is not damaged; it is especially necessary to take care of all contacts and wiring.

    First you should carefully disassemble the ES

    To disassemble the disposable vaporizer, you should use thin tweezers. With its help, you can easily remove all the insides of the gadget.

    To pull out the mouthpiece, the device should be carefully grasped with your fingers and carefully, without applying much force, pulled out. The wick, battery, padding polyester and atomizer are also removed from the body with tweezers.

    Step two: recharging

    The next step is to charge the electronic cigarette. After all, during prolonged use, the device managed to completely discharge. To do this, do the following:

    1. Carefully cut off the new charger (for cell phone) plug.
    2. Remove any existing insulation from the ends of the wire.
    3. Solder a couple of clamps to the fresh charging wires, ensuring the correct poles.

    Then the device is recharged

    Then the charger is connected to the network. With an AC power of 100 mA, the charging process will last approximately 2.5-3 hours. Once the ES battery is fully charged, automatic charging will cut off the current flow.

    Step Three: Identifying Polarity

    This is why a tester comes in handy. It should initially be set to a mode that measures DC voltage. Then you need to attach the clamps to the two wires of the tester (“plus”, “minus”) and connect the charging to a regular network. If the device shows a positive voltage, it means that you have not made a mistake with the polarity and connected the plus/minus correctly.

    Polarity Determination

    In the absence of a special test device, you can use a regular LED with a designated marking instead.

    The LED also connects to the charger. When the polarity matches, it lights up.

    Step Four: Add Liquid

    This stage is the simplest. Using a medical syringe, the ES cartridge is refilled with fresh aroma liquid. When filling the cartridge, you should carefully monitor the level of the liquid being filled. Do not allow too much smoking mixture to be in the cartridge.

    If there is an excess of liquid, some of it will immediately end up in the vaper’s mouth during the first puff. By the way, the aroma mixture tastes quite unpleasant. To correctly add a batch, use the following tips:

    1. The container should be filled no more than 3/4 full with the batch. This is about 10-20 drops (depending on the volume of the cartridge).
    2. If too much liquid has been added and you feel it on your lips, you will have to take the cigarette apart again and thoroughly wipe the container.
    3. Use a refill syringe with a thick needle. After all, the batch has a thick consistency. And the small hole of the needle will not allow the aroma to pass through.

    By the way, the syringe can be used repeatedly. After all, in in this case no need to maintain sterility. But do not forget to thoroughly rinse the equipment to remove any remaining liquid after each new refueling. The fact that the smoking gadget requires a new refill with liquid is evidenced by a burning sensation and a decrease in the volume of vapor in comparison with the usual use of ES.

    Refilling liquid

    Watch and top up the aroma liquid on time. Otherwise, the smoking gadget can easily fail due to the evaporator burnout.

    In some models of disposable ES, soft material (usually synthetic winterizer) is used in liquid cartridges. It is infused with an aroma composition and placed in a cartridge. In this case, you should carefully remove the soft material with tweezers (after opening the cap), pour liquid into the container and return the material to its place. Or, without pulling out the padding polyester, drip the mixture onto it until the material stops absorbing it.

    Step five: reassembling the entire structure

    The last step is to reassemble the smoking device. After which the steamer can continue to enjoy the fragrant vaping.


    As you can see, refueling and charging your favorite smoking gadget is quite simple. This procedure causes some difficulties only the first time, and then such actions will become automatic. This event will extend the life of the disposable evaporative device for a long time and significantly helps to save money.

    But do not forget that electronic cigarettes are also harmful to health. Back in 2013, WHO experts warned that there is no evidence that e-vaporizers are harmless. Therefore, the Health Organization calls for a complete cessation of not only classic cigarettes, but also electronic smoking devices.

    After all, even the use of nicotine-free batches does not guarantee health safety. In this case, very often the composition indicated on the package does not correspond to reality, and the aroma mixture may also include compounds that are hazardous to health.

    Therefore, if you use disposable cigarettes, then only to wean yourself off regular ones and with the intention of completely abandoning the use of any smoking devices. Take care of yourself!

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