Home Hygiene Thematic week: wintering birds in the senior group. Comprehensive - thematic planning in the middle group

Thematic week: wintering birds in the senior group. Comprehensive - thematic planning in the middle group

Topic of the week: "Winter. Wintering birds"

Tasks: consolidate children's knowledge about wintering birds, the role of humans in the life of wintering birds, replenish the subject-development environment on the topic of the project, promote the development of creative and intellectual abilities of pupils, attract pupils and parents to help birds in difficult winter conditions.

Final event: exhibition creative works.

Cooperative activity


Individual work

Morning music gymnastics No. 6

Conversation with children “What interesting things did you notice on the way to the kindergarten?” Goal: to teach to encourage children to share their impressions, to monitor the construction of sentences.

Looking at illustrations and photos of wintering birds.

D/I “When does this happen?” Goal: to consolidate the signs of the seasons, to determine the signs of the beginning of winter.

Situational conversation “If there were no birds, then...” Purpose: to teach children to draw conclusions in the course of reasoning, to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

Gymnastics after sleep.

Reading the story by M. Gorky “Sparrow”

D/I “One - many” Purpose: to exercise in the formation of plurals. noun names (crow – crows)

S/R game “Bird Yard” Purpose: to develop the plot of the game according to plan, to teach children to transform into birds, imitating their habits.

Cognition. Formation of a holistic picture of the world . “Wintering Birds” Purpose: to introduce children to wintering birds. Study their features. Cultivate a love for nature. Develop an interest in bird watching. Vocabulary: wintering, migratory birds, feeder

Communication. Speech development


Bird watching on site kindergarten near the feeder. Most of all there are large birds: noisy magpies, crows. All these are crow relatives. Note that in the city they are much bolder and are noisy at the feeder.

P/I “Migration of birds”

Labor on the site - hanging bird feeders, pouring food. Goal: to cultivate a desire to help birds during the cold season. Independent play activities on the site.

D/I “Count the birds” Purpose: to practice coordinating numerals with nouns. (one sparrow, two sparrows, etc.) (Polina, Masha)

D/I “Come up with a riddle” Purpose: to train children in coming up with riddles about birds, using elements of the description of birds (Ksyusha, Angelika)

Learn finger gymnastics “Counting for crows” Goal: learn to coordinate movements with the text, develop hand motor skills (Artem U., Veronica)

Morning music gymnastics No. 6

Conversation with children “How our feathered friends live in winter” Goal: to create a desire to help our feathered friends during the winter lack of food.

Printed board game “Cut-out pictures. Bird" goal: continue to practice the ability to assemble puzzles.

Involve children in the design of the three-dimensional panel “Wintering Birds” Purpose: to exercise the ability to cut out silhouettes, consolidate knowledge about wintering birds

Gymnastics after sleep.

Learning the breathing exercise “Let’s warm the bird with our breath”

S/R game “Visiting Lesovichka” Goal: to consolidate the rules of behavior in the forest through play activities.

Free creativity in the isocenter “Learning to sculpt birds” Goal: learn to sculpt birds from a whole piece based on a folk clay toy.

Cognition. FEMP . Goal: to consolidate the idea of relative position objects in a row, learn to use in speech adverbs denoting spatio-temporal relationships (before, behind, between, next to, first, then, before, after, before), determine the sequence of all days of the week.

Construction . “Bird” (Origami) Purpose: to learn to divide a square into two and four parts, to fold the square in different directions according to the pattern, connecting corners and sides, to cultivate accuracy in work, and respect for birds.

Physical education (to music) Purpose: to train children in walking while performing a task when given a signal, in running while overcoming obstacles, in throwing a ball into a basket with both hands from the chest, in walking on a gymnastic bench with squatting alternately on the right and left leg, with the swing of the other leg moving from below to the side of the bench

While feeding birds, observe their habits. Ask questions. What birds fly to the feeder? What do birds eat? Which birds like which food? Cultivate observation skills.

P/I "The Kite and the Hen"

Work on the site - sweep the paths. Goal: to cultivate the desire to complete the work started.

Work in notebooks “Continue the pattern” Purpose: to practice orientation on a sheet of paper in a square (Lisa A., Dima P.)

Practice the ability to say your first and last name; last name, first name and patronymic of parents, home address and telephone number. Kirill F., Maxim P.

Repeat the seasons, parts of the day, days of the week with Denis, Nastya K., Nastya A.

Morning music gymnastics No. 6

Conversation with children “Who takes care of birds” Purpose: to draw children’s attention to the fact that in winter birds cannot find food for themselves, they need to be taken care of and fed.

D/I “Bird's Dining Room” Purpose: to train children in memorizing a poem using a mnemonic table.

Gymnastics after sleep.

Theatricalization “Where did the sparrow have dinner?” Goal: to practice the ability to imitate the habits of animals, coordinating movements with the text.

D/I “Build a bird” Purpose: to exercise the ability to build an image of a bird using geometric shapes.

Communication. Speech development . Compiling a plot story based on a series of pictures “Bird's Dining Room” Purpose: to learn to participate in the collective compilation of a story based on a series of plot pictures and supporting questions, develop speech skills in the selection of definitions, consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables, develop phonemic hearing when drawing up a diagram sound analysis words.

Reading fiction . E. Nosov “Like a crow got lost on the roof” Goal: to continue to teach to distinguish between genre features of prose, to form an evaluative attitude towards the characters, to learn to comprehend the content of what is read, to coherently convey the content through the means of play.

Artistic creativity"Titmouse" Goal: to develop interest and a positive attitude towards the unconventional technique of drawing - with palms, learn to complement the image with details, and cultivate a caring attitude towards wintering birds.

Determine today's weather with the children. Remember what the weather was like yesterday. Learn to compare, notice changes, learn to plan what they will do on the site depending on the weather.

P/I "The third wheel"

Sprinkle bird food. Goal: to cultivate a desire to help birds in winter.

Independent physical activity children on the site.

D/I “I’ll start, and you continue” Purpose: to exercise the ability to describe a bird using a mnemonic table. (Kostya, Dima L)

D/I “Whose tail? Whose beak? Goal: to practice the ability to name birds by external signs. (Katya, Yana)

D/I “Fantastic Bird” Purpose: to develop imagination, teach to invent fantastic birds. (Maxim K., Timofey)

Morning music gymnastics No. 6

Conversation with children “Winter-winter” Purpose: to give an idea of ​​winter phenomena that affect the life and behavior of birds.

D/I “How many birds are there at the feeder?” Goal: to teach how to compose and solve simple tasks on a visual basis.

Gymnastics after sleep.

Situational conversation with children “Frost and metal” Goal: to teach the rules of safe behavior when walking

Watching the cartoon " High slide» Goal: to form a personal assessment of the heroes’ actions.

Constructive activity: “Bird houses” Purpose: to develop children’s constructive skills and imagination.

Cognition. FEMP. Goal: to develop the ability to name the next and previous number for each number in the natural series within 10, to practice establishing a correspondence between the number of objects and the number within 10.

Artistic creativity. Application. “Bullfinches on a branch” Purpose: to teach to convey the structural features of the bullfinch, the coloring of the bird using silhouette cutting with additional stickers, to practice composition correct location images on a sheet.

Music (according to plan music director)

Watching tits. They flew out of the forest in search of food. Consider their color. Tell them that they got their name because of their singing: “Xin - Xin.”

D/I "Birds, animals, fish"

Labor: clean the feeders, pour in food. Goal: to cultivate a desire to help birds.

Independent motor activity on site.

D/I “Counting Sticks” Purpose: to exercise the ability to make birds from counting sticks.

(Nastya A., Vova)

D/I “The fourth odd one” Goal: to develop children’s attention and observation skills. (Kirill Sh., Artem U.)

D/I “Say the other way around” Purpose: to train children in selecting antonym words (Vova, Dima P)

Morning music gymnastics No. 6

D/I “What’s your mood?” Goal: to practice the ability to evaluate your emotions.

Conversation with children “I have a best friend” Goal: to cultivate in children a friendly attitude towards other children.

D/I “What the proverb tells us” Goal: to develop children’s ability to understand the meaning folk proverbs and a saying.

Learn finger gymnastics “Feeder”

Gymnastics after sleep.

Situational conversation “Do birds bring benefit or harm?”

Guessing riddles about birds.

Printed board game “Birds” (lotto) Purpose: to teach how to play by the rules.

Artistic creativity. Drawing “Birds in Winter” Purpose: to develop children’s imagination, creativity, learn to draw bird figures using geometric shapes and a sequential drawing scheme.

Physical training . Goal: to train children in jumping on the right and left legs over cords, throwing a ball to each other with both hands from behind their heads, standing in ranks, and hitting a small ball while walking. P/I “Flies - doesn’t fly”, “Change the object”

Observing the sun. Continue to note with the children the path of the sun, its height at noon. Continue to introduce children to some patterns in nature.

P/I “Day-Night”

Work on the site is to collect large garbage. Goal: to cultivate a desire to maintain order in the area.

Independent motor activity of children in the area.

D/I “Call it affectionately” Purpose: to exercise children in word formation, to form diminutive forms of nouns (Kirill F., Maxim P.)

D/i “Which figure is the odd one out?” - based visual analysis When comparing, you need to find an item that should not be placed on the table and justify your choice. Maxim K., Angelica, Katya

Implementation deadlines: 12.12. 16.12.

Tasks : To consolidate children's knowledge about wintering birds. Expand your understanding of the behavior and habits of the crow, tit, bullfinch, and waxwing. Explain why birds need to be fed in winter.

Final event:

Hanging feeders on the territory of the kindergarten. Making feeders together with children.

Interaction with parents: involving parents in making feeders and baby books together with children about wintering birds.

Finger gymnastics"Feeding Trough"

How many birds are there for our feeder?

Has it arrived? We'll tell you.

(clench and unclench fists rhythmically)

Two tits, a sparrow,

Six goldfinches and pigeons,

Woodpecker with variegated feathers

(for each name of the bird they bend one finger)

There were enough grains for everyone.

(clench and unclench fists again)

Birds Use the fingers of both hands to move up and down.

The birds have flown

They flapped their wings.

We sat down. We sat.

Week 3. Topic: “Wintering birds. "Titmouse Day". Date 12.12 Monday

Group, subgroup


1 half day

9.00 – 9.30 Life safety lesson According to the supervisor’s plan.

9.40-10.10 Visual activity (design) from paper topic: “Bird” Tasks:Strengthen children’s ability to fold crafts using the “origami” method, notice characteristics birds, the difference between some birds from others, design a craft., Develop fine motor skills director (page 592, Bondarenko)

10.20-10.50 Musical activities according to the plan of the music director.

1. Morning conversations with children. Subject: "Wintering Birds"

Target: Reinforce the concept of “wintering” birds. Give an idea of ​​the types of food of wintering birds. Develop a desire to take care of wintering birds.

2.Reading thin. lit. "Woodpecker" K.D. Ushinsky N. (page 128Didactic material on speech development") Tasks: to cultivate an emotional and figurative perception of works, to teach to understand figurative expressions, to lead to an understanding of the genre features of the poem.

3.Self-service “Drying mittens”

4. Speech games and exercises: “Count” the agreement of a noun with a numeral, “Whose beak, whose paws?” formation of possessive adjectives (p. 92.” Lukoshko” Kurkova. L.P.)

5. Dining duty. Strengthen children’s ability to set the table.

6.IMP " Boogie-woogie” develop coordination of movements, exercise the ability to act at a fast pace.

Cognitive department.1.D/i “Find the bird’s shadow”, “Geometric mosaic”. (assembling a bullfinch from geometric shapes)

We fill out the “Personal Notebook” to remember interesting events that took place at home and in the group. (with Roma, Milena, Rita T)

Develop fine motor skills.” Laying out bird figures from beans"

Games based on interests.

Looking at the album

"Wintering Birds"

Walk: Watching the snow. D/U “What kind of snow?” Looking at snow under a magnifying glass

Labor activity “Hanging up feeders” “Feeding birds”Teach children that feeding birds in winter is necessary because... the birds are dying of hunger.

Outdoor games "The Kite and the Mother Hen." Goals: continue to teach how to follow the rules of the game; intensify physical activity.

"Sparrows and the cat." Target: improve agility and running speed.

Individual work“Making snowballs” develops hand skills and coordination of movements.

Fun games: “Let's go downhill” Develop general endurance, the ability to interact with peers, give in, and help a friend.

Walk Watching a bullfinch


  • expand understanding of migratory birds;
  • develop the ability to analyze, compare, and draw conclusions.

Progress of observation

Paws get cold in the cold

At the pine and spruce.

What a miracle -

The apples are ripe on the birch tree!

I'll come closer to her

And I can’t believe my eyes -

A flock of scarlet bullfinches

Stuck around the tree!

The teacher asks the children riddles and asks them to answer questions.

Breast brighter than the dawn, anyone? (At the bullfinch.)

What kind of bird

Not afraid of frost

Is there snow everywhere? (Bullfinch.)

What birds are not afraid of winter? (Crossbill, bullfinch, tit sparrow, waxwing.)

What is the difference between a crossbill and a bullfinch? (Plumage: bright cherry - for the crossbill, yellow-green - for the female, the bullfinch has a bright red breast, the female has a dark gray breast. The crossbill feeds on the seeds of spruce and pine cones; bullfinches - on plant seeds, rowan berries, hawthorn, rosehip.)

1.Game activity S/R » - « Vet clinic». Improving the ability to independently create a game environment for a planned plot. Formation of valuable moral feelings (humanity, love, sympathy, etc.).

2. We fill out the observation calendar: “What birds were seen on the site during the walk?” Objectives: to strengthen children’s ability to work with the nature calendar, to consolidate knowledge about wintering birds.


4. Folk games “Does it fly or doesn’t it fly? naming birds)

1. Work on developing fine motor skills “cutting out a snowflake from napkins”

2.I.R.OO. K.R. “Continue the sentence.”

Z. continue to develop children’s ability to compose sentences using counting sticks.

Looking at the painting "Bird's Dining Room"

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activities of children

Direct educational activities

Educational activities during regime moments

Group, subgroup


1 half day

9.00-9.30 Communicative activity Speech development. Topic: Storytelling from a picture.Compiling a descriptive story based on a painting"

“Bird's dining room” (p. 55 V.N. Volchkova, Stepanova “Development speech" Goal: to develop the creative imagination of children, to teach them to use words that are accurate in meaning when describing a picture. Enrich lexicon definitions, develop dialogical, coherent speech, exercise in education diminutives suffixes.

9.40-10.10 Cognitive activity (mathematics) topic: “Lesson No. 13” Tasks:Introduce children to the formation of the number 13, and the new counting unit, ten. Learn to write the number 13, solve arithmetic problems, write down conditions, read the entry. Solve logical problems to establish patterns, draw symbolic images of objects (page 50, E.V. Kolesnikova).

10.35-11.05 Motor activity ( Physical Culture) according to the plan of the physical fitness instructor.

1.Memorizing a poem"Tits" (based on the mnemonic table)

Oh, and cunning birds,

Yellow-breasted tits.

Only when it's really cold

These birds are friends with the woodpecker.

Well, in the summer all the tits can feed themselves.

3.Labor. d. Dining room duty

4. Sketch: “The bird is flying”, based on the poem by V.A. Zhukovsky “Did.mater” poems about birds

1. Construction games (Alyosha, Artem,) “Bird feeder” (from waste material)

2.Communicative development “Tell me what bird?” continue to strengthen children’s ability to select definitions. (Zakhar, Masha, Boris),

Game: “One-Many” education plural beings in them. And kind. cases.(Christina, Rita B)

Games based on interests.

Walk: Public transport surveillance

Goals : - consolidate knowledge about public transport, know the rules traffic;

Cultivate an interest in technology and the work of adults.

Progress of observation

Buses, trolleybuses, cars and trams

They run and run through the streets, overtaking each other.

A traffic controller is a traffic light, like a conductor in an orchestra,

He will indicate who to go and who to stand still.

A collision can be avoided and a collision can also be avoided -

Our traffic light will help at the intersections of all roads.

I am friends with traffic lights, I am attentive,

I don’t go to red lights, I wait for green lights. V. Miryasova

The teacher conducts a conversation with the children.

♦ Which public transport You know?

Labor activity:Snow removal “Felt boots for wood” Goal: to cultivate a positive attitude towards work, responsibility when carrying out assignments.

Outdoor games "Colored Cars", "Salki".

Objectives: teach to act on a signal;

  • consolidate the ability to move with side steps in different directions.

Individual workDevelopment of movements.

Goal: to consolidate skills in jumping from heights

2nd half of the day: Gymnastics after sleep

Walk: Watching Hooded and Carrion Crows


  • teach to compare the gray and black crow;
  • find features(appearance, voice, habits).

Progress of observation

Everyone recognizes the raven's voice. “Kru-kru-kru...” echoes throughout the forest. The raven himself sits somewhere on high tree and looks around like the owner. Crows are solitary creatures and it is rare to see a group of six or more birds. The raven is very proud of his black, glossy feathers and strong beak. So he carries himself importantly, strides along the ground like some kind of prince, and his flight is beautiful and smooth.

Labor activity

Clearing the area of ​​snow.

Goal: to cultivate a desire to work in a team.

Outdoor game “One, two, three - run!”

Goal: to develop running speed, agility, attention.

Individual work

Consolidating skiing skills.

Goal: develop strength and endurance.

1. S/R game.

2.IMP " This is the house that Jack built...”
"Z: develop children's ability to perform movements in accordance with the text.

3 .Decorative and applied activities “Drawing birds” printing method Z : To introduce children to the drawing technique of “printing”, to develop manual skill..

1. graphic writing “Work in notebooks”

2.I.R.OO HER “Let’s color your favorite pictures.” Continue to practice your ability to color pictures without going beyond the outline.

1.Games based on interests

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activities of children

Direct educational activities

Educational activities during regime moments

Group, subgroup


1 half day

9.00 -9.30 Communicative activity (literacy) topic:“Sound and letter Sh” Tasks: clarify and consolidate knowledge about the letter Sh, Lead children to independent analysis of the sound Sh. Selection of words for a given sound. Consolidating the skill of reading syllables. The ability to analyze and pronounce each isolated sound of a word. Identify and differentiate the sound Ш. Determining the place of the sound in a word using a sound table. (p. 77." Bondarev's "Literacy"

9.40-10.10 Visual activities (modeling)theme “Bullfinch on a rowan branch” (plasticineography) Target: Continue to introduce children to the features of the winter season, wintering birds, reinforce the features appearance, develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Musical activities according to the plan of the music director.

1Conversations, play situations for children’s safetyTo form children’s ideas about behavior during illness. Remember and reinforce the rules of behavior during illness.

2.Speech games and exercises.” Explain the expressions" (Every sandpiper praises his swamp", "On someone else's side, I'm glad for my dear little bird"

4UTI . "In an even circle"develop the ability to independently organize a game and set rules

1.d/i – “Collect a picture” (with Dasha, Ilya, Nikita)

OKR Game: “Name affectionately” the formation of entities with a mind-o affectionate suffix.

2. development of fine motor skills “Trace, paint over, cut out” Dima, Masha, (Rita B, Rita T)

Games based on interests

Walk 2

1. Observing the sky on a winter day. Read the poem “White fluffy snow is spinning in the air...”

2. P/I “Two Frosts” Objectives: continue to introduce children to the game, the rules, follow the rules during the game. Develop general endurance and speed of reaction.

3. Labor assignments: “We clear the paths that lead to the feeding troughs” explain to the children why this labor operation is needed. (If there is deep snow, we will not be able to go to the feeding trough)

4. Games at the request of the children.

5. Individual work: “What” selection of suitable definitions. (with Katya, Taras)

2nd half of the day: Gymnastics after sleep

Walk card index of walks No. 1

1. . S/R game “Veterinary Clinic”continue to develop children’s ability to create a play environment and develop role-playing dialogue.

2.Staging of M. Gorky’s fairy tale “Sparrow”.

Objectives: to strengthen children’s ability to emotionally convey the character of a fairy tale, to develop monologue speech, develop memory. 3. IMP “Who left?” develop attention

4. Speech games and exercises “Compare and name according to the model” Objectives: education comparative degree adjectives. (p. 42. " Lexical topics» L.N. Arefieva)

1.OOPR Memory games

- “Listen, remember, repeat”

- “What’s missing?”

2. Games for the development of fine motor skills. "Mosaic" "Puzzles"

Games based on interests

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activities of children

Direct educational activities

Educational activities during regime moments

Group, subgroup


1 half day

900-9.30 Cognitive and research activities (mathematics) Topic: Search and creative task.

Tasks: Continue to develop children’s ability to find differences between one group or another, analyze the solution of problems, create an example of correctly using the signs -, =, + (page 240. Bondarenko)

9.40-10.10 Cognitive activity (ecology) Topic of the lesson: “Promotion “Feed the birds” as part of the “Wintering Birds” project

Objectives: introduce children to the birds wintering in our area, their species and characteristics; teach how to take care of birds and help them in the cold winter.

10.20-10.50 Motor activity (physical training) according to the plan of the physical education instructor

1.Word creation Topic: “Riddles” asking riddles (p. 97" "Didactic material on speech development" by Solomatin)2. Speech. game "Merry counting"strengthen children's ability to form plural nouns and adjectives in them. And will give birth to the case.

. “Say the opposite”, selection of antonyms, development of the lexical structure of speech.

3. UTI “If life is fun”, prevention of fatigue.

1.I/U “Count” (composition of numbers using Cuisenaire sticks)

I/U “Days of the week” (identification of temporary representations)

With small toys “Ordinal counting”

, “Draw by cells”

Games based on interests

Observing the wind. Give knowledge that birds rarely fly in windy weather. Why do you think?

Labor activity:Shoveling snow to the trees. Target: strengthen work skills, work in a team..

Outdoor games “Two frosts”,

Target: run without bumping into each other, choose a driver using a rhyme.

Individual workDevelopment of movements. Skiing Purpose: learn to ski

2nd half of the day: Gymnastics after sleep

Walk Watching the wind

Goals :

  • expand and deepen knowledge about inanimate nature;
  • develop interest in natural phenomena.

Progress of observation

The wind blew all night

The fir trees were noisy,

The water wrinkled.

The old pines creaked,

The willows bent by the pond,

Howled, blew, howled.

And when dawn came,

It was as if there was no wind,

2. P/i “Run to the tree”

3.I/r “Throw at the target” with Katya, Rita T Development of accuracy and eye.

1 Experimentation: Tricks with magnets

Task: identify objects that interact with a magnet. Materials: magnets, a goose cut out of polystyrene foam with a metal rod inserted into its beak; a bowl of water, a jar of jam and mustard; a wooden stick with a cat on one end. a magnet is attached and covered with cotton wool on top, and only cotton wool on the other end; animal figurines on cardboard stands; a shoe box with a cut-off wall on one side; paper clips; a magnet attached to a pencil with tape; a glass of water; a small metal rod.

2. Games with mathematical content (including logical ones) “Complete the geometric figure”, “What does it look like?”

Board and printed games

- “The fourth odd one” to develop attention and logic.

- “Domino” “Wintering Birds”

Games based on interests


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activities of children

Direct educational activities

Educational activities during regime moments

Group, subgroup


1 half day

9.00 – 9.30 Communication class Reading fictionSparrow on the clock”, V. Bianchi “Titmouse calendar”, M. Gorky “Sparrow”, M. Zoshchenko “Bullfinch”, L.N. Tolstoy "Sparrow".

9.40-10.10 Visual activities Subject: “Birds” by V.N. Volchkova, N.V. Stepanova “Fine art lesson notes”, p. 37. Goal: to continue to teach children to draw birds, conveying the characteristic features of wintering birds (head position, position of wings, tail); cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

10.20-10.50 Game activities

1. Conversation on the work of S. Alekseev “Bullfinch”Bring children to understand that wild birds cannot live in captivity.

2. Learning the proverb “Titmouse bird, sister sparrow, thief sparrow climbed into the house to peck at the millet with his blunt nose”

3. N/A games “Observation”, “What is it made of?” etc

Speech games and exercises “Describe, I’ll guess”

Games based on interests, games with a constructor

Walk: watching the birds that have flown to our site. remember the names of wintering birds, why they are called that, remember the features of their appearance.

P/i "Cat and Sparrows"

Work order: feed the birds.

2nd half of the day: Gymnastics after sleep

1. Themed entertainmentQuiz “How do birds winter?”

Goals: Summarize children's knowledge about wintering birds. Expand children’s understanding that there are no “unnecessary creatures” in nature, everything in it is purposeful, everything is in great balance. Take care of birds and feed them on the farm site. Strengthen children's ability to observe the behavior and habits of birds. Activate the dictionary. Cultivate a kind attitude towards our little neighbors around the planet.

3. IMP “In an even circle”

. 1. - “Journey through the winter forest” - orientation on a sheet of paper, using given routes

2. solving arithmetic problems “Snowflakes”, “Be careful”, “Draw by cells”

3. “Cut pictures”

On the topic of the week.

Games based on interests

Offer pencils – coloring

Galina Khabarova
Thematic planning, theme of the week “Wintering birds”

In accordance with the theme of the week, I replenish all centers with relevant material.


Formation of a holistic picture of the world + modeling “Wintering Birds”

Program content.

Consolidate, expand and generalize knowledge about wintering birds. Develop a caring attitude towards birds and a desire to help in difficult times for them. Sculpt the bird in a constructive way, observing the arrangement in relation to the parts of the body, connecting the parts, pressing them against each other. Use a stack. Cultivate independence, perseverance, accuracy. Develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Developmental environment

Slide presentation “Wintering birds”

Looking at pictures of birds in illustrations in books and magazines.

Bird figures

Recording birdsong

Conversation “Wintering Birds”

D/i “Guess which bird flew away?”

D/i “Collect a picture”

Books: M. Gorky: “Sparrow”; T. Evdoshenko “Take care of the birds.”

Working with parents

Consultations in the parent corner:

“How and from what you can make a bird feeder.”

"Read to the Children"


Speech development

Lesson topic: "Wintering birds"

Program content.

Clarify children’s ideas about wintering birds (characteristic external signs, features of life in winter conditions); consolidate the general concept of “Wintering birds”; children's ability to answer questions full sentence, make up your own short stories about wintering birds. Activate and expand your vocabulary on the topic.

Develop attention and thinking.

Developmental environment

Conversation “Bird Menu”

Looking at photographs “Wintering birds”

D/i “Birds at feeders”

D/i “Whose traces?”

Reading by Yu. Nikonov “Winter Guests”

Reading V. L. Voronko “Bird Feeders”.

P/games: “Migration of birds”, “Birds in nests”

Working with parents(joint parent-child activities)

Making feeders


Mathematical representations (“Such different birds”)

Program content.

Show children the quantitative composition of the number 7 (from individual units). Practice counting up to 7 (counting bird objects). Consolidate knowledge of numbers from 1 to 7, develop attention. Divide a circle, square and triangle into two equal parts. Practice distinguishing the shapes of surrounding objects.

Equipment .

D/material: seven bird toys, numbers from 1 to 7, cards with images of geometric figures (one figure per card, 2 pieces of each card).

Handout: sets of cards from 1 to 7 with images of birds, math sets, paper circle (d-7 cm, square (with sides 9-10 cm and triangle (with sides 8 cm), scissors.

Developmental environment

Conversation “Who cares about birds”

Reading “Sparrow” by V. Zvyagina

Musical d/game “Birds and little birds”, music. And words by E. Tilicheeva

D/game “What birds you won’t see in winter”

Working with parents

Making hat-masks with images of birds

Consultation in the parent corner “Let’s count”


Drawing “Fairytale Birds”

(technique: palm impression)

Program content.

Systematize knowledge about wintering birds. Learn to draw a bird in an unconventional way, using a palm print, placing the image in the center of a sheet of paper. Develop logical thinking, creative imagination, fantasy, sense of color.

Developmental environment

Conversation “Do birds bring benefit or harm”

Materials for children's creativity

Making the album “Wintering Birds”

Crosswords on the topic.

Reading Yashin “Feed the birds in winter”

Working with parents

Ask parents to help collect unformed (waste) Material (cardboard boxes and other packaging different sizes and shapes, etc.)

Consultation “Feed the birds in winter”

At the fitness and health center:

P/n: “Owl-owl”, “Flock”.


Construction (from unformed (waste) material) “Wonderful transformations of a box”

Program content.

Strengthen children's ability to transform simple objects into interesting crafts and toys. Develop imagination, creativity, the ability to foresee the result, and put your plans into practice.

Material, tools, equipment: cardboard boxes of different sizes and shapes, two or three for each child.

Experimenting “Submarine from an Egg”

Target: To form the foundations of natural science and environmental concepts through experimental activities of children.

Material: 3 jars: two half-liter and one liter, table salt (solution - 2 tablespoons per 0.5 liter of water).

Developmental environment

Conversation “What do we know about birds?”

Guessing riddles about wintering birds

Quiz “Clever girls and smart guys” (on the topic)

D/i “What kind of bird”

Reading V. Sukhomlinsky “How the titmouse wakes me up”

Working with parents

Design of an exhibition within the group “Wintering Birds” (from children's and child-parent works).

Publications on the topic:

Calendar-thematic planning in a group of young children (from 1 to 2 years). Theme of the week: “Spring drops” March 2 week “Spring drops” Social and communicative development 1. Socialization (about oneself, about family, etiquette, society) “Why does the snow melt.”

Calendar- thematic planning in the pre-school group. Theme of the week “Defenders of the Fatherland” Goal: To form preschool education in children.

Calendar-thematic planning in the middle group. Topic of the week: “Active leisure” Topic of the week: " Leisure"Goals and objectives: To promote the development of all components of children's play (enrichment of themes and types of games, games.

Objectives Continue to enrich the understanding of accessible to the child the objective world and the purpose of objects Introduce elementary rules.

DATE OF IMPLEMENTATION December 7-11, 2015 FINAL EVENT “Design of the album “Signs of safe behavior with household appliances” GRID OF CLASSES.

According to the Federal State Educational Standards for Additional Education in preschool age The foundations of ecological culture and environmental consciousness must be formed. When working under the “From Birth to School” program as part of the “Feed the Birds in Winter” campaign, it is advisable to plan a week dedicated to wintering birds. At the end of January, with the onset of frost, they need the care of people, and by watching and feeding their feathered friends, preschoolers learn more about the habits and structural features, ways of adapting birds to different conditions life. Contents of conversations about wintering birds of the city and forest, riddles, elements speech exercises on the topic you will find in the appendix " Thematic week"Wintering Birds"

Social and communicative development

Working with the mood screen, conversations about table etiquette, game situations with the “Road Traffic” layout contribute to the social and communicative development of children. The teacher plans the exercise “Competition of Braggers”, the conversation “What I want to become when I grow up”, as well as the role-playing game “Scientists - Biologists”.

Cognitive development

During an excursion along the ecological trail, preschoolers observe wintering birds, compare them with each other, and examine the birds' feathers through a magnifying glass. For cognitive development The teacher organizes games “When it happens” and introduces children to ways of solving logical problems.

Speech development

In the area of ​​speech development, it is planned to compose riddles about birds, read fiction on the topic, and play games to consolidate ways of naming sentences. An adult introduces the children to the game training “Feeder”, they discuss the fairy tale “How the Magpie Crossbill Judged.”

Artistic and aesthetic development

Solving the problems of artistic and aesthetic development, the teacher organizes conditions for creative activity children. Senior preschoolers dramatize the fairy tale “Icicle Resort”, make a bird on a branch using plasticineography technique, and construct feeders from waste material.

Physical development

Gymnastics for the eyes “Magpie”, outdoor games “Migratory and wintering birds”, relay races on the theme of the week contribute to the physical development of future schoolchildren.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech development Physical development
1 p.d.Morning greetings, working with the mood screen. Goal: create a positive attitude.Homemade preparations “Message about birds” (magpie and dove). Goal: introduce children to the topic of the week.A game " Necessary signs" Goal: to develop the speech apparatus of children, to practice diction, to consolidate ways of denoting sentences.Examination of paintings: “At the feeding trough”, “Bullfinches” by N. Ulyanov. Goal: continue to teach how to carefully examine the picture and characterize the characters.Self-massage “Soroka”. Goal: learn words and movements.
S.r. game of children's choice. Goal: develop communication skills.Working with a bird watching calendar. Goal: find out which birds fly to the feeders more often.Di. "Whose tail?" Goal: to develop observation and word formation skills.Coloring pages based on the theme of the week. Goal: develop color perception, improve the ability to mix paints.P.i. "Wolf in the Moat" Goal: to teach children to jump over a ditch, 70-100 cm wide, from a running start, trying not to get taunted by a wolf.
2 p.d.Continuation of the conversation “Dining etiquette. You came to the cafe." Goal: to develop the ability to eat with a closed mouth and chew food silently.Cognitive and research activity “Candle in a jar.” Purpose: to show experimentally how the composition of air changes during combustion.Conversation “How our feathered friends live in winter.” Goal: learn to use in speech different types proposals.Musical and didactic game "Magic Spinning Top". Goal: to teach children to recognize familiar songs by the melody played on a metallophone, and to be able to name the composer.Relaxation “Sounds of birds”. Goal: Help children relax.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Games on the “Road Traffic” layout. Goal: remember the rules of the road, strengthen the ability to negotiate in the game.Introduction to logical problems. Goal: continue preparing for school.Di. "Count to five." Goal: to train children in the ability to use a noun with a numeral and an adjective, coordinating them in gender, number and case.Listening to audio recordings of bird voices (tit, sparrow, crow, magpie) from the series. P.i. Tchaikovsky "Seasons". Goal: to teach children to distinguish the voices of birds through a piece of music.Folk game “What kind of bird is this?” Purpose: to introduce the game.
Socially useful work. Goal: to develop responsibility for carrying out assignments, the ability to analyze the results of work.Watching titmice. Goal: to learn to distinguish tits by size, external features, expand your understanding of the feeding habits of these birds in winter, and introduce them to their habits.Writing descriptive stories about birds. Goal: to develop coherent speech, to activate epithets in speech.Consideration of the album “Traces of Birds”. Goal: to expand knowledge about the structural features of birds.P.i. "Don't get caught." Goal: strengthen the arch of the foot. P.i. “Throw it over the bar.” Goal: remember the rules of the game. Relay races “Feed the birds”, “Who gets to the feeding trough faster”. Goal: to reinforce the rules of conduct during the relay race.

Date ___________

Topic of the week: “Feed the birds in winter”

Final event: Exhibition of children's creativity: “It is difficult for birds to winter - we need to help the birds!».


Consolidating children’s understanding of the wintering birds of the region (their way of life and its connection with seasonal changes in nature, the role of humans in the life of birds), careful attitude to them.



expand children’s understanding of birds and their diversity; expand children's understanding of the life of birds in winter; introduce children to the habits and characteristics of bird life in winter.


develop an understanding of the world around us, develop memory, coherent speech, and enrich vocabulary.


cultivate a caring and caring attitude towards birds, a desire to provide all possible assistance to birds in winter.


Social and communicative development.

Organization of OA based on

knowledge in integration with musical activity.

1. Artistic and aesthetic development (according to the plan of the musical director)

2. Artistic and aesthetic development (application).

Subject:"New Year's greeting card».

Goal: Teach children to do Greeting Cards, selecting and creating an image appropriate for the holiday. Continue learning to cut out identical pieces from paper folded like an accordion, and symmetrical pieces from paper folded in half.

3. Speech development (reading


Subject:Comparison of fairy tales: “Fear has big eyes” and “Plop, he came”

Target:learn to find similarities and differences in the construction of plots, ideas of two fairy tales and give reasons for your answers; (“Fear has big eyes”, “The splash has come”).

Reception of children. Carrying out UG (complex No. 10).

Conversation: “What wintering birds do you know?”

Dramatization game based on a poem

S. Marshak “Where did the sparrow have dinner?”

Bird watching on a walk.

P/n "Two Frosts", "Hunter and Hares".

Reading “Proverbs and sayings about wintering birds” (small folklore forms).

Goal: To develop interest in reading and thinking.

D/i “The Fourth Wheel” - Develop interest in the game.

With Andryusha T., consolidate the names of birds;

With Danil T. develop eye accuracy - the game “Hit the Target”.

Add illustrations “Wintering Birds”.

Advise parents to play with their children at home in the game “Describe the bird by its appearance.”

OD of children and adults


Speech development.

Organization of OA based on the perception of fiction in integration with communicative activities.

1.Cognitive development (speech development).

Topic: “Teaching storytelling. Didactic exercise “What is this?”

Goal: To train children in creative storytelling; ability to use generalizing words.

2. Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing).

Subject: "Gorodets painting»

Goal: Continue to introduce children to Gorodets painting.. Develop artistic taste. Learn the techniques of Gorodets painting, strengthen the ability to paint with a brush and paints.

3. Physical development (physical education).

Subject:« Throwing a ball to each other, walking and running between objects»

Goal: Repeat walking and running between objects; practice throwing the ball to each other; repeat tasks in balance.

Conversation on the topic “Birds of our site” - remember the birds that fly to the village site, look at the illustrations, compose stories based on observations.

On a walkobservation of changes that have occurred in nature.

P\I “Funny Sleigh”, “Sparrows - Crows”

Gymnastics after sleep: “Confusion.”

Role-playing game: "Trip around the city."

Outdoor game: “Whose team will assemble faster?”

Goal: Development of endurance, speed of reactions, attention.

Individual work with Nastya B., Artem V., Pasha G.., in compiling a story based on the picture “On our feeding trough”.

Photos of wintering birds;

D/game “Fourth wheel”;

Material for independent productive activities of children.

Priority types of children's activities

OD of children and adults

Educational activities in regime moments on implementation educational topic based on integration various types activities

Individual OD for children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work)


Physical development.

Organization of OA based on motor activity in integration with cognitive activity.

1.Cognitive development (familiarization with the environment).

Topic: “School. (Phenomena of social

Goal: To introduce children to the teaching profession and to school. Show the social significance of the work of a school teacher. Introduce business and personal qualities teachers (smart, kind, fair, attentive, loves children, knows a lot and passes on his knowledge

2. Artistic and aesthetic development (design)

Topic: "Wagon"

Goal: Learn to make carriages from toothpaste or cream boxes.

Develop visual abilities in the process of making crafts from a variety of materials.

3.Physical education.

Subject: "Throwing a ball to each other, walking and running between objects».

Goal: To consolidate walking and running between objects; practice throwing the ball to each other; repeat tasks in balance.

Reception of children. Carrying out a UG (complex No. 10)

Conversation: “The wintering crossbill.” Expand and clarify children’s knowledge about the characteristics and habits of the crossbill bird.

    D/exercise: “Five fingers.”

    Observation while walkingfor freight transport.

    Labor activity - sprinkling sand on paths.

    P/i "Mousetrap", "Owl"

    Gymnastics after sleep “Confusion”.

D/ game: “Wintering Birds”

Goal: Develop auditory attention, observation.

Reading fiction: V. Berestova “What are the sparrows singing about?”

Goal: to promote the development of interest in fiction.

Individual work with Alina N., Masha M., Tanya R.: Game exercise: “Connect the dots.” Develop logical thinking.

Priority types of children's activities

OD of children and adults

Educational activities in special moments for the implementation of educational topics based on the integration of various types of activities

Individual OD for children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work)

Design of a subject-spatial environment within the framework of the implementation of an educational topic


Cognitive development.

Organization of OA

based on cognitive-research activity in integration with motor activity.

1.Cognitive development (CEDM)

Topic: “Number 8. Geometric shapes.”

Purpose: To introduce the quantitative composition of the number 3 from units. Introduce number 8. Improve the ability to see the shape of familiar geometric figures in surrounding objects, continue to learn how to navigate on a sheet of paper, identify and name the sides and angles of the sheet.

2.Physical education.

Subject: "Ski turns. Game exercises with running and jumping».

Goal: Learn turns on skis; repeat game exercises with running and jumping.

Reception of children.

Conversation: “Why birds have a hard time in winter”

Unlearning finger gymnastics"Birds".

Goal: To develop fine motor skills of the hands.

On a walk, observing the sky and clouds.

P/n “Hit the target”, “Day and night”.

Gymnastics after sleep “Confusion”.

Game - experimentation “Which boats sail next”

Goal: Develop knowledge about the properties of materials.

Reading Sokolov-Mikitov's "Bullfinches".

Goal: Continue to encourage children to read works of fiction.

Individual work with Vika K., Artem V., Diana O.: game exercise: “Who is faster to the snowman.” Goal: Practice jumping on two legs until you reach a snowman.

Center "Construction" - Construction from cubes "Machine"; playing out the situation according to the child’s plans.

Games for developing hand motor skills “Buttons”.

Priority types of children's activities

OD of children and adults

Educational activities in special moments for the implementation of educational topics based on the integration of various types of activities

Individual OD for children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work)

Design of a subject-spatial environment within the framework of the implementation of an educational topic

Interaction with parents / social partners


Artistic and aesthetic development.

Organization of educational activities based on musical activities in integration with visual arts.

1. Artistic and aesthetic development. (drawing).

Subject: "Cars of our city".

Goal: To teach children to depict different cars and agricultural machines. Develop creativity. To consolidate the ability to draw objects and their parts of a rectilinear shape, to convey the proportions of parts, the characteristic features of machines, their details. Practice drawing and coloring pictures with pencils.2. Artistic and aesthetic development (music).

According to the music director's plan.

Reception of children.

Carrying out a UG (complex No. 10)

View slides “Birds in winter.” To clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about the characteristics and habits of birds.

D/i “I’ll start - you finish”

While walking, observing how people are dressed.

Goal: Develop observation skills.

Experiments with snow and ice - Continue introducing children to physical properties snow and ice.

P/i “Two Frosts”, “Sly Fox”.

Gymnastics after sleep “Confusion”.

Together with the children, organizing an exhibition of children's creativity: “It’s difficult for birds to spend the winter - we need to help the birds!”

Walking along a narrow snowy path with stepping over various objects - Andrey T., Danil T., Nastya L, Alina N..

Center "Game" - "Mosaic".

Goal: to encourage children to make patterns according to the sample, select mosaic details according to shape and color; develop imagination and visual perception.

Game tasks “Follow the pattern”, “Bird house”.

Memo for parents: “About traffic rules in winter.”

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