Home Oral cavity At an appointment with a gynecologist, the lady's bleeding is stopped. After an examination by a gynecologist, discharge appeared - what to do? Gynecological examination with colposcopy

At an appointment with a gynecologist, the lady's bleeding is stopped. After an examination by a gynecologist, discharge appeared - what to do? Gynecological examination with colposcopy

The role of a gynecological examination is primarily to determine the source of bleeding. It is appropriate to note here that some patients, especially elderly women, sometimes make the mistake of mistaking rectal bleeding (less often hematuria) for bleeding from the genital tract, and it is the gynecologist who can detect in such patients hemorrhoids, urethral polyp or even rectal tumor.

Outbreaks pathological changes tissues of the vagina and cervix are clearly visible when examined using mirrors. In case of traumatic injury and the presence of a foreign body, the diagnosis is clear already during the examination.

Inspection using mirrors in combination with bimanual palpation allows you to obtain comprehensive data for cervical fibroids (barrel-shaped cervix with an asymmetrically located external pharynx, symptom " hourglass"). Of the diseases of the cervix, only cancer that develops in the cervical canal remains hidden from view for a long time, while when its vaginal portion is affected, cauliflower-like growths or crater-shaped ulcerations that bleed when touched with an instrument are visible (symptom Khrobak). Of course, if a neoplastic process is suspected, its morphological confirmation is necessary.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix with a hemorrhagic component or leading to tissue loosening, especially in children, as well as senile atrophy of the tissues of the genital tract can cause hemorrhage.

Assessing the condition of the cervix is ​​also important in cases where the undoubted source of bleeding is the uterine cavity. So, for example, with an incomplete abortion or metroendometritis, against the background of retention of parts of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity, the cervical canal remains dilated for a long time, and the cervix itself remains soft.

The need for vaginoscopy when examining children is beyond doubt, since only this manipulation makes it possible to identify traumatic injury, foreign bodies and neoplastic processes in the lower parts of the reproductive tract.

In diseases of the body of the uterus and its appendages, during a gynecological examination, symptoms are rarely detected that make it possible to unambiguously establish the diagnosis and cause of hemorrhage. Incipient uterine fibroids are practically the only disease in which the examination results are sufficient to establish a diagnosis. In all other cases, confirmation is required using additional methods research.

So, if a patient has bleeding due to a delay in menstruation, and upon examination an enlarged uterus is palpated, positive signs of Genter, Piskacek and cyanosis of the cervix are determined, it is logical to suspect the onset of spontaneous abortion. At the same time, in the given clinical example none of the listed symptoms reliable signs pregnancy, therefore it is necessary to confirm the diagnosis using ultrasound and determining the titer of hCG in the blood or urine.

During pregnancy, uterine enlargement that does not correspond to the expected gestational age, combined with large cystic formations in the ovaries (theca lutein cysts?) gives reason to assume a trophoblastic disease, and in the presence of nodular formations in the vaginal wall (metastases?), its malignant variant is very likely. However, until morphological confirmation, the diagnosis remains only speculative.

Despite the undoubted importance of a gynecological examination, based on its results, it is not possible to establish a nosological and intranosological diagnosis in all cases. This happens, firstly, because the signs of many pathological processes are extremely similar: during a gynecological examination, it is difficult to distinguish between uterine fibroids and internal endometriosis of the uterine body, uterine fibroids and leiomyosarcoma, etc.

Secondly, with a number of diseases of the body of the uterus and appendages, even with a thorough examination it is not possible to detect them specific symptoms. So, with polyp and endometrial hyperplasia, chronic endometritis, dysfunctional uterine bleeding There is no increase in size or change in the shape of the uterus at all. In most cases, when pathological processes in the appendages, which are the cause of bleeding from the genital tract, few characteristic signs are also found during a gynecological examination.

Hormone-producing tumors often remain small for a long time, and stromal thecomatosis can be detected in both enlarged and small ovaries. We obtain somewhat more information during a gynecological examination of patients with inflammatory diseases uterine appendages, when the latter are palpated in the form of thickened and painful cords or even space-occupying formations.

From the above it follows that in case of bleeding from the genital tract, nosological and intranosological diagnostics are impossible without the use of modern instrumental and laboratory research methods.

Podzolkova N.M., Glazkova O.L.

"Gynecological examination for bleeding" and others

Why is there blood during an examination with a gynecologist?

Asked by: Angelika, Moscow

Female gender

Age: 25

Chronic diseases: not specified

Hello! I'm already over 10 days late. Delays are periodically constant, it is not possible to get pregnant for more than a year. The day before yesterday, during an examination with a gynecologist, at first everything was fine, then she somehow got very deep, dug deeper and pulled out her hand, showed me the blood, saying that critical days. She said that tomorrow (i.e. yesterday) they would start. But nothing has started yet. My stomach sometimes aches a little bit after this examination, especially immediately after the examination my lower abdomen ached. What was it? Is it possible that these are critical days?

10 answers

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Hello. Menstruation will begin in a few days. Do not worry. The gynecologist cannot harm anything in this way.

Angelica 2015-05-17 22:57

Thanks for the answer! Another question: I haven’t been able to get pregnant for more than a year, my husband’s spermogram showed a normal result before conception (but not ideal), my hormones are fine, my thyroid hormones are also fine, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is also fine! I measured the basal temperature for two months, the temperature in the second phase of the cycle is always higher than in the first phase, but does not reach 37 (maximum 36.8), while in the first month the measurements-test to determine ovulation showed that there was ovulation, and in the second I didn’t do the test for a month of observations. I measured my temperature every day at the same time in the morning without getting out of bed, but at the same time every day at night I always get up to go to the toilet. So I came to the gynecologist and she, without asking me any questions, looked at the charts and said that I was not ovulating and should not go for IVF. But after that, two days later, I came for an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and the ultrasound specialist told me that ovulation had recently passed, menstruation would begin soon, and as for the temperature graphs, she told me that this is a very delicate matter and if I get up at night, that means The measurements are no longer correct. So my question is, is this really so? And what other reasons could there be why you can’t get pregnant? I began to really doubt the competence of my doctor.

The question is how long has it been since you became pregnant? After one year of sexual activity without contraception and pregnancy not occurring, examination and treatment by a gynecologist is indicated. If pregnancy does not occur within a year after examination and the reason is not clear, it is recommended that everyone be referred for IVF. This tactic is used all over the world.
By basal temperature It is very difficult to judge ovulation in 2 months. This technique is old and today I no longer use it due to low accuracy. It is more effective to track ovulation using ultrasound and ovulation tests. You have cross-country ability fallopian tubes did you check? What examination have you already undergone?

Thanks for the answer. I had an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, the results are in the attachment. I very much doubt the competence of my doctor and plan to change to another doctor. I applied back in November and they still can’t really say anything. I donated blood for sex hormones in the first and second phases of the cycle, the results of the first phase were somehow lost in the clinic, the results of the second phase were progesterone 36.91 nmol/l. Now I'm renting everything out again.

I took a test or a smear (I don’t know how to do it correctly) for all sorts of mycoplasma, herpes, HPV, trichomonas, candida, cardnerella ureaplasma - nothing was found. Lactobacillus spp. 2.84*10*6. Total bacterial mass 8.17. *10*6. Conclusion: normocenosis. The doctor said that I had thrush, prescribed suppositories, treated myself, but now they said no, everything went away. I have been measuring my basal temperature for more than two months at the same time, but at the same time I also get up every night to go to the toilet (and as the ultrasound specialist told me, this cannot be done, otherwise the schedule will not be accurate). Judging by the temperature graph for the first month, it seems that ovulation took place exactly on the 14th/15th day of the cycle. It dropped to 36.5, and the next day it rose to 36.9 (but did not rise to 37), plus the ovulation test was positive, and my chest began to hurt. The breasts always start to hurt when ovulation occurs and swells. In the second month, the temperature for 33 days was a maximum of 36.5 and then it increased to 36.8, but it never reached 37 either, the breasts also began to hurt and swell. On the thyroid gland they found a nodule that had not yet formed, which was sometimes visible, sometimes not. Thyroid hormones are within normal limits. Thyroid-stimulating hormone 1.52 µIU/ml. Free T4 15.72 pmol/l. We have been trying to conceive a baby since February 2014. Delays of menstruation are constant. Before we started trying to conceive, there were also delays, but not as much as they started after. Literally since March I have been constantly suffering from delays. From November to February everything returned to normal, the cycle was 29 days, but then again cycles of more than 40 days. My doctor, looking at the temperature charts, immediately said that there was no ovulation, I couldn’t get pregnant, I needed IVF. But a couple of days later the ultrasound specialist told me that ovulation had recently passed. I'm panicking. The doctor immediately sends me to IVF without understanding why I can’t get pregnant, because perhaps I can be treated somehow. What can you say about the problem I described and the results of my tests?! And tell me also, please, I read about the boron uterus, is it possible to take it or can it just ruin everything and should only be done on the recommendation of a doctor?

I do not accept treatment with herbs (hog uterus) and various “healers”. In my practice I adhere to classical medicine. Before IVF, it is necessary to check the patency of the fallopian tubes. But, first of all, you need to examine your sexual partner. You don’t need to be so attached to basal temperature - this is a very relative and not very accurate technique. Track ovulation with ultrasound, folliculometry and ovulation tests. If there is no follicle growth according to ultrasound and ovulation, then it must be stimulated. Monitor progesterone levels in phase 2 of the cycle (on days 18-20). If progesterone is low, it is necessary to add it in the form of drugs.

Thanks for the answer! As for the sexual partner, the husband underwent varicocellus surgery back in 2006 on one testicle. Now I went to see a urologist - it turned out that one testicle was enlarged - dropsy, but this does not bother me and there is no need to do anything about it yet. They took a spermogram, there were very few motile sperm, but this was enough for conception - that’s what the doctor said. But at the same time he told me to take a drug that increases sperm motility - they took it, and still couldn’t conceive. We are going to do a repeat spermogram in the near future. How is the patency of the fallopian tubes checked? I read that without painkillers, with weak painkillers, for some even during laparoscopy.

I had a CVC and needed a smear test, I told the doctor about this when I was examined, it turns out I had a CVC twice and the second time when. I went to the gynecologist and it was very painful for me, I don’t know exactly how she took tests. The object looked like a foyshka, but it was very painful, as if something had been cut. After I got up, there was blood, but not much. I am not sexually active! What was it, why was there blood, please tell me, I’m very afraid, the pain was so strong that I cried, it felt like my skin was being pulled. They cut it with a blade so that she could do something to me for 20 years!

ANSWERED: 11/30/2015

Hello Dinara. The doctor probably damaged the mucous membrane during the examination. It is very painful because there are a lot of nerve endings there. The mucous membrane recovers quickly so there is no need to worry. You should consider changing your gynecologist.

Clarification question

ANSWERED: 11/30/2015

If you are innocent, you should take a smear-print (attach a slide glass (in no case penetrating inside

Clarification question

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Doctors insist that all girls and women undergo examinations at least once a year. It is not always possible to visit a doctor at such a time. Therefore, sometimes after rare visits and consultations with the doctor, unpleasant surprises begin. An unexpected “gift” - after an examination by a gynecologist, blood began to flow, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

This happens under the influence of many factors - the occurrence various diseases, including rare trips to the doctor. The most important thing to focus on is bleeding in pregnant women. This can be a serious sign of negative changes in the body.


Scanty bleeding in a woman after an examination by a gynecologist is not uncommon after a planned visit to the doctor, and there is no reason to be especially worried. Microtraumas of blood vessels and minor damage to the mucous membrane are why they occur after examination by a gynecologist.

Usually, the doctor takes a smear and uses a gynecological speculum during his manipulations. The analysis is taken from the mucous membrane, urethra and cervical canals of the uterus. In a word, they simply scrape off the test material from the vagina or other organ. Accordingly, the tissues are damaged and may bleed for some time. The main thing is that the bleeding is short-lived and stops very quickly. In any case, you need to monitor your health.

After an examination by a gynecologist, blood began to flow and did not stop flowing long time, and even more itching in the groin, pain syndrome, continuous burning, then you need to seek help immediately, accurately describing all the sensations. Perhaps this injury is making itself felt, or perhaps some kind of disease has manifested itself.

Is this normal

A woman’s uterus is intensively supplied with plasma and if it bleeds a little, then this is normal and there is no need to be upset. If this happened after using a speculum, then this is also not considered a pathology. It may be enough to change a specialist who will conduct the appointment more carefully. It is considered typical when pregnant women, after visiting a doctor, experience pain during liberation. Bladder. This is associated with the collection of the test material for analysis and most likely injury occurred.

So, if, after an examination by a gynecologist, blood or light spotting begins to appear, this is normal in cases of physical damage from the speculum. There is no reason to worry. It is important to remember the duration of these processes. They must take place in the shortest possible time.

Regular gynecological examination is the main aspect of a woman’s health. In some cases, diseases detected in time are treated quickly and effectively. Any examination of a woman includes taking a smear. It is the cells of the mucous membrane that are studied in the laboratory. There are situations where careless examination causes patients serious problems accompanied by pain in the lower back and abdomen. In such cases, immediate health care and subsequent therapy.

Each organism is individual. Therefore, it is believed that after consultation and examination, discomfort and slight spotting are normal. If a woman’s condition lasts for several days, then this is a serious danger and she urgently needs to consult a doctor. Everything is much more confusing when it comes to a number of certain diseases. Basically, the doctor personally determines whether there are any disorders and diseases or inquires about them in advance from the patient’s medical card.

There is a research method called a two-handed examination, when the location of the organs, their approximate parameters, the visibility of the adhesions of the fallopian tubes, and the chance of identifying any disease are felt. After these procedures, discomfort and pain may occur.

The danger of gynecological examinations is that unwanted outside intervention can become dangerous, especially if it is during pregnancy. Therefore, you need to approach the choice of a doctor extremely responsibly.

What to do

Many women do not know, and, being confused, begin to panic, especially after a gynecological examination. First you need to monitor your health - identify what character traits discharge. If little blood comes out and it stops quickly, there should be no cause for concern. You need to rest a little to calm your body.

And if it happens the next day, then that’s already bad. Then you need to make an appointment again. It is quite possible that a serious disorder has arisen or some disease has manifested itself.

It happens that the blood flows so much that it can be confused with menstruation. In this case; you must not hesitate, but call ambulance, otherwise the blood loss will be too severe and life-threatening.

Indeed, as a result of careless manipulations during examination, significant injury to the internal genital organs could occur.

Emerging diseases

When blood starts to flow after an examination by a gynecologist, this is probably a harbinger of certain ailments. Endometriosis, for example, is accompanied by severe aching pain. This often manifests itself after visiting a specialist. And during menstruation, this torment is unbearable and the woman unknowingly takes painkillers.

Impurities of blood in a woman’s discharge can signal the growth of the endometrial layer. These pathological manifestations causes not only an appointment with a doctor, but also hormonal disorder with an excess amount of estrogen in the body, obesity, etc. Before making a diagnosis yourself, you need to consult and undergo a series of tests.

If, after visiting a doctor, unexpectedly, then it is possible that uterine polyps have formed, consisting of endometrioid cells. These tumors, which are benign in nature at the very beginning, do not cause noticeable symptoms of the disease, pain and discomfort. Basically, they don't show up at all. Especially if your immune system is strong enough. Only a doctor, after conducting an examination, can reveal their presence.

Symptoms of endometrioid disease include pain after sexual intercourse, and uterine pain, failure menstrual cycle. If treatment is not started immediately, you may face more serious illnesses leading to infertility.

Sexually transmitted infections always manifest themselves as vaginal itching, burning, discomfort, pain after or during sexual intercourse, fishy rotten smell and pains. If a woman exhibits the listed symptoms, she needs to seek help from a doctor and begin treatment. A bunch of infectious diseases cause infertility, negatively affecting the functioning of the female reproductive system. , trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis.


If the girl’s bleeding is too serious and profuse, the examination will be extremely difficult. Therefore, the patient is sent to. It is harmless even during pregnancy. With its help, the timing of pregnancy, the position of the fetus, the presence of uterine pathologies and a number of other disorders are revealed. An ultrasound is prescribed after a routine examination by a doctor to clarify the diagnosis, if necessary.

This is a complex event with the help of which they determine clinical picture the course of pregnancy and the development of a particular disease. This is often an excellent diagnosis of diseases due to bleeding, brown discharge and pathologies that the patient is not even aware of. If the discharge is not too abundant, then an examination by a doctor with a mirror is possible. As a rule, a small volume of bleeding does not interfere with clarifying the type of disease, establishing accurate diagnosis and identify the root cause of blood occurrences.

In pregnant women

The most dangerous irreversible consequence of bleeding in pregnant women is self-abortion. This should be especially feared when bloody discharge appears in pregnant women after examination. If they are accompanied by dizziness, nausea, general malaise, weakness, brown daub, then this is a sign of threat. In cases where the doctor himself cannot determine the exact duration of pregnancy, he gives a referral for an ultrasound examination.

Not strong bloody issues A pregnant woman may have symptoms of other pathologies and disorders, which are also not recommended to be treated negligently. There are a lot of other unpleasant moments that are purely specific to each woman, so you should be more attentive to yourself and, having heard a doctor’s verdict about it, do not ignore his recommendations and prescriptions. Perhaps the patient will be sent to a hospital for preservation, where she will undergo high-quality drug treatment and will maintain pregnancy until birth.

The danger that appears after a pregnant woman is examined by a gynecologist can be called a miscarriage.

In the practice of doctors, regrettable facts of a similar nature have occurred. When very early stages about 10 days, the doctor, carelessly making sudden movements during the examination, provoked a miscarriage. As a result, the patient began to bleed after examination, sometimes only the next day. As a result, it is impossible to cure and save the fetus.

And if the patient and the doctor are aware of her situation, and after the examination, discharge and incessant viscous pain in the abdomen begin, then this is the main signal of negative changes and the threat of miscarriage.

If we focus more specifically on diseases, these can be erosion, papillomavirus, endometriosis and many others. This kind of illness can cause bleeding. The main thing is to start treatment on time when they are identified. Erosion is caused by many factors and their treatment cannot be delayed.

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