Home Pulpitis You need to set up contextual advertising. A detailed guide to Google AdWords (Google Ads) for beginners: how to set up contextual advertising

You need to set up contextual advertising. A detailed guide to Google AdWords (Google Ads) for beginners: how to set up contextual advertising

Good day to you, dear friends!

At the last inclusion we talked about. Today we'll talk o no less effective way promoting affiliate products and services - contextual advertising. Moreover, now we are recruiting for one of the most effective training courses on working with contextual advertising for affiliate sales, “Professional Internet Advertising.” Therefore, I am sure this article will be quite relevant.

It was not for nothing that I included contextual advertising in the newsletter topic “”, because this type Online advertising today is used by almost all Internet platforms - campaigns, bloggers, online stores, etc. and is one of the most powerful and effective methods Internet marketing and Internet advertising in general. To promote affiliate products and services in particular.

In this article we will look at:

— The main advantages and disadvantages of contextual advertising

— Mistakes that beginners make when setting up and launching contextual advertising

— Who should you learn the secrets and tricks of using this advertising tool from?

And, of course, let's start with perhaps the most important question...

What is contextual advertising

If we take the official definition as a basis, then it is Internet advertising that is displayed on the pages of websites and search engine results. From regular advertising in the Internet contextual advertising differs in that it depends on the specific search query of the user or on the topic of the page of the website on which this contextual advertising is displayed.

Today there are 3 main contextual advertising systems:

Benefits of contextual advertising

Now let's talk briefly about the main advantages of contextual advertising and find out why it is so good.

I consider the main advantages when working with contextual advertising:

1) Reaching the most targeted visitors

Provided you properly set up and launch contextual advertising, you can be sure that the people clicking on your ads are as targeted as possible. Of course, this applies more to people who click on your ads from search results. The quality of visitors from partner sites of contextual advertising systems is an order of magnitude lower.

2) The ability to put contextual advertising on autopilot

If you launch contextual advertising correctly, then you do not need to devote a lot of time to it. Advertising will work for you almost on autopilot, bringing high-quality traffic, orders through an affiliate link and, accordingly, good commissions. All that remains is to occasionally, if necessary, adjust the settings.

3) Availability of contextual advertising

To launch contextual advertising you do not need large investments. You can start a contextual advertising campaign with a minimum budget of 300 rubles ($10). Even this small amount, if done correctly, can bring you a good profit and pay for itself several times over.

4) Deep analysis

Disadvantages of contextual advertising

1) Fine settings

If you want to use it effectively, then you will have to spend some time studying these settings and using them effectively.

2) Lots of competition and high cost per click

Today, when the Internet advertising market in RuNet is developing quite actively, many have begun to use contextual advertising. Therefore, both competition in search results is growing and the cost per click is increasing. There is only one way out - to find niches in which the competition is not so intense, or to look for low-competitive keywords in fairly competitive niches, without losing a potential client.

Errors when launching and setting up contextual advertising

Let's look at the main mistakes that beginners make when setting up and launching contextual advertising:

1) Using a lightweight interface rather than a professional one

If you use an easy interface for settings and launching advertising, then you will easily waste your budget and will not be able to feel almost any effect. The easy interface does not give you the opportunity to fully manage your advertising campaign. Therefore, the advice is ALWAYS USE ONLY PROFESSIONAL INTERFACE!

2) Selection of common keywords

For each advertising campaign It is necessary to use only the most targeted key queries to cut off untargeted traffic. Moreover, professionals advise selecting only one keyword for each of your ads. That is, according to the principle “1 campaign - 1 key query”, which will make the advertising campaign the most effective.

3) Narrow keyword coverage

As a rule, a narrow scope of key phrases leads to the fact that you have few impressions and, accordingly, few clicks on your ad. To avoid this, you should select more target keywords and be sure to use synonymous words, slang, and possible misspellings that users may make.

4) Focus only on high-frequency key queries

Yes, high-frequency keywords can provide a lot of traffic, but the cost per click for such competitive queries will be an order of magnitude higher than for mid-frequency and low-frequency queries. Therefore, my advice is to look for mid-frequency and low-frequency queries, thereby reducing competition and the cost per click for your ad.

5) No negative words or quotation marks

Negative words (download, forum, torrent, free, free, etc.) cut off non-target visitors. And quotation marks in key queries when setting up contextual advertising also help make your advertising less competitive and targeted, showing your ad only to those who request the keyword in its pure form.

Of course, this will reduce the overall number of impressions of your ad, but it will make your advertising campaign better and lower your cost per click.

6) There are no “keywords” in the title and ad text

What to promote with contextual advertising

In fact, there are many niches, and accordingly, many goods and services in these niches that can be promoted using contextual advertising. For example, you can order contextual advertising and promote it as a partner:

  1. Information products (video courses, audio courses on repairs, training foreign languages, construction, tourism, health, money hobby, psychology, business creation and development, etc.)
  2. Online stores (electronics, jewelry, clothing, shoes, perfumes, etc.)
  3. Services ( distance learning, cosmetology services, trainings, services on psychology, self-development, etc.)

For example, I use Yandex Direct contextual advertising more to make money on affiliate programs and promote with its help:

— Video course on teaching magic tricks

— Video course on club dancing

— Weight loss training

Today I have about 10 advertising campaigns running on Yandex Direct.

And, as I already said, creating, setting up and managing contextual advertising does not take me much time. At most 2 hours a week.

Contextual advertising: training from the pros

Who should you learn the basics, secrets and various subtleties of working with contextual advertising from?

Today there are many specialists who can teach you how to create, configure, place and effectively manage contextual advertising so that it is truly of high quality and brings you profit.

If you really want to learn how to work with contextual advertising. To understand the basics, secrets and intricacies of working with this type of Internet advertising, I recommend going through Ilya Tsymbalist.

Or, in the very near future, have time to get to the essentially unique training “Professional Internet Advertising” from my colleague and contextual advertising specialist Alexander Skorobogatov.

As a result…

As I already said, contextual advertising is an excellent tool for advertising affiliate products and services. In many niches, it is many times superior to my favorite advertising tool - . Therefore, it is worth paying attention to contextual advertising Special attention and learn efficient work with this wonderful and powerful tool of modern Internet marketing.

Video for a snack...:)

And for starters, a rather voluminous and lengthy video about the basics and intricacies of working with Yandex Direct contextual advertising. Quite an interesting and educational video. Look. I recommend. Especially for beginners.

In the next issue

On next week we will continue the topic of attracting using various Internet advertising channels and consider another efficient channel attracting visitors - advertising in in social networks . .

And today I say goodbye to you and, of course, I look forward to your comments, questions and additions below .

Have a nice day and see you again online!

Sincerely, your friend and assistant Bulat Makseev

Attracting natural, targeted traffic is difficult. And attracting targeted traffic for competitive commercial queries is becoming an overwhelming task for many small and medium-sized businesses. Try to cope with the internet heavyweights who publish comprehensive guides and consumer reviews every day if you have five people in your auto repair shop. And here’s the problem: the employees do an excellent job of repairing steering columns and adjusting the suspension, but they don’t have time to write articles about it.

Performance marketing from TexTerra – business promotion with payment for leads. We guarantee results even in a difficult niche.

There are several ways out of this situation. One of them is attracting targeted traffic using contextual advertising. In this guide, you'll learn how to use Google AdWords, the advertising service of the world's largest search engine.

How to create a Google AdWords account and set up your first campaign

You can create several types of ads using the Ads for Gmail format. With their help, you can show ads to users of the Google mail service.

How to create an app advertisement

On the Display Network, apps can be advertised using two ad formats: text and image.

To create a text ad, select the appropriate format. Use the drop-down menu to select your app store ( App Store or Google Play). Add the package name. To do this, you need to insert the application id into the search form. It can be found in the program URL on the Google Play website.

Select the desired package from the list offered by the system.

Add a title and description. Add an image if necessary. Select the type of devices whose users should see your ads. Specify a tracking template. Rate appearance announcements and save changes.

To create an app image ad, select the appropriate format, select the store, and use the program id to find the package name. Add an image or GIF animation in a suitable format. File requirements are available via the link in the ad editor. Add a tracking template and exclude tablet impressions if necessary.

Using the application id, find and select the desired program.

Add multiple ad options. They should not be related to each other in meaning. These variations may appear simultaneously or separately depending on the ad format.

If you have an app video ad, upload it. Also add custom images if necessary. If you don't add images or videos, the system will automatically generate an ad using the content on the app's Google Play page. Evaluate the appearance of advertising on different networks. Make changes if necessary and continue setting up your campaign.

How to work with video advertising and shopping ads

To work with video advertising, use the “Video” campaign type. It allows you to display promotional videos on YouTube and other resources. Within the “Video” campaign type, the “Shopping” subtype is available. The tool is designed to display products along with videos.

To create a video ad, launch and set up the appropriate campaign type. Upload a video file to the system or search for the desired role on YouTube. Select an ad format.

  • Use TrueView In-Stream to show ads at the beginning, middle, or end of your video. You need to pay if the viewer watches the advertisement for more than 30 seconds.
  • The Video Discovery format is suitable for attracting the attention of users who are searching for videos on YouTube or browsing the related videos section. The advertiser pays for clicks to the video.
  • Use short bumper ads to introduce your product or brand to your audience. You need to pay for 1000 impressions.

Provide a display and destination URL. Upload a custom companion banner if necessary. The ad will be shown to the audience after verification by Google specialists.

The “Shopping” campaign type is designed to advertise products using shopping ads. The tool is suitable for online stores. To create shopping ads, link your AdWords Merchant Center account. After that, launch and set up a shopping campaign.

Do not try at all costs to use all available ad types at once. For beginners, you can solve the main problems of contextual advertising using text and adaptive ads, as well as using universal application advertising. Online retailers should pay attention to product listings. If you have the ability to create high-quality videos, use video advertising.

How to Use Google AdWords Remarketing

With remarketing, you can show ads to users who have already visited your site. The effectiveness of this function can be explained simply: people are more willing to trust sellers they know. In addition, remarketing allows you to show users ads that match their interests.

For example, you can tell potential customers about new smartphones who have visited the “Smartphones” category pages of your online store at least once. And users who read a review of a new tablet model can be shown tablet advertisements.

You can manage remarketing lists in the “Audience Manager – Audience Lists” section. In the “Create a remarketing list” menu, you can select a source and set the conditions for adding users to the list.

Setting up a remarketing list

To set up remarketing, select the Display Network campaign type. For goals, select “Incentivize actions – Online purchases.”

In the campaign settings, in the “Users” section, select the “Remarketing” option.

Select your remarketing audience and continue setting up your campaign.

In this regard, Google announced that it has brought the AdWords service into compliance with the requirements of GDRP. Specifically, AdWords will include a tool to serve non-personalized ads to users who have not consented to being served personalized ads. A similar tool already exists in Google AdSense.

In a post about bringing AdWords into compliance with GDRP requirements, Google says that advertisers must independently obtain user consent for the collection and use of personal information. This is relevant if the advertiser uses advertising personalization tools, for example, remarketing.

Google has not offered AdWords users any tools or mechanisms to obtain consent from advertisers. Therefore, advertisers still have more questions than answers. AdWords user communities have the following recommendations for those who use remarketing and other ad personalization tools:

  • Place a link on the site to Google's privacy and information processing policies.
  • Warn users about the use of remarketing and obtain consent.
  • Upon request, delete personal information.

Google AdWords currently only requires you to provide contact information for those responsible for GDPR compliance in your account. These contacts are used to inform advertisers about the availability of new tools. You can fill in your contact information in the account menu “Tools – Settings – Data Protection Contacts”.

What you need to know about landing pages

Landing pages improve the effectiveness of advertising campaigns because they drive conversions. However, you will not be able to land every user who follows a link in a contextual ad on a landing page specially created for the advertising campaign. This needs to be explained with an example.

What conclusion can be drawn from these examples? You can use landing pages created specifically for a specific campaign. However, you will also have to use regular sections of the site as landing pages. Therefore, pay attention to the usability of the resource as a whole.


You can use AMP as a landing page in Google AdWords

In the fall of 2017, after beta testing, Google AdWords opened up the opportunity for everyone to use accelerated mobile pages as landing pages. The essence of the innovation: the advertiser can specify a link to AMP as a landing page.

Google caches accelerated pages whenever possible and serves cached versions to visitors. Thanks to this, AMP loads orders of magnitude faster than regular pages. To clearly demonstrate the benefits of accelerated pages, Google published an animation. On the left, AMP is used as a landing page, and on the right, a regular page.

For contextual advertising in Yandex to work effectively, it is important to configure it correctly. If the Yandex contextual advertising setup is not done as needed, then the investment in promotion will be too large compared to the effect that the advertiser will ultimately receive.

The standard settings provided by the system do not give the maximum result. This method is used by most users, but it cannot be called very effective.

It is better to use the manual setting option - it gives the best results. But this requires certain knowledge and skills, or the help of qualified specialists.
Stages of an advertising campaign
First step

First you need to log in to Yandex Direct, where to find the die "Place an advertisment" ; after that, register by writing your username and password (it is recommended to write them down somewhere so as not to forget).

After logging into your personal account, you need to indicate the country and indicate in what currency you plan to pay for advertising and perform other actions with finances on your account.

It is very important to choose Professional account, and not Light, as would be more logical. Next, we go through the algorithm for creating advertising.

You can start creating your first ad. It is important to correctly enter the required data into the form fields.

This is what the settings for the advertising campaign parameters will look like, which should be configured immediately following the steps.

In this video you can see the detailed configuration of this block:

In principle, when setting up Yandex Direct contextual advertising, everything is clear: there are tips in the form - under the “?” .

The advertising campaign needs to come up with a name so that it is informative so that you can immediately understand what the purpose of this campaign is. You can create multiple ads in one campaign. more precisely, there can be up to 1000 ads, and they will all have the same budget.

At the point where you need to indicate when it starts advertising company and when it ends, you don’t have to write the second moment.

In the notification column you should indicate your email: You will be able to receive statistical data regarding your balance and positions on it.

In point "Strategy" you are asked to choose display strategies.
You can see separate details about display strategies in my video on this topic:

Setting up Yandex Direct contextual advertising is an opportunity to choose the advertising campaign strategy that will be most suitable for the advertiser. There are two options - automatic mode and manual control.

In the first case, five strategies are proposed. At the same time, the system itself manages the placement process, taking into account the parameters entered by the advertiser. This is suitable if you want to receive impression settings based on a mathematical algorithm.

Also, this method can help beginners get used to the system: experts recommend that they stop at the point "Weekly Budget" . Then a limit on weekly expenses will be introduced and a maximum cost per click will be set. Then the system works itself when the automatic setting of Yandex Direct advertising is selected. What does this give the client? Confidence in the smooth operation of the system.

The choice of the desired strategy is made by clicking the desired box: its name will appear on the right - in a wide window. Details about strategies can be found by clicking on “?”

next to the names: - V "Highest available position"

next to the names: advertising is shown to the most interested users - it costs more than other strategies; "Independent management for different types sites"ads can be displayed on search sites and on Yandex search and on thematic sites,

partner sites or only on partner resources; IN "Display in block by» minimum price

, when choosing special accommodation and guarantees, potential consumers are attracted as cheaply as possible;

When choosing manual control, it becomes possible to control all characteristics. You can experiment, which will help improve your profitability.

Setting up Yandex advertising manually requires some experience, so usually advertisers switch to this method after working in an automatic strategy. maximum price clique.

In the time targeting settings block, you need to find the “change” command, where the standard is 24-hour mode. Here you can specify what days and times you need impressions. It is important that they have green squares. Some days and hours will be disabled if you click on these squares. For example, on weekends an ad may not be shown if the advertiser has a day off.

The clock is also adjustable. So, you can set the mode from ten in the morning to six in the evening. You can leave the default settings if it doesn't matter to you.

Yandex allows you to set up contextual advertising select region to display. To do this, in the window that opens, you need to find the die "specify" and tick the regions or cities that are needed.

This is convenient because it allows you not to enter into unnecessary competition where you don’t need advertising.

All keywords in the ad can be set minus words. To do this, setting up Yandex Direct contextual advertising Yandex suggests clicking on "change" and write down the words in a small window, separating them with commas.

For example, if an advertiser is selling a computer program, then a person looking for such information might type its name and write “free” at the end. If you want to sell software, this is not suitable for the client. This word can be classified as a negative word, as well as others - "cheap", "download" ,"for free" and so on.

Setting up Yandex Direct advertising - what else does this help do? Next, a window will open where you can choose which thematic platforms the ad will be shown on. You can determine what percentage of impressions will be on a particular partner site and in the search engine.

If you want to avoid spending money on thematic platforms, setting up Yandex Direct advertising will help you save money. What does it mean? Limitations are simply set by introducing an indicator of 0 percent in the settings block on thematic sites.

You can set up advertising so that it appears when you enter a command "Showing additional relevant words" . You don’t have to do this, since the system will automatically insert keywords that are not registered. Which ones exactly are unknown. Whether this will bring new transitions is unclear.

The “Site monitoring” clause stipulates that the display of ads is suspended if the advertiser’s website is unavailable.

Markup points for links for metrics and additional metric counters are needed to set the collection of statistics reporting on the keywords that lead to transitions to the resource. To do this, you need to install a counter.

These are important settings.

Second step

Here the title is set, the ad text is entered, and a link to the resource or its specific page is given. You can add images and give more links - up to three pieces - these are the so-called Quick links. They will be located under the advertisement.

Now the address and phone number are configured. New keywords are being introduced:

This is done in the field on the left, and hints appear on the right - in the form of words that can be entered. Click on the phrase on the right - it is transferred to the left field.

In the block according to conditions retargeting Setting up Yandex advertising makes it possible to ensure that advertisements are shown to those who have already visited the advertiser’s website. At all Retargeting advertising campaigns are always set up separately.

Third step

On the next page, you configure Yandex contextual advertising - the price at which each of the key phrases will be displayed.

The system itself can set a price at which the ad will receive the most advantageous place in the search engine results. But you can set the cost per click yourself.

To do this, enter the price per click to the right of the keywords. You can set one price for all phrases - in the upper window above the list.

Additionally, you can enter settings for the price even higher. To do this, press the button "more settings", you can hide it using a die "fewer settings" .

The cost per click is quite high. If the phrase is rated as averagely competitive, it will cost one or two dollars. for every click. With higher competition, it’s even more expensive.

Now you can move on. Here the announcement is sent to the moderator after clicking on the box at the top. The check lasts up to two to three hours. When the go-ahead is given, the balance is replenished - at least three hundred rubles : The process will be started.

There are two options for how to set up your advertising in the system: learn how to do it yourself or entrust this task to professionals who know well how to set up advertising in Yandex Direct: the price of their services is from ten thousand rubles.

And a few more details about advertising placements in Yandex.

The most popular area among network users is the special accommodation area. It is located right above the search engine results. This is the most effective place.

For the first time you have to pay the maximum for placing an ad here. You can save money if you create your advertising wisely - then even second place will bring good results at lower costs.

For more information about placements, see my detailed video:

Setting up contextual advertising Yandex also provides other opportunities. For example, place an ad in guaranteed impressions, which are located on the right side of the page or at the bottom. However, space here is limited: if the ads do not fit, the system will simply move them below this area and rotate the ads.

Announcement text

Setting up Yandex advertising includes many important points. One of them is to correctly compose your ad. The more specific the text is, the better, the higher the result of the advertising campaign will be.. In this sense, several more specific proposals are more effective than one, but too general one. Here you can remember that when setting up Yandex contextual advertising, the price is calculated not for words and sentences, but for clicks on the auction system.

Keywords must be present in the title and text. When the ad is shown, the system will highlight them in bold.

It is important to make the announcement specific, focusing on promotions, discounts, and bonuses.

Words that stimulate purchasing activity help to attract consumers: free, sale, others . It also makes sense to talk specifically about the offer, and not about the advertising company itself.

When setting up Yandex Direct contextual advertising, it is recommended to enter a link to the advertiser’s website. Moreover, the link can redirect the user to the page that is more important to the client - not necessarily to the main page of the site. It is important that the user can go to the page where exactly what is written in the advertisement is discussed.

A well-written ad is the main trump card of an advertising campaign when setting up Yandex.Direct advertising. It is the text that attracts users and makes them click on the ad. Then the number of clicks increases, the impressions-to-clicks ratio (CTR) increases. This leads to lower prices and more favorable placements.

Keywords are very important!

Since ads in the system are displayed specifically based on keywords, setting up Yandex advertising cannot do without their competent selection. The service helps with this wordstat.yandex . It's worth taking the time to find the best keywords and phrases for your ad.

Using negative keywords will help narrow the circle of users who will follow the link - this eliminates queries that are not meaningful to the advertiser.

User Behavior

In the first case, this option can be disabled. Then the advertiser’s ads will be shown on those pages of thematic resources whose content corresponds to the meaning of the advertisement.

Setting up Yandex.Direct advertising allows you to make the behavioral targeting indicator active. In this case, advertisements are on a topic that is interesting to the user in last days, will be shown to him in the search engine’s advertising results.

Set it up yourself?

If you decide to involve professional directologists, then the price of services of qualified specialists today will start from 10,000 rubles.

I categorically do not recommend ordering advertising for less than 10,000 rubles, this is extremely fraught with the quality of the setup. More complex and extensive setup of Yandex contextual advertising costs more – up to fifty thousand rubles.

Greetings, visitors!

Are you interested in Yandex.Direct training? You can make an appointment with me at individual training setting up Yandex.Direct, in which you will learn how to fine-tune contextual advertising. Details at.

You are in the blog section where all the lessons on, and are presented. I created this section so that it is convenient for you to navigate and comprehend the basics with ease.

Let's start learning Yandex Direct, but before you start, read the lesson.

Yandex Direct lessons

  1. Any advertising on the Internet is based on working with key phrases users of search engines, and contextual advertising is no exception. Therefore you should start with ;
  2. Next you need to learn about;
  3. Great! Now you can slowly join Direct and sort it out;
  4. Now let’s do it to understand how we should proceed;
  5. Analytics is an integral part of advertising, so now we will produce;
  6. Then let's look at ;
  7. You've probably noticed that creating advertising campaigns in the Direct interface is too long and tedious. You can avoid working with the interface by using ;
  8. to measure the conversion of Direct advertising campaigns and other traffic acquisition channels;
  9. And now you will learn;
  10. It's time (Yandex advertising network);
  11. Then let's look at how;
  12. The configured campaigns have already managed to gain a certain number of impressions and clicks and, unfortunately, there are non-target transitions that need to be excluded. This can be done;
  13. Let's write to the ad;
  14. We continue training Yandex Direct. Let's study;
  15. Are you unhappy with the cost per click? You need ;
  16. Problems with moderation occur quite often, in this article you will learn how to solve them;
  17. The modern Internet is Mobile Internet, which means what you need for your website. Of course, if only your site is adapted for mobile ads;
  18. Let's do ;
  19. Yandex innovation - ;
  20. Let's study.
  21. If suddenly there are problems with moderation in a complex topic, then you need to write a letter of guarantee to Yandex;
  22. Minor changes to the Direct interface;
  23. Find out how to provide guest access to Direct, Metrica, Adwords and Analytics;
  24. Check your advertising campaigns using this checklist;
  25. Automation of creation and management of Yandex.Direct;
  26. Creating a feed for dynamic ads;
  27. Smart banners - how to set up?
  28. Learning to calculate the cost per click before setting up;
  29. Optimization of YAN campaigns;
  30. Does clicking exist in Yandex.Direct?
  31. We do the correct A/B test of advertising campaigns according to the “Chess” principle;
  32. Interested in how to create an agent account in Yandex.Direct? Instructions here;
  33. Geolocation targeting - radii and polygons;
  34. Autotargeting. Additional condition audience selection;
  35. We speed up website loading on mobile devices using turbo pages;
  36. Changing trading in Yandex.Direct;
  37. In Direct, it became possible to set up a media campaign and a media-contextual search banner;
  38. About the new Direct Commander;
  39. Learn more about keyword grouping;
  40. Account quality score - is it a necessary indicator?
  41. What to do if your advertising budget is very limited?
  42. Which keys give the maximum effect in YAN?
  43. Read more about the budget forecast in Yandex.Direct;
  44. Disable impressions in mobile applications;
  45. About the new strategy " Manual control rates with optimization in networks";
  46. Learning to work with reports on mobile devices;
  47. How to find out what time advertising works most effectively?

All of the above lessons are lessons that every novice traffic manager needs to use the excellent Yandex.Direct contextual advertising system. There are other lessons, less significant, you can read them.

This is not the end of the study of Yandex Direct, more and more new lessons will definitely be published, so subscribe to blog updates and receive lessons directly to your email.

You can also sign up and learn how to set it up correctly!

Google Adwords Lessons

  1. Let's start with ;
  2. Further ;
  3. Let's set it up (analogous to YAN);
  4. Now to get data on costs and conversions;
  5. Remember when we learned to work with Direct Commander? Google Adwords has the same tool and it’s called - ;
  6. Learning to work with;
  7. Now let's get started (same as retargeting);
  8. Let's use these lists for ;
  9. If you want to advertise an online store, then you probably need to use;
  10. You also need to configure ;
  11. Learning through ad extensions;
  12. Let's start analyzing the traffic coming to your website through Google Adwords using
  13. We connect the call tracking system to Google Adwords;
  14. Setting up dynamic remarketing;
  15. Learn how to properly manage bids in Google Adwords;
  16. Campaign optimization;
  17. How to conduct a proper A/B test in GA?
  18. What is Adwords Express?
  19. Creating a customer center (MCC) in Google Ads;
  20. Discussing the new Adwords interface;
  21. Setting up advertising on YouTube via Google Adwords;
  22. We check Adwords search advertising campaigns;
  23. Having difficulty completing moderation? The solution is here;
  24. Disable impressions in mobile applications.

Google Adwords now has a much higher priority for me than Yandex.Direct, since I know less about GA than about the Russian contextual advertising service. Be sure to subscribe to blog updates if you want to receive Adwords lessons in your email.

SEO promotion

Soooo! Now let’s move on to the most interesting, in my opinion, search engine promotion. Just two years ago, everyone said that it was no longer relevant, that all this was unnecessary, and that it was all crap. In fact, everything turned out to be quite the opposite. in search engines it has always been, is and will be the priority source of traffic for most sites throughout World Wide Web. Let us begin to study this difficult science.

  1. To begin with, I recommend that you find out in general;
  2. And then study;
  3. (lesson out of order. Sorry);
  4. Let's start practicing and

Many people believe that setting up contextual advertising is something very complicated, incomprehensible, and they don’t even want to understand it. But there is another extreme, when it seems that it is enough to write an ad, select some keywords for it, and everything will work. Both the first and second statements are incorrect. Setting up contextual advertising is not a very complicated process; there are a number of sequential steps that need to be completed so that your advertising campaign is already better than your competitors at the start, and you pay less for it. However, setting up definitely doesn’t come down to simply writing a few ads for a dozen keywords.

Before you even think about keywords and advertisements, you need to carry out a preparatory process, without which you will simply waste money and time, and then you will definitely say that contextual advertising does not work.

What you need to do before setting up contextual advertising

First of all, you need to understand who you want to show your ads to. Yes, yes, I, like all marketers, will once again talk about the target audience. If you do not have a clear understanding of who your target audience is, then you can very easily bring to your site those visitors who are not interested in your product at all, or those who are interested in it, but they are not going to buy it.

First stage: studying the target audience

Describe several possible users who might be interested in your product. Who are they: men or women, how old are they, what is their social status, where do they live (in cities, villages, megacities, in what countries). What problems do they have that are directly related to your product? What dreams and desires do they have related to your product? What fears do they have? How they solve these problems, satisfy their desires - what is their usual behavior. What can stop them from buying or, conversely, push them towards it.

The more characters from your target audience you describe, the better, but you don’t need to go to extremes: 5-7 options are quite enough.

After that, look at your landing page (the page where you plan to send visitors from your ad) and think: which of the target audiences you described is it most suitable for?

I'll show you an example. There is a website for a company that sells heated floors. This is a landing page. Here is the first thing users who switch to it see:

It becomes clear that this landing page is clearly not suitable for display to someone who is looking for something exclusive and expensive. It is more suitable for the audience of “budget buyers” who are looking for the most cheap price, but at the same time they are afraid of fakes and low-quality products.

Stage two: analyzing your landing page

Do a three second test. Ask a few people to look at your page and answer two questions:

  • Do you understand what they are selling on this page?
  • Is it clear how to order this?

It should be immediately clear on the page what they are selling. It is very important. Order forms, call-to-action buttons, and phone numbers should be clearly visible. In the example above, it is immediately clear that they are selling heated floors, and the first order form is immediately visible.

Third stage: analysis of competitors' ads

We see that our competitors attract attention with the following phrases:

  1. Floor installation + thermostat as a gift.
  2. 20 year warranty.
  3. Around the clock.
  4. Discount up to 20% only until 31.07.

You need to write down everything that your competitors emphasize. This is necessary so that in the process of writing your ads you can avoid repeating yourself and stand out from their background.

Stage four: write down the benefits from your landing page

This is also in order to:

  • offer options for solving problems of your target audience based on the text on the landing page;
  • generally understand what you can offer that your competitors do not offer.

Here's what it looked like in my example with heated floors:

Click on the picture to enlarge

A regular Excel spreadsheet, nothing complicated.

Only after these preparatory stages You can proceed directly to setting up an advertising campaign. And about the basic and very important stages of setup

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