Home Wisdom teeth It is an organ of balance. Structure and functions of vestibular mechanisms

It is an organ of balance. Structure and functions of vestibular mechanisms

The organs of balance and hearing are a complex of structures that perceive vibrations, identify sound waves, and transmit gravitational signals to the brain. The main receptors are located in the so-called membranous cochlea and the vestibule of the ear. The remaining structures that form the inner and middle ear are auxiliary. In this material we will consider in detail the organs of hearing and balance, and their analyzers.

Outer ear

It is represented by the external auricle - elastic cartilage tissue covered with skin. The outer earlobe is filled with a fatty structure. Since in humans the outer ear is practically motionless, its role is less significant than in animals, which are guided by their ears.

The development of the organ of hearing and balance has led to the formation of characteristic folds and curls in the human outer auricle, which help to capture vertically and horizontally localized sounds.

The outer part of the auditory organ has a length of about 2.5-3.5 mm and a diameter of 6 to 8 mm. The cartilaginous tissue of the external auditory canal smoothly transitions into bone. The inner surfaces of the outer ear are lined with epithelium containing sebaceous glands. The latter, in addition to fats, produce earwax, which prevents contamination of the organ with dust and small debris, and protects it from the proliferation of microorganisms.


It looks like a thin membrane no more than 0.1 mm thick, which is located on the border of the outer and middle ear. Sound waves that reflect from convolutions auricle, pass through the ear canal, causing vibrations eardrum. In turn, the generated signals are transmitted to the middle ear.

Middle ear

The basis of the middle ear is a small cavity, about 1 cm3 in volume, which is located in the area temporal bone skulls There are several auditory ossicles- the so-called stapes, malleus and incus. They appear miniature bone fragments, forming the organ of hearing and balance. It is innervated by a set of corresponding nerves.

Inner ear

What does it consist of? this body hearing and balance? Histology is represented by the following elements:

  1. The bony labyrinth consists of the vestibule of the inner ear, semicircular canals and the bony cochlea. These elements are filled with perilymph, a specific fluid that converts sound vibrations into mechanical ones.
  2. which is represented by a spherical and elliptical sac, three semicircular membranous canals. The represented part of the inner ear is located in the bony labyrinth and is mainly responsible for maintaining the balance of the body in space.
  3. The cochlea is an organ of hearing and balance, the structure of which allows you to convert sound vibrations into nervous excitement. The cochlear canal forms 2.5 turns, which are separated by the thinnest Reissner membrane and the main, denser membrane. The latter consists of more than 20,000 specific fibers, which are called auditory strings. They are stretched across the auditory membrane.

Organ of Corti

Responsible for the formation of nerve impulses that are transmitted to the neurons of the brain. The organ is presented in the form of several hairs that play

Schematically, the process of formation of nerve impulses occurs as follows. Sound waves coming from outside set the fluids in the cochlea into motion. Vibrations are transmitted to the stapes, and then to the membrane with hair cells. The presented structures are excited, which causes the transmission of signals to neurons. The hair cells are connected to sensory receptors, which together make up the auditory nerve.

Functions of the organ of hearing, balance

The following functions of the organ of hearing and balance are distinguished:

  1. protects the inside of the organ from contamination and reflects sounds into the ear canal.
  2. The middle ear conducts vibrations sound waves. The malleus reacts to the movements of the eardrum, transmitting them to the stapes and incus.
  3. The inner ear provides sound perception and identification of certain signals (speech, music, etc.).
  4. The semicircular canals contribute to the formation of a sense of balance in space, allowing the body to take an optimal position in accordance with movements.

Balance and hearing organs: common diseases

There are a number of inflammatory, non-inflammatory and infectious nature, which affect the organs responsible for the formation of hearing and maintaining orientation in space. Both the complex structure of the ear apparatus and the isolated nature of the location of the organs make it somewhat difficult to eliminate pathological manifestations. Let's look at the main range of ailments that affect the organs of balance and hearing, and highlight ways to treat them.

Inflammatory diseases

Among the main ailments of this category, the following should be noted:

  • otitis;
  • otosclerosis;
  • labyrinthitis.

These diseases often develop against the background of infectious or viral diseases that are localized in the nasopharynx.

If we talk about otitis media, their main manifestation is a feeling of itching in the ear canal, development of aching pain syndrome, and in the most advanced cases - copious discharge suppuration from the ear canal. All this is manifested by hearing loss.

Inflammatory processes such as labyrinthitis and otosclerosis are characterized by an increase in body temperature and the occurrence of severe shooting pain in the ear canal. In case of a delayed response to a problem, the likelihood of pathological damage structure of the eardrum and, as a result, complete hearing loss.

Among additional symptoms, which may accompany the flow inflammatory diseases, we can note: dizziness, loss of the ability to focus the gaze, a decrease in the quality of perception of individual sounds.

Inflamed balance and hearing organs are treated with special ear drops, which reduce swelling, free and disinfect the ear canal. Another effective method therapy involves heating the ear under an ultraviolet lamp.

Non-inflammatory diseases

One of the most common ailments of the hearing and balance organs is Meniere's disease. The course of the disease is accompanied by the accumulation and stagnation of fluids in the cavities of the inner ear. As a result, the pressure on the elements increases vestibular apparatus. The main signs of development are tinnitus, regular nausea and vomiting, and progressive deterioration of hearing every day.

Another type of non-inflammatory disease is auditory receptor neuritis. The disease is hidden and can lead to the gradual development of hearing loss.

As a therapy for the chronic nature of the above pathologies, they most often resort to surgical intervention. To avoid such serious problems Hearing hygiene and periodic visits to the doctor are extremely important.

Fungal diseases

As a rule, ailments of this type occur against the background of damage to the ear canal by spores of pathogenic fungi. In some cases, such diseases develop in response to traumatic tissue damage.

The main complaints for fungal ailments are: constant noise and itching sensation in the ear canal, the formation of atypical discharge from the ear. Elimination of such manifestations involves taking antifungal drugs, which are prescribed by a specialist depending on the type of infection present.

Motion sickness syndrome

The semicircular canals of the inner ear are vulnerable to significant external influences. The result of their excessive, intense irritation is the formation of motion sickness syndrome. Diseases of the nervous and autonomic system, inflammatory processes that flow in the inner part hearing aid. In the latter case, to eliminate the discomfort, you should get rid of the manifestations of the underlying disease. Effective therapy, as a rule, eliminates the feeling of motion sickness that develops during movement by car or water transport.

Vestibular apparatus training

What should a healthy person do if motion sickness syndrome develops? The main reason for the development of the condition is leading a sedentary lifestyle. Regular physical exercise not only allow you to maintain body muscles in tone, but also have a beneficial effect on the resistance of the vestibular apparatus to increased stimuli.

People susceptible to motion sickness are recommended to engage in fitness, aerobics, acrobatics, long-distance running, and play sports. As the body moves at a particular speed and performs body movements at different angles, excessive excitation of the vestibular apparatus is gradually suppressed. After some time, the organs of vision, hearing and balance find an optimal balance among themselves. All this allows you to get rid of dizziness and nausea, which is the result of motion sickness.

Hearing hygiene

To prevent hearing problems, it is important to take simple hygiene measures. Thus, irregular cleaning of the ear canal from accumulated wax can cause the formation of plugs, which affects hearing loss. To avoid such discomfort, you should periodically wash your ears with soapy water. In this case, to clean the ear canal it is recommended to use special cotton swabs, since the use of solid objects for these purposes is fraught with damage to the eardrum. If sulfur plug If you can’t remove it yourself, you need to make an appointment with a doctor for the appropriate procedures.

The organ of hearing and balance, the anatomy of which is directly related to the nasopharynx, requires timely treatment diseases such as colds, flu, measles, sore throat. When entering auditory tube Pathogenic microorganisms can cause not only inflammation, but also tissue damage.

Long-term exposure to noisy rooms can cause hearing loss, sharp sounds. If you have to work in such conditions as part of your job, it is necessary to protect your hearing with earplugs or special headphones.


So we looked at the structure of the organ of hearing and balance, the mechanism of sound perception, common pathological manifestations and hygiene features. As you can see, to maintain health, you should pay attention to the characteristic symptoms that affect hearing loss. To avoid unnecessary problems, it is important to undergo timely examinations and seek help from a doctor.

Understanding the causes of poor coordination will become closer if you take a closer look at the miracle of nature - the vestibular analyzer. This organ of balance provides the sensation of the position and movement of the body or its parts in space (acceleration, deceleration, rotation), the perception of the effect of gravity on the body, determines the orientation and maintenance of posture during all types of human activity.

The vestibular analyzer consists of receptors, pathways (sensitive, or afferent, and motor, or efferent), intermediate centers and the cortical region.

The auditory and vestibular receptor apparatuses have a common origin. In their simplest form, they are a vesicle, the walls of which are lined with epithelium. For example, jellyfish have such a bubble. It is filled with liquid and contains calcareous stones, statolite. When the position of the body changes, the statolite rolls and irritates the endings of the sensory nerves approaching the wall of the vesicle, as a result of which the body receives a sense of its position in space.

In the process of evolution, the structure of this organ became significantly more complex, and it split into two sections, of which one retained the vestibular function, and the other acquired the auditory function. Both receptor apparatuses are excited by mechanical vibrations: the vestibular one perceives shocks associated with changes in body position, and the auditory one perceives air vibrations. The formation of the vestibular apparatus, unlike the organ of hearing, in children ends earlier than other analyzers, and in a newborn child this organ functions almost the same as in an adult.

Structure and functions of the vestibular apparatus

According to modern concepts, the vestibular apparatus consists of two independent organs: the earlier otolithic apparatus, which registers linear accelerations, and the later apparatus of the semicircular canals, which registers angular accelerations. Inside the bony sheath of the vestibular apparatus there is a membranous sheath of the same shape. The space between them is filled with fluid, perilymph, which passes into the perilymph of the cochlea, and the internal space of the membranous labyrinth is filled with another fluid, endolymph.

The otolithic apparatus is located in the vestibule of the inner ear. There are two membranous sacs, on the inner surface of which there are small elevations, on which the receptors of the otolithic apparatus are located. These are receptor hair cells that have two types of hairs: many thin and short hairs and one thicker and longer hair, immersed in the gelatinous mass of the otolithic membrane located above them. The membrane contains many small crystals of phosphate and calcium carbonate called otoliths (ear stones).

Thanks to ear stones, the density of the otolith membrane is higher than the density environment. When gravity changes or linear acceleration occurs, the otolithic membrane shifts relative to the receptor cells, the hairs of these cells bend, and excitation occurs in them. Thus, the otolithic apparatus controls the position of the head relative to gravity every moment. It determines what position in space (horizontal or vertical) the body is in, and also reacts to linear accelerations during vertical and horizontal movements of the body. We do not fully utilize the capabilities of the ancient otolithic apparatus. This is due to relatively low mobility modern man. Poor training of this apparatus can lead to motion sickness.

The vestibular apparatus is not the only human organ responsible for balance states. It seems to coordinate the vestibular functions of several other organs involved in maintaining balance. All these systems must work harmoniously. In addition to the vestibular apparatus, the organ of vision and signaling from nerve endings located on the periphery, primarily from the legs, are involved in maintaining correct balance.

The main role in this complex system belongs to the centers of the brain, where all information arrives. It is here that the feeling of balance or its disturbance is recreated and the response is realized human body. Disturbances in any of these links give symptoms of dizziness, loss of orientation in space, or motion sickness.

Nerve fibers depart from the receptors of the vestibular apparatus, forming a single vestibular-cochlear nerve. Excitation impulses about the position of the body in space with this nerve enter medulla, to the vestibular center, where nerve impulses also come from the receptors of muscles and joints, as well as to the nuclei of the visual hillocks of the midbrain, which in turn are connected by nerve pathways to the cerebellum (the part of the brain that provides coordination of movements), as well as to the subcortical formations and cortex brain (centres of movement, speech, swallowing, etc.). The central section of the vestibular analyzer is located in the temporal lobe of the brain.

When the vestibular analyzer is excited, reactions occur that promote the redistribution of muscle tone to constantly maintain the balance of the body in space. Thanks to the connections of the vestibular nuclei with the cerebellum, all mobile reactions and reactions to coordinate movements are ensured. And, thanks to connections with the autonomic nervous system, vestibulo-vegetative reactions arise of cardio-vascular system, gastrointestinal tract and other organs. Such reactions may manifest themselves in changes heart rate, vascular tone, blood pressure.

The vestibular apparatus is nothing more than an organ of balance. Thanks to this mechanism, in human body the body is oriented in space, which is located deep in the pyramid of the temporal bone, next to the cochlea of ​​the inner ear (hearing aid).


The vestibular apparatus consists of two pouches and three semicircular canals. The vestibule is lined from the inside flat endothelium and filled endolymph(liquid).

The channels are located in three mutually perpendicular directions. This corresponds to three dimensions of space (height, length, width) and allows one to determine the position and movement of a body in space.

Receptors vestibular apparatus are hair cells. They are in the walls of the sacs And semicircular canals. The bags are full thick liquid which contain small crystals of calcium salts. If the head is in vertical position, the pressure falls on cell hairs, located at the bottom of the bag. If the position of the head changes, the pressure shifts to its side walls.

The semicircular canals are, like the sacs, closed containers with liquid. At rotational movements body fluid in a certain tubule either lags behind in movement or continues to move by inertia, leading to deviation of sensitive hairs and excitation receptors.

From receptors of the vestibular apparatus nerve impulses go to central nervous system. At the level midbrain, the centers of the vestibular analyzer form close connections with centers of the oculomotor nerve. This, in particular, explains the illusion of objects moving in a circle after we stop rotating.

The vestibular centers are closely related to cerebellum And hypothalamus, because of which, when motion sickness occurs, a person loses coordination of movement and nausea occurs. The vestibular analyzer ends in the cerebral cortex. Its participation in the implementation of conscious movements allows you to control the body in space.


Unfortunately, the vestibular apparatus, like any other organ, is vulnerable. A sign of trouble in it is motion sickness syndrome. It can serve as a manifestation of one or another vegetative disease nervous system or organs of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammatory diseases of the hearing aid. In this case, it is necessary to carefully and persistently treat the underlying disease.

As you recover, they usually disappear and discomfort that occurred while traveling on a bus, train or car. But sometimes even practically healthy people get sick in transport.


There is such a thing as a syndrome hidden motion sickness. For example, a passenger tolerates trips by train, bus, or tram well, but in a passenger car with a soft, smooth ride he suddenly begins to feel motion sick. Or, the driver copes well with his driving duties.

But the driver found himself not in his usual driver’s seat, but nearby, and while driving he began to suffer from the unpleasant sensations characteristic of motion sickness syndrome. Every time he gets behind the wheel, he unconsciously sets himself a super task - to carefully monitor the road and follow the rules. traffic, do not create emergency situations. It is this that blocks the slightest manifestations of motion sickness syndrome.

Latent motion sickness syndrome can play a cruel joke on a person who is unaware of it. But the easiest way to get rid of it is to stop riding, say, a bus that causes dizziness and lightheadedness.

Usually, in this case, a tram or other type of transport does not cause such symptoms. By constantly tempering and training, setting oneself up for victory and success, a person can cope with motion sickness syndrome and, forgetting about unpleasant and painful sensations, without fear, hit the road.


What to do completely healthy people with motion sickness syndrome? We must remember well that an untrained person leading a sedentary lifestyle at a certain moment begins to feel a sharp deterioration in health, and the deterioration of the condition of the whole organism leads to dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus.

Conversely, a “hardened” person almost always feels good. This means that even with hypersensitivity vestibular apparatus, he tolerates motion sickness less painfully or does not experience it at all.

Sports and physical education not only develop certain muscle groups, but also have a beneficial effect on the entire body, in particular on the vestibular apparatus, training and strengthening it.

Most suitable species sports for people prone to motion sickness - aerobics, jogging, basketball, volleyball, football. When moving around a site or field at different speeds, the excitability of the vestibular apparatus sharply decreases, and the process of its adaptation to loads occurs, which helps a person get rid of motion sickness.


  • Feet shoulder-width apart, we stretch our hands first to the right, then to the left leg, be sure to monitor your breathing: tilt - exhale, return to the starting position - take a deep breath.
  • You can supplement your workout with boxing. Clenching our fists and bending our elbows, we box with an invisible opponent: we throw out right hand forward and to the left (the head and torso make a slight turn following the hand), return it to its original position and immediately forcefully throw the left hand forward and to the right.
  • Then we start walking: walk forward two meters and, without turning around, the same amount back. Moreover, for the first few days, perform this task with with open eyes, and then - with closed ones. You need to perform the complex every day, repeating each exercise 10–15 times.
  • Various tilts and turns of the head; its smooth rotation from one shoulder to the other; bends, turns, rotations of the body in different directions (you can include these exercises in a complex of morning exercises or perform them throughout the day; at first, do each movement 2-3 times, gradually increase the number of repetitions to 6-8 times or more, focusing on how you feel and mood during classes);
  • Somersaults, gymnastic exercises on the horizontal bar, balance beam.

Swinging in a hammock, on swings, carousels, and attractions also helps strengthen the vestibular apparatus. Great value also has the mood with which you go on the road. Self-hypnosis before and during the trip, auto-training, confidence that everything will go well, pleasant memories or dreams of the future, which you can immerse yourself in when entering the bus or boarding the train, can save you from the painful anticipation of an attack of lightheadedness or fainting. , ward off the unpleasant sensations that accompany motion sickness syndrome.

Before the trip, you should not overeat, but it is not recommended to go on an empty stomach. Another one, helpful advice: Always leave home early. In case you feel the approach of lightheadedness, fainting, dizziness, weakness (these characteristic symptoms motion sickness syndrome, especially pronounced in crowded conditions and stuffiness), you will be able to get out of the bus or subway car and slowly walk part of the way.

Such forethought on your part will help remove nervous tension, avoid stress caused by the fear of waiting for the trip, and possibly motion sickness itself. Finally, there is another way to get rid of motion sickness syndrome - medication. When going on a long trip, take with you Aeron (or any analogue), which reduces the sensitivity of the vestibular apparatus.

But you should not abuse this remedy, otherwise a habit will quickly develop, and the pills will no longer have the desired effect. Pharmacies have a large assortment of these drugs, so the choice is yours, and have an easy journey!


  1. Active lifestyle;
  2. Healthy autonomic nervous system;
  3. Healthy hearing aid;


  1. Physical inactivity (sedentary lifestyle);;
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. Diseases of the autonomic nervous system;
  4. Diseases of the hearing aid.

The organ of balance, thanks to which a person does not fall on a level or not very level place, is located in his.

How does the balance organ work?

Three arches rise above the cochlea of ​​the human inner ear, which are called semicircular canals. One of the channels is located horizontally (lying), and the other two are located vertically (standing), and at right angles to each other, like the two sides of a cube. Inside the canals there is liquid and they are lined with very sensitive cells.

In addition to the semicircular canals in inner ear There are two peculiar pouches - spherical and elliptical. The bottom of the sacs is also covered with sensitive hair cells, but in addition to them, these parts of the balance organ contain tiny grains of sand - otoliths.

How does the balance organ work?

When a person turns, the fluid shifts in the supine semicircular canal, and when he bends over, in one of the erect ones. The displacement of the fluid is recorded by sensitive cells, and they send a signal about this event to the brain. This is how the brain learns about the “maneuvers” of our body.

In addition, the brain determines the position of the human body using spherical and elliptical sacs. When we stand, otolith grains of sand lie at the bottom of the sacs, on the hair cells, and they constantly send a signal about this to the brain. When the position of a person’s body changes, the pressure of the otoliths on the sensitive cells also changes, and information about this immediately enters the corresponding center of the brain.

This is how the balance organ located in the human inner ear works and works. But he is not the only one who controls the position of our body. Sensitive cells in the skin of the feet control the pressure on them and immediately send a signal to the brain when, for example, we fall or run. The nerve endings in the muscles of the legs and back “work” in the same way.

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