Home Tooth pain Where do stem cells come from for rejuvenation? What is a stem cell - production, use in treatment and transplantation

Where do stem cells come from for rejuvenation? What is a stem cell - production, use in treatment and transplantation

Where do stem cells come from?

The best source of stem cells is embryonic tissue. However, its use is unsafe. In addition, stem cells obtained from embryos and fetuses have many disadvantages. Another problem is ethical. However, stem cells can be isolated from other organs and tissues. The most popular among specialists are bone marrow and fat.

In which organs and tissues are stem cells found?

Stem cells are found in almost all organs and tissues of the body: skin, muscles, fat, intestines, nervous tissue, bone marrow and even the retina. Stem cells are also found in embryos.

All stem cells are divided into embryonic and somatic, i.e. cells of an adult organism. Embryonic stem cells have been used in practice in the treatment of many diseases, but now the whole world is switching to the use of somatic stem cells, that is, cells of an adult body.

What are embryonic stem cells

Embryonic stem cells are stem cells isolated from early embryos (at the blastocyst stage or from the reproductive primordium of 5-week embryos) or teratocarcinoma (tumor line) in vitro. They have a number of unique properties that distinguish them from other cells in the body.

All specialized cells in the adult body are derived from embryonic stem cells. Stem cells are an “emergency reserve” of embryogenesis information; each stage of development is not automatically programmed, but depends on signals from the microenvironment. All normal organs and human tissues retain “relics” of embryonic tissue in the form of inclusions of stem cells.

Is cell donation possible?

Donation is sometimes the only way to help a person, in situations where, for example, there is simply no time to grow your own cells. This can happen during a heart attack, stroke, or various accidents.

Donation is the only solution in the treatment of various genetic defects, for example, for the treatment of diseases with osteogenesis disorders, with damage to certain genes. When transplanting donor cells carrying an intact gene, very good results are obtained.

Donor stem cells are indicated for very elderly and frail people. But at the same time, donor stem cells must be very well tested.

Cell therapy - the path to recovery spinal cord

Limited clinical trials have recently begun in the United States using embryonic stem cells (ESCs) to treat patients with thoracic spinal cord injuries. In November 2009 in the magazine Stem Cells The results of an experimental study were published in which it was shown that transplantation of ESCs leads to the restoration of limb mobility in rats with damage to the cervical spinal cord in the cervical region. Perhaps this will lead to expansion clinical trials and inclusion of patients with similar injuries.

In January 2009, the US Department of Health (U.S. Food & Drug Administration, FDA) granted permission to conduct clinical trials using ESCs to a biotechnological corporation Geron. Only patients with spinal cord injuries below were allowed to enroll in the trial. cervical spine. However, the data obtained by researcher Hans Keirstead and his colleagues should convince the FDA to expand the group of patients. It should be noted that about 52% of all spinal cord injuries occur in the cervical region, and 48% in other regions.

“People with injuries to the cervical spinal cord often completely lose the mobility of their limbs, and their bowel, bladder and genital function are impaired. To date effective methods There is no treatment for such patients, Keirstead explains, what we have been able to achieve with cell therapy is phenomenal. If we see that this even partially works in humans, it will be a huge step forward.".

In the experiment, rats with completely lost motor function of the limbs were transplanted with ESCs. In animals that did not undergo transplantation, motor functions were practically not restored, while in animals from the cell therapy group, limb motor function was restored by 97%.

Before transplantation, ESCs were differentiated into oligodendrocytes using specific inducers. nervous systems s, forming the so-called myelion sheaths around the processes of neurons. Myelin sheaths are necessary for normal transmission of nerve impulses. Destruction or damage to the myelin sheaths due to injury or disease can lead to paralysis.

The transplanted cells not only restored myelin, but also prevented further tissue death and activated the growth of new axons. In addition, they increased the concentration of anti-inflammatory factors in the damaged area, reducing the severity of inflammation.

Stem cells are undifferentiated (immature) cells found in many species. multicellular organisms. Stem cells are capable of self-renewal, forming new stem cells, dividing through mitosis and differentiating into specialized cells, that is, turning into cells various organs and fabrics.

The development of multicellular organisms begins with a single stem cell, which is commonly called a zygote. As a result of numerous cycles of division and differentiation, all types of cells characteristic of a given biological species are formed. IN human body There are more than 220 such types of cells. Stem cells are preserved and function in the adult body, thanks to them the renewal and restoration of tissues and organs can be carried out. However, as the body ages, their number decreases.

In modern medicine, human stem cells are transplanted, that is, transplanted into medicinal purposes. For example, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is performed to restore the process of hematopoiesis (blood formation) in the treatment of leukemia and lymphomas.


There are two mechanisms that maintain the stem cell population in the body:

1. Asymmetric division, in which the same pair of cells is produced (one stem cell and one differentiated cell).

2. Stochastic division: one stem cell divides into two more specialized ones.

Where do stem cells come from?

SC can be obtained from various sources. Some of them have strictly scientific application, others are used in clinical practice today. According to their origin, they are divided into embryonic, fetal, umbilical cord blood cells and adult cells.

Embryonic stem cells

The first type of stem cells should be called cells that are formed during the first few divisions of a fertilized egg (zygote) - each can develop into an independent organism (for example, identical twins are obtained).

In a few days embryonic development, at the blastocyst stage, embryonic stem cells (ESCs) can be isolated from its inner cell mass. They are capable of differentiating into absolutely all types of cells of an adult organism; they are capable of dividing indefinitely under certain conditions, forming the so-called “immortal lines”. But this source of SC has disadvantages. Firstly, in an adult body, these cells are capable of spontaneously degenerating into cancer cells. Secondly, the world has not yet isolated a safe line of truly embryonic stem cells suitable for clinical application. Cells obtained in this way (in most cases using the cultivation of animal cells) are used by world science for research and experiments. Clinical use of such cells is impossible today.

Fetal stem cells

Very often in Russian articles, embryonic SCs are called cells obtained from aborted fetuses (fetuses). This is not true! In the scientific literature, cells obtained from fetal tissue are called fetal.

Fetal SCs are obtained from abortive material at 6-12 weeks of pregnancy. They do not have the above-described properties of ESCs obtained from blastocysts, that is, the ability for unlimited reproduction and differentiation into any type of specialized cells. Fetal cells have already begun differentiation, and, therefore, each of them, firstly, can only undergo a limited number of divisions and, secondly, give rise to not just any, but rather certain types of specialized cells. This fact makes their clinical use safer. Thus, specialized liver cells and hematopoietic cells can develop from fetal liver cells. From fetal nervous tissue, accordingly, more specialized nerve cells etc.

Cell therapy as a type of stem cell treatment originates precisely from the use of fetal SCs. In the last 50 years in different countries A series of clinical studies using them have been carried out around the world.

In Russia, in addition to ethical and legal tensions, the use of untested abortifacient material is fraught with complications, such as infection of the patient with the herpes virus, viral hepatitis and even AIDS. The process of isolating and obtaining FGC is complex; it requires modern equipment and special knowledge.

However, with professional supervision, well-prepared fetal stem cells have enormous potential for clinical medicine. Work with fetal SCs in Russia today is limited scientific research. Their clinical use has no legal basis. Such cells are used more widely and officially today in China and some other Asian countries.

Cord blood cells

Placental cord blood collected after the birth of a child is also a source of stem cells. This blood is very rich in stem cells. By taking this blood and placing it in a cryobank for storage, it can later be used to restore many organs and tissues of the patient, as well as for treatment various diseases, primarily hematological and oncological.

However, the amount of SCs in cord blood at birth is not large enough, and their effective use, as a rule, is possible only once for the child himself under the age of 12-14 years. As you grow older, the volume of harvested SCs becomes insufficient for a full clinical effect.

About cell therapy

Cell therapy is a new official direction in medicine, based on the use of the regenerative potential of adult stem cells to treat a number of serious illnesses, rehabilitation of patients after injuries, fight against premature signs aging. Stem cells are also considered a promising biomaterial for creating biological prostheses of heart valves, blood vessels and trachea, and are used as a unique biofiller for the restoration of bone defects and other purposes of plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Scientists explain the mechanism of the restorative action of stem cells as their ability to transform into cells of the blood, liver, myocardium, bone, cartilage or nervous tissue and thus restore damaged organs, and through the production of various growth factors to restore the functional activity of other cells (according to the so-called paracrine type).

For clinical purposes, stem cells are most often obtained from bone marrow and umbilical cord blood; also, after preliminary stimulation of hematopoiesis, the number of stem cells required for treatment can be isolated from the peripheral blood of an adult. IN last years There are more and more reports around the world about the clinical use of stem cells isolated from the placenta, adipose tissue, umbilical cord tissue, amniotic fluid and even the pulp of baby teeth.

Depending on the disease, age and condition of the patient, one or another source of stem cells may be preferable. For more than 50 years, hematopoietic (blood-forming) stem cells have been used to treat leukemia and lymphomas, and this treatment method is commonly known as bone marrow transplantation, although today, in hematology clinics around the world, hematopoietic stem cells are increasingly obtained from umbilical cord and peripheral blood. At the same time, to treat brain and spinal cord injuries, stimulate the healing of fractures and chronic wounds, it is more advisable to use mesenchymal stem cells, which are precursors of connective tissue.

Mesenchymal stem cells are rich in adipose tissue, placenta, umbilical cord blood, and amniotic fluid. Considering the immunosuppressive effect of mesenchymal stem cells, they are also used to treat a number of autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, etc.), as well as post-transplant complications (to prevent rejection of the transplanted donor organ). For treatment cardiovascular diseases, including ischemia lower limbs, the most promising is considered to be umbilical cord blood, which contains a special type of so-called endothelial progenitor stem cells, which are not found in any other tissue of the human body.

What diseases can be cured with stem cells?

The stem cell treatment method is successfully used in the treatment of leukemia, lymphoma and other severe hereditary diseases where traditional therapies are ineffective.

Cord blood transplantation has been successfully used for most types of leukemia, including lymphoma, Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's, as well as plasma cell diseases, congenital anemias, severe combined immunodeficiencies, congenital neutropenia, osteoporosis and many other serious diseases.

In the near future, stem cells will be used to treat stroke, myocardial infarction, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, diabetes mellitus, muscle diseases, and liver failure. Stem cells can also have a positive effect during hearing loss.

This year, the results of a study by scientists who used stem cells in the treatment of children born with autism syndrome will become known.

“There are examples when a newborn saved his mother. A woman from Canada was diagnosed with leukemia during pregnancy, could not find a donor, and doctors were able to save the mother with umbilical cord blood from her 31-week baby. She is alive after 15 years and feels great,” he shared.

Today, scientists are also working on multiplying stem cells in incubators so that their use becomes reusable.

Myths and truth about stem cell treatment

Myth No. 1. The use of cellular technologies is fraught with the risk of infection with dangerous infectious diseases

The legislation clearly regulates the rules for the production of biomedical cell products. In essence, they are very similar to the rules adopted for pharmaceutical production and are based on standard GMP requirements. That is, this is a very careful incoming control of cellular material - all cell samples are tested for HIV-1, HIV-2, hepatitis B and C. The next stage is production control, which must be absolutely clean. Then - control at the release of a batch of cellular product, during which studies are added for infections such as mycoplasma, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasma, and all sexually transmitted infections. Thus, all risks of infection are reduced to zero.

Myth No. 2. Animal products are used to cultivate cells, which means they can cause allergies. The reaction can also be caused by stem cells from another person (allogeneic)

Indeed, standard cell culture (propagation) technology involves the use of animal products (usually obtained from organs of large cattle). These products may trigger an allergic reaction. Therefore, now they are used only in laboratory conditions, and for cultivating cells for treatment, reagents are used that are produced without animal components.

As for allergies to the cells themselves, when treated with one’s own stem cells (autologous), for obvious reasons, there cannot be an allergic reaction. And to avoid a reaction to foreign allogeneic cells, they try to lengthen the intervals between their administration to 3-4 weeks. At allergic manifestations the course of treatment is interrupted, but in fact, when the drug is administered correctly, serious allergic complications are extremely rare.
Our experience suggests that with a correctly selected treatment regimen, there are no allergic reactions to cellular components. To be on the safe side, before starting therapy, you can perform standard tests - administering the drug in small doses to check the body's reaction.

Myth No. 3. Stem cells can turn into tumor cells and provoke the development of cancer

More than 500 clinical trials have already been conducted around the world, the first phase of which is carried out to check safety, and so far none have obtained any data on the oncological danger, not a single tumor formation has been registered. Although theoretically the risk is possible. Therefore, all obtained cells, both for autotransplantation and allogeneic transplantation, are necessarily tested for tumorigenicity and oncogenicity.

Tumorigenicity assumes that the cells independently transform into tumor cells, and oncogenicity assumes that the cells that we introduced act on the recipient's cells in such a way that they degenerate. Therefore, they are necessarily tested using the same methods as in the production of pharmaceuticals - some part of the drug is administered to special animals (athymic mice - that is, those without their own immunity) and if some tumor cell reaches them, the tumor appears. This standard method testing and is the most reliable today. The Biomedical Products Act requires that this be carried out for any cell product.

When it comes to allogeneic transplantation, the risk of developing a tumor is even theoretically unlikely: cells transplanted from one person to another, although they are not rejected, do not live long; they die after about a month. And this eliminates the risks. And fusion bone tissue, the formation of cartilage tissue, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and immunomodulatory effects they have due to the fact that they stimulate the patient’s own cells.

Myth No. 4. The use of cellular technologies can only be individual, and the cost of such treatment will not allow this technique to be made widespread, which means it has no future

Clinics like Pokrovsky Bank will continue to produce cell preparations for autotransplantation for a specific person; this, indeed, will never be the task of commercial production. For big business The production of only allogeneic drugs is profitable. It’s convenient – ​​you produce a product and certify the entire batch. Therefore, manufacturers are trying to solve the problem of obtaining large quantities of stem cells from so-called salvage tissues. That is, their receipt should not be accompanied by painful sensations and at the same time acceptable from an ethical point of view - we are talking, for example, about umbilical cords, placenta. Such enterprises already exist abroad.

Myth No. 5. Cellular technologies have remained in experimental medicine for so long because there is no evidence of their effectiveness.

This is wrong. Many cell technologies have already entered into clinical practice, and their effectiveness has been proven, both in theory and in practice. Most clinical trials have been conducted and data have been accumulated on the use of stem cells in traumatology and orthopedics. Depending on the lesion, it leads to complete or partial restoration cartilage and bone tissue. Doctors see this effect well. Now in Canada the third phase of clinical trials on the use of stem cells in a different way is being completed - they are being introduced into the field knee joint and as a result, cartilage tissue is restored. This occurs partly due to the fact that the cells populate the surface of the joint, partly due to the fact that they stimulate the patient's own cells, due to which the restored cartilage tissue consists not of transplanted foreign cells, but of the patient's own cells. Similar studies were carried out at Pokrovsky Bank. We got very similar results.

The effectiveness of cellular technologies is actually greater evidence base. But the results of their clinical application are very dependent on the doctor and biologist who carry out the treatment - the use of this method of therapy, like any other, needs to be learned. It is necessary to prepare the cells correctly, very carefully calculate their number, defrost them in a timely manner and organize transportation so that they can be used within 8 hours...
It has already been developed at the Pediatric University, and at the Northwestern State Medical University named after. Mechnikov is preparing a training course on the use of stem cells. Our specialists will read it; we hope that the result for practicing doctors will be a complete understanding of when, for what diseases and how cell therapy should be used.

Myth No. 6. Cell therapy is a therapy of despair, but it can cure everything

It so happens that some doctors do not trust stem cell treatment methods, while others, on the contrary, are confident in their omnipotence. But you need to understand that regenerative therapy only works as an element complex treatmenttraditional methods and methods of regenerative therapy itself. We always explain this to our patients.

In addition, regenerative therapy is not always able to completely cure a person, but what it can almost always do is reduce the manifestation of symptoms or slow down the rate of progression of the disease. For many patients this is very important. For example, for patients with type 1 diabetes. After a course of treatment, remission occurs for 0.5 to a year, during this time some patients may even refuse insulin, the progress of the disease slows down, and blood biochemical parameters improve. But the disease does not disappear forever. If in the case of a bone fracture the effect is visible immediately (the person’s cast was removed not after 2 months, but after 3 weeks), then there is no such obvious result, but the patient feels better.
Cellular technology, like any medical method, has its limitations. In addition, many factors become arguments for or against its use - age, accompanying pathologies, nature of the disease, etc. And illusions often cause as much harm as despair.

How much does stem cell treatment cost?

On this moment the cost of stem cell treatment in Russia ranges from 250 – 300 thousand rubles.

Such high price justified, because growing stem cells is a high-tech process and, accordingly, very expensive. Clinics offering stem cells at a lower price have nothing to do with cell biology; they administer completely unknown drugs to their clients.

Majority medical centers for this money they inject 100 million cells per course, but there are also those who, for this cost, inject 100 million stem cells per procedure. The number of stem cells per procedure, as well as the number of procedures, is discussed with the doctor, since the older the person, the more stem cells he needs. If a young blooming girl needs about 20-30 million cells to maintain her tone, then an unwell lady retirement age 200 million may not be enough.

Typically, this amount does not include the cost of stem cell procedures, such as fat harvesting. Clinics and institutes that practice treatment with allogeneic (that is, foreign) stem cells claim that treatment with such stem cells will cost 10 percent less than with their own. If stem cells are introduced surgically, that is, an operation is performed, you will have to pay separately for the operation.

Mesotherapy with stem cells will cost much less. The cost of one mesotherapy procedure in a Moscow clinic is from 18,000 to 30,000 rubles. In total, from 5 to 10 mesotherapy procedures are performed per course.

Many people consider stem cells to be a panacea for all diseases and an elixir. eternal youth, because scientists claim that it is stem cells that give rise to the development of all tissues and organs of our body. Who among us wouldn’t dream of scooping out a jar of some cream with magic cells that will help you look younger! What are these unique cells and can they have a rejuvenating effect on the skin?

History of the use of stem cells

The term “stem cell” was introduced into scientific use by the Russian scientist A. Maksimov in 1908, who was trying to explain the mechanism of rapid self-renewal of blood cells. Since then, the study of this phenomenon has not stopped; stem cells have been found migrating in the blood, as well as in skin and fatty tissues. In the early 1950s. Bone marrow transplantation (the main source of stem cells) has been shown to treat leukemia. In 1998 The discovery of embryonic stem cells and the study of their properties was recognized as one of the most significant events in the history of biology.

Stem cells are found in every living organism. Their peculiarity is that they are capable of changing during development and acquiring specialization of those tissues and organs into which they enter through the bloodstream.

Stem cells differ from other cells in the body in that they can divide indefinitely. Special chemical stimulants can cause new stem cells to degenerate into neurons, pancreatic and liver cells, bone and muscle tissue. Once in a diseased organ, stem cells rapidly multiply and restore damaged tissue. This ability became the basis for the therapeutic use of stem cells.

The value of stem cells for health

Worldwide research has confirmed the effectiveness of stem cell treatment for certain diseases. of cardio-vascular system, extensive wounds and burns of the body, as well as the effectiveness of using cellular preparations in cosmetology to correct age-related skin changes, to eliminate acne, scars and scars. Greatest successes achieved with treatment using stem cells malignant neoplasms, systemic immune disorders and some endocrine diseases.

The essence of stem cell treatment is their injection transplantation. Stem cells are grown from cells taken from the patient's body, then injected into the problem area to restore damaged tissues and organs.

Where do stem cells come from?

Great amount stem cells are found in the umbilical cord of a newborn baby. In the adult body, the main source of stem cell production is the bone marrow. In addition, stem cells are present in minimal quantities in all organs and tissues of the adult body.

For medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic purposes use:

  • embryonic stem cells
  • umbilical cord blood stem cells
  • adult human or animal stem cells (such as fibroblasts)
  • plant stem cells

Cosmetics with human stem cells are prohibited in Germany, Ireland, Spain, France, and the USA.

However, according to EU laws, cosmetics and medicines cannot contain human tissue or extracts from them. Therefore, cosmetics series anti age includes plant stem cells that can stimulate the production of new skin cells. For example, the Lancome brand offers consumers anti-aging cream Absolue Precious Cells, which helps restore the potential of skin stem cells and contains plant stem cells.

Stem cells in cosmetics

From cosmetics containing stem cells, women expect a miracle of skin renewal, restoration of its youth, elasticity and smoothness. However, cosmetics with stem cells will not bring instant rejuvenation, because it only contains special enzymes and peptides of plant origin, which, according to cosmetologists, can protect a person’s own stem cells from damage and stimulate their intensive division.

Scientists have proven that plant stem cells are active biostimulators of human cells. This effect is associated with the presence of growth factors in plant stem cells that regulate division, growth and metabolism in human skin cells. Growth factors contained in stem cells help increase skin elasticity, disappearance of fine wrinkles and reduction of large wrinkles. In addition, plant cell preparations are completely hypoallergenic, unlike cell preparations obtained from animal or human tissues.

Stem cell procedures

Cellular mesotherapy has a significant rejuvenating effect on the skin. Its essence consists of subcutaneous injections of a cocktail of fibroblasts with the addition of various stimulating and nutrients. Fibroblasts are cells of the middle layer of the skin (dermis), their precursors are skin stem cells. The injected fibroblasts activate the growth of similar cells in the dermis, resulting in the skin rejuvenating, becoming smooth and elastic.

Typically, 1-3 mesotherapy procedures with stem cells are performed to achieve a sustainable result. The disadvantages of such rejuvenation are the high cost of injections, amounting to several thousand dollars.

It should be taken into account that the practice of rejuvenation using stem cells is relatively young, so manifestations of negative consequences in the long term.

Stem cells: myths and reality

“No area of ​​biology at its birth was surrounded by such a network of prejudices, hostility and misinterpretations as stem cells,” says corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, specialist in the field of medical cell biology Vadim Sergeevich Repin (Moscow Center for Biomedical Technologies).

Although the term “stem cell” was introduced into biology back in 1908, this area of ​​cellular biology received the status of big science in the last decade of the twentieth century. In 1999 Science magazine recognized the discovery of stem cells as the third most significant event in biology after deciphering the double helix of DNA and the Human Genome program. One of the discoverers of the DNA structure, James Watson, commenting on the discovery of stem cells, noted that the structure of a stem cell is unique, since under the influence of external instructions it can turn into an embryo or into a line of specialized somatic cells.

Indeed, stem cells are the progenitors of all types of cells in the body without exception. They are capable of self-renewal and, most importantly, during the process of division they form specialized cells of various tissues. Thus, all cells in our body arise from stem cells.

Stem cells renew and replace cells lost as a result of any damage in all organs and tissues. They are designed to restore and regenerate the human body from the moment of its birth. The potential of stem cells is just beginning to be harnessed by science. Scientists hope in the near future to create from them tissues and entire organs that patients need for transplantation instead of donor organs. Their advantage is that they can be grown from the patient's own cells, and they will not cause rejection.

The medical needs for such material are practically unlimited. Only 10-20 percent of people are cured due to a successful organ transplant. 70-80 percent of patients die without treatment while on the surgery waiting list. Thus, stem cells, in a sense, can really become “spare parts” for our body. But for this it is not at all necessary to grow artificial embryos - stem cells are contained in the body of any adult.

Where do stem cells come from?

Based on their origin, stem cells are divided into embryonic, fetal, umbilical cord blood stem cells and adult stem cells.

The source of embryonic stem cells is the blastocyst, an embryo that is formed by the fifth day of fertilization. These stem cells are capable of differentiating into absolutely all types of cells in the adult body. But there are drawbacks to this source of stem cells. Firstly, these cells are capable of spontaneously regenerating into cancer cells. Secondly, the world has not yet isolated a safe line of truly embryonic stem cells suitable for clinical use.

Fetal stem cells are obtained from abortion material at 9-12 weeks of pregnancy. In addition to ethical and legal tensions, the use of untested abortifacient material is fraught with complications, such as infection of the patient with the herpes virus, viral hepatitis and even AIDS. If the material is diagnosed for viruses, the cost of the method increases, which ultimately leads to an increase in the cost of the treatment itself, which in certain cases can be very effective.

Placental cord blood collected after the birth of a child is also a source of stem cells. This blood is very rich in stem cells. By taking this blood and placing it in a cryobank of stem cells, it can later be used to restore almost any tissue and organs, as well as to treat any diseases, including cancer. However, the number of stem cells in umbilical cord blood is not large enough, and their effective use is possible only once for a child under 10 years of age.

The most accessible source of stem cells is human bone marrow, since the concentration of stem cells in it is maximum. There are two types of stem cells in the bone marrow: the first is hematopoietic stem cells, from which absolutely all blood cells are formed, the second is mesenchymal stem cells, which regenerate almost all organs and tissues.

Why are stem cells needed?

If a person has his own stem cells, then why don’t the organs themselves regenerate after damage? The reason is that as a person grows up, there is a catastrophic decrease in the number of stem cells: at birth - 1 stem cell is found in 10 thousand, by the age of 20 - 25 - 1 in 100 thousand, by 30 - 1 in 300 thousand. By the age of 50, only 1 stem cell per 500 thousand remains in the body, and it is at this age that diseases such as atherosclerosis, angina, hypertension, etc. usually appear. Depletion of the supply of stem cells due to aging or severe diseases, as well as disruption of the mechanism of their release into the blood, deprives the body of the ability to effectively regenerate, as a result of which the vital activity of certain organs is depleted.

An increase in the number of stem cells in the body leads to intensive regeneration and restoration of damaged tissues and diseased organs due to the formation of young, healthy cells in place of the lost ones. Modern medicine already has such technology - it is called cell therapy.

What is cell therapy

The human body develops until the age of 25, after which the aging process begins, when every day a person notices not the most pleasant changes in his body. Age-related changes skin, changes in the activity of the endocrine and gonads, muscle tissue, immune and nervous systems are also associated with depletion of stem cells. Cell therapy is needed to compensate for this reserve. Healthy people There is no need to start maintenance therapy before age 35. On the contrary, everyone who suffered serious illnesses, injuries, burns or poisoning procedures are indicated at any age.

Russian science and medicine have one of the best potentials in the field of research and application of cell therapy in the world. The first targeted searches in the field of human bone marrow stem cells began as a result of a methodological breakthrough carried out by Alexander Yakovlevich Friedenstein in the mid-70s of the twentieth century. In his laboratory, a homogeneous culture of bone marrow stem cells was first obtained. After the cessation of division, stem cells, under the influence of cultivation conditions, turned into bone, fat, cartilage, muscle or connective tissue. The pioneering developments of A.Ya. Friedenstein have earned international recognition.

Nowadays, with the help of therapeutic stem cell transplantation, it is possible to treat or use as accompanying therapy a whole range of diseases - diabetes, atherosclerosis, ischemic disease hearts, chronic diseases joints, old injuries, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, autoimmune diseases, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome.

With the help of cell therapy, burns, wounds, ulcers and skin scars quickly heal, rehabilitation after strokes and traumatic brain injuries is carried out, and a comprehensive regeneration program is carried out (improving functional abilities body and quality of life) and mesotherapy of the face, hands, problem (flabby) areas and the whole body. Cell therapy is used as maintenance therapy for multiple sclerosis, sexual pathologies and infertility in men and women, cancer.

Of course, the use of stem cells is not a panacea. Thus, their use in oncology does not lead to a cure for cancer. However, there are a number of unique programs aimed at the rehabilitation of patients during remission and breaks between chemotherapy courses. Patients receiving this course tolerate all procedures much better, the number of complications decreases, and it becomes possible to repeat procedures earlier. Thus, the chances of success increase significantly. In addition, stem cells also have a proven anti-cancer effect: they inhibit tumor development and activate the immune system.

How is cell therapy performed?

After the examination and collection of tests, the patient is offered to donate blood (bone marrow), in which a certain amount of stem cells is constantly present. Modern technologies make it possible to isolate stem cells, and then grow these cells in a special medium in much larger quantities. At the end of the cultivation process, the patient is prescribed an individual course of introducing native cellular material. All treatment takes place on an outpatient basis and does not require changes to the usual rhythm of life.

To collect your own cellular material, a bone marrow puncture is necessary. Preparation for the procedure, the bone marrow collection procedure itself and rest after it last 1.5 hours (the procedure itself takes no more than 20 minutes), after which the patient needs to come to the doctor after 7 days for the initial injection and then visit him for subsequent injections according to the drawn up graphics.

The introduction of cellular material is a painless procedure performed on an outpatient basis under sterile conditions. Cellular material can be administered intravenously, intramuscularly, intraarticularly, subcutaneously, and also in the form of applications, depending on the method of treatment and the nature of the disease.

The average duration of the course (depending on the chosen program) is 2.5-3 months. Apart from the initial stage, the patient does not need to visit the doctor more than 1-2 times a week throughout the entire course.

As a rule, half of all patients are interested in comprehensive program regeneration of the body. The other half of patients are sick different ages, With various diseases and their complications - after serious injuries, accidents, strokes, burns, after operations, stress, cardiac complications.

Cell therapy is the future of modern medicine; this area is rapidly developing throughout the world. It is pleasant that our country not only does not lag behind other countries in this area, but is ahead of them in some ways.


Undifferentiated stem cells, which are actively used in medicine, represent the basis for the development of cells in the brain, blood, or any other organ. In modern pharmacology and cosmetology this biological material is a valuable medicine. Experts have learned to independently grow it for various needs: for example, to take umbilical cord blood material, which is widely used for restoration and strengthening immune system.

What are stem cells

If you explain in clear language, then CT (undifferentiated stem cells) represent the “progenitors” of ordinary cells, of which there are hundreds of thousands of species. Ordinary cells are responsible for our health, ensure the proper functioning of vital systems, make our heart beat and brain work, they are responsible for digestion, the beauty of skin and hair.

Where are stem cells found?

Despite the impressive figure of 50 billion pieces, an adult has such valuable material in very small quantities. The bulk of the cells are contained in the bone marrow (mesenchymal cells and stromal cells) and subcutaneous fat, the rest are evenly distributed throughout the body.

The embryo is formed differently. Billions of stem cells are formed after the division of the zygote, which is the result of the fusion of male and female gametes. The zygote stores not only genetic information, but also a plan for sequential development. However, during embryogenesis, its only function is division. There are no other tasks other than passing on genetic memory to the next generation. The division cells of the zygote are stem cells, or more precisely, embryonic cells.


Adult cells remain dormant until one of the regulatory systems gives a danger signal. CTs are activated and travel through the bloodstream to the affected area, where, reading information from “neighbors”, they are transformed into bone, liver, muscle, nerve and other components, stimulating the body’s internal reserves for tissue restoration.

The amount of miracle material decreases with age, and the reduction begins at a very young age - 20 years. By the age of 70, very few cells remain; this tiny remnant supports the functioning of the body’s life support systems. In addition, “aged” STs partially lose their versatility; they can no longer transform into any type of tissue. For example, the possibility of transformation into nerve and blood components disappears.

Due to the lack of hematopoietic components responsible for blood formation, a person in old age becomes covered with wrinkles and dries out due to the fact that the skin no longer receives sufficient nutrition. Embryonic material is the most capable of transformation, which means it is the most valuable. Such CT can degenerate into any type of tissue in the body, quickly restore immunity, and stimulate the organ to regenerate.


It may seem that there are only two types of stem cells: embryonic and cells found in the body of a born person. But that's not true. They are classified according to pluripotency (the ability to transform into other types of tissue):

  • totipotent cells;
  • pluripotent;
  • multipotent.

Thanks to the latter type, as the name suggests, it is possible to obtain any tissue in the human body. This is not the only classification. The next difference will be in the method of obtaining:

  • embryonic;
  • fetal;
  • postnatal.

Fetal STs are taken from embryos that are several days old. Fetal cells are biological material collected from the tissues of embryos after abortions. Their potency is slightly lower compared to three-day embryos. Postnatal species is a biomaterial born person, obtained, for example, from umbilical cord blood.

Growing stem cells

Studying the properties of embryonic stem cells, scientists came to the conclusion that this is an ideal material for transplantation, since it can replace any tissue in the human body. Fetal components are obtained from unused tissue from embryos that are initially grown for artificial insemination. However, the use of embryos raises ethical objections, as a result, scientists have discovered a new type of stem cells - induced pluripotent.

Induced pluripotent cells (iPS) have alleviated ethical concerns without losing the unique properties that embryonic ones possess. The material for their cultivation is not embryos, but mature differentiated cells of the patient, which are removed from the body, and after work in a special nutrient medium, they are returned back, but with updated qualities.


The use of ST is very wide. It is difficult to determine the areas where they are used. Most scientists say that treatment with donor biomaterial is the future, but additional research should continue to be conducted. At the moment, such work is mostly successful; it has had a positive impact on the treatment of many diseases. Take, for example, assistance in the treatment of cancer, the first stages of which have already given hope for recovery to many patients.

In medicine

It is no coincidence that medicine places great hopes on microtechnology. For 20 years, doctors from all over the world have been using bone marrow mesenchymal cells for treatment. serious illnesses, including malignant tumors. A close relative of the patient who has a suitable blood type can become a donor of such material with an antigen kit. Scientists are also conducting other research in the treatment of diseases such as liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, kidney pathologies, diabetes, myocardial infarction, joint arthrosis, and autoimmune diseases.

Treatment of various diseases with stem cells

The range of uses in treatment is amazing. Many medicines are made from CT, but transplants are particularly advantageous. Not all transplants end well due to individual rejection of the material, but treatment is successful in most cases. It is used against such ailments:

  • acute leukemia (acute lymphoblastic, acute myeloblastic, acute undifferentiated and other types of acute leukemia);
  • chronic leukemia (chronic myeloid, chronic lymphocytic and other types chronic leukemia);
  • pathologies of myeloid lineage proliferation (acute myelofibrosis, polycythemia vera, idiopathic myelofibrosis and others);
  • phagocytic dysfunctions;
  • hereditary disorders metabolism (Harler's disease, Krabbe's disease, metachromic leukodystrophy and others);
  • hereditary disorders of the immune system (lymphocyte adhesion deficiency, Kostmann's disease and others);
  • lymphoproliferative disorders (lymphogranulomatosis, non-Hodgkin lymphoma);
  • other hereditary disorders.

In cosmetology

Methods of using stem cells have found their application in the field of beauty. Cosmetology companies are increasingly producing products with a biological component, which can be either animal or human. In cosmetics it is labeled as Stem Cells. It is credited with miraculous properties: rejuvenation, whitening, regeneration, restoration of firmness and elasticity. Some salons even offer stem cell injections, but injecting the drug under the skin will be expensive.

When choosing this or that remedy, do not be fooled by beautiful sayings. This biomaterial has nothing to do with antioxidants, and it will not be possible to achieve ten years of rejuvenation in one week. Please note that such creams and serums will not cost a penny, because obtaining stem cells is a difficult and time-consuming process. For example, Japanese scientists are trying to get snails to secrete more mucus containing the coveted material in laboratories. Soon this mucus will become the basis of new cosmetics.

What is a stem cell - production, use in treatment and transplantation

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