Home Hygiene Interpretation of pelvic ultrasound in women. Normal size of ovaries according to ultrasound Normal indicators of female organs parameters of the uterus and ovaries

Interpretation of pelvic ultrasound in women. Normal size of ovaries according to ultrasound Normal indicators of female organs parameters of the uterus and ovaries

Ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound) is a fast, safe and most informative examination method in medicine. IN Lately Various gynecological pathologies are becoming increasingly common, so it is important to know the normal sizes of the uterus and ovaries by ultrasound.

There are different reasons why a doctor may prescribe ultrasonography. Common ones:

  • severe pain during menstruation;
  • regular cycle disorders;
  • frequent pain in the area of ​​the ovaries or uterus;
  • to establish possible pregnancy and exclusions of formation ectopic pregnancy;
  • when strange vaginal discharge appears that is not associated with menstruation.

Thanks to ultrasound diagnostics, various pathologies can be identified in a timely manner. internal organs women and prevent the formation of serious complications.

How is an ultrasound performed?

The following methods are used for ultrasound examination:

  1. Transabdominal
  2. Transvaginal.

Let's take a brief look at each of the methods.

Transabdominal ultrasound diagnostics

This research method is carried out through the abdomen. For better glide of the device over the skin, a special gel is applied to the diagnosed area by the doctor. For free penetration of ultrasonic waves, an important requirement of this method is a filled bladder.

Transvaginal ultrasound diagnostics

The study is carried out with a special device through the vagina. To avoid infection, put a condom on the device. With such an examination, the bladder, on the contrary, should be empty. This method is more accurate than the first.

The diagnostic procedure does not cause any discomfort or pain, and also does not provide Negative influence on the female body. However, it is important to know what sizes of the ovaries and uterus are normal according to ultrasound.

Norm for ultrasound diagnostics of ovaries

Ovarian sizes

The normal sizes of ovaries in women are:

  • width – 25 mm;
  • length – approximately 30 mm;
  • thickness – 15 mm;
  • the volume of each ovary should not exceed 80 mm ³ .

If the size of the ovaries increases, inflammation or serious pathology of these organs may be present.

Structure of the ovaries

Correct structure of the ovaries: capsule and follicles. The number of the latter may not be the same in both the right and left organs.

Echogenicity and external contours of the ovaries

Ovaries without pathologies should have a clear and lumpy outer shell, as well as uniform echogenicity. Fuzzy contours indicate the development of inflammatory processes (for example,).

Ultrasound examination of the uterus

Feeling alarming symptoms, the woman is sent for examination. If the reproductive organs are functioning correctly, all studied indicators should be normal.

To evaluate general state The doctor examines the following indicators using an ultrasound scan of the uterus.

Body position

The uterus is located between top part rectum and bladder. It is considered correct when the organ is tilted forward towards the rectum or urinary tract. The doctor carefully examines the location of the uterus and indicates everything in the protocol.

Organ outlines

Normally, an organ is considered to have a flat and smooth surface. There should be no scar changes, neoplasms, or thinning on the body of the uterus. An uneven contour may indicate the presence of inflammation.

Endometrial size

The endometrium is the mucous lining of the uterus. In patients of reproductive age, its thickness may vary depending on the period of the cycle. If the diagnosis was carried out immediately after the end of menstruation, this value is approximately 1-2 mm; after ovulation, its width reaches 10-15 mm.

In women during menopause, the thickness of the endometrium does not change throughout the month. Over the years, after the cessation of its functions, the endometrium gradually becomes thinner. At the beginning of menopause, its thickness is about 8.5 mm, and after 10 years it may become smaller - 1.32 mm.

Uterus size

If the uterus is normal, then its size depends on age, number of pregnancies and is approximately 45-70 mm. The anterior-posterior size of the uterine body varies from 34 mm to 44 mm, width - 45-60 mm.

If the size of the uterus is smaller than normal, underdevelopment of the organ can be suspected. When these indicators are increased, this indicates the presence of pregnancy or.

The nulliparous uterus has the following dimensions:

  • length – 4.5 cm;
  • thickness – 2 cm;
  • width – 2.5 cm.

During pregnancy, the uterus increases in length to 40 cm and becomes heavier.

Cervical parameters

The cervix, which has no pathologies, is homogeneous. Her right size on average it is considered 35-40 mm. The cervical canal should contain a homogeneous fluid (mucus) and be approximately 2-3 mm in diameter.

Increase cervical canal or the cervix itself may indicate the development of various pathologies.


This parameter indicates the density of the fabrics. The norm is homogeneous echogenicity. In the presence of any other indicators, the development of a neoplasm or fibroids is possible.

Presence of free fluid

After ovulation, fluid in small quantities may be observed in the retrouterine area. But in other periods menstrual cycle the presence of this fluid indicates possible pathologies caused by sexually transmitted infections.

Cavity structure

IN healthy body the uterine cavity is homogeneous. A blurred structure indicates endometrial disease or the presence of neoplasms.

The doctor records all examination data in the protocol. Having assessed the above indicators, he can establish accurate diagnosis.

Ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries is rightfully considered quite informative diagnostic method, which is prescribed for organ dysfunction reproductive system women. If an ultrasound examination does not help establish an accurate diagnosis or the doctor has any doubts, the patient is recommended to donate blood for hormones, bacterial culture and other tests.

Ultrasound of the ovaries in women is one of the mandatory methods diagnosis of diseases and pathologies of the reproductive organs. Everyone knows that the ovaries are small glands located in the pelvic area. Their main purpose is to produce a hormone responsible for reproductive health women.

There are quite a few ways to determine the shape, size and presence of a pathological process occurring in the ovaries, but the most popular is ultrasound diagnostics.

Ultrasound of the ovaries in women is most often performed in conjunction with the rest of the pelvic organs. This allows you to see a complete picture of the condition genitourinary system. In order to diagnose pathology and make an accurate diagnosis, the examination is repeated from one to five times a month. This is especially important when solving the problem of pregnancy and hormonal problems.

Ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries is performed if pathology of the reproductive system is suspected. It is prescribed for violations female cycle(irregularity, pathological change duration of menstruation), complaints of pain in the lower abdomen. The doctor may prescribe an ultrasound examination if, during a routine gynecological examination, there is an assumption about the presence of an oncological neoplasm or.

This ultrasound examination is also popular for preventive medical examinations. This allows us to identify the presence of pathology on early stages when the symptoms are mild and the patient is not bothered by anything.

When treating infertility, systematic monitoring of the functioning of the ovaries is carried out. This procedure helps to determine the cause of existing endocrine disorders and draw up the necessary treatment plan.

An ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries may be prescribed for mastopathy. Often, diseases of the mammary glands are directly related to changes in hormonal levels.

How to prepare for an ultrasound

To obtain an accurate result, the study great value It has proper preparation to ultrasound of the uterus and appendages. This requires a special diet that prevents the accumulation of gases in the intestines. If this problem is not solved, then the specialist will not have the opportunity to thoroughly study the organ being examined. At least 4 days before diagnosis, vegetables, legumes, black bread and carbonated drinks are completely excluded from the diet. In addition, you need to limit your consumption of sweets. Carbohydrates also contribute to increased gas formation.

For better results, it is recommended to take carminative medications (Espumizan, Motilium) the day before the examination.

For a transabdominal type of examination, a similar diet and a full bladder are also required. That is why, two hours before an ultrasound, a woman should constantly drink water. If, in addition to an external examination, an internal examination is also necessary, then after the first stage the bladder is emptied and a scan is performed using a vaginal sensor.

Before an ultrasound of the uterus is performed transrectally, the same preparation is prescribed, but in addition to reviewing the diet, the woman is given a cleansing enema, since the rectum must be completely cleared of feces.

To check the condition of the reproductive system using transvaginal scanning is not required special training. The main condition is an empty bladder and clean intestines, without signs of flatulence.

Many people wonder when is the best time to do an ovarian ultrasound. Only a doctor can answer this unequivocally. But most often, ultrasound examination of the appendages is prescribed 5-8 days after the end of menstruation. To determine the number and growth of follicles, the release of a mature egg, the appearance corpus luteum Ultrasounds are performed regularly throughout the menstrual cycle.

If it is necessary to clarify the cause of infertility, then the condition of the ovary is checked at least 3 times a month. different phases cycle.

How is ultrasound performed?

Not everyone knows how an ovarian ultrasound is performed. To do this, there are several most common methods of ultrasound scanning:

  1. Transabdominal method. This is a superficial study, which is carried out with a special sensor through the anterior wall of the abdomen. It is prescribed when obvious signs ectopic pregnancy, if an oncological process in the pelvic organs is suspected, and to detect pathology of the appendages. During the period of bearing a child, this ultrasound method of examination is used to monitor the development of pregnancy and exclude fetal pathology. Before the procedure to the expectant mother they talk about how an ultrasound of the ovaries is done, whether it affects the fetus and how to properly prepare for it.
  2. Transvaginal method. The most informative method. Unlike transabdominal ultrasound, the sensor is separated from the pelvic organs only by the vaginal wall. This method is convenient because it does not require additional training. You just need to choose the right day for the study. For preventive examination Day 10 of the cycle would be ideal. If the doctor suspects endometriosis, the study is carried out in the second half of the cycle. When determining the cause of infertility, diagnostics are done several times during the month, which allows for detailed monitoring of the functioning of the ovaries. During pregnancy, this method is used only for early stages. In the third trimester, transvaginal examination may provoke muscle tone, which often leads to undesirable consequences.
  3. The transrectal method is used quite rarely and mainly in cases where there are contraindications for diagnostics by other methods. Most often this is the patient’s virginity or uterine bleeding. Before the ultrasound, it is necessary to cleanse the rectum of feces using a cleansing enema or laxatives.

Transabdominal ultrasound

During transabdominal examination, the patient should be in the supine position. A special gel is applied to the skin of the abdomen to prevent air from getting between the sensor and the skin, which could interfere with the transmission of an accurate signal.

The specialist smoothly moves the sensor along abdominal wall, pressing it in places where the organs are projected. If the patient experiences painful sensations, then you need to tell your doctor about it right away. After the end of the study, the result is deciphered and given to the woman being examined.

Methods of performing ultrasound

Transvaginal ultrasound

With the transvaginal method, the patient is also in a supine position, but her legs should be bent at the knees and spread apart. The examination is carried out with a special sensor with a beveled end, onto which a condom is placed and lubricated. special gel to eliminate the air gap. The sensor is then inserted into the vagina and the examination begins. Due to the small penetration depth (sensor length is 10-12 cm) and complete absence no sudden movements discomfort this procedure cannot call. After the doctor completes the diagnosis, he writes down the result within 10 minutes and gives it to the patient.

Transrectal ultrasound

The transrectal method is less informative and is used less frequently than others. The patient is in a lateral decubitus position with her knees bent. The sensor is inserted into the rectum to a depth of 5-6 cm and an examination is carried out. Due to the small size of the sensor, such diagnostics do not cause any harm the slightest harm the body and does not cause discomfort. The entire procedure takes no more than 15 minutes, after which the results are deciphered and given to the patient.

The transrectal method is also good because it can be performed on very young girls. This is especially important now when pathological process can develop at a very young age.

Decoding the result

An ultrasound of the ovaries looks not only at the size and shape of the organ, but also at the condition of its follicles. This is especially important when testing for infertility. If the size of the gonads does not change and is 25-30 mm in length and 20-30 mm in width, then the follicles that mature on their surface change depending on the phase of the cycle.

On days 5-7, approximately 10 follicles no larger than 5 mm in size mature, then they begin to grow, and by about day 10 they reach 10 mm. By the middle of the cycle, it is clearly visible on ultrasound dominant follicle up to 2 cm in size, after which ovulation occurs. In place of the burst follicle, a yellow body appears, the size of which also begins to fluctuate.

The sizes of the ovaries can vary slightly among themselves, and it often happens that the right organ is slightly larger than the left. But this difference should not exceed 5 mm. If the difference is too large, then there may be a pathological process that needs to be carefully checked.

By using ultrasound diagnostics it is possible to determine inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs and the presence of pathological fluid in the uterus, appendages, and posterior vaginal vault.

IN postpartum period this method The study makes it possible to monitor not only the reduction in the size of the uterus, but also to ensure that no accumulations remain in its cavity. An ultrasound is performed in the maternity hospital 2-3 days after birth. If a pathology is detected, the woman is immediately provided with assistance in a hospital setting.

Ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs is a method that allows you to identify a pathological process in the initial stage of development, monitor the course of pregnancy and make an accurate diagnosis in the most complex cases.

Ultrasound of the ovaries is the main way to determine a tumor, cystic neoplasm, inflammation of the appendages. This diagnostic method is important for ovarian cancer,

Remember! If the attending physician has prescribed ultrasound examination, then you definitely need to undergo diagnostics! This way, the specialist will be able to not only confirm or refute the diagnosis, but also give complete recommendations regarding women's health.

An important indicator of women's health is developed, normally functioning sex glands. The ultrasound method helps to analyze their condition.

Ultrasound of the ovaries allows you to identify deviations in their functioning, size and location, as well as detect possible neoplasms.

What is transvaginal ultrasound?

Most popular for examining the pelvic organs transvaginal method. It is highly accurate because it is carried out through the thin vaginal wall.

Also positive side The procedure is that the method is quite simple to carry out and can be used repeatedly without causing inconvenience to the patient.

The ultrasound machine sensor is a long rod about three centimeters in diameter. There is a channel inside the rod through which a needle is passed if a biopsy is necessary.

Transvaginal ultrasound allows you to examine the uterus, ovaries, and the fallopian tubes. Due to high accuracy it gives objective information about the condition and pathology of these organs.

Indications for the procedure

At gynecological problems A woman is prescribed ovarian tests to identify possible pathologies.

The most accurate data is obtained with multiple scans during one cycle at different stages: after menstruation, during ovulation, before menstruation, during menstruation. This helps to analyze the condition and functioning of the glands in each phase.

Many patients wonder whether it is possible to perform a transvaginal ultrasound during menstruation?

Doctors say that it is not only possible, but also necessary for a more accurate diagnosis.

At heavy menstruation in the first days the patient may experience some awkwardness, so you can use this method on third or fourth day after the start of menstruation.

Ultrasound of the ovaries is prescribed in the following cases:

  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • lower abdomen;
  • copious or scanty bleeding;
  • painful menstruation;
  • suspicion of inflammation;
  • suspicion of or tumor;
  • diagnosis of infertility;
  • preparation for IVF;
  • preventive examination.

The method is used to diagnose diseases such as:

Timely diagnosis by ultrasound allows you to identify diseases and disorders of the ovaries in the early stages and start treatment.

How to prepare?

No special preparation is required for ovarian ultrasound, which is a positive feature of the method.

The study is carried out on any day of the menstrual cycle, including during menstruation. However, when planning a one-time scan, it is recommended to choose a time from the fifth to the eighth day of the cycle. This helps assess the condition of the organs after menstruation, but before ovulation.

A distinctive feature of a transvaginal examination is that it is done on an empty bladder. The doctor asks the patient not to drink an hour before the procedure and to go to the toilet before it. If a woman suffers from increased gas formation, then she should take the appropriate drug several hours before the procedure.

How do they do it?

During transvaginal ultrasound of the ovaries, the woman lies on her back on special chair, bending your knees and spreading them apart.

This creates optimal angle for organ scanning, and also facilitates the penetration of the sensor without causing discomfort.

The doctor places a condom on the rod-shaped sensor and lubricates it with gel. It is used to increase contact with the vaginal wall and eliminate discomfort during insertion. The sensor, or transducer, is carefully inserted into the vagina to a shallow depth. Based on the data displayed on the screen, the doctor makes a conclusion about the condition of the organs.

The duration of the procedure is no more than five minutes.

Decoding the results and how to calculate the volume?

When examining the ovaries, the doctor analyzes the data obtained. These include:

  1. dimensions;
  2. structure;
  3. location;
  4. presence or absence of cysts and.

On the screen picture, the ovaries are displayed as small, oval-shaped, tuberous formations. The tubercles are maturing follicles, their size depends on the day of the cycle: the farther from its beginning, the larger the follicles.

The sizes of healthy ovaries, including those in nulliparous women, vary:

  • length 20–37 mm;
  • width 28–30 mm;
  • thickness 14–22 mm;
  • volume 4–10 cc.

For organ volume calculations doctor uses simple formula: size indicators (length, width, thickness) are multiplied among themselves and by a factor of 0.532.

In addition to the parameters of the glands themselves, the follicles are also important. Their number and normal sizes depend on the day of the cycle:

Diagnostics on different days cycle allows you to track the process of follicle development, which helps to identify the disease, as well as find out the cause of infertility.

What else does the doctor see on an ultrasound?

There are frequent cases of pathology that are detected by ultrasound. Let's look at a few cases and explain what are their reasons.

Why is the ovary not visible, or the outline is unclear?

The fact that the ovary is not visualized on the monitor during examination indicates congenital pathology development, adhesions or premature exhaustion. However, don't be afraid additional research. Often, bloating makes it difficult to detect the gland.

A fuzzy outline occurs during the development of the corpus luteum, as well as with pathologies such as cysts and inflammation. The latter is also indicated by blurring the contour of the organ.

Ovarian enlargement

Gland size changes slightly during the cycle due to follicular growth. However, ovaries that are larger than normal are a reason to be wary. The reason for this phenomenon in inflammation of the organ may lie in the cyst.

If pathology is suspected, carry out additional examination with a blood test to rule out the possibility anatomical features women.

No follicles

The function of follicles is to form and develop eggs. The absence of follicles on one gland significantly reduces the possibility of conceiving a child, while bilateral damage reduces it to zero.

Increased echogenicity of the stroma

The stroma is the membrane of the ovary, penetrated by a large number of vessels. Its main function is to nourish maturing follicles. Normally, the stroma has average echogenicity. An increase in echogenicity (vessels are better visible) indicates inflammation of the organ or polycystic disease.

Multifollicular ovaries (see photo) - a sign characteristic of. With this disease, the ovary develops many follicles that do not mature. This complicates conception and leads to infertility.

What does cancer look like?

When confirming the diagnosis of ovarian cancer, ultrasound reveals a large multilocular formation with thick walls. Tumors often develop papillary growths.

(The picture is clickable, click to enlarge)

Ovarian diseases seriously worsen a woman’s health and condition. Ultrasound examination of these organs, when carried out regularly, makes it possible to identify pathology at an early stage, which means timely initiation of treatment. The advantage of the method is its painlessness, accuracy and speed of diagnosis.

Find out how the whole process goes in the video:

The ovaries are important reproductive organs women. These are symmetrical organs located on either side of the uterus and located in the pelvis. They produce eggs, which then travel through the fallopian tubes to the uterus. Since disruption of their functions can lead to serious consequences for reproductive function and cause health problems, a woman’s normal size is important indicator, which is necessarily taken into account when conducting genital organs.

The average size of the ovaries in a woman of childbearing age

In a healthy young woman who is of reproductive age, the size of the ovaries may vary slightly depending on the level and condition of the body. The size of the right and left ovaries may not be the same, but the difference is usually no more than a few millimeters. A sharp and disproportionate change in their dimensions may indicate the presence of a tumor or an inflammatory process.

The size of these gonads depends on many factors that can affect fluctuations in the size of a woman’s ovaries during different phases of the menstrual cycle.

In order to most accurately analyze this data and take correct measurements, ultrasound examination is usually performed from the fifth to the seventh day of the menstrual cycle. The main indicator is not the length or width of the ovary, but its volume, since it is this that can indicate the presence of tumors, cysts and inflammation.

If you measure the size of a woman’s ovaries normally, then these indicators can be as follows:

  • Volume – from 4 to 10 cubic centimeters.
  • Length – from 20 to 37 mm.
  • Width – from 18 to 30 mm.
  • Thickness – from 16 to 22 mm.

As you can see, the “scatter” of indicators is quite large, so measuring the size of the ovaries is not the only type on the basis of which a diagnosis can be immediately made. Many indicators must be taken into account.

Causes of changes in the size of a woman's ovaries

Throughout a woman's life, the size of a woman's ovaries can normally change. It depends on age, the number of all pregnancies, including those that ended in childbirth, the day of the menstrual cycle, as well as on the intake hormonal drugs, including oral contraceptives.

“Starting” at puberty, a woman’s ovaries undergo a number of changes throughout her life that are considered normal conditions. When these paired organs increase in size due to the fact that blood flow in the genitals increases significantly to supply nutrients fetus At the same time, the ovaries can change their usual position in the woman’s body: since the uterus with the growing fetus continuously increases, it shifts these organs from the top with its dimensions. The growth in size of the ovaries is only a few millimeters. During pregnancy, the ovaries do not produce eggs or estrogen. Instead, they produce progesterone, a hormone necessary for conception, gestation and childbirth.

After childbirth, in parallel with the involution of the uterus, a decrease in the size of the ovaries occurs.

Placental blood circulation disappears, overall blood flow decreases; the ovaries gradually return to their original state within 2 months, resuming the synthesis of estrogen, preparing the body for resumption reproductive function. This happens if the woman does not practice breast-feeding, otherwise, restoration of the size and normal functioning of the ovaries will occur only after breastfeeding is completed.

With age, a woman's reproductive function begins to fade and this is reflected in the size of the ovaries. They gradually begin to decrease and by the time a woman enters the postmenopausal stage, both organs acquire the same size.

Normal dimensions are considered:

  • The volume of the ovary is from 1.5 to 4 cubic centimeters.
  • Length – from 20 to 25 mm.
  • Width – from 12 to 15 mm.
  • Thickness – from 9 to 12 mm.

In the first years of the postmenopausal period, despite the absence of menstruation, a woman’s ovaries continue to produce single follicles, so millimeter fluctuations in the size of these organs are possible.

Pathologies leading to changes in ovarian size

When determining possible pathologies In the body, you need to take into account the normal size of a woman’s ovaries. An indicator of serious violations may be an increase in one of the ovaries by a factor of two or more. If you determine the volume, then the pathology becomes an enlargement of the ovary by 1.5 cubic centimeters or more.

If such a significant enlargement of the ovary is not detected, this may indicate the presence of the following diseases:

  • Ovarian cyst of different types.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (multiple small cysts).
  • Benign tumors.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • Metastases.
  • Congenital pathologies of the size or structure of the ovary.

Indications for urgent surgical intervention become like this emergency conditions, How purulent inflammation ovary and its torsion. If surgery is not performed in time, the problem can become very complicated, even fatal.

The most dangerous life-threatening condition is an oncological tumor of the ovary.

Gynecological cancer is the second leading cause of death after cancer. If during an ultrasound examination it is possible to determine initial stages illness, a woman has a chance of survival and even recovery. It is much worse if the tumor reaches large sizes or is a metastasis of the underlying disease. That is why timely and regular testing will help to detect a possible disease in the early stages of its development and quickly take action.

More information about ovarian function and ovarian cysts can be found in the video.

An alarming symptom is a sharp decrease in the size of the ovaries, which occurs in a woman of childbearing age.This condition is often called “premature menopause”, since the ovaries are “switched off” from the normal functioning of the female reproductive system. It most often affects women between 37 and 40 years old.

The uterus also shows signs of significant changes, it is reduced in size, its walls are very thin, and there are no follicles in the ovaries.

Menstruation stops, and after it disappears after a few months, a woman may experience symptoms characteristic of menopause:

  • Excessive sweating
  • Irritability
  • Nervousness
  • Sleep disorders
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Sudden feeling of heat - “hot flashes”, etc.

If this condition is detected in a timely manner, replacement therapy is performed. hormone therapy, functions are restored, and the woman can still become pregnant.

Ultrasound of the ovaries is performed either as preventative measure, or if there are suspicions of tumors, pathologies and inflammatory processes. Discover this body is not difficult for a specialist. If a woman has pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding outside the cycle, pain during ovulation and other alarming symptoms, you should immediately contact a gynecologist, who after gynecological examination will be able to deliver preliminary diagnosis and, if necessary, will refer you for an ultrasound examination. It's not worth studying self-treatment and diagnosis, since not only her sex life, but also the ability to conceive and bear a healthy child.

An ultrasound examination is prescribed for a woman if:

  1. Present constant pain lower abdomen.
  2. She plans to get pregnant in the near future.
  3. There is pain during sexual intercourse.
  4. Pain during menstruation is too severe.
  5. Cycle disturbances are observed.
  6. There are diseases of the mammary glands.
  7. Inflammation of the appendages.
  8. The woman is observed in the process of IVF dynamics.
  9. The doctor suspects a pathology.
  10. As a preventive measure.

Ultrasound of the ovaries can detect women a large number of pathologies, diseases at the preclinical stage. The study also helps to diagnose neoplasms, evaluate the follicular apparatus and the structure of the ovaries.

How do?

Ultrasound examination of the ovaries women do in several ways:

  1. Transabdominal. Transdobinal ultrasound is considered classical method research. Recognized as an informative method if Preparation was carried out according to recommendations. This study is painless and non-invasive. Last no more than 15 minutes. A specialist deciphers the results.
  2. Transrectal. Data research method do through the anus. With such an ultrasound there must be a special Preparation. It is considered an informative method. Used in rare cases.
  3. Transvaginally. Used very often. Helps diagnose diseases in the early stages, it is possible to carefully study right And left ovaries. It is necessary to prepare in advance, since such a study should be carried out women on a specific day of the cycle.

After the doctor has prescribed an ultrasound examination, you need to clarify how it will take place so that the woman can prepare properly.

Preparing for an ultrasound

It was previously discussed how passes Ultrasound of the ovaries women, and now let’s look in more detail at how it’s done Preparation to each type separately.

How is the procedure done?

The procedure depends on its type:

  1. Transabdominal ultrasound of the ovaries women carried out in a supine position. The patient is first undressed to the waist. On skin A special gel is applied to the abdomen, which helps the sensor slide smoothly and prevents air from entering under the sensor. Air in such a situation can cause an inaccurate reading from the device. Thanks to this method left and right ovary women more accurately visualized. Ovarian cyst on ultrasound transabdominal type can be seen without much difficulty.
  2. Transvaginal ultrasound of the ovaries women It is also carried out in a lying position, the legs must be bent at the knees. The patient must first bare bottom part bodies. A condom is placed on the vaginal sensor and inserted into the vagina.
  3. Transrectal ultrasound of the ovaries women performed in a supine position on the left side. The patient should first expose the lower part of her body. A small sensor is inserted into the anus. The sensor is first lubricated with a special gel and a disposable condom is put on it.

All of the proposed types of ultrasound are considered informative and help the specialist make the correct diagnosis; they are considered painless and non-invasive.

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