Home Tooth pain Stem cells and the cancer epidemic in actors. Stars dying of cancer after stem cell rejuvenation? Back to life

Stem cells and the cancer epidemic in actors. Stars dying of cancer after stem cell rejuvenation? Back to life

Not long ago, information was leaked that the cause of many deaths of famous people is associated with embryonic stem cell therapy. However, most cases were recorded in one specific clinic.


The secret was revealed by a nurse working in the fatal medical center. The woman was so shocked by the string of acting deaths that she violated professional etiquette. According to the nurse, it was in this clinic that Alexander Abdulov, Oleg Yankovsky and Dmitry Hvorostovsky were treated.

The trace of stem cell treatment can also be seen in the tragic deaths of Lyubov Polishchuk, Anna Samokhina, Zhanna Friske. They were all successful, beautiful, and far from old. And if anyone was aged, then shortly before his death it seemed as if he was blossoming and looking younger. And suddenly cancer appeared.

Fans of Hvorostovsky also noticed a similar pattern. The singer, at 55, looked quite young - lush, albeit gray hair, tanned skin, practically no wrinkles. A few years ago, many assumed that the singer was using unconventional methods of treatment. And after the news about the musician’s terrible illness thundered throughout the world, they remembered love Russian stars to stem cells.

“In fact, there is nothing strange in the choice of such treatment methods and clinics by our actors and public people. These people are the elite, the cream of society, and they need elite methods of treatment. Fashionable, expensive, and not banal therapy for “three kopecks.” This is normal, this is how society functions,” explained psychologist Yulia Gurevich.

According to the expert, the artists were simply imitating each other. “Naturally, having seen the improvement in their health, other colleagues in the shop also willingly agreed to the same treatment. Why didn’t they think about possible consequences? These are very difficult questions. Talk to doctors, and you will understand that even they do not have a common opinion about the safety of stem cell treatment,” quotes a psychologist from AiF in Belarus.

Let us remind you that Dmitry Hvorostovsky died on November 22 among his loved ones in London. For two and a half years, the world-famous opera performer battled a brain tumor. The artist's body was cremated. Some of the ashes were buried at Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow, the second capsule was sent to the performer’s native Krasnoyarsk.

Cure with so-called stem cells is a topic that has become quite vigorously discussed as a result of the death of one famous person. His name was Dmitry Hvorostovsky. It's hard to accept the fact that cancer has taken another great person.

A handsome man, a famous singer, died from this terrible disease at the age of 55. The singer was treated by doctors from the most famous clinics, but the disease did not recede and they could not cure him. What is the reason for this? Why didn't the disease go away?

Online networks are discussing information that the treatment process did not produce results due to the fact that the singer decided to resort to the method of treatment with embryonic stem cells.

Why did this resonate?

Everything is very simple, because this is not the first death of a famous and public person who tried to escape from a merciless disease using a popular method. And most importantly, this attempt was once again unsuccessful.

This disease took the lives of such actors as:

  • Lyubov Polishchuk (2006);
  • Alexander Abdulov (2008);
  • Oleg Yankovsky (2009);
  • Anna Samokhina (2010).

The famous singer Zhanna Friske also suffered from the disease (2015).

Unfortunately, this is far from full list famous, public and successful people who had to fight and could not win. And most importantly, they were all still quite young, or at least not very old.

The most mysterious thing is that even those who were no longer very young in age, shortly before death, felt a surge of strength, flourished, and seemed to become younger.

But after a while, cancer appeared, which was accompanied by another unknown disease and literally ate the person, which subsequently led to death.

The explanation can only be guesses that this is some side effect from curing with so-called stem cell material.

Why the guesswork?

Because doctors, having the right to remain silent, do not provide information, claiming that this is “medical confidentiality” of the patient’s medical history.

Relatives and friends could open the curtain, but unfortunately, they are also in no hurry to share details, even long after the death of everyone’s favorite actor, singer or athlete.

This leads to the conclusion that there is no 100% confirmation that anti-aging cells are the cause.

However, a couple of years ago, information appeared that embryonic stem cell therapy is indeed the cause of many deaths. In addition, it became known that most of them were directly associated with a certain clinic.

This became known thanks to a nurse who worked in that very clinic. She decided to tell, although she realized that she was violating “medical confidentiality,” because she was shocked by the succession of deaths of famous actors.

As it turned out, at first, Alexander Abdulov was treated at the clinic, who, confident of the success of the treatment, recommended the clinic to his friend and actor Oleg Yankovsky.

Both actors were initially so pleased with the result of the treatment that they both recommended this clinic to their theater colleagues. It was really clear from them positive result, because both seemed to have become younger and blossomed.

The studies carried out and the analyzes obtained showed that both actors were really on the mend. Oleg Yankovsky was even 9 years older than his friend Alexander Abdulov, and he himself was surprised by this development of events.

Is there a 100% guarantee that this therapy is safe?

It is worth thinking about why famous, public, wealthy people resort to treatment methods that are 100% effective, which have not been proven either by scientists or by the doctors themselves. The method of collecting embryonic stem cells from abortion material has undergone not a single scandal.

Of course, in modern medicine There are ways by which stem cells can be extracted directly from the patient’s cells, thereby bypassing abortion.

But since this is a rather complicated method, there is no evidence that it is used medical institutions, similar topics where our actors were treated.

What experts say

Psychologist Yulia Gurevich believes that actors and celebrities should not be blamed for the fact that they resort to non-choice during treatment. standard methods treatment. She says that these people, being the elite of society, will always need elite treatments.

So, they belong to the cream of society, they are ready to consider expensive or fashionable methods of therapy, rather than simple ones that do not cost a lot of money. And this is the norm - this is how society works.

The same applies to the dissemination of information, when after an illness the result of improved health is visible, of course, it works immediately, colleagues in the shop become interested in this method as effective, and also resort to using it.

But why weren't they interested in the possible consequences? There is no single answer to this, because, firstly, for this you need to at least have medical education, and secondly, even the doctors themselves do not have a clear and guaranteed answer that this therapy is safe.

Opposite results

There are, of course, other results of this therapy. There are artists for whom stem cell treatment, on the contrary, has yielded positive results. The appearance of these artists makes one wonder if they used this method.

The therapy brought positive results to Valery Leontyev, Sofia Rotaru, Lev Leshchenko, Alexander Buinov, and this is not a complete list.

It turns out that this therapy has a positive effect for some people, but for others it has the opposite effect. Of course, doctors have explanations for this, but the global nature of the problem is that they themselves do not yet know how to correctly determine when treatment helps and when it does not.

Can stem cells cause cancer?

It is a rather difficult issue that is constantly discussed in scientific circles, but unfortunately this framework is limited, and access to the results of these discussions is closed.

Thanks to a popular journal called Stem Cells and Translational Medicine, one of the latest studies on this important topic has been published in a specific article.

The article got its name: “ Cancer cells, cancer stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells: their influence on cancer development.”

It states that the latter type of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have the opposite properties. That is, for some, these cells block and inhibit the development of cancer, but for others, on the contrary, they help its progression.

MSC cells tend to degenerate into cancer stem cell, which in turn leads to the beginning of the tumor development process.

It is important to know

What is most terrible is that the neoplasm can be malignant and viable, which is the main thing for stem cells. It was this ratio that made them similar to cancer cells.

Since there are still more questions than answers in this therapy, treatment with stem cells resembles roulette, since it is not known what the result will be at the end of treatment, positive or negative.

It is important that research continues so that stem cell treatment does not have side effects and, as a result, brings only positive results.

Many celebrities often resort to various procedures, which are aimed at rejuvenating their body. One such procedure is the method of rejuvenation using stem cells. Unfortunately, this method carries with it irreparable consequences. For some celebrities, after several such medical events soon diagnosed with cancer. The actors passed away due to illness.

Stem cells actors who died from stem cells: the dangers of stem cell rejuvenation procedures

Stem cells are cells that are not fully developed. They can be called “blanks”, that is, in the future they will be able to differentiate into other structural units, which form new tissues. The source of such cells can be one’s own cells isolated from the blood, bone marrow or liver. Often stem cells are grown in a laboratory.

According to the official scientific journal, adult stem cells that have been reproduced in the laboratory are repeatedly capable of turning into malignant ones.

Many studies have been carried out by Spanish scientists. They found that if a cell was reproduced more than ninety times, further transplantation into experimental animals caused cancer.

Stem cells Actors who died from stem cells: celebrities after stem cell rejuvenation procedure

The method of rejuvenating the body with stem cells is as follows. The patient comes to the clinic. There they give him a row laboratory tests, by which the client’s condition is determined. If everything is normal, he undergoes a stem cell rejuvenation procedure. To do this, a small amount of adipose tissue is taken from the patient. Stem cells are then isolated and cultured. After this, the client is given them intravenously. The patient can go home immediately after the procedure.

After medical measures, the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and urinary systems should improve. Exchange processes in the body and skin will be stimulated. As a result of this procedure, people experience increased ability to work, improved memory and stress resistance. Their sleep is normalized and their libido is restored.

However, as described above, repeated repetition of such anti-aging procedures may lead to malignant neoplasms. Many Russian actors and celebrities, such as Anna Samokhina, Lyubov Polishchuk, Oleg Yankovsky, Alexander Abdulov, resorted to this stem cell rejuvenation procedure. Unfortunately, they all passed away due to cancer.


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How to explain that a great singer, very handsome, athletic and healthy man, burned out from cancer, living only to 55 years old? And why couldn’t the doctors of the best clinics help him?

Information has emerged that treatment with embryonic stem cells played a negative role. There is discussion on the Internet that Hvorostovsky could have resorted to such therapy.

Are idols haunted by the consequences of “youth injections”?

Surprisingly, the trace of such treatment can be seen in many other tragic deaths of famous actors - Lyubov Polishchuk in 2006, Alexandra Abdulova in 2008, Oleg Yankovsky in 2009, Anna Samokhina in 2010, Zhanna Friske in 2015. The list goes on, it includes athletes, politicians and other public people. They were all successful, beautiful, and far from old. And if anyone was aged, then shortly before his death he seemed to blossom and become younger. And suddenly cancer or some other inexplicable and strange disease appeared, causing death.

What is this - side effects stem cell treatments or are we just falling into conspiracy theories? It is clear that there is a concept medical confidentiality and the doctors will remain silent. Relatives and loved ones could tell everything. But all the years that have passed since the death of many actors, they are also silent. This means that we cannot be 100% sure that it is all about rejuvenating cells until no one has revealed this information to us.

However, several years ago, information was leaked that the cause of many deaths was actually related to embryonic stem cell therapy. Moreover, in many cases all this concerns one specific clinic.

A nurse working in this clinic spoke about this. It seems that she was so shocked by the string of acting deaths that she broke professional confidentiality. In this capital clinic, Alexander Abdulov, as it seemed to him, was successfully treated. Then he persuaded his friend Oleg Yankovsky to do this. For him, too, at first everything was wonderful, he seemed to have gained a second youth. For him it was probably even more surprising, because he was 9 years older than Abdulov. Analyzes and studies showed that both actors actually became younger. Surely those around him noticed this too. They say that famous actors even advised their theater colleagues to also undergo treatment in this clinic.

Damn questions

Why doesn’t it seem strange to us that people’s favorites could be treated in such an exotic way? After all, its effectiveness and safety are under big question. From an ethical point of view, it is also compromised by many scandals surrounding the collection of embryonic stem cells from abortion material. Today there are ways to obtain stem cells without abortion, from the patient’s own cells. But I don’t really believe that this complex method is used in clinics like the one where the actors were treated.

“In fact, there is nothing strange in the choice of such treatment methods and clinics by our actors and public people,” says psychologist Yulia Gurevich. - These people are the elite, the cream of society, and they need elite methods of treatment. Fashionable, expensive, and not banal therapy for “three kopecks”. This is normal, this is how society functions. Naturally, having seen the improvement in their health, other colleagues in the shop also willingly agreed to the same treatment. Why didn't they think about the possible consequences? To understand this, you need to have special education and a penchant for analysis. These are very difficult questions. Talk to doctors and you will understand that even they do not have a consensus on the safety of stem cell treatment.”

At the same time, there are many artists who are, not unreasonably, credited with stem cell treatment and who have only benefited from it. Among these lucky ones are Sofia Rotaru, Valeria Leontyeva, Lev Leshchenko, Alexandra Buinova and some others (let's be honest, they appearance does not in any way contradict the fact that they were treated with stem cells). How can all this be explained? Why do stem cells cure some and cripple others? In fact, there are many such cases in medicine, and they even have an explanation (see By the way). The only trouble is that doctors have not yet learned to understand who benefits from such therapy and who does not.

By the way

Can stem cells cause cancer?

This topic is actively discussed in the scientific press, but practically does not go beyond it. The latest research on this topic was recently published in the renowned journal “STEM CELLS Translational Medicine”. The title of the article says: “Cancer cells, cancer stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells: their influence on the development of cancer.” The latter cell type (MSCs) turns out to have the opposite properties. In some cases, these cells prevent the development of cancer, in others they contribute: MSC can degenerate into a so-called cancer stem cell, which gives rise to the development of a tumor. Moreover, it is usually the most malignant and tenacious. The last property is one of the main ones for stem cells. And in this they are very similar to cancer cells.

How will MSCs behave - will they cause cancer or not? This depends on many conditions, and these are what the authors of the article are trying to sort out. There is still a lot of uncertainty in these issues. That is why stem cell treatment can sometimes be compared to a fork in the road: if you go to the right, you will be cured, if you go to the left... Further research is needed Scientific research to be able to manage the treatment process.

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