Home Hygiene Caregiver compensation. Benefit for caring for a pensioner - conditions of appointment, registration procedure and necessary documents Benefit for disabled citizens

Caregiver compensation. Benefit for caring for a pensioner - conditions of appointment, registration procedure and necessary documents Benefit for disabled citizens

Compensation payment to non-working able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens

A non-working able-bodied citizen who cares for a disabled citizen (disabled person of group 1, with the exception of those disabled since childhood of group 1, as well as an elderly person who, based on the conclusion of a medical institution, needs constant outside care or has reached the age of 80 years), regardless of their joint residence and The monthly compensation payment depends on whether he is a member of his family.

The amount of compensation payment is 1200 rubles. The payment is made together with the pension assigned to the disabled citizen.

Monthly payment to persons caring for disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood, group 1

Parents (adoptive parents), guardians (trustees) and other persons caring for disabled children under the age of 18 or disabled children of group 1, monthly payment.

The monthly payment amount is:

  • parent (adoptive parent) or guardian (trustee) - 10,000 rubles;
  • other persons - 1200 rubles.

A compensation or monthly payment is assigned from the month in which the citizen caring for it applied for its appointment with an application and all the necessary documents to the body that assigns and pays the pension to the citizen being cared for, but not earlier than the day the right to the specified payment arises.

For citizens living in the Far North and equivalent areas, in areas with severe climatic conditions, requiring additional material and physiological costs for citizens living there, the indicated amount of compensation and monthly payments is increased by the corresponding regional coefficient.

The period of care is counted towards the person caring for a disabled person of group 1, a disabled child and a person who has reached the age of 80 years of age in the insurance period in the amount of 1.8 pension coefficients for each year of care. This allows the caregiver to shape their pension rights to receive an insurance pension.

Compensation and monthly care payments are assigned to one non-working able-bodied person for each disabled citizen, disabled child or disabled person from childhood of group 1 for the period of care for him. Pensioners and persons receiving unemployment benefits do not have the right to compensation and monthly payments, since they are already recipients social security in the form of a pension or unemployment benefit established by him in order to compensate for lost earnings or other income

Compensation and monthly payments are made together with the pension assigned to a disabled citizen, a disabled child or a disabled person of group 1 since childhood.

IMPORTANT! In the event of termination of care, going back to work, or the beginning of other activities subject to inclusion in the insurance period, the assignment of a pension, or unemployment benefits, the citizen providing care must independently notify the Pension Fund within 5 days in order to promptly stop making compensation or monthly payments. . Otherwise, the citizen will have to return the illegally received funds to the Pension Fund. cash.

From this article you will learn:

  • What categories of elderly people can be cared for?
  • Who can arrange care for an elderly person?
  • What amount of compensation for care is assigned by the state?
  • How to arrange care for an elderly person
  • What package of documents needs to be collected?
  • What changes must be reported to the Pension Fund?

Due to their age and health status, older people require special care, which requires certain knowledge and skills. A person over 80 years old, even in Everyday life it is difficult to do without outside help - he needs the care of others. Activities caring for disabled people are paid by the state in the amount established by current legislation. Who is eligible to receive this benefit? What documents do I need to complete to care for an elderly person? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

Who can obtain supervision and documents for caring for an elderly person?

Because the elderly age involves a deterioration in a person’s health (both physical and mental), he needs daily care. Caring for an elderly person is not an easy task; you need to be not only mentally and physically prepared for this, but also have certain knowledge. Not everyone knows that caring for an elderly citizen is paid from the state treasury. True, this can hardly be called remuneration, since the payment is more like light compensation.

This benefit is intended for persons caring for disabled citizens, which include elderly people over 80 years of age.

  • disabled people of the first group, not counting disabled people of the first group since childhood;
  • people of retirement age who need daily care according to a document received from a medical institution.

The number of legal acts regulating relations in caring for an elderly person includes Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1455 “On compensation payments” and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 343 “On monthly compensation payments”. The benefit is paid monthly in the amount of 1200 rubles.

The legislator does not prohibit caring for several elderly people at the same time. In such a situation, the payment will be calculated for each ward according to their number. For example, if a citizen provides documents for caring for an elderly person regarding two pensioners under his care, then he is entitled to 2,400 rubles.

The amount of benefits for caring for an elderly person can be increased in proportion to the coefficient if this is provided by the region of the pensioner. For example, in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug or Tyumen Region this coefficient is 1.6. That is, the compensation payment will be increased according to the formula: 1200 x 1.6 = 1920.

Compensation payments for caring for an elderly person are not indexed.

Of course, 1200 rubles is an amount disproportionate to the needs and needs of an elderly person. But it is accrued as an increase to the pension and is a small financial assistance from the state to the person who is not afraid to take on the responsibility of caring for an elderly citizen.

Not only relatives and friends, but also strangers can provide daily assistance to a pensioner. If someone from outside is caring for a disabled person, then the relatives are required to sign a document in the form notarial agreement for guardianship of an elderly person.

Let's give requirements for a caregiver according to the law:

  • have a permanent place of residence in the Russian Federation;
  • the ability to perform functions that generate income;
  • have a document confirming the absence of official employment or a document confirming full-time training;
  • approval of the future assistant by an elderly person in need of care;
  • Availability official document, confirming that the person who agreed to care for the pensioner does not receive social benefits or pensions.

Compliance with the last point has great importance, since the purpose of the compensation payment for caring for an elderly person is partial compensation of the person’s possible income, but when he has a document confirming the presence of a source of income in the form of a pension or benefit, it turns out that the state pays an amount intended for the same purpose again.

Students and apprentices can also receive compensation, since training is not equivalent to employment, and a scholarship is not one of the benefits the receipt of which is an obstacle to the calculation of compensation payments for caring for an elderly person.

It should be noted that the implementation entrepreneurial activity, as well as any other that is formalized by the relevant documents - an employment or civil law contract, - lawyer, security, etc., is regarded by the legislator as official employment.

If a citizen has the status individual entrepreneur and during the suspension of his activities provides care for an elderly person, compensation will still not be accrued to him. He will be able to count on payment only after presenting a document confirming the termination of business activity.

A citizen who has reached the age of fourteen is allowed to care for a disabled person with a document confirming the consent of the parent or guardian, as well as the guardianship and trusteeship authority, if this activity does not have a negative impact on the health and education of the minor.

A person providing assistance to an elderly person (or several elderly people) must have an understanding of those responsibilities that he will have to perform:

  1. Pay the bills of a disabled person (utilities, taxes, etc.) at the expense of the latter.
  2. Buy food, medicine, personal hygiene products and other things necessary for an elderly person.
  3. Help a disabled person solve everyday problems and provide proper care.
  4. Defend the rights and interests of older people.
  5. Carry out financial transactions with the ward’s funds in his interests. Every year, the guardian must submit documents in the form of a report on the operations performed to the guardianship authorities.

The legislative acts of our country do not provide for such a concept as “guardianship over an elderly person with the right of subsequent inheritance of property,” that is, there is no rule of law according to which the right to inherit his property passes to the guardian of an elderly person. If a disabled citizen wishes to leave any property to his guardian as an inheritance, this must be reflected in the will.

Basic list of documents for caring for an elderly person and registration algorithm

Preparation of documents for caring for an elderly person begins with the submission of an appropriate application.

If we consider the procedure for processing payments for the care of an elderly person, we can note that this procedure is not very complicated:

  1. Provide a document confirming the consent of the elderly person with the candidacy of a guardian.
  2. Submit an application to the Pension Fund branch. The document can be sent either through a personal visit to a government agency or through the government services portal.
  3. Receive the results of the consideration of the application, which must be processed no later than 10 days from the date of submission.

If the result is negative, then the applicant must be sent a corresponding document within 5 days explaining the procedure for appealing this decision.

Here are a few nuances regarding the calculation of the payment in question:

  • it begins from the month of submitting an application to the Pension Fund with the necessary documents for caring for an elderly person, but not before the right to receive benefits arises;
  • if the documents do not meet the requirements, Pension Fund employees must inform the applicant about this;
  • A period of three months is given for the production of missing documents. After it expires, you will need to submit your application again.

As already noted, in order to assign compensation, it is necessary to collect a package of the following documents for caring for an elderly person:

  1. An application for payment on behalf of a person who will care for a person in need of care.
  2. A statement from a disabled citizen expressing his agreement with the candidacy of the person who will provide care. This document must also contain the full name and passport details of both persons. The application can be drawn up by an official representative of an elderly person in the event of the latter’s incapacity. There is a possibility that the pensioner’s signature will need to be certified by a special document - an inspection report from the Pension Fund.
  3. Passport of a disabled person and a person who has assumed caregiving responsibilities.
  4. Work records of both citizens, as well as documents (certificates) confirming the absence of accrual of pensions and unemployment benefits, which must be obtained by the caregiver from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Employment Center, respectively.
  5. A document (certificate) from the tax office confirming the fact that the caregiver is not engaged in entrepreneurial activity.
  6. A document confirming the right to receive benefits for caring for a disabled citizen (extract or certificate).
  7. Extract from the certificate of examination of a disabled person recognized as disabled by a Federal government agency medical and social examination to the Pension Fund (in case of caring for a disabled person).
  8. Conclusion from a medical institution on the need for constant supervision of an elderly person.
  9. Permission from a parent and guardianship authority to care for a disabled minor, taking into account that this activity will not harm the learning process.
  10. A document from the place of study (certificate) confirming full-time study.

It should be noted that additional documents may be required to provide care for an elderly person during payment processing. The pension authority may check the regularity of care for an elderly person.

A person who has taken on the responsibility of caring for an elderly person must indicate in the application for benefits:

  • in the “header” of the document - the territorial body of the Pension Fund, as well as your full name;
  • SNILS identification number;
  • your citizenship;
  • passport data (series, number, date of issue of the document, date and place of birth);
  • information about registration and place of residence (country, city, street);
  • phone number;
  • unemployed status (for example: “On this moment not employed");
  • the date of commencement of caring for the elderly person, as well as his full name;
  • circumstances requiring daily assistance to a pensioner;
  • a request for payment, referring to the norms of current legislation;
  • documents attached to the application;
  • date and signature with transcript.

The legislator also provides for those cases in which guardianship authorities may refuse to provide care for an elderly person. These are situations where the guardian has:

  • alcohol/drug addiction;
  • severe diseases (tuberculosis, AIDS, etc.);
  • criminal record.

And also in the absence of:

  • characterizing documents from work or permanent place of residence;
  • notarized consent of relatives of an elderly person for guardianship.

A person caring for an elderly person is obliged to notify the Pension Fund within 5 days of the occurrence of circumstances that exclude the possibility of receiving benefits. As in the case of processing a payment, notify Pension Fund This can be done either in person or via an online resource. Once the information is received by the Pension Fund, the accrual of compensation payments will be stopped from the beginning of the next month.

Let's look at examples of circumstances that serve as grounds for termination of benefits:

  • death of a disabled person;
  • the termination of guardianship was confirmed by the elderly person or the commission, which drew up the corresponding document based on the results of the audit: the guardian is now the recipient of any type of pension or unemployment benefit;
  • expiration of the time period for which the first disability group was established:
  • a disabled person has been assigned the status of a disabled person since childhood;
  • referral of an elderly person to an institution where social services find themselves in stationary mode.

Failure to timely notify the Pension Fund of the occurrence of events leading to the termination of payments may subsequently lead to the recovery of the wrongfully received amount. Here are a few more events, the occurrence of which should be immediately reported to the Pension Fund:

  • death of the person who received compensation;
  • change of place of residence of an elderly person (the accrual of benefits may be suspended until submission necessary documents at the new place of residence).

Benefit recipients often have questions about payment for the period of care for an elderly person that preceded the submission of documents to establish this payment. The legislator has established the following rules in this regard:

  • for a citizen who has not received compensation due to the fact that he did not submit documents to care for an elderly person, funds must be accrued for the past three years (based on a corresponding application);
  • if the benefit was not accrued due to the fault of the Pension Fund, then the funds are paid in full for the entire period.

Since caring for an elderly person is an activity that requires both moral and physical strength, the legislator decided to include this period in seniority caring citizen. The only condition is official employment before caring for an elderly person and immediately after its completion. For each year of assistance provided to a senior citizen, a pension coefficient is calculated, which is 1.8 points.

Old people are most susceptible to all kinds of negative factors affecting their condition, they are more difficult to tolerate diseases. This means they need care, care and attention. Currently people old age, starting from the age of 70, they become not independent and need outside help and special treatment. What can we say about 80-year-olds... They need even more patience and empathy from the person caring for them, as well as special care.

Preparation of documents for caring for an elderly person is not for those who want to benefit from the current situation. Rather, on the contrary, caring for a disabled pensioner requires a colossal return and enormous time costs, which are practically not reimbursed financially.

If you are not sure that you can provide your to a loved one proper care and attention - it is better to turn to professionals. Network of boarding houses for elderly care "Autumn of Life" will take care of the health of people dear to you.

The boarding houses provide:

  • regular medical examination;
  • fulfilling the requirements of the rehabilitation program;
  • assistance with eating;
  • quality products and varied menu;
  • regular cleaning of premises;
  • hygiene care, hair and nail cutting;
  • varied leisure and communication;
  • social adaptation and new acquaintances;
  • regular walks in the fresh air.

A citizen is entitled to compensation for care (talking, buying food and medicine, preparing food, cleaning, washing and ironing clothes, bathing, ...) about

  • disabled person of group I (with the exception of disabled people of group I since childhood),
  • a man over 60 years old or a woman over 55 years old (see), who, upon conclusion of a medical institution, need constant outside help,
  • a man or woman over 80 years of age.

How much do they pay for grandparent care?

Monthly an additional payment in the amount of 1200 rubles(One thousand two hundred rubles). Old man independently transfers the money to the assistant.

For citizens living in areas with severe climatic conditions, the amount of compensation payment increases by the regional coefficient.

If you help several pensioners, then everyone will receive an increase in their pension. By caring for five elders over 80, you can earn 1200 × 5 = 6000 rubles per month.

The benefit is assigned from the month of application to the Pension Fund. That is, if the application was submitted on December 25, then the first payment will be due somewhere on March 1-7 of the next year in the amount of 1200 × 3 = 3600 rubles (for December, January, February).

Does the length of service benefit the caregiver?

Yes. According to 400-FZ, the period of care for one or more disabled people, is counted towards the insurance period on a par with periods of work (see Article 12 paragraph 6). For 1 full calendar year, the pension coefficient is 1.8 points(see article 15 paragraph 12). For looking after two bedridden patients at the same time, the same amount is assigned as for looking after one.

Reference: To assign an old-age insurance pension, an age of at least 15 years is required for men from 60 years or women from 55 years insurance period and an individual pension coefficient of at least 30 points (see Article 8).

What are the requirements for a caregiver?

They can be an unemployed able-bodied person over 14 years old,

  1. residing on the territory of the Russian Federation,
  2. not receiving a pension,
  3. not receiving unemployment benefits,
  4. not receiving any income, including from business activities, as evidenced by the absence of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund,
  5. not undergoing military service in the army.

It is not necessary to be a relative or neighbor.

Therefore, children take care of their parents (their old mother and father), and eighty-year-olds look through their acquaintances for those who would contribute to the registration of a pension supplement:

  1. students,
  2. housewives,
  3. women receiving child care benefits up to 1.5 years old through the Office social protection of the population, since the employer does not have a job for them,
  4. officially unemployed bloggers and freelancers.

What documents are needed to apply for additional payment?

To assign an additional payment to the body paying the pension, as a rule, Pension fund at the place of registration of the elderly, you need to provide the following set of papers.

Documents from the caregiver

  1. Passport
  2. Work record book (students and schoolchildren may not have it)
  3. Insurance certificate
  4. Certificate from the place of study indicating the number and date of the admission order and the expected completion date educational institution(only for students and schoolchildren)
  5. Birth certificate, written consent of one of the parents, permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities (for a child from 14 to 16 years old according to Article 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

The rest of the certificates, as well as applications (samples of them can be viewed on the website pfrf.ru), are prepared and requested by Pension Fund employees themselves.

Documents from the person being cared for

  1. Passport
  2. Employment history
  3. Insurance certificate
  4. Power of attorney of the following sample (if personal appearance is not expected, it is not required in all branches of the Pension Fund of Russia)

    Power of attorney

    I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, born 02/01/1970, place of birth Kuibyshev, passport 36 04 000000 issued Industrial Department of Internal Affairs of Samara 01/20/2003, registered at: Samara, st. Volskaya 13-1,

    I trust Sergeev Sergei Sergeevich, born December 1, 1990, place of birth Samara, passport 36 06 000000 issued Industrial Department of Internal Affairs of Samara 12/20/2005, registered at the address: Samara, st. Gubanova 10-3,

    be my representative in Office of the Pension Fund in the Kirov and Industrial districts of the city. Samara on the preparation of documents for registration, accrual and recalculation of pensions and other payments, sign and submit various types of applications, sign and carry out all actions and formalities related to the implementation of this order.

    The power of attorney was issued for one appointment.

    Date ______________

    Signature ___________

Additional documents from someone who has not reached 80 years of age

  1. Extract from the disability certification report sent by the federal government agency medical and social examination to the body that pays pensions
  2. Conclusion of a medical institution on the need for constant outside care

What are the main reasons for ending old age care benefits?

  1. Employment of a ward or caregiver
  2. Registration with the employment service
  3. Conscription into the army
  4. Departure for permanent residence outside the Russian Federation with deregistration
  5. Application for refusal of services of a specific caregiver
  6. Unfair performance of the duties of a caregiver, confirmed by an inspection report from the Pension Fund
  7. Expiration of the period for which disability group I was established

Within 5 days, you must notify the Pension Fund of the occurrence of circumstances leading to the termination of the compensation payment. What you can try to do on the website gosuslugi.ru (at the time of writing this article is only possible by personally contacting the Pension Fund). Otherwise, the caregiver will have to return the overcharged money.

In society, cases where relatives or guardians take on the responsibility of caring for helpless people are common occurrences. They perform socially meaningful work, taking on hard work and at the same time incurring additional costs.

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What it is

Briefly, the essence of the payments under consideration is as follows. A person looking after a helpless person is often forced to quit his job or, due to these circumstances, he cannot work, although he himself is fully able to work.

This type of support is compensation for able-bodied persons engaged in care activities (CWU). Funds are paid monthly. For the current year, their size was 1200 - 5500 rubles. They are accrued along with the dependent's pension.

Supervision can be carried out by anyone: a relative or a stranger who has registered such activity in accordance with the law.

Who is considered disabled?

  1. disabled people (group 1, excluding people with disabilities since childhood);
  2. over 80 years old;
  3. younger than the above age, but requiring outside care according to recommendations medical institutions.

The first point includes citizens who have been assigned disability group 1 by a medical-forensic examination.

After 80, gender changes in the body are critical (decrepitness, etc.), so the need for outside support is recognized by default - just the fact of reaching this age is enough. Support for people below this limit must be confirmed by a medical certificate.

The following nuance is important. Let's describe it using an example. If a person has reached 80 and is working (regardless of the level of complexity of the conditions) and yet, even if he needs support, then he is still considered able to work and his guardian, if there is one, does not apply for the CLC.

How to receive monthly compensation for caring for disabled citizens

To receive money, you need to provide a package of necessary documents to the Pension Fund or to law enforcement agencies (FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs), if the dependent is related to them.

Each of the two parties must write a statement confirming the agreement between them regarding assistance.

Two conditions must be present: confirmation of disability, the need for outside support (medical certificate, conclusion) and the presence of someone who agrees to look after the helpless. This is when the right to benefits arises.

We will consider the requirements for caregivers below.

Video: How to register

Persons caring for disabled people

Any person, regardless of relationship or the fact of living together, can engage in this activity.

Briefly the parameters for this category:

  1. there are no restrictions on kinship or residence;
  2. the caretaker must be able to work. This means that you must be over 16 years of age. special cases(light work) at 15, and also if there is consent from parents and guardianship authorities - from 14 years of age;
  3. he should not have any other work, which includes the activities of self-employed people and under civil contracts. Studying even as a full-time student is not considered such. This gives students the opportunity to engage in this activity and receive additional income for their scholarship.

A non-working caregiver should not receive any type of pension and cannot be recognized as unemployed. If he is an individual entrepreneur, he must not only stop working, but also completely close this status.

Types of payments

There are two types of content in this category.

The first is considered to be KVU - compensation payments to able-bodied but not working citizens who care for those in need (Federal Law No. 1455). At the moment, the amount has been increased to 1200 rubles. There can be several wards.

Such a payment is assigned when caring for disabled people of group 1 who have reached 80, persons on the recommendation of ITU.

The second type is a monthly payment to caregivers (EVU) for disabled people of group 1 (childhood only), disabled children (Federal Law No. 175). It is intended for the same persons, but caring for the specified categories.


The amount received cannot always be strictly fixed; it can be higher or lower depending on the agreement with the dependent, since the latter has the right to transfer money to his trustee in the manner agreed with him.

The amount depends on who is looking after:

  1. parent (including adoptive parents, non-relatives) – 5,500 rubles;
  2. guardians (trustees) – 5,500 rubles;
  3. other persons – 1200 rub.

Additional payments are increased by regional local coefficients as for regular pensions (Federal Law No. N No. 166, 400). Indexation is not provided for the benefit in question, that is, it can be carried out, but not necessarily.

KVU is equal to 1200 - 5500 rubles. This, to put it mildly, is not enough, and even less than the subsistence level. The state by default believes that this type activities are carried out either by close relatives or altruists.

The legislator also believes that the helpless person himself or his relatives pay extra to the caretaker, so the benefit does not need to be increased.

In the current economic situation in Russia, most people in need do not have the opportunity to pay additionally for help, and citizens who are ready for 1,200 rubles. do enough unpleasant work, not so much. For such categories, free supervision from social services is provided.


Registration is carried out on an application basis. After submitting applications from the disabled person and those caring for him, along with a package of documents, the Pension Fund assigns a pension within 10 days.

You can contact the regional branches of the Pension Fund at your place of actual residence or registration, or at any MFC. The application can be left on the website of the fund or government services. Documents may be sent by mail or transmitted through a representative with a power of attorney.

List of documents

The list of appointments required for the procedure includes:

  1. personal identification documents (passport), work books both sides;
  2. conclusions of medical institutions on the need for assistance;
  3. extracts from the certificates of examination of a disabled person of group 1;
  4. permissions from parents, guardianship authorities for persons under 16, certificates of study;
  5. confirmation of the authority of the representative (power of attorney, decision of the guardianship authorities, birth certificates of the minor);
  6. certificates stating that there is no other pension, and that there is no unemployment benefit.

Applications for payment for caring for a pensioner

The body to which applications are submitted is the PFU; they can also be submitted through the MFC. The caregiver must provide a written statement of desire to fulfill this type of obligation. From the person in need or his representative - consent that this particular guardian will look after him.

Often, due to limited physical capabilities, a person in need cannot come to the Pension Fund and submit an application in person; then it is submitted by a representative, but department employees must go to the residence address of the disabled person to verify the authenticity of the signature.

  1. Full name, residential address;
  2. details of identifying documents (passport number, etc.);
  3. an indication that the person is not currently working and is not an individual entrepreneur;
  4. request for an allowance, desire to provide care, consent to this;
  5. the date that will be considered the start of activity.

If there is no position, then the PF gives 3 months. for additional registration; When correcting deficiencies, the date of submission will be considered the initial receipt of documents.


Regarding the timing, monthly compensation for caring for disabled citizens has the following parameters:

Payment of compensation

The KVU is paid simultaneously with the pension to the dependent on a monthly basis. Then he independently transfers this money to the caretaker. Payment methods are the same as usual: Russian Post, bank cards/accounts, delivery by specialized organizations.

The needy can increase the amount of benefits at his own expense.

Is caring for pensioners included in the length of service?

Caring for those in need is included in the insurance period in accordance with Law No. 400-FZ. This applies to all (two) types of payments of this security equally and is taken into account for the assignment of labor pensions. Thus, those performing socially significant work are additionally stimulated.

One year in our case is equal to 1.8 pension points. They are included in the individual personal account. The only drawback is that if there are several dependents, the number of points does not increase - they are counted once, accordingly, the size of the future labor pension Will not change.

Let's illustrate with an example how points are calculated.

A person related to a person in need cared for him from 12/01/2005 to 06/30/2016 and at the same time for another person in need from 06/25/2016 to 05/30/2017. In this case, the length of service is considered from December 1, 2005 to May 30, 2017, regardless of the number of wards.

In accordance with legislative acts Russian Federation, the state provides benefits not only to citizens who, for some reason, have lost or partially lost their ability to work, but also to those categories of people who provide care for persons who have lost their ability to work. What amount of compensation is established, and how can it be arranged?

Categories of citizens

The legislation of the Russian Federation clearly defines the categories of citizens who require constant care and those groups that have the right to act as providers of this care.

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Who is recognized as disabled

The groups of disabled citizens include people who cannot independently take care of themselves. This can be either a complete loss of ability to work or a partial loss..

This group includes:

  1. Disabled people of the first group, except those who are . The category of disabled people of the first group in accordance with the following includes citizens who are diagnosed with a persistent impairment of health resulting from illness or injury. This category is legally entitled to receive social support.
  2. Pensioners, as well as younger people, but who do not have the physical ability to care for themselves. It is stated at the legislative level that citizens over 80 years of age should also be cared for. This is due to genetic changes in the body. need constant assistance People under 80 can too. In this case, their disability must be confirmed by a document from medical organization.

Who can provide care

In order to arrange care for a disabled citizen, it is not necessary to be his relative and live with him in the same living space. Any person can provide care.

The main conditions are:

  • the person must be able to work;
  • must not have a job;
  • should not receive any type of benefit, pension, unemployment payment.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, Citizens' ability to work begins when they reach 16 years of age. In some cases, teenagers aged 15 years have the right to work if this activity does not harm their health.

May be attracted to labor activity and teenager at 14 years old. But for this you need to provide written parental consent and guardianship authorities.

Types of payments

Citizens who are assigned to care for a disabled person or an elderly person have the right to receive two types of payments:

  1. Monthly care allowance for disabled citizens - this type of payment is calculated in accordance with. A compensation benefit can be assigned to one citizen who has the status of unemployed and cares for not one, but several persons. The benefit will be assigned for each ward.
  2. The payment that is intended for caring for disabled children and those who have been assigned group 1 disability since childhood. The payment is due to an able-bodied citizen who provides care and does not work anywhere.
The amount of payments in cases of caring for disabled children will depend on the category of relationship between the guardian and the ward.

Amount of monthly compensation for caring for disabled citizens

Compensation payment in 2019 is set at 1200 rubles. It is calculated simultaneously with the payment of the pension of a disabled person or pensioner.

Significantly different amount of payments for caring for disabled children. They are assigned an allowance that will be paid every month. The amount depends on which category the guardian belongs to in relation to the ward:

  • Parents of a disabled child and his guardians can count on benefits in the amount of 5500 rubles.
  • Other persons caring for a child can only receive 1200 rubles.

The monthly payment is assigned from the month from which care for the disabled person is provided.
Payments are established for citizens living in conditions.

Procedure for appointment and registration

You must apply for a compensation payment to the territorial department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, where the disabled citizen is awarded a pension.


To assign a payment, you must submit the following documents:

  • passport of the applicant and the person under guardianship;
  • for teenagers it is necessary to provide a certificate from an educational institution;
  • conclusion of a medical organization that senior citizen needs care;
  • extracts from acts for disabled people of group 1;
  • for citizens under 16 years of age - permission and consent of parents and guardianship authorities;
  • if the teenager who will provide guardianship is under 16 years old, it is necessary to provide a certificate from the local pediatrician. It must indicate that the applicant has no health contraindications for providing care;
  • documents confirming legal basis to represent the interests of people with disabilities, for example, custody decisions, adoption certificates;
  • a certificate confirming the absence of accrual of a pension or other benefit.

With a package of documents, the citizen must contact the Pension Fund at the place of residence of the ward and write an application.


The application form is filled out by the caregiver personally at the Pension Fund. The ward must provide a statement of consent. If this cannot be done due to lack of physical ability for a disabled citizen, representatives of the Pension Fund can independently go to him to obtain consent.


The text of the application must include:

  • that the citizen who plans to provide care does not work anywhere;
  • the place where the person will care for the ward;
  • the period from which care begins.

If at the time of filing the application no document is submitted, the citizen is given three months to deliver the remaining information.



Payment by way of compensation is assigned only from the moment the applicant applies to the Pension Fund. But it cannot be assigned before the right to receive it. Benefit is paid throughout the entire period care products.

How does payment and receipt of funds occur?

The payment, which is assigned as compensation for care, is transferred simultaneously with the pension of the disabled citizen:

  1. This can be made to a current account at a bank or other financial institution.
  2. Many pensioners receive their pension by mail or payment delivery is arranged for them.

Important! The pensioner himself personally gives the established amount of payment to the citizen who cares for him. At the same time, he can independently vary the amount upward. But it should not be less than that established by law.

Is work experience included?

The entire period during which the citizen cared for a disabled person, will be included in the insurance period. This is done on the basis of. In this regard, the compensation payment can be considered not only financial support from the state, but also an opportunity for citizens providing care to earn additional benefits to their pension.

For each year of care, a citizen is awarded 1.8 points. In addition, the entire period without any restrictions will be included in the insurance period.

It is important to pay attention! If a person cared for several at once disabled persons, points are not cumulative and the period will only be included in the list once.

Grounds for termination of accruals

An important point is that a citizen can provide care only as long as he is included in the category of unemployed:

  1. As soon as he is arranged somewhere officially or begins any other activity that is included in the insurance period, he must independently notify the Pension Fund of the impossibility of further care.
  2. In addition, the reasons for termination of payments will be assignment of any type of benefits, both for old age and for the loss of a breadwinner, as well as payment upon registration with the labor exchange and receipt of unemployment benefits.

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